Pediatrics Question


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  • 7/31/2019 Pediatrics Question



    2nd SEMESTER SESSION 2009/2010


    1. An 8-year-old boy presented with vesicles and rash, some of it had become dark and

    scalded. History taken revealed that he had visited to his cousin house 3 weeks ago, when

    his cousin also developed rash. Counsel the mother about the other 2 children at home.

    A. Bring them for vaccination

    B. Keep them away from the infected child

    C. They are already exposed to the infection, look out for the rash.

    2. An 11-month-old child presented with cough and stridor, what is the likely etiological


    A. Adenovirus

    B. Haemophilus influenza B

    C. Parainfluenza

    D. Influenza

    E. Respiratory syncytial virus(RSV)

    3. Patient presented with periorbital oedema and signs of raised intracranial pressure. What is

    the most appropriate investigation?

    A. CSF analysis

    B. CT scan

    8. The earliest sign of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is:

    A. excessive sweating

    B. hepatomegaly

    C. tachycardia

    9. A baby born @ 30 weeks of gestation had been kept in a close incubator since birth.

    Currently he is @ day 11 of life. Investigation was done and showed that his pH is 7.25,

    and he has hyperglycemia. What is the appropriate management?

    D. Presence of sign of sepsis, give antibiotics

  • 7/31/2019 Pediatrics Question


    10. A term baby, postdate + 6days, was diagnosed to have meconium aspiration syndrome. He

    was given CPAP and was able to wean off well after 1 day. What is your advice to the mother?

    A. ask mother to breastfeed the baby

    B. bottlefeed baby with expressed breast milk


  • 7/31/2019 Pediatrics Question


    Theme 1: Respiratory

    A. Allergic Rhinitis

    B. Asthma

    C. Bronchiolitis

    D. Croup

    E. Epiglotitis

    F. Foreign body inhalation

    G. Pneumonia

    H. Respiratory Distress Syndrome

    I. Tonsillitis

    J. Upper respiratory infection

    11. A 5-month old child was presented to you as a Medical Officer with low grade fever and coryza

    for the past 2 days. He could tolerate feeding well, and was active and playful. On examination, he

    was slightly tachypnoeic and there was intercostal recession. Upon auscultation, there were

    generalized crepitation and rhonchi. - bronchiolitis

    12. A child has been coughing for 3 months. He had no history of fever. He had been treated with

    multiple antibiotics from general practitioner. On chest auscultation, there was reduced breath sound

    on the right lower zone with the presence of rhonchi.

    Theme 2: Nephrology, gastroenterology

    A.Nephritic syndrome

    B.Nephrotic syndrome

    C.Protein losing enteropathy

    13. A child with proteinuria (?1+ or 2+), hypertension, oliguria. Urine FEME revealed red cell cast.nephritic syndrome

    14. A child with pale, bulky, foul-smelling stool. protein losing enteropathy

  • 7/31/2019 Pediatrics Question


    Theme 3: Crying baby

    A. Intussuception

    B. GORD

    C. Infantile colic

    D. Meningitis

    E. Epilepsy

    F. UTI

    15. A child presented with vomiting and was crying. He had history of rhinorrhoea which had

    resolved well. ?fever

    16. A child presented with crying which lasted for half to an hour, four times per day. He stops

    crying when being carried and swung. There are no signs of infection. No history of fever.

    17. A child presented with crying. When he cries, his knee was noted to be flexed (abnormal


    Theme 4: Haematology, malignant disease

    A. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)

    B. Thalassaemia

    C. Iron deficiency anaemia

    D. Lymphoma


    19. A 1-year-old child, with low Hb level. History taken revealed that she was still not started on

    weaning. -IDA

    20. A child presented with weight loss, multiple lymphadenopathy. lymphoma

  • 7/31/2019 Pediatrics Question


    KFQ 1

    A 9-month-old infant presented with maculopapular rash over trunk except hand and leg. He had

    cough, coryza, and conjunctivitis. Shotty lymph nodes (cervical) were detected on examination.

    Respiratory, cardiovascular, gastro systems were all normal.

    1. Give 3 differential diagnoses (3m)

    2. Give 4 investigations & reasons (8m)

    He was managed and discharged well. However, 3days later he developed tachypnea (and

    complications of respiratory symptoms).

    On examination: dullness on percussion on

    bronchial breath sounds & coarse crepitations

    3. What is the complication that he has developed?

    4. Give 2 investigations to confirm your diagnosis.

    5. What is the long term complication of this problem?

  • 7/31/2019 Pediatrics Question


    KFQ 2

    History of an 11-month-old infant:

    His mother had gestational diabetes mellitus, was on diet control. During 3 rd trimester, she took iron

    supplements for anaemia.

    The baby was born with birth weight 3.7kg. He was noted to be hypoglycemic and was admitted to

    NICU for a few days. Otherwise was uneventful.

    Gross motor-cant stand unsupported(normal dev)

    Social-did not show the ability in clapping hands

    -did not respond to peak-a-boo (delayed)

    Otherwise others were normal.

    For this admission, he presented with pallor, jaundice and failure to thrive.

    O/E: hepatomegaly

    Results showed:

    Hb Bilirubin



    1. What is the most likely diagnosis? (3m) -thalassaemia major

    2. Name one diagnostic investigation and state the result you expected. Electrophoresis. HbA

    absent(2 or 4m)

    3. Explain your diagnosis why patient had hepatomegaly. (2 or 4m)

    History stated that his cousin had repeated blood transfusion.

    4. List 3 complications of blood transfusion (3m)

  • 7/31/2019 Pediatrics Question


    KFQ 3

    A 6-year-old boy, had abdominal pain after taking dinner. At 10pm, he vomited out undigested food

    and at 2am, he woke up and vomited clear fluid. At 5am, he vomited again with clear fluid. He was

    brought to Accident & Emergency department after that.

    O/E: dry mucous membrane

    normal blood pressure, respi rate, pulse rate

    tenderness @ epigastric & umbilical area

    1. Give 2differential diagnoses. (4m)

    2. What is his degree of dehydration? (1m)

    A. 5%

    B. 7.5%

    C. 10%

    D. 15%

    3. Calculate the fluid resuscitation for him. (forgot how many kg was given) (6m)

    i) maintenance

    ii) replacement of dehydration

    Later, he developed pain @ right lower quadrant, with presence of guarding and rebound


    4. What is the most likely diagnosis?

    5. What is the management of this child?

  • 7/31/2019 Pediatrics Question


    KFQ 4

    6-year-old? A child presented with fever, epistaxis, myalgia, petechiae @ lower limb. History taken

    revealed that there was fogging recently @ his housing area.

    O/E: presence of signs of dehydration

    Hypotension, tachycardia, CRT 3 seconds

    Liver 4cm, dullness @ bilateral lower zone(lung), positive shifting dullness

    Ix Results:

    -Platelet Hb normal Hematocrit level normal

    -Urea Na normal K normal (borderline ) creatinine


    1. What is the most likely diagnosis? (3m)

    2. Name 1 diagnostic test & give your result. (2 or 4m)

    3. Give 2 immediate management.

    4. What is the respiratory finding that he has developed? Pleural effusion

    5. Based on the ix, what other complication he has developed? Give two.

    Acute renal failure, hepatitis

  • 7/31/2019 Pediatrics Question


    PPD component (Theory)

    You are the medical officer, attending to a child and his parent in the clinic. The clinic was crowded

    with many patients outside. While you were examining the child, suddenly a man entered the clinic,

    asking how long he should wait (he already waited for 4 hours?), telling that he cannot manage his

    child who had ADHD anymore outside the clinic.

    1. Give 4 immediate management or actions that ull do to cope with this situation (4m)

    2. Write out 4 dialogue that ull say to the parent. (4m)

    3. What strategy that u think of to prevent this incident to occur next time? (2m)

  • 7/31/2019 Pediatrics Question



    1. A 2-month-old girl, prolonged jaundice, with hepatomegaly 4cm below subcostal margin.

    (there was a pale stool specimen)

    a) describe the colour of the stool pale stool

    b) give one diagnosis - conjugated hyperbilirubinemia secondary to biliary atresia with

    liver complication

    2. (pic of neck swelling)

    A 5 y/o boy presented with 2 days h/o fever (temp 38 o C) andpainful neck swelling.

    Otherwise he is well and thriving.

    a) give one possible diagnosis (2m) - ?lymphadenitis ?mumps, ?cystic hygroma

    b) what is the useful initial ix (1m) - ?full blood count to look sign of infection..

    Pic showed an abdominal x-ray of a newborn with abdominal distention and had not passed

    meconium yet.

    a) state 2 abnormalities of the x-ray

    -multiple loops of bowel appearance (?step ladder)

    -dilated bowel

    b) what is the possible diagnosis?

    -hirchsprungs disease

    A baby born @ 36 weeks gestation, his weight is 4.0kg, height is 52cm, head circumference is


    Plot on growth chart (2m) (all values are above the highest percentile)

    State one aetiological causes for the above condition (1m) macrosomia (infant of diabetic


    A 1-year-old girl presented with failure to thrive. Full blood count showed: low Hb (8.3), low

    MCH(15.8), low MCV(50), WBC 10.5, platelet 254

    Interpret the FBC hypochromic microcytic anaemia

    Give two differential diagnoses iron deficiency anaemia, -thalassaemia

  • 7/31/2019 Pediatrics Question


    PPD station

    Puan Aminah, the mother of Daniel (5-month-old), is reluctant to continue the

    vaccination to his son, due to the side effects that his son had (fever, rash and lower

    limb swelling for 1 week according to clerking hx) after first dose of vaccination


    Find out the reasons why she is reluctant and obtain consent from her.

    -confirm that she is puan aminah, mother of daniel

    -explore the reasons she is reluctant

    -tell her why he should receive vaccination (give the benefits of taking the vaccination,

    risk of not taking)