Part 5


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Layout Design

• This third of the layout is dominated by the Channel 4 logo, thus making it stand out.

• The text the name of the show and the time is in the bottom right hand corner.


• Apart from the name of the programme the image also suggests that it will involve children.

• The image also implies the idea of children disappearing (swallowed by the ground) thus they are “forgotten”

• Her facial expression implies she is in danger and distress.

• Text reveals the name of the programme, what it will be about and the day it will be on.

• The recognisable logo indicates what channel the show will be on.

• The channel 4 website is also displayed.

Style of font

• Standard black coloured font is used to display information.

• This is surrounded by a white bow to make it stand out to the reader.

• The font is not chunky or bold, but still eye-catching because of the contrast of black and white with the background.

• The white box matches the colour of the logo.

Graphics & Photo manipulation

• The people walking around have been blurred to emphasise the idea of them being negligent to match the title.

• The colour has been manipulated to have a grey tinge to highlight the seriousness of the topic in question.

• The ground has been manipulated and edited to appear as if it is pulling the child in.

• This is to enforce the idea of children being “Forgotten”.

Organisation of information

• The first piece of information visible is the channel 4 logo, which indicates the channel the show will be on.

• The second piece of information most visible is the text bow informing the audience of the name of the programme and the date it will be shown.

• The third piece of information most visible is the smallest piece of text showing the channel 4 website address.

Layout Design

• This third of the layout is dominated by the Channel 4 logo, thus making it stand out.

• The text the name of the show and the time is in the bottom right hand corner.

• The faces of the characters dominate most of the left hand side of the layout.


• The recognisable logo indicates what channel the show will be on.

• Text reveals the name of the programme, what it will be about and the day it will be on.

Style of font

• Standard black coloured font is used to display information.

• This is surrounded by a white bow to make it stand out to the reader.

• The font is not chunky or bold, but still eye-catching because of the contrast of black and white with the background.

• The white box matches the colour of the logo.

graphics & Photo manipulation

• As the programme is about land the faces of the characters have been manipulated in order to blend with the background of a bird’s eye view of a city.

• The colour of the photo has been altered to appear completely brown in order to emphasise what the show will centre around. (Land)

Organisation of information

• The first piece of information visible is the channel 4 logo, which indicates the channel the show will be on.

• The second piece of information most visible is the text bow informing the audience of the name of the programme and the date it will be shown.

What is consistent about channel 4 adverts?

The channel 4 logo is usually the same colour as the box that outlines to title and showing time.

B) Double Page Spread In Magazines

Stage 1 –

Research Of Magazines

The magazine I will analyse is…

  What kind of things are in the magazine?

• The Week In London

• Bond Film Special

• Things To Do

• Music

• Clubs

• Cabaret

• Comedy

• Theatre And Dance


• Art

• Shopping And Style

• Eating And Drinking

• ‘Time In’ Section

• Top Ten … Bond Locations Special

 Who is the audience/target audience?

• The fact that it’s a listings magazine, indicates that it will mainly be aimed at socially active people who actually live in London.

• Its is probably targeted at people aged 21-35 at an estimate.

• This is due to the fact that this age range is most likely to attend most of the events listed in the magazine.

How is the magazine organised/structured?

• The magazine starts out with entertainment with things like films and music.

• Then there are some commercial adverts for products or company offers.

• Towards the end of the magazine there are listings of events and shows or gigs.

What are most of the pages about in the magazine?

• Most of the pages consist of advertisements of events and shows happening in London.

• This is typical for a listing magazine.

what do they advertise?

• They advertise all sorts of things from theatre shows to new movies.

Fashion and Shopping.

Music shows/Gigs.

Events. Phone Company Offers.

Where is it magazine available?

• This is a list of the places where the magazine is available.

How much does it cost to use a full double page spread?

• The cost of a double page spread stands at £8,400 for ‘Time Out’ magazine.

I’m reviewing

What kind of things are in the magazine?

• Being a listings magazine it gives people the best

1. Restaurants2. Clubs3. Venues4. Films5. Music6. Shopping7. Styles...

Who is the audience/target audience? How do you know?

• The target audience is aimed at social people who enjoy night out with friends or after work i.e Uni students and working to upper class people

• I think its a cross of both niche and mass audience its aimed at both males and females and from uni students to people in there late 40’s so there is no real limit

How is the magazine organised/structures?

P: 4-23 ; Are interviews & reviews

P: 32-62 ; Has ad for venues and concerts, reviews of films, music, clubs, cabret, comedy, art etc

i= P: 68-78 ; Also has some reviews , The Eating & Drinking Awards, Top 10... Pubs with stories

Our double page spread would go in p4-23 as near the front is where people are more likely so see our page, this is the area for TV, documentary and stars interviews, reviews and Ads

What are most of the pages about in the magazine about?

It varies from ...

Fashion Interviews ConcertsHealth

The way in which our documentary can fit in is through the magazine being diverse so is our documentary

What do they advertise?• They tend to advertise events among other

things ...

British airways offers, Vodafone offers, Toyota offers, John Lewis, Hp windows 7 laptops, Time out guides, Master card, Concerts

Our documentary ad can fit perfectly as this magazines is diverse with allows are range of different things to be advertised

Where is it magazine available?

Its available in 67 countries worldwide

How much does it cost to use a full double page spread in the magazine?

This is the full list of pricing in the magazine This is the price for a

double page spread