Pathology of the Central Nervous System 2A2016




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  • Pathology of the Central Nervous System Lecture by Dr. Galvan SBCM2016


    Structure and function

    Congenital diseases





    Toxic and metabolic


    Neoplasms of CNS and PNS


    Surrounded by rigid structure

    Regulated blood circulation and metabolic requirements

    Absence of lymphatics

    CSF circulation

    Limited immunologic surveillance

    Unique response of injury and wound healing


    Cerebral hemispheres

    Brain stem


    Spinal cord


    Functional roles

    Distribution of their connections

    Neurotransmitter used

    Metabolic requirements

    Level of electrical activity

    Apoptopic mechanisms

    Present in gray matter

    Arranged as nucleus,ganglion or layered cortex


    Very sensitive to hypoxia/ glycemia (

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    -Lizlie,Georgia,Kat,Tata, Arvee- Special Thanks to Kuya Cliff and Nickie..

    - Owls eye onclusion on nucleus and cytoplasm

    5. Degenerations/ degenerative disease

    Neuronal intracytoplasmic inclusions

    - Neurofibrillary tangles

    - Lewy bodies

    - Vacuolations of perikaryon and neuronal processes

    - In the neuropil


    Glia means glue

    1. Astrocytes 2. Oligodendrial cells 3. Microglial cells 4. ependymal cells

    1. Astrocytes

    Principal cell in repair and scar formation in the CNS

    Act as metabolic buffers and detoxifiers

    Have multipolar,branching cytoplasmic processes that emanate from the

    cell body and contains GFAP

    Contribute to barrier functions controlling the flow of macromolecules

    between blood, CSF and brain.

    Astrocytosis/ gliosis- hypertrophy and hyperplasia of astrocytes

    Morphologic features:

    Nuclei become enlarge, vesicular with prominent nucleoli

    Cytoplasm becomes bright pink, irregular swath around an eccentric nucleus

    which emerge stout ramifying processes (Gemistocytotic Astrocytes)

    Cytoplasmic swelling

    Alzheimer type II astrocyte- long standing hyperammonemia

    Cytoplasmic inclusion bodies:

    Rosenthal fibers

    o Long standing gliosis

    o Pilocytic astrocytoma

    o Alexander disease

    Corpora amylacea/polyglucosan bodies

    Lafora bodies

    2. Oligodendroglia

    Responsible for CNS myelination

    White matter disease

    Demyelination-loss of myelin with rerlative preservation of axon

    Involved in inflammatory,infectious, and metabolic diseases

    Reactions of Oligodendroglial cells:

    Injury/apoptosis- feature of acquired demyelinating disorders and


    Nuclei viral inclusions- progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy

    Glial cytoplasmic inclusions- multiple system atrophy

    3. Microglia

    Derived from hematogenous mononuclear phagocytes

    Functions as brain histiocyte/macrophage

    Prominent in viral infections of CNS

    Reactions of Microglia to Injury:


    Developing elongated nuclei (rod cells)

    Forming aggregates small foci of tissue necrosis (microglial nodules)

    Congregating around cell bodies of dying neurons (neuronophagia)

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    -Lizlie,Georgia,Kat,Tata, Arvee- Special Thanks to Kuya Cliff and Nickie..

    Reactions of Ependymal cells:

    Do not have specific patterns of reactions

    Ependymal granulations

    - Inflammation or dilatation of ventricular system, disruption of

    ependymal lining with proliferation of subependymal astrocyte


    Viral inclusions

    Ependymal Granulation

    EDEMA, HERNIATION AND HYDROCEPHALUS The brain and spinal cord exist within a rigid compartment

    Nerves and blood vessels pass through this structure via specific foramina

    Advantage of housing the delicate CNS within a protective environment

    Rigid compartment provide little room for brain parenchymal expansion

    CEREBRAL EDEMA The accumulation of excess fluid within the brain parenchyma

    Distinguished from hydrocephalus

    - An increase in CSF volume within all or part of the ventricular system

    Two underlying mechanisms for the development of cerebral edema:

    1. Vasogenic edema

    Integrity of the normal blood-brain barrier is disrupted

    With increased vascular permeability, fluid shifts from the vascular

    compartment into the intercellular spaces of the brain

    Can be either localized- because of the abnormal permeability of vessels

    adjacent to inflammation or tumors or generalized.

    2. Cytotoxic edema

    Increase in intracellular fluid secondary to neuronal, glial, or endothelial cell

    membraine injury

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    Generalized hypoxic/ ischemic insult or exposure to some toxins

    3. Interstitial edema- transudation of CSF from ventricles to brain substance

    Cerebral edema


    Increased PRODUCTION


    COMMUNICATING (entire)


    HIGH pressure

    NORMAL pressure


    Block in CSF flow within ventricular system e.g. aqueductal stenosis

    Only a portion of the ventricular system is enlarged


    Obstruction in the subarachnoid space or CSF absorption

    Enlargement of the entire ventricular system

    Hydrocephalus ex vacuo- dilatation of the ventricular system with a compensatory

    increase in CSF volume secondary to loss of brain parenchyma

    BRAIN HERNIATION Intracranial pressure determined by:

    Brain tissue



    Expanding intracranial contents lead to:

    Increased ICP

    Decreased cerebral blood flow


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    -Lizlie,Georgia,Kat,Tata, Arvee- Special Thanks to Kuya Cliff and Nickie..

    Rigid structures surrounding the brain:


    Tentorium cerebella

    Falx cerebri

    Types of herniation:

    1. Transtentorial/uncal herniation

    2. Tonsillar Herniation

    3. Subfalcine herniation


    Uncus/hippocampus herniates

    Tentorium- rigid structure

    Midbrain compression- decrease sensorium

    CN III compression- papillary dilation and impairment of ocular movements

    on the side of the lesion (blown pupil)

    Kernohan notch- ipsilateral compression of cerebral peduncle on tentorium

    Transtentorial (uncinate) herniation occurs when the medial aspect of the temporal lobe is compressed against the free margin of the tentorium

    As the temporal lobe is displaced, the third cranial nerve is compromised, resulting in papillary dilation and impairment of ocular movements on the side of the lesion (blown pupil)

    Kernohans notch is the term used for the changes resulting in an ipsilateral compression of cerebral peduncle on the tentorium- When the extent of herniation is large enough the contralateral

    cerebral peduncle may be compressed, resulting in hemiparesis ipsilateral to the side of the herniation. Because hemispheric lesions typically cause contralateral weakness, this ipsilateral hemiparesis can be a false localizing sign that would suggest to the examiner that the patient has a lesion in the opposite, unaffected hemisphere.

    Aqueductal compression- hydrocephalus

    Intermittent compression of posterior cerebral artery- hemorrhagic infarct

    to the territory supplied (Primary visual cortex)

    Duret hemorrhage- tearing of perforating vessels from basilar artery

    The posterior cerebral artery may also be compressed, resulting in ischemic injury to the territory supplied by that vessel, including the primary visual cortex.

    o Progression of transtentorial herniation is often accompanied by

    hemorrhagic lesions in the midbrain and pons, termed Duret

    hemorrhages. These linear or flame shaped lesions usually occur

    in the midline and paramedian regions, and are believed to be

    due to tearing of penetrating veins and arteries supplying the

    upper brain stem. The presence of Duret hemorrhages implies a

    grim prognosis

    Uncal herniation

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    -Lizlie,Georgia,Kat,Tata, Arvee- Special Thanks to Kuya Cliff and Nickie..

    Duret Hemorrhage involving brainstem at the junction of the pons and midbrain


    Cerebellar tonsils herniated

    Occipital bone surrounding foramen magnum-rigid strcture

    Compression of cardiac and respiratory centers of medulla oblongata

    Displacement of cerebellar tonsils through the foramen magnum


    Cingulate gyrus herniates under the falx cerebri (rigid structure)

    Unilateral or asymmetric expansion of cerebral hemisphere

    Compression of anterior cerebral artery- infarction



    Neural tube

    - Anencephaly, encepahlocele, spina bifida


    - Polymicrogyria, holoprocencephaly, agenesis of corpus callosum

    Posterior fossa (infratentorial)

    - Arnold Chiari (infratentorial herniation), Dandy- walker (cerebellar cyst)

    Syringomyelia/ hydromyelia

    Common CNS Malformations

    Failure of neural tube to close or reopening. Encephalocele is a

    diverticulum of malformed CNS extending through a defect in the

    cranium. NTD most common CNS malformations. Spina bifida /

    Spinal dysraphisms maybe an asymptomatic bony defect (spina bifida

    occulta) or a severe malformation with a flattened disorganized

    segment of spinal cord associated with meningeal outpouching in the

    vertebral column. (Meningocele / Meningomyelocele)

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    Failure of the prosencephalon to develop, and separate, often leads to Cyclops.

    A. Spina bifida occulta

    - Vertebral defect - Normal cord and meninges - Skin dimple with lipoma, tuft of hair, or sinus

    B. Meningocele

    - Vertebral defect - Herniation of meingeal sac through defect - Cystic CSF-filled mass covered by skin - Cord normal minimal neurologic deficit

    C. Meningomyelocele - Vertebral defect - Herniation of cord and meningeal sac through defect- major

    neurologic defect D. Spina bifida aperta

    - Complete failure of fusion of neural plate - Skin and vertebral defect, base of which is undeveloped neural

    plate major neurologic deficit

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    Anencephaly malformation of the anterior end of the neural tube with absence of brain and calvarium.

    Note the neural canal extends to the outside of the body. AFP, the same antigen found in hepatomas, is a good screening test for this. Neural tube defect is multifactorial both genetic and environmental factors are involved. Concordance rate is high in monozygotic twins and subsequent pregnancies.

    90% of cases associated with Arnold-chiari type 2, remaining cases

    posttraumatic and intraspinal tumors. Formation of a fluid filled

    cleftlike cavity in the inner portion of the cord syringomyliea or into

    the brainstem syringobulbia.

    Loss of pain and temperature sensation in the upper extremities

    Second of third decade of life

    Hydromyelia central canal is simply dilated

    (Right Pic) Absent corpus callosum

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    -Lizlie,Georgia,Kat,Tata, Arvee- Special Thanks to Kuya Cliff and Nickie..

    Posterior fossa anomalies (arnold chiari)

    2 types

    1. Type 1 common, mostly asymptomatic

    - Downward displacement cerebellar tonsils

    2. Type 2 most often symptomatic, elongation and flattening of the

    cerebellum and medulla with protrusion down a large conical foramen

    magnum, compression of 4th ventricle, obstructive hydrocephalus; associated

    with lumbar meningomyelocele and syringomyelia

    Arnold Chiari Type 1 Arnold chiari II

    Arnold Chiari Type 1: white outline shows ACM1 cerebellar tonsils extending through foramen magnum. Another figure shows Arnold Chiari type 2.

    Arnold Chiari Type 2: most often symptomatic, elongation and flattening of the

    cerebellum and medulla with protrusion down a large conical foramen magnum,

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    compression of 4th

    ventricle, obstructive hydrocephalus; assoc with lumbar

    meningomyelocele and syringomyelia

    signs/symptoms of ACM:

    - Visual disturbances

    - Slurred speech

    - Wobbly walk

    - Shaky hand

    - Headache in the back of the head or neck which may be aggravated by

    coughing, sneezing, or bending

    - Numbness, tingling or weakness in the arm or hand

    - Dyphagia

    Dandy- walker (cerebellar cyst)

    A Dandy-Walker malformation occurs when there is enlargement of the

    posterior fossa with absent or rudimentary formation of the cerebellum,

    which is replaced instead by a large midline cystic region representing the

    expanded 4th ventricle



    Intraparenchymal hemorrhage between the thalamus and caudate


    Periventricular leukomalacia- infarcts in the supratentorial white


    Multicystic encephalopathy- extensive ischemic damage involving both

    gray and white matter

    Nonprogressive neurologic motor deficit characterized by combinations

    of spasticity,dystonia, ataxia/athetosis, and paresis

    Important cause of childhood neurologic disability.

    CNS TRAUMA Trauma to the brain and spinal cord is a significant cause of death and


    Severity and site of injury affect the outcome:

    - Injury of several cubic centimeters of brain parenchyma may be

    clinically silent (if in the frontal lobe)

    - Severely disabling (spinal cord)

    - Fatal (involving the brainstem)

    Magnitude and distribution of traumatic brain lesions depend on:

    The shape of the object causiong the trauma

    Force of impact

    Whether the head is in motion at the time of injury

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    Physical forces associated with head injury may result in skull fractures, parenchymal injury and vascular injury.

    SKULL FRACTURES: Displaced skull fracture

    - Fracture in which bone is displaced into the cranial cavity by a distance

    greater than thickness of the bone

    Diastatic fractures

    - Fractures that cross sutures

    Basal Skull fractures

    - Follows impact to the occiput or sides of the head

    - Orbital or mastoid hematomas

    - Symptoms referable to lower cranial nerves or cervicomedullary region

    The kinetic energy that causes a fracture is dissipated at a fused suture. Fractures lines of subsequent injuries do not extend across fracture lines of prior injury.



    Both coup and contrecoup lesions are contusions

    A contusion is caused by a rapid tissue displacement,disruption of vascular

    channels, and subsequent hemorrhage, tissue injury, and edema.

    Crests of gyri are most susceptible

    Most common locations where contusions occur:

    - Frontal lobes along the orbital ridges

    - Temporal lobes

    When there is impact of an object with the head, injury may occur form

    collision of the brain with the skull at the site of impact )a coup injury) or on

    the opppsite side (contrecoup). Both coup and contrecoup lesions are

    contusions, with comparable gross and microscopic appearances. Since they

    are the points of impact, crests of gyri are most susceptible, whereas cerebral

    cortex along the sulci is less vulnerable. The most common locations where

    contusions occur correspond to the most frequent sites of direct impact and

    to regions of the brain that overlie a rough and irregular inner skull surface,

    such as

    *Coup and Contrecoup developed when head is mobile at time of impact.

    - Acute: wedge shape hemorrhage

    - Subacute: necrosis and liquefaction of brain

    - Remote: depressed area of cortex with yellow discoloration plaque jaunee

    Contusions are less frequent over the occipital lobes, brainstem and cerebellum

    Fracture contusions

    - Contusions adjacent a skull fracture


    - Penetration of the brain, either by a projectile such as a bullet or a skull

    fragment from a fracture,

    - Tissue tearing, vascular disruption, hemorrhage and injury along a

    linear path

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    -Lizlie,Georgia,Kat,Tata, Arvee- Special Thanks to Kuya Cliff and Nickie..

    Figure : (A) Multiple contusions involving the inferior surfaces of the frontal lobes,anterior temporal lobes, and cerebellum. (B) Acute contusions are present in both temporal lobes, with areas of the hemorrhage and tissue disruption (arrows). (C) Remote contusions are present on the inferior frontal surface of this brain with a yellow color (associated with the term plaque jaune) (D)Multiple contusions involving the inferior surfaces of frontal lobes, anterior temporal lobes, and cerebellum(E).Acute contusions are present in both temporal lobes, with areas of hemorrhage and tissue disruption (arrows). (F) Remote contusions are present on the inferior frontal surface of this brain, with a yellow color (associated with the term plaque jaune).

    (UpperR )The characteristic location of the hemorrhage in this brain is consistent with a fall backwards resulting in a contracoup injury to the inferior frontal and temporal lobes. This has resulted in extensive contusions and subarachnoid hemorrhage. Fall when awake occipital portion is the impact Fall unconscious frontal impact

    Old hemorrhage

    The orange brown, scalloped appearance of these lesions is consistent with old contusions. The resolution left behind hemosiderin from the hemorrhage that produces the orange brown staining.


    Reversible altered consciousness from head injury in the absence of


    Characteristic transient neurologic dysfunction:

    - Loss of consciousness

    - Temporary respiratory arrest

    - Loss of reflexes

    - Although neurologic recovery is complete, amnesia for the event


    - Pathogenesis of the sudden disruption of nervous activity is unknown

    Diffuse axonal injury:

    Injury to the white matter due to acceleration/ deceleration

    Damage to axons at nodes of ranvier with impairment of axoplasmic flow

    Diffuse but predilection for :

    - Corpus callosum,periventricular white matter and hippocampus

    - Cerebral and cerbellar peduncles

    Coma after trauma without evidence of direct parenchymal injuties

    Poor prognosis, related to duration of coma

    Widespread, often asymmetrical axonal swellings that appear within hours

    of injury

    Increased numbers of microglia in related areas of cerebral cortex

    Degeneration of involved fiber tracts

    TRAUMATIC VASCULAR INJURY: Vascular injury results from direct trauma and disruption of the vessel wall,

    leading to hemorrhage

    Depending on which vessels rupture, hemorrhage may occur in any of

    several compartments (sometimes in combination):

    - Epidural

    - Subdural

    - Subarachnoid

    - Intraparenchymal

    Subarachnoid and intraparenchymal hemorrhages often occur at sites of

    contusions and lacerations

    Vascular injury results from direct trauma and disruption of the vessel wall,

    leading to hemorrhage. Depending on which vessels rupture, hemorrhage may

    occur in any of several compartments (sometimes in combination); epidural,

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    subdural, subarachnoid, and intraparenchymal. Subarachnoid and

    intraparenchymal hemorrhages most often occur at sites of contusions and


    The dura is normally tightly applied to the inside of the skull, fused with the

    periosteum. Vessels that run in the dura, most importantly the middle meningeal

    artery, are vulnerable to injury, particularly with skull fractures. Once a vessel has

    been torn, the accumulation of blood under arterial pressure can cause separation of

    the dura from the inner surface of the skull. The expanding hematoma has a smooth

    inner contour and compresses the brain surface.

    The rapid movement of the brain that occurs in trauma can tear the bridging veins

    that extend from the cerebral hemispheres through the subarachnoid and subdural

    space to empty into dural spaces. These vessels are particularly prone in tearing, and

    their disruption leads to bleeding into the subdural space. In elderly patients with

    brain atrophy and infants are also susceptible to subdural hematomas.

    (Left Pic) The dura has been reflected above to reveal the bridging veins that extend

    across to the superior aspect of the cerebral hemispheres. These can be torn with

    trauma, particularly if there is significant cerebral atrophy that exposes these veins

    even more.

    A blood clot is seen over the external surface of the dura. Thus, there is an epidural

    hematoma. Such a location for hemorrhage is virtually always the result of trauma

    that causes a tear in the middle meningeal artery.

    epidural hematoma

    Clinically, patients can be lucid for several hours between the moment of trauma and the development of neurologic signs. An epidural hematoma may expand rapidly and is a neurosurgical emergency requiring prompt drainage. Epidural hematoma covering a portion of the dura. Also present are multiple small contusions in the temporal lobe. Epidural Hematoma

    - trauma usually severe ,associated with concussion and skull fracture (temporal


    - source: usually middle meningeal artery

    - Course: acute

    Subdural Hematoma

    - Trauma usually mild

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    -Lizlie,Georgia,Kat,Tata, Arvee- Special Thanks to Kuya Cliff and Nickie..

    - Source: usually bridging veins

    - Course: slow (days to months)

    Clinical features:

    - Manifest within 48 hours of injury

    - Most common over the lateral aspects of the cerebral hemispheres

    - Bilateral in about 10% of cases

    - Neurologic signs attributable to the pressure exerted on the adjacent


    - Nonlocalizing signs such as headache and confusion

    - Multiple episodes of repeat bleeding (chronic subdural hematoma).

    Presumable from the thin-walled vessels of the granulation tissue.

    - Risk of repeat bleeding is greatest in the first few months after the

    initial hemorrhage

    Vebous bleeding is self-limited; breakdown and organization of the

    hematoma take place over time. This usually occurs in the following


    - Lysis of the clot (about 1 week)

    - Growth of fibroblasts from the dural surface into the hematoma (2


    - Early development of hyalinized connective tissue (1-3 months)

    (R) The dura has been reflected back (with a small portion visible at the lower right) to reveal a subdural hematoma. Such a blood clot is usually the result of trauma with tearing of the bridging veins.

    Subdural hematoma. Large organizing subdural hematoma attached to the dura.

    Cross section of the brain showing compression of the hemisphere underlying the

    subdural hematoma

    (L) On macroscopic examination the acute subdural hematoma appears as a collection of freshly clotted blood apposed along the contour of the brain surface, without extension into the depths of sulci. The underlying brain is flattened, and the subarachnoid space is often clear. Typically, venous bleeding is self limited; breakdown and organization of the hematoma take place over time.

    A. Large organizing subdural hematoma attached to the dura B. Coronal section of the brain showing compression of the hemisphere

    underlying the subdural hematoma shown in A.

    First pic: Child abuse. Subcutaneous hemorrhage In the retroauricular region Second pic: child abuse. Hemorrhage in the retina

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    Child Abuse. Dura mater with chronic subdural hematoma showing fibrous

    thickening and recent hemorrhages.

    Child Abuse. Optic nerve sheath hemorrhage. There are hematomas in the

    retrobulbar optic nerve sheaths of bilateral eyes in a case of shaking baby syndrome.

    SEQUELAE OF BRAIN TRAUMA Post traumatic hydrocephalus

    - Largely due to obstruction of CSF resorption from hemorrhage into the

    subarachnoid spaces.

    Post-traumatic dementia and the punch-drunk syndrome (dementia


    - Follow repeated head trauma during a protracted period; the

    neuropathologic findings include hydrocephalus, thinning of the corpus

    callosum, diffuse axonal injury, neurofibrillary tangles (mainly in the

    medial temporal areas), and diffuse amyloid beta (AB)-positive plaques

    Post-traumatic epilepsy, tumors (meningioma), infectious disease, and

    psychiatric disorders.

    A broad range of neurologic syndromes may become manifest months or years after trauma or any cause.

    SPINAL CORD TRAUMA Injuries are usually traumatic due to vertebral displacement

    Symptomatology depend on interruption of ascending and descending


    Thoracic segments or below: paraplegia

    Cervical segments: tetraplegia

    Lesions above C4: paralysis of diaphragm

    INTRACRANIAL HEMORRHAGE Primary Brain Parenchymal Hemorrhage

    Spontaneous (nontraumatic) intraparenchymal hemorrhages- most

    commonly in mid to late adult life

    Peak incidence at about 60 years of age

    Most are caused by rupture of small intraparenchymal vessel

    Hypertension is the most common underlying cause

    Brain hemorrhage accounts for roughly 15% of deaths among individuals

    with chronic hypertyension

    Chronic hypertension is associated with development of minute aneurysms

    termed Charcot- Bouchard microaneurysm which may rupture

    Hypertensive intraparenchymal hemorrhages typically occur in the basal

    ganglia, thalamus, pons, cerebellum.

    Intracerebral Hemorrhage

    Clinical Features:

    - May affect large portions of the brain and extends into the ventricular system

    - Can affect small regions and be clinically silent

    - Gradual resolution of the hematoma with considerable clinical improvement

    - Location and size of the bleed will determine the clinical manifestations

    - Acute hemorrhages

    Over weeks or months there is a gradual resolution of the hematoma, sometimes with considerable clinical improvement. Again, the location and size of the bleed will determine the clinical manifestations.

    - Old hemorrhages show an area of cavitary destruction of brain with a rim of

    brownish discoloration

    - On microscopic examination, the early lesion consists of:

    Central core of clotted blood surrounded by a rim of brain tissue

    Anoxic neuronal and glial changes


    - Later lesions:

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    Edema resolves

    Pigment and lipid- laden macrophages appear

    Proliferation of reactive astrocytes visible at the periphery of the


    Acute hemorrhages are characterized by extravasation of blood with compression of

    the adjacent parenchyma. Old hemorrhages show an area of cavitary destruction of

    brain with a rim of brownish discoloration. On microscopic examination, the early

    lesion consists of a central core of clotted blood surrounded by a rim of brain tissue

    showing anoxic neuronal and glial changes as well as edema. Eventually the edema

    resolves, pigment and lipid laden macrophages appear, and proliferation of reactive

    astrocytes become visible at the periphery of the lesion. The cellular events then

    follow the same time course observed after cerebral infarctions.

    Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

    Rupture of large intracerebral arteries which are the primary branches of

    the anatomical circle (of Willis)

    Congenital (berry aneurysm)

    Atherosclerotic (atherosclerostic aneurysms, or direct wall rupture)

    Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and Saccular aneurysms

    Most frequent cause of subarachnoid hemorrhage is rupture of saccular

    (berry) aneurysm

    Rupture can occur at any time

    Clinical features:

    - In about 1/3 of cases associated with acute increases in intracranial


    - Classically described as the worst headache Ive ever had

    - Between 25% and 50% of individuals die with the first rupture

    - Those who survive typically improve and recover consciousness in


    - Recurring bleeding is common in survivors and prognosis worsens with each

    episode of bleeding

    Hemorrhage into the subarachnoid space may also result from vascular malformation, trauma (in which case it is usually associated with other sogns of the injury), rupture of an intracerebral hemorrhage into the ventricular system, hematologic disturbances, and tumors. Rupture can occur at any time, but in about one third of cases it is associated with acute increases in intracranial pressure, such as with strianing at stool or sexual orgasm. Blood under arterial pressure is forced into the subarachnoid space, and individuals are stricken with sudden, excruciating headache (classicall described as the worst headache ive ever had) and rapidly lose consciousness. Between 25% and 50% of individuals die with the first rupture, although those who survive typically improve and recover consiousness in minutes. Recurring bleeding is common in survivors; it is not possible to predict which individuals will have recurrences of bleeding. The prgnosis worsens with each episode of bleeding.

    (R) Common sites (L) Classic berry aneurysm

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    Circle of Willis

    (L) The white arrow on the black card marks the site of a ruptured berry aneurysm in the circle of willis. The blood irritates the arteries to produce vasospasm and promote cerebral anoxia.

    The adventitia covering the sac is continous with that of the parent artery. Rupture usually occurs at the apex of the sac with extravasation of blood into the subaracnoid

    space, the substance of the brain, or both. A. View of the base of the brain,dissected to show the circle of willis with an

    aneurysm of the anterior cerebral artery(arrow). B. dissected circle of willis to show

    large aneurysm. C. section through a saccular aneurysm showing the hyalinized

    fibrous vessel wall.


    Classified into four principal types based on the nature of the abnormal


    1. arteriovenous malformations (AVM), the most common

    2. cavernous angiomas

    3. capillary telangiectasias

    4. Venous angiomas

    Affect males twice as frequently as females

    Most often recognized clinically between the ages 10 and 30 years

    Can present as seizure disorder

    Intracerebral hemorrhage

    Subarachnoid hemorrhage

    The risk of bleeding makes AVM the most dangerous type of vascular


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    (L) Another cause for hemorrhage, particularly in persons aged 10-30, is a vascular malformation. Seen here is a mass of irregular, tortuous vessels over the left posterior parietal region.

    (R) AVMs involve vessels in the subarachnoid space extending into brain parenchyma or they may occur exlusively within the brain. In macroscopic appearance, they resemble a tangled network of wormlike vascular channels.

    Microscopically, they are enlarged blood vessels separated by gliotic tissue, often with evidence of prior hemorrhage. Some vessels can be recognized as arteries with duplicated and fragmented internal elastic lamina, while others show marked thickening or partial replacement of the media by hyalinized connective tissues.


    Receives 15% of the resting cardiac output and 20% of the total body oxygen


    May be deprived of the oxygen by several mechanisms of hypoxia and ischemia

    Factors that determine injury extent:

    o Presence of collateral circulation

    o Duration of ischemia

    o Magnitude and rapidity of reduction to flow

    Third leading cause of death (after heart disease and cancer)

    Three major categories

    o Thrombosis

    o Embolism

    o Haemorrhage

    Global cerebral ischemia

    Focal Cerebral ischemia

    Hypertensive cerebrovascular disease

    Intracranial haemorrhage



    - Generalized reduction of cerebral perfusion

    - Cardiac arrest, shock, severe hypotension

    - In mild state transient post-ischemic confusional state

    - In severe state widespread neuronal death occurs brain death/respirator brain

    - Penumbra (area at risk)

    - Borderzone (watershed) infarcts

    - Brain is swollen, gyri are widened, and sulsi narrowed

    - Cut surface shows poor demarcation between gray and white matter

    - Microscopic changes:

    Early changes (12-24 after insult)

    o Red neurons

    o Infiltration by neutrophils

    Subacute changes

    o Necrosis of tissue

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    o Influx of macrophages

    o Vascular proliferation

    o Reactive gliosis

    Repair (2 weeks)

    o Removal of necrotic tissue

    o Loss of normally organized CNS structure

    o Pseudolaminar necrosis

    ***Ischemic/hypoxic encephalopathy

    -most susceptible to are the pyramidal cells in CA1 of the hippocampus, purkinje cells

    of the cerebellum and cortical pyramidal neurons


    - Collateral flow

    Circle of Willis

    Distal branches of the anterior, middle, and posterior cerebral arteries

    through cortical leptomeningeal anastomoses (surface of the brain)

    No collateral flow for the deep penetrating vessels supplying structures as the

    thalamus, basal ganglia and deep white matter

    ***infarction from obstruction of local blood supply

    - Thrombotic Occlusions Atherosclerosis

    Common sites

    o Carotid bifurcation

    o Origin of middle cerebral artery

    o End of the basilar artery

    - Embolism

    Cardiac mural thrombi

    Thromboemboli arising in arteries (carotid arteries

    Other sources of emboli

    Territory of distribution of MCA most frequently affected

    Emboli tend to lodge on where blood vessels branch or in pre-existing luminal



    - Two broad categories:

    Hemorrhagic (red) infarct

    o Multiple/confluent petechial hemorrhages

    o Associated with Embolic Events

    o Presumed to be secondary to repurfusion of damage vessels and tissues

    Non-hemorrhagic infarct associated with thrombosis

    - Gross:

    Frist 6 hours little can be observed

    48 hours tissue becomes pale, soft, swollen, and corticomedullary junction

    becomes indistinct

    2-10 days brain becomes gelatinous and friable with more distinct boundary

    10 days to 3 weeks tissue liquefies, fluid filled cavity lined by dark gray tissue

    - Microscopic:

    After 1st

    12 hours ischemic neuronal change, loss of demarcation of white

    and gray matter

    Up to 48 hours neutrophilic emigration progressively increases and then

    falls off, phagocytes are evident

    1 week reactive astrocytes canbe seen

    2-3 weeks phagocytosis ensues


    - Effects of hypertension on the brain:

    Include massive hypertensive intracerebral haemorrhage

    Lacunar infarcts

    Slit hemorrhages

    Hypertensive encephalopathy

    - Lacunar Infarcts

    Lake-like spaces,

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    ***these small cavitary infarcts are just a few mm wide (

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    ***the neurons are the most sensitive cells to anoxic

    injury. Seen here are red neurons which are dying as

    a result of hypoxia. One of the most sensitive areas

    in the brain to hypoxic injury is the hypothalamus


    - Anterior cerebral artery

    Weakness and sensory loss in contralateral


    Transient expressive aphasia


    - Middle cerebral artery

    Contralateral hemiplegia

    Contralateral sensory loss

    Aphasia if dominant hemisphere affected

    - Posterior cerebral artery

    Contralateral hemianopia or total cortical blindness of bilateral

    Alexia with agraphia

    Thalamic syndrome

    CNS TUMORS - Symptoms: ***usually very slow and subtle onset



    mental changes

    motor problems


    increased intracranial pressure

    any localizing CNS abnormality



    Neurologic exam

    LP (including cytology)



    Brain angiography


    Benign? Malignant? primary vs met? location? age? X-ray density? MRI

    signals? Calcifications? Vascularity? Necrosis? Liquefaction? Edema?

    Compression of neighbors?


    Age? White vs gray matter? Gross texture? Vascularity? Mitoses? (N/C,

    pleomorphism, hyperchromasia) calcifications? Cysts? Satellitosis?


    ***differential between gliosis and a well differentiated glioma can be

    gruellingly diffiuclt

    - GLIOMAS (do not metastasize out of CNS)

    Astrocytes (I, II, III, IV)



    - NEURONAL (Gangliogliomas)

    - POORLY DIFFERENTIATED (Medulloblastoma)




    Common intracranial neoplasms classifies according to

    location and age

    Location Children Adults







    Glial neoplasms



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    -Lizlie,Georgia,Kat,Tata, Arvee- Special Thanks to Kuya Cliff and Nickie..

    Suprasellar Craniopharyngioma

    Juvenile pilocytic


    Pituitary adenoma



    Glial neoplasms

    Pineal Pineoblastoma

    Germ cell tumor



    Germ cell tumor










    Brain stem glioma



    Juvenile pilocytic






    e angle

    Epidermoid cyst Schwannoma






    - Neuro-ectodermal most important are the Gliomas

    - Mesenchymal most frequent ones are the Meningiomas

    - Ectopic tissues from tissues displaced during embryogenesis (ex: Dermoid cyst)

    - Retained embryonal structures- various cysts Paraphyseal cyst

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    -Lizlie,Georgia,Kat,Tata, Arvee- Special Thanks to Kuya Cliff and Nickie..

    - Metastases lung, breast, melanoma etc in 50% of cases


    - Glial cells:

    Astrocytes (A) Astrocytoma

    Oligodendroglial cells Oligodendroglioma

    Ependymal cells Ependymoma

    - Neurons Gangliocytoma


    - Account for ~80% of primary ICTS in adults

    - MC in the cerebral hemispheres

    - MC Syndromes: headaches, seizures, focal neurologic defeicits (usually in the

    anterior or middle)

    - Low-grade Astrocytomas:

    o Gross: Poorly defined gray-white infiltrative tumors

    o Histology: hypercellularity; astrocytic nuclei of mild degree of atypia and

    astrocytic process fibrillary background fingers of astrocytes

    o Pilocytic Astrocytomas:

    o MC in the cerebellum of children and young adults; and less commonly in

    the optic nerve, hypothalamic region or cerebral hemispheres

    o Morphology:

    Cystic, with a tumor nodule in the wall of the cyst

    Composed of bipolar astrocytes, with long hair-like processes, Rosenthal

    fibers and Micro-cysts + calcification = good prognosis

    o Grow very slowly (some patients have survived for >40 yrs after incomplete

    resection) and have an Excellent Prognosis

    o DD; not tot confused with low-grade Fibrillary Astrocytoma

    ***upto grade 2: surgery is enough

    Beyond grade 2: radiotherapy must be added

    Grade I Tumor: Pilocytic Astrocytoma

    ***optic glioma

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    ***NB fibrillary background

    Rosenthal Fibers

    Grade II Astrocytoma

    - Poorly defined, gray infiltrative tumor that expands and distorts the invaded brain

    - Cut surface is either firm, soft, and gelatinous

    ***hypercellularity + nuclear atypia

    - Mild to moderate increase in glial cellularity, variable nuclear

    pleomorphism, GFAP positive astrocytic processes. Indistinct transition

    between neoplastic and normal tissue

    ***Glioma intermediate grade

    Grade III Astrocytoma

    ***Poorly defined, gray infiltrative tumor that expands and distords the invaded

    brain; Cut surface is either frim, soft and gelatinous

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    - More densely cellular and greater nuclear pleomorphism

    - Mitotic figures are often observed


    ***Inc cellularity + nucleat atypia + mitotic figures


    Variation in gross appearance of the tumor

    GBM: necrosis/pseudo-palisade

    **pseudopallisading central necrosis with perpendicular cells

    Glioma, high grade: Necrosis is needed for the diagnosis of high grade glioma

    Glioblastoma multiforme

    Hallmark of GBM: palisading and necrosis

    GBM: Pleomorphic cytology

    Gr. IV Astro= GBM

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    Genetic pathways operative in the evolution of primary and secondary


    **secondary younger patient

    Primary older patient

    ***Central necrosis is a sign of rapid growth. It outgrowths its blood supply, and

    therefore liquefies centrally, like an abscess.

    Non-Astrocytic Gliomas

    **tumor of glial cells that look like oligodendrocytes

    - Sheets of regular cells with spherical nuclei containing finely granular chromitin

    - Delicate network of capillaries

    - Calcification in 90% of tumors

    - Perineural satellitosis

    - Mitotic activity and proliferation index is low

    - Characterized by increased cell density, increased mitotic activity and necrosis

    - Show pattern indistinguishable from Glioblastoma

    - WHO Grade III/IV


    - 5-15% of gliomas

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    - 4th

    and 5th


    - Found mostly in the cerebral hemispheres with a predilection for white matter

    - Considered as WHO grade II/IV lesions

    - Grossly: Well-circumscribed neoplasm often with speckled calcification

    - Clinical features:

    Better prognosis than those with astrocytomas

    Average survival of 5-20 years after intervention

    Recurrence is common

    - Molecular genetics

    Loss of heterozygosity for chromosome 1p and 19q most common

    Additional alterations seen in Anaplastic Oligodendrioglioma include loss of

    9p, loss of 10q, and mutation in CDKN2A

    EGFR gene amplication not seen in these tumor

    **Normal ependymal on the left. Would a choroid plexus tumor be a type of

    ependymoma? Yes


    - Arise next to the ependymal-lined ventricular system, including the soft-obliterated

    central canal of the spinal cord

    - First two decades typically occur near the 4th

    ventricle and constitute 5-10% of

    primary brain tumors in this age group

    - Grossly:

    Well-circumscribed solid masses extending from the floor of the ventricle

    The proximity of the tumor to the pontine and medullary nuclei makes

    complete extirpation impossible

    While complete removal is possible for intraspinal tumors

    - Microscopically:

    Regular round to oval nuclei and abundant granular chromatin

    Dense fibrillary background

    Cells may form glandlike round or elongated structures that resemble the

    embryonic ependymal canal

    Perivascular pseudorosettes

    - Myxopapillary Ependymomas

    Specific type of ependymoma occurring in the filum terminale and presents as

    cauda equine tumor in young adults

    Papillary elements in a myxoid background admixed with ependymoma-like


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    Myxoid areas contain neural and acidic mucopolysaccharides

    - Clinical features:

    Often manifest with hydrocephalus

    CSF dessimination is common

    Posterior fossa lesions have worst outcomes (5yr survival rate of 50%)

    NF2 gene on chromosome 22 often seen in spinal ependymomas

    Supratentorial lesions more likely show alterations in chromosome 9

    Other Tumors


    Usually an incidental or autopsy findings

    Solid, sometimes calcified, slow growing nodules attached to the ventricular

    lining and protruding into the ventricle

    May case hydrocephalus if sufficiently large

    Microscopically are clumps of ependymal appearing nuclei scated in a dense

    fine glial fibrillar background.


    Most common in children in the lateral ventricles, in adults seen in the fourth


    Consists of markedly papillary outgrowths that recapitulate choroid plexus

    Cause hydrocephalus either due to obstruction or overproduction of CSF

    Malignant counterpart Choroid plexus carcinoma


    Non-neoplastic lesion in young adults that is attached to the roof of the third


    Can obstruct foramen of Monro and cause noncommunicating hydrocephalus

    Thin fibrous capsule that contains gelatinous proteinaceous material



    Most common CNS tumor containing mature ganglion cells admixed with glial


    Slow growing but can become frankly anaplastic

    Often present as seizure disorder; surgical resection is effective

    Dysembryoblastic Neuroepithelial Tumors

    Low-grade tumor of childhood that presents as seizure disorder

    Located typically in the superficial temporal lobe

    Multiple discrete intracortical nodules of small round cells, arranged in

    columns around central cores od processes in a myxoid background specific

    glioneuronal element

    Focal cortial dysplasia and low-grade astrocytoma sometimes seen

    surrounding the nodules Complex

    **well-differentiated floating neurons that dit in the pool of

    mucopolysaccharide rich fluid of myxoid background

    Central Neurocytoma

    Low-gradeusually in the lateral or third ventricles

    Characterized by evenly spaced round, uniform nuclei and islands of neuropil



    Occurs predominantly in children and exclusively in the cerebellum

    Located in the midline of cerebellum in children, but lateral in adults

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    May occlude flow of CSF

    Highly malignant

    With total excision and irradiation (5yr-75%)

    Dissemination through CFS is common, metastasize to the cauda equine (drop


    Often well-circumscribed, gray and friable

    ***sagital section of the brain shwoing medulloblastoma destroying the

    superior midline cerebellum

    Extremely cellular

    Individual tumor ccells are small, with scant cytoplasm and hyperchromatic

    nuclei that are frequently elongated or creascent shaped

    High proliferation index

    Express neuronal (neurosecretory) granules or Homer Wright rosettes and

    glial phenotypes

    Molecular genetics

    o Most common genetic alteration is loss of material from 17p (poor

    prognosis), with an abnormal chromosome derived from its long arm

    (isochrome 17q)

    o MYC amplification can be seen with aggressive tumors

    o Other signalling pathways

    Sonic-hedgehog-patched pathway

    WNT signalling pathway

    Notch signalling pathway

    ***any midline cerebellum tumor in a child is a medulloblastoma till proven


    Are medulloblastoma PNET tumors? YES!

    So does that mean that will look like small cell carcinoma or Ewing or lymphoma or

    any ther small round blue cell tumor? YES!

    **quiz: Midline cerebellum tumor in a kid. What is it? Ans: Medulloblastoma, always,

    unless proven otherwise.

    Atypical Teratoid/ Rahbdoid Tumor

    Highly malignant tumor of young children occurs in the posterior fossa

    and supratentorial compartments in nearly equal proportions.

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    Occur before age of 5 and live less than a year

    Presence of rhabdoid cells is the defining characteristic of the lesion

    Tend to be large with soft consistency and spread along the surface of

    the brain

    IHC: (+) EMA,CK,SMA,VIM;

    (-) Desmin and Myoglobin

    Molecular Genetics

    Alteration in Chromosome 22 (90%)- Hallmark

    Relevant gene is hSNF5/INI1

    - encodes protein involved in chromatin remodeling

    Functional deletions of the locus and loss of nuclear staining for INI1

    protein seen in majority of the tumors


    Primary CNS Lymphoma

    2% of extranodal lymphomas and 1% of intracranial tumors

    Most common CNS neoplasm in immunosuppressed in AIDS /post transplant

    In the setting of immunosuppression, tumor cells are latently infected with


    Metastases outside CNS is rare

    Most are B-cell origin

    Frequently multiple and often involve deerp gray matter as well as white

    matter and cortex

    Periventricular spread is common

    DLBCL- most common histologic group

    Germ Cell Tumors

    Occur along the midline (pineal and suprasellar regions)

    Tumors of the young (90% first two decades)

    metastasis of the gonadal germ cell tumor is not uncommon

    AFP and -HCG can be used to aid in the diagnosis and track response to therapy

    Pineal Parenchymal Tumors

    Arised from specialized cells (pieocytes) that have the feature of Neuronal


    Pineocytomas-well differentiates lesions; adults

    Pineoblastomas- high grade lesions; children


    Derived from the Rathkes pouch

    Occurs mainly in childhood adjacent to the pituitary stalk

    Compression and destruction of the pituitary, optic chiasm and third ventricle

    Treatment is surgical with high recurrence rate

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    Neoplasm derived from the notochordal remnants found in the base of the

    skull and dorsal aspect of the vertebral bodies

    Occurs commonly in the sacrococcygeal region, clivus from which it extends

    to the posterior fossa and suprasellar region


    occurs where dura is and arise from the meningothelial cells of arachnoid

    may occur in the ventricular system and arise from stromal arachnoid cells of

    the choroid plexus

    very vascular

    BENIGN, but (can be invasive)

    Can invade the skull, etc.

    Only invadr (displace) brain in areas adjacent to the dura, i.e., parasagittal,

    falx, tentorium, venous sinuses

    Small, firm, and well defined like a SUPERBALL

    Often (usually?) have PSAMMOMA bodies

    Usually rounded masses with well defines dural bases

    May also grow en plaque (sheetlike fashion) and commonly associated with

    hyperostotic reactive changes

    Lesions range from firm to fibrous, gritty (psammoma)

    No necrosis or extensive hemorrhage present

    Positive for EMA and CEA

    Common sites of involvement include:

    Parasagittal aspect of the brain convexity

    Dura over the lateral convexity

    Wing of the sphenoid

    Olfactory groove

    Sella turcica

    Foramen magnum

    Uncommon in children

    3:2 female predominance; 10:1 in spinal menigiomas

    Often express progesterone receptors ad may grow rapidly in pregnancy

    Histologic Patterns


    Low risk of recurrence

    Syncytial (meningothelial)

    - whorled clusters of cells that sit in tight groups without visible cell



    - with elongated cells and abundant collagen deposition between them


    - share features of the syncytial and fibroblastic types


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    - with psammoma bodies, apparently formed from calcification of the

    syncytial nests of meningothelial cells


    - PAS- Positive intracytoplasmic droplets and intracellular lumens


    - with a loose, spongy appearance.

    Atypical meningiomas (WHO GRADE II/IV)

    - Higher risk of recurrence/ more aggressive local growth

    - Distinguished by either mitotic index of four or more per 10 hpf or at least three

    atypical features (increased cellularity, small cells with high N/C ratio, rpominen

    growth or necrosis)

    Clear cell


    Anaplastic (malignant) Meningioma (WHO GRADE III/IV)

    - Highly aggressive tumor with high propensity to recur

    Papillary (pleomorphic cells arranged around fibrovascular cores)

    Rhabdoid (sheets of tumor cellswith hyaline eosinophilic cytoplasm containing

    intermediate filaments)

    Molecular Genetics

    Loss of Chromosome 22- most common (region of 22q12 that harbors NF2 gene)

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    Meningial Carcimatosis with tumor nodules studding the surface of the brain,

    spinl cord and intradural nerve roots is associated particularly with lung and

    breast CA





    Purkinje cell degeneration

    Encephalitis, Limbic System

    Sensory Neuron Degeneration, DRG

    Eye Movement Disorders

    Subacute sensory neuropathy

    Lambert- Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome


    Tumors arise from cells of the peripheral nerve, including schwann cells,

    perineural cells and fibroblast

    Can arise within the dura and along the peripheral course of nerves


    - Schwannoma

    - Neurofibroma

    Malignant Peripheral nerve Sheet Tumor


    Clinical features:

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    - Also called neurilemmoma

    - Can occur at any age; typically adulthood

    - Common sites of involvement are intracranial sites (cerebellopontine

    angle) where they are attached to the 8th

    nerve (Acoustic Neuroma)

    - Slow growing; usually painless tumor

    - Most often sporadic; less than 5% occur in patients with

    neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2)

    Gross pathology

    - Ovoid or fusiform mass, usually smaller than 5 cm

    - Well-defined and typically encapsulated with pink to tan, firm cut surface

    - Focal areas of cystic degeneration may be seen


    - Well defined capsule consisting of epineurium

    - Presence of compact hypercellular areas (Antoni A areas) and

    hypocellular, myxoid aread (Antoni B areas)

    - Nuclear palisading around fibrillary processes (Verocay bodies)

    - Cells are spindled and contain elongated wavy nuclei with tapered ends

    - Hyalinized vessels are characteristic

    - Focal areas of hemorrhage, hemosiderin deposition, and xanthomatous


    - Rarely have glandular structures or pure epitheloid morphology

    Special Stains and Immunohistochemistry

    - S-100 protein strongly positive

    - Leu-7 (CD57,CD56 and GFAP positive

    - Collagen IV: surround individual tumor cells

    Other Technique of Diagnosis

    - Electron microscopy: tumor cells contain electron dense basement

    membrane material and characteristic Luse bodies (long- spaced


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    Clinical Feature

    - Usually occur in the dermal or SQ tissues throughout the body

    - People of any age can be affected, but seen most commonly in young


    - Lesions may be localized, diffuse, or plexiform, the latter two having a

    strong association with NF1

    NF1, von Recklinghausen disease

    - Autosomal dominant, chromosome 17

    - Positive family history in most cases

    - Multiple neurofibromas at different areas of the body

    - Caf-au-lait spots (hyperpigmented skin lesions)

    - Lisch nodules (pigmented iris hemartomas)

    Gross Pathology

    - Well-defines fusiform lesion often in association with a nerve trunk

    - Firm, gray-white cut surface

    - Diffuse lesions show ill-defined, plaque-like thickening of the Sq tissues

    - Plexiform lesions are multinodular conglomerate of lesions of likened to a

    bag of worms


    - Low to moderat cellular lesion composed of cells with wavy nuclei and

    eiosinophilic cytoplasm interspersed with wisps of collagen

    - Stroma may show small amounts of mucoid material or be myxoid and is

    occasionally hyalinized

    - Tumor is well circumscribed but usually not encapsulated

    - Mild nuclear atypia is common and does not mean malignant


    - May contain melanin pigment (pigmented neurofibroma) or show

    epithelioid morphology (epithelioid neurofibroma)

    Plexiform Neurofibroma

    - Almost exclusively associates with NF1

    - Irregularly expanded nerve bundles giving a multinodular appearance

    - Tend to be hypocellular with a prominent myxoid matrix

    - var able degrees of nuclear pleomorphism may be seen

    - infrequent mitotic activity

    Diffuse Neurofibroma

    - Neoplastic cells expand the dermal and SQ tissues and envelop SQ and

    adnexal structures

    Special stains and Immunohistochemistry

    - S-100 protein positive

    Other techniques for Diagnosis

    - Biallelic loss of NF1 tumor suppressor gene on chromosome 17q11.2 may be

    demonstrated by molecular techniques

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    Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor

    Clinical Feature

    - Typically presents as an enlarging mass arising in association with a major

    nerve trunk, frequently on proximal extremities

    - About 3% to 10% of patients with NF1 develop a malignant peripheral

    nerve sheath tumor (MPNST)

    - About 50% of cases are found in patients with NF1 often develops after

    10 to 20 years

    - Sporadic cases typically develop in adults with a male to female ratio of


    - Cases associated with neurofibromatosis occur at a younger age and

    show a 4:1 male to female ratio

    Gross Pathology

    - Arises as a fusiform, deep seated mass often within a major nerve

    - Tumors are typically poorly defined and frequently infiltrate along

    adjacent nerve or into adjacent soft tissue

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    - Tan-white, fleshy cut surface with focal areas of hemorrhage and necrosis


    - Cellular spindle cell tumor with fascicular growth pattern

    - Alternating hypercellular and hypocellular zones of ten with areas of

    myxoid stroma

    - Nuclear palisading and whorled nodules of spindle cells may be seen

    - Perivascular tumor cell condensation and growth along nerve twigs is


    - Spindle cells show hyperchromatic wavy or buckled nuclei and show

    minimal to marked pleomorphism

    - High mitotic activity and necrosis is common

    - Benign or malignant heterologous elements such as bone, cartilage and

    skeletal muscle may be seen

    Malignant triton tumor

    - Presence of rhabdomyolblastic differentiation


    - Tumor showing areas of conventional MPNST admixed with nests of

    round to polygonal epithelioid cells with round nuclei, prominent

    nucleoli, and clear to eiosinophilic cytoplasm.

    Special stains and Immunohistochemistry

    - S-100 protein focally and weakly positive in most cases

    - CD56 and CD57 variably positive

    - Collagen IV positive around individual tumor cells

    Other techniques for diagnosis:

    Electron Microscopy

    - Interdigitating cell processes, complete or partial external lamina, cell

    junctions and pinocytotic vesicles

    Cytogenic studies

    - Numerous structural and numeral abnormalities, none of which are


    Differential Diagnosis

    - Cellular Schwannoma

    - Leiomyosarcoma

    - Fibrosarcoma

    - Synovial Sarcoma

    - Clear Cell Sarcoma



    - Neurofibromas

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    -Lizlie,Georgia,Kat,Tata, Arvee- Special Thanks to Kuya Cliff and Nickie..

    - Gliomas


    - Schwannomas

    - Meningiomas

    Tuberous Sclerosis, i.e., CNS and Somatic Hemartomas

    Von-Hippel-Lindau, CNS hemangioblastomas, chiefly cerebellar




    Hemartomas and Neoplasms

    - Esp. involving the nervous system and skin

    - Mutations in tumor suppressor gene

    1. Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1)

    - Neurofibromas, Neurofibro-sarcomas

    - Optic Neve Gliomas

    - Pigmenes cutaneous macules (caf au lait spots)

    - Pigmented nodules of iris (Lisch nodules)

    2. Neurofibromatosis Type 2 (NF2)

    - Bilateral Schwannomas of CN VIII

    - Multiple Meningiomas

    - Spinal Cord Ependymomas

    3. Tuberous Sclerosis

    - Hamartomas (tubers) in the cerebral cortex, SubEpendumal hamartomas

    (candle drippings) -> Sub-Ependymal giant cell Astrocytomas

    - Seizures and mental retardation

    - Extra CNS findings:

    Kidney (Angiomyolipoma), heart (Rhabdomyoma MCC in kids,

    Mixomas in adults), skin (Angiofibroma)

    4. Von Hippel-Lindau Disease

    - Hemangioblastomas of the cerebellum, retina, brain stem and spinal cord

    - Cysts of liver, kidney and pancreas

    - incidence of RCC, may be bilateral

    - 10% of Hemagioblastomas polycythemia

    Cowden Syndrome

    - Dysplastic ganglioglicytoma of the cerebellum (Lhermitte-Duclos Disease),

    caused by mutations in PTEN resulting in increased activity of AKT and

    mTOR pathways

    Li-Fraumeni Syndrome

    - Medulloblastomas, caused by mutation in p53

    Turcot Syndrome

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    - Medulloblastoma or glioblastoma, caused by mutations in APC or

    mismatch repair genes

    Gorlin Syndrome

    - Medulloblastoma, caused by mutations in the PTCH gene resulting in up

    regulation of sonic hedgehog signaling pathway.



    (inflammatory process of the leptomeninges and CSF within the

    subarachnoid space, while meningoencephalitis cobines this with

    inflammation of the brain parenchyma)

    Infectious Meningitis

    - Acute Pyogenic Meningitis (Bacterial)

    - Aseptic Meningitis (Viral)

    - Chronic Meningitis (TB, SPirochetal, Cryptococcal)

    Chemical Meningitis (nonbacterial irritant)



    Route of Entry

    Hematogenous- most common

    (either through arterial circulation or via retrograde venous spread through

    anastomoses with veins of the face)

    Direct Implantation- trauma, iatrogenic

    (congenital defects, shunts, etc)

    Local extension- mastoid, pharynx, tooth

    Peripheral Nervous System- rabies &herpes zoster

    ACUTE MENINGITIS Acute Pyogenic (Bacterial) Meningitis

    Common causative organisms:

    o Neonates: E. Coli and group B streptococci

    o Adolescents / Adults: Neisseria Meningitidis

    o Elderly: Streptococcus pneumoniae and Listeria Monocytogenes

    o Other uncommon: Klebsiella / Anaerobic Organisms

    Signs / Symptoms

    o Headache

    o Photophobia

    o Irritability

    o Clouding of consciousness

    o Neck stiffness

    CSF Findings

    o High pressure

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    o Cloudy / Purulent CSF (inc WBC)

    o Inc Protein

    o Markedly reduced glucose


    o Plebitis

    o Focal Cerebritis

    o Venous Thrombosis

    o Hemorrhagic infarction

    o Leptopmeningeal infarction

    o Chronic adhesive arachnoiditis (Arachnoid fibrosis)

    o Communicating hydrocephalus

    o Cerebral infarcts

    o Cranial nerve defects blindness, deafness

    o Mental retardation, language defects, motor deficits, etc

    o Death

    Microscopic examination, neutrophils fill the subarachnoid space in severely affected

    areas and are found predominantly around the leptomeningeal blood vessels in less

    severe cases. In untreated meningitis, gram stain reveals varying numbers of the

    causative organism, although they are frequently not demonstrable in treated cases.

    In fulminant meningitis, the inflammatory cells infiltrate the walls of the

    leptomeningeal veins and may extend into the substance of the brain (focal

    cerebritis). Phlebitis may also lead to venous thrombosis and hemorrhagic infarction

    of the underlying brain. Leptomeningeal fibrosis may follow pyogenic meningitis and

    cause hydrocephalus. In some infections, particularly in pneumococcal meningitis,

    large quantities of the capsular polysaccharide of the organism produce a

    particularly gelatinous exudates that encourages arachnoid fibrosis called chronic

    adhesive arachnoiditis.


    Acute Phase

    o Pus in meninges, Virchow Robin spaces

    o Cerebral Edema

    Subacute / chronic phase

    o Fibrin and mononuclear cells

    o Vasculitis, thrombosis, infarct

    o Fibrosis

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    Acute Aseptic Meningitis

    Absence of recognizable organisms

    Maybe viral, bacteria or others (chemical)

    Less fulminant

    Lymphocytic pleocytosis (viral)

    Pleocytosis with neutrophils in chemical / irritant

    CSF Glucose normal

    Protein conc moderately increased

    Self limiting


    o Direct implantation

    o Local extension (mastoiditis, sinusitis)

    o Hematogenous (Cong. Heart Disease, bact. Endocarditis, tooth

    extraction, chronic pulmonary sepsis)

    o Staph, Strep gnonimmunosupresses

    o Often fibrous capsule, liquid center



    Brain Abscess

    Suppurative necrosis of brain parenchyma

    Sources: congenital heart diseases, valvular heart diseases, lung abscess,

    bronchiectasis, dental abscesses, mastoiditis

    Organisms: S. Aureus, S. Viridans, streptococci, anaerobes, Actinomyces,

    Nocardia etc.

    Abcesses are discrete lesions with cental liquefactive necrosis surrounded by

    fibrosis and swelling

    Exuberant granulation tissue with neovascularization around the necrosis that is

    responsible for marked vasogenic edema. A collagenous capsule is produced by

    fibroblasts derived from the walls of the blood vessels. Outside the fibrous

    capsule is a zone of reactive gliosis with numerous gemistocytic astrocytes.

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    Clinical Features

    o Signs of increased ICP

    o Focal Deficits

    o Inc WBC, Protein ; Normal Glucose

    o Herniation

    o Rupture Ventriculitis, Meningitis

    o Mx: Surgery and Antibiotics

    Subdural Empyema

    Bacterial or fungal infections of skull bones / air sinuses

    Produce mass effect if large


    Venous Occlusion and infarction

    The underlying arachnoid and subarachnoid spaces are usually unaffected, but a

    large subdural empyema may produce a mass effect. Further, a thrombophlebitis

    may develop in the bridging veins that cross the subdural space, resulting in venous

    occlusion and infarction of the brain. Symptoms include those referable to the source

    of the infection. In addition, most patients are febrile, with headache and neck

    stiffness, and, if untreated, may develop focal neurologic signs, lethargy, and coma.

    The CSF profile is similar to that seen in brain abcesses.

    Extradural Abscess

    Commonly associated with osteomyelitis from adjacent forcus (sinusitis /

    surgical procedure)

    Spinal Epidural abscess may cause spinal cord compression

    Tb Meningoencephalitis

    M. Tuberculosis enters CNS by hematogenous route during primary


    Most common pattern is diffuse meningoencephalitis


    o Obliterative endarteritis aterial occlusion and infarction

    o Fibrous adhesive arachnoiditis

    o Hydrocephalus

    Maybe isolated or a part of systemic disease with involvement if the meninges and or

    brain often together.


    TUBERCULOMA space occupying lesion

    o Cerebellum and pons most common sites

    Potts disease

    o TB of vertebral body

    o Spinal cord compression from vertebral collapse

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    Another manifestation of the disease is the developmnet of a single (left) (or

    often multiple (right)). They are well circumscribed intraparenchymal mass

    which may be associated with meningitis. A tuberculoma may be as large as

    several centimeters in diameter, causing significant mass effect.

    Microscopic examination, there are mixtures of lymphocytes, plasma cells, and

    macrophages. Florid cases show well-formed granulomas, often with caseous

    necrosis and giant cells.

    HIV-positive individuals are also at risk for infection by M. avium-intracellulare,

    usually in the setting of disseminated infection. These lesions typically contain

    confluent sheets of macrophages filled with organisms, with little or no

    associated granulomatous reaction.


    Clinical Features

    o Symptoms


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    Mental Cofusion


    o CSF Findings

    Moderate CSF pleocytosis

    High Protein

    Glucosel sl. Dec to normal


    Manifestation of the tertiary stage of Syphilis

    Major Patterns

    o Meningovascular Syphilis

    o Paretic Neurosyphilis

    o Tabes dorsalis

    Seen in 10% of untreated cases

    Meningovascular Syphilis

    Chronic meningitis

    Obliterative Endarteritis with perivascular inflammatory reaction

    Cerebral Gummas

    Chronic meningitis involving the base of the brain and more variably the cerebral

    convexities and the spinal leptomeninges.

    Paretic Neurosyphilis

    Manifested as insidious but progressive mental deficits with mood

    alterations, severe dementia (general paresis of the insane)

    Microscopic findings:

    o Loss of neurons

    o Proliferation of microglia (rod cells)

    o Gliosis

    o Iron deposits

    o Granular ependymitis

    Invasion of the brain parenchyma by T. Pallidum

    Inflammatory lesions are associated with parenchymal damage

    Iron deposits are due to small bleeds from microcirculation

    Granular ependymitis proliferation of subependymal glia

    Hydrocephalus can also be a manifestation with damage to the ependymal lining

    Tabes Dorsalis

    Damage of the spirochetes to the sensory nerves in the dorsal roots

    Clinical Manifestations:

    o Impaired joint position sense

    o Locomotor ataxia

    o Loss of pain sensation

    o Charcot joints (skin and joint damage)

    o Lightning pains

    o Absent DTR

    Microscopic Findings:

    o Loss of boyh axons and myelin in the dorsal roots

    o Pallor and atrophy in the dorsal columns of the spinal cord

    o Organisms not demonstrable

    Neuroborreliosis (Lyme Disease)

    Borrelia burgdorferi transmitted by Ixodes tick

    Neurologic Symptoms: Aseptic Meningitis, facialnerve palsies,

    polyneuropathies, encephalopathy

    Microscopic findings: Focal proliferation of microglial cells with scattered

    ectracellular organisms

    Viral Meningoencephalitis

    Arthropod Borne Viral Encephalitis

    HSV Type 1 Encephalitis

    HSV Type 2 Encephalitis

    Varicella-Zoster Virus Encephalitis


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    Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy

    Subacute Sclerosing Parencephalitis

    Arthropod Borne Viral Encephalitis

    Microscopic Findings:

    o Lymphocytic meningoencephalitis

    o Perivascular cuffing

    o Multiple foci of necrosis of gray and white matter single-cell neuronal

    necrosis with phagocytosis of the debris (neuronophagia)

    o Microglial nodules

    o Necrotizing vasculitis with associated focal hemorrhages

    Characteristically, there is a lymphocytic meningoencephalitis (sometimes with

    neutrophils), and a tendency for inflammatory cells to accumulate perivascularly.

    Multiple foci of necrosis of gray and white matter are found in particular, there is

    evidence of single-cell neuronal necrosis with phagocytosis of the debris

    (neuronophagia). Microglial cells form small aggregates around foci of necrosis,

    called microglial nodules. In severe cases there may be a necrotizing vasculitis with

    associated focal hemorrhages.

    Inflammatory cells to accumulate perivascularly

    Microglial cells form small aggregates around foci of necrosis, called microglial

    nodules. In severe cases there may be anecrotizing vasculitis with associated focal



    Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) encephalitis is most common in

    children and young adults

    10% with history of prior herpes

    Common presentations: alterations in mood, memory, and behavior.

    HSV-1 encephalitis follows a subacute course with clinical manifestations

    (weakness, lethargy, ataxia, seizures) that evolve during a more protracted

    period (4 to 6 weeks)

    Polymerase chain reaction (PCR based methods for virus detection in CSF samples

    have increased the ease of diagnosis and the diagnosis and the recognition of a

    subset of patients with less severe disease. Antiviral agents now provide effective

    treatment in many cases, with a significant reduction in the mortality rate.

    Inferior and medial regions of the temporal lobes and the orbital gyri og the

    frontal lobes

    Necrotizing and often hemorrhagic

    Perivascular inflammatory infiltrates are usually present

    Cowdry type A intranuclear viral inclusion bodies in both neurons and glia

    This encephalitis starts in, and most severely involves, the inferior and medial regions

    of the temporal lobes and the orbital gyri of the frontal lobes. The infection is

    necrotizing and often hemorrhagic in the most severely affected regions. Perivascular

    inflammatory infiltrates are usually present, and Cowdry type A intranuclear viral

    inclusion bodies may be found in both neurons and glia. In individuals with slowly

    evolving HSV-1 encephalitis, there is more diffuse involvement of the brain

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    Meningitis- Adults

    Encephalitis neonates

    Can develop during passage through birth canal

    Acute hemorrhagic and necrotizing encephalitis in immunosupreses


    Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) also infects the nervous system in adults it causes

    meningitis, but as many as 50% of neonates born by vaginal delivery to women with

    active primary HSV genital infections acquire the infection during passage through

    the birth canal and develop severe encephalitis. In the face of active HIV infection,

    HSV-2 may cause an acute, hemorrhagic, necrotizing encephalitis.



    Postherpetic Neuralgia

    Granulomatous Arteritis

    Encephalitis with numerous sharly circumscribed lesions with

    demyelination and necrosis

    Primary varicella infection presents as one of the childhood exanthems (chickenpox),

    ordinarily without any evidence of neurologic involvement. Following the cutaneous

    infection, the virus enters a latent phase within sensory neurons of the dorsal root or

    trigeminal ganglia. Reactivation of infection in adults (shingles) usually manifests as

    a painful, vesicular skin eruption in a single or limited dermatomal distribution.

    Herpes zoster reactivation is usually a self-limited process, but there may be a

    persistent postherpetic neuralgia syndrome particularly after age 60, including both

    persistent pain as well as painful sensation following nonpainful stimuli. Overt CNS

    involvement with herpes zoster is much rarer but can be severe. Herpes zoster has

    been associated with a granulomatous arteritis; immunocytochemical and electron

    microscopic evidence of viral involvement has been obtained in a few of these cases.

    In immunosuppressed individuals, herpes zoster may cause acute encephalitis with

    numerous sharply circumscribed lesions characterized by demyelination followed by



    Occurs in fetuses and immunosuppressed individuals

    Periventricular necrosis that produces severe brain destruction


    Periventricular calcification

    Subacute encephalitis most common pattern

    Paraventricular subependymal regions of the brain Hemorrhagic

    necrotizing Ventriculoencephalitis and a choroid plexitis.

    Lower spinal cord and roots radiculoneuritis


    o Prominent cytomegalic cells with intranuclear and intacytoplasmic


    o IHC

    In the immunosuppressed individual, the most common pattern of involvement is

    that of a subacute encephalitis, which may be associated with CMV inclusion-bearing


    Although any type of cell within the CNS (neurons, glia, ependyma, endothelium) can

    be infected by CMV, there is a tendency for the virus to localize in the paraventricular

    subependymal regions of the brain. This results in a severe hemorrhagic necrotizing

    ventriculoencephalitis and a choroid plexitis. The virus can also attack the lower

    spinal cord and roots, producing a painful radiculoneuritis. Prominent cytomegalic

    cells with intranuclear and intracytoplasmic inclusions can be readily identified by

    conventional light microscopy and confirmed as CMV by immunohistochemistry.

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    Meninges (aseptic meningitis)

    Lower motor neurons of the spinal cord

    o Flaccid paralysis

    o Muscle wasting

    o Hyporeflexia

    o Muscle atrophy

    o Contracture fibrosis

    Death can occur from paralysis of the respiratory muscles acute phase

    Severe respiratory compromise may occur and cause long-term morbidity

    Post-polio syndrome

    o Progressive weakness with decreased muscle mass and pain

    The polio virus selectively infects and advances to involve the spinal cord innervations

    of the diaphragm and intercostals muscles. Post polio syndrome can develop in

    patients 25 to 35 years after the resolution of the initial illness. It has unclear


    Microscopic findings:


    o Perivascular cuffs and neuronophagia of the anterior-horn motor

    neurons of the spinal cord

    o Cavitation

    o The cranial motor nuclei are sometimes involved

    Chronic and symptomatic postmortem

    o Loss of neurons and gliosis

    o Residual inflammation

    o Atrophy of the anterior (motor) spinal roots

    o Neurogenic atrophy of denervated muscle

    Acute cases show mononuclear cell perivascular cuffs and neurophagia of the

    anterior-horn motor neurons of the spinal cord. The inflammatory reaction is usually

    confined to the anterior horns but may extend into the posterior horns, and the

    damage is occasionally severe enough to produce cavitations. In situ reverse

    transcriptase RPCP has shown poliovirus RNA in anterior-horn cell motor neurons.

    The cranial motor nuclei are sometimes involved. Postmortem examination in long-

    term survivors of symptomatic poliomyelitis shows loss of neurons and gliosis in the

    affected anterior horns of the spinal cord, some residual inflammation, atrophy of

    the anterior (motor) spinal roots, and neurogenic atrophy of denervated muscle.


    Maximally affects the basal ganglia, hippocampus, brainstem and spinal


    Virus enters the cns by ascending along the peripheral nerves from the

    wound site

    Incubation period (commonly between 1 and 3 months)

    Initial symptoms

    o Headache

    o Malaise

    o Fever

    o Local paresthesias around the wound

    Late Manifestations

    o Cns excitability

    o Convulsions

    o Aversion to swallowing even water (hydrophobia)

    o Meningismus

    o Flaccid paralysis

    o Periods of alternating mania and stupor

    Depends on the distance between the wound and the brain

    Death is due to respiratory failure

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    Rabies is a severe encephalitis transmitted to humans by the bite of a rabid animal or

    even without a known bite, can also lead to rabies. Negri bodies, the pathognomonic,

    microscopic finding, are cytoplasmic, round to oval, eosinophilic inclusions that can

    be found in pyramidal neurons of the hippocampus and Purkinje cells of the

    cerebrum, sites usually devoid of inflammation.

    The red cytoplasmic inclusion body seen here is a Negri body in a Purkinje cell of the

    cerebellum as a consequence of the infection with rabies virus. The virus tracks along

    nerves from the site of the bite from an infected animal back to the central nervous

    system. The hippocampal neurons and the cerebellar Purkinje cells are the places

    Negri bodies are moste likely to appear.

    Eosinophilic Negri body of raboes, also basophilic inclusions of CMV

    HIV Encephalitis

    Subacute encephalitis characterized by small nodules composed of

    demyelination, reactive astroglial proliferation and infiltration by

    lymphocytes and microglial cells

    HIV associated Dementia

    Early and acute phase

    o Mild lymphocytic meningitis

    o Perivascular inflammation

    o Some myelin loss in the hemispheres

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