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Date Author Version Comment

28/06/20 0.1 Draft

1/7/2020 Sze Wen Lee 0.2 Initial Draft of Merged Data book. Only populating the Patient details (Pat_DTL) for approval.

7/7/2020 Warwick Strangward 0.3 Adjustments to Sze’s draft

7/7/2020 Sze Wen Lee 0.4 Accepting Changes to Warwick’s adjustments and creation of two extra merged tables.

13/7/2020 Sze Wen lee 0.5 Draft of completed Merged Databook

15/7/2020 Christine Chidgey 0.6 Review and updates

• Update some text to reflect the merged view rather than the raw data view

• Updated clinical table diagram

• Remove reference to tables that are not in the merged view yet

• Remove Appendices as the Lookups are now contained in the merged views

• PAT_OBS still to be added – have added heading

15/7/2020 Sze Wen Lee 0.7 Added the PAT_OBS table and tidied up some tables and rows.

16/7/2020 Christine Chidgey 0.8 Documentation updated Updates for some code changes Flag fields that are not available yet

22/7/20 W. Strangward 0.9 Clean up document

23/7/20 W. Strangward 1.0 Further word modifications & grammatical changes for release to researcher.

29/7/2020 Sze Wen Lee 1.1 Addition of fields that are to be added in the second iteration of the merged views

3/8/2020 Sze Wen lee 1.2 Addition of Family History and Family History View tables and smoking table

18/8/2020 Sze Wen Lee 1.3 Addition of Alcohol related fields in Pat_Clnc and PAT_CLNC.ALC_AUDITC table

3/9/2020 Sze Wen Lee 1.4 Addition of notes for Zedmed Date-Created and prescription history. Formatting of the fonts, table etc.

7/9/20 W. Strangward 1.5 Version for release – All track changes accepted.

9/9/2020 Sze Wen Lee 1.6 Changes according to PAT_ Update Databook to reference Patient_PPN and Site_PPN; and Age_at_Event (Jira ticket PAT-201)

30/9/2020 Sze Wen Lee 1.7 Updates to the coding lookups (Jira ticket PATRON-246)

6/10/2020 Christine Chidgey 1.8 Add details of known data issues

10/11/2020 Sze Wen Lee 1.9 Updates and additional fields (Jira ticket PATRON-319) and addition of new table called Practice Worker Type.

13/11/2020 Christine Chidgey 1.10 Add Worker Type Codes

30/11/2020 Christine Chidgey 1.11 Update Appendix 2 Known data issues with Nov 2020 fixes

10/12/2020 Sze Wen Lee 1.12 Update Alcohol table

11/12/20 Sze Wen Lee 1.13 Addition of new patient cervical screening table to databook

17/1/21 Warwick Strangward 1.14 Expansion of field descriptions for Encounters – worker type

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Christine Chidgey Document corrections for data fixed in Nov 2020

18/1/2021 Sze Wen Lee 1.15 Update the descriptions of Record_created_by field to reflect if the field has a user_ID,User_group_ID or both.

Christine Chidgey Update explanation of Clinical Allergies NKA

8/02/2021 Sze Wen Lee 1.16 Update databook with new views: SEIFA_SUMM, Documents

21/4/2021 Christine Chidgey, Sze Wen Lee

1.17 Review and updates Remove created_by and updated_by fields Addition of Patient_Adjunct table – PAT_ADJUNCT

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Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 5

Data For Decisions and PATRON ........................................................................................................................ 5

Term and Acrynom Definitions .......................................................................................................................... 5

PATRON Data Set .................................................................................................................................................... 6

Data De-identification and Transformation ....................................................................................................... 6

DataSet Tables Summary ................................................................................................................................... 7

Data Set Tables and Fields .................................................................................................................................... 12

Table Name: Patient details (PAT_DTL)............................................................................................................ 12

Table Name: Medical History / Diagnoses (HX) ............................................................................................... 18

Table Name: Encounter (ENC) .......................................................................................................................... 23

Table Name: Encounter Reason(ENC_RSN) ..................................................................................................... 26

Table Name: Investigations (IVX_GRP_TST) .................................................................................................... 32

Table Name: Investigation Individual Test Result Details (IVX_INDV_TEST) .................................................... 35

Table Name: Clinical Summary (PAT_CLNC_DTL) ............................................................................................. 41

Table Name: Allergies (ALRG_RCTN) ................................................................................................................ 46

Table Name: Immunisations (PAT_IMM) ......................................................................................................... 48

Table Name: Current Medications (RX_CURR) ................................................................................................. 56

Table Name: Medications History (RX_HIST) ................................................................................................... 64

Table Name: Observations (PAT_OBS) ............................................................................................................. 72

Table Name: Smoking Details ( PAT_SMOK ) ................................................................................................... 75

Table Name: Family History ( PAT_FHX) ........................................................................................................... 80

Table Name: Family History Detail (PAT_FHX_DTL) ......................................................................................... 83

Table Name: Alcohol Consumption (ALC_AUDITC) .......................................................................................... 85

Table Name: Investigations Requested (IVX_RQS) ........................................................................................... 90

Table Name : MBS Billing (SERV_MBS) ............................................................................................................. 94

Table Name : Practice Worker Type ( WK_TYP) ............................................................................................... 96

Table Name : Cervical Screening summary (PAT_CRV_SUMM) ....................................................................... 99

Table Name : Cervical Screening results (PAT_CRN_SCRN) ........................................................................... 101

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Table Name: Socio-Economic Index For Areas Summary (SEIFA_SUMM) ..................................................... 104

Table Name: Document IN (DOC_IN) ............................................................................................................. 106

Table Name: Document OUT (DOC_OUT) ...................................................................................................... 108

Table Name: Document MyHR (DOC_MYHR) ................................................................................................ 110

Table Name: Patient Adjunct (PAT_ADJUNCT) ............................................................................................... 112

Appendix 1: PATRON Worker type Codes .......................................................................................................... 114

Appendix 2: Known Data Issues .......................................................................................................................... 116

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This document provides an overview of the PATRON de-identified data set that is available through the University of Melbourne Data for Decisions initiative. It provides details of the consolidated dataset the combines data from all PATRON practices regardless of the EMR (Best Practice, Medical Director or ZedMed) that they are using.


Data for Decisions, incorporating the PATRON program of research, is a University of Melbourne (UoM),

Department of General Practice research initiative in partnership with general practices in Australia.

Consenting general practices in Australia contribute de-identified data from their electronic patient medical

records for research purposes. This data is stored in PATRON, a primary care data repository, which allows the

de-identified healthcare data to be made available to researchers. Researchers can apply to access subsets of

data from the PATRON data repository to answer certain research questions.

This partnership with general practices makes possible primary care research projects to increase knowledge

and improve healthcare practices and policy. The partnership aims to bring benefit to general practices as well

as the wider community.


Terminology definitions are listed in the table below.

Term/Acronym Name Term/Acronym Explanation

BP Best Practice EMR

CSV Comma-separated values

EMR Electronic Medical Record (sometimes also referred to as Clinical Information System)

HL7 Health Level Seven is a set of international standards for the transfer of data between software applications used by various healthcare providers. In this case it relates to pathology/imaging data being sent from the provider to the general practice

MD Medical Director EMR

PATRON Primary Care Audit, Teaching and Research Open Network

SUFEX Secure Unified File Exchange (a secure online file transfer system managed by Curtin University in WA)

UoM University of Melbourne

ZM Zedmed EMR

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This section provides an overview of the PATRON data that is merged from all 3 EMRs (BP, MD and ZM) with a

description of the tables available. It also provides details of patient de-identification and additional

information that is added to the research data set.


Patient data is de-identified at the time of data extraction from consenting general practices.

Further data transformation may be done prior to provision of data to research projects to ensure patient and

practice staff anonymity and privacy is within the project’s approved ethics.

Practice Project Number: Practices are given a sequential numerical number, Site_PPN, in the final research

data set. The Site_PPN exists in every table. This number is unique to each research data set.

Patient Project Number: Patients are given a sequential numerical number, Patient_PPN, in the final research

data set. The Patient_PPN exists in every table allowing all patient clinical events to be linked to the patient.

This number is unique to each research data set.

The following table is a list of transformations that are made to the practice data before being provided to a

research project.

Column Name Description Data calculation/generation requirement

Site_PPN Unique Project Practice Number

Practice Number is a Patron Project generated field to de-identify the practices but allow for analysis between practices.

This number is unique to a research dataset to prevent linkage of practice data across research datasets.

Patient_PPN Unique Project Patient Number.

Patient Number is a Patron Project generated field to de-identify the patients and allow patient table records to be linked together.

This number is unique to a research dataset to prevent linkage of practice data across research datasets.

YearOfBirth Patient Year of Birth Generated from the Date of Birth

YOD Patient Year of Death Generated from the Date of Death

Age at Event Patient Age at the time of the event

Calculated based on the patient’s Date of Birth and the date the event occurred. i.e. the Visit Date of the patient’s visit in the Encounters table

Users Group Code The user group of the user that created or updated a record

The user group is provided in place of the user unique identifier for ease of researcher use and privacy protection

Miscellaneous fields containing free text

There are a number of fields that can contain free text eg. Reason for Visit, Reason for Prescription, Diagnosis (Past History) Description

Custom developed privacy filters are applied to these fields to ensure patient anonymity is preserved

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The following tables are available in the PATRON dataset. These are organised by data category:

Patient Details (Demographics)

• Patient Details

Patient Clinical Information

• Patient Clinical Details

• Observations/Measurements

• Allergies

• Immunisations

• Smoking details

• Alcohol consumption (AUDIT-C)

• Cervical screening – summary

• Cervical screen - results

Patient Family History

• Family History Header

• Family History Details

Patient Visits

• Encounters

• Encounter Reasons

Medical History (Diagnoses):

• Medical History/Diagnoses


• Current Medications

• Medication History

Investigations (Pathology and Imaging):

• Investigations

• Investigation Individual Test Result Details

• Investigation Requests


• Documents


• MBS Billing


• Worker Type

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The following is an overview of each data Category and the data that is available.

Patient Details (Demographics):

Table Name Description

Patient Details (PAT_DTL) This table stores and combines the patient demographic details for each of the source systems (Best Practice,Medical Director, Zedmed). The table also converts the gender, patient_status, record_status and gender codings into a centralised coding system according to the patron mappings.

These mappings are provided in associated field lookups in the dataset.

This is the table that links to all the other tables for the patient, using the Patient_PPN field.

Patient Clinical Details:

Table Name Description

Patient Clinical Details (PAT_CLNC_DTL)

This table stores some individual clinical details for the patient. For example, this table contains the marital status, sexuality and records an allergen status of NKA (where a patient has allergies the allergen details are stored in the allergies table).

Observations/Measurements (PAT_OBS)

This table stores the patient’s observations and measurements taken during a visit to the clinic and recorded by a clinic staff member.

(Note: MD Alcohol details are stored here under ‘TYPE = AUDITC’)

Allergies (ALRG-RCTN) This table contains any information related to any known and observed allergic reactions from the patient. (A status of NKA is stored in the clinical details table).

Immunisations (PAT_IMM) Contains the various information from the different patient management systems regarding the various immunisations that have been given to the patient. Also includes immunisations that have been prescribed to the patient.

Smoking Details (PAT_SMOK) This table provides information about a patient’s smoking habits ,frequency of their smoking and the quantity of smokes consumed. Also contains information about a patient’s smoking status and if they have notified the clinician that they wish to stop smoking.

Alcohol consumption (ALC_AUDITC)

This table stores the alcohol consumption statistics of a patient, specifically the details of an Alcohol Audit-C (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test) test to determine if the patient has a functional dependence on alcohol.

Cervical screening – summary (PAT_CRV_SUMM)

This table has the patients last cervical screening details if the GP has manually added this information. Pathology investigations should be checked as well. This table has the flags that indicate if a patient no longer requires screening or has opted out of screening (option in BP only).

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Cervical screening – results (PAT_CRV_SCRN)

This table has the patients individual cervical screening records and results if the GP has manually added this information. Pathology investigations should be checked as well.

Patient Family History:

Table Name Description

Patient Family History (PAT_FHX)

This table contains details about the current status of the patient’s parents, if they are alive or if they have passed away. Also contains information about any significant family history.

Patient Family History Detail (PAT_FHX_DTL)

The Family History Detail table contains information about the relatives of a patient. It classifies each relative and describes the relationship of the relative with the patient (Brother,Mother,Uncle, and so forth). Also notes any family conditions that have been recoded.

Patient Visits:

Table Name Description

Encounters (ENC) This table (table) contains a record of each visit made by the patient across the various Patient Management Systems. It contains the details of their doctor’s visit such as the visit_date, duration of the consultation and the age of the patient at the consultation.

Encounter Reasons (ENC_RSN) The Encounter Reason table consolidates each reason for visit provided by the three different source systems. It provides information about the reason for visiting the doctor.

Medical History (Diagnoses):

Table Name Description

Medical History/Diagnoses (HX) This table stores the patient’s diagnoses and problem history. It includes conditions, diagnoses and sometimes the reason for the patients visit. This table combines the past history medical information from the three separate systems (BP,MD,Zedmed).

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Table Name Description

Current Medications (RX_CURR) This table contains the current list of medications that a patient currently takes. Contains various details of the medication such as the name of the medication and the dosage.

Medications History (RX_HIST) This table contains any previous medications that have been prescribed to a patient given by a doctor to a patient in the past.

Investigations (Pathology and Imaging):

Table Name Description

Investigations (IVX_GRP_TST) This table stores pathology and imaging results that have been added or imported into the patient’s record

Investigation Individual Test Result Details (IVX_IDVL_TST)

This table stores the pathology results (atomical) that have been extracted from the HL7 investigation pathology reports when they were added or imported

NOTE: Manually entered results (e.g. Diabetes Assessment) can also be found in the Observations table.

Investigation Requests (IVX_RQS) This table provides detail about the investigations that were ordered by a clinician and the type of investigation that was ordered. This provides various details about the investigation such as when the investigation was requested, its type, and the name of those investigations.


Table Name Description

Document IN(DOC_IN) Provides details about documentation such as referrals, discharge summaries, and letters received by the clinic.

Document OUT(DOC_OUT) Provides details about documentation such as referrals, Care Plans and Medical Certificates sent by the clinic.

Document MyHR(DOC_MYHR) Provides details about shared health summaries and event summaries.

Services (MBS Billing)

Table Name Description

MBS Billing (SERV_MBS) This table provides a description and information regarding the billings and the dates associated when the bill was created. It also contains a description of the MBS items that were provided to the patient.

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Practice Worker Type

Table Name Description

Worker Type (WK_TYP) This table provides a description and information regarding the workforce in every practice. It contains details about staff roles and for clinical staff flags whether they have prescriber and provider numbers as well if the clinician has a registration number or not.

Patient Adjunct

Table Name Description

Patient adjunct (PAT_ADJUNCT) The patient adjunct table provides pathology results in a numeric value as well as providing various other details, such as the patient’s active status and the last export date for the patient’s clinical data. It also contains fields which flag if the patient has been classified as active under the EMR or the RACGP’s definition of active.

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This section provides details of the fields within each table.


Table Explanation: This table stores the patient’s demographic details, such as year of birth, gender and indigenous status;

General Notes about the data:

• This table links to all the other tables for the patient, using the Patient_PPN field.

Data field Column Name Description Field Codes Comments

Practice Number Site_PPN This is a number allocated to each individual medical practice within the dataset.

Patient ID Patient_PPN This is a unique number representing an individual patient within the dataset.

Year of Birth YearOfBirth This is patient's Year of birth

Postcode PostCode This is the patient’s residential postcode

Patron Gender Code

Patron_Gender The Patron gender code of the patient. Source EMR system gender codes have been mapped to a Patron gender code.

0 Not Recorded

1 Female

2 Male

3 Other

4 Unknown

Patron Gender Code Description

Patron_gender_lkp This is the description associated with the patient’s Patron Gender

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Patron ATSI Status Code

PATRON_ATSI_Status This is the patient’s ATSI status. Source EMR system ATSI or ethnicity codes have been mapped to Patron ATSI Status codes.

0 Not Recorded

1 Aboriginal

2 Torres Strait Islander

3 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

4 Neither Aboriginal nor Torres Strait Islander

5 Not provided

6 Declined to respond

7 Unable to answer

ATSI status is poorly recorded in general practice and findings based on this data should be treated with caution.

Patron ATSI Status Code Description


This is the description associated with the patient’s ATSI status code.

Ethnic Code EthnicCode This is the patient’s ethnic code. Contains a code that refers to an ethnic type.

Field EthnicType provides the corresponding description

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice and Medical Director, therefore be blank/null for ZedMed practices.

Multiple associated ethnic codes

Ethnic Code Multiple This is the source system codes for the selected Ethnic type where multiple have been selected - these will be comma separated.

This field is applicable to MD only (MD only allows multiple)

EthnicType EthnicType This is the description associated with the patient’s ethnic code. Where multiple have been selected - these will be comma

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice and Medical Director, therefore be blank/null for ZedMed

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separated. practices. (MD only allows multiple)

Closing the Gap status

CTG This is the patient’s Closing the Gap (CTG) status

0 No CTG

1 CTG registered

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice and will therefore be blank/null for Medical Director or ZedMed practices.

Closing the Gap status description

CTG_LKP This is the description associated with the patient’s Closing the Gap (CTG) status.

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice and will therefore be blank/null for Medical Director or ZedMed practices.

Patron Patient Status Code


This is the patient’s current status in the EMR system. Source EMR system status codes have been mapped to Patron Patient Status codes.

0 Not Recorded

1 Active

2 Inactive

3 Deceased

4 Next of Kin

5 Visiting

6 Emergency

7 Archived

8 Casual

10 Code Not Provided

Patron Patient Status Code Description


This is the description associated with the patient’s status code.

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Patron Patient Record Status Code

PATRON_Record_Status This is the patient’s current record status in the EMR system. Source EMR system record status codes have been mapped to Patron record status codes.

1 Soft Deleted patient

2 Accessible patient record

3 Merged

4 Code Not Provided

8 Newly added record

9 Updated Record

Patron patient record status description

PATRON_Record_Status_Lkp This is the description associated with the patient’s record status code.

Record Creation Date


This is the date that the patient record was created

A value of 1800-01-01 for Zedmed records indicates the corresponding field in Zedmed is blank or null. This could be due to the record having been imported into Zedmed from another Patient Management System.

Record Update Date


This is the date that the patient record was updated

Source System name


This is the name of the original source system that the record was extracted from

Medical Director

Best Practice


Source System Gender_Code This is the patient’s identified

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Gender Code

Gender/Sex Code as stored in the source system.

Source System Gender Code description


This is the source system description for the patient’s Gender/Sex Code.

Source System ATSI Status Code

Source_ATSI_Status This is the patient’s ATSI Status Code as stored in the source system.

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Zedmed. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Best Practice.

Source System ATSI Status Code description

Source_ATSI_Status_Lkp This is the source system description for the patient’s ATSI Status Code.

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Zedmed. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Best Practice.

Source System Patient Status Code

Source_Patient_Status This is the patient’s Status Code as stored in the source system.

Source System Patient Status Code description

Source_Patient_Status_Lkp This is the source system description for the patient’s Status Code.

Source System Record Status Code

Source_Record_Status This is the patient’s Record Status Code as stored in the source system.

The record codes indicates if the record is accessible or not accessible. This field should be viewed in conjunction with the Patient Status Code. This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice. Therefore, this field will be null for records that

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are used by Zedmed.

Source System Record Status Code Description

Source_Record_Status_Lkp This is the source system description for the patient’s Record Status Code.

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Table Explanation: This table stores the patient’s medical past history and stores the dates when the condition started and ended. It also contains the SNOMED,

DOCLE codes for various medical conditions that have been diagnosed as a result of a past visit to a doctor if available in the EMR systems.

General Notes about the data:

Data field Column Name Description Field Codes Comments Practice Number

Site_PPN This is a number allocated to each individual medical practice within the dataset.

Patient ID Patient_PPN This is a unique number representing an individual patient within the dataset.

Past History Record ID

Past_history_ID This ID is used to uniquely identify a single visit made by a patient.

Condition ID Patient_Condition_ID

This is the patient’s sequential condition ID.

This field is used exclusively by Zedmed.Therefore, this field will be null for Medical Director or Best Practice records.

Age at diagnosis date

Age_at_Event This is the age of the patient at the time of the Past History diagnosis.

The age is calculated at the time of extract based upon the patient’s DOB and the Year that the past condition was recorded as started.

Age at condition record

Age_at_Event_Recorded This is the age of the patient when the condition was recorded

Condition Description of source system


This is the condition description that the user has either selected from a predefined list or free-texted when the options have not met the condition or problem being selected

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Condition Code for the source GP software


This is the condition terminology set code for the condition that has been selected

Condition code for source GP software that used SNOMED


This is the BP mapped SNOMED code for the condition that has been selected

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice. Therefore, this field will be null for records that use Zedmed and Medical Director.

Condition code for source GP software that used DOCLE


This is the BP mapped DOCLE code for the condition that has been selected

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice or Medical Director.Therefore, this field will be null for records that use Zedmed.

Start date for condition

Condition_Start_Date (TEXT field)

This is the date that that patient advised that the condition occurred on or was given a formal diagnosis on.

This field is a text field and therefore will not always contain a date. It can contain alpha values eg. AUG 2018. The condition start date will be ‘1800-01-01’ for Zedmed values that are left blank/null. The condition start date will be ‘0/0/0’ for Best Practice Values that are left blank/null. If there is a year but no month or date then it will be ‘0/0/YYYY’,where YYYY denotes a year. The condition start date may only contain the year for Medical Director Values that only have the year entered.

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Start year of Condition

Condition_Start_Year (TEXT field)

This is the year that that patient advised that the condition occurred on or was given a formal diagnosis on.

This field is a text field and therefore may not necessarily show a digit. Can also contain alphabet values.

Corresponding year values for Medical Director and Best Practice records that have a null/blank date will have a year of 0

Patron Active condition code


This indicates if the condition recorded is an active medical condition or an inactive medical condition. This is the patron mapped version of the condition code.

Active_flag possible values:

1 Inactive Problem

2 Active Problem

Patron Active condition code description


This indicates if the condition recorded is an active medical condition or an inactive medical condition. This field provides a description for the corresponding codes.

Diagnosis Indicator


This indicates if the clinician has marked the condition as provisional until they get a confirmed diagnosis

Possible values:

1 Not Provisional

2 Provisional

This field is only used by BP.

Patron Patient Record Status Code

PATRON_Record_Status This is the patient’s current record status in the EMR system. Source EMR system record status codes have been mapped to Patron record status codes.

1 Soft Deleted patient

2 Accessible patient record

3 Merged

4 Code Not Provided

8 Newly added record

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9 Updated Record

Patron patient record status description


This is the description associated with the patient’s record status code.

Record Creation Date

Record_Created This is the date that the patient history record was created

A value of 1800-01-01 for Zedmed records indicates the corresponding field in Zedmed is blank or null. This could be due to the record having been imported into Zedmed from another patient management system.

Record Update Date

Record_Updated This is the date that the record was updated

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed This field will display “1800-01-01 “ if the corresponding row has not been updated.

Source System name

Source_System This is the name of the original source system that the record was extracted from

Possible Values:

Medical Director

Best Practice


Active condition flag in source system


This indicates if the record is an active medical condition or an inactive medical condition (ie. the patient has recovered from it)

Active condition flag in source system


This is the textual description if the record contains an active or inactive medical condition

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Date of record deletion

Source_Delete_Date This indicates the date the record was deleted

This field is used exclusively by Zedmed.Therefore, this field will be null for records that use Medical Director or Best Practice. This corresponding cell for this column will be NULL if the record has not been deleted.

Source System Record Status Code

Source_Record_Status This is the patient’s Record Status_Code as stored in the source system.

Source System Record Status Code Description

Source_Record_Status_Lkp This is the source system description for the patient’s Record Status Code.

The record codes indicates if the record is accessible or not accessible. This field should be viewed in conjunction with the Patient Status Code.

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Table Explanation: This table provides a description of a patient’s past visits to the doctor. It contains details of the visit such as when the visit occurred, the

duration of the visit and the patient’s age at the time of visit.

Data field Column Name Description Field Codes Comments

Practice Number Site_PPN This is a number allocated to each individual medical practice within the dataset.

Patient ID Patient_PPN This is a unique number representing an individual patient within the dataset.

Visit ID Visit_ID This value uniquely identifies each visit by a patient.

Age at consultation Age_at_Event

This is the age of the patient at the time of the time of the visit and recorded visit reason.

The age is calculated at the time of extract based upon the patient’s DOB and the corresponding year of the visit, which is derived from the visit date.

Date of Patient


Visit_Date This is the date that the clinician recorded what occurred during the visit/reason for opening the patient's clinical record

Duration of visit Duration This is the total duration time the patients clinical record was opened for

Consultation Type Description

Consult_Visit_Type_Description This is the description of the visit type associated to the VisitCode

Zedmed encounter records will be set to ‘Surgery Encounter’

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Consultation Type Code

Consult_Visit_Type_Code This is the Visit type code

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Date of Record creation

Record Recorded Date This is the date the record was created from using the front end of the system

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice . Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Zedmed.

Patron Patient Record Status Code

PATRON_Record_Status This is the patient’s current record status in the EMR system. Source EMR system record status codes have been mapped to Patron record status codes.

1 Soft Deleted patient

2 Accessible patient record

3 Merged

4 Code Not Provided

8 Newly added record

9 Updated Record

Patron patient record status description

PATRON_Record_Status_Lkp This is the description associated with the patient’s record status code.

Record Creation Date

Record_Created This is the date that the record was created

A value of 1800-01-01 for Zedmed records indicates the corresponding field in Zedmed is blank or null. This could be due to the record having been imported into Zedmed. This could be due to the record having been imported into Zedmed from another patient management system.

Record Update Date

Record_Updated This is the date that the record was updated

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be

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null for records that are used by Zedmed This field will display “1800-01-01 “ if the corresponding row has not been updated.

Patron Worker type code


This is the PATRON worker type group code for the user who created the record.

Refer Appendix 1 for Patron

Worker type codes and descriptions.

Patron Worker type code description


This is the description of the PATRON worker type code.

Refer Appendix 1 for Patron Worker type codes and descriptions.

Name of Medical software

Source_System This is the name of the original source system that the record was extracted from

Possible Values:

MD Medical Director

BP Best Practice

ZM Zedmed

Source System Record Status Code

Source_Record_Status This is the patient’s Record Status_Code as stored in the source system.

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Source System Record Status Code Description

Source_Record_Status_Lkp This is the source system description for the patient’s Record Status Code.

The record codes indicates if the record is accessible or not accessible. This field should be viewed in conjunction with the Patient Status Code.

Source worker type


This is the worker type for the user who created the record.

Worker Type codes are created by each individual GP practice. They are mapped to the Patron Worker type code.

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Table Explanation: This table stores the reason for the patient’s visit to a doctor. It contains the mapped visit reason codes for SNOMED and DOCLE if available from

the EMR systems, as well as provides a list of reasons for the patient visiting the

General Notes about the data:

Data field Column Name Description Field Codes Comments

Practice Number Site_PPN This is a number allocated to each individual medical practice within the dataset.

Patient ID Patient_PPN This is a unique number representing an individual patient within the dataset.

Reason for Visit ID Visit_Reason_ID This is the unique identifier of the record

Visit ID Visit_ID This is the visit reasons associated VisitID and joins to the Visit table VisitID column.

This field is used exclusively by Zedmed and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and there is no link available for Medical Director between Visits and Reason for Visit records.

Visit Reason ID Visit _Segment ID This is the unique identifier of the record

This field is used exclusively by Zedmed .Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Best Pratice.

Age at Visit Reason Age_at_Event This is the age of the patient at the time of the time of the visit

The age is calculated at the time of extract based upon the

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and recorded visit reason. The age is calculated at the time of extract based upon the patients DOB and the Record Created Date which is when the visit and visit reason was recorded

patient’s DOB and the Year that the patient presented themselves to the practice.

Corresponding visit for reason date


This is the date when the visit reason was recorded by the clinician.

Description for Reason for Visit


This is the reason for the patients visit to the clinic. Please Note: Due to sensitive and private data being put into the Reason by clinicians Where the ItemCode = 0 or NULL/Blank the associated reason has been removed and blanked before extracting

Encounter Code Source_System_Visit_Reason_Code

This is the reason for encounter code that was entered for the visit/encounter

SNOMED Condition code


This is the BP mapped SNOMED code for the condition that has been selected

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are not used by Best Practice. If the reason for visit is uncoded (e.g. free text) this field will be NULL.

DOCLE Condition Code


This is the BP mapped Docle code for the condition that has been selected

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice and Medical Director.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed. If the reason for visit is uncoded (e.g. free text) this

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field will be NULL.

Cleaned Condition start date


The Condition_Start_Date field which can contain free text is "cleaned" to return a valid date that is more usable for researchers. Researchers should use caution and check the original field to ensure the results are valid for the context of their research.

Cleaned Condition start date flag


This indicates if the condition start date has been altered in order to clean it ie. if the cleaned condition start date differs from the condition start date

Type of Visit Reason

Visit_Reason_Type This indicates the type of visit the patient had ie. which clinical area the visit was associated with.

Possible values:

Code Lkp Value

Diagnosis Prescription

Procedure Procedure


Visit Reason

I Investigations

A Allergy

P Problem

B Antenatal

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Zedmed. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Best Practice.

Visit Reason Flag Visit_Reason_Flag This indicates if the diagnosis is being used as a Reason for visit/contact as well as the selected Diagnosis Type (MD

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Zedmed.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used

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only) by Best Practice.

Condition ID Patient_Condition_ID This is the patient condition the reason for visit is linked to if applicable

This field is used exclusively by Zedmed. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Best Practice and Medical Director .

Date of condition diagnosis

Condition_Date This is the date of when the patient condition was linked to the reason for visit

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director . Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Best Practice and Zedmed.

Patron Patient Record Status Code

PATRON_Record_Status This is the patient’s current record status in the EMR system. Source EMR system record status codes have been mapped to Patron record status codes.

1 Soft Deleted patient

2 Accessible patient record

3 Merged

4 Code Not Provided

8 Newly added record

9 Updated Record

Patron patient record status description

PATRON_Record_Status_Lkp This is the description associated with the patient’s record status code.

Record Creation Date

Record_Created This is the date that the record was created

A value of 1800-01-01 for Zedmed records indicates the corresponding field in Zedmed is blank or null. This could be due to the record having been imported into Zedmed.

Record Update Date

Record_Updated This is the date that the record was updated

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will

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be null for records that are used by Zedmed This field will display “1800-01-01 “ if the corresponding row has not been updated.

Name of Medical software

Source_System This is the name of the original source system that the record was extracted from

Possible Values:

Medical Director

Best Practice


Reason flag for visit in source system

Reason_For_Contact Will be renamed to: Source_Visit_Reason_Flag

This indicates if the record is being used as a Reason for visit/contact (MD only)

Possible values :

1 Not a reason for visit

2 Reason for Visit

This field is used exclusively by medical director. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Best Practice and Zedmed. For BP and Zedmed, all records in this table are used as a Reason for visit/contact.

Source System Record Status Code

Source_Record_Status This is the patient’s Record Status_Code as stored in the source system.

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Source System Record Status Code Description

Source_Record_Status_Lkp This is the source system description for the patient’s Record Status Code.

The record codes indicates if the record is accessible or not accessible. This field should be viewed in conjunction with the Patient Status Code.

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Table Explanation: This table stores pathology and imaging reports that have been added or imported onto the patient record

Data field Column Name Description Field Codes Comments

Practice Number Site_PPN This is a number allocated to each individual medical practice within the dataset.

Patient ID Patient_PPN This is a unique number representing an individual patient within the dataset.

Request ID Request_ID This is BP’s internal ID for any investigations that have been linked to a request made at the clinic

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Report ID Report_ID This is BP’s internal ID for this record when it is added to the table

Age at report Age_at_Event This is the age of the patient at the time of the pathology or imaging report. The age is calculated at the time of extract based upon the patients DOB and the ReportDate

The age is calculated at the time of extract based upon the patients DOB and the Year that the investigation occured

Pathology Test Name

Test_Name This is the name of the test given by the pathology or imaging lab when they created the report

Pathology Test Request Date

Test_Request_Date This is the date of the pathology or imaging request

This is a datetime format. If no time was entered, the format will be as follows “ YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00.000000”

Pathology Result collection date

Test_Collected_Date This is the date the sample was collected at the pathology lab

This is a datetime format. If no time was entered ,the format

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will be as follows “ YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00.000000”

Pathology Result Creation Date

Test_Reported_Date This is the date when the pathology lab or imaging lab created the report

This is a datetime format. If no time was entered ,the format will be as follows “ YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00.000000”

Normal/Abnormal indicator

Normal_Result_flag This indicates if the overall result is normal or abnormal based upon information provided by the lab that has done the report.

Patron Patient Record Status Code

PATRON_Record_Status This is the patient’s current record status in the EMR system. Source EMR system record status codes have been mapped to Patron record status codes.

1 Soft Deleted patient

2 Accessible patient record

3 Merged

4 Code Not Provided

8 Newly added record

9 Updated Record

Patron patient record status description

PATRON_Record_Status_Lkp This is the description associated with the patient’s record status code.

Record Creation Date

Record_Created This is the date that the record was created

A value of 1800-01-01 for Zedmed records indicates the corresponding field in Zedmed is blank or null. This could be due to the record having been imported into Zedmed.

Record Update Date

Record_Updated This is the date that the record was updated

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed This field will display “1800-01-

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01 “ if the corresponding row has not been updated.

Name of Medical software

Source_System This is the name of the original source system that the record was extracted from

Medical Director

Best Practice


Source System Record Status Code

Source_Record_Status This is the patient’s Record Status_Code as stored in the source system.

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Source System Record Status Code Description

Source_Record_Status_Lkp This is the source system description for the patient’s Record Status Code.

The record codes indicates if the record is accessible or not accessible. This field should be viewed in conjunction with the Patient Status Code. This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

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Table Explanation: This table contains the individual test results for each patient’s test. It contains the pathology result values and the type of pathology test that

was requested by the clinician.

Data field Column Name Description Field Codes Comments

Practice Number Site_PPN This is a number allocated to each individual medical practice within the dataset.

Patient ID Patient_PPN This is a unique number representing an individual patient within the dataset.

Result ID Results_ID This is BP’s internal ID for this record, it is automatically generated when the record is added to this table.

Report ID Pathology_Report_ID Best Practice - This is BP’s internal ID for this record and links to the Investigations table. The Report_ID in the Investigations table will have a NULL TestName when a result is manually added into this table through Result Values button in BP. Zedmed - this table contains investigations and observations - split to align with BP/MD. Records with an EDOC_ID will have a CRS_EDOCUMENT header record and are coming from

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Age at Pathology Result

Age_at_Event This is the age of the patient at the time of the pathology or imaging report. The age is calculated at the time of extract based upon the patient’s DOB and the ReportDate

The age is calculated at the time of extract based upon the patient’s DOB and the year that the pathology result was finalised.

Date of Result Result_Date This is the date when the pathology lab or imaging lab created the report

Name of Result Result_Name This is the name of the test given by the pathology or imaging lab when they created the report.

There at times can be other information in this field depending upon what information the pathology lab has put into the HL7 file that is being imported into BP. If the section that is meant to be for the Result Name field has other information this can then contain other Result Name or Blank due to sensitive information contained incorrectly within this field.

Corresponding LOINC measurement code

LOINC_Code This is the LOINC code that the pathology lab has associated to the individual test result name.

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice, therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed. There at times can be other information in this field depending upon what information the pathology lab has put into the HL7 file that is

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being imported into BP. If the section that is meant to be for the LOINC field has other information this can then contain other information that is not a LOINC code.

Pathology Result value

Result_Value This is the Result Value of the test

. There at times can be other information in this field depending upon what information the pathology lab has put into the HL7 file that is being imported into BP. If the section that is meant to be for the Result Value field has other information this can then contain other Result Value or Blank due to sensitive information contained incorrectly within this field.

Pathology Result Unit

Result_Units This is the units that the result value was measured in when performing the test to obtain the results.

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice, therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed. There at times can be other information in this field depending upon what information the pathology lab has put into the HL7 file that is being imported into BP. If the section that is meant to be for the Units field has other information this can then contain

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other Units or Blank due to sensitive information contained incorrectly within this field.

Pathology Result Range

Result_Range This is generally the range for the test result, this is entered by the pathology lab.

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice, therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed. There at times can be other information in this field depending upon what information the pathology lab has put into the HL7 file that is being imported into BP. If the section that is meant to be for the Units field has other information this can then contain other Units or Blank due to sensitive information contained incorrectly within this field.

Pathology Result normal/abnormal indicator

Result_Abnormal_flag This indicates if the overall result is normal or abnormal based upon information provided by the lab that has done the report. This will depend on the lab and how they code this information

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice, therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Patron Patient Record Status Code

PATRON_Record_Status This is the patient’s current record status in the EMR system. Source EMR system record status codes have been mapped to Patron record status codes.

1 Soft Deleted patient

2 Accessible patient record

3 Merged

4 Code Not Provided

8 Newly added record

9 Updated Record

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Patron patient record status description

PATRON_Record_Status_Lkp This is the description associated with the patient’s record status code.

Record Creation Date

Record_Created This is the date that the record was created

A value of 1800-01-01 for Zedmed records indicates the corresponding field in Zedmed is blank or null. This could be due to the record having been imported into Zedmed from another patient management system.

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice, therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Record Update Date

Record_Updated This is the date that the record was updated

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice, therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed This field will display “1800-01-01 “ if the patient record comes from ZedMed or is NULL or left blank.

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Name of Medical software

Source_System This is the name of the original source system that the record was extracted from

Medical Director

Best Practice


Source System Record Status Code

Source_Record_Status This is the patient’s Record Status_Code as stored in the source system.

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice, therefore this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Source System Record Status Code Description

Source_Record_Status_Lkp This is the source system description for the patient’s Record Status Code.

The record codes indicates if the record is accessible or not accessible. This field should be viewed in conjunction with the Patient Status Code.

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Table Explanation: This table contains personal details about a patient such as their marital status,sexuality, allergies and any tobacco and alcohol consumption. It

also contains further details about a patient’s alcohol and tobacco intake.

Data field Column Name Description Field Codes Comments

Practice Number

Site_PPN This is a number allocated to each individual medical practice within the dataset.

Patient ID Patient_PPN This is a unique number representing an individual patient within the dataset.

Age at record Age_at_Event This is the patients age when the clinical record was added

The age is calculated at the time of extract based upon the patients DOB and the Year that the patient’s clinical record occurred.

Patron Allergy indicator

PATRON_NKA This indicates if the patient has No Known Allergies (NKA).

Possible values:

0 Allergies/Reactions exist or Not Recorded

1 Nil Known

Where NKA = 0, the ALRG_RTN (allergies and reactions) table needs to be referenced for patient allergies. If none exist, then the patient has not had an allergy status recorded.



This indicates if the patient is a Non Drinker.

0 Drinker or Not Recorded

1 Non-Drinker

Patients who are Drinkers will have further details recorded in 1) the Alcohol AUDITC table or 2) if there are no AUDITC assessments, in the Historical Alcohol fields. Patients with a value of 0 and no Drinker details are Not Recorded.

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Patron Marital Status Code


This is the patron marital status code for the patient Possible Values :

0 Not Recorded

1 Single

2 Married

3 Defacto

4 Separated

5 Divorced

6 Widowed

Patron Marital Status Description


This is the textual description for the patron marital status code.

Patron Sexuality Status Code


This field is the coding for Patron Sexuality status Possible Values:

0 Not Recorded

1 Hetrosexual

2 Homosexual

3 Bisexual

Patron Sexuality Status Description


This field describes in text, the patron sexuality codes

Patron Patient Record Status Code


This is the patient’s current record status in the EMR system. Source EMR system record status codes have been mapped to Patron record status codes.

1 Soft Deleted patient

2 Accessible patient record

3 Merged

4 Code Not Provided

8 Newly added record

9 Updated Record

Patron patient record status description


This is the description associated with the patient’s record status code.

Record Creation Record_Created This is the date that the record was created A value of 1800-01-01 for Zedmed

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Date records indicates the corresponding field in Zedmed is blank or null. This could be due to the record having been imported into Zedmed from another patient management system.

Record Update Date

Record_Updated This is the date that the record was updated This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice. It will be null for records from Zedmed This field will display “1800-01-01 “if the corresponding row has not been updated.

Name of source system

Source_System This is the name of the original source system that the record was extracted from

Possible Values:

Medical Director

Best Practice


Record status Source_Record Status

This indicates if the record is accessible This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Source record Status Description


This is the text description of the record status The record codes indicates if the record is accessible or not accessible. This field should be viewed in conjunction with the Patient Status Code.

Source system allergies Indicator


This indicates the patient’s Allergy status. If the patient does have allergies, further details are available in the Allergies/Reactions table

Possible values:


BP 0 Other

MD Nil known NKA


Other indicates: 1) there may be allergies recorded in the ALRG_RTN tables 2) an allergy status has not been

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Marital Status code in source system


This is the source system’s marital status coding.

Marital Status source code description


This is the textual description to the source system’s marital status coding

Sexuality Code in source system

Source_Sexuality This provides the sexuality code in the source system

Sexuality Code description in source system


This provides a description to the corresponding sexuality code in the source system.

Alcohol Status code in Source system


This is the alcohol status code in the source system This field is used exclusively by Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed and Medical Director.

Historical alcohol status code in source system


This field provides the description to the alcohol status code in the source system

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed and Medical Director.

Historical Frequency of alcohol consumption


Provides the historical frequency of alcohol consumption in terms of the number of days per week

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Historical number of standard drinks per day


Provides the historical number of standard drinks per day

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Past Alcohol intake level


This field provides a code to categorise the patient’s level of alcohol intake

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be

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code null for records that are used by Zedmed and Medical Director.

Past Alcohol intake level code description


This field provides a description to the Past alcohol status code.

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed and Medical Director.

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Table Explanation: This table stores the patient’s recorded and documented allergies and their reactions as a result of an allergy. It also records and provides

information about the severity of an allergic reaction.

Data field Column Name Description Field Codes Comments

Practice Number Site_PPN This is a number allocated to each individual medical practice within the dataset.

Patient ID Patient_PPN This is a unique number representing an individual patient within the dataset.

Allergy Record ID Allergy_ID This is the unique identifier of the record

Age at record ID Age_at_Event This is the age of the patient at the time of the Allergy/reaction being added. The age is calculated at the time of extract based upon the patients DOB and the Year that the condition was advised it occurred within

The age is calculated at the time of extract based upon the patients DOB and the Year that the allergic reaction was advised it occurred within

Allergic items Allergy_Item_Allergic_To

This is the name of the item added or selected that the patient has advised that they have an allergy or adverse reaction too

Patron Severity Code

PATRON_Severity This indicates the severity of the allergy/reaction, if any selected.

0 Not Recorded

1 Mild

2 Moderate

3 Severe

4 Life-threatening

5 Not Required

Patron Severity Code Description

PATRON_Severity_Lkp This field provides the text description to the severity code.

Allergy Reaction Description

Allergy_Reaction This is the description of the reaction code advising what reaction that patient has to the allergy or adverse reaction to a medication or product

Type of Allergic Allergy_Reaction_Type This is the type of reaction This field is used exclusively by

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Reaction Zedmed, therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Best Practice

Visit ID Visit_ID This links to the Visit table for the visit that the past history was entered on. For BP Lava only practices

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice, therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by ZedMed and Medical Director.

Updated Visit ID Visit_Updated_ID This links to the Visit table for the visit that the past history was updated on. For BP Lava only practices

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice, therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by ZedMed and Medical Director.

Status of Allergy Allergy_Current_Status This indicates if the allergy record is current or not

This field is used exclusively by Zedmed, therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Best Practice

Patron Patient Record Status Code

PATRON_Record_Status This is the patient’s current record status in the EMR system. Source EMR system record status codes have been mapped to Patron record status codes.

1 Soft Deleted patient

2 Accessible patient record

3 Merged

4 Code Not Provided

8 Newly added record

9 Updated Record

Patron patient record status description


This is the description associated with the patient’s record status code.

Record Creation Date

Record_Created This is the date that the record was created A value of 1800-01-01 for Zedmed records indicates the corresponding field in Zedmed is blank or null. This could be due to the record having been imported into Zedmed from another patient management system.

Record Update Record_Updated This is the date that the record was updated This field is used exclusively by

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Date Medical Director and Best Practice, therefore, this field will be null for records from Zedmed This field will display “1800-01-01 “ if the record has not been updated.

Name of source system

Source_System This is the name of the original source system that the record was extracted from

Medical Director

Best Practice


Record Date of Deletion in source system

Source_Delete_Date This indicates the date the record was deleted. If the content of this field dates ‘1800-01-01’, it indicates that the record has not been deleted. If it displays a valid date, then it has been deleted.

This field is used exclusively by Zedmed. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Best Practice

Record Status deletion in Source system

Source_Record Status This indicates if the record is accessible

Record status lookup


This field indicates if the record’s status in the source system is still accessible or has been soft deleted.

Severity code in source system

Source_Severity This indicates the severity of the allergy/reaction, if any selected.



This provides a description to the coding system used to indicate the severity of the allergic reaction

The content of this field will be “Not Entered” if the field in the source system is left blank.


Table Explanation: This table records all of the immunisations taken by a patient. This table also contains information about the immunisation such as the name of

the immunisation, the site where the immunisation was applied to and the patient’s age when they received the immunisation.

General Notes about the data:

Data field Column Name Description Field Codes Comments

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Practice Number

Site_PPN This is a number allocated to each individual medical practice within the dataset.

Patient ID Patient_PPN This is a unique number representing an individual patient within the dataset.

Immunisation ID

Immunisation_ID This is the unique identifier of the record

Visit ID Visit_ID This is the ID of the encounter in which the immunisation was applied.

This field is used exclusively by Zedmed and Best Practice, therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director

Visit Segment ID

Visit _Segment ID the id of segment, which is almost similar with encounter if. Some are same, others not

This field is used exclusively by Zedmed. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Best Practice

Age at Immunisation

Age_at_Event This is the age of the patient at the time of the immunisation.

The age is calculated at the time of extract based upon the patient’s DOB and the Year that the vaccination was administered

Patron Clinic Location Immunisation Indicator Code

PATRON_Imm_Given_Here This shows if the patient was given/administered the vaccine in the clinic or not.

0 Not Recorded

1 Given at the clinic

1 Given Here

2 Not given at the clinic

2 Not given here

Patron Clinic Location Immunisation

PATRON_Imm_Given_Here_Lkp This provides a textual description of the immunisation given here codes.

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Indicator Description

Date of immunisation administration

Imm_Date This is the date on which the vaccine/drug has been administered to patient.

Name of Vaccine

Imm_Vaccine_Name This is the Trade name of the vaccine given to patient. In MD, the name of the caccine can be freetext and selected from the existing name list.

Vaccine Batch Number

Imm_Vaccine_Batch Batch number of a vaccine.

Vaccine Dosage Number

Imm_Sequence The dose number of a vaccine (where the vaccine requires more than one dose to complete the course).

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Patron Immunisation Site Code

PATRON_Imm_Site This is the patron Codes for the immunisation site. This is the site that the immunisation/vaccine was administered to.

0 Not Recorded

1 Left Deltoid

2 Right Deltoid

3 Left Thigh

4 Right Thigh

5 Left Gluteus

6 Right Gluteus

7 Left Forearm

8 Right Forearm

9 Left Vastus Lateralis

10 Right Vastus Lateralis

11 Left Arm

12 Right Arm

13 Left Upper Arm

14 Right Upper Arm

15 Left Gluteus Medius

16 Right Gluteus Medius

17 Left Ventrogluteal

18 Right Ventrogluteal

19 Buttock

20 Other

21 Oral

Patron Immunisation Site Description

PATRON_Imm_Site_Lkp This is the textual description for the Patron immunisation site codes.

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Patron Immunisation Route Code

PATRON_Imm_Route This is the PATRON immunisation/vaccination route code

Possible Values : 0 Not Recorded

1 Intramuscular

2 Subcutaneous

3 Oral

4 Intradermal

Patron Immunisation Route Code Description

PATRON_Imm_Route_Lkp This is the patron immunisation/vaccination route code description

Patron Record Status

PATRON_Record_Status This is the patron Record Status code

1 Soft Deleted patient

2 Accessible patient record

3 Merged

4 Code Not Provided

8 Newly added record

9 Updated Record

Patron Patient Record Status description

PATRON_Record_Status_Lkp This is the Patron Record status code description

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Record Creation Date

Record_Created This is the date that the record was created

A value of 1800-01-01 for Zedmed records indicates the corresponding field in Zedmed is blank or null. This could be due to the record having been imported into Zedmed from another patient management system This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Director Zedmed.

Record Update Date

Record_Updated This is the date that the record was updated

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

The name of the source system

Source_System The name of the source system which the patient information was extracted from

Possible Values:

Medical Director

Best Practice


Date of record deletion

Source_Delete_Date This indicates the date the record was deleted

This field is used exclusively by Zedmed. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Best Practice.

Record Accessible indicator Code

Source_Record Status This indicates if the record is accessible

Record Accessible indicator code description

Source_Record_Status_Lkp Provides a description to the code if the record is accessible.

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Vaccine ID in source system

Source_Vaccine_ID This is the unique ID of the vaccine based on its name, dose, route etc.

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice and Zedmed Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director.

Indicator of if vaccine was NOT given at this clinic

Source_Imm_Not_Given_Here This shows if the patient was given/administered the vaccine in the clinic or not.

Null Not Indicated

1 Given here

2 Not Given Here

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice and Zedmed Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director.

Indicator of if vaccine was NOT given at this clinic description

Source_Imm_Not_Given_Here_Lkp This provides a textual description to the codes used to inform if the patient was given a vaccine in the clinic or not.

Indicator of if vaccine was given at this clinic

Source_Imm_Given_Here This shows if the patient was given/administered the vaccine in the clinic or not.

Null Not Indicated

0 Not given here

1 Given Here

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Best Practice and Medical Director .

Indicator of if vaccine was given at this clinic

Source_Imm_Given_Here_Lkp This is a patron code description if the patient was given/administered the vaccine in the clinic or not.

Site of Vaccine administration code

Source_Imm_Site This specifies the part of the body at which the vaccine is given. For example, left forearm, right forearm etc.

Site of Vaccine administration code lookup

Source_Imm_Site_Lkp This field shows the code description for the part of the body at which the vaccine is given.

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Route of vaccine administration

Source_Imm_Route This shows the path by which a vaccine, drug, or other substance is injected into the body. For example oral/ intramuscular/ intradermal/ subcutaneous administration

This field is not used by Medical Director. For Medical Director the Site and Route are contained together in the Source_IMM_Site fields.

Route of vaccine administration lookup

Source_Imm_Route_Lkp This field provides the corresponding code description for the path of drug,vaccine or substance administration.

This field is not used by Medical Director. For Medical Director the Site and Route are contained together in the Source_IMM_Site fields.

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Table Explanation: This table lists the current prescriptions for the patient. It includes details about the prescriptions currently being consumed by the patient such

as the dosage, name of prescription and the frequency

General Notes about the data:

• ZM Frequency information is included with dosage (it is not separated as per BP/MD).

• ZM Generic name information is not available from the clinical system.

• MD Form is missing. This will be fixed in the next upgrade of the PATRON dataset.

• ZM Form information is not available from the clinical system.

• MD Strength is missing. This will be fixed in the next upgrade of the PATRON dataset.

• ZM Strength information is included with the medication name (it is not separated as per BP/MD).

Data field Column Name Description Field Codes Comments

Practice Number

Site_PPN This is a number allocated to each individual medical practice within the dataset.

Patient ID Patient_PPN This is a unique number representing an individual patient within the dataset.

Patient Medication ID

Patient_Medication_ID This is the patient’s sequential medication ID.

This field is used exclusively by Zedmed. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Best Practice.

Age at script issue

Age_at_Event This is the age of the patient at the time of the prescription.

The age is calculated at the time of extract based upon the patient’s DOB and the Date of the prescription

Reason for prescribing medicine

Source_System_Medication_Reason_Description This is the reason for the patients prescription. Please Note: Due to sensitive and private data being put into the Reason by clinicians Where the ItemCode = 0 or NULL/Blank the

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed.

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associated reason has been removed and blanked before extracting

Reason for prescription code

Source_System_Medication_Reason_Code This is the reason for prescription code that was entered

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed.

Reason for Prescription SNOMED code

Source_System_Mapped_SNOMED_Code This is the BP mapped SNOMED code for the condition that has been selected

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Zedmed

Reason for prescription DOCLE code

Source_System_Mapped_Docle_Code This is the BP mapped DOCLE code for the condition that has been selected

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice and Medical Director. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Medication ID in source systems

Source_System_Medication_ID This is the product ID number used by the software vendor from their drugs database.

MIMS product code

MIMS_ Product_Code

This field is used exclusively by Zedmed. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Best practice.

Recipe ID in source system

Source_System_Recipe_ID Zedmed - indicator that the drug is not from MIMS but instead is a 'recipe' for user defined preparations that have been entered into the drug database by the practice. Recipes are useful for extemporaneous preparations. A Prescription will have either a

This field is used exclusively by Zedmed and Medical Director. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director.

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ProdCode (MIMS) or a Recipe_Drug_ID but not both. Where one has a value the other will be NULL, 0 or -1. MD also has Recipes

Recipe Flag in source system

Source_System_Recipe_Flag Flags that this medication is a user defined preparation that have been entered into the drug database by the practice.

This field is used exclusively by Zedmed and Medical Director. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director .

Description of script

Script_Description This is the medication name printed on the patient’s prescription

This field is used exclusively by Zedmed. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Best practice.

Generic Medication Name

Medication_Generic_Name This is the generic name of the medication being prescribed if there are any or it is a generic medication. This field can be blank

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed.

Trade Medication Name

Medication_Trade Name This is the product name of the drug prescribed

MD medications classification

Date of initial prescription

First_Prescribed_Date This is the date the drug was first prescribed to the patient

Date of final prescription

Last_Prescribed_Date This is the date drug was last prescribed to the patient

Number of prescription

Repeats This is the amount of times the patient can go to the pharmacy to obtain the

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repeats medication without going back to the doctor to get a new prescription

Strength of prescripted drug

Strength This is the strength of the medication being prescribed to the patient e.g. 10mg

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed.

Dosage of drug

Dosage This is the amount that the drug the patient needs to take i.e. 1 tablet

Medication Frequency direction

Frequency_Description This is how often the patient needs to take the medication associated to the frequency code

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed.

Medication Frequency Code

Frequency_Code This is how often the patient needs to take the medication as a code

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Zedmed.

Instructions Instructions This is the instructions given to the patient on how to take the medication

Quantity of medication packaging

Pack_Quantity This is the amount contained within the medications packaging i.e. 100 tablets, 1 bottle

Units per medicine pack

Pack_Units The amount of units of medicine/consumables in the packaging

Medicine formulation code

Form_Code This is the codeof the formulation of the medication e.g. tablet, ointment, etc.

This field is used exclusively by Zedmed and Best Practice. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director.

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Description of formulation

Form_Description This is the description of the formulation of the medication e.g. tablet, ointment, etc.

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Zedmed.

Medicine administer route code

Route_code This indicates the way in which medication is administered e.g. oral, topical, injected etc.

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed.

Medicine administer route code description

Route_Description This provides a corresponding description to the route_codes

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed.

Reason for providing script

Authority_Reason This indicates the reason for the authority script

Authority script indicator

Authority_Flag This indicates if the medication being prescribed is an authority script or not

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Zedmed.

Previous authority script indicator

Authority_Previous_Flag This indicates if the script has had a previous authority provided for the medication

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice and Medical Director. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed.

PRN medication

PRN_Medication This indicates if the medication is to be taken by the patient as required

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice. Therefore, this field will be null for

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records that are used by Medical Director and Zedmed.

Restricted PBS Flag

Restricted_PBS_Flag This advises if the script is a rescripted PBS item or not

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice and Medical Director. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed.

Usage indicator

Usage This indicates if the drug prescribed is for a once only use or long term use

Type of script

PBS_OTC_Script_Type This indicates if the script is PBS, OTC type scripts

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Zedmed. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Best Practice.

Visit ID Visit_ID This links to the Visit table for the visit that the prescription was first prescribed on. For BP Lava only practices

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Zedmed.

Updated Visit ID

Visit_Updated_ID This is the visit that the record was updated to

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice . Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Zedmed.

Current medication indicator

Medication_Current_Flag This indicates if the prescription is current

This field is used exclusively by Zedmed. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Best practice.

Date of not- Medication_Not_Current_Date This is the date that the prescription was This field is used exclusively

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current prescription

marked as not current by Zedmed. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Best practice.

Date of script deletion

Deleted_Ceased_Date This is the date the script has been deleted or ceased.

If the script has not been deleted this date will be an 1800 date. The format is as follows: “1800-01-01”

Reason for deleting script

Deleted_Ceased_Reason This is the reason given as to why the script has been deleted

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and best practice. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed.

Patron Patient Record Status Code

PATRON_Record_Status This is the patient’s current record status in the EMR system. Source EMR system record status codes have been mapped to Patron record status codes.

1 Soft Deleted patient

2 Accessible patient record

3 Merged

4 Code Not Provided

8 Newly added record

9 Updated Record

Patron patient record status description

PATRON_Record_Status_Lkp This is the description associated with the patient’s record status code.

Record Creation Date

Record_Created This is the date that the patient history record was created

A value of 1800-01-01 for Zedmed records indicates the corresponding field in Zedmed is blank or null. This could be due to the record

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having been imported into Zedmed from another patient management system. This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and best practice. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed.

Record Update Date

Record_Updated This is the date that the record was updated

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed.

The name of the source system

Source_System This is the name of the original source system that the record was extracted from

Possible Values:

Medical Director

Best Practice


Record Status in Source system

Source_Record Status This indicates if the record is accessible

Record Status description of source system

Source_Record_Status_Lkp Provides a description to the code if the record is accessible.

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Table Explanation: This table stores the past prescriptions that have been given to a patient as a result of a doctor’s consultation.

General Notes about the data:

• If a GP recommends a drug/treatment to the patient that doesn’t require a script, this will NOT be recorded in the medication table. This applies to all

previous scripts.

• ZM Frequency information is included with dosage (it is not separated as per BP/MD).

• ZM Generic name information is not available from the clinical system.

• MD Form is missing. This will be fixed in the next upgrade of the PATRON dataset.

• ZM Form information is not available from the clinical system.

• ZM Strength information is included with the medication name (it is not separated as per BP/MD).

Data field Column Name Description Field Codes Comments

Practice Number

Site_PPN This is a number allocated to each individual medical practice within the dataset.

Patient ID Patient_PPN This is a unique number representing an individual patient within the dataset.

Prescription ID

Script_ID This is the unique identifier of the record

Medication ID

Patient_Medication_ID This is the patient’s sequential medication ID.

This field is used exclusively by Zedmed. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Best practice.

Age when script was issued

Age_at_Event This is the age of the patient at the time of the prescription.

The age is calculated at the time of extract based upon the patients DOB and the Script Date

Reason for Medication_Reason_Description This is the reason for the patients This field is used exclusively by

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prescribing medicine

prescription. Please Note: Due to sensitive and private data being put into the Reason by clinicians Where the ItemCode = 0 or NULL/Blank the associated reason has been removed and blanked before extracting

Medical Director. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Best Practice and Zedmed.

Reason Code for Prescription

Medication_Reason_Code This is the reason for prescription code that was entered

Date of script

Script_Date This is the date that the script was prescribed for

Date script was printed

Printed_Date This is the date that the clinician printed the prescription to give to the patient

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice . Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Zedmed.

Script status Printed_Status_Flag This is the status of if the script was printed or not. Some scripts are added to the past script list without printing and giving to the patient.

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice . Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Zedmed.

Authority script indicator

Authority_Script_Flag This indicates if the medication being prescribed is an authority script or not

This field is used exclusively by Zedmed and Best Practice. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Best Practice.

Previous Authority script indicator

Previous_Authority_Script_Flag This indicates if the script has had a previous authority provided for the medication

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice . Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Zedmed.

Closing the Gap PBS

CTG_PBS_Flag This indicates if the patient's script is to be prescribed and dispensed under the

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best

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indicator variable

Closing The Gap initiative Practice. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed.

Restricted PBS Flag

Restricted_PBS_Flag This advises if the script is a rescripted PBS item or not

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice . Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Zedmed.

Private script flag

Private Script flag This indicates if the script is a private script or not

This field is used exclusively by Zedmed. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Best Practice and Medical Director.

Number of times medication given

Medication_Given_Count This indicates how many times the medication has been prescribed for this patient

This field is used exclusively by Zedmed. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Best Practice and Medical Director.

Visit ID Visit_ID This links to the Visit table for the visit that the prescription was first prescribed on. For BP Lava only practices

This field is used exclusively by Zedmed and Best Practice. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Best Practice.

Visit Segment ID

Visit_Segment_ID This is the unique identifier of the record This field is used exclusively by Zedmed. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Best practice.

Date of script cessation

Deleted_Ceased_Date This is the date the script has been deleted or ceased. If the script has not been deleted this date will be a 1800 date

This field is used exclusively by Zedmed and Best Practice. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Best Practice.

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Date of script deletion

Deleted_Ceased_Reason This is the reason why the script has been deleted as entered by the clinician who deleted the script.

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed.

Script Archieved indicator

Script_Archived_Flag This indicates if the script has been archived

This field is used exclusively by Zedmed. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Best practice.

Script Item ID

Script_Item_ID This is the unique identifier of the record This field is used exclusively by Best Practice . Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Zedmed.

Medication ID in source system

Source_System_Medication_ID This is the product ID number used by the software vendor from their drugs database.

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed.

Recipe ID in source system

Source_System_Recipe_ID Zedmed - indicator that the drug is not from MIMS but instead is a 'recipe' for user defined preparations that have been entered into the drug database by the practice. Recipes are useful for extemporaneous preparations. A Prescription will have either a ProdCode (MIMS) or a Recipe_Drug_ID but not both. Where one has a value the other will be NULL, 0 or -1. MD also has Recipes

Recipe Source_System_Recipe_Flag Flags that this medication is a user defined

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indicator for source system

preparation that have been entered into the drug database by the practice.

Medication Generic Name

Medication_Generic_Name This is the generic name of the medication being prescribed if there are any or it is a generic medication. This field can be blank

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed.

Medication Trade Name

Medication_Trade Name This is the product name of the drug prescribed

Medication Further Description

Product/Trade Name description

This is the medications further product description i.e. for Ventolin the description is CFC-Free

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice . Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Zedmed.

Number of prescription repeats

Repeats This is the amount of times the patient can go to the pharmacy to obtain the medication without going back to the doctor to get a new prescription

Strength of prescript drug

Strength This is the measurement for the amount of active ingredient/s that is contained within the drug i.e. 100mg, 5mg/ML

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed.

Dosage of drug

Dosage This is the amount that the drug the patient needs to take i.e. 1 tablet

Medication prescription

Frequency_Code This is how often the patient needs to take the medication as a code defined by Best Practice

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice . Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Zedmed.

Medication Code

Frequency_Description This is the description of how often the patient needs to take the medication

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best

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Practice. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed.

Instructions Instructions This is the instructions given to the patient on how to take the medication

Quantity of medication packaging

Pack_Quantity This is the amount contained within the medications packaging i.e. 100 tablets, 1 bottle

Medicine formulation code

Form_Code This is the medications formulation as a code defined by Best Practice

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice . Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Zedmed.

Medicine formulation code description

Form_Description This is the medications formulation description i.e. tablet, liquid

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice . Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Zedmed.

Medicine formulation code long description

Form_Long_Description This describes the type medication that was precribed i.e. tablet, capsuel with the Product name

This field is used exclusively by medical director. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Best Practice and Zedmed.

Medicine administer route code

Route_Code This indicates how the drug should be taken i.e. oral, topical

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice and Medical Director. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed.

Medicine administer route code description

Route_Description This indicates the way in which medication is administered e.g. oral, topical, injected etc.

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice and Medical Director. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed.

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Type of script

PBS_OTC_Script_Type This indicates if the script is PBS, OTC type scripts

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Zedmed. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Best Practice.

Authority script indicator

Authority_Reason This indicates the reason for the authority script

PATRON_Record_Status This is the patient’s current record status in the EMR system. Source EMR system record status codes have been mapped to Patron record status codes.

1 Soft Deleted patient

2 Accessible patient record

3 Merged

4 Code Not Provided

8 Newly added record

9 Updated Record

Patron patient record status description

PATRON_Record_Status_Lkp This is the description associated with the patient’s record status code.

Record Creation Date

Record_Created This is the date that the record was created

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice. It will be ‘1800-01-01’ for all Zedmed records

Record Update Date

Record_Updated This is the date that the record was updated

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice. It will be ‘1800-01-01’ for all Zedmed records

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This field will also display “1800-01-01 “ if the record has not been updated.

The name of the source system

Source_System This is the name of the original source system that the record was extracted from

Medical Director

Best Practice


Record status of Source system

Source_Record Status This indicates if the record is accessible

Record code description of source system

Source_Record_Status_Lkp This is the date that the record was created

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Table Explanation: This table stores the patient’s observations and measurements taken during a visit to the clinic and recorded by a clinic staff member.

General Notes about the data:

Data field Column Name Description Field Codes Comments

Practice Number

Site_PPN This is a number allocated to each individual medical practice within the dataset.

Patient ID Patient_PPN This is a unique number representing an individual patient within the dataset.

Observation record unique identifier

Observation_ID This is the unique identifier of the record

Patient’s age at observation record date

Age_at_Event This is the patients age at the Date the observation was carried out.

The age is calculated at the time of extract based upon the patient’s Date of birth and the date that the observation was carried out.

Observation date

Observation_Date This is the date that the observation was taken on

Description of observation code

Observation_Description This is the name of the observation that was entered

Corresponding observation code

Observation_Code This is the code given by the GP system for that observation data name

Value of observation made

Observation_Value This is the value entered at the time of taking the observation for the patient. This value usually provides a unit of measurement corresponding to the observation_description field.

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Modifier text for observation

Observation_Modifier This is used to give further qualification to the measurement

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice and Medical Director. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed.

Patron Patient Record Status Code

PATRON_Record_Status This is the patron Record Status code

1 Soft Deleted patient

2 Accessible patient record

3 Merged

4 Code Not Provided

8 Newly added record

9 Updated Record

Patron patient record status description

PATRON_Record_Status_Lkp This is the description associated with the patient’s record status code.

Record Creation Date

Record_Created This is the date that the record was created This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed A value of 1800-01-01 for Zedmed records indicates the corresponding field in Zedmed is blank or null. This could be due to the record having been imported into Zedmed from another patient management system.

Record Update Date

Record_Updated This is the date that the record was updated This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will

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be null for records that are used by Zedmed This field will display “1800-01-01 “ if the corresponding row has not been updated.

The name of the source system

Source_System This is the name of the original source system that the record was extracted from

Medical Director

Best Practice


Record Status in Source system

Source_Record Status This is the patient’s Record Status_Code as stored in the source system.

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Record Status description of source system

Source_Record_Status_Lkp This is the source system description for the patient’s Record Status Code.

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

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Table Explanation: This table stores the smoking details of the patient. It contains the various tobacco intake details such as the consumption quantity, frequency

and the type of smoking undertaken.

General Notes about the data:

• Smoking Assessment Date is not captured as a separate field in BP. Unfortunately the Record Created/Updated fields cannot be used either - these fields

are affected by changes to any data area that shares the same data entry dialogue box ie. Smoking/ Alcohol/ Occupation/ Social Hist/ Family Hist.

Data field Column Name Description Field Codes Comments

Practice Number Site_PPN This is a number allocated to each individual medical practice within the dataset.

Patient ID Patient_PPN This is a unique number representing an individual patient within the dataset.

Unique Record ID Record ID This is the unique Record ID within each practice/clinic, it is automatically generated by BP when a record is added to this table

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Recorded age at tobacco consumption advice

Age at Tobacco record

This is the patients age when the tobacco record was added

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Smoking Assessment Date


This is the date the smoking details were updated This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Zedmed.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Best Practice

PATRON smoking status code


This field provides the corresponding PATRON codes to classify the smoking status of a patient.

0 Not Recorded

1 Code Not Provided

2 Non Smoker

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3 Ex Smoker

4 Smoker

PATRON smoking status code description


This field provides the text description for the PATRON Smoking status codes.

PATRON type of smoker


This is the type of product the patient primarily smokes: Cigarette, Cigar, Pipe (MD assumes Cigarette)

0 Not Recorded

1 Cigarettes

2 Cigars

3 Pipe

PATRON type of smoker description


This field provides a text description for the PATRON smoker type field.

Units of cigarettes consumed per day

Smokes_Per_Day This is the number of cigarettes (cigars, pipe packets) the patient has advised the clinician they smoke per day.

PATRON smoker frequency codes


This field is the patron code corresponding to the classification of how often the patient smokes

0 Not Recorded

1 Daily

2 Irregular

PATRON smoker frequency code description


Provides a textual description for the PATRON code for smoking frequency.

Smoking start year Year_Started This is the year the patient advised the clinician that they stared smoking

Smoking cessation year

Year_Stopped This is the year the patient advised the clinician that they stopped smoking if they are an ex-smoker

Advice of intention to stop smoking


This indicates if the patient would like to be given support and or advice on quitting smoking

Yes field codes :

BP 1



This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Patron Patient PATRON_Record_S This is the patron Record Status code 1 Soft Deleted patient

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Record Status Code


2 Accessible patient record

3 Merged

4 Code Not Provided

8 Newly added record

9 Updated Record

Patron patient record status description


This is the description associated with the patient’s record status code.

Record Creation Date

Record_Created This is the date that the record was created A value of 1800-01-01 for Zedmed records indicates the corresponding field in Zedmed is blank or null. This could be due to the record having been imported into Zedmed from another patient management system.

Record Update Date

Record_Updated This is the date that the record was updated

The name of the source system

Source_System This is the name of the original source system that the record was extracted from

Medical Director

Best Practice


Record Status in Source system

Source_Record Status

This indicates if the record is accessible This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Record Status description of source system


This is the source system description for the patient’s Record Status Code.

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

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Smoking status in source system


This is the patients smoking status in the source patient management system

Smoking status in source system lookup


This field provides the text description to the source system smoking status.

Historical smoking status in Best Practice


BP Only - This is the patients historical smoking status before the introduction of a dedicated (TOBACCO) table for smoking details. If the Source_Smoking_Status for BP = 0 or NULL, then this field should be taken as the current Smoking Status. This will happen if there has not been a smoking review since the additional (TOBACCO) table was added.

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Zedmed

Source smoking status code description


This field provides a text description to the smoking status codes for each of the source system codes.

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Zedmed

Source smoker type codes


This is the type of product the patient primarily smokes: Cigarette, Cigar, Pipe (MD assumes Cigarette)

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice and Zedmed.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director

Source smoker type code description


This provides a textual description for the smoker type codes based on their source system.

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice and Zedmed.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director

Frequency of smoking code in Source system


The is how often the patient smokes This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Zedmed.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Best Practice

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Frequency of smoking code description


This field describes the codings for the smoker frequency based on their respective source systems.

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Zedmed.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Best Practice

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Table Explanation: This table stores the immediate family details such as their father and mother. It also lists any relevant information regarding a patient’s

immediate family.

General Notes about the data:

This table currently contains only data from practices using Best Practice. MD/ZM only capture this information in free text notes.

Data field Column Name Description Field Codes Comments

Practice Number

Site_PPN This is a number allocated to each individual medical practice within the dataset.

Patient ID Patient_PPN This is a unique number representing an individual patient within the dataset.

Age at Family history record Age_at_Event

This is the patients age when the family history record was added

Presence of significant family history code

No_Significant_Family_History This field provides a code to signify if the patient has had NO significant family history

1 Significant family history

2 No significant family history

Presence of unknown family history

Unknown_Family_History This provides a description if the patient has knowledge about their family history

0 Not Unknown family history

1 Unknown family history (eg. Adopted)

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Father alive indicator

Father_Alive_Flag This indicates if the patients father is alive or deceased

0 Not entered

1 Alive

2 Deceased

Father’s age at death

Father_Age_at_death This is the patients fathers age when they died

Father’s cause of death description

Father_Cause_of_death_Description This provides a description for the reason for the father’s death

Code for Father’s cause of death


This is the condition terminology set code for the cause of death condition for the patients father

Father Alive indicator

Mother_Alive_Flag This indicates if the patients mother is alive or deceased

0 Not entered

1 Alive

2 Deceased

Mother’s age of death

Mother_Age_at_death This is the patients mothers age when they died

Mother’s cause of death description

Mother_Cause_of_death_Description This provides a description for the reason for the mother’s death

Code for Mother’s cause of death


This is the condition terminology set code for the cause of death condition for the patients mother

Patron PATRON_Record_Status This is the patron Record Status code 1 Soft Deleted patient

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Patient Record Status Code

2 Accessible patient record

3 Merged

4 Code Not Provided

8 Newly added record

9 Updated Record

Patron patient record status description

PATRON_Record_Status_Lkp This is the description associated with the patient’s record status code.

Record Creation Date

Record_Created This is the date that the record was created

Record Update Date

Record_Updated This is the date that the record was updated

The name of the source system

Source_System This is the name of the original source system that the record was extracted from

Medical Director

Best Practice


Record Status in Source system

Source_Record Status This indicates if the record is accessible

Record Status description of source system

Source_Record_Status_Lkp This is the source system description for the patient’s Record Status Code.

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Table Explanation: This table stores the family details of a patient and lists the relationship between the patients and other members of their immediate and

extended family.

This table currently contains only data from practices using Best Practice.

Data field Column Name Description Field Codes Comments

Practice Number Site_PPN This is a number allocated to each individual medical practice within the dataset.

Patient ID Patient_PPN This is a unique number representing an individual patient within the dataset.

Unique patient record identifier


This is the unique identified of the record

Age at record capture

Age_at_Event This is the patients age when the family history detail record was added

Patient Relation Code

Relation_Code This indicates the relationship to the patient such as father, mother, stepfather, stepmother, sister, brother etc.

Patient Relation Code Description

Relation_Code_Lkp This field provides a textual description for the relation_codes for Relation_Code

Family relation number field

Relation_Number This is a free-text field that the user can opt to fill in and could be used when indicating siblings, aunts, uncles or cousins to group the conditions to the correct family member when there are multiple

Family condition description

Condition_Description This is the condition description that the user has either selected from a predefined list or free-texted when the options have not met the condition or problem being selected

Family condition code

Condition_Code This is the condition terminology code for the condition that has been selected

Patron Patient Record Status Code


This is the patron Record Status code 1 Soft Deleted patient

2 Accessible patient record

3 Merged

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4 Code Not Provided

8 Newly added record

9 Updated Record

Patron patient record status description


This is the description associated with the patient’s record status code.

Record Creation Date

Record_Created This is the date that the record was created

Record Update Date Record_Updated This is the date that the record was updated

The name of the source system

Source_System This is the name of the original source system that the record was extracted from

Medical Director

Best Practice


Record Status in Source system

Source_Record Status This indicates if the record is accessible

Record Status description of source system


This is the description associated with the patient’s record status code.

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Table Explanation: This table stores the alcohol consumption statistics of a patient.

General Notes about the data:

• This table contains the details of an Alcohol Audit-C (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test) test to determine if the patient has a functional dependence

on alcohol.

Data field Column Name Description Field Codes Comments

Practice Number Site_PPN This is a number allocated to each individual medical practice within the dataset.

Patient ID Patient_PPN This is a unique number representing an individual patient within the dataset.

Record ID Record_ID This is the unique identifier used to uniquely identify a patient’s alcohol intake record. This is exclusive to just one patient.

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Age at Audit C assessment

Age_at_Event This is the patients age when the Alcohol AUDIT-C record was added

Audit C Assessment Date


This is the date the Alcohol AUDIT-C asessment details were updated

Audit C score AUDITC_Score This is the Alcohol AUDIT-C assessment score

Patron Alcohol Frequency coding


This field contains the numerical codings used by the Patron Alcohol frequency coding. 1 Never

2 Monthly or Less

3 2-4 times a month

4 2-3 times a week

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5 4+ times a week

Patron Alcohol Frequency Coding Description


This field specially provides the corresponding descriptions to the numerical codings of the Patron Alcohol frequency coding. The patron alcohol frequency coding is based on the Alcohol AUDIT-C assessment question one.

Patron Standard Drinks per day coding


This field contains the codings used by Patron in order to classify the amount of standard drinks a day consumed by a patient

1 1-2 standard drinks per day

2 3-4 standard drinks per day

3 5-6 standard drinks per day

4 7-9 standard drinks per day

5 10+ standard drinks per day

Patron Standard Drinks per day coding description


This field contains the descriptions to the codings for the classification of the consumption of standard drinks a day. The patron standard drinks per day coding and description is based on the Alcohol Audit-C assessment question two. 0

Patron Alcohol Binge Drinking Code


This field contains the codings for the classification of binge drinking. Binge drinking is classified as having more than six drinks on one occasion.

1 Never

2 Less than Monthly

3 Monthly

4 Weekly

5 Daily or almost daily

Patron Alcohol Binge drinking code


This field provides the descriptions for the classification of bring drink. The codings and their related

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description descriptions are obtains from the Alcohol AUDIT-C question number three.

Patron Patient Record Status Code


This is the patient’s current record status in the EMR system. Source EMR system record status codes have been mapped to Patron record status codes.

1 Soft Deleted patient

2 Accessible patient record

3 Merged

4 Code Not Provided

8 Newly added record

9 Updated Record

Patron patient record status description


This is the description associated with the patient’s record status code.

Record Creation Date

Record_Created This is the date that the patient history record was created

A value of 1800-01-01 for Zedmed records indicates the corresponding field in Zedmed is blank or null. This could be due to the record having been imported into Zedmed from another patient management system. This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Record Update Date

Record_Updated This is the date that the record was updated

The name of the source system

Source_System This is the name of the original source system that the record was extracted from

Medical Director

Best Practice


Source system record status

Source_Record Status

This indicates if the record is accessible

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best

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Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Description of the source system record status


This is the text description of the record status

Alcohol intake frequency in source system


This is the code corresponding to the alcohol intake frequency of the patient in the source system.

This field corresponds with the first question of the Alcohol Audit-C assessment : How often alcohol is consumed?

Alcohol intake frequency in the source system code lookup


This is a lookup field that provides a description to the codes used to provide an answer to the alcohol intake frequency of the patient in the source system

Number of standard drinks consumed in a day


This is the code corresponding to the recorded number of standard alcoholic drinks a day taken by a patient in the source system.

This field corresponds with the second question of the Alcohol Audit-C assessment : Number of standard drinks per day?

Number of standard drinks consumed code lookup


This is the lookup field that provides a description to the codes used to provide an answer to the number of alcohol drinks consumed by a patient in a day in the source system.

Number of occasions a patient binge drinks on one occasion


This is the code corresponding to the number of times a patient has been binge drinking ( more than 6 drinks) on one occasion in the source system.

This field corresponds with the third question of the Alcohol Audit-C assessment: How often having 6+ drinks on one occasion

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Number of occasions a patient binge drinks on one occasion


This is the lookup field that provides a description to the codes used to provide an answer to the number of times a patient binge drinks on one occasion in the source system.

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Table Explanation: This table provides detail about the investigations that were ordered by a clinician and the type of investigation that was ordered. This provides

various details about the investigation such as when the investigation was requested, its type, and the name of those investigations.

General Notes about the data:

Data field Column Name Description Field Codes Comments

Practice Number Site_PPN This is a number allocated to each individual medical practice within the dataset.

Patient ID Patient_PPN This is a unique number representing an individual patient within the dataset.

Investigation request ID

Request_ID This is a unique identifying number that identifies a unique investigation request made by a clinician

Visit_ID Visit_ID This is a unique identifying number assigned to each visit to the clinic for each patient.

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed & Medical Director

Age at investigation request

Age_at_Event This is the age of the patient from the date that the investigation was requested.

Investigation request date

Request_Date This is the date in which the request for an investigation was submitted. This is usually the same day as the patient’s visit to the clinic/hospital.

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Request type code Request_Type The code entered indicates the type of request by the clinician.

0 imaging/pathology pre 2005

1 Pathology

2 Imaging

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed and Best Practice.

Name of request type code

Request_Test_Names List of tests requested; includes selected and free text items

Patron fasting code PATRON_Request_Fasting_flag

This is the patient’s fasting code in the Patron system. 0 Not Recorded

1 Fasting

2 Not Fasting

Patron fasting code description


This provides the description to the Patron patient fasting code

Patron Patient Record Status Code


This is the patient’s current record status in the EMR system. Source EMR system record status codes have been mapped to Patron record status codes.

1 Soft Deleted patient

2 Accessible patient record

3 Merged

4 Code Not Provided

8 Newly added record

9 Updated Record

Patron patient record status description


This is the description associated with the patient’s record status code.

Record Creation Date

Record_Created This is the date that the patient history record was created

A value of 1800-01-01 for Zedmed records indicates the corresponding field in Zedmed is blank or null. This could be due to the record having

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been imported into Zedmed from another patient management system. This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Record Update Date

Record_Updated This is the date that the record was updated This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Name of source system

Source_System This is the name of the original source system that the record was extracted from

Medical Director

Best Practice


Source system record status

Source_Record Status This indicates if the record is accessible

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Description of the source system record status


This is the text description of the record status This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Fasting status for test


This indicates if the patient need to fast before the test or not

0 No fasting option selected

1 Fasting

2 Non-fasting

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed & Medical Director

Description of fasting status for


This provides the textual description for the codes used to indicate if a patient needs to fast

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be

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test before a test null for records that are used by Zedmed & Medical Director

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Table Description : This table provides a description and information regarding the billings and the dates associated when the bill was created. It also contains a

description of the MBS items that were provided to the patient.

General Notes about the data:

Data field Column Name Description Field Codes Comments

Practice Number Site_PPN This is a number allocated to each individual medical practice within the dataset.

Patient ID Patient_PPN This is a unique number representing an individual patient within the dataset.

Service ID Service_ID This is a number which is used to uniquely identify each time a patient has a billable transaction with the clinic

Visit ID Visit_ID This is a number that is used to uniquely identify each time a patient visits a clinic.

Multiple visits to a clinic in a day may have the same visitID as the doctor/clinic has the option of amending the visit details for that day in all patient management systems.

Age at billing Age_at_Event This is the age of the patient at the time of MBS billing

Date of service provision

Service_Date This is the date in which the billable service was provided to the customer.

If there is no associated date recorded in the patient management system,the corresponding field will display a date of “1800-01-01”

MBS Item number MBS_Item This is the MBS item number that was provided during the visit to the clinic

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Description of service rendered

Service_Description This is the service description. Where there is an MBS Item number this will usually be the MBS Item description. Data only for BP at the moment.

Patron Service Status code


This is the patron service status code associated with the visit to the clinic that has incurred an MBS cost. 1 Provided

2 Cancelled

3 Unknown

Patron Service Status code description


This field provides a description to the Patron service code associated with the MBS cost.

Patron Patient Record Status Code


This is the patient’s current record status in the EMR system. Source EMR system record status codes have been mapped to Patron record status codes.

1 Soft Deleted patient

2 Accessible patient record

3 Merged

4 Code Not Provided

8 Newly added record

9 Updated Record

Patron patient record status description


This is the description associated with the patient’s record status code.

Record Creation Date

Record_Created This is the date that the patient history record was created

Record Update Date

Record_Updated This is the date that the record was updated

Name of source system

Source_System This is the name of the original source system that the record was extracted from

Medical Director

Best Practice


Record Status in Source system

Source_Record Status This indicates if the record is accessible This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be

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null for records that are used by Zedmed

Record Status description of source system


This is the source system description for the patient’s Record Status Code.

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Service Status code of source system

Source_Service_Status This field provides the service status codes of the source system

Service status code description of source system


This field provides the service status coding description according to the source systems.


Table Description: This table provides a description and information regarding the workforce in every practice. It contains details about staff roles and for clinical

staff flags whether they have prescriber and provider numbers as well if the clinician has a registration number or not.

General Notes about the data:

• The Practice Worker Type is linked to the Encounters table to allow researchers to understand the type of clinician a patient has visited.

Data field Column Name Description Field Codes Comments

Practice Number Site_PPN This is a number allocated to each individual medical practice within the dataset.

Worker ID Worker_PPN This is a unique number representing an individual worker within the dataset.

Worker type Patron code

PATRON_Worker_Type PATRON Worker Type Code Refer Appendix 1: PATRON Worker Type Codes

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Worker type Patron code description


This is the corresponding code for the worker type in Patron

Worker Status Patron Code


This provides a text description for the Worker status patron code

0 Not Recorded

1 Active

2 Inactive

3 Unknown

4 Deleted

999 External Vendor

Worker status patron code description


This is the description for the Patron Worker status code.

Provider Number present indicator

Provider_Number_flag If the worker has a provider number in the source EMR this field will be 'Y'

Prescriber Number present indicator


If the worker has a prescriber number in the source EMR this field will be 'Y'

State registration number present indicator


If the worker has a state registration number in the source EMR this field will be 'Y'

Patron Patient Record Status Code


This is the patient’s current record status in the EMR system. Source EMR system record status codes have been mapped to Patron record status codes.

1 Soft Deleted patient

2 Accessible patient record

3 Merged

4 Code Not Provided

8 Newly added record

9 Updated Record

Patron patient record status description


This is the description associated with the patient’s record status code.

Record Creation Date

Record_Created This is the date that the record was created

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Record Update Date

Record_Updated This is the date that the record was updated

Name of Source system

Source_System This is the name of the original source system that the record was extracted from

Medical Director

Best Practice


Record Status deletion in Source system

Source_Record Status This indicates if the worker record is currently active

Record status lookup


This field provides a description to if the worker record is currently active or not.

Worker description in source system

Source_Worker_Type This is the type of worker eg. Doctor, Nurse, Practice Manager

Worker role description in source system

Source_Worker_Roles This is the worker access role assigned in Zedmed (ZM only). This is used to map to a PATRON Worker Type if no Worker Type has been assigned.

This field is used exclusively by Zedmed.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Best Practice.

Worker record status in source system

Source_Worker_Status This shows if the worker (record) is active / inactive / deleted

Worker record status code description


This is the description to the worker record status code.

Date of worker record inactivation

Worker_Inactive_Date This is the date a workerecord was made inactive (BP only) This field is used exclusively by Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Zedmed.

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Table Description: This table has the patient’s last cervical screening details, if the GP has manually added this information. Pathology investigations should be

checked as well.

General Notes about the data: This table has the flags that indicate if a patient no longer requires screening or has opted out of screening (option in BP only).

Data field Column Name Description Field Codes Comments

Site_PPN Practice Number This is a number allocated to each individual medical practice within the dataset.

Patient_PPN Patient ID This is a unique number representing an individual patient within the dataset.

Record ID Record_ID This is the ID used to uniquely identify each cervical screening record

Patient age at cervical screening

Age_at_Event This is the patients age when the most recent screen was manually recorded

Flag for screening not required


Patient no longer requires cervical screening: 0 = Required, 1 = Not Required

Patient opt out of cervical screening

Screening_OptOut Patient opt out of cervical screening This field is used exclusively by Best Practice. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by MD and Zedmed

Optout reason for cervical screening


Patient opt out of cervical screening reason This field is used exclusively by Best Practice. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by MD and Zedmed

Date of last cervical screen

Last_Screening_Date This is the most recent screening data manually recorded

Patron cervical screening result code

PATRON_Result_Code This is the Patron result code used to categorise a cervical screening result.

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Patron cervical screening result code description


This field provides a description to the corresponding Patron result code which is used to categorise a cervical screening result.

Patron Patient Record Status Code


This is the patient’s current record status in the EMR system. Source EMR system record status codes have been mapped to Patron record status codes.

1 Soft Deleted patient

2 Accessible patient record

3 Merged

4 Code Not Provided

8 Newly added record

9 Updated Record

Patron patient record status description


This is the description associated with the patient’s record status code.

Record Creation Date


This is the date that the record was created

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Record Update Date


This is the date that the record was updated

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Name of Source system

Source_System This is the name of the original source system that the record was extracted from

Medical Director

Best Practice


Record Status Source code in system

Source_Record Status This indicates if the cervical screening record is currently active or inactive.

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Record status Source_Record_Status This field provides a description to if the cervical screening

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description in source system

_Lkp record is currently active or not.

Result code in source system

Source_Result_Code This is the result code of ther cervical screening test (refer lookup values)

Result code description in source system


This is the result description of ther cervical screening test


Table Description: This table has the patients individual cervical screening records and results if the GP has manually added this information. Pathology

investigations should be checked as well.

Data field Column Name Description Field Codes Comments

Site_PPN Practice Number This is a number allocated to each individual medical practice within the dataset.

Patient_PPN Patient ID This is a unique number representing an individual patient within the dataset.

Record ID Record_ID This is the ID used to uniquely identify each cervical screening record

Age at cervical screening

Age_at_Event This is the age of the patient at the time of the pap smear test. The age is calculated at the time of extract based upon the patients DOB and the Year that the condition was advised it occurred within

Date of screening date

Screening_Date This is the date that the cervical screening test was done

Patron Cervical Screening result code

PATRON_Result_Code This is the Patron result code used to categorise a cervical screening result.

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Patron Cervical Screening result code description


This field provides a description to the corresponding Patron result code which is used to categorise a cervical screening result.

Pap or CST flag Screening_PAP_or_CST This is a flag that indicates if the test was a papsmear or a cervical screening test 0 = Pap, 1 = CST

0 Pap

1 CST This field is used exclusively by Zedmed and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director

HPV result flag Result_HPV This is the Pap Smear HPV result: 0 = N, 1 = Y In zedmed you can find it thought the the select statement and it returns 3 values for PAPSMEARHPV: Yes, No, Unassigned.

0 No

1 Yes

EndocervicalCells result flag


This is the Pap Smear endocervical cells result: 0 = N, 1 = Y

0 No

1 Yes

HPV16 result flag Result_HPV16 This is the CST HPV 16 result: 0 = NR, 1 = Yes, 2 = No

0 NR

1 Yes

2 No

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Zedmed

HPV18 result flag Result_HPV18 This is the CST HPV 18 result: 0 = NR, 1 = Yes, 2 = No

0 NR

1 Yes

2 No

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Zedmed

HPVOther result flag

Result_HPVOther This is the CST HPV Other result: 0 = NR, 1 = Yes, 2 = No

0 NR

1 Yes

2 No

This field is used exclusively by Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Medical Director and Zedmed

Patron Patient Record Status Code


This is the patient’s current record status in the EMR system. Source EMR system record status codes have been mapped to

1 Soft Deleted patient

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Patron record status codes.

2 Accessible patient record

3 Merged

4 Code Not Provided

8 Newly added record

9 Updated Record

Patron patient record status description


This is the description associated with the patient’s record status


Record Creation Date


This is the date that the record was created

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Record Update Date


This is the date that the record was updated

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Name of Source system

Source_System This is the name of the original source system that the record was extracted from

Medical Director

Best Practice


Record Status Source code in system

Source_Record Status This indicates if the cervical screening record is currently active or inactive.

Record status description in source system


This field provides a description to if the cervical screening record is currently active or not.

Result code in source system

Source_Result_Code This is the result code of the cervical screening test (refer lookup values)

Result code description in source system


This is the result description of ther cervical screening test

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TABLE NAME: Socio-Economic Index For Areas Summary (SEIFA_SUMM)

Table Explanation: This table provides information about the Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) based on the patient’s postcode recorded in the electronic

medical record.

General Notes about the data:

• Information about the patient’s socio-economic status is linked by using the patient’s postcode.

Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) is a product developed by the ABS that ranks areas in Australia according to relative socio-economic advantage and

disadvantage. The indexes are based on information from the five-yearly Census.

SEIFA 2016 is the latest version of this product and consists of four indexes:

* the Index of Relative Socio-economic Disadvantage (IRSD)

* the Index of Relative Socio-economic Advantage and Disadvantage (IRSAD)

* the Index of Economic Resources (IER)

* the Index of Education and Occupation (IEO)

The Deciles provide a ranking of all areas from lowest to highest score, the lowest 10% of areas are given a decile number of 1 up to the highest 10% of areas which

are given a decile number of 10. This means that areas are divided up into ten groups, depending on their score. Decile 1 is the most disadvantaged relative to the

other deciles. Note that the area-based deciles contain equal number of areas not people.

Refer to SEIFA web site for more information:

Data field Column Name Description Field Codes Comments

Practice Number Site_PPN This is a number allocated to each individual medical practice within the dataset.

Patient ID Patient_PPN This is a unique number representing an individual patient within the dataset.

SEIFA creation year SEIFA_Year This is the year of the Census data from which SEIFA has been created (currently 2016).

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Socio-Economic disadvantage index

IRSD_Decile Index of Relative Socio-economic Disadvantage (given in Decile)

Socio-Economic advantage index

IRSAD_Decile Index of Relative Socio-economic Advantage and Disadvantage (Decile)

Economic Resources Index

IER_Decile Index of Economic Resources (given in Decile)

Education & Occupation Index

IEO_Decile Index of Education and Occupation (given in Decile)

Data caution flag Caution_flag This flag indicates that the Data should be used with caution - area not well represented by SA1s Y

Yes – caution needs to be used when interpreting data

N No – caution does not need to be exercised when interpreting the data

POA state boundary flag


This flag indicates that the postal area (POA) crosses state or territory boundaries.

Y Yes – postal area crosses state or territory boundaries

N No – postal area does not cross state or territory boundaries

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Table Explanation: This table provides details about any documents such as referrals in, letters and discharge summaries that have been received by the clinic.

General Notes about the data:

• This table only provides information about documents being received by the clinic, any documents or correspondence sent out by the clinic is not included

in this table.

Data field Column Name Description Field Codes Comments

Practice Number Site_PPN This is a number allocated to each individual medical practice within the dataset.

Patient ID Patient_PPN This is a unique number representing an individual patient within the dataset.

Age of patient at document creation

Age_at_Document This is the age of the patient when the document was created.

Date of document Document_Date This provides the date of which the document was created

Type of document Document_Type This is the type of document as specified in the source system.

Category of Document Document_Category The document category as specified in the source system. The document categories in each source system are different to one another and may be labelled differently.

Subject of Document Document_Subject This is the subject of the document as recorded by the clinician.

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Zedmed .Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Best Practice

Patron Patient Record Status Code


This is the patient’s current record status in the EMR system. Source EMR system record status codes have been mapped to Patron record status codes.

1 Soft Deleted patient

2 Accessible patient record

3 Merged

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4 Code Not Provided

8 Newly added record

9 Updated Record

Patron patient record status description


This is the description associated with the patient’s record status code.

Record Creation Date Record_Created

This is the date that the record was created

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Record Update Date Record_Updated

This is the date that the record was updated

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Name of Source system Source_System This is the name of the original source system that the record was extracted from

Medical Director

Best Practice


Name of Source table Source_Table This field provides the table name where the original data originated from

Date of document deletion Source_Delete_Date Provides the date when the document was deleted This field is used exclusively by Zedmed . Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Best Practice and Medical Director.

Record Status Source code in system

Source_Record Status This indicates if the cervical screening record is currently active or inactive.

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Record status description in source system


This field provides a description to if the cervical screening record is currently active or not.

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Table Explanation: This table provides details about any documents such as Referrals out, Care plans, and Medical Certificates that have been sent by the practice

to external recipients.

Data field Column Name Description Field Codes Comments

Practice Number Site_PPN This is a number allocated to each individual medical practice within the dataset.

Patient ID Patient_PPN This is a unique number representing an individual patient within the dataset.

Age of patient at document creation

Age_at_Document This is the age of the patient when the document was created.

Date of document Document_Date This provides the date of which the document was created

Type of document Document_Type This is the type of document as specified in the source system.

Category of Document Document_Category The document category as specified in the source system. The document categories in each source system are different to one another and may be labelled differently.

Subject of Document Document_Subject This is the subject of the document as recorded by the clinician.

Patron Patient Record Status Code


This is the patient’s current record status in the EMR system. Source EMR system record status codes have been mapped to Patron record status codes.

1 Soft Deleted patient

2 Accessible patient record

3 Merged

4 Code Not Provided

8 Newly added record

9 Updated Record

Patron patient record status description


This is the description associated with the patient’s record status code.

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Record Creation Date Record_Created

This is the date that the record was created

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Record Update Date Record_Updated

This is the date that the record was updated

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Name of Source system Source_System This is the name of the original source system that the record was extracted from

Medical Director

Best Practice


Name of Source table Source_Table This field provides the table name where the original data originated from

Date of document deletion Source_Delete_Date Provides the date when the document was deleted This field is used exclusively by Zedmed. Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Best Practice and Medical Director.

Record Status Source code in system

Source_Record Status This indicates if the cervical screening record is currently active or inactive.

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Record status description in source system


This field provides a description to if the cervical screening record is currently active or not.

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Table Explanation: This table provides details about shared health summaries and event summaries that have been uploaded to MyHealthRecord.

Data field Column Name Description Field Codes Comments

Practice Number Site_PPN This is a number allocated to each individual medical practice within the dataset.

Patient ID Patient_PPN This is a unique number representing an individual patient within the dataset.

Age of patient at document creation

Age_at_Document This is the age of the patient when the document was created.

Date of document Document_Date This provides the date of which the document was created

Type of document Document_Type This is the type of document as specified in the source system.

Category of Document Document_Category The document category as specified in the source system. The document categories in each source system are different to one another and may be labelled differently.

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Zedmed .Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Best Practice

Subject of Document Document_Subject This is the subject of the document as recorded by the clinician.

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Zedmed .Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Best Practice

Patron Patient Record Status Code


This is the patient’s current record status in the EMR system. Source EMR system record status codes have been mapped to Patron record status codes.

1 Soft Deleted patient

2 Accessible patient record

3 Merged

4 Code Not Provided

8 Newly added record

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9 Updated Record

Patron patient record status description


This is the description associated with the patient’s record status code.

Record Creation Date Record_Created

This is the date that the record was created

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Record Update Date Record_Updated

This is the date that the record was updated

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Name of Source system Source_System This is the name of the original source system that the record was extracted from

Medical Director

Best Practice


Name of Source table Source_Table This field provides the table name where the original data originated from

Date of document deletion Source_Delete_Date Provides the date when the document was deleted This field is null for all fields.

Record Status Source code in system

Source_Record Status This indicates if the cervical screening record is currently active or inactive.

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

Record status description in source system


This field provides a description to if the cervical screening record is currently active or not.

This field is used exclusively by Medical Director and Best Practice.Therefore, this field will be null for records that are used by Zedmed

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Table Explanation: The patient adjunct table provides pathology results in a numeric value as well as providing various other details, such as the patient’s active

status and the last export date for the patient’s clinical data.

Data field Column Name Description Field Codes Comments

Practice Number Site_PPN This is a number allocated to each individual medical practice within the dataset.

Patient ID Patient_PPN This is a unique number representing an individual patient within the dataset.

Previous date of extract Last_Export_Date This is the date when the record was last extracted

EMR active patient flag Active_Last_Export This field is a flag to indicate if the patient was flagged as active by the EMR during the last date of export

0 Inactive patient

1 Active Patient

RACGP active patient flag RACGP_Active_Last_Export This field is a flag to indicate if the patient was flagged as active using the RACGP definition of active patients

RACGP Active patient flag at 1/7/2020

RACGP_Active_20200701 The patient’s RACGP active patient flag at the first of August 2020.

RACGP Active patient flag at 1/01/2021

RACGP_Active_20210101 The patient’s RACGP active patient flag at the first of January 2021.

CKD condition flag Condition_CKD This is a flag to show if the patient has been diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease.

TIA condition flag Condition_TIA This is a flag to show if the patient has been diagnosed with Transient ischemic attack.

AF condition flag Condition_AF This is a flag to show if the patient has been diagnosed with Atrial fibrillation.

eGFR pathology result value Pathology_eGFR_Value This is the patient’s most recent eGFR pathology result value

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Date of eGFR pathology test Pathology_eGFR_Date This is the date of the patient’s most recent eGFR pathology test

Hba1c pathology result value Pathology_HbA1c_Value This is the patient’s most recent Hba1c pathology result value

Date of Hba1c pathology result Pathology_HbA1c_Date This is the date in which the patient’s most recent Hba1c pathology test was carried out.

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The PATRON Worker Types are based on the categories defined by AIHW for use in the Indigenous OSR OCHREStreams Reporting

Codes have been assigned per worker type category and in the reporting order used by AIHW.

Codes Category

000 - 100 General Clinical

101 - 200 Medical specialists

201 - 300 Social & Emotional Well-Being staff / Counsellors

301 - 400 Allied health professionals

401 - 500 Administration

501 - Other

Lookup Code General Clinical

Lookup Code Medical specialists

1 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker (ATSIHW) 101 Paediatrician

2 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioner 102 Endocrinologist

3 Doctor – General Practitioner 103 Ophthalmologist

4 Nurses 104 Obstetrician / Gynaecologist

5 Midwives 105 Ear nose and throat specialist

6 Substance misuse / Drug and alcohol worker 106 Cardiologist

7 Tobacco worker / Coordinator 107 Renal Medicine specialist

8 Dentists / Dental therapists 108 Psychiatrist / Psychiatric register

9 Dental support (e.g. dental assistant / dental technician) 109 Dermatologist

10 Sexual health worker 110 Surgeon

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11 Traditional healer 111 Specialist other or not specified

12 Other health / Clinical staff

Social & Emotional Well-Being staff / Counsellors Allied health professionals

201 Psychologist 301 Audiologist / Audiometrist

202 Counsellor 302 Diabetes educator

203 Social worker 303 Dietician

204 Welfare worker 304 Optometrist

205 SEWB staff – Link Up caseworker 305 Pharmacist

206 SEWB staff other or not specified 306 Physiotherapist

307 Podiatrist

308 Speech pathologist

309 Allied health other or not specified

Administration Other

401 Practice manager 501 Transport

402 Office manager 502 Other

403 Senior receptionist 503 Unknown

404 Receptionist 405 Junior receptionist 999 External Vendor

406 Administration 407 Other Admin

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This table provides a summary of known data issues and, where possible, when they have been fixed in the PATRON dataset.

These issues are also mentioned in the table by table sections

Table Field CIS Issue Description Workaround Date Fixed

Alcohol Frequency Binge Drinks Std Drinks per Day

BP/MD Missing BP AUDITC table and MD_Measure > Measurement_Details to be added to extract.

None but AUDITC score is captured

Nov 2020

Documents Various fields ALL Missing or Nulled

We can't provide a complete data view for this at the moment.

View not provided yet.

Encounter Reason

Reason BP/MD Nulled Is nulled if the condition code is empty (or 0, indicating free text). This check needs to be removed at extract and the field added to the anonymisation routine.

None Nov 2020

Family History Condition MD/ZM No field MD/ZM only capture this information in free text notes

NA unless we would look at NLP

Immunisations Batch ZM Missing Batch not extracted. Will be added to extract. None Nov 2020

Investigation Requests

Reason for Request (Reason, Clinical_Notes)

MD/ZM Nulled Field empty. This check needs to be removed at extract and the field added to the anonymisation routine.

None (needed for COVID research)

Investigation Requests

Test Names (FreeTextItem)

BP Nulled Field empty. This check needs to be removed at extract and the field added to the anonymisation routine.

None Nov 2020

Medications Frequency ZM No field This information is included with dosage; it is not separated as per BP/MD

None. We will look at options for how we might separate it.

Medications Generic Name ZM No field Possibly look up MIMS files externally.

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Medications Strength MD Missing Look up the MD_AZDEX file externally

Medications Strength ZM No field This information is included with the medication name (SHORT_DESC); it is not separated as per BP/MD

None. We will look at options for how we might separate it.

Observations Attribute MD Missing The Attribute code determines if an HbA1C result units is % or mmol/mol 0 = %, 1 = mmol/mol

If result >20, then assume this is in units of mmol/mol (otherwise likely to be %).

Nov 2020

Past History Condition MD Nulled Is nulled if the condition code is empty (or 0, indicating free text). This check needs to be removed at extract and the field added to the anonymisation routine.

None Nov 2020

Services (MBS) Service Description (Notes, Short_Description)

MD/ZM Missing This is the MBS Item description The MBS Item can be looked up online or via BP data

Nov 2020

Smoking Assessment Date BP No field BP does not capture Smoking Assessment date as a separate field. Unfortunately the Record Created/Updated fields cannot be used either - these fields are affected by changes to any data area that shares the same dialogue box ie. Smoking/ Alcohol/ Occupation/ Social Hist/ Family Hist