Patriarchs of Ch’an - Kathleen Moore 2: Mahākāśyapa •1st patriarch of Buddhism • Inherited...


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Patriarchs of Ch’an/Zen


Founder: Shākyamuni• 563-483 BCE• Shākyamuni is the

historical Buddha• Born in India• Left home at 29• Attained Enlightenment in

his 30s • Taught about 40 years• Entered Nirvana when he

was about 80 years old• Left a legacy of teachings

Patriarch 2: Mahākāśyapa

• 1st patriarch of Buddhism

• Inherited ShākyamuniBuddha’s Dharma through wordless transmission.

• The Buddha passed to him the robe and bowl

Patriarch 28 (1): Bodhidharma• Died ca. 533 CE• 28th Patriarch in India • 1st Patriarch in China. • Arrived in China from

India (520)• Meditated at near Loyang• Transmitted the mind-

seal Dharma to the 2nd Chinese Patriarch, HuiKo.

• Taught at Shao-lin.

Patriarch 29 (2): Hui-k’o

• 487-593 CE• 2nd Patriarch in China

(29th Patriarch since Shakyamuni Buddha)

• Knelt before Bodhidharma for 9 years

• Cut off his arm to show his sincerity before the Patriarch transmitted the mind-seal Dharma to him.

Patriarch 30 (3): Seng-ts’an• Died ca. 606 CE• 3rd Patriarch in China• 30th Patriarch since

Shakyamuni• Author of “Relying on

Mind” (Hsin hsinming).

• Entered Nirvana while swinging on the branch of a tree.

Patriarch 31 (4): Dao Xin

• 580-651 CE• 4th Patriarch in China• 31st Patriarch since


Patriarch 32 (5): Hung Ren

• 601-678 CE• 5th Patriarch in China• 32nd Patriarch since

Shakyamuni• Said to have

transmitted the mind seal to Hui Nengwhile he was still a layman

Patriarch 33 (6): Hui Neng• 638-713 CE• 6th Patriarch in China• 33rd Patriarch since

Shakyamuni• Received the mind seal

from the 5th Patriarch in a secret transmission

• Said to be the author of the “Platform Sutra” even though illiterate

Hui Neng• Illiterate wood-cutter• From South China• Studied Diamond Sutra

with 5th Patriarch Hung Ren

• Worked in monastery kitchen

• Selected as Dharma Successor over ShenHsiu, Hung Ren’s senior student.

Shen Hsiu’s Poem

The body is the BodhiTree,

The mind is like a bright mirror’s stand

At all times we must strive to polish it

And must not let dust collect.

Hui Neng’s Poem

Bodhi originally has no tree;

The bright mirror also has no stand.

Fundamentally there is not a single thing—

Where could dust arise?

Hui Neng Becomes Patriarch

• Hung Ren denigrates Hui Neng’s poem publicly

• Hung Ren names him his successor and gives Bodhidharma’srobe as a sign

• Hui Neng leaves temple secretly

Sudden vs. Gradual

• These verses used in Zen monasteries to teach the difference between “sudden” vs. “gradual” enlightenment.

• Shen Hsiu’s poem thought to illustrate “gradual” enlightenment

• Hui Neng’s poem illustrates “sudden” enlightenment

“Northern” vs. “Southern” Ch’an

• Although Shen Hsiu is said to have lost the competition, he became a well known teacher

• He went on to establish a lineage later called the “Northern” School

• Was received by Empress Wu• His teaching was popular among the

educated elites

“Northern” vs. “Southern” Ch’an

• The term “Northern” School was originally pejorative—meant to differentiate from the so-called “Southern” School

• The monk Shen Hui (670-762) began attacks on Shen Hsiu and the Northern School.

• Shen Hui accused Shen Hsiu of usurping the title of 6th Patriarch

“Northern” vs. “Southern” Ch’an

• Shen Hui accused Shen Hsiu of promoting “gradual” enlightenment as opposed to HuiNeng’s “sudden” enlightenment teachings

• According to Shen Hui, true enlightenment was a sudden breakthrough to “no-mind”

• Although the distinction between “gradual” and “sudden” was false, it became associated with the Northern and Southern Schools

Shen Hui (670-762)

• Shen Hui had reasons for attacking ShenHsiu and the Northern School

• The greatest of these was undoubtedly self-interest

• Some of his attacks were unscrupulous• Criticized Shen Hsiu’s success among the

elites, but himself became a successful fund raiser selling “monk certificates”

Platform Sutra

• The Platform Sutra was instrumental in promoting Shen Hui’s Southern School

• The legend of Hui Neng is created and promoted through the Sutra

• It had the politcal aim of establishing HuiNeng as the 6th Patriarch and Shen Hui as the 7th.

• The Sutra draws on a variety of canonical Indian sutras

Platform Sutra, cont.

• Sutra provides a story of how a “barbarian” from the south became the Patriarch even before becoming a monk

• The meaning is clear: Anyone can attain liberation in Ch’an, regardless of learning or status

• This made Ch’an Buddhism a universal doctrine and practice open to all who seek an end to suffering