Para Israel 20062010


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  • 8/9/2019 Para Israel 20062010


    FeedJournal Basic feedjournal.com6/19/2010 at 4:34:00 PM - 6/20/2010 at 7:47:21 AMLessons Along the Journey Introductionby paraisrael (Hija del Zionpara Israel - Daughter of Zionfor Israel)

    Submitted at 6/19/2010 11:25:26 PM

    by CirneLessons Along the Journey

    IntroductionEarths crammed with heaven, and

    every common bush afire with God;But only he who sees, takes off his

    shoes. The rest sit round and pluckblackberries. Elizabeth BarrettBrowningI stepped into New York Citys St.

    Patricks Cathedral to escape thesnow and sleet of an icy Novemberafternoon. As the massive wooddoors creaked closed, I shook off thechill and decided to tour the churchwhile I warmed up. Id never visitedSt. Patricks, and the exquisiteinterior caught my attention. I turnedto my right and began moving alongthe Stations of the Cross. I strolledpassed stained glass windows andl ingered a t s t a tues o f Sain t s

    illuminated in the glow of flickeringcandles.Then I noticed the other visitors also

    wandering through the sanctuary.Many paused when some object ofdevotion caught their interest. Otherssat quietly in pews. A few knelt inprayer. Some slept. Most, though,continued their tour until theyreached the front door and exitedback onto the street. As I watched, Irealized each person illustrated pointsalong my journey toward Christ.My journey began in Judaism. Mom

    did her best to give my sister and mesome semblance of religious training,

    but she was too caught up in her ownlife dramas to do more than live herJewish culture before us duringholidays such as Rosh Hashonna,Yom Kippur, and Passover. Butbecause I saw her pray over theYahrzheit candles commemoratingher mothers death, I learned there isa God in heaven, and that we canspeak to Him.I still remember my first prayer. I

    said it every night for years duringmy early childhood: Oh God, pleaseGod, dont let anything happen to me,Andrea, or my mother. For reasons Inow forget, I didnt want my mom to

    know I was praying, so I spoke

    secretly to God while lying in bedwith the lights out.And also for reasons I now forget, I

    stopped talking to Him when I wasaround 12-years-old. We remainedestranged until my later teen yearswhen I grew curious about mymothers God. What was He like?What did He think of me? Did Hethink of me? I wandered through thedoors of faith in much the same way

    as one visits a church more fromcuriosity than devotion. I prayed,gave to charities, fasted, and tried tofollow the Ten Commandments.But the longer I visited God, the

    more I learned He required things Iwas unwi l l ing to g ive . L ikeobedience. Commitment. Sacrifice. Itwasnt long before I sought thenearest exit and stepped back onto thewind-whipped streets.All that changed when I was twenty-

    two. Protestant acquaintancesin t roduced me to a k ind o f relationship with God I never knewpossible. I soon experienced the

    warmth of our Saviors forgivenessand acceptance. At times, I evensensed His presence as close as theair around me. During the followingthree decades in evangel i ca lfellowships, I learned about prayer,worship, surrender, and confession. Itaught Sunday school classes, ledhome Bible studies, and discussedtheological nuances in spiritedconversations with my friends overcoffee.But like those asleep in the pews, I

    often dozed in the midst of thejourney. I grew comfortable with mywalk with Christ, I became satisfied

    with my Bible knowledge, churchattendance, and religious acts.Without realizing it, I had lost thedis t inct ion between doctrinalaccuracy and passion, betweenknowing about God and fallingdeeper in love with Him. My religionhad become l i t t l e more thanmonotonous routine. My churchattendance faltered. My prayer lifewithered.Thats where I was in my journey

    that cold November day when Iescaped the weather. Thats where Iwas when something else caught myattention in the Cathedral, something

    that reminded me why, despite my

    growing coldness, I continued to

    press forward.I stared at the crucifix suspended

    behind the altar, and meditated onwhy the King of Glory emptiedHimself of unfathomable grandeurand clothed Himself with ingloriousflesh. Why did He subject Himself tohunger, cold, pain, and a hundredother afflictions common to ourfrailty? Most of all, why did Hepermit Himself to be mauled, spatupon, and then nailed to a splinteredcross?Scripture tells why. From the earliest

    hours of creation, to its final curtainat the end of the age, God wove His

    deeply intimate love for each of usinto the tapestry of history, historythat culminated on the Cross andexploded from the empty tombthrough timeless eternity. The Crossis our assurance that, despite ourfailures, sins and heartaches, theFather stands beside us, urging us tofix our eyes on the journeys end.The journeys end. Although I

    converted to Christ in 1972, I didntbegin writing about the lessons Ilearned along my journey until 1995.It would be another decade after thatbefore the path led me into theCatholic Church.

    Written at different points along mywalk with Christ, and compiled herein relative order of their initialpublication, these essays tell of myambling journey from trust, to doubt,to confidence, to uncertainty, andback again to trust. They tell of themany times I learned obedience, andthe oh-so-many times I failed to obey.They illustrate how often I learned ofGods glory, only to take His gloryfor granted. And they chronicle howthe heavenly Father continued toreach for me, even as I stumbled andstrayed from the narrow way.I hope you will find my experiences

    of some value as you make your own

    way toward the Kingdom.??I have wandered all my life, and I

    have traveled; the difference betweenthe two is this we wander fordis t ract ion, but we t ravel forfulf i l lment . Hilaire Belloc

    Richard Maffeo earned h i sbaccalaureate and masters degreesfrom Pentecostal schools, and taught

    Bible classes in a variety of Protestantchurches before being received intothe Catholic Church in 2005. He haspublished hundreds of inspirationalarticles and is the author of WeBelieve: Forty Meditations on theNicene Creed (Xulon Press, ISBN9781602662056). Smoke OverGolan: A novel of the 1973 YomKippur War in Israel

    A 10-year-old Israel i boysadventure near the front during theYom Kippur War between Israel andEgypt and Syria.Rating:(out of reviews)List Price: $ 12.89

    Price: Hija del Zion para Israel SupportIsrael A Journey into the Zohar: AnIntroduction to the Book of RadianceProduct DescriptionAn introductionto the Zohar, the crowning work ofmedieval Kabbalah. Includes originaltranslations and analysis.... More >>A Journey into the Zohar: AnIntroduction to the.. . Reflections of Gods Holy Land: APersonal Journey Through IsraelProduct DescriptionDiscover theorigin of the Word of God, and theLand of His Heartbeat in Reflections

    of God's Holy Land: A PersonalJourney Through Israel. Thisunique armchair tour o... Jewish Heritage Journey withRabbi Leff Travel through JewishHistory in Lithuania, Poland &Belarus. Windows 98 and higherProduct DescriptionAbout - JoinRabbi Zev Leff, Shlita and othernoted Rabbis on a multi-mediaJewish Heritage journey to Lithuania,Poland & Belarus. The CD Romincludes: Pho...
  • 8/9/2019 Para Israel 20062010


    2 FeedJournal BasicThis Day, June 20, In Jewish Historyby melamed&mavin (Hija delZion para Israel - Daughter ofZion for Israel)

    Submitted at 6/19/2010 4:44:00 PM

    JUNE 20 In Jewish History

    840: Louis the Pious, King of theFranks and the Holy Roman Emperorby virtue of being the son ofCharlemagne. When it came todealing with his Jewish subjects,Louis followed in the footsteps of hisfather. During his reign charters wereissued giving Jews permission liveaccording to their Law. Theypromised protection of body andproperty and permitted freedom ofmovement and trade includingtheright to hire Christians to work intheir homes. Some Jews were alsoexempted from the laws of trial byordeal of fire and water.

    1214: University of Oxford receivedits charter. Jews were not alwayswelcome at Oxford. The OxfordUniversity Reform Act passed in1854 allowed Jews to take degrees atOxford. Today, Oxford offers degreesin both Hebrew and Jewish Studies.1391: The Christian population of

    Toledo rose against the largest Jewishcommunity in Spain. Four thousandJews were killed.1567: Jews were expelled from

    Brazil by order of Regent DonHenrique1652: During the reign of Mehemed

    IV, Tarhoncu Ahmet Pa?a wasappointed grand vezir of the OttomanEmpire. During Pasas time ofservice, Mehmemed Jews fleeing theCh mi e l n i t z k i U p r i s i n g w e r eencouraged to settle on the banks ofthe Danube in Morea, Kavala,Istanbul and Salonica.1768: The third of the Haidamack

    uprisings called Koliyivschyna began.During the uprising an estimated50 ,000 Ukra in ian Jews weremurdered by the Cossacks. TheH a i d ma ma k s w e r e g a n g s o f Cossacks, who along with theirpeasant allies robbed travelingmerchants and plundered the townsand villages in the Ukraine. They sawthemselves as heirs to Khmelnitski.The Khmelnitski were the Cossackswho slaughtered Jews and Poles inwholesale lots in the middle of the17 th cen tu ry . Bo th o f thesemurderous slaughters were part of thedrift into degradation that became thelot of increasing numbers of EasternEuropean Jews. This drift intodegradation brought about numerousresponses on the part of the Jewsrang ing f rom mys t i c i sm andmessianicism to the Haskalah andimmigration to Western Europe andeventually to the New World.1757: In Kameiek (Podolia), the

    Frank i s t s , ca l l ing themselvesZoharists, decided to wage waragainst the Talmud. They contactedthe local bishop, Dembovsky, andconv inced h im to a r range adisputation. Naturally, the Talmudwas condemned and thousands of

    copies were burned. The Frankiststhen became practicing Christians.The Frankists were Jews who werefollowers of Jacob Frank who hadproclaimed himself the Messiah.1808: Birthdate of Rabbi Samson

    Raphael Hirsch, leading founder ofwhat some call Modern OrthodoxJudaism.1837: With the death of her uncle,

    King William IV, Queen Victoriaassumes the throne. Since the Britishmonarch reigns but does not rule, herinfluence on the progress of Jews ofBritain and Europe were primarilytangential. Her treatment of Jews wasa mixed bag. During the DamascusBlood Libel, the Queen put a Britishship at the disposal of her friend andneighbor Moses Montefiore. But in1869, the Queen blocked LionelRothschild elevation to the House of

    Lords. However, later she wouldagree to the elevation of Lionels sonand would socialize with the Frenchbranch of the Rothschild family whenshe made trips across the channel.The change was brought about byJewish financial support for the Suezproject and her relationship withBenjamin Disraeli.1879: In New York City, The Jewish

    Messenger reports that A newcongregation has been started on East57th Street, called Orach Chaim.Some of the members of the newcongregat ion were disaffectedmembers of Adas Israel, anothercongregation located on the samestreet.1892: Birthdate of Barnett Janner

    British politician and leader of theJewish community. He was firstelected to the House of Commons atthe 1931 general election as a Liberal,for the Whitechapel and St Georgesconstituency in the East End ofLondon. He lost his seat at the 1935elec t ion . Janner re tu rned toParliament ten years later, when he asreturned at the 1945 general electionas Labour MP for Leicester West.When tha t cons t i tuency wasabolished for he 1950 election, hewas re-elected for the new LeicesterNorth West. He held that seat until heretired from the Commons at the1970 general election, when his seatwas held for Labour by his sonGreville. In June 1970, he was madea life peer as Baron Janner, of theCity of Leicester. He held manypositions in the Jewish community,including President of the Board ofDeputies of British Jews, 1955-64.He passed away on May 4, 1982.1902: Herzl learns that Turkey

    accepted the Rouvier Project .Maruice Rouvier was one of thosepermanent political animals createdby the revolving door governments inthe days of Frances Third Republic.He was not Jewish. Depending uponwho formed the government Rouvierheld different cabinet posts includingfinance and foreign affairs. He wasPrime Minister twice himself. At thistime, Rouvier was serving as the

    Minister of Finance. At the sametime, like most French politicians, hewas always looking for ways tocounter German influence. The Turkswere in need of financial assistanceand Rouvier was willing to do what

    he could if it would keep the Kaiserout of the Mediterranean.1905: Birthdate of playwright Lillian

    Hellman.1917: Birthdate of Franklin Littell, a

    pioneer in the field of Holocaustscholarship, who was also presidentof Iowa Wesleyan College and afounding board member of the UnitedStates Holocaust Memorial Museum,in Washington. His best-known book,The Crucifixion of the Jews, pressedhis view that Chris t iani ty isessentially Jewish and that Jesus, Pauland Peter would have been executedat Auschwitz.

    1918: United States President Wilsonsent Henry Morgenthau and FelixFrankfurter to Egypt to investigatehow to best aid Jews in Palestine.1921: Shortstop Reuben Ewing made

    his major league debut with the St.Louis Cardinals.1928: A court in Tel Aviv imposed

    short jail terms and sentences ofdeportation on three Jews whoresisted the police efforts to break upa demonstration protesting theflogging of prisoners in Palestine

    jails. The three were additionallyaccused of being Communists. Thedemonstration was part of a largerprotest by Jews against the propensityof the British immigration authoritiesfor deporting Jews on the slightestpretext with little or no evidence ofserious wrongdoing.1931: A newspaper in Salonica

    called the Macedonia ran an articleabout a resident named Isaac D.Cohen. Cohen was sent as arepresentative to the meeting of theMaccabiah which was held in Sophia,Bulgaria. However the newspaperstated while away, he also attended aconference held by a revolutionaryorganization, which had come upwith the decision to sue for theindependence of Greek and YugoslavMacedonia. This lie led to attacks onJews who were said not to bepatriotic.1931: Birthdate of actor Martin

    Landau.1936: The Palestine Post reported

    that according to the new PalestineEmergency Regulat ions a l i fesentence could be imposed on anyperson carrying arms, bombs orincendiary material. Arab attacks onJewish set t lements cont inuedunabated. Police patrols were stonedin Arab villages and three Britishsoldiers were injured in variousshooting incidents throughout thecountry.1939: In commenting on wave of

    violence gripping Palestine includingyesterdays bombing in Haifa, Davarwrote, Who throws bombs? Is it thesame hand that is sowing blood andruin in the Arab market in the Jewish

    suburb? These are not the ways of theJewish population in Palestine in theirstruggleRuin and paralysis ofeconomic life will only hurt the Jewsin Palestine. Sacrifices may benecessary for our political struggle

    but every act paralyzing our lifeunnecessarily weakens the Jews heremore than its sabotages the PalestineGovernments new policy and it onlycauses failure of Palestine Jewrysstruggle against the policy. In aseparate column, David Ben Gurioncondemned the violence saying TheJews must sacrifice everything forimmigration, colonization, self-defense and independence but wemust not sully our struggle withdespicable acts of madness such ashave been recently committed at TelAviv, Jerusalem and Haifa. Themurder of innocent Arabs and Jews

    and stupid sabotage are act that areonly helping our most bitter enemies.Such criminal acts soil our juststruggle, undermine the efficiency ofour work and play the game of ourfoes.

    1939: Final broadcast of SongSchool, a radio show featuring JewishJazzman Benny Goodman1940: On the day when France

    surrendered to Germany Propper deCallejn was First Secretary of theSpanish Embassy in Paris. In order toprevent the German army fromplundering the art collection that hiswifes family kept at the Chateau deRoyaumont, he declared this castle tobe his main residence, so it would betreated in the same privileged way asthe accommodation of any otherdiplomat. Among the art works thussaved are a triptych of Van Eyck (oneof Adolf Hitlers favorite painters). InJuly 1940, , in co-operation with thePortuguese Consul Arstedes deSousa Menendes, he would issuefrom the Spanish Consulate inBordeaux more than thirty thousandtransit visas to Jews, so that theycould cross Spain to reach Portugal.When Spains Foreign MinisterRamn Serrano Suer learned thatPropper de Callejn was issuing visaswithout the previous authorization ofhis Ministry, he had him transferredto the Consulate of Larache in theSpanish protectorate in Morocco.Afterwards, he would be posted toRabat, Zurich Washington, Ottawaand Oslo. Propper de Callejnsfather, Max Propper, was a BohemianJew, and his mother, Juana Callejn,was a Spanish Catholic; they raisedEduardo and his brothers in theCatholic faith His wife, Hlne Fould-Springer was a socialite and painter.She was from a notable JewishAustrian-French banking family,though she converted to Catholicismupon their marriage and is a sister ofprominent Paris art patron andphilanthropist Liliane de Rothschild(Baroness lie de Rothschild,)19162003). He never gained public

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    3FeedJournal Basic

    THIScontinued from page 2

    recognition for his heroic acts beforehis death in 1972 in London.1942: Grace Goodside married

    cinematographer Jess Paley meaningthat she would gain fame as GracePaley.1942: Mass killings of Jews by the

    Nazis began at Auschwitz.1942: From now until October 9th,

    13,776 Jews would be deported fromVienna to Theresienstadt1943: Five thousand Jews from

    A ms t e rd am a r e d ep o r t ed t oA u s ch w i t z .

    1943: The Ternopol (Ukraine)Ghetto is liquidated.1943: Himmler sent 100 Jews to a

    concentration camp in Alsace calledNatzweiler. They were killed thereand their skeletons were sent to theAnatomical Museum in Strasbourg.1943: Five thousand, five hundred

    Jews were rounded up in Amsterdam

    and deported.1945(9th of Tamuz, 5705): German

    born author and playwright BrunoFrank passed away. Frank leftGermany after the Reichstag Fire andeventually made his way to theUnited States.1945: Aware that British hostility to

    the Zionist enterprise was often amask for anti-Semitism, Churchillcautioned his colleague Lord Croft tonot be drawn into any campaign thatmight be represented as ant i -Semit ism.1947(2nd of Tamuz, 5707): Ben

    Bugsy Siegel was gunned down by

    fellow mobsters over financialirregularities surrounding the buildingof the Flamingo in Las Vegas.1948: During the Israeli War for

    Independence, the Etzel (Irgun) shipAltelena reached the coast of TelAviv carrying 800 new immigrantsand weapons. The Etzel claimed theyhad an agreement that 20% of thearms on board would be used by itsmembers in defending Jerusalem.David Ben Gurion, head of the newstate of Israel, saw this as threat to thepower of the new government. Hebelieved that there could only be onearmy and that it had to be under the

    control of the national government. Ifthe Irgun wanted to fight, then itsmembers had to become part of thearmy just as the members of thePalmach and the Haganah had done.Ben Gurion refused to accept anycompromise on this point. He orderedthe ship to be fired upon. The incidentalmost caused a civil war and wasonly averted by an impassioned andat times incoherent speech made byMenachem Begin to his followersover the radio that night not to takeup arms against fellow Jews. Oneonly has to look at multiplicity ofarmed groups operating today on the

    West Bank and Gaza to see whatwould have happened if Ben Gurionhad not reluctantly taken such boldaction which was necessary if thenew state of Israel was going to be acoherent nation.1948(13th of Sivan, 5708): Twenty

    Jews were killed in a bombing in the

    Jewish Quarter of Cairo.1951: The Jerusalem Post reported

    that legislation empowered theminister of finance to underwrite upto 50 percent of mortgage loans forthe construction of low-cost housing.1951: The Jerusalem Post reported

    that Britain had promised to pressEgypt to open the Suez Canal for oiltankers bound for the Haifa refineries.Contrary to earlier news, GeneralW i l l i a m R i l e y , c h i e f U Nrepresentative in the Middle East,reported to the UN Security Councilon June 13 that Egyptian interferencewith Israel-bound shipping in theSuez Canal was an aggressive,hostile action, undertaken in the spiritof blockade and having partial effectsof a blockade.1952: In address to the Commercial

    and Industrial Club, SchmuelElyashiv, Israels Ambassador in

    Moscow said there were prospectsof expanding Israels trade relationswith Russia. This year Israel shippedoranges and bananas to Russia. TheSoviets would have bought more ifthe Israelis had produced a largercrop.1954: Birthdate of Ilan Ramon,

    Israels first astronaut.1965(20th of Sivan, 5725): Bernard

    Baruch passed away.1965: The New York Times reports

    on the challenge facing Jack Benny ashe faces the first summer in 33 yearswhen he does not find himself in themidst of hectic preparations for a new

    season on radio or television.1976: The Jerusalem Post reportedthat the US administration informedIsrael that it would receive $200m. intransitional aid, much less than it wasexpected. Prime Minister YitzhakRab i n t o l d t h e L ab o r Pa r t ysymposium Israeli Arab citizens areentitled to full and equal rights, butwith the knowledge that not all theduties of equal citizens are demandedof them, nor can all rights be grantedto them as long as the enmity of thesurrounding Arab world to Israelpersists.1977: Shlomo Hillel completes his

    term as Interior Minister1977: Yosef Burg begins his terms asInterior Minister

    1982: Israel i Prime Minis terMen ach em Beg i n a r r i v ed i nWash ing ton .1985: In Dublin, the Irish Jewish

    Museum is opened by the Irish bornformer President of Israel Dr. ChaimHerzog during his State visit toIreland.1990: Actress Ina Balin died at the

    a g e o f 5 2 f r o m p u l m o n a r yh y p e r t e n s i o n .1990: Rabbi With Tefillin by Jan

    Styka goes on sale at Christies

    Auct ion House. The paint ingcompleted in 1892 was the product ofa Polish artist. Can such a painting bedescribed as Jewish Art? Look at thecanvas and you decide.1999: The New York Times featured

    reviews of books by Jewish authorsand/or of special interest to Jewish

    readers including Noahs Flood: TheNew Scientific Discoveries About theEvent That Changed History byWilliam Ryan and Walter Pitman.

    2 0 0 4 : I n an a r t i c l e s t y l edRemembering Anne Frank, now 75,The Cedar Rapids Gazette notes

    events around the world intended tocelebrate the life and writings of oneof the most famous victims of theShoah.2004: The New York Times featured

    reviews of books by Jewish authorsand/or of special interest to Jewishreaders including War, Evil, and theEnd of History by Bernard-HenriLvy; t ranslated by Charlot teMandel l .2006: Haaretz reported that Israels

    ambassador to Germany presentedmedals of honor on Monday torelatives of five members of the firstEuropean Union an anti-Nazi

    resistance group whose members hidand fed Jews during World War Two.This European Union, which had thesame name but nothing to do with themodern 25-nation bloc of Europeancountries, was an underground,Marxist-oriented group with around50 to 60 German members, accordingto a protocol prepared by YadVashem Holocaust museum.2007: In Jerusalem legendary Israelicomposer/singer Shlomo Gronichpresents his newest compositions ofbiblical sources on a wide spectrumof themes: justice, righteousness,integrity, man and his identity, love

    songs & prayers. The performanceincludes Gronich on piano & shofar,the Jerusalem String Quartet andpercussion.2007: The Jerusalem Post carried a

    page one report stating that Shin Bethad foi led a bombing of thesynagogue in Modin known as thepizza shul or Zichron LAvraham.2008: In Washington, D.C. Stephen

    Joel Trachtenberg, the formerpresident of George WashingtonUniversity, discusses and signs BigMan on Campus: A UniversityPresident Speaks Out on HigherEducation at Politics and Prose

    Bookstore.2008 : The Sper tus Museumannounced that it was shutting down an exhibition entitled Imaginary

    Coordinates in the wake of an outcryfrom Chicago area Jews that itexpressed an anti-Israel basis.2008: In Sarajevo, at The Jewish

    Film Festival of Croatia, a member ofthe Jewish community speaks aboutfilming the documentary SarayevoMi Seudad de Oro, (Sarajevo MyGod City) which tells the story ofthe Jewish communitys role inhelping people escape the last war inBosnia.

    2009: At Temple Judah in CedarRapids, Iowa Sarah Maikon, daughterof Renee Maikon and Marc Maikon,and granddaughter of Sandy and SolMaikon, is called to the Torah as aBat Mitzvah.2009: Gday Shalom Salaam Israel,

    presented by the Australia Israel

    Cultural Exchange opens in Israel. Aspart of the Gday Shalom SalaamIsrael event Deputy Prime MinisterJulia Gillard will participate in thefirst Australian Israel LeadershipForum organized by the AustraliaIsrael Cultural Exchange (AICE). The

    forum will provide an opportunity forboth nations to build stronger ties aswell as build important people-to-people links.Joining Gillard at theleadership forum will be a number ofher parliamentary colleagues fromboth sides of the house, includingformer treasurer Peter Costello,Jewish MP Mark Dreyfus andSh ad o w E d u ca t i o n Mi n i s t e rChristopher Pyne. They are expectedto meet with their Israeli Knessetcounterparts. Alongside the high-profile leadership forum, the week-long AICE event is expected toshowcase some of Australias best

    talent to Israeli audiences. Legendarypianist David Helfgott will perform inJerusalem and Tel Aviv, acclaimedAustralian-based chef GuillaumeBrahimi will whip up a meal at theKing David Hotel and jazz great PaulGrabowsky will perform for the firsttime in Israel. The week will also seethe annual Australian Film Festival inIsrael, which made headlines last yearwhen it opened in the besiegedsouthern town of Sderot. AICE is arelatively new organisation thatpromotes ties, particularly culturalties, between Australia and Israel. Itwas launched in 2002 in simultaneous

    ceremonies: one at AustraliasParliament House in Canberra and theother at the Israeli Foreign Ministryin Jerusalem.

    2010: The Los Angeles Timesfeatures a Sunday ConversationWith Daniel Handler who is perhapsbetter known for his pen name,Lemony Snicket, and his bestsellingvolumes of childrens books, A Seriesof Unfortunate Events and The LatkeWho Couldnt Stop Screaming: AChristmas Story.2010: Memorabilia and Memory:

    Hitlers Hat and other shorts by localfilmmaker Jeff Krulik is scheduled to

    be shown as part of the Jewish StudyCenter Film Festival in Washington,D.C.Created, Compiled and Edited by

    Mitchell A. Levin, Cedar Rapids, Hija del Zion para Israel SupportIsrael Rabbi Steven Moskowitz ProductDescriptionRabbi Moskowitz is therabbi of the Jewish Congregation ofBrookville on Long Island's NorthShore. In his blog he shares insightson a range of topics, especially thoseabout ... Links for 2010-03-21 [Digg]

    H a p p y P a s s o v e r : S e t t l e r s ,Immigrants, and Jewish Values "Youshall not oppress the stranger becauseyou know the soul of the stranger foryou yourselves were immigrants inthe land of Egypt (Exo...

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  • 8/9/2019 Para Israel 20062010


    4 FeedJournal BasicSocialisms Gilded Cageby Daniel Greenfield @ theSultan Knish blog (Hija del Zionpara Israel - Daughter of Zionfor Israel)

    Submitted at 6/19/2010 8:11:00 PM

    The one great truth found at theconvergence of economics andpolitics is that government costsmoney. The more government youhave, the more money it costs. Thishas both its good and its bad sides.The bad side is obvious. We needonly look at the national deficit to seethat. The good side is that just as thenumber of sheep helps limit thenumber of wolves, so too the amountof available money helps limit thesize of government.Of course given power, governments

    will vastly overspend beyond themoney available to them, but thatcannot go on forever. If thepopulation of wolves increasesdrastically beyond that of the sheep,no matter what the wolves do, thereeventually will be a dieback and a lotof dead wolves. Because as wolvessus ta in themselves on sheep ,governments sustain themselves onmoney gathered from their ownsubjects. A government that expandsbeyond the ability of its subjects tosustain it, will collapse sooner orlater. It can go deep into debt. It canturn the entire country into a slavelabor camp, as the USSR did. It caninvade other countries and rob them,as Nazi Germany did. But in the end,there will be a dieback, and it willfall.

    Al ternat ively , the need of agovernment for money can actuallylead to reforms and more freedom. Itis doubtful that America would existtoday, if King George III hadntneeded more money. Much the samecan be said of Protestantism inEurope. But it doesnt always have tocome about as a violent reactionagainst a central authority. Thecolonization of the New World is amore positive example. As was therise of a European Middle Class andthe survival of the Jews in a Europeand the Ottoman Empire. All areexamples of governments beingforced to grant rights or decentralizetheir power in order to fund theexercise of that power.The visible paradox here is that

    governments actually lose money byincreasing their power, and in orderto increase their revenues, they haveto give up some level of control overthe people they rule. That is whyauthoritarian ideologies on both theleft and the right constantly warnabout the dangers of money as adisruption of their moral and socialorder. They are well aware thatfreedom is financially rewarding, andthat open markets undermine centralauthority.The lefts obsession with capitalism

    emerges from the fear of anownership society, dominated by the

    wishes of a socially conservativemiddle class. It is not the poor andoppressed that they care about, butthemselves. The far right meanwhileis still stewing in the brew ofinherited lamentations over the fall ofkings and the diminution of inheritednobility at the hands of a capitalistmeritocracy. Authoritarian ideologieson the far left and the far right, are

    both marked by symptomaticobsessions with Rockefellers andRothschilds, banking institutions andbillionaires. They claim to do sobecause they are concerned about thecentralization of power. More oftenthey simply want to be the ones tocentralize power, and recognizecapitalism as a dangerous tool thatputs social mobility outside thecontrol of any individual ideology orpolitical faction.The intersections of power politics

    and economics can often produce acycle, in which governments allowfreedom in order to draw in more

    revenues, only to have those samefreedoms lead to more governmentcontrol. Immigration is one obviousexample . As i s u rban iza t ion .Complexity and diversity can lead tomore profits, but they also invite anew degree of complexi ty ingovernment. Which means the rise ofa larger and more controllinggovernment.

    A growing middle class andurbanization was in the long runstructurally incompatible with feudalmonarchies, but both led to a demandfor even more centralized governmentto serve as a provider of services and

    control over dense population centers.Monarchy gave way to socialism.And socialism proved to be evenbetter at bad budgets and spendingmoney than Louis the Sixteenth. Thelesson is that the trap of tyranny is

    always waiting by the side of theroad. Outsmarting it requires not onlymoving fast enough to escape what isbehind you, but studying to see whatwaits ahead of you in the direction inwhich you are headed.A citizenry with more money only

    makes for a more tempting target.Robbing the middle class is muchmore fun than robbing peasants,

    because they tend to have bigger bankaccounts. And they have already beentrained to meet lifes needs byexchanging money for services.Which is exactly the socialist pitch.Along with the fine print that says thegovernment is not obligated toactually provide those services, orhave them available, that the cost ofthose services may change any time itsees fit, and that it may change theterms of the arrangement at any time,and in any way it sees fit.Tyranny dropped its iron collar and

    reinvented itself as a gilded cage. AUtopian system in which a wise and

    kind government would see toeveryones needs and curb individualgreed and power. But when thegolden paint washed off, the gildedcage turned out to be the oldfashioned black iron after all. Thepaint only existed to sucker its newoccupants long enough for them to beon the wrong side of the bars.

    Governments, like con artists,configure themselves to fit thepeople. Even tyrannies are anexpression of that. The greatestdanger of tyranny is therefore not thatit will be imposed against your will,but that you may actually welcome its

    imposition. That you may not even beable to recognize it as tyranny, until itis much too late. The fundamentalshift that happens is that of the locusof control passing from the power. Indemocratic republics, the people

    control the government. In tyrannies,the government controls the people.The power shift comes down towhom both the people and thegovernment believe is best fit tocontrol. Who should hold the rope.

    This is a question that comes downto what people actually need fromtheir government and what they thinkthey need from their government. Thetwo tend to overlap, but they aren e v e r q u i t e t h e s a m e . F o rgovernment, the matter is rathersimple indeed. What governmentsneed from the people is power.Money is simply another expressionof power. Its popular potency lies inits symbolic decentralization ofauthority. By drawing the moneyback, governments monopolize powerand diminish the available options forcitizens of that country.

    By purchasing services from thegovernment through taxation, ratherthan from corporations, the citizenrycreate a much more ins idiousmonopoly. And they are engaging ina transaction of unequals that shiftstheir power balance much moredramatically than any corporationcould do. And so the transition fromcapitalism to socialism begins.Socialism however is already a deadend. Economic centralization leads toa poverty of economic options. Thesheep begin to die off, and eventuallythe wolves have to follow. Unless thewolves reluctantly let the sheep liveto breed, and create many more sheepto prey upon, and then the cyclebegins again.Governments liberalize to allow for

    wealth creation that they end uprestricting and consuming anyway.And the soc ia l changes tha tencourage wealth creation also createnew temptations for tyranny. Thecycle repeats itself again whengovernments are formed into traps fora new generation, and when that newgeneration, having lost the wisdom ofthe old, flies into the gilded cage, anddoes not even notice when the doorslams shut. Socialisms gilded cage isa new incarnation of the recurringtrap by which governments deprivethe people of their power. Andthough a cage may be gilded, it is stilla cage. Hija del Zion para Israel SupportIsrael Bar Mitzvah Invitations Cards BarMitzvah Invitations CardsIf you'regetting ready to celebrate a BarMitzvah, then now is the time tobegin reviewing some of thoseetiquette issues associated with thebig event. ... visuals Image taken on 2007-07-0706:43:26 by Oferico.... IMG_0867.JPG Image taken on2007-04-26 21:09:46 by Iconoduel....

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  • 8/9/2019 Para Israel 20062010


    5FeedJournal BasicJewish, Muslim Tensions Rise at UC IrvineAfter Suspension of Muslim Groupby NoahDavidSimon (Hija delZion para Israel - Daughter ofZion for Israel)

    Submitted at 6/19/2010 7:57:00 PM

    Tensions are rising at UC Irvine aftera M us l im s tude n t g r oup wasuspended for repeatedly disrupting aspeech by Israels ambassador to theUnited States Michael Oren, picturedhere. (Reuters)Tensions are high at the University

    of California-Irvine after the schoolrecommended suspending a Muslimstudent group for its role in thedisruption of an Israeli ambassadorsspeech earlier this year.Students at the university say Jews

    and Muslims have been accusing

    each other of discrimination andharassment, as both sides haveembraced campus speakers seen ashostile to Israel or Islam. Now theproposed suspension of the MuslimStudent Union for at least a year hasmade an already hostile situationworse.The school revealed this week that it

    had recommended suspending theMuslim group after 11 students werearrested in February for repeatedlydisrupting a speech by IsraeliAmbassador Michael Oren, who wasrepeatedly interrupted and calledmurderer and war criminal bypro-Palestinian students as he gave atalk on the Middle East peaceprocess.The Muslim group is appealing the

    recommendation a process that isexpected to be completed before thenext school year begins.The appeal comes after more than 60

    faculty members at UC Irvine signedan open letter last month condemningwhat they said was an anti-Semiticatmosphere at the school.Weare deeply disturbed aboutactivities on campus that fomenthatred against Jews and Israelis, theletter read, citing incidents over thepast few years that included thepainting of swastikas in universitybuildings and the Star of Daviddepicted as akin to a swastika. S om e c om m uni ty m e m be r s ,students, and faculty indeed feelintimidated, and at times evenunsafe, the letter read.But a lawyer for the Muslim Student

    Union said any tensions on campus

    derive from a Jewish organizationthat is not connected to the college:the Jewish Federation OrangeCounty.A lot of the tension and friction isnot on the campus, attorney andactivist Reem Salahi said. Its notdivided between Jewish and Muslimorganizations. Theres more tensionbetween Muslim students and theseJewish organizations pressuring theuniversity.She said Muslim students have been

    intimidated and harassed and haveeven received death threats in whichtheyve been called every type ofsuperlative imagined.In recent years, UC Irvine has been

    accused of fostering anti-Semiticactivity as the MSU hosted pro-Palestinian speakers critical of Israel.In 2005, the Education Departments

    Office of Civil Rights found thatMuslim students had engaged inoffensive behavior, but that theiractions stemmed from opposition tothe politics of Israel rather than toJewish students themselves.

    Three years later, Republicanmembers of the Senate JudiciaryCommittee wrote to the EducationDepartment expressing concerns thatthe office decided not to furtherinvestigate charges that UC Irvinehad failed to respond quickly andeffectively to complaints by Jewishstudents of be ing repea tedlyint imida ted and harassed.But now Muslim students find

    themselves on the defensive.The university on Monday released a

    le t te r f rom a s tudent a f fa i r s

    disciplinary committee to a MuslimStudent Union leader saying thegroup was found guilty of disorderlyconduct, obstructing universityactivities and other violations ofcampus policy.

    The committee recommendedsuspending the group for one year,placing it on disciplinary probationfor an additional year and requiringt h e s t u d e n t o r g a n i z a t i o n t ocollectively complete 50 hours ofcommunity service, a move thatwould prevent the group fromconducting organized campus eventsuntil at least the fall of 2011.University spokeswoman Cathy

    Lawhon said the committeesd e c i s i o n w i l l b e a b i n d i n grecommendation to the campusoffice of student affairs if the groupsappeal does not succeed.Lawhon said all the focus and

    attention paid to tensions betweenJewish and Muslim students haslargely been generated by the outsidecommunity.Theres been a lot of attention on usby outsider groups for whateverreason for things that go on at everyUC campus around the state, shesaid, adding that controversialspeakers usually go to all the UCschools in the state. The only timeyou hear about it is when theyre atUC Irvine.The Jewish Federation Orange

    County, which compelled the schoolto release the letter after filing aFreedom of Information Act, praisedthe school for its decision.

    While we would have liked for theadministration to have come to thisconclusion more quickly, we are

    please that after due process, theMSU has finally been sanctioned,Shalom Elcott, president of the group,said in a written statement.Elcott told that the

    MSU has been largely responsible forcreating an anti-Semitic atmosphereon the campus by inviting speakerswho equate Jews to Nazis and rallysupport for jihad, or holy war.The MSU has been looking for abattle for a long time, he said,adding that his group is only trying tohelp bridge the differences betweenthe two sides.Salahi declined to say whether legal

    action is being planned in the event ofan unsuccessful appeal. But she saidstudents were outraged anddisappointed with the universitysdecision.Its unprecedented a universitywould ever do this, she said, addingthat the suspension would create areally dangerous precedent forshu t t ing down d i s se n t . v i af oxne ws . c om P o s t e d v i a w e b f r o mn o a h d a v i d s i m o n s p o s t e r o u s Hija del Zion para Israel SupportIsrael London: Muslim protest against

    university prayer room closureLondon: Muslim protest againstu n i v e r s i t y p r a y e r r o o mclosureRelated post: London: Attackson Muslim studentsSee a short clip ofthe protests here.Hundreds of Muslimstudents have been holding prayers... Britain calls Israels Gaza flotillaraid unacceptable Britain PrimeMinister David Cameron said Israel'sGaza flotilla raid was 'completelyunacceptable' and called for an end tothe economic blockade of theimpove. . . . . . Wheres the outrage? Where's theoutrage? In the courseof commenting on Prime MinisterNetanyahu's Holocaust Day address,Jennifer Rubin takes the AmericanJewish c...

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    Its summer camp time in Gaza!by Elder of Ziyon (Hija del Zionpara Israel - Daughter of Zionfor Israel)

    Submitted at 6/19/2010 7:19:00 PM

    Its time for summer camp thattime of year when Hamas and IslamicJihad can inculcate young men in theways of murder and jihad!Palestine Today writes that IslamicJihad summer camps will enroll some

    10,000 youngsters between the agesof 12 and 16 this year.Hamas camps will have far more

    than that amount. A report about

    Hamas camps from two years ago canbe seen here.And how can I talk about summer

    camps in Gaza without showing myvideo, Hello Martyr, Hello Fatah? Hija del Zion para Israel SupportIsrael

    lyron mann plays pantam in tel avivlyron playing pantam (also called the"hang," pronounced "hung") in thestreets of florentin, a neighborhood of

    tel aviv, israel... Pakistan now holding two they sayhelped finance Times Square jihadcar bomb Pakistan now holding twothey say helped finance Times Square

    j i h a d c a r b o m b. . .

    UK: MPs at risk from radicalIslamic loners UK: MPs at risk from r a d i c a l I s l a m i c l o n e r s b ys h e i k y e r m a m i o n M a y 2 3 ,

    2010Really. You couldnt make it up.Nothing to do with Islam, dontmention it!I guess all we need is m...

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  • 8/9/2019 Para Israel 20062010


    6 FeedJournal BasicMainstream media: Only Islamophobes couldwonder about a 52,000 square-foot mega-mosque complex in Murfreesboro, Tennesseeby Marisol (Hija del Zion paraIsrael - Daughter of Zion forIsrael)

    Submitted at 6/19/2010 5:47:16 PM

    M a i n s t r e a m m e d i a : O n l yIslamophobes could wonder about a52,000 square-foot mega-mosquec o m p l e x i n M u r f r e e s b o r o ,TennesseeThe Islamic Center ofMurfreesboro s plans call for a52,000-sq. ft. facility that wouldinclude a pool, gym, and school inaddition to a mosque.But only Islamophobes could wonder

    whos paying for it all . Only

    Islamophobes could think theressomething odd about a mega-mosquein a town of 100,000 in middleTennessee. And so this story makesevery effort to make the locals whoare opposed to it look like narrow-minded, reactionary xenophobes who

    jest plain dont cotton to people withdifferent beliefs thats all it couldbe.Plan for Mosque in Tennessee TownDraws Criticism from Residents, byBradley Blackburn for ABC News,June 18:

    A plan to bui ld an Is lamiccommunity center in the middle-

    Tennessee town of Murfreesborosparked an eruption of ugly criticism

    on Thursday from some residentswho dont want a mosque built intheir backyard.More than 600 people turned out for

    a meeting of the Rutherford CountyCommission Thursday night, withsome sharing their opposition inpublic comments that at times turnedintolerant.We have a duty to investigateanyone under the banner of Islam,Allen Jackson, the pastor of WorldOutreach Church, said at the meeting.The implication: Jackson has no

    possible reason to object to themosque except as pastor of World

    Outreach Church.The Islamic Center of Murfreesboros plans call for a 52,000-sq. ft.facility that would include a pool,gym, and school in addition to amosque. The center has had a facilityin Murfreesboro since 1997, but saysthat with over 250 Islamic families inthe community, it needs more space.A whole lot of space, apparently.It is not a huge mosque as they aresaying, said Imam Ossama Bahloul.This place is too small for us and wehave to move.Murfreesboro has a population of

    just over 100,000, according the the

    U.S. Census Bureau. It is about 30miles southeast of Nashville.

    Would enough Music City Muslimseven commute on a regular basis tofill the place?Some at the Thursday meeting wore

    religious or patriotic-themed clothing,and no one defended the plan in twohours of public comments, theTennessean newspaper reported.They seem to be against everythingthat I believe in, and so I dont wantthem necessarily in my neighborhoodspreading that type of comment, saidone man at the meeting.Tracey Steven, who also attended,

    said, Our country was foundedthrough the founding fathers

    through the true God, the Father andJesus Christ.Some Cite Traffic, Housing Values

    as ConcernsOthers opposed to the plan did so for

    more pract ical reasons, ci t ingconcerns about the effects on trafficand housing values. The mosquewould be built in a primarilyresidential area.I was very surprised they wouldapprove of that for any religion, saidresident Jackie Archer.Despite the outrage, county officials

    said Thursday that the plan will goahead. They defended their decision

    by noting that the mosque plan metzoning requirements and it is illegal

    to reject a project for religiousreasons.Posted by Marisol on June 19, 2010

    5:47 PM| 1 CommentPrint this entry

    | Email this entry| Digg this|| Hija del Zion para Israel SupportIsrael Islam or Islamism?: Spencer att h e V i e n n a F o r u m , M a y 8 ,2010''Islam or Islamism?'': Spencer atthe Vienna Forum, May 8, 2010

    .. . Daily Quote: Iyar 22, 5770 May6, 2010 Therefore man was created asingle individual: to teach us thatwhoever destroys a single life, it is asif he destroyed the entire world; andwhoever sustains a single life, it is asif he sustained... Six Million Israel CitizensI n f o r m a t i o n C o u n c i Israel Ministry ofForeign Affairs Defense Forces YadVashem Is...

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    6th Circuit Court of Appeals overturns lower courtsruling prohibiting Christians from distributingleaflets at Dearborn Arab-American festivalby Marisol (Hija del Zion paraIsrael - Daughter of Zion forIsrael)

    Submitted at 6/19/2010 7:09:36 PM

    6th Circuit Court of Appealsoverturns lower courts ruling

    p ro h i b i t i n g Ch r i s t i an s f ro mdistributing leaflets at Dearborn Arab-American festival Good news, in anupdate on this story. Meanwhile, ofcourse, we wait to find out thegrounds on which another group ofChristians was arrested there, as BWI Breathing While Infidel is notyet against Michigan law.If its an Islamic festival, call it an

    Islamic festival. Otherwise, stophiding behind the generality of Arab-American while persecuting Arab-Americans who also happen to beChristian, but refuse to be dhimmis ina free country.Local news: Pastor gets OK forhandouts, from the Detroit FreePress, June 19:A Christian pastor can distribute

    literature on the streets at thisweekends Arab-American festivalalong Warren Avenue in Dearborn, a

    three-judge panel of the U.S. 6thCircuit Court of Appeals ruled.George Saieg of California wants to

    hand out pamphlets aimed atconvert ing Musl ims.The Thursday ruling overturned a

    District Court decision that supported

    Dearborns policy, which said Saiegand anyone else must hand outliterature only around their boothsbecause of crowd control concerns.Crowd concerns.The Ann Arbor-based Thomas More

    Law Center filed suit on behalf ofSaieg.This story just happened to appear

    directly under the preceding one:Once-banned professor to address

    fund-raiserTariq Ramadan, a noted Muslim

    scholar, is to speak tonight inDearborn at a fund-raiser for theMuslim Legal Fund, a Texas-based

    nonprofit. He is to speak about rights,duties and justice at the 6 p.m.banquet at the Hyatt Regency inDearborn. Tickets are $30.Ramadan was banned from visiting

    t h e U . S . u n d e r t h e B u s hadministration, but had his ban lifted

    th i s year by the U.S. Sta teDepar tment .Posted by Marisol on June 19, 2010

    7:09 PM| 2 CommentsPrint this entry| Email this entry

    | Digg this|| Hija del Zion para Israel SupportIsrael SIOA Rally Calls for Halt to Plansfor Ground Zero Mosque SIOA RallyCalls for Halt to Plans for GroundZ e r o M o s q u e. . . Guardian claims Israel offered tosell nukes to South Africa Guardianclaims Israel offered to sell nukes toSouth Africa And here'sthe bottom line: Did Israel sellnuclear weapons to South Africa?

    The ans... World Exposition 1958 Imagetaken on 2008-06-10 18:44:15 bymickebear....

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    The Revoltby paraisrael (Hija del Zionpara Israel - Daughter of Zionfor Israel)

    Submitted at 6/19/2010 11:20:11 PM

    The RevoltRating:(out of 13 reviews)List Price: $ 2.25Price:Menachem Begin, Jimmy Carter &

    Anwar Al Sadat

    Image by Jeff KubinaMenachem Begin on Hanging of

    Two British Sergeants 1947 Hija del Zion para Israel SupportIsrael Farewell Israel: Bush, Iran, and TheRevolt of Islam This DVD is ahistoric journey, from the birth ofIslam, through it's 1200 year reignover the civilized world, to the last300 years of Is lamic decl ine,overtaken and dominated by theWest, then hu...
  • 8/9/2019 Para Israel 20062010


    7FeedJournal BasicPro-Obama parody of We are theworld still up at YouTubeby Carl in Jerusalem (Hija delZion para Israel - Daughter ofZion for Israel)

    Submitted at 6/19/2010 6:56:00 PM

    Pro-Obama parody of We are theworld still up at YouTube PajamasMedia interviews Caroline Glick,who is behind the We con the worldvideo that was removed by YouTubefor copyright violations last week.Im sure youll all be shocked justshocked to hear that theres anobscenity-laced parody of the samesong by pro-Obama Leftists that hasbeen left up by YouTube apparentlywithout any objections by thecopyright holder.Warner/Chappell, which owns the

    rights to We are the World, hadYouTube r e m ove the v ide o ,s u p p o s e d l y f o r c o p y r i g h tin f r inge m e n t . G l i c k , who i sappealing, contends there were noviolations of the fair use doctrine orU.S. copyright law. Indeed, I quicklyfound that YouTube hosts anotherparody video, Obamas InaugurationParty Song, which also uses the tunefrom We are the World. NeitherYouTube nor Warner saw fit to pullthis video, though the lyrics areobjectionable.Glick comments about the obvious

    hypocrisy:They are trying to personalize

    everything and demonize what theycant contend with. The left has onecard, and they play it over and overagain for dealing with issues. Theyhave no answer but to resort to thepolitics of destruction. Their favoritemethod is to call anyone who givesthem an answer that they cantcontend with a racist. They cry forterrorists who would destroy them,but come out against democracies.Heres more:The critics of the parody show a

    definite disconnect with what actuallyhappened, according to publicly

    available video footage of theincident. The supposed peaceactivists, some members of theterrorist group IHH (Foundation forHumanitarian Rights and Freedoms),initiated the violence. Says Glick:Calling them peace activists is a

    complete lie. If you want to get somecredibility you attach the word peaceto your name or title, and you can getimmunity to criticism. Instead oflistening to the message, they aredemonizing the messenger.She continues:There is a boycott of Israel by

    Hollywood and the rock world. Theywould rather champion a terroristorganization against Israel. Where arethe Jews of Hollywood StevenSpielberg, Barbara Streisand, andDavid Geffen? They will not speakout on Israels behalf. They care farmore about being leftist than theycare about being Jews.Unfortunately, thats not much

    different than most of the rest of theAmerican Jewish community. Butread it all.

    posted by Carl in Jerusalem @ 4:56AM Hija del Zion para Israel SupportIsrael No Sale Looks like Obama plans toimpose his own "solution" and set upa Palestinian State without any Arabcommitment to peace or any end tot h e c u r r e n t i n c i t e m e n t a n ddemonization of Israel and withoutany ... Palestine Central Bureau ofStatistics lies The Palestine CentralBureau of Statistics came out with itsstatistics on the 62nd anniversary ofIsrael's birth. As I mentioned lastweek, they say that the PalestinianArab population has increased... Bill Maher Has the Guts FOXN e w s d o e s n o t v i He still makesan equivalence statement comparingMohammad's texts to Torah. I'm notterribly religious in a ritualistic sense(though I admit I'd like more in my ...

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    Lawsuit against Egyptian soccer star for"normalization"by Elder of Ziyon (Hija del Zionpara Israel - Daughter of Zionfor Israel)

    Submitted at 6/19/2010 8:53:00 PM

    From Al Arabiya(Arabic)(h/t forinitial translation Ali)Famous Egyptian lawyer, Nabih Al

    Wahsh, filed a lawsuit demandingthat Egyptian soccer player Emad

    Moteab be stripped of his citizenshipbecause of normalization.Moteab joined Belgian soccer club

    Standard Lige , whose squadincludes Rami Gershon, an Israelisoccer player. Moteab signed thecontract without any reservation over

    the fact that there is an Israeli, whichcreated an unprecedented situation.The lawyer goes on to argue that

    Motaeb knowingly joined the Belgianteam despite Egyptian hatred forIsrael.Motaeb is very popular in Egypt,

    having scored a last-minute goalagainst Algeria to bring Egypt closeto World Cup competition last

    November.Al Arabiya quotes a prominent

    Egyptian scholar Gamma al-Banna(brother of the founder of the MuslimBrotherhood, but considered muchmore liberal) who said that there isnothing wrong with Motaeb being on

    the same team as Gershon, as long ashe doesnt become friends with him.Hatred for Israel is a given, he says,but asking him to not be on a teamwith an Israeli is going a little bit toofar.The newspaper does bring up the

    question of whether the Egyptianshould refrain from hugging theIsraeli when a goal is scored.

    Hija del Zion para Israel SupportIsrael Weekly Parshah "Korach", TheBook of Zohar, selected excerptsLecturer: Rav Michael LaitmanDate:2010-06-11Video: ENG 54.74MBAudio: ENG 9.75MB ...

    Excerpts from the Daily KabbalahLesson Lecturer: Rav MichaelLaitmanDate: 2010-05-31Video:flash: ENG 1.04MB flash: ENG7.6MB 1/2: ENG 0.93MB 2/2: ENG7.49MB ... Letter: Hamas must be part of apeaceful solution It is not correct thatthe 1980 Venice declaration of theEuropean Community called for the

    creation of a Palestinian state(Troubled alliance: Period of crisisworsens already strained relation...

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    Overnightmusicvideoby Carl in Jerusalem (Hija delZion para Israel - Daughter ofZion for Israel)

    Submitted at 6/19/2010 5:48:00 PM

    Overnight music video HeresShloime Dachs singing Acheinu KolBeis Yisrael (Our Brethren the EntireHouse of Israel), a prayer we say forall Jews under threat everywhereevery Monday and Thursday.Did I ever mention that Shloime

    Dachs once gave a private concert inour house? Really.Lets go to the videotape.posted by Carl in Jerusalem @ 3:48

    AM Hija del Zion para Israel SupportIsrael Happy Birthday Israel... First praise, then a rebuke: BidensIsrael visit turns sour By DonaldMacintyre in Jerusalem The Israeligovernment last night managed toovershadow a high-profile visit by theUS Vice-President, Joe Biden, withan annou... ... Festive Shofar Flat Card HolidayR o s h H a s h a n a h P r o d u c tDescriptionHave some fun this RoshHashanah and send this light-hearted,ecru flat card. The greeting card

    features a simple, blue drawing of aJewish man reading and playing ashofar. The...

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  • 8/9/2019 Para Israel 20062010


    8 FeedJournal BasicUS asks Paraguay to extraditeBrooklyn-born Hezbullah financierby Carl in Jerusalem (Hija delZion para Israel - Daughter ofZion for Israel)

    Submitted at 6/19/2010 11:28:00 PM

    US asks Paraguay to extraditeBrooklyn-born Hezbullah financierThe United States has asked Paraguayto extradite Brooklyn-born MoussaAli Hamdan, who is accused of beinga financier for Hezbullah (Hat Tip:Jihad Watch).

    The United States has askedParaguay to extradite a Lebanesenational suspected of funnelingmoney to the Shiite militant groupHezbollah from the South Americann a t i o n , c o u r t s o u r c e s s a i dW e d n e s d a y .

    Mussa Ali Hamdan, 38, was arrestedTuesday in Ciudad del Este, part ofthe Triple Frontier, a region theUnited States has repeatedly cited asbeing exploited by militant groupsthat finance terrorist activities.Hamdan is accused of 31 crimes,

    according to Interpol. The USextradition request cites his allegedmaterial support for Hezbollahincluding falsified documents.The suspect is also accused of

    counterfeiting US currency andconspiracy to commit passport fraud,according to the request.Hamdan appeared Wednesday before

    judge Hugo Sosa Pasmor to confirm

    his identity as part of an extradition

    request, and then was transferred toAsuncions Tacumbu penitentiary.Local media, citing local security

    officials, have said Hamdan wasfinancing Hezbollah, which fought adevastating 2006 war with Israel andis blacklisted as a terror group byWashington.A cosmopolitan area and significant

    tourist spot, the Triple Frontier is alsoc ons ide r e d a m a jo r spo t f o rsmuggling and other organized crime.Brazil, Paraguay and Argentinahowever deny their shared region is ahotbed for terror financing.Its well known that area of Latin

    America is full of drug smugglers andterror supporters. Read the wholething.

    posted by Carl in Jerusalem @ 9:28AM Hija del Zion para Israel SupportIsrael Silence That Overpowers TheSiren: Yom Hashoa ? IsraelsHolocaust Memorial Day | about yadvashem by michalska1 Silence ThatOverpowers The Siren: Yom Hashoa? Israel's Holocaust Memorial DayIt is something I can't describe. Itmust be experienced to understandthe weight of it.... Happy Jerusalem Day: 43rdAnniversary Today, Wednesday, May12 marks the 43rd anniversary of the

    reunification of Jerusalem. It was inMay of 1967 that Jews and Christianswere finally able to return to the HolyCity, after 19 years of ex... Did Twitter censor the #flotillahashtag following the Israel attack?Users of the microblogging servicecomplain at apparent censorship asdiscussion grows around deaths onconvoyThe attack by Israel on aflotilla of ships approaching Gazahas, as you'd expect, generat...

    Original post source

    Saudi Arabia Wants to Go NoahDavidSimon (Hija delZion para Israel - Daughter ofZion for Israel)

    Submitted at 6/19/2010 10:33:00 PM

    Not Enough Oil?Saudi Arabia could be interested in

    developing a uranium enrichmentcapability as part of the kingdomsefforts to establish a civilian atomicpower sector, an adviser hired by theMiddle Eastern state to devise its

    nuclear strategy said Wednesday (seeGSN, Aug. 24, 2009).The uranium enrichment process can

    produce nuclear-weapon material aswell as fuel for civilian applications.Over time, Riyadh is expected to

    want to be involved in as many partsof the atomic energy productionprocess as it can be, said David Cox,a consultant whose firm was hired bySaudi Arabia to prepare the nuclearstrategy.Enrichment could happen there andthe same with mining uranium, Coxsaid, adding that outsourcing willhappen initially.

    Saudi Arabias King Abdullah Cityfor Atomic and Renewable Energychose Coxs firm, Poyry, to analyze

    the potential for Saudi participation inall aspects of the atomic-energyproduction process, Reuters quotedthe consultant as saying.Cox said his firms study is to

    evaluate what part of [nuclear energypr oduc t ion ] i s poss ib l e a t ar e a sona b le e c onom ic c os t .

    The feasibility study would befinished in several months and wouldcontain comprehensive guidance on

    the economic, institutional andtechnica l aspec ts needed forbeginning nuclear plant construction,he said (Reuters/Daily Star, June 18).via Im not going to actshocked. Im just not. Jordan isdoing it with Obama and theSaudis are terrified of Iran. This is

    what happens when you encouraget h i s . P o s t e d v i a w e b f r o mn o a h d a v i d s i m o n s p o s t e r o u s

    Hija del Zion para Israel SupportIsrael JTF Chairman Chaim Ben Pesach& David Ben Moshe explain howKosovo belongs to the Heroic Serbs!!JTF Chairman Chaim Ben Pesach &senior JTF colleague David BenMoshe explain how Kosovo belongsto the heroic Serb Christians... Theillegal declaration by Albanian Mus... A Short Yom Kippur Message fromRabbi Chaim Richman If you've ever

    made a mistake, watch this shortmessage. If you ever wished youcould simply delete all the errors youmade in your life, watch this video. Ifyou e... Hamas arrests counterfeiters inRafah Palestine Press Agency reportst h a t H a m a s c a u g h t p e o p l ecounterfeiting US dollars near theEgyptian border. Apparently thecounterfeiters dropped some of thebills from a window, causing astir.Back i...

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    THIScontinued from page 3

    Rabbi Rivkin Rosh Hashanah andShofar 5768 PLEASE NOTE: hearinga recording of the Shofar does notfulfill the obligation to hear theShofar. That must be done in person.Please call the Shul to find out wherea...

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    Lebanese popstar banned fromHezbullah shipby Carl in Jerusalem (Hija delZion para Israel - Daughter ofZion for Israel)

    Submitted at 6/19/2010 4:34:00 PM

    Lebanese pop star banned from

    LEBANESE page 9