PARKS AND RECREATION AGENDA - Coronado · The Parks and Recreation Commission is being asked to...


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3:30 PM

Coronado Council Chamber 1825 Strand Way, Coronado, CA 92118

Commissioners: Todd Little Kari McPherson Akshay Sateesh Norman Funk Chris Toogood Student Rep: None Staff: Roger Miller, Director of Recreation Services Sandra Downes, Management Assistant Sherry McGlaughlin, Office Assistant II 1. PRELIMINARIES 1.1 Call to order 1.2 Pledge of allegiance 1.3 Roll call 1.4 Approval of minutes from March 14, 2016. 1.5 Agenda changes 2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Each person wishing to speak before the Parks and Recreation Commission on any matter not on the agenda please go to the microphone, state your name and address, and make your statement. State law generally precludes the Commission from discussing or acting on any topic initially raised during oral communications. Your Information may only be received and either placed on the next agenda or referred to the Director of Recreation.

I:\Parks and Rec Commission\agendas\2016\04-11-16 Agenda.docx 2

3. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 3.1 Director’s Report – The director will update the Commission on the following: 3.1...1 Summer Brochure will be mailed the week of April 11. 3.1...2 Summer registration will begin on April 26 for residents and May 10 for

nonresidents 3.1...3 Started recruitment for summer staff. We will be hiring about 100 employees 3.1...4 Aquatics Arthritis registration report 3.1...5 New Coronado website anticpated to launch in May 3.2 Commissioner’s Report – The commissioners will update the community on the

following: 4. ACTION ITEMS 4.1 Select Vice Chairperson for Parks and Recreation Commission 4.2 Review and Make Recommendation Regarding Installation of Benches at

Pendleton Park – Orlando Vales 4.3 Update on Coronado Cays Tennis Court Lighting (Information Item Only) – Phil

Fitzgerald 4.4 Review and Make Recommendation regarding Noise Complaints from Pickleball

Near High School and Library Tennis Courts – Phil Fitzgerald 4.5 Review and Make Recommendation for Modification of Municipal Code

32.08.080 Regarding Leashed Dogs in Bayview Park – Roger Miller 4.6 Review and Make Recommendation Regarding Coordination Between Cays Park

Usage and Park Sporting Events – Roger Miller 5. ATTACHMENTS 5.1 Staff report and regarding benches at Pendleton Park 5.2 Poster mock-up of benches at Pendleton Park as presented on 02/08/2016 5.3 Correspondence regarding benches at Pendleton Park 5.4 Staff report and regarding pickleball at high school and library tennis courts 5.5 Correspondence regarding pickleball noise 5.6 Staff report regarding leashed dogs at Bayview Park 5.7 Petition from residents in favor of leashed dogs at Bayview Park 5.8 Correspondence regarding leashed dogs at Bayview Park 5.9 Staff report for events at Coronado Cays Park 5.10 Correspondence regarding Coronado Cays Park 6. FUTURE TOPICS Date, Time and Location of Next Meeting: May 11, 2016 at 3:30 P.M., Coronado Council Chamber at 1825 Strand Way, Coronado, Ca. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT AN APPLICANT OR APPLICANTS' REPRESENTATIVE APPEAR BEFORE THE BOARD TO ADDRESS ANY AGENDA ITEM IN WHICH THEY HAVE AN INTEREST. OTHERWISE ACTION MAY NOT BE TAKEN. Materials related to an item on this Agenda submitted to the Recreation Department after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection in the

I:\Parks and Rec Commission\agendas\2016\04-11-16 Agenda.docx 3

Recreation Office at 1845 Strand Way between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Attachment 5.1

I:\Parks and Rec Commission\Staff Reports and attachments\04-11-16 Staff Report on Installation of Park Benches at Pendelton Park.doc





Regular Meeting March 14, 2016

AGENDA ITEM 4.2: Should the Parks and Recreation Commission support a recommendation

to add two (2) park benches at Pendleton Park.

ISSUE: Pendleton Park does not currently have any park benches for the public to utilize with

their families to sit on when they are using the park. Two bus stop benches are located on 4th

Avenue for public transit and face the street.

BACKGROUND: At the January 11, 2016, Park & Recreation Meeting, a Coronado resident

presented the request to have park benches added/placed in Pendleton park for the public to use

when they are visiting the park. Pendleton Park is located at 431 Palm Avenue.

Currently, the only park benches in the park area are the two bus stop benches located on 4th

street for utilization when using public transit. The benches at this location are facing the street.

The Parks and Recreation Commission is being asked to review the proposal and support adding

two park benches at Pendleton Park. Staff is concerned that adding too many benches distracts

from the purpose and use of the park but also understand the need for places to sit as part of the

park environment. Since there are no public benches at this park, adding two benches facing the

park, seems appropriate.

The design, size and shape of the park benches would be tasked to the Public Services

Department. It would be anticipated that the benches would be located on F Avenue. Any bench

used would come off of the bench waiting list that currently has 30 donors.

The decision to add park benches under these conditions is an administration function and would

not require council approval. Area residents within 300 feet of the park have been notified of

this agenda item.

IMPACT: No substantial impact anticipated. Minor additional work to maintain bench over the

lifespan of the bench. Cost of the benches would be borne by the bench donor.


1) Support a recommendation to add two park benches at Pendleton Park.

2) Recommend no benches be added to Pendleton Park.

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McGlaughlin, Sherry

From: Downes, SandySent: Tuesday, April 05, 2016 8:46 AMTo: McGlaughlin, SherrySubject: FW: Toni McGowan - FW: Park Benches at Pendleton Park at Fourth and F.

Expires: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 12:00 AM

  ‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: Lang, Stefanie  Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2016 7:34 AM To: King, Blair <>; Miller, Roger <>; Downes, Sandy <> Cc: Reynolds, Nancy <> Subject: Toni McGowan ‐ FW: Park Benches at Pendleton Park at Fourth and F.     Stefanie Lang Secretary to the City Manager City of Coronado (P) 619‐522‐7339 (F) 619‐522‐7846 (E)        ‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: toni mcgowan []  Sent: Monday, April 04, 2016 9:23 PM To: Reynolds, Nancy <> Cc: Downey, Carrie ( <>; Sandke, Bill <>; jerry greenspan <>; Blair King <>; Ritter, Tom <> Subject: Park Benches at Pendleton Park at Fourth and F.   Dear Park Commissioners:   I am happy to learn that the issue I requested for benches at Pendleton Park (4th and F) for seniors, and others, is on your April 11 agenda. Thank you for hearing this matter. Unfortunately, I will be out of town that day on business.   Argument 1: The park is located at the only school crossing route across the corridor, and is well used by children and adults ‐ with not one single place to sit down. Those with ability challenges, especially neighborhood seniors, are unable to enjoy the park because they cannot get down to, or up from the ground. Seniors and disabled persons should be able to share fully in the community green space near their homes.   Argument 2: The survey from 2014, done by TAF, supported benches at Pendleton Park by 75 votes to 0. 

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 Argument 3: The Third and Fourth streets toll funds are a potential funding source. Although those funds cannot be used for direct traffic mitigation, they can be  designated to improve our neighborhood appearance and way of life.  Argument 4: There may be some honorary benches that have to be relocated, and can now have a new place of honor at Pendleton Park.  Argument 5: Please approve park benches  at our Avenue of Heroes neighborhood Pendleton Park, or send it to City Council for weigh‐in.   Thank you for your consideration.  Toni McGowan, member, Avenue of Heroes Neighborhood Association 715 Third Street 600‐9238 

Attachment 5.4

I:\Parks and Rec Commission\Staff Reports and attachments\04-11-16 Staff Report on Pickleball.doc




Regular Meeting April 11, 2016

AGENDA ITEM 4.4: Pickleball play at the High School Tennis Courts

ISSUE: Pickleball is currently being played at the High School courts on Wednesday evenings

from 6:30 P.M. to 8:45 P.M. and on Saturday afternoons from 2:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. There are

approximately 30 – 50 attendees who participate in pickleball. Participation depends on the time

of year, weather, and other factors, but generally spring and summer are the busiest for play.

The play at the High School courts is organized and run by City tennis staff. A fee is charged for

players to participate at these locations: a resident fee of $3 and a non-resident fee of $4.

Residents are approximately 30 - 45 percent of the total participants.

The game of pickleball is played with a small paddle and hard wiffle-type ball. Recreation has

received a few complaints from residents located close to the High School courts about noise that

is being created from ball/paddle impact. Staff has taken numerous sound readings from the

court and has determined the sound registered during pickleball play when pickleball is not being

played to be around 70 dB; there was negligible difference in the readings and ambient noise was

comparable to pickleball noise levels. This condition rendered a determination unreliable on the

impact pickleball may have on the noise level in this area.

Staff is recommending that pickleball be moved to the Library Tennis Courts in an effort to be

less impactful (sound) to area residents. Area residents within 300 feet have been notified of this

issue. There is a small storage shed at the High School courts that is utilized by staff.

BACKGROUND: Pickleball was gaining in popularity in the region and numerous residents

were participating in pickleball outside of Coronado. In order to accommodate the activity in

Coronado, an exception was made to allow pickleball to be played at the Coronado Tennis

Courts. This quickly became problematic as pickleball play began to compete with tennis play,

especially at the Glorietta Tennis Facility. The Municipal Code specifies that tennis courts are

for tennis play activity. The tennis staff tracked pickleball participation and found that

approximately 30 to 50 residents were actively participating in pickleball on a monthly basis,

with the overwhelming majority of pickleball players commuting in from other areas.

At the July 13, 2015 Park & Recreation meeting, the Commission approved Pickleball play at

Cays Court #5 and at the High School Courts on Wednesday evenings 6:30 P.M. to 8:45 P.M.

and Saturday afternoons from 2:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M. Play has for the most part been very

successful. The number of Coronado residents participating in pickleball has also stayed fairly


IMPACT: Staff would have to either move the storage shed to the Library courts or purchase

and additional shed. There are no restroom facilities at Library location; High School restrooms

would have to be used.

Attachment 5.4

I:\Parks and Rec Commission\Staff Reports and attachments\04-11-16 Staff Report on Pickleball.doc


1) Move pickleball play to the Library Courts on Wednesday and Saturday.

2) Continue pickleball at the High School.


McGlaughlin, Sherry

From: Sheri dan <>Sent: Saturday, February 06, 2016 8:56 PMTo: Recreation - Web Site ContactSubject: PICKLEBALL NOISE IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD

Todd Little CORONADO PARKS & RECREATION 1845 Strand Way Coronado, CA 92118 (619) 522-7342 Dear Todd Little, Having written to Roger Miller and receiving no satisfaction on this issue (it was obvious from his reply that he did not even read my letter) other than to come to the PARKS AND RECREATION MEETING and voice my complaint for 3 minutes before the Board (I work and this therefore, is not an option for me). Just a footnote: his assistant referred me (or mis-directed me) to the CITY COUNCIL MEETING instead of the PARKS AND RECREATION MEETING. This Saturday February 6, 2016 there was an all day PICKLEBALL CLINIC in not only the LIBRARY TENNIS COURTS but, also ALL OF THE HIGH SCHOOL TENNIS COURTS. I play tennis and this is one of the reasons I wanted to live in this location. These courts are for tennis players and now the PICKLEBALL players are taking over all of our courts! I would like to play tennis on the weekends and not have to be pushed off of the courts because of the PICKLEBALL players and their agenda. I understand that the reason they were banished from the GLORIETTA COURTS was because they were destroying the tennis courts and now they are destroying ours? The PICKLEBALL noise is horrific for those of us who live here in the neighborhood. It goes on all day and for 5 hours at a time. PICKLEBALL is like PING-PONG magnified a hundred times! RACKET BALL and PING-PONG are sequestered and housed INSIDE buildings for a reason - they are too loud and disruptive. CORONADO PARKS AND RECREATION and the PICKLEBALL CLUB need to find a solution that does not impact the lives of those of us who live here adversely. There are many solutions: PICKLEBALL courts on the STRAND, TIDELANDS PARK, Indoor facilities: The Coronado Community Center, The CHS gym, an indoor facility of their own. Summer will be soon and we need your help in solving this problem and finding a viable solution to a very uncomfortable situation that those of us who live in the neighborhood are experiencing every Wednesday night and every Saturday. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Your help would be greatly appreciated. S. Hawkins

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McGlaughlin, Sherry

From: Todd Little <>Sent: Monday, March 14, 2016 9:14 AMTo: Downes, Sandy; McGlaughlin, Sherry; Miller, RogerSubject: For P&R file

--------- Original Message --------- Subject: Pickleball From: "m rohrs" <> Date: 3/13/16 7:11 pm To: "" <>

Hi Todd, I am a fairly new resident (3 months) at Interfaith Housing on 6th Street and wanted to comment about the noise from the tennis courts behind my apartment. Of course the tennis is loud in an of itself...but I have been hearing this high pitch ping pong noise, which I later discovered was called Pickleball. There are at times 20 or more people playing this game. Not only is this noise extremely annoying and loud but it echoes off the building making it worse, and I see why the residents are complaining. Also, the courts seem to be open quite late ... is it 10:00 they are allowed to play. It would be wonderful if they could have a cut off time for 9:00. As it is hard to watch TV or listen to the radio on a warm night as all the doors and windows have to be open and having to listen to the noise from all the Tennis Courts all day and night. Thank you for your consideration in this matter, as I know it is a topic of discussion at the upcoming meet on Monday, March 14th, and I wanted to submit this information. Maureen Rohrs (619) 957-9850

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McGlaughlin, Sherry

From: Downes, SandySent: Monday, February 01, 2016 11:20 AMTo: McGlaughlin, SherrySubject: FW: Follow up

  From: Todd Little []  Sent: Monday, February 01, 2016 8:49 AM To: Kathe Ayers <>; Miller, Roger <>; Downes, Sandy <> Subject: Follow up 

Thanks for the letter Kathe. I am unsure whether I can listen from your apartment, but I will certainly try to visit. If I am available I will alert you beforehand. Grateful for your outreach. I'll report back to you! Todd

--------- Original Message --------- Subject: PICKLEBALL DISTURBANCE - KATHE F. AYERS From: "Kathe Ayers" <> Date: 1/31/16 1:53 pm To:

Kathe F. Ayers 550 Orange Avenue, Apartment 214 Coronado, CA 92118 Phone (619) 435-9221 January 31, 2016 Todd Little CORONADO PARKS & RECREATION 1845 Strand Way Coronado, CA 92118 (619) 522-7342 Re: PICKLEBALL noise disturbance in my neighborhood Hi Todd Little,

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Thank you for giving Karen Netting your email address to give to me in order to voice my complaint about the PICKLEBALL disturbance in my neighborhood. Every Wednesday between 6pm and 9pm (and sometimes even later) there are at least 20 people playing PICKLEBALL all at once. Saturday is really unbearable because there are even more people that come to play PICKLEBALL all day non-stop. February 6th they had a PICKLEBALL Clinic with even more people yet! The offending noise of the PICKLEBALL players that pounds the tennis courts constantly for 5 hours at a time is destroying my peace of mind and those of my neighbors and this is only Winter, just wait until Spring!? Mr. Todd Little I personally invite you, members of the board and those that belong to the PICKLEBALL club to come over to my apartment on a Wednesday evening or during a Saturday clinic and sit out on my balcony (which is an extension of my living room) and enjoy the wonderful evening/day listening to the hammer blows of 20 or more PICKLEBALL players on the courts! I think if PICKLEBALL would be in the “backyards” of the members of the board and the people who allow PICKLEBALL play at the public courts in Coronado - it would not be allowed!!! Sincerely, Kathe F. Ayers


McGlaughlin, Sherry

From: Gillian Gillies <>Sent: Friday, April 01, 2016 2:45 PMTo: McGlaughlin, SherrySubject: Pickle ball at the Coronado High School and Library Tennis Courts

Hello Roger, I am thrilled to give feedback regarding Pickleball in Coronado.  I cannot tell you how much I love and enjoy the game and how well it is organized at the high school courts and and the Glorietta tennis facility.  My husband and I have a second home in Coronado and love when we go down to our place on 5th street and hear the sound of the pickle ball being hit.  Usually, we quickly change our plans and change into our shorts and t‐shirts and head on over with our Pickeball rackets.  We have met so many nice residents and many who come from the greater San Diego area at the pick‐up games.  Even when it is busy and there are wait times, it is well organized and usually includes a few laughs on the sidelines as we get to know each other.  On one occasion, I went down to our place and forgot my tennis shoes and ran over to the courts with my flip flops on my feet.  Within minutes, two people offered tennis shoes for me to borrow.     Pickleball is great fun, very social and is very well organized.  Please continue to keep the program going.    Best,  Gillian Gillies a happy part‐time resident in Coronado  cell 858‐945‐4856      

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Regular Meeting March 14, 2016

AGENDA ITEM 4.5: Should the Parks and Recreation Commission support an amendment to

the Municipal Code 32.08.080 to allow Dogs on Leash in Bayview Park.

ISSUE: Currently, Bayview Park rules do not allow dogs in the park. Should the Parks and

Recreation Commission support an amendment to the Municipal Code to allow for dogs, on

leash, in Bayview Park? The issue will be discussed by the City Council at a later date after the

Parks and Recreation Commission makes their recommendation.

BACKGROUND: At the February 1, 2016 City Council Meeting, Councilmember Bill Sanke

requested staff bring back an amendment to the Municipal Code that would allow for dogs, on

leash, in Bayview Park. Bayview Park is a small pocket park located on 1st Street. As part of the

process, the Parks and Recreation Commission is being asked to weigh in on amending the

Municipal Code to allow dogs on leash in Bayview Park.

Over the last several years, residents have used Bayview Park as a place to walk their dogs.

Signage at the park was not specific and did not address dog usage, even though the Municipal

Code does not allow dogs in the park. A dog waste dispenser is also present at the park for

owners which has been in place and serviced by Public Services for some time. When signage at

the Park was recently updated, “No Dogs in the Park Allowed,” was included on the new signage

which now coincides with the current reading of the Municipal Code.

Because the prior signage never properly addressed the issue of dogs in the park, area residents

have used the park as a place to walk their dogs. A petition was circulated to residents in the

area in support of adding Bayview Park to the list of parks where leashed dogs would be

allowed. The park is used mostly by residents and consists of mainly concrete walkways, some

limited landscape, and some small turf outcroppings.

The park is not suitable for athletic activity. Residents within 300 feet of the park have been

notified of this issue.

IMPACT: No substantial impact anticipated.


1) Support a recommendation to amend the Municipal Code to allow Dogs on Leash in

Bayview Park.

2) Support a recommendation that would allow Dogs on walk path only in Bayview Park.

Attachment 5.6

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3) Support a recommendation to uphold the current Municipal Code – No dogs in Bayview


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Transcribed voicemail paraphrased: Patricia Cole supports leashed dogs in Bayview Park.
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Regular Meeting April 11, 2016

AGENDA ITEM 4.6: Cays Park Usage and Sporting Events

ISSUE: Recent complaints have been received regarding the difficulty of using the Coronado

Cays Park when soccer tournaments are being conducted. The complaint with park users and

residents is the high volume of participants and vehicles in the area which can make it difficult

for people to access parking, the park, playground, and the dog park area.

BACKGROUND: Coronado Youth Soccer Association (CYSA) has been using the Coronado

Cays Park for their league and tournaments for many years. The primary impact to the park is

during tournaments. The size and scope of the tournaments have grown. As indicated, traffic

and parking, as well as access to the park have been identified as the primary cause of concern

among some Coronado residents. CYSA hosts tournaments as a fundraising and competitive

event in which a number of teams from outside of Coronado attend and participate.

Staff has met with CYSA to discuss the various issues and the concerns. CYSA provides youth

soccer to area residents and has a long established use of the Cays fields. Any issues or concerns

during regular play or other small special events have been handled well by CYSA. The majority

of concerns received by the Recreation Department have been centered on tournament play and

the impact to the Cays. CYSA reported to staff that between 500 and 1000 people utilize the park

per day during tournaments.

Because the tournaments are utilized in part for fundraising activity, commercialization of the

event has taken place resulting in vendors suppling goods and services for profit. The City does

not allow commercial activity, including the sale of on-sight food preparation without a permit

per the Municipal Code and County Health Department rules and regulations. Commercial

activity is not allowed on beaches or parks as a matter of Recreation Department procedure, as

this type of activity is difficult to control and regulate. The Department receives numerous

requests each year for a very broad array of commercial requests. Prepackaged food service,

which meets Health Department regulations, and certain in-house (CYSA) fundraising is

permitted under certain situations by the Recreation Department as long as these activities are:

limited in scope; do not interfere with the public’s accessibility; are not commercial activity and

falls with the Department’s Facility Use Fees and Policies.

Staff has received specific complaints regarding parking issues at the Cays during tournaments.

Specifically, the lack of parking spaces available and the need for more police enforcement. It

has been brought to staff’s attention that tournament commuters occupy parking most of the day.

This is especially problematic for the physically challenged or blue placard vehicles, although

parking in general has also been reported. The majority of the issues are encountered during

tournament weekends, especially during the month of December.

Attachment 5.9

I:\Parks and Rec Commission\Staff Reports and attachments\04-11-16 Staff Report on Cays Park.doc

The last issue involves the dog run area. The dog run area is not segregated from the general

park. Some participants “warm up” in the dog run area or use it for practice. CYSA has

addressed this issue at their own expense, purchased temporary fencing, which they set up and

monitor during these events. CYSA has been very responsive to providing a temporary barrier

during tournament play dates. The fencing is set up at the edge of the sidewalk, closest to the

dog run area, and a CYSA monitors the dog run area. More recently, a letter said the temporary

fencing blocked access to the dog run area. Staff recommends the temporary fencing be placed

on the soccer side of the sidewalk.

The projected tournament and event dates for 2016 are as follows:

July 30 and 31

August 6, 7, and 27

November 19 and 20

December 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18

Staff is requesting direction for number and size of tournaments, police and traffic enforcement,

and dog run accessibility.

Area residents within 300’ of the Park, Coronado Cays Home Owner’s Association and

CYSA have been notified of this issue.

IMPACT: No substantial impact anticipated.


1. Direct staff to work with CYSA to determine an appropriate number of tournaments.

Included but not limited to reducing the size, scope, and number of tournaments. Bring

the recommendation back to the Parks and Recreation Commission review in June.

Support staff’s recommendation for additional Police Parking/Traffic Enforcement in the

Cays during tournament events. Direct staff to work with CYSA to develop measures for

the dog run area.

2. Make alternate recommendation regarding tournaments, police enforcement and dog run



McGlaughlin, Sherry

From: Tracy Tempest <>Sent: Friday, April 01, 2016 10:38 AMTo: McGlaughlin, SherrySubject: Cays Park for activity

Hi there. I live in the Cays and think that it is fantastic that the kids get to play soccer in it, others play rugby, and others just play.   My only issue with any of this is that the fields to the north of the fire station and the south of the tennis courts get water far too much. Sprinklers on long hoses are moved around to dry areas and left on for hours. This is not right when we are trying to conserve water. I think the play could be rotated better to help prevent overuse.  Thanks, Tracy Tempest 

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McGlaughlin, Sherry

From: Ron Mires <>Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2016 2:49 PMTo: McGlaughlin, SherrySubject: Cays Park

Ronald and Nancy Mires who live at 24 Bahama Bend near Cays Park want you to know that we fully support the Rec Dept in holding youth tournaments  in the Park. It’s good to see so many young people having fun. That’s what parks are for. Some residents may complain about the number of cars it brings to the Cays housing areas, so maybe a better parking plan can be worked out for tournament days. Feel free to contact us at 424‐3210. 

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McGlaughlin, Sherry

From: Downes, SandySent: Tuesday, March 15, 2016 9:18 AMTo: McGlaughlin, SherrySubject: FW: For P&R Comm fileAttachments: IMG_1436.JPG; IMG_1434.JPG; IMG_1123.jpg; IMG_1126.jpg; IMG_1130.jpg;


  From: Todd Little []  Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2016 9:13 AM To: Downes, Sandy <>; Miller, Roger <> Subject: For P&R Comm file 

Sandy and Roger, Please review the scan and photos attached. They come from Christine Donovan and may assist staff in researching solutions for pedestrian right of way/access during soccer games in Coronado Cays Park. Thanks, Todd

--------- Original Message --------- Subject: Soccer fence at Cays Park From: Date: 3/14/16 5:08 pm To: Hi Todd: Nice seeing you today, and thanks for framing my request so well as a future agenda item for the Parks and Recreation Commission. I appreciate it. Photos are attached. You mentioned that correcting the placement of the temporary soccer fence being an issue of courtesy, but really I think it has more to do with pedestrian public right-of-way and ADA access. THANKS AGAIN!!! Chris Donovan

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Attachment 5.10
Typewritten Text
Attachment 5.10

I:\Parks and Rec Commission\minutes\2016\03-14-16 Minutes.docx


March 14, 2016

1. PRELIMINARIES 1.1 Call to order: Chair Little called the meeting to order at 3:31 P.M. 1.2 Pledge of allegiance 1.3 Roll Call COMMISSIONERS / STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE / STAFF PRESENT: Little, McPherson, Funk, Sateesh, Miller, Downes, McGlaughlin ABSENT: EXCUSED: Nichols 1.4 Approval of minutes from February 8, 2016. M/S/P: Funk/McPherson motion to accept the minutes of the February 8, 2016 meeting. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Little, McPherson, Funk, Sateesh NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Nichols 2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS

None 3. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 3.1 Director’s Report:

Director Miller reported on the following: 3.1.1 Cays Park Water Infiltration Testing information presented 3.1.2 Work has begun moving playground equipment for Glenn Curtiss Park 3.1.3 New City of Coronado website production has begun and is expected to be active

the beginning of April 3.2 Commissioners’ Reports:

Commissioners reported on the following: 3.2.1 Funk and Little monitored Pickleball on Wednesday evening at high school tennis

courts 3.2.2 Little monitored movement of playground equipment at Glenn Curtiss Park

4. ACTION ITEMS 4.1 Review of Arthritis Survey – Lori Stucki

Would like to receive recommendation from Commission regarding registration class size and drop in options prior to Summer Brochure printing.

I:\Parks and Rec Commission\minutes\2016\03-14-16 Minutes.docx

Greg Miller, Arthritis Program Participant, supports limiting the number of participants to 15. Jim Rosania, Arthritis Program Participant, wants to maintain 15 people and supports the single day registration availability.

M/S/P: Funk/McPherson motion that there be twelve registrants with three drop-ins as needed with a maximum of 15 people per class. Commission would like another survey in a few months to gauge approval of changes. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Little, McPherson, Funk, Sateesh NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Nichols

4.2 Review and Approve Placement of Naked Warrior Statue – Kellie Purvis and Jeff

Tyler November 11th, proposed unveiling of statue

M/S/P: McPherson/Funk motion to approve placement of Naked Warrior Statue per Public Arts Commission recommendation. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Little, McPherson, Funk, Sateesh NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Nichols

4.3 Review and Approve Recommendation for a Sidewalk Around Sunset Park – Roger Miller

M/S/P: Funk/Little accept staff recommendation to extend sidewalk along Ocean Drive.


5. FUTURE TOPICS M/S/P: Funk/McPherson motion and approve agendization to review Cays Park soccer games causing restrictions of walkway. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Little, McPherson, Funk, Sateesh NOES: COMMISSIONERS:

I:\Parks and Rec Commission\minutes\2016\03-14-16 Minutes.docx


M/S/P: Funk/Sateesh motion and approve agendization of update on beta test for pickleball noise complaints. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Little, McPherson, Funk, Sateesh NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Nichols

The meeting was adjourned at 4:23 P.M. Prepared by: Approved by: Sherry McGlaughlin, Office Assistant Todd Little, Chairperson
