Pathways to Prosperity Conference



Presentation to the Biennial Pathways to Prosperity Conference organized by the IDA and Asset-Building Collaborative of North Carolina.

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  • 1. THE BULLY PULPITWorking with Elected Officials Presented by Derwin Dubose Biennial Pathways to Prosperity Conference October 17, 2011

2. SESSION OBJECTIVES Understand how the North Carolina StateTreasurers office launched a financial literacyinitiative Express proven strategies to execute financialliteracy outreach with elected officials Learn ways to gain media attention for financialliteracy and other programs Identify barriers to entry and challenges withfinancial literacy outreach2 3. BACKGROUND INFORMATIONDerwin Dubose is a public affairs strategist whoconnects people to policy. Campus Y at the University of North Carolina North Carolina Democratic Party and House Democratic Caucus Ronald McDonald House Charities Duke University Institute of Political Leadership North Carolina Department of State Treasurer3 North Carolina Office of the Lieutenant Governor 4. BACKGROUND INFORMATION State Treasurer Janet Cowell was elected in 2008 Cowell campaigned on providing financial literacy tomore North Carolinians Set five goals for her first term: Instill confidence Meet customer expectations Optimize returns on entrusted assets Promote healthy and diverse financial services in NC Promote financial literacy Derwin Dubose was hired in April 2009 and ledfinancial literacy efforts until October 2010.4 5. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Hypothesis: Almost all of the resources NorthCarolinians need to make better financial decisionsexist in the state, but residents do not know thatthey exist Disconnect between policy leaders, practitioners, and the public (especially low-income residents) Lack of hands-on work Goal: Connect North Carolinians to local, state, andnational resources that will help them make betterfinancial decisions and weather this financial crisis Secondary goal: To gain media exposure for otherefforts, especially core functions, within the StateTreasury5 6. BACKGROUND INFORMATION In 2009, we decided to focus on adults, our naturalconstituency, within four target areas: Foreclosure prevention Homeownership and Asset-Building Credit cards Life crisis management And provide information to the following targetaudiences: General public (geographic specialization) State Employees Seniors Women Military We had absolutely no money6 7. PROVEN STRATEGIES FOR FINANCIALLITERACY OUTREACH7 8. EVENTSShort-term public programs highlighting financial literacy8 9. KEY NOTES ON EVENTS Target your audience Provide tangible numbers to the elected official Create unique opportunities Provide something for free or at a reduced cost Leverage media Partner with organizations Focus on quality, not quantity9 10. TOURS Crossing the state to get information, share information, and raise awareness10 11. KEY NOTES ON TOURS Target your audience Choose timely topics Find partners Aim for geographic diversity Choose mid-tier markets Reach out to local press Show results11 12. EARNED MEDIA FOR EVENTS AND TOURS12 13. RESEARCH, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Finding new information to help consumers and institutions make better decisions13 14. KEY NOTES ON RESEARCH, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Target your audience Choose timely topics Realize staff time commitment Recruit all-stars Give tangible charges Influence thought14 15. COLUMNS Reaching people who you cannot physically meet15 16. KEY NOTES ON COLUMNS Target your audience Draft materials for elected officials Focus on mid-tier and rural media Stress credibility on financial topics Provide a voice of reason16 17. BOARD MEMBERSHIP Inviting elected officials and their staff to join your board17 18. KEY NOTES ON BOARD MEMBERSHIP Invite elected officials to join your board Get staff involved Ask elected officials to host events Economics Educator of the Year Jump$tart luncheon Assets forums18 19. MEASURING SUCCESS19 20. MEASURING SUCCESS We were very successful with media outreach, gaining a collective media audience of 10.77M people over the year TV stations are more likely to cover work with K-12 schools Print and web publications are more apt to cover adult topics like retirement and asset-building20 Credit cards and student debt yield the most diverse coverage 21. Orange counties are those with physical programming Blue counties are those with21 earned media programming 22. LESSONS LEARNED22 23. LESSONS LEARNED There is an infinite amount of good information, ideas, organizations, programs, focus areas, and contacts working on financial literacy. How will your organization stand out? Elected officials will only do programming in areas that they own or in areas that the owner lets you get involved. Realize that different projects will attract different types of street credibility for elected officials.23 24. Impact = Attention StudentDebtnumber of SchoolsTourInitiative Foreclosureresidents PreventionProjecthelped by theproject Workplace BankonNCInstituteforMinorityfinancialliteracyworkYourMoneyBusEconomicDevelopmentAttention = Tour EITCCarolinas EITC/VITApress coverage Promotion N.C.HousingFinanceand streetThe quadrant Agencyusually Impact, Attention, CostImpact, Attention, CostCounciloncredibility reserved for Economicelected officials Outreach Programming EducationCost = directImpact/Costfunding and Advocacy Researchhuman capital Impact, Attention, Cost Impact, Attention, CostFutureofRetirementCampChallenge StudyCommission EconomicsEducatorof ActionforChildren theYear UNCCenterfor N.C.AssetsAlliance CFEDCommunityCapital BoardparticipationIDAandAssetBuilding Jump$tartCoalitionCollaborative Black dots are external organizations and Blue dots are DST projects24 projects that should serve as examples 25. Thought Leadership Agencies and PolicyState-wide media Politicos (ITB) AdvocatesInternal25 26. NEXT STEPS FOR FINANCIAL LITERACY PROGRAMMING WITH ELECTED OFFICIALS26 27. INITIAL QUESTIONS What are the hot topics for your area? Are unemployment and foreclosures climbing? Are there underutilized programs? Whats in the news? Who are potential champions for your cause? City Councilors State legislators State-wide elected officials What institutions can you partner with? How can you ensure a crowd?27 28. WAYS TO MAKE YOUR ORGANIZATION STAND OUT Show whats in it for them Quantify your work Guarantee a crowd Show appreciation Leverage the press Make it easy for them Give plenty of lead time Understand scheduling complexities Draft collateral materials Provide clear directions and instructions Build relationships with staff Understand budgetary restrictions and be savvy Discovery Cultivation Solictation Stewardship28 29. CONCRETE SUGGESTIONS FOR 2012 Identify at least 5 elected officials who can help Invite elected officials to get to know your organization Tours of your facilities Speaking at events Meeting your successful clients Honor an elected official with an award for excellence in your focus area Ask an elected official or one of their staff members to join your board Create a government affairs committee on your29 staff or board to manage outreach 30. Derwin Dubose Constituent Outreach and Assistant Policy Director Office of the Lieutenant Governor 310 North Blount Street Raleigh, NC 27601 derwin.dubose@nc.gov30
