Part – i : wR iti N g 3 Composition-i jewellery decoration pieces, wall-hangings, purses, shoes,...


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Composition-idiary Entry / Article

Part – i: wRitiNg

i. diARY EntRYDiary writing is one of the most personal and informal categories of writing. A diary writing can be based on an experience, a scene, a description or narration of certain event or any other thing or activity that the writer considers worth writing in his personal diary.In the examination, the question on diary writing is aimed to test your imaginative, creative and expressive skills. gUidELinES FoR diARY WRitingA diary entry has no fixed format or style of writing. However, a good diary entry does contain the following features: 1. A good diary writing contains the place, the date, the day and even the time of writing. For

example: Agra 20th July, 20XX Friday, 8:00 p.m. 2. A diary doesn’t need any formal heading. However, it is optional. If you want, you can give a

suitable heading. 3. The style and tone is generally informal and personal. However, it depends on the subject.

Sometimes the tone can be philosophical and reflective too. You can freely express your viewpoints and feelings.

4. As the diary is writer’s personal document, the diary entry doesn’t need any signature. It is totally optional.

5. You can evolve your own suitable style depending on the topic of your writing. * As per the cBSe syllabus, you are required to write a diary/article in about 100-120


SoLvEd ExAMPLES Q1. You recently visited the 24th crafts mela at Suraj kund, Faridabad. it was mini

india assembled at one place. using the hints, make a diary entry of what you saw and experienced there.Hints: • More than 20 states of India represented • Rajasthan—the theme state • Participation of

foreign countries • cultural programmes, dances at ‘Chaupal’ and ‘Rangmanch’ • Food courts catering all kinds of foods • arts and handicrafts from the awarded artisans.

Ans. New Delhi 20th March, 20XX Monday, 8:00 pm Dear Diary, The Crafts Mela at Suraj Kund was much more impressive and grand than what I had imagined.

This year the ‘Theme State’ was Rajasthan. The whole campus was painted with the visuals of


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Ranthambore, Chittor, Jodhpur and Jaisalmer. It was Mini India assembled on a few hundred acres of land. All the awarded artisans from different states had set up their workshops and stalls there. Many countries, more particularly Pakistan, Nepal and Afghanistan gave it an international look.

Bangles, jewellery decoration pieces, wall-hangings, purses, shoes, sarees, garments and cosmetics found thousands of buyers. Every evening there were cultural shows at the ‘Chaupal’ and the ‘Rangmanch’. The ‘Food Court’ provided all kinds of delicacies for food-lovers. Basically, it was India in all its colours, tastes and sounds scattered on the Aravalli hills.

Sameer Q2. You paid a visit to an ‘old Home’ with other N.S.S. Volunteers. using the hints given

below together with your own ideas, make a diary entry of what you saw and experienced there.Hints: • Old home • Mostly senior citizens above 60 • Peaceful surroundings • Spacious • Clean

rooms and baths • Regular Medical check-ups • a good library • Means of recreation • A home away from home.

Ans. Bhiwadi 10th March, 20XX Monday, 4:00 pm Dear Diary, With the disintegration of the joint family system, the old people find themselves deserted

and alone. It is unfortunate that in the evening of their lives, they are not looked after by their childern. The concept of ‘Old homes’ is for such old people. I made it a point to visit the ‘Old Home’ at Bhiwadi. The Home is situated at a peaceful place. The building is simple but spacious and clean. It seems to be an ideal place for the senior citizens.

A doctor visits the Home daily to check up the senior citizens. There is a permanent nurse employed to look after and give them medicine on time. The home has a good library and several means of recreation All the inmates showered their parental love by insisting on having lunch with us. What a satisfying and rewarding visit it was to meet our grand paas and grannies!

Sonu Q3. while going home you came across many children on the roads at crossroads with begging

bowls in their hands. Your are shocked and disgusted at this unflattering picture of a country which boasts of being a major economy in the world. Record your experience in your diary.

Ans. Agra 20th April, 20XX Sunday, 6:00 pm Dear Diary, They say that India is emerging as a major economy in the world. But it is more true that India

has the largest army of poor people, paupers and beggars. Hence, millions of people in India are condemned to begging. I am shocked to see hundreds of shabby looking people in rags shouting in woeful tones, “Baba, give me something for God’s sake”. No country can become great if its children are condemned to lead such miserable lives. If millions of children live in such inhuman conditions, dirt and poverty, it is a matter of shame for the government and the civilized society of India. Every child must have a constitutional right to get proper food, clothes and education.

It is true that begging has also become a lucrative profession for some bad characters. They kidnap small children and raise them to beggars. The other side of the story is also true. Millions of hands in this country don’t get any jobs to earn a living. They resort to begging.


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Q4. indian weddings are matchless in grandeur, glamour and luxury. they are matchless in wastage, extravagance and vulgar display of money and wealth. Record your experience of such marriages in your diary.

Ans. New Delhi 20th June, 20XX Sunday, 7:00 pm Dear Diary, They say that Indian weddings are matchless in glory, grandeur and glamour. In comparison,

weddings in Europe and America pale into insignificance. The other side of the story is that Indian marriages are matchless in wastage, extravagance and vulgar display of money and wealth. Recently I happened to attend one such big marriage. About five thousand guests were invited to the ‘barat’ or the wedding party. A township of stalls serving hundreds of dishes, drinks and sweets had come up on the sprawling lawns of a five star hotel. The ceremony lasted till midnight. Even by a conservative estimate it was a show worth in crores. Surely this amount would have been sufficient to feed all the beggars and orphans of the city for months. It speaks volumes of disparity that has become the main feature of Indian society. A small minority grabs all the riches and wealth of the nation. The extravagance and vulgar display in Indian marriages are at the cost of the starving millions.

Arpit Q5. taking help from the information given below, make a diary entry describing how you

caught a thief red-handed one night,Hints: • A beautiful evening • the family had a nice dinner • watched TV • went to sleep • sleep was

disturbed • heard some commotion • got suspicious • switched on the light • parents also got up • found things in a mess • someone had come there • the search began • no one was found • at last • my eyes fell on the shoes behind a curtain • he was the thief • all pounced on him • caught • handed over to the police.

Ans. New Delhi 14th August, 20XX Tuesday, 9:30 pm Dear Diary, It was a pleasant August evening. Generally, the whole family dine together. We enjoyed a nice

dinner and then watched, a TV serial for an hour. Then, I retired to my bedroom and soon fell asleep. Around midnight, my sleep was disturbed. I heard some movement and commotion. Who could be at this odd hour? I stood up and switched on the light. My movements woke up my parents, too. We were surprised to see the cupboards open and things lying on the floor in a mess. My parents were worried. But there was one consolation. The cash and jewellery were safe. The search for the thief began. My uncles and cousins also joined us. All that toil and trouble didn’t bring any result. Suddenly, I noticed some movement behind a curtain in the living room. And Lo! The thief was hiding there. All of us pounced on him. Before he could react, he was tied down. The police was informed and he was arrested on the spot. Good luck indeed! Thank God, everybody was safe and sound. There was no loss except for a few hours of our sweet sleep.

Karan Q6. taking help from the information given below make a diary entry describing how you

became a perfect swimmer.

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Hints: • At the NDMC swimming pool • suddenly a sturdy and muscular boy came • he mocked me saying “Hey skinny!” • before I could react • was thrown into the pond • the deeper end • at the bottom • didn’t know how to swim • my hands and legs paralysed • found myself lying at the side • decided to be a perfect swimmer • employed a trainer • made me work for hours in the pool • taught me inhaling and exhaling • my hard work was rewarded • I had become a perfect swimmer.

Ans. New Delhi 10th May, 20XX Monday, 8:30 pm Dear Diary, Misfortunes never follow a calendar. They come uninvited. I was sitting at the deeper side of

the NDMC swimming pool. A strong and sturdy boy came. He mocked me by saying, “Hey skinny!” Before I could react, the muscular rascal pushed me into the pool. I found myself at the bottom. The depth of the pool was not less than nine feet. I didn’t know how to swim. I struggled to come up. My arms and legs were totally paralysed. I felt suffocated. I thought that my end was near. Later on, when I came to senses, I found myself vomiting at the other end of the pool. I pledged myself to become a perfect swimmer. I employed a professional trainer. He was a hard taskmaster and made me sweat three hours for weeks. He taught me inhaling, exhaling and diving into the pool. My hard labour and my trainer’s professional coaching were rewarded. I participated in a swimming competition organised by a local club. And the most unexpected happened. I led the rest by a comfortable margin. My dream had come true. I had become a perfect swimmer.

Rohan Q7. You spent a week with your friend in his village ‘kovlam’, near the famous beach of the

same name. taking help from the information given below and inventing your own details, make a diary entry of what you saw and experienced in ‘god’s own country’.Hints: • Kerala • God’s Own Country • invited by my friend to spend a week in Kerala • Christmas

holidays • Kovlam village • near the famous beach • sea and surf • lush green surroundings • coconuts and palms • sprawling paddy fields • fishing • a memorable stay.

Ans. New Delhi 10th March, 20XX Friday, 8:00 pm Dear Diary, They say that Kerala is God’s Own Country. And rightly so. If any place can match Kashmir’s

beauty and greenery, it is Kerala. I didn’t want to miss an opportunity to visit Kerala. So I accepted the invitation of my friend Suresh Nambiar to spend a week at his village Kovlam. The place is about 20 miles away from Thiruvanathapuram. Kovlam is known for its world famous beach. It is basically a fishermen’s village. The whole place is wrapped in greenery. Coconuts and palm trees stand over the sprawling green paddy fields. We used to spend a lot of time fishing in a nearby pond. We often enjoyed a boat ride in the canal. What is Kerala without the surf and the sea? So we would spend hours either strolling or taking a sea-bath or lying on the golden beach. Kerala is rich in tea, coffee, rubber plantations and spices. I was lucky to enjoy the fascinating Kathakali dance. But the thing that I can never forget in my life was the Ayurvedic oil massage in one of the local health resorts. It was really a memorable stay.


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Q8. taking help from the information given below make a diary entry describing the decency and humane side displayed by a conductor in a dtc bus recently.Hints: • Bus conductors • not particularly known for decency and decorum • most of them foul mouthed

and arrogant • I was travelling from Old Delhi to Pitampura • conductor came • I had my ticket but my purse was not in my pocket • forgotten at home • conductor • simply smiled and paid from his own pocket • I thanked him • never seen such a fine specimen of humanity.

Ans. New Delhi 16th February, 20XX Thursday, 8:00 pm Dear Diary, Many stories of arrogance, bad temper and indifference can often be heard from the victims

of bus conductors. I never had a very good opinion of bus conductors in general. But a recent experience of mine doesn’t justify my prejudice against them. Last Sunday I was travelling by DTC bus no. 88 from Old Delhi to Pitampura. I had my ticket. The moment I put my hand to pay him the amount, I was shocked. The purse was not in the pocket. Perhaps I had forgotten it at home. Another conductor would have behaved quite differently. I became nervous. I felt like an idiot who knew not what he should do. But my friend, the conductor, just gave a mild smile. He simply said, “It’s all right! Don’t worry. Let me pay for you. You can pay it back if you meet me again.” I was not prepared for such a humane gesture. I thanked him again and again. He was just like a good angel who had come to save me from an unexpected humiliation and embarrassment. I don’t entertain uncharitable opinions about bus conductors any more after the incident.

Vaibhav Q9. taking help from the information given below make a diary entry describing the horrible

experience that you had when your shoes and the main bag were stolen during a railway journey.Hints: • Travelling by Rajdhani Express • got admission in Delhi College of Engineering • going

to take admission quite a pleasant journey • had a nice sleep • Delhi was quite near • I got up to wear my shoes • stolen • the main bag missing • documents and money • lost my wits • no money • phoned a relative • he came with shoes and clothes.

Ans. New Delhi 5th April, 20XX Friday, 7:00 pm Dear Diary, Life is so unpredictable. I was in high spirits when I boarded the Rajdhani Express from Bhopal

to Delhi. After all, I got admission in Delhi College of Engineering, a prestigious institute of Delhi. I relished the compliments and good wishes that I received from my parents and friends who came to see me off. I found my seat in the compartment. It was quite comfortable and near the window. The journey was nice and so were my co-passengers. I had a nice sleep. When I got up in the morning, the train was near Delhi. I got up to wear my shoes. They were not there. I looked for them under the seats but they were missing. And O Lord! Where was my main bag? It was missing too. Certainly they were stolen. All my documents and cash were in the bag. I lost my wits. But then an idea came into my mind. I rang one of my relatives in Delhi and informed him of the miserable situation I was in. To my great relief, a gentleman was present at the platform with the pair of shoes and my bag. It seems that he was a good angel who was sent to save me from an unexpected humiliation and embarrassment.


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Q10. taking help from the information given in the input below, record your experience in your diary of the morning when your name appeared in the cBSe cPmt list.Hints: • Exams over • waiting for the results of CPMT Test • lot of anxiety • hope and fear • dream of

becoming a doctor • in God’s hands • couldn’t sleep • got up early • rushed to the newspaper • O God! • my name was there • dream came true • could hope to serve the nation and society • a noble profession • service to suffering humanity.

Ans. New Delhi 5th April, 20XX Friday, 7:00 pm Dear Diary, Students wait for the results as farmers dream of a good harvest. Exams were over. But still I

was worried and anxious. I was waiting for the CPMT results. I belong to a lower income group. My parents took all pains to give me the best possible education in one of the most prestigious schools of Delhi. Their dream was my dream too. I always dreamed of becoming a doctor. This noble profession always attracted me. I never care for money but always wish to serve the suffering humanity as a devoted doctor. We were expecting the results the next day. I had quite a sleepless night. I was torn between hope and despair. Everything was in the hands of God. I got up early in the morning. The moment the newspaper was dropped, I rushed towards it. When I opened the third page, I didn’t have much difficulty in finding my name there. The dream had come true. Soon the phone bells started ringing. My neighbours, friends, teachers and relatives congratulated me on my grand success. My parents were proud of my achievement. Now I could join that noble profession and be trained to serve the suffering humanity.

Nisha Q11. You are Abhimanyu of ABc Public School, gwalior. Your debut in a cricket match was

a great event of your life. taking help from the information given below, make a diary entry on ‘my debut in a cricket match’.Hints: • Cold • January-March morning • but I was excited • I had got a place in my college cricket

team • inter-school competition • final match • was to bat at one down • Sunny Public School • our rival won the toss • we chose to field first • Sunny made a formidable 320 runs • our openers were out cheaply • heart beating • first over was furious • determined to stay • got the rhythm • stroking the ball well • completed half century • losing my companions • only 5 runs short of my century and a great win • achieved it in style.

Ans. Gwalior 10th April, 20XX Monday, 8:00 pm Dear Diary, Even Don Bradman must have his heart-beat fast during his debut in cricket. I am a much small

mortal in comparison. It was 20th of March. A cloudy and cold morning. But I was highly excited. My dream had come true. I was going to play for my cricket team in the final of inter-school competition. The rival was the last year’s champion, Sunny Public School. We won the toss but elected to field first. Our rival was a strong batting side and made a formidable total of 320 runs. On such a supporting wicket it was not an easy job. To make things worse, both of our opening batsmen were out cheaply. I came at number three. I was a little scared. I made rather a shaky start. Then I gained confidence and chose the bad balls for boundaries. No doubt, the bowling was furious and hostile but I was determined to stay. My luck favoured me. But I started losing my companions one by one. I needed nine runs to complete both, my maiden century and of course, the championship. I did it in style by sending the ball over the head of

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the fielders for a mighty six. I was lifted on the shoulders by my team-mates. I was given a standing ovation by all those who were present there in the stadium. The sound of cheers still rings in my ears and the thrill of my successful debut will never fade away from my memory.

Abhimanyu Q12. You are Anurag/Anuradha of city Public School, deogarh. Last night you had a really

horrible dream. taking help from the input given below, make a diary entry on ‘A Horrible dream that i had Last Night’.Hints: • Life is just a dream • sometimes dreams come to me • the dream I had last night might never

come true • first day in the exam • highly worried and confused • paper very difficult • memory failed me • couldn’t have right answers in mind • similar experience in other papers • results out • faced lot of humiliation and embarrassment • opened my eyes • it was a mere dream • God forbid it may ever come true.

Ans. Deogarh 10th December, 20XX Tuesday, 8:00 pm Dear Diary, People say life itself is a dream — a ‘maya’. And people also say that sometimes dreams do

come true. God forbid it. I shudder to think what happens if the dream that I had last night comes true. It was really a bad dream. I was appearing in the Board-examination. It was the first day of the examination. I had the question paper in my hand. But I was highly worried, confused and irritated. It was rather a difficult paper. My memory simply failed. The right answer would not come to my mind. When I left the examination hall, I was really dejected and disillusioned. The same thing was repeated in other papers too. Then I dreamed that the results were out. My name was not there in the list of successful candidates. I cried and tears came into my eyes. It looked as if my academic career was over. Certainly, all my dreams and hopes ended in smoke. I dreamed that my classmates, teachers and neighbours were trying to console me. O God, what a humiliating and embarrassing situation! When my mother woke me up in the morning, I realised that it was just a bad dream. Life was as sweet and exciting now as it was before going to bed last night.

Anuradha Q13. You are Alka/Anand of P.S. Public School, New delhi. You were one of the participants

in the ‘Run for unity’ race that was organised in New delhi recently. taking help from the input given below, make a diary entry describing your experience of participating in such a historic event that was flagged off by the Prime Minister himself.Hints: • New regime comes with new thoughts and ideas • Modi known for his drives and dynamism

• Sardar Patel rediscovered • highest statue in the world • Patel’s birthday celebrated in grand style • A mini-marathon ‘Run for Unity’ organised in New Delhi • PM flaged off • thousands participated • Bollywood actors, industrialists, sportspersons.

Ans. New Delhi 12th November, 20XX Wednesday, 7:00 pm Dear Diary, Ideas and ideals change with the change of persons and governments. The new Prime Minister

of India, Narendra Modi is known for his dash, drive and dynamism. Whatever he does, he does it in style. Sardar Patel, the Iron Man of India, was the man responsible for uniting all

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the princely states of India into a single nation — the Union of India. Patel and his importance seems to have been rediscovered. Sardar Patel’s birthday has been given a symbolic significance. Highlighting his contribution to the unity of India, the government organised a mini-marathon ‘Run for Unity’ on Patel’s birthday. Thousands of people assembled on the Vijay Chowk. The crowd included a galaxy of Bollywood stars, industrialists, students, ministers and men of letters. The Prime Minister himself flagged off the race. I was one of the lucky persons who participated in that historic event. I was in my light blue track-suit and in sports shoes. The sight aroused patriotic feelings in me. I could see people from all walks of life running for the unity and integrity of India. I really felt proud to be a part of that historical national event.

Alka Q14. You are Saira of Hamida Public School, indore. You celebrated your eighteenth birthday

with a lot of pomp and show with your family, friends and relatives. taking help from the information given below, describe the happy experience in your personal diary. You can invent your own details.Hints: • 18th birthday • an important milestone in the life of a girl • my family had decided to celebrate

in grand style • all friends, relatives and classmates invited • my mother helped me in choosing my dress • decorations • lighting • birthday cake • songs and dance • congratulations • wonderful gifts • grand dinner • celebration continued till midnight.

Ans. Indore 10th March, 20XX Sunday, 7:00 pm Dear Diary, They say that the eighteenth year is an important stage in the life of a girl. Now you are no

more taken to be a child but start attracting attention and importance from your seniors. My family had decided to celebrate my 18th birthday in grand style. Preparations started a week before. All the relatives, neighbours, my friends and classmates were invited. My mother and younger sister were particularly busy and excited. They helped me in choosing the night dress, shoes and jewellery for the occasion. The huge living room was tastefully decorated with lights and flowers. By 4 pm, most of the guests had arrived. The cake-ceremony started with the chanting of “Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Saira!” The ceremonial cake was cut. It was followed by singing and dancing. Everyone competed to dance with me. I really felt importance of grown up. It was quite late when the dinner was served. The celebration continued till midnight. Wonderful gifts, good wishes and the festive mood kept me in high spirits and elated.

Saira Q15. You are Arun/Aruna of kabir Public School, Bhopal. You and your family had to face a

lot of pleasant and not so pleasant experiences when an uninvited guest overstayed with you recently. taking help from the information given below, make a diary entry describing your experiences.Hints: • Guests are welcome • but only for a short period • uninvited guests create problems and

inconveniences • Ram Lal, a distant relative of my mother • stormed into the house uninvited • no news • created a lot of inconvenience • accommodated in a separate room • sets of new clothes • towels • cosmetics • strictly vegetarian • didn’t allow meat and fish in the kitchen • witty and humorous • sang folk songs • but ultimately a nuisance • didn’t think of leaving • fortunately his son came to take him • we were relieved of an unwanted burden.

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Ans. Bhopal 5th September, 20XX Saturday, 6:00 pm Dear Diary, People say guests are like gods. They should be respected. But experiences of the people tell

different stories. There can’t be a bigger nuisance in the house when an uninvited and unwanted guest has to be entertained. The situation becomes all the more unbearable when such a guest overstays threatening the peace and privacy of the family. Ram Lal, a distant relative of my mother stormed into our house uninvited. Actually, we were not prepared to entertain him at that point of time. Anyway, I had to leave my room for him. A new blanket, a set of clothes, a towel, a pair of shoes and cosmetics were arranged for his comfortable stay. He was a strict vegetarian and religious minded person. He couldn’t tolerate meat and eggs in the kitchen. He would test the patience of our ears by singing hymns in his raucous voice. Let’s give due even to the Devil. He was very witty and full of jokes. But that was a little compensation for his overstay. The peace and privacy of the family totally disappeared. But people say everything has an end. And one day Lal’s son came to take him to his native village. We felt relieved and liberated after seeing him off at the station.

Arun Q16. You are Raju/Ranjana of Salwan Public School, New delhi. You are motivated by the

‘clean india campaign’ of the Prime minister and participated in it in your own way in your colony. taking help from the input write a diary entry on the subject.Hints: • PM’s ‘Swachha Bharat Abhiyan’ • motivated millions of youngmen like me • called a meeting

of all young boys and girls • volunteers • started removing dirt • bought new bins • distributed pamphlets • enlightened public • good results • appreciable change in the mindsets • things in the right direction • I feel proud of myself and my companions.

Ans. New Delhi 12th October, 20XX Friday, 7:00 pm Dear Diary, It seems that our Prime Minister has felt the real pulse of the nation. His ‘Swachha Bharat

Abhiyan’ or ‘Clean India Campaign’ has inspired and motivated millions of students, young men and women of India. I was highly impressed and motivated and wanted to be a part of the campaign. I started talking to my friends and it didn’t take long to convince them. So we had a volunteer army of fifty dedicated young boys and girls. First of all, we started removing garbage and dirt from those corners in the area which had not been touched for months. We bought a few bins for garbage from the money we collected from the residents. In the beginning, the residents were not amused but gradually their indifference disappeared. We launched a public awakening campaign. We prepared posters and distributed pamphlets urging the residents to make ‘Clean India Campaign’ a real success. Gradually our labour started showing positive results. There was an appreciable change in the mindset of the residents. Even housewives came out openly in our support. I felt proud of myself and the dedicated band of volunteers who helped me in this campaign. Such things arouse patriotic feelings and sense of unity among the people.

Raju Q17. You are Raghu/Ragini of Swan Public School, Karnal. You were a witness of a ghastly fire

in the market. The firemen showed an exceptional bravery and saved the life of woman who was trapped inside a room on the first floor. Taking help from the input, make a diary entry narrating the whole ghastly incident and the bravery of the firemen.

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Hints: • Mandi area • highly crowded and congested • narrow lanes • godowns of inflammable articles • a devastating fire • short circuit • fire brigade reached within minutes • firemen showed exceptional heroism • a lady trapped inside a room on the first floor • two firemen jumped into flames • saved the woman• real heroes • huge loss • heroism of firemen saved a precious life• I still remember their selfless sacrifice and heroism.

Ans. Karnal Mandi 10th June, 20XX Thursday, 8:00 pm Dear Diary, Karnal Mandi is the nerve-centre of the city. But it is a highly crowded and congested place.

It is a commercial place with narrow lanes. There are many godowns and warehouses which store some highly inflammable articles. When I was standing in a shop, I could see a huge cloud of smoke rising from the other end of the market. Soon there was a lot of commotion and people ran towards the site with buckets of water and sand in their hands. I could see flames rising higher in the sky. The wind aggravated the situation. The firebrigade was on the scene within a few minutes. And at once the dedicated firemen were on their toes to do their job. A woman was trapped in the flames on the first floor of a building. Two brave firemen mounted on a ladder and jumped into the flames. We were amazed at their bravery. Soon they came out with the woman and received loud cheers from the crowds below. The loss of property was in crores but a precious life was saved. The exceptional bravery and heroism of the firemen has made an indelible impression on my mind for ever.

Raghu Q18. it was the happiest day of your life when the Principal of your school informed you and

your parents that you topped the list of successful candidates in your zone. then started the endless ringing of telephone bells. congratulatory messages started pouring in from friends and relatives. All the neighbours came to congratulate you on your grand success. At the end of the day, you were so much overwhelmed by happiness and excitement that you made a diary entry of the sequence of events on that fateful day. Reproduce that entry here inventing your own details.

Ans. Ambala 10th March, 20XX Monday, 6:00 pm Dear Diary, Life is full of surprises. I couldn’t sleep the previous night. The next morning the results of

the Board were to be announced. Then suddenly at 9 am, we heard a telephone ring. I ran to receive it. My Principal was on the line. “Congratulations my boy! You have topped the list of successful candidates in the Ambala Zone. We are proud of you!” He also congratulated my parents.

Then started the non-stop congratulatory messages from my teachers, class fellows, friends and relatives. My parents were busy in distributing ‘laddoos’. I felt like a celebrity. And a celebrity I was. Two correspondents of leading news channels came to interview me. I only felt that nothing succeeds like success and thanked my stars.

Yash Q19. You went to see the india international trade Fair held at Pragati maidan, New delhi.

using the hints given below together with your ideas on the subject, make a diary entry of what you saw and experienced there.

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Hints: • As usual IITF was held at pragati maidan • all leading countries participated • chinese dominated the show • all states • separate pavillions • all states of india • kashmir and goa drew maximum crowds • cultural programmes • Food Courts • from pin to luxury coaches • high prices dampened the spirit.

Ans. New Delhi 16th June, 20XX Thursday, 8:00 pm Dear Diary, A visit to the International Trade Fair has always been a rewarding experience for me. Four of my

close friends accompanied me there. It was a different world over there. To be precise, it was a fairy land. The pavillions of Germany, Canada, the USA, China and Great Britain attracted a large crowd.

India was represented by almost all states and establishments like the Indian Railways, Indian Tourism, LIC, Tatas and what not. The ‘Food Courts’ served all tastes from Pizzas to ‘Chholey Bhatturey’. We bought pairs of shoes, mobiles and garments. The fair provided opportunities for a lot of fun and entertainment. Film show, folk dances and puppet shows drew huge crowds. Anyway, it was a very pleasant and rewarding experience.

Neha Q20. indian summers are really unbearable. one day the maximum temperature shot up to 47°c.

it was most miserable day of the year for you. Record the experience in your diary. Ans. Jhansi 20th July, 20XX Friday, 8:00 pm Dear Diary, Indian summers can be really unbearable. And who can live in peace and comport when the

heat waves start blowing over the plains of north India. It was 20th of July, 20XX, the most miserable day of my life. It was certainly the hottest day of the season. By noon the heat became unbearable. To avoid dehydration, we had already had several litres of cold water. I had to go to the market. I forgot to wear a cap. By the time I reached home, I was very miserable and started vomiting. To make things still worse, there was a breakdown of electric power during most part of the night. Without the working of fans and air-conditioners, we felt miserable. We spent a sleepless and miserable night.


ii. ARtiCLESThe students will be asked to attempt a long piece of composition of minimum 100-120 words in length. The composition will be in the form of an article. The students may be provided with a verbal or visual input. They can take help from the given input, information or notes and can expand them in their own language to 100-120 words. Sometimes the given input can be in the form of a figure, a diagram or a cartoon. The aim of the examiner by inserting an input is only to provide clues along which the article has to be developed. The subject on which the article can be based may be burning social, cultural, economic, ethical, behavioural, religious and political issues. You may be asked to write an article on any topic under the sun.gEnERAL gUidELinES FoR ARtiCLE WRiting 1. Always study the given input, information or notes carefully. 2. Arrange them in a systematic order. 3. Develop each point in a simple, grammatically correct language.

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4. Your article must present your ideas not in a sketchy but in a coherent and logical manner. Develop your writing into paragraphs.

5. Confine yourself to the given subject. Superfluous and unnecessary details must be avoided at all cost.

SoLvEd ExAMPLES Q1. taking help from the verbal input given below along with your own views, write an article

on ‘cleaning and Rejuvenating the ganga’. You are Nikhi/Neha.Hints: • Cleaning the Ganga • an unprecedented national social effort • Govt. committed to clean and

rejuvenate the Ganga • SC not satisfied • a time bond proposal to fulfill the mission • inland waterways • river navigation • extending sewerage infrastructure • prevent open defecation • restoring wholesomeness of the Ganga • development of ghats • Zero liquid discharge by industries • provisions for public amenities for pilgrims and tourists.

Ans. cleaning and Rejuvenating the ganga —Nikhi/Neha The Ganga is not merely a river for all the Indians and more particularly to the Hindus, but it is

the lifeline of India and the physical and spiritual nourisher of crores of its people. It is a symbol of India’s great heritage, ancient traditions, cultures, songs and stories. We can’t think of India without the Ganga and the Himalayas. Unfortunately, the sacred Ganga has become one of the most polluted rivers of the world in recent years. Fortunately, the Modi government has shown its commitment to clean and rejuvenate the Ganga. Uma Bharti heads a specially created ministry for cleaning the holy river. Cleaning the Ganga will be an unprecedented national social effort.

What makes the Ganga a heavily polluted river? Various factors and causes contribute to make the river what it is. The worst criminals are more than one thousand industries that discharge their toxic wastes into the river. The government will have to take strict measures to treat solid and liquid discharges making them totally pollution free. The sewerage infrastructure will have to be extended and updated. The people residing on the banks will be involved and enlightened. Burning and throwing of dead bodies into the river must be stopped. Open defecation on the banks will have to be stopped.

Development of ghats at Kedarnath, Haridwar, Varanasi, Kanpur, Allahabad and Patna is an important feature of the plan. Provisions for public amenities for pilgrims and tourists will be made. Inland waterways river navigation will be another priority.

Q2. taking help from the information given below and inventing your own ideas, write an article on ‘Swachha Bharat Abhiyan’ or ‘clean india campaign’.Hints: • ‘Swachha Bharat Abhiyan’ • announced by the PM on 15th August, 2014 • launched on

2nd October • addressed public rally at Rajpath • himself swept a parking at Mandir Marg Police Station and pavement in Valmiki Basti • aims to accomplish the vision ‘Clean India’ by 2019 • 3 million govt. employees and students to participate • responsibility of all 1.25 billion Indians • not only the responsibility of ‘Safai Kaamgar’ • mission beyond politics • inspired by patriotism • good response on the social media.

Ans. Swachha Bharat Abhiyan or clean india campaign —Abhishek Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched his nationwide cleanliness campaign, the ‘Swachha

Bharat Abhiyan’ or ‘Clean India Campaign’ from the Valmiki Basti on 2nd October, 2014. Addressing the nation at the launch, Modi asked 1.25 billion people to join the ‘Swachha Bharat Abhiyan’ and promote it to everyone. Modi himself swept a pavement at Valmiki Basti, a colony of sanitary workers. Launching the campaign, Modi reminded the people that cleanliness is not only the responsibility of the ‘Safai Kamgars’ but also the responsibility of 1.25 billion Indians. The Prime Minister assured the nation that ‘Swachha Bharat Abhiyan’ is beyond politics.

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The Prime Minister also started a social media campaign. He invited nine people to join the campaign and they would invite another nine people. He invited master blaster Sachin Tendulkar, Bolywood stars Aamir Khan, Priyanka Chopra, Salman Khan, Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev and industrialists like the Ambanis. The Prime Minister showed his deep concern at mothers and daughters going in the open to relieve themselves. More than 60% people in India defecate in the open. Constructing toilets in schools and villages, particularly for girls and women, would be the top priority for the government. The Prime Minister also pledged to people saying, “I would not litter and won’t allow anyone to do so”.

Q3. You happened to overhear the following conversation:Rahul : Where have you planned to go during the summer holidays?Jeevan : I wish I could go and enjoy boating on the Dal Lake.Rahul : Is it safe to go to Kashmir now? Don’t you hear a lot about terrorism in the newspapers?

on hearing this dialogue you decide to write an article for a local daily on the need to provide security at tourist spots and suggest ways and means by which such spots could be made more attractive to tourists. using ideas from the unit on ‘travel and tourism’ along with your own ideas, write the article.

Ans. tourism and terrorism —Shifali Kashmir is called the ‘Paradise on Earth’. It is quite unfortunate that this paradise is living

in the shadow of terrorism. The peace and tranquility of the valley has been shattered by the acts of terrorism. The valley echoes with the bursts of bullets. Gone are the days when the Dal Lake was overtaken by the inflow of tourists from different parts of the world. Now empty hotels and unoccupied shikaras look towards tourists to occupy them. Tourism in the valley is in shambles. The biggest source of income to the state and the local people has disappeared. The unabated terrorism of the two decades has tarnished the grandeur and glory of Kashmir.

Tourism and terrorism can’t go together. Law and order must be restored. The youth of Kashmir and other places of tourist interest have the biggest stake to maintain peace and harmony. Local handicrafts and artefacts are in great demand in every part of India. If peace and order is maintained, Kashmir will not take long to attain its old grandeur and glory.

Q4. Pramod/Pramila comes across the following visual in a magazine. He/She feels quite happy to see the progress made by india since its independence. He/She decides to write an article for the school magazine on the topic entitled “india’s Progress since independence”. using ideas from the visual and your own ideas, write the article.


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Ans. india’s Progress Since independence —Pramod/Pramila India has paced with the times. It has made herculean efforts to change its old and discredited

image. Till 1970s, India was considered to be a land of famines, droughts, beggars and snake charmers. But in the last three or four decades it has made a tremendous progress. India’s economic and industrial might has been universally recognised. Now India is being counted as one of the fastest emerging economies of the world. In 1960s, we had to depend on the mercy of the Western countries to survive. But now we are self-sufficient in food. India has emerged as the second largest paddy producer in the world. It is the second largest sugar producer as well. Mechanization of agriculture and the Green Revolution has led to the self-sufficiency despite rapid increase in population. With emphasis on Horticulture, India has emerged as the largest producer of fruits and the second largest producer of vegetables. The White Revolution has made India the largest producer of milk. The Indian pharma industry ranks 4th in the world. India has made rapid strides in defence preparedness. India’s progress in industry is really breathtaking. India’s progress in space technology only matches with the advanced nations of the world. India is on the move. It will attain new heights in future.

Disaster management programmes have not proved up to the mark and up to the task. The Government and the concerned agencies should provide comprehensive aids and help to the survivors, particularly the children. They must provide nutritious food, clothes, shelters and medical aids to them. All efforts should be made to wipe out the scars left by these disasters.

Q5. man is basically a social animal. He depends on others for his survival and existence. He has to work with others and must know how to get the best out of a team. taking these ideas, write an article on ‘How to get the Best out of a team’.

Ans. How to get the Best out of a team —Surbhi Man is a social animal. He can’t live in vacuum. He has to depend on others to make a living.

He has to bond with others and be a part of a team. Working in a team is quite a challenge. One has to adjust himself to the requirements of his team. A team must work like a well oiled machine. Only then it can produce great results. All the members of a team must work together selflessly to achieve a common aim or goal.

Working in a team is really a healer and a stress buster. Success or failure is not an individual’s responsibility. It is a collective responsibility. A good teamwork demands a perfect and effective communication between all the members of the team. A strong leadership controls the individuals and goad them to achieve the common goal. Conflicts are avoided. The focus is on unity and cooperation. Mutual jealousy and conflict of interests have no place in a team. Negative attitudes should be discouraged. Each member should have deep respect and appreciation of others’ abilities and skills.

Q6. taking help from the information given below and inventing your own ideas, write an article on ‘Books—our Best companions’.Hints: • Human relations can be deceptive and unreliable • Books—our best companions • Our

friends and guides • Educative as well as informative. Ans. Books—our Best companions —Yashita Man is a social animal. He can’t live in isolation. Our human friends, relatives and companions

can prove unreliable and treacherous. They can harm our interests. However, books are our real companions, friends and guides. They enrich humanity. They are a storehouse of knowledge. They have educative as well as informative value and importance. Let us live in the company of books. They will never betray or deceive us. We can look towards them for guidance, learning and entertainment. Shakespeare’s dramas have a universal appeal. Homer, Balmiki and Ved Vyas have given us immortal works. ‘The Ramayana’ and ‘The Mahabharat’ are read

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by millions of people. Keats’ poems are things of beauty that give us joy forever. Tagore’s ‘Gitanjali’ transports us to a highly spiritual and philosophical world. Prem Chand’s ‘Godan’ unfolds rustic life and its problems.

Books are our best companions. If you are alone, you can take up a book of your choice and taste it and very soon you become a part of it. Books on travels and adventures are not informative but also quite exciting. The biographies of great men like Lincoln and Gandhi can be a source of inspiration. It is never too late to enter the world of books. The sooner you enter, the better it is.

Q7. over the years there has been a steady increase in the number of students from different towns and cities of india seeking admission in colleges in the metropolitan cities. As a consequence, colleges in the metros have failed to accommodate the rising number of students due to severe shortage of seats. write an article for your school magazine drawing attention to the anxiety and pressure faced by students during admission time. Suggest ways to combat the shortage of seats. You are mohan/mohita, a student of A.k. international School, Agra.

Ans. Shortage of Seats in colleges —Mohan/Mohita Over the years there has been a steady increase in the number of students seeking admission

in colleges. Most of the students try to seek admission in colleges in the metropolitan cities. Hence, the colleges in the metros have failed to accommodate the rising number of students due to severe shortage of seats. During the last decade, the number of students seeking admission has been rising by 10,000 students every year. The number of seats has remained stationary for the last five years. The result is quite disappointing. Thousands of students miss out their chance of getting higher education. Many others have to console themselves by enrolling themselves on the Correspondence Courses or the Distance Education coaching. The students as well as their parents have to face a lot of anxiety and pressure during the admission time.

The concerned authorities can’t sleep over the problem any longer. The problem should be given the top priority. It demands a comprehensive solution. The colleges in the metros must take immediate steps to increase the number of seats. Another practical suggestion is to make provision for evening classes in the colleges. Evening classes in all the colleges can accommodate most of the students who can’t get admission in the regular Day-colleges. Guest lecturers must be appointed to serve the needs. The authorities must wake up before it is too late.

Q8. You are mansi. You visited “the green gardens Resort” during the holidays. write an article for your school magazine about why the place attracted you. include the following:Hints: • Accessibility • Reasonable charges • Hygienic surroundings • Scenic beauty • Facilities

available. Ans. the green gardens Resort —Mansi During the autumn vacation, I visited the Green Gardens Resort near Ooty. Situated in the

scenic Neelgiri hills, it is really a wonderful resort. It is about ten kilometres from Ooty on the Wellington road. Wrapped in the lush green surroundings, it is just a paradise on earth.

The Green Gardens Resort is spread out in approximately ten acres. It is a luxury resort that caters to the middle and upper-middle class tourists. It offers boarding and lodging with all modern amenities and comforts. The place is surrounded by terraced tea-gardens. Wherever eyes go, one can see only green tea plantations, forests and hills. In the middle of the resort, the main source of attraction is the oval shaped swimming pool. It has two tennis courts, a card room and a couple of billiard tables. The massage parlours and beauty saloons are the other attractions. The environment is divine and the ambience is just superb. It offers a peaceful and relaxed stay far from the madding crowd of the metros.

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Q9. using the information given below with your own views, write an article on ‘war on Black money in india’.Hints: • Crackdown on black money • G20 summit in London • era of banking secrecy over • India, a

strong supporter of the move • black money a political football in India • rather than looking for foreign hand battle must be waged at home, unless generated at home money can’t be transferred abroad • tax rates must be moderate and simple • time to push ahead the new direct tax code.

Ans. war on Black money in india —Amit ‘More smoke than light’ has been generated by the current outcry on black money. People

think that there is a lot of money out there in Swiss banks. Black money does not remain black money for ever. A lot of foreign funds and investments come back to India as white money. Income generated through illegal activities is the basis for generating black money. Global terror business, drugs, arms dealing, real estate, hawala transactions, to name just a few, create ‘black money’.

Fortunately, the global crackdown on black money has begun. The G20 summit in London gave a clear message. The era of ‘banking secrecy’ is over. India is a strong supporter of this move. Black money has become a political football in India. Government must bite off only what it can chew. The success in getting black money depends on international actions and cooperation among nations. Rather than looking for the foreign hand, the battle against black money must be waged at home. Unless black money is generated at home, unaccounted money can’t be transferred abroad. Centre and states need to work on reforms. Tax rates need to be moderate. The laws must be simple. There should be no temptation to evade. It is time to push ahead with a new direct tax code. This is a long drawn out battle and can be won with a lot of patience and sincerity on the part of the government and the people of the country.

Q10. using the information given in the input, write an article on ‘child Labour and Battle for child Rights in india’.Hints: • Nobel Peace Prize 2014 to India’s Kailash Satyarathi and Malala Yousafzai of Pakistan

• The 2001 national census • 12.6 million • aged 5-14 • 217 million children work • 120,000 children work in hazardous jobs • UNICEF estimates • India has the highest labourers under 14 • Article 24 of the constitution prohibits child labour • 32.7 lakh in rural areas • 10.8 lakh in urban areas • carpet industry in Mirzapur • bangle and glass industries in Firozabad • fireworks in Sivakasi.

Ans. child Labour and Battle for child Rights in india —Riya Kailash Satyarthi brought laurels to the people of India for being awarded with the Nobel Peace

Prize 2014 along with Malala for their battle for child safety. The world has appreciated the battle he fought for child rights for years. The term ‘Child Labour’ is actually the work that deprives children of their childhood. It destroys their potentiality and their dignity. In short, it is the kind of work that is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful to children. Child labour is the practice of having children engaged in economic activity, on part or full time basis. The constitution of India (Article 24) prohibits child labour below the age of 14 years in any factory or mine or castle or engaged in any other hazardous employment. But all these laws are mere dead words on paper. Crores of children have been compelled to work in hazardous industries. According to the 2001 national census, there are about 12.6 million children aged between 5 to 14 engaged in different sectors and economic activities. India has the highest number of labourers under 14 in the world. Even today there are 32.7 lakh children who are forced to work in rural and 10.8 lakh in urban areas. The carpet industry in Mirzapur and Bhadoi is notorious for exploiting and employing children. The glass and bangle industries in Firozabad have more than 20000 children working in hazardous and

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dangerous conditions. The diamond industry also employs thousands of children. The more recent report of the ILO claims that child labour is quite significant in Tamil Nadu’s fireworks, matches or incense sticks industries. About 20 million children are condemned to work as domestic labourers and in restaurants. Many NGOs like ‘Bachpan Bachao Andolan’ of Kailash Satyarathi are working sincerely to eradicate child labour in India. Only concerted efforts by the government, the NGOs and the public can eradicate this evil from our civilized society.

Q11. Seshadri is a boy who has survived more than 25 major accidents. it makes you wonder about the cause of accidents in the indian cities. You decide to write an article for the school magazine titled ‘driving india crazy’. taking ideas from the data given alongside and your own ideas write the article.

Ans. driving india crazy —Renu Driving is no more a pleasure on Indian roads. Death

stalks on the roads of major metros of India. Ironically, the capital of India has the dubious distinction of causing maximum deaths on its roads. About two thousand people lost their lives in accidents on the roads of Delhi. Bengaluru and Chennai are gradually catching up with Delhi. 490 people in Mumbai, 223 in Ahmedabad and 148 people died in road accidents in Kochi. Many persons may not be as lucky as Sehshadri who has survived more than 25 major accidents. The major cause of so many road accidents is the lack of road culture in India. People don’t follow the rules of the road. Rash and drunken drivers are the merchants of death. Drinking and driving has become the culture of the roads in India. The condition of roads is far from satisfactory. Pits and potholes cause many accidents. Haste and overtaking ultimately result in accidents and deaths. Better roads with adequate road signs and warnings are the need of the hour.

Q12. in india we face a common scene of a large family living in unhealthy conditions. write an article on how increase in population leads to reduced availability of health services and deteriorating sanitary conditions.

Ans. overpopulation and unhealthy Living conditions —Apurva Overpopulation is the major threat that the nation is facing today. If we can’t put a hold on our

bursting population, India will overtake China within thirty years. It will become the most populous country in the world. The population explosion has made a mockery of all our plans, developments and achievements. More and more people bring more and more poverty and miseries. The growing population is degrading the environment and the living standards of the people.

India has crossed a billion mark several years ago. We produce an Australia every year. More people means more mouths to feed. How will India feed its ever increasing population? People are increasing but the arable land, forests and natural resources are shrinking fast. And what about the health services? The less said the better. It will become increasingly difficult to provide ideal health services to so many people. Forests and green belts are disappearing. The environment and the ecology is being systematically destroyed. Providing shelters to so many people is a huge problem. Extremely unhealthy and unhygienic conditions prevail in all the metros of India.

The Government must find out ways and means to control the rising population. China has imposed the one child system with wonderful success. They have freezed the population. Why can’t India? Anyone having more than one child must be heavily taxed. Those who cross the limit must be debarred from the public services. The family planning programme must be implemented in its true spirit.


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Q13. You are a member of the Society for Prevention of cruelty to Animals in your locality. The following Pie-chart reflects the attitude of the people towards animals. in response to this, write an article to be published in the forthcoming issue of ‘the week’ on why animals are ill-treated and what can be done to prevent it. You are Ramesh/Ragini.

Ans. cruelty to Animals —Ragini Man suffers from a distorted complex. He always considers

animals as inferior beings only fit for exploitation. Man has been using domestic and wild animals for his selfish ends. Many animal lovers joined together to form the ‘Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals’. The society has been working for the well-being and welfare of animals for many years. Its main aim is to change the attitude and thinking of people towards animals. It is quite sad that animals continue to be ill-treated, tortured and killed according to the whims of the people. About 15% of the people entertain the belief that animals are man’s slaves. They use, misuse and torture them accordingly. About 50% of the people exploit animals for selfish ends. Horses and oxen are used for transport, carrying loads and in agricultural activities. Dogs, cats and many birds are domesticated for fun, entertainment and convenience. Wild animals like elephants, tigers, lions and deer are victims of poaching and killing. Animals are forced to do acrobatic feats in circus shows. Unfortunately, about 35% of people don’t think about the animals at all. They are totally indifferent to them.

The Government and the animal lovers must work together to bring a change in the attitude of the people. Animals should not be killed and poached for fun, furs or financial gains. They should be treated with kindness,s care and sympathy. Cruelty towards animals must be legally punished.

Q14. Look at the histogram given below giving details of the disasters faced by people, especially the children in india who are most affected:

children haunted with fear, out of the 16,818 surveyed:1,093 – live in general fear 16 – don’t speak 839 – fear water and sound110 – withdrawn socially 460 – can’t sleep at night 43 – become asthmatic20 – become deaf 21 – become blind 566 – have frequent headache and

stomachache1,164 – can’t concentrate 117 – refuse to go to school 276 – are in shock

write an article for a newspaper requesting the attention of agencies which have been involved in disaster management programmes to provide aid for these children so that they may be helped to get rid of these unhealthy fears and learn to live normal lives once again.

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Ans. disaster management for kids —Kunal Natural calamities generally bring death and disaster on a large scale. Tsunami, waves,

earthquakes, floods, droughts and epidemics have taken a heavy toll of human lives, particularly the children. The children who survive these disasters suffer the most. They are condemned to lead a life full of misery, insecurity, want and fear. Only the concerted efforts of the Government and the agencies involved in disaster management can help them lead normal lives again.

The natural calamities have tragically affected the lives of about 15000 children in recent years in India. The Tsunami waves and earthquakes created havoc on a large scale. About 5430 children became homeless due to the Tsunami and 5438 were the victims of the earthquakes. Floods displaced 2602 and droughts affected 2035 children. Epidemics affected 1313 children. Out of these figures, 1093 children live constantly in general fear; 110 children have withdrawn socially; 20 children have become deaf and 16 of them can’t speak any more. More than 450 children can’t sleep at night while 1164 can’t concentrate on anything. The tragedy is that 21 of them have become blind, 43 asthmatic and 276 are still in shock. 566 suffer from frequent headache and stomachache. About 850 children fear water and sound and 117 have refused to go to school.

Disaster management programmes have not proved up to the mark and up to the task. The Government and the concerned agencies should provide comprehensive aids and help to the survivors, particularly the children. They must provide nutritious food, clothes, shelters and medical aids to them. All efforts should be made to wipe out the scars left by these disasters.

Q15. take help from the following clues and write an article on ‘more Ads than News and Features’.Hints: • Ads and ads on TV • Ads dominate print media • Mint money; attract buyers and sellers

• Create styles, trends and fashions • Diluted news and features Ans. ‘more Ads than News and Features’ —Kalpana The world of liberalisation and globalisation has given birth to unsatiable consumerism. ‘Use

and Throw’ is the slogan of the times. Things have to be sold. Selling gives money. And money makes the more go. One good commercial advertisement is worth more than hundreds of salesman. Such is the importance of advertisements in industry, trade, commerce and business. It is no exaggeration that on TV we have more ads than news. After every few minutes a ‘break’ is announced. And then starts a flood of commercial advertisements. You find the Shahanshah of Bollywood, Amitabh Bachchan selling Binani Cement. Then comes the ‘Badshah’ telling you to use ‘Fair and Lovely’ for your bright complexion. And our glittering damsels of Bollywood can’t be left behind. Ash sells L’Oreal; Katrina patronises ‘Veet’ and Priyanka and Karina settling for ‘Bajaj Scooty’ and ‘Boro Plus’ respectively. News and features have become secondary. We have more adds than features or events.

TV, cinema, newspapers, magazines are full of advertisements. Ads are trend and style setters. Millions are earned just for a commercial advertisement of a few minutes! If things are to be sold then you can’t avoid patronising commercial advertisements. They are the lifeline of trade, business and the media.

Q16. A spate of rapes and murders of helpless young women in delhi has shocked the conscience of the nation. taking help from the information given below and inventing your own details, write an article on ‘crime Against women in delhi’.Hints: • Rape of a young woman at Dhaula Kuan • Rape and murder of a girl in Mangolpuri • Rape

of a young lady in South Delhi • Kidnapping of a girl in East Delhi Ans. crime Against women in delhi —Amit Delhi has earned the dubious distinction of being the crime capital of India. Life has become

quite uncertain and unsafe in Delhi. The capital of India has become a grazing ground for

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kidnappers, rapists and murderers of women. The recent gang-rape of a young woman at Dhaula Kuan, and the rapes, murders and kidnappings in different parts of Delhi have shocked the whole nation. All the tall claims of Delhi Police to provide security to women have been proved totally hollow and false. Everyday we find news of crimes against women in the columns of newspapers or on TV channels.

Delhi is different from other metros like Mumbai or Kolkata so far crimes against women are concerned. A young woman can walk on the roads of Kolkata even at night but not in Delhi. Here, young ladies can’t venture to go out alone after the sun sets. Why has Delhi earned this notoriety? Of late, Delhi has developed a culture that has given birth to a class of criminals. They don’t have faith in traditional Indian culture which equates all other women to our sisters, daughters and mothers. The consumer culture equates women to a commodity. Young women from the North-east are the softest targets. The war against criminals must be fought on two fronts. First, the Delhi Police must ensure safety to women by regular patrolling at night and nabbing criminals at the earliest. On the cultural front, a widespread movement should be launched to help women in their fight against crimes and criminals.

Q17. taking help from the information given below, write an article on ‘make in india’s digital economy’.Hints: • Leaders of world’s largest technology • companies visited India • Softbank to invest $10

billion into digital India • a delegation of Indian digital entrepreneurs visited China • India should take China’s cue • Chinese digital economy • a major driver of China’s growth story • Chinese digital boom by limiting access of global majors to the Chinese market • India, conversely an open door for global companies • Google and Facebook’s dominance in India • capturing 75% of India’s digital advertising pie • Even Flipkart is 80% foreign owned • India’s digital revolution just begun.

Ans. make in india’s digital economy —Ravi In comparison to China, India’s digital revolution is just beginning. Prime Minister Narendra

Modi wants the digital revolution to be an Indian phenomenon. He wants it to be a major driver of India’s economic growth story. He wants to reverse the trend. Instead of allowing and encouraging global companies to earn more globally out of India’s growth story, his slogan is “Make in India”.

The world is looking towards us. Leaders of all the world’s largest technology companies visited India in a very short span. They include Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Satya Nadella (Microsoft), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) and Pichai (Google). The announcement of Soft Bank of Japan of investing $10 billion into digital India is definitely a great news.

The Chinese digital economy directly employs hundreds of thousands of people, and giving indirectly, white-collar jobs to millions more. Digital China is now a major driver of China’s growth story. Why should India lag behind? India should adopt China’s success story. More than ever, global technology companies are eyeing India. Indian digital economy should be “Make in India” and not “Expand into India”. We should protect our domestic digital business growth. An open door policy for global companies must be reviewed. Foreign giants like Google and Facebook pocket 75% of India’s digital advertising pie. Why should we let our growth and money be exploited by outsiders? Let it be an Indian phenomenon. Let it be a ‘Make in India’s Digital Economy’.

Q18. taking help from the information given in the input below along with your own views, write an article on ‘disaster management in india’ with special reference to the ‘Hudhud cyclone’ and the unprecedented floods in kashmir.

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Hints: • National Institute of Disaster Management • a premier institute • training and capacity development programmes • constituted under an Act of Parliament in 1995 • statutory organisation status • The NIDM • a deemed university • NIDM served as a great agency when Tsunami hit India • train and conduct mock drills, crisis communication and a hazard hunt excercise • mock drills simulating an earthquake of magnitude 7.2 • played a key role during the Hudhud Cyclone in Andhra and Odisha • evacuated lakhs of marooned people with the help of army in Kashmir floods.

Ans. disaster management in india —Raghav National Institute of Disaster Management is a premier national institute. It trains people for

capacity development programmes for managing natural disasters in India. The NIDM works under government’s directives to train and conduct checks to regulate effective earthquake and disaster control policies. Recently, Delhi witnessed one of the biggest mega mock drills conducted by the NIDM in India.

The buildings and infrastructures in India are quite vulnerable to calamities. They can’t withstand the rigours of a natural calamity. The Tsunami disasters in South India expose the unpreparedness and lack of skills in disaster management. The havoc caused by the floods and landslides in Kedarnath only underlines our weaknesss or inefficiency in tackling natural disaster on such a scale. The NIDM can take due credit for its efficient work done during the ‘Hudhud’ cyclone. The cyclone struck the coastal areas of Andhra and Odisha. Proper warning and early evacuation in the affected areas limited losses and casualties. But again the NIDM proved quite ineffective when unprecedented floods rocked Srinagar and other parts of Jammu and Kashmir. It was the army and not the NIDM that stole the limelight by evacuating lakhs of the marooned people and saving their lives. The NIDM has a long way to go. It must prepare itself as a body that can cope with natural disasters with professional skills and efficiency.

Q19. taking help from the information given below, write an article on ‘Problems of Half-educated indian Youth’.Hints: • High ideals of educationists lost • India has produced millions of frustrated and half educated

youngsters • misfit for any walk of life • vast majority educated in government schools • most of the degree holders are virtually uneducated • teachers and employees perennially absent • some have duplicate jobs • education provides a few opportunities • unemployed youth flood into cities • add only disorder and crimes • government must introduce vocational training in carpentry, masonry, etc. • skills would open self-employment.

Ans. Problems of Half-educated indian Youth —Jamini India aims to achieve the desired target of universal education. However, the huge army of

young girls and boys who are getting education in schools and colleges doesn’t present a very flattening picture. Instead of producing a powerful human resource. The country is producing millions of frustrated and half baked youngsters. They are misfit for all walks of life. Their half-baked knowledge and skills make them unsuitable for corporate jobs or professional services.

Vast majority of young boys and girls receive education in government schools, colleges and institutions. The condition of our public schools is far from satisfactory. Millions of rupees are wasted without any fruitful result. Some of them especially in remote areas suffer from dirty premises, incompetent and unprofessional teachers. Lack of facilities for labs, libraries and playgrounds make most of our government schools and colleges quite unproductive and outdated institutions. Most of the degree and certificate holders are virtually unskilled or half-educated. These unemployed youth flood our cities. Their education provides them only a few gainful jobs or opportunities for advancement. They are condemned to lead miserable lives in slums adding to their disorder and crimes.

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Problems of the youth must be addressed with all sincerity and seriousness. Vocational training should be introduced at a very early stage in schools. By giving a professional training in carpentry, masonry, fabrication, plumbing, etc., we can prepare them for professional and corporate jobs. These skills would open new avenues for self-employment too. Let our schools, colleges and educational institutes produce full baked and skilled young men and young women. They will then certainly prove assets to themselves as well as to the nation.

Q20. taking help from the input given below along with your own views, write an article on ‘Female Foeticide–A cause for concern’.Hints: • Female foeticide • increased manifold • birth of a female child • not taken happily • girl child

a burden • perverted mindset of parents and relatives • more than 15 million female foetuses aborted every year • illiteracy • ignorance • poverty • superstitions • outdated ideas • myth that ‘moksha’ is not possible without a male child • crimes against women • laws have no teeth • evil must be rooted out • zero tolerance for female foeticide.

Ans. Female Foeticide — A cause for concern —Vandana India is a land of contradictions. All our scriptures hail women as goddesses. Every virgin is

considered as an incarnation of Durga or Laxmi or Saraswati. But this is only the one side of the story. The other story regarding the girl child puts our heads in shame. More than 15 million foetuses are aborted every year. All this is done not to have a girl child in the family. It exposes our double standards and hypocrisy. It is a cruel commentary on the morals, conduct and ethics of our society. Even in the 21st century, we have the old and outdated mindset and ideas. Ours is still a monstrously male dominated society. The parents and the families are not ready to take the birth of a girl child as a normal happy occasion. A girl child is considered an additional burden on the family. Obsession for a son takes root from age long outdated views and myths. It is purely a myth that one can’t attain ‘moksha’ or ‘liberation’ without a male child—the son. Simply ridiculous! Girls have excelled in all walks of life. They have proved their superiority as teachers, doctors, engineers, police officers and businessmen. What a man can do, a woman can do still better. In such a situation, the very idea of female foeticide seems immoral, perverted and inhuman. Unfortunately, prosperous states like Haryana and Punjab have shamed themselves as the leading states in female foeticide in the country. The girl-child sex-ratio has seen alarming trends. This evil has to be rooted out. Exemplary punishments must be given to those who indulge in such inhuman practices. Moreover, a sustained effort must be made by the government and voluntary bodies to change the mindset of the people. Such an inhuman and barbaric practice must have no place in our civilised society.

tESt YoUR SkiLLSi. diARY eNtRY 1. Record your experience in your diary of the day when your result of class VIII was to be

declared.Hints: • Very excited • did not sleep the previous night • prayed to the goddess Saraswati • reached

the school before time • sheets containing result still not displayed on Notice Board • waited impatiently • result was declared • students thronged • my heard beat wildly • finally found my name on the top of the list • parents became very happy.

2. You always suffered from the ‘stage fright’. Describe how you overcame that weakness and ultimately won the first prize in the Inter-school Debate Competition. Record that experience in your diary.

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Hints: • Prepared well in advance • still felt nervous before the audience • often forgot what to speak • used to become a laughing stock • My English teacher instilled confidence in me • He used to tell me that I was the best in the class • I also realised my potential • Overcame my weakness • won the first prize in the Inter-school Debate Competition.

3. You were never a good speaker. Record your miserable experience as a speaker when you spoke for the first time in a debate before an audience in your diary. Give details how you felt during those miserable moments.Hints: • Inter-school Debate Competition was organised • My class teacher told me to participate •

mustered up courage and participated • started to speak • my voice quivered • spoke irrelevantly • audience laughed • felt ashamed of myself • determine to do the best • will practise a lot and attend personality development classes.

4. You went to see the most fascinating historical building in Delhi, the Qutub Minar complex with your friends. Record your experience in a diary.Hints: • On Saturday we decided to visit the Qutub Minar • on Sunday we got together • caught a

bus then a metro train • reached the Qutub Minar at 10 am • one of us stood in queue to buy tickets • saw the beautiful minaret • thronged by the visitors • people tried to back hold their hands on the iron pillar.

5. Describe your experience of watching an ODI at the Firozshah Kotla ground in New Delhi in your diary. You can invent your own details.Hints: • Match between India and Australia • Stadium full of spectators • India won the toss • chose

to bat • scored 310 runs • Australia could score 298.

6. Describe the final of Rai Bahadur Beni Parsad Cup that was played between your football team and your arch rival S.M. Hindu Sr. Secondary School, Gumla. Record your experience in your diary inventing your own details.Hints: • Our school had great expectations • the team practised a lot • rival team was also competent

• our team scored 6 goals • rival team scored only 4 goals • I contributed two goals • praised by teachers, spectators • felt on top of the world.

7. Describe a Charity Show that you organised in your school for the flood victims of Andhra Pradesh in a diary. Hints: • Show organised by school • dance, songs and a lot of fun • lots of audience gathered • every

one donated some money • collected a huge amount of money • sent the amount to the flood victims • all of us should help the victims • felt proud to do so.

8. Describe the N.S.S. Camp at Raipur village to launch the campaign ‘Grow More Trees’. Make a diary entry giving all the details of your work and achievements.Hints: • Camp organised by our school • camp was packed with audience • you delivered your speech

• described the advantages of growing trees • the audience was highly impressed.

9. The ‘Blood Donation Camp’ organised by the Red Cross of Agra proved to be a grand success. Describe in details how you donated your blood with all your friends for the noble cause.Hints: • heard about the camp • decided to donate blood • reached the camp with friends • each of

us donated one unit of blood • felt proud • saved many lives • everyone should donate blood • donating blood is not harmful to health at all.

10. Last night you had a bad dream. Describe the horrible experience in your diary in about 120 words.

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Hints: • frightening dream • saw a ghost standing beside me • cried loudly • no one came • tried to run away • could not stand up • lay inert • sure to be killed • eyes opened • found no one • heaved a sigh of relief.

11. Describe your experience of attending a grand wedding party hosted at a five star hotel in Chennai. Your description should be recorded in your diary in about 120 words.Hints: • wedding party at Hyatt Regency, Chennai • the hotel had LCD TVs • impressive decoration

• DJ was played • lots of fun and dances • had delicious snacks • Barat Party reached • bride and bridegroom mingled • dinner, a variety of dishes.

12. Your birthday was a great event and celebrated with all pomp and show by the members of your family. Describe the experience in your own language in your personal diary.Hints: • invited friends and relatives • family members made a good preparation • set up tent • DJ

played • all guest with gifts • fun and dances • cut the cake • dinner served • everyone rejoiced.

13. Describe how a foreign friend of you stayed at your house during his visit to India. Note down your experience in a diary in about 120 words.Hints: • chatting online • a good Australian friend • visited India • informed me • received him at

the airport • stayed at my house • spoke only English • treated well by my family • felt very happy • took him to the Red Fort, Akshardham Temple, Lotus Temple, Qutub Minar • invited us to Australia.

14. They say, ‘All is well that ends well’. Describe such an experience in your personal diary in about 120 words.Hints: • weak in class VIII • scored only 40% of marks in half-yearly exam • often a laughing stock

• had no friends • worked hard • took English and Maths coaching • gradually improved in all subjects • scored the highest marks in the final exam • now the apple of my teacher’s eyes • have many friends.

15. They say, ‘Nothing succeeds like success’. Describe how you felt when you won the ‘Best Athlete of the Year’ award of your school on the Sports Day. Record your experience in about 120 words in your diary.Hints: • the Sports Day • District Magistrate—the Chief Guest • many awards given • my name not

announced • felt disappointed • finally my name announced • won the ‘Best Athlete of the Year’ award • felt very happy • congratulations from my classmates, teachers, Principal treated me as a hero.

ii. ARticLe 1. Your career doesn’t end with your admission in an engineering or a medical college. Write

an article on ‘Choosing a Career’, highlighting new fields and avenues for the dedicated and hardworking youngmen and women.Hints: • Think about where you are now • where you want to be • know you skills, interests and

values • explore occupation that interest you • what skills you need • plan the steps • go in the right direction ahead.

2. Various articles by medical experts have highlighted that vegetables and fruits increase the resistance of our body against diseases. Write an article on ‘Virtues of Being a Vegetarian’ for your school magazine.Hints: • Vegetarian diets low in fat • high in fiber • help to prevent cancer • reduce blood pressure •

control diabetes.

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3. Recently a news appeared in the newspapers how a man committed suicide after being snubbed at a Reality Show. Write an article advocating a complete ban on the vulgar and indecent Reality Shows on TV. Highlight their damaging impact on students and the youth in general.Hints: • Vulgar and provocative • put bad impacts on youth • youth tend to imitate.

4. You decry the growing sex and violence in films. Write an article to be published in your school magazine on ‘Sex and Violence in Films’.Hints: • display of sex and violence in films badly impacts the youth • stimulate the youngsters to do

so • youths follow them indiscreetly • display of sex and violence should be minimised.

5. Write an article on the ‘Future of IT in India’. Don’t forget to highlight India’s domination in this sector.Hints: • India has large number of IT jobs • call centers and BPO • youngsters are employed • high

perks • Bengaluru, Chennai, Kolkata and Mumbai are the major IT cities • fastest growing field.

6. Only the youth can provide an inspiring and principled leadership in India. Write an article on the ‘Role of the Youth in National Development’ to be published in a local daily of your area.Hints: • Youths are full of energy • come up with new ideas • can easily deal with any issue • easily

persuade other people.

7. The recent news of shelterless people dying of cold in recent winter months in Bihar, U.P. and Odisha has shocked the conscience of the concerned citizens. Write an article on ‘Cheap Houses for All’ to be published in a local magazine.Hints: • house-basic need • people dye of cold • should be made affordable • shelterless people be

supported by the govt • govt should make sure that the money reaches the right person • corrupt people should be strictly punished.

8. Every year thousands of persons die of earthquakes, floods and other natural disasters. Write an article in about 120 words on the ‘Disaster Management in India’.Hints: • disaster management • collective and coordinates effort • right coordination, command and

control • deployment of search and rescue teams and para-medical teams • arrangement for food and water • setting up of shelters • community participation in rescue and relief operations.

9. The recent cases of corruption have rocked the Government and the common men in India. Write an article on ‘Corruption-free India’ in about 120 words for publication in a local daily.Hints: • don’t give and receive bribe • support of Indian Constitution • severe punishment for corrupt

people • Jan Lokpal Bill be enacted • confiscate the property of the corrupt people • need of transparency in public administration for eliminating corruption.

10. Thousands of people die in India due to the ill-effects of smoking or chewing ‘gutkas’. Write an article in about 120 words on ‘Complete Ban on Tobacco and Tobacco Products For Human Consumption’.Hints: • tobacco cause shealth hazards • kills nearly six million people worldwide • educate the people

about its harmful effects • involvement of voluntary organisation • punishment for the people caught selling or buying tobacco products.

11. Drinking and driving shouldn’t go together. You feel that what Indians can learn from the western countries is the perfect road-culture. Write an article in about 120 words on ‘Safe Driving Can Save Precious Lives’.

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Hints: • drive carefully, save lives • don’t mix driving and drinking • avoid aggressive driving • keep appropriate distance • control emotions and stress • many people die in accidents • their families suffer a lot • recklessly driving be checked.

12. Terrorism has become an essential part of the modern world. Even local acts of terrorism have international connections. Write an article on ‘Combating International Terrorism’ in about 120 words.Hints: • all nations to combat terrorism • action against defaulting nations • enact anti-terrorist laws

• proper training and equipment for police and para-military • employment opportunities for the poor • peace among people, the need of hour.

13. Write an article on ‘Maintenance and Preservation of Historical Monuments in India’ in about 120 words for a local magazine.Hints: • monuments—our glory • the storehouse of historical knowledge • deeply linked with our

culture source of our great past • maintenance and perseverance for the future generation • source of inspiration for them.

14. A sedentary life gives birth to all kinds of diseases. Write an article on ‘Keeping Physically and Mentally Fit and Strong’ in about 120 words for publication in your school magazine.

Hints: • relationship between life and movement • importance of life for work • body movement being the source of fresh energy • a healthy body free from diseases • avoid sedentary life to keep fit.
