peds 2014


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Laith Majed Bani Mostafa and Sereen Rawwaqah like this.

Majd Kittani 1. Kid with hyponatremia (118) comes in with fits … initial management? anti-epileptic drugs or IV fluids 2. Case suggesting of coartication of the aorta.. expected finding radialfemoral index 3. Akam so2al 3n el post feeding cyanosis! (one of which the answer was TOF (the only choice that cause cyanotic heart disease), the other question the choices included respiratory, cardiac and GI causes)4. Neonate with cataract (and pneumonia I think) chlamydia5. Malignant hypertension what drug Not to use6. Antiepileptic drugs7. Which of the following cases don’t use cardioversion8. UTI all true except … prophylactic treatment after first episode9. Case of foreign body aspiration which is false: - collapse lung - usually stays at the same place -xray can be normal10. What type of antibiotic used for Patchy pneumonia?11. Wilson disease which is wrong ?12. DKA case, which is false Insulin should be stopped after glucose levels are normal13. HT causes are true except: (choices included) - coartication of aorta - renal artery stenosis – Addison disease14. Causes of Hyperkalemia due to shift from intracellular to Extracellular15. Most common complication of mumps 16. Which case of short stature you don’t give growth hormone? 17. Causes of oligohydraminous except ?18. Which hormone deficiency cause HT? 19. Puesdohyperparathriodisum which is false? (Ca phosphate PTH levels)20. At the age of 4 months which of the following reflexes won’t be present? parachute 21. Cofe’ au lait spot suggest nuerofibroma type 1

9 May at 16:39 · Edited · Like

Majd Kittani Im not sure of my answers so i left almost every question blank !! if you are sure of the answer please add it!! and if i got anything wrong please correct me!!

9 May at 16:40 · Like

Haya H. Alomari 15. About autism..the answer I think was fragile x syndrome16. About immunodefeceincy + eczema in male child.. wiskott aldreich17. SLE which is wrong I think that ANA antibodies reflect the activity of thr dis.18. Umbilical stumb bleeding..factor 1319. About enteric fever20. Increase in height in second year..12

9 May at 16:44 · Like · 1

Haya H. Alomari 22.rubbery neck lymph node wich investigation is best23. About congenital hypothyroidism24. About allagile syndrome..the wrong answer was AFP is high25.

9 May at 16:46 · Like

Rinad Hdaib Majd so2al wilson el jawab I think kayser fleischer ring cuz it's manifestation of CNS eely byeejy bel older age grp wel pt was 2 I guess, plus ennu copper high en both urine and serum !!!

9 May at 16:50 · Like · 1

Majd Kittani rinad i looked it up.. its low in serum!! .. bs anyway ma r7 25talef m3k la2eni mesh mtzakreh na9 el so2al bl zab6!!

9 May at 16:52 · Like · 1

Majd Kittani ok sabobeh 

9 May at 16:52 · Like

Majd Kittani so2al 3n Turner syndrome

9 May at 17:22 · Like

Rinad Hdaib *So2al 3an baby enwalad 3endo single eye o o other manifestations xD .. i think el jawab was patau ..la2ennu usually with mid face defect !!!!*so2al abt organisms causing bloody diarrhea all except i think rota ???

9 May at 17:39 · Like · 2

Ammar Y. Sa'eed rinad yes both answers are right

9 May at 17:40 · Edited · Like · 2

Rinad Hdaib So2al abt autosomal recessive both parents.. the percentage baby would have disease ???

9 May at 17:42 · Like

Majd Kittani 25%

9 May at 17:42 · Like · 2

Rinad Hdaib Which enzyme defect bye3mal HTN ...i think it was 17-hydroxlase

9 May at 17:45 · Like

Rinad Hdaib Baby who didn't pass meconium with abd distention .. all could be except .. i think duodenal atresia .. cuz it dznt present with abd. Distention

9 May at 17:54 · Like · 2

Haya H. Alomari Dead born baby with hepatomegaly and edema I think alfa thalassemia..About celiacMost common presentation of iron defeceincy anemia

9 May at 17:54 · Like · 1

Rinad Hdaib All true abt a describtion which I think was for functional abd. Pain o pt misses school etc... i think it was ennu pain isn't a true pain and pt is overeacting !!!

9 May at 17:58 · Like · 1

Majd Kittani i answered it also that!! but im not sure of it!!

9 May at 18:00 · Like · 1

Haya H. Alomari About functional diarrhea all true except I think the presence of transitional zone? Coz it is a sign of hurchspring

9 May at 18:00 · Like · 2

Majd Kittani fi 7d btzakar as2elet el nephro?? kan fi kteer as2eleh bs mesh mtzakreh eshi menhom!!

9 May at 18:01 · Like

Haya H. Alomari Status epilepticus I think the wrong answer was oral phenobarbital

9 May at 18:07 · Like · 3

Rinad Hdaib Sabobeh why would you give diuretic to a shocked pt??? Msh metzakkreh jawaby but it wasnt this !!!

9 May at 18:08 · Like

Reem Saleh Zreqat baby become cynotic after each feeding >>> TOFcase coarctation baby with htn>>>> radiofemoral delaybl hsp > no decrease bl c3blood disorder dead >>> alf thalasemia

9 May at 18:10 · Like · 1

Reem Saleh Zreqat CP >> almotor improve with time oelcognitive ma btt2thr 3ndhmoelpremaure diplegic oel cp more comon bl term

9 May at 18:14 · Edited · Like · 2

Khulood Shkokani so2al el cranial nerve o function la kol wa7d

9 May at 22:41 · Like · 1

Majd Kittani hada el so2al azon kan jawabo "abducent nerve medial gaze "

9 May at 22:42 · Like · 1

Khulood Shkokani lazm 7ada ytzkkr tfa9eel el as2leh aktar la2nno haik mbnyaneh enha kteer shaleh  5a9a cases el cardio

9 May at 22:44 · Like

Majd Kittani walla lama kont bl emte7an kont a8ra2 el so2al 3 marat adm mahowa 6aweel .. o arja3 anasah!!!

9 May at 22:45 · Like · 1

Khulood Shkokani fi so2al 3an all true about coeliac except !fi so2al causes of anemia in CRFcauses kidney stones : bartter

9 May at 22:50 · Edited · Like · 1

Khulood Shkokani majd la abducent lateral gaze msh medial ! ana msh mtzkreh sho jawbt 

9 May at 22:59 · Like · 1

Islam Ahmad Olimat Q nephrocalcinosis all except .... Gietelman

9 May at 23:56 · Like

Halah Darwish most common complication of mumps

10 May at 00:45 · Like

Halah Darwish most common complication of mumps

10 May at 00:50 · Like

Reem Saleh Zreqat hada rkkz 3leh kter jab 3leh s2alen Mohamed S. Saboba

10 May at 18:26 · Like

Khulood Shkokani

 وانا ادرس بيدز اتذكرت هدولin DKA wring answer ,,, you dont stop insulin when glucose normalize 

seizure and hypoNA tx : 3% saline , just correct the hypoNa