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Patient Participation Group Report 2014-15

Practice Name: Cavendish Health Centre

Practice Code: E87745

1. Prerequisite of Enhanced Service – Develop/Maintain a Patient Participation Group (PPG)

Does the Practice have a PPG? Yes

Method(s) of engagement with PPG: Face to face meetings and email communication

Number of members of PPG: 15…..

Detail the gender mix of practice Detail of age mix of practice population and

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population and PPG:

% Male FemalePractice 49.73% 50.27%PRG 20% 80%


% <16







> 75










PRG - - 6.66%

- 13.33%




Detail the ethnic background of your practice population and PRG:

White Mixed/ multiple ethnic groupsBritish


Gypsy or Irish traveller

Other white

White &black Caribbean

White &black African

White &Asian

Other mixed


49% 2% - 26% All coded in ‘Other mixed’


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PRG 73.33%


- 6.67%

All coded in ‘Other mixed’

Asian/Asian British Black/African/Caribbean/Black



Indian Pakistani






Other Black


Any other / undisclosed


5% 1% 1% 3% 2% 1% 1% - - 5%

PRG - - - - - - - - - 13.33%

Describe steps taken to ensure that the PPG is representative of the practice population in terms of gender, age and ethnic background and other members of the practice population:

Our PPG formed in 2011. It originally had 12 members but due to circumstances and

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commitments some of the members dropped out and in March 2012 we had 7 members. Through advertising and word of mouth we increased our PPG to consist of 10 patients by March 2013, and 11 members by March 2014. We now have 15 members which is really positive.

We originally sought patient volunteers through the following means and we continue to do so:

Posters in the surgery Practice leaflet Practice website Patients invited by clinicians to join Annual patient questionnaire invites patients to join PPG Practice staff Message on the automatic patient check in

Since last year we have also introduced a new patient registration form which asks patients if they are interested in joining our PPG. Through this question we have recruited two new members. We have also contacted a further 6 patients that have expressed an interest and are awaiting a response. This seems to be an effective way

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to advertise our PPG and recruit new members.

We also recruited 3 new members through one of our ‘Ask the Expert’ patient events in February. 1 PPG member has left the group due to personal circumstances in the last year.

We continue to work on expanding our PPG and making it more representative. Through the latest patient survey we have had 5 patients express an interest in joining the PPG. These patients have been contacted and we are awaiting a response.

The PPG has always recognised that it is not truly representative of our patient population and it is a constant discussion point during our meetings. Our aim is to increase our group and make the group more representative.

In terms of gender our patient population is very evenly distributed, with 49.73% male patients and 50.27% female patients. We do have a higher percentage of female members in our PPG, with 80% and 20% male members.

We are aware that we need more PPG members of working age as 46.2% of our Page 5 of 26

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patients are in the 20 – 29 age brackets and 30-39 age brackets, although since last year we have recruited a member that does fall into that age bracket, making the group slightly more representative with 6.67%. Just fewer than 60% of our PPG are over 65 years old, although this age group makes up 11.4% of our patient population. However, the PPG and the Practice understand that by definition the people who may have the time to give are those who are not working i.e. are retirement age.

Our PPG has members that are predominantly ‘White British’ (73.33%) and in terms of ethnicity, the group needs to be more representative of other ethnicity backgrounds. The question on the new patient questionnaire seems to appealing to all patients which is positive.

We have a lower than expected prevalence of most health conditions so the group is mostly representative.

The PPG and the Practice continues to promote and encourage patients to join the group.

Are there any specific characteristics of your practice population which means Page 6 of 26

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that other groups should be included in the PPG? e.g. a large student population, significant number of jobseekers, large numbers of nursing homes, or a LGBT community?


If you have answered yes, please outline measures taken to include those specific groups and whether those measures were successful:

We are keen to encourage young mothers to join as they make up a significant proportion of our population. Last year, one of our Partners gave out patient surveys and invited patients to join the PPG during baby clinic one week. We did have one patient that expressed an interest but sadly did not join the group. Our health visitor and GP have been promoting the PPG during baby clinic during February and March again this year. The PPG and Practice understand that it may be very difficult for new mothers to have the time to attend meetings and / or contribute to discussions even by email. We will keep on promoting this.

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2. Review of patient feedback

Outline the sources of feedback that were reviewed during the year:

2013/14 Patient Survey results and our agreed Action Plan Complaints NHS Choices comments Written feedback received Friends and Family Test results and comments Feedback from patient events: ‘Ask the Experts: Dementia awareness session’ (6

October 2014) and ‘Ask the Experts: Understanding how the NHS is Changing’ (23 February 2015)

2014/15 Patient Survey results

How frequently were these reviewed with the PRG?

2013/14 Patient Survey results and Action PlanResults were discussed in February 2014 and action plan agreed.Discussed during PPG meetings throughout the year

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ComplaintsDiscussed February 2014, January 2015, March 2015

NHS Choices commentsDiscussed February 2014, January 2015, March 2015

Written feedbackDiscussed February 2014, January 2015, March 2015

Friends and Family TestDiscussed January 2015

Patient Events (joint with Marylebone Health Centre)Ask the Experts: Dementia Awareness – 6 October 2014Ask the Experts: Understanding how the NHS is Changing (Whole Systems Integrated Care Programme) – 23 February 2015

2014/15 Patient SurveyDiscussed March 2015 and agreed an action plan for the coming year

We will continue to review patient feedback with our PPG throughout 2015/16.

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3. Action plan priority areas and implementation

Priority area 1Description of priority area:

Reduce the number of complaints regarding blood testsWe have received comments on NHS Choices about our blood test request system. Currently the exact issue is not clear which is why we need a further review of our system.

What actions were taken to address the priority?

Clinical risk assessmentWe set up a clinical risk assessment with our medical indemnity provider on 27 January 2015 with an external facilitator from the MPS. We asked the facilitator to focus particularly on our blood test system. Representatives from all teams were included; doctors, nurses, and administrators.

We are awaiting the results of the risk assessment. We will then discuss at the next staff meeting and implement changes.

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Improved patient communicationWe intend to provide patients with written information about the system when they arrive for their blood test.

Result of actions and impact on patients and carers (including how publicised):

Poster with action plan is displayed in the Practice and on our website.

We hope to see an improvement in the understanding of how our blood test system works, with fewer complaints received from patients.

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Priority area 2Description of priority area:

Improve the repeat prescription request processAlthough we have not had many formal complaints about this, this is often a point of frustration for patients, staff and pharmacies as prescription requests go missing or prescriptions are not ready on time and we need to resolve this.What actions were taken to address the priority?

Clinical risk assessmentWe set up a clinical risk assessment with our medical indemnity provider on 27 January 2015 with an external facilitator from the MPS. We asked the facilitator to focus particularly on our repeat prescription request process. Representatives from all teams were included; doctors, nurses, and administrators.We are awaiting the results of the risk assessment. We will then discuss at the next staff meeting and implement changes.

Electronic Prescribing (EPS2)We went live with EPS2 (Electronic Prescribing) on 26 March 2015, which means a reduction in paper so less opportunity for things to go missing.

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Electronic request system for PharmaciesWe are working with local pharmacies to introduce an electronic prescription request system.

In-house review by a doctorOne of our trainee doctors is going to review the system after we go live with EPS2.Result of actions and impact on patients and carers (including how publicised):

Poster with action plan is displayed in the Practice and on our website.

Our aim is to have a streamlined repeat prescription system, with fewer complaints received from patients and pharmacies.

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Priority area 3Description of priority area:

Appointments - improve the efficiency of use in order to improve patient accessOften patients may not need to be seen face to face by a GP. The Practice has offered bookable telephone appointments for 18 months and since July 2014 has offered bookable Skype appointments with a GP. We need to ensure that all of these appointments are utilised which means we can deal with more patient queries and the increasing demand.

What actions were taken to address the priority?

Improved communicationsPosters are displayed in the Practice, up to date information is on our website and staff promote these services.

Email consultation pilotWe now offer patients the opportunity to message the GP online for advice through a pilot with CLH.

Telephone message

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Review our current telephone welcome and hold messages with our PPG. As part of this we will ensure we include updated information about services in the Practice and where to go when we are closed.

Result of actions and impact on patients and carers (including how publicised):

Poster with action plan is displayed in the Practice and on our website.

Our aim is that we improve access for patients. All telephone and Skype appointment slots should be utilised and there should be fewer inappropriate A&E attendances.

Progress on previous years

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Is this the first year your practice has participated in this scheme?


If you have participated in this scheme for more than one year, outline progress made on issues raised in the previous year(s):

Summary of last year’s Action Plan (2013/14)You said ……. We did …. The result is ….

Some of you were interested in being more involved.

We contacted those that indicated they were interested in joining the PPG.

Unfortunately no new PPG members were recruited but we have recruited in other ways.

Patient Participation Group Report 2014-15

Some patients said they wanted to know more about NHS organisational changes and integration of care.

We emailed you.

We set up a patient event with Marylebone Health Centre in February 2015 - Ask the Experts; Understanding how the NHS is Changing

Improved patient engagement and communication.

A really positive and well-received patient event. We received excellent feedback from those who attended.

The automated patient check in system wasn’t working.

We fixed this. Patient check in system is now fully working again. Reduced queuing time to check in.

Involve the PPG in Complaints Reviews.

We have now reviewed complaints (anonymised) received during 2013 and 2014 with our PPG.

Joint Practice and Patient working.Transparency about how we deal with complaints and the opportunity for patients to review and comment on whether they feel we have dealt

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Is this the first year your practice has participated in this scheme?


If you have participated in this scheme for more than one year, outline progress made on issues raised in the previous year(s):

Summary of last year’s Action Plan (2013/14)You said ……. We did …. The result is ….

Some of you were interested in being more involved.

We contacted those that indicated they were interested in joining the PPG.

Unfortunately no new PPG members were recruited but we have recruited in other ways.

Patient Participation Group Report 2014-15

with complaints appropriately, as well as the opportunity for learning and improvement in the Practice.

Training for our Reception Team.

All Receptionists attended an ‘Empathy and Compassionate Care’ course during January and February 2015.

All Receptionists are booked on to ‘Patient Experience’ training during March, April and May 2015.

Some of our Reception team are also booked on to ‘Dementia Awareness’ and ‘Mental Health Awareness’

Improved patient experience and empowered staff.

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training during May 2015. This knowledge will be cascaded to other team members.

Summary of last year’s Action Plan (2012/13)

You said ……. We did …. The result is ….

There were problems with the blood test request system.

2 PPG members visited the Practice and went through the process from start to finish.

They were satisfied with the system and made no recommendations for improvements.

There were problems with referrals.

We made improvements to our process and resolved staffing issues.

No further issues reported regarding referrals apart from 1 complaint. All other referrals completed within 3 day timeframe, usually within 1 – 2

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days.Promote online booking and repeat prescription service on the website.

Both services are advertised on our website and in the Practice. Clinicians and receptionists promote these services too.

Increased uptake. On-going advertising of these services.

Advertise premises improvements to patients.

Advertised with posters in the Practice and on the website.

Patients benefit from improved premises:

Stair lift Automated patient check in

systems Waiting rooms redecorated New chairs Hand dryers Replaced front windows –

now double glazed and warmer

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Summary of the 2011/12 Action PlanYou said ……. We did …. The result is ….

That it was difficult to get through on the telephone

We invested in and implemented a new telephone system

Despite initial technical glitches, the system is now working and feedback is much improved

That it was difficult to get an appointment

We produced a patient leaflet which explains our appointment system and how best to get one.

We also explain the difference between our triage system for emergency appointments and routine appointments on our telephone welcome

Patient leaflet available on the website and in the Practice in waiting rooms

More patients are aware of our appointments system

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messageThat you needed up to date Practice information

We updated our Practice Leaflet

We updated our Practice Website and have since also introduced a new website which is much more user friendly

We updated our team photo board

Informative and current information is available to our patients about our team and services

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4. PPG Sign Off

Report signed off by PPG:


Date of sign off: 25.03.2015

How has the practice engaged with the PPG:Face to face meetings and email communication

How has the practice made efforts to engage with seldom heard groups in the practice population?We try to recruit members through a variety of methods:

Posters in the surgery Practice leaflet Practice website

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Patients invited by clinicians to join Annual patient questionnaire invites patients to join PPG Practice staff Message on the automatic patient check in New patient questionnaire invites patients to join the PPG

We have also held two patients education sessions and invited anyone resident in Marylebone to attend:

6 October 2014 - Ask the Experts: Dementia AwarenessSpeakers: PPG representatives, GPs, Memory Café, Carers Network

23 February 2015 – Ask the Experts: Understanding How The NHS Is Changing (Whole Systems Integrated Care Programme)Speakers: PPG representatives, GPs, NHS England, CCG, CLH

Has the practice received patient and carer feedback from a variety of sources?Yes, through the following sources:

2013/14 Patient Survey results and our agreed Action Plan Complaints

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NHS Choices comments Written feedback received Friends and Family Test results and comments Feedback from patient events: ‘Ask the Experts: Dementia awareness session’ (6

October 2014) and ‘Ask the Experts: Understanding how the NHS is Changing’ (23 February 2015)

2014/15 Patient Survey results

Was the PPG involved in the agreement of priority areas and the resulting action plan?Yes. Discussed at the meetings in January and March 2015

How has the service offered to patients and carers improved as a result of the implementation of the action plan?

Reduce the number of complaints related to our blood test systemWe hope to see an improvement in the understanding of how our blood test system works, with fewer complaints received from patients.

Improve the repeat prescription systemOur aim is to have a streamlined repeat prescription system, with fewer complaints received from patients and pharmacies.

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Appointments - improve the efficiency of use in order to improve patient accessOur aim is that we improve access for patients. All telephone and Skype appointment slots should be utilised and there should be fewer inappropriate A&E attendances.

Do you have any other comments about the PPG or practice in relation to this area of work?We feel that the joint PPG-Practice working is incredibly valuable. We are improving services in the Practice but also trying to engage with patients in terms of Practice-priorities and the wider NHS and changes.

We are lucky to have a PPG with members that also represent various other groups: Information & Advice Volunteer with Age UK Lay Partners in Whole Systems Integration of Health and Social Care in North

West London CL CCG User Panel Deputy Chair Member of the user panel for the CCG and also of CLH from inception Member of the Lay Partners Forum Sub groups of the CLH User Panel including Mental Health WSIC ISA Governance Group

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