Pastor Matthew Gilmore, Senior Pastor - Clover...


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APRIL 2014

I Pastor Matthew Gilmore, Senior Pastor Ready Or Not' Series Plan:

4.20 "Are We There Yet?" The greatest news and hope that we have for the , future is that one day according to God's Matthew 24:1-3 timetable, Jesus Christ is coming back. When He came the first time He entered our world as a humble servant. The Word became flesh and walked among us. What He taught and what He did changed the world. This Easter we remember

His crucifixion and we celebrate His glorious resurrection, but keep in mind before Jesus returned to heaven a promise was given. As the disciples were watching Jesus ascended to heaven the Bible says that in Acts 1:11 an angel of the Lord said to them, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven."

4.27 "Signs, Signs, flierywliere A Sig11" Matthew 24:4-14

5.4 "Lh1e Ready" Matthew 24:15-28

5.11 "Sound The Tr11111pet" Matthew 24:29-35

5.18 "Ready Or Not" Matthew 24:36-51

This is a promise we can count on and look forward to with great anticipation!

When Jesus returns He's going to come in power and glory, ready to rule and reign on this earth as King of Kings and Lords of Lords! And believe it or not the Bible actually has a lot of information regarding this. In fact, there are more than 500 references to Jesus' second coming. One of the most well known references is Matthew 24 known as the Olivet Discourse.

Starting Easter Sunday we're going to begin a journey through Matthew 24 called, 'Ready or Not.' It is this hope in His return that gives our faith solid footing in a chaotic world gone wild.

Plan on joining us every Sunday during the month of April as we learn to live in light of His return.

Pastor Ed Fel ~- ''f""I · '.

{,~i~ ate Jr. Associate Pastor, Rescue & Benevolence . -. -..

' ~,. ,,. .. , "All of us have strayed away like sheep." Isa. 53:6a (NLT)

In 2009 6.8% of all federal /state prisons were women . As of 2010, more than I million women were under the supervision of the criminal justice system. Women in state prisons are more likely to have minor children and 64 % of mothers in state prisons lived with their children before they were sent to prison.

At the local level there are females that are incarcerated. Compared to the men they represent a small percent­age of the population. But the fact is they are there and many are mothers and many are from dysfunctional homes. Some may be single parent and their children either go to a family member or foster care.

Roxanne Fox and Tami Tucker from NHBC go to Madison County Jail each Thursday evening to tell female inmates the hope they can have through a relationship with Jesus Christ. They have an awesome privilege to minister to these precious ladies--some very young and some old. Yes, they have gone astray like sheep but Rox and Tami tell them that their sin-guilt was laid on Jesus--just for them.

What a privilege it is to take the gospel to those in great need! ! Roxann Fox Tmni Tucker

5 How great are your works, Lord, how profound your thoughts! 6 Senseless people do not know, fools do not un­derstand, 7that though the wicked :;pring up like grass and all evildoers flourish, they will be destroyed forever. (Psalm 92:5-7 NIV)

April Fools ' Day, I've never really understood the reason for it, though it is recognized and celebrated in several

More importantly this month, we as Christians, celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. As mentioned above, there are many who don' t understand what it means to have a personal relationship with our risen Savior, or that not hav­ing one will mean spending an eternity in hell, but they will attend church this April 20th, because someone invites them. May God lay someone upon our hearts these next few weeks to pray for and ask to attend our Easter services with us.

As I'm sure you've noticed, from time to time the words on the screen and what the worship team is singing, don't actually match. As I mentioned a few months ago, January I st we transitioned to our new computer and presentation software. Though there are benefits to the new program, we have to rebuild all of our songs. I am very appreciative of our AN technicians, and have to say that most of the on screen issues are due to me, not them. Please be patient as we continue to learn and improve.

In His service, John Grimes

Welcome_!! _ New Secretary NHBC is pleased to announce Jami Brosh as our new secretary. Jami started training last week on March 18th. She comes to us with over 35 years of secretarial and financial experience. Please stop by and welcome Jami to our church family. Her hours are Monday thru

' Thursday, 8:00 am - 3:00 pm.

Jami is married to John Brosh. They have 2 children. Jami enjoys cooking, reading , spending time with family and motorcycle riding.

Our Newest member

Joe began attending Northern Heights about two years ago. Joe believes he is being fed God's Word every Sunday. He enjoys expository preaching and says _it's exactly what he needs. Joe has three sons Christian (17), Colton (15) and Calvin (13). He enjoys spending time with his family, rid­ing his motorcycle and watching sports, especially football.

Take time to welcome Joe to the NHBC family.

New Member class starting soon. If you are interested in learning mare about NHBC. ar haw ta became a member. please plan an attending the Discover NHBC classes. Discover NHBC is a brief three week class offering you all the information you need on exactly who NHBC is. what we believe. where we are going and haw you can get involved. We want you ta make an informed decision. The Discove r NHBC Class is conducted dur­ing the first three weeks af every quarter an a continuous cycle. It is scheduled during the Sunday School hour from B:DDam­ID:DDam. The three consecutive classes will be offered on: April 8, 13, 20.

Sign up is available at the Welcome Center. -----·--------~

~ -Open doors for the Gospel!

The Lord has opened doors to share the gospel with the Hispanics and not only in Norfolk but in Madison also, we are looking forward to start a Bible study or worship service for Hispanics there, we've been doing food pantry on the last weeks with Pastor Roy from Calvary Baptist Church, and we have seen good response from the people to the gospel, God also has given us an opportun ity to start rad io programs in Spanish , to share the truth of his Word, to God be the glory, He is so good!

Our Hispanic Church

"I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been

making it grow" 1Cor. 3:6 Healthy people grow. Healthy

animals grow. Healthy trees grow. Healthy plants grow. Healthy chur­ches grow. Growth is a characte­ristic that God supernaturally bre­aths into all living things. And the body of Christ-the church-is a

living thing.

We praise the Lord for the things He has been doing in the last months through His Word the Holy Spirit, the backup of NHBC and the great team He has provided.

.. Reyne! and Marina: "We were praying he Lord to indicate us a church where to go: and that was how in October last year we met Pastor David Martinez and family, who invited us to know the NHBC Iglesia en Espanol, where we remained until today. We thanks God for having found a new family in Christ, where we have learned and grown spiritually every day in order to reach more souls to enlarge the kingdom of God."

The Ramirez Family from Colombia.

Did you know that Pastor Gene and Meya have been ministering for the

last sixteen years at NHBC? Reyne/, Marina and their daughters Annie and Jennifer



APRIL 20 2014



708 Georgia Ave


Praise Our God for their faithfulness!

--®l' I l ',I -.



. --

~ Deadlines for camp this summer are

. approaching fast. Get an

: info pack . from the welcomes center or church it out at

Over the past nine weeks we have been studying through 2 Peter 1 :1-8 and asking the question 'now what"? Once we have our foundation of faith in Christ and Christ alone, what are the things that shou ld be in our lives as followers of Jesus. " For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge,and knowledge with self-control, and self-control w ith steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, and godl iness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love." 2 Peter 1 :5-7

As a parent, there have probably been some times where you need some help and understanding as you guide your kids through their teen years. Each month we will highlight a resource (book, website, article, passage of Scripture) that can be a tool for you as a parent. As Proverbs 24:6b says " .. in the abundance of counselors there is victory". Self-reliance is not the goal. We need each other for help, support, and encouragement. (or you can download the app) gives you a Christian perspective and ratings for the latest in movies, music, tv, and the gaming world. In this ever changing world of entertainment, this is a great way stay informed with what is being targeted at this next generation.

After a successful nerf war (nothing broken and no one

injured) we are back for round two. The next war will

be Friday, April 25th at 6:30pm.


the Pew Research Center, found that t he typical teen

sends and receives 60 t ext messages a


Easter celebration Worship services

Invite a friend! On Easter Sunday we celebrate the risen Savior who conquered Satan, sin and death. He is worth celebrating and we want to encourage you to invite someone or several people to celebrate with you.

Don't let Easter pass you by without inviting: someone you know, care about, love, or perhaps a complete stranger to some or all of our Easter services at NHBC. 68% of Americans believe Easter is a religious celebration. More than 80% would attend Easter services if invited. What an opportunity!

This year we are challenging everybody to reach out and invite people to NHBC this Easter. Begin praying now about three people or families that you can reach out to with God's love.

'Ready or Not' sermon series starting Easter Sunday

Mark Your Calendar

4. J 8 @ 7:00pm

• Good Friday Worship service (Lord's Supper observed)


• Sunrise Wors hi p @ 6 :30am (Join us at the relocation site)

• Easte r Breakfast @ I : I Sam at the Fellowsh ip Hall

• Sunday school (all ages) @9:00am

• Morning Worship @ IO: I Sam


* : LIBERIA MISSION TRIP NEWS BiU Zechmann and Pastor Gene Martinez traveled to Liberia on February 22, 2014- March 2, 2014

Bill and Gene with some of the leaders after the,, Kakata City conference. OPEN DOORS

In 2010, God began moving in Bill Zechmann's heart. He was desperately concerned for revival in America. Not knowing what the Lord wanted Him to do he began engaging people in conversation about revival. One such individual was Dan Arson. Bill traveled to California in 2010, to meet Dan. It was a casual meeting, but from that meeting Bill was given some names of people overseas that needed assistance in their local ministries.

That was 4 years ago. Since then there have been three trips to Africa. One of the trips included going to Kenya and Liberia. The other two trips were individually split between Kenya and Liberia. The trips have included two crusades to the public and hosting several pastor training conferences. There have also been opportunities to be involved with the leaders and children of their orphanages. The doors are open for much more work still to be done there.


Gene with Pastor WiUie from Liberia

During the last trip to Liberia, God opened a door for Bill and Pastor Gene Martinez to talk with more than four hundred leaders. They are are diligently seeking structure for their ministries and their evenings were s ent in the leaders' homes.

BiU teaching during a training session.

In fact, many of the leaders have expressed a desire to change from their independent status as a church and are willing to adopt the The Baptist Faith and Message of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Ther.e is opportunity for a great impact on the lives of many people if the workers can be put in place to teach the proper doctrines.

The Nation Liberia is a country in Western

Africa roughly the size of Ohio, with about three million people who call it home. It's a relatively peaceful country, but in 1980, the indigenous people overthrew the government, and a full scale civil war broke out. Tribe fought against tribe. Rebel forces destroyed entire villages. The citizens were raped, murdered, tortured and mutilated. It wasn't until 2005 that the country became more stable.

Religion in Liberia is diverse. Witchcraft is part of life in Liberia and humans are sacrificed. Cannibalism is practiced. 40% of Liberians exclusively practice traditional indigenous religious beliefs. Another 40% are Christian or a mix of Christian and indigenous religious beliefs. An estimated twenty percent of the population is Muslim. It's from this population that the persecution of Christians arise. When a Muslim converts to Christianity, he or she faces imminent persecution from family members.

Market Place at Kakata City

Efforts are currently being made to get the Southern Baptist international convention involved in the work there. This is a great opportunity to reach out and help. Let's begin praying about a possible role for NHBC in Liberia!! How can we go and tell?

Week of Prayer for

NORTH AMERICAN MISSIONS and the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering"

Budget Allocations: 2014 Annie Armstrong What Do AAEO Supported What Can You Do?

The 2014 nntinual gnalfor thr Easter Offering Goal: Missionaries Do? * Pray for the work ef missionmies

A1111ie Annslrong Easler .National goal: S 7 0, 000, 000 * Start new churches *Share with others

Qffering® (MEO) is $70 million. * Engage in student evangelism on *Ask God what He would /zave

I 00 percent qf your Annie NHBC'sgoal: $4,000.00 college campuses _you give this year to the AAEO

1lnnslnmg Easter Ojferi11g gifts * Sl'rve the physical and sfnritual * Go to www.anniearmstroag,com

support missionmies 011 the field. needs ef people lo learn more

* Sm•e as dmrrh planting rala[ysts

THE GOSPEL IS LIKE A LIFE RING :\<nth .\rnt'.rica 1::- ldlt'.d VI ith fH'<>ple vd1() ..ti~ li<1fWlt"""I)

l<>'-.t . l,itcr;1 lly tl1ey art· d1<1V1ning and in cft-:-.;pc1att· tlf't·'d

()r <1 ~avi<>r !'lie ( •<,...,pf:I i" the ( ;o()d \t>VI" that there

is a ~dvior. I If' \> the lilt-: ring. It\ <>ur privi lcgf'. to gr.l

l ht·: lllt'. "1"1.1.~t"' Ol!l.

The North American Missions emphasis is a time to nurture in Southern Baptists

an awareness of and sensitivity to the need to penetrate lostness among all people in

North America. It is also a time to encourage Christians to be intentionally active in

sharing the gospel with their families, friends, and communities. During the emphasis,

churches and individuals also increase awareness of and participation in giving to

North Ame1ican Missions efforts through the Annie

Armstrong Easter Offering®, 100 percent of which

goes directly to the mission field that is the United

States, Canada, and their territories.

Southern Baptists are structured to be on

mission together to reach all people. We pool

our resources through the Cooperative

Program and missions offerings, creating a

dynamic synergy that makes our efforts on all

levels stronger than they could ever be if we

worked alone. Through the North American Mission

Board, Southern Baptists are affirming God's call in the

lives of our missionaries, sending them out strategically to share His message, and

supporting them through our prayers and financial gifts.

Annie Armstrong Annie Armstrong in Christ with all her

heart, but it was her hands that expressed

that belief in tangible ways. She spent a

great amount of time typing and

handwnttng leffers 1n support of m1ss1ons In

1893 alone, she wrote almost 18, 000 leffersl Annie also never hesitated to use

her hands to reach out to hug a child or

d1sfr1bute food and clothmg and the Word

of God to those m need She loved to share

Gods love with others And most

importantly, Annie was a woman of prayer

Annte rallied chu1Ches fo give more prny

more ond do more for reaching people for

Chmt A~ we continue to unite to make her

v1s1on a reality 1n North America today. we

wn Le wnfldent thCJt her legacy will o/so

be O UI S

Fun at the party'

'Meet and Greet' munchies

And your w inners are ...

Andrew Heimes I st Place Speed

Mikay la Walker 1st Place Design

Jonathan Allen 2nd Place Design

Daniel Frewing 3rd Place Design

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II Here is what. is coming up in April in Awana:

April 2: Mismatched Clothes Night April 9 : Bring a Friend Night April 16: Ice Cream Night April 23: Awana Store Night Apri l 30: Awards Night

We could still use some donations for our fi nal Awana Store. A lso, we could use any donations of cookies, bars or other desserts for our Awards Night. A ll are welcome to our Awards Night to see all the progress the kids have made in memoriz ing God's word!

Justin Fisher

What an exciting and encouraging year we are having in Mom to Mom! We have stud­ied Personal Growth, Partnering Growth and now we are beg inning Parenting Growth. Join us on April 19, from 9:30-11 :30 as we take a look at the "Peter Potential: Kids & Parents in Progress."

We all know that there are no microwave kids and that our mom job requires great patience and perseverance. Come explore with us several examples of biblical people -in-process and discuss ways God's patience with us can be applied in our relation­ships with our children. As always, we have delicious yummies, edifying Bible study and great conversation led by our Titus 2 Moms. And we also have dynamic childcare provided for you. Come again or for the fi rst time, we would enjoy having you. For any further questions you may call Mandy G ilmore, 371 -8887.

Intergenerational Prayer Partners is an ongoing ministry and you can join in any­time.

There are prayer partner forms on at the Welcome Center in the entrance lobby. Fill one out and put it in Marilyn Meier's mailbox at church .

Check out the pictures of our Prayer Partners on the roll ing bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall.

'Meet and Greet' fellowship

Getting ready for the cameras


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'" QUARTERLY MINISTRY MEETING ~i---=. ""'~y. The next quarterly ministry meeting will be Monday, April 21st at Northern Heights Baptist

.J-~ , ;'F) ._- __ .~ Church. The meeting begins at 7:00 pm. Watch for agenda items in the weekly bulletin.

,-. -., "~ I: 'j~ ,

LOOKING AHEAD! TRINIDAD GARAGE SALE FUNDRAISER JUNE 6-7, 2014 Friday 1-7 Saturday 8-12 Please clean out your closets, garages and storerooms! Time for the Trinidad Garage Sale! All donated items and their proceeds go towards the Trinidad Team! Contact Roxanne 402-750-0556 or George Fox 402-750-4502.

1 l ,.• Family Game Night Fellowship APRIL 4, 2014 will begin at 6:30 pm. ~ 1 ;~rA'f .• Join us for our monthly game night at NHBC. Our next one will be this Friday. Bring your fa­.. 11~- vorite game and finger sandwiches or finger food snacks. Children are welcome. There will be "lfi ;' , ... tables for kids only, adults only and kids and adults. Future game nights will be scheduled the

z first Friday of each month. See you there! Get connected !!

' Easter Breakfast APRIL 20th, 2014 will approximately 7:15 am. Join us following sunrise service Easter Morning for breakfast in the NHBC fellowship hall. Contact Roxanne Fox at 402-750-0556 for further details. This will be an April fellowship event.

SATURDA~April1~h In Mom to Mom! We have studied Personal Growth, Partnering Growth and now we are beginning Par­enting Growth. Join us on April 19, from 9:30-11 :30 as we take a look at the "Peter Potential: Kids & Par­ents in Progress." For any further questions you may call Mandy Gilmore, 371-8887.

NERF DARTS SHOOT-OUT!!!!!!!!!! Friday, April 25, 6:30 pm. Friday, April 25th at 6:30pm the battle is on. Bring your Nerf guns, ammo, and kids and meet at the church for FUN time as the saga continues ....


• Capital Campaign details on our relocation to new church building. • CD Ministry: If you would like a copy of the sermon messages, please fill out a request form at the Wel-

come Center. Cost is $1.00. • Get Connected small group ministry details at Welcome Center. • Northern Heights "Pathway" newsletter available at Welcome Center. • Intergenerational Prayer Partner sign-up forms.

MAY NEWSLETTER DEADLINE All information for the May newsletter should be submitted to the church office by Th A "124 2014

1st 4th


9th 12th 13th

14th 19th


22nd 23rd

Dan Geary Michaela Hall Savannah Walker Dick Clemmens

APRIL CELEBRATIONS 25th Jeremy Steskal 27th Savannah Hack

Dawson Meier 28th Samantha Hall

<) (;


Andrew Heimes Barb Meader Troy Friedrichsen


Jenna Mireles Caleb Rittscher Jane Zechmann Brandon Schaffer Haidyn Anderson 6th Troy & Hope Beam Laurynas Smith 7th Chuck & Dawn Boerngen Jane Jenkins 15th Tim & Nancy Benson Levi Walker 20th Harold & Doris Blair Karen Krueger 24th Ralph & Sandra Johnson Liz Baber Noah Daniel Dominique Droescher


A Note of Thanks

I would to thank everyone for the Tea Party, prayers, vvords of encouragement and gifts! I really appreciate my NHBC family.

Love, Shea Wood

Did you know we have a website? What is it useful for?

• Keep up with what's going on • Listen to or download sermons • Get information on and register for church events • Check out and download photos of recent happenings • Link up with our podcast, Twitter feed, and Facebook page • Find resources for you and your family's spiritual growth • Check out current & old newsletters • Introduce someone to NHBC •And more ...

April 6

April 13

April 20

April 27

April 6 April 13 April 20 April 27

April 6

April 13

April 20

April 27



Matt Meier, Ron Rudloff, Chuck April 6 Lloyd & Spangler

Wilken, Dawson Meier April 13 Larry Pochop, Bill Kingsbury, George Deb Sohl & Cathy Underwood

Fox, Josh and/or Jarod Pochop April 20 Jeannie Sellars & Nathan Meier LeRoy Damme, Andrew Ravenscroft,

Chuck Boerngen, Tanner Boerngen April 27 Michelle Yosten & Cheri Wichman Bruce Anderson, Gary Vogt, Jeff Stark,

Cale Strong

ACCOMPANIST CARE PACKAGE TEAM Doris Kingsbury, Julie Daniel Doris Kingsbury, Julie Daniel Eileen Damme, Kris Heimes Eileen Damme, Deb Sohl

April 6 April 13 April 20 April 27


Ron & JoAnn Rudloff Sandy Duncan & Doris Felgate Lloyd & Sue Spangler Terry &_Marlene Cleveland

April 6

April 13

April 20

April 27

Kevin & Cheryl Johnson, Kaitlin and Auni Strong, Kris Heimes

Neil Heimes, Auni Strong, Irene Frewing, Becky Sours

Kevin Johnson, Sue Spangler, Lisa Kerber, Latrice Stark

Mark Bejot, Julie Daniel, Nicole Schmitz, Gina Ohnesorg


Sunday Nursery

Gina & Wayne Ohnesorg & Mandy Gilmore

Katie & Jeremy Steskal & Becky Felgate

Doris Felgate & Danielle & Travis Kubes

Annie Friedrichsen & Sandy Duncan & Kaitlin Strong

AWANA NURSERY April 2- Katie Steskal

April 9- Connie Geary

April 16- Becky Felgate

April 23-Anny Friedrichsen

April 30-Doris Felgate

Sunday Preschool

Carla & Jason Rittscher

Kris & Neil Heimes

Deb & Dan Sohl

Marilyn & Elwood Meier

Yet give attention to your servant's prayer and his plea.for mercy,

0 LORD my God. Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is praying in your presence this day.

I Kings 8:28 (NIV)


*Praise for Pastor David Martinez RI approval this week! * Pray for Kevin Livingston for health concerns. *Pray for Karen Perkin's Sister, Glenda Legate peace in her life. * Pray for George Fox's mother Janice and her salvation. * Pray for Nick Lingenfelter's grandmother, Gertrude Carlson, hospitalized. * Pray for Brayden Rittscher, diagnosis of rare eye disease. Pray for God's

healing touch on his eyes. * Pray for Kevin and Cheryl Johnson and family members following the death of

Kevin's brother in Texas. * Pray for Lisa Kerber's Dad, undergoing hip replacement in April. *Pray for Ed Taulbee and disability trial scheduled 4/17/ 14. * Pray for Florence Sohl, back problems. * Pray for Jeremy Kerber's dad Roger. Bladder cancer returned. Pray for

continued healing. * Pray for Shea Wood recently diagnosed with cancer. Pray for her healing and

that God would use this disease for His glory. * Pray for Dorothy Willers, health concerns and heart failure. (Fox friend).

Long term prayer requests -John Heimes, (son of Neil and Kris Heimes); Pat Prather, rehabilitation from accident; Todd Felgate, kidney transplant; Cancer: Carol Glaser, Barb Meader, Kathy Shaw, Jim Moore, Kay Gilfert: Dan Speas,.

Military Service -Joseph Mollenkamp,(son-in-law of Mark and Patti Bejot), Dennis Curtis (nephew of Mark and Patti Be­jot), Josh Hofmann (son of Gary & Bonnie Vogt); Britney Dahlkoetter (daughter of George & Roxann Fox); Mitchell Sil­vers (husband of Cheyanne Silvers); Steven Rueschenberg (Connie & Kenny Kava's son-in-law); Derek Stoll & Kolton Weber (Meader's grandson); Andrew Howard (Blair's grandson).

Please be sure to update the church office on prayer requests so that we can keep the list current. lfvou have a request, please update the church office monthly, lfno update is received, the request will be removed.

Rejoice a/ways,

pray without ceasing,

giv.e· thanks in a!J circumstances; for this

is the "\Nill of God f-

in tChrist .Jesus for you. -J Thessalonians 5:17




Men's Prayer Time Sunday School Worship Hispanic Ministry


Hispanic Ministry Prayer Meeting


Awana Merge

8:30am 9:00am 10:15am 3:00pm


6:15pm 6:30pm

Community Groups meet in homes throughout the week. Contact the church office to get connected.


Church Office 402-371 -6253

Office Hours: Mon.-Fri., 8:30am-4:30pm After Hours Emergency Contact: 402-841-2039


Pastor Matthew Gilmore, Senior Pastor

Pastor Jeff Sours, Youth Pastor

Pastor Ed Felgate, Jr., Assoc. Pastor of Rescue & Benevolence

Pastor David Martinez, Assoc. Pastor of Hispanic Ministries

John Grimes, Worship Leader

Jami Brosh, Secretary

For Information contact:


Mark Bejot, Terry Cleveland, Justin Fisher, George Fox, Neil Heimes, Lloyd Spangler, Bruce Strong, Bob Talsma
