PATENTSCOPE® - Access to the World of Technology



A core function of the patent system is to make publicly available the technical information contained in patent documents. The PATENTSCOPE® search service provides access to the technology contained in over 1.3 million published international patent applications.

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Access to the World of TECHNOLOGY

What can you find on PATENTSCOPE® portal, the WIPO’s gateway to patent services and activities?�� Patent search

A core function of the patent system is to make publicly availablethe technical information contained in patent documents. ThePATENTSCOPE® search service provides access to the technology contained in over 1.3 million published international patent applications. This service’s main features include:

• Full-text search facilities for published applications back to thefirst publication in 1978

• Access to the file contents (search and examination reports,written opinions of the searching authority, applicant’s informalcomments on the written opinion, priority documents…)

• Searchable data on the PCT national phase for over 30 countries• Downloadable weekly collections of published applications

through subscription services• Graphical view of search results • RSS feeds to track technology developments in specific areas

Full-text search

10 reasons to use PATENTSCOPE® search service

The PATENTSCOPE® search service is the authoritative source of information about international patent filings. This free service en-ables you to:

1. Conduct simple or sophisticated searches on a wide range ofpatent data

2. Access new patent applications as soon as they are publishedeach week

3. Consult the latest bibliographic data, including changes sincepublication

4. Retrieve status information, published documents and filecontents through a single system

5. Download and print complete patent applications in variousformats

6. Track the status of international patent applications at thenational level in specific countries

7. Review the geographical coverage of international patentingactivity

8. Access pre-defined searches and analysis for technologies ofpublic or policy interest

9. Visualize patenting activity in your area of interest in graphicalformats

10. Monitor the patenting activity in your area of interest throughRSS feeds

Visualize patenting activity in graphical formats

�� Filing international patent applications (PCT Resources)

Legal, technical and general information to help you seek patentprotection internationally via the PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty) –a multilateral pact administered by WIPO which provides a simpli-fied system for international patent filing. PCT resources onPATENTSCOPE® web site include:

• Practical information on filing PCT international patentapplications (forms, applicant’s guide, fees)

• Legal texts• Guides to electronic filing for applicants and industrial property

offices (PCT-SAFE)

�� Statistics

• Monthly and quarterly reports on international patent filingtrends (PCT)

• Annual reports on world-wide patenting activity• Downloadable datasets for researchers and analysts• Background papers and studies

�� Patent law and current issues

• Studies and policy-oriented analysis of patent data in the lifesciences area

• Articles and studies on topical issues, such as access to geneticresources, biotechnology, traditional knowledge, licensing andtechnology transfer

• Documentation on the international development of patent law,including the work of WIPO’s Member States in the StandingCommittee on Patents

• A database of the industrial property laws of over 100 countriesand regions (CLEA – Collection of Laws for Electronic Access)

• Texts of patent-related treaties administered by WIPO

�� Standards and international classification systems

• Standards and documentation for facilitating the harmonizationof patent-related practices by industrial property offices

• The International Patent Classification (IPC) system,indispensable for the search and retrieval of patent documentswhen seeking to establish the novelty of an invention, or todetermine the state of the art in a particular area of technology

�� Meetings, seminars and training

Announcements and information materials on meetings, seminarsand training sessions on patents and the PCT

�� Notification services

• RSS feeds for PATENTSCOPE® news • Subscription to WIPO mailing lists for regular e-mail updates on

different subjects

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WIPO Publication No. L434/1(E) ISBN 978-92-805-1690-6

World Intellectual Property Organization

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