parintele Eftimie(2)




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Indreptar de spovedanie

Indreptar de spovedanieMrturisesc naintea lui Dumnezeu pcatele mele svrite de la ultima spovedanie i pn acum:

ce am pctuit cu mintea, cu gndul, cu vorba, cu fapta, cu lucrul, cu ochii, cu gura, cu mirosul, cu gustul, cu voie i fr de voie, pe fa sau pe ascuns, cu toate mdularele mele sufleteti i trupeti.

-Am njurat (de cele sfinte, de mam, de tat, am drcuit - o dat, de mai multe ori);-Am minit (pe: prini, profesori, colegi, prieteni, etc. - de cte ori ?)

-Am jignit prin vorbe;

-Am vorbit de ru, brfit, criticat;

-Am rs de alii (pe seama PREOILOR; BISERICII;)(de efi, profesori, sraci, bolnavi, etc.)-Am gndit de ru, m-am mhnit, suprat cu i fr motiv;

-Am fost invidios, zgrcit, lacom;

-Am citit crti sectare;-Am trecut la alt credint-BOTEZNDU - M;-Am fost la adunri sectare;-M-am ndoit de credina ortodox;-Am crezut n superstiii - de care?-Am crezut n horoscop, spiritism, yoga, radiestezie, bioenergie.-Am inut ur, mnie, rutate pe aproapele mult timp (ct timp?);-Am iertat greu sau nu pot ierta (de ce?);-De ruine nu am spus toate pcatele la spovedanie ;-Din lene am amnat spovedania ;-Nu am mers Duminica i n Srbtori la BISERICA ;

-Nu am inut MIERCUREA i VINEREA i cele PATRU POSTURI cum trebuie;- Am fost lene, nepstor, indiferent;-Am ajuns mai trziu la BISERICA din lene, nepsare;-La BISERICA: am vorbit n timpul slujbei, am avut mintea mprtiata;

-Am mncat cu lcomie peste msura;-M-am mbtat (de cte ori ?);-Nu am ajutat pe cei n necazuri, sraci, familia la nevoie sau cnd m-au rugat;-Am batjocorit pe: bolnavi, btrni, sraci sau am rs de ei;-Am fost MNDRU, orgolios, farnic, ludros, ncrezut, mofturos ;-l-am socotit pe alii: ri, mndri, lacomi, zgrcii, curvari;-Am acuzat pe nedrept;-Am FUMAT, am dat i la alii igri, bani pentru igri;-Am cheltuit bani pe lucruri nefolositoare-luxuri;-Am curvit inainte de cstorie (de cte ori ?) ;-Am curvit sufletete, imaginndu-mi i nvoindu-m cu fel de fel de gnduri i nchipuiri ale pcatului curviei;-Mi-am ndulcit simurile spre curvie prin: atingeri, srutri, pipiri;

-Am svrit pcatul masturbrii singur sau cu alte persoane (decte ori ?);

-Am privit la: filme, reviste pornografice-internet\tv (de cteori ?);-Am spus vorbe curveti, bancuri, glume, gesturi curveti;-Am fcut pcatul sodomiei (femeie cu femeie, brbat cu brbat);-Am fcut pcatul curviei cu rude apropiate (care?);-Am fcut pcatul gomorei;-Am folosit droguri;-Am jucat la jocuri de noroc;-Am furat (Ce/De ce ?);-Am nelat prin bani, acte ;

-Am lovit (Pe cine ? Cu ce ?) ;-Am avut gnduri de sinucidere ;-Am dorit moartea altora ;-Am dorit rul altora ;-Am blestemat (cum, pe cine ?);-M-am lenevit a m ruga: dimineaa-seara-la mas;-N-am fcut tot binele pe care l puteam face ;-Am fcut fapte bune cu scop ru, cu interes, spre laud, mndrie;-Am prt pe alii cu motiv de rutate, interes;-Am fost viclean cu cei din jur;-M-am rzbunat prin: vorbe, fapte;-Am dorit a m rzbuna;-Am ndemnat pe alii la: ur, mnie, furat, curvie, minciun, beie, fumat, avort;-Am fost certre, am bgat vrajb ntre oameni;-Am crtit, am nemulumit pe Dumnezeu n necazuri, suferine;-Nu am rbdat bolile, suferinele, necazurile cu ndejdea n Dumnezeu;-M-am socotit mai priceput, mai bun dect alii, ignorndu-i.

-Nu am cinstit pe prini, nu am ascultat de ei, i-am lovit, mbrncit;-Am chinuit animalele ;-Am fost la vrjitoare, ghicitoare, descnttoare - cafea-cri i altele ;-Am ucis cu voie sau fara voie (Ce ?Cum ?) ;-Am osndit-judecat pcatele, greelile altora ;-Am fost n post la petreceri;-Am lucrat Duminica i n Srbtori (clcat, splat, la trguri.. ..ce anume?);-Am fost stpnit n toat vremea de :iuime, amrciune, furie, ura de oameni, osndirea, brfire,ndoiala, laitate, rivalitate, afeciune pentru cele ptimae,desfrnare, nemulumire, vorbirea de ru, ndreptirea,minciuna, ironia, iubirea de slava deart, iubirea de averi,njurturi, risipa lucrurilor ~ banilor, zgrcenia, lenea,nepsarea, invidia, curiozitatea, mhnirea, mndria,dezndejdea, cugetarea la tot felul de pcate.C acestea toate i altele tiute i netiute, mai mari i mai multeam fcut, de care-mi pare ru.CA FEMEIE

-M-am fardat, rujat, vopsit, tatuat;-Am purtat podoabe: cercei, inele, lanuri;-Am umblat cu haine decoltate, artndu-mi goliciunea;-Am fost la biseric n pantaloni i fr batic;-Am intrat n perioada lunar n biseric srutnd icoanele: am luat ap sfinit;-Am fcut avort (cte?).


-Mi-am neglijat soia (soul);-Am btut-o, lovit-o;-Mi-am nelat soia (soul) - de cte ori;-Am drcuit: copii; soul; soia;-Nu am pzit zilele de post; Duminicile i Srbtorile n curie ;-Am fcut avort n familie (cte ?);-Ne-am ferit de a face copii;-Nu am dus copiii la biseric ;-Nu i-am nvat credina ortodox;

-I-am lsat s fac pcate grele: fumat, curvie, furt, etc.-Ca nai nu am purtat grj de fini;-Am trit necununati la Biseric ;-Nu am ferit copiii de la locuri sau priveliti pctoase.

Confession Guide

I confess before God the sins I have committed since my last confession till now :

What I have sinned with my mind, my thoughts, my body, my tongue, my deeds, my eyes, my mouth, my smell, my taste, willingly and unwillingly, openly and in secret, with all my bodily and spiritual parts.

-I cursed or blasphemed once or several times-I lied (to my parents, teachers, colleagues, friends etc. once or several times)

-I hurt other people with my words

-I slandered, gossiped or criticized other people

-I laughed and mocked at other people ( e.g. priests, poor people, sick people, my teachers, my superiors, my colleagues etc)

-I thought ill of other people, I got upset and crossed with them with or without reason

-I was envious, stingy and greedy

-I read heretic books

-I was baptized in another faith

-I attended heretic meetings

-I doubted the Orthodox faith

-I believed in superstitions -I believed in the horoscope, fortune-telling, yoga, bio-energy, radiestesy

-I got angry with other people and I bore a grudge against them ( for how long ? )-I found it difficult to forgive other people or I cannot forgive them (why?)

-I was ashamed to confess all my sins

-I kept putting off confessing my sins out of laziness

-I did not go to church on Sundays and on major Feasts Days

-I did not fast ( as I should have ) on Wednesdays and Fridays and during the four appointed fasting periods of the year

-I was lazy, careless and indifferent

-I got late to church out of laziness or carelessness

-At church I talked during the Divine Liturgy and I let my mind wander

-I am a slave to my stomach ( a glutton )

-I got drunk ( how many times ? )

-I did not help those in need, the poor, my family or the people who have asked for my help

-I laughed and mocked at the sick, the elderly and the poor

-I was arrogant, proud, hypocritical, boastful, conceited, capricious

-I considered the others to be wicked, proud, greedy, stingy, debauched

-I wrongfully accused people

-I smoked, I gave cigarettes to the others or I gave other people money to buy cigarettes

-I spent money on useless and luxurious things

-I had sex before marriage ( how often ? )-I committed debauchery with my mind, indulging in lustful thoughts

-I indulged in lustful touches, kisses, gestures etc.

-I performed masturbation alone or with the others ( how often ? )-I watched pornographic movies or magazines ( how often ? )

-I told vulgar / immoral jokes, I spoke in a vulgar way or I made vulgar gestures

-I engaged in homosexual intercourse

-I had sex with close relatives ( which ? )

-I had oral sex-I used drugs

-I gambled

-I stole something ( what and why ? )

-I cheated and I committed forgery involving money or documents

-I hit other people ( whom and with what ? )

-I have considered committing suicide

-I wished other people were dead

-I wished to harm other people

-I cursed (how and whom ? )

-I was too lazy to pray in the morning, in the evening and after meals

-I did not do the good I could have done

-I did good deeds for a wrong purpose, out of pride, to brag about them or because I was interested in getting some profit out of them

-I told on other people for wicked purposes

-I was sly and deceitful

-I took my revenge through words or deeds

-I wished to take my revenge

-I encouraged others to feel hatred, anger, to have sex, to lie, to get drunk, to smoke, to have an abortion

-I was quarrelsome, I was the cause of conflicts and quarrels-I was unthankful to God in periods of trouble and of suffering

-I did not suffer diseases, troubles with patience and with faith in God

-I considered myself better than the others, I ignored the others

-I did not respect my parents, I did not obey them, I hit them -I tortured animals

-I consulted witches, fortune-tellers and the like

-I committed murder willingly or unwillingly ( how and why ? )

-I judged the others and other peoples sins

-I went to parties during fasting periods

-I worked on Sundays and on Feast Days (ironing, washing, attending fairs, ..what kind of work exactly ?)

-I was possessed at all times by :impatience, grudge, anger, hatred, criticism, gossip

doubt, cowardice, feud, craving for pleasures

debauchery, discontent, slander, self-righteousness

lying, spite, contempt, vanity, greed for money and fortune

cursing, wastefulness, stinginess, laziness

indifference, envy, curiosity, sadness, pridedespair, thoughts of and indulgence in all kinds of sins

As I have committed all these sins and many more, known and unknown, greater and more numerous than these for which I feel sorry.AS A WOMAN

-I put on make-up, I used lipstick, I died my hair, I had tattoos made

-I wore jewels ( earings, rings, necklaces )

-I wore low cut dresses showing my body

-I went to church wearing trousers and without wearing a kerchief

-I entered the church during my period and I kissed the icons and I drank blessed water

-I had one or several abortions ( how many ? )


-I neglected my wife or my husband

-I hit my wife

-I committed adultery / I cheated on my wife or husband ( how often ?)

-I sent my children, my wife or my husband to hell

-I had sexual intercourse on fasting days, on Sundays and on Feast Days

-I had one or several abortions ( how many ?)

-We prevented ourselves from having children

-I did not take my children to church

-I did not teach them the Orthodox faith

-I let them commit sins like smoking, having sex, stealing etc.

-As a godfather or godmother, I did not take care of my godsons or goddaughters

-I lived together with my husband or wife without being wedded at church

-I did not prevent my children from going to sinful places or watching sinful sights