Paper Bag Cap - Fairmount Fibers,...


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All efforts were made to make this pattern error-free. For questions or support, please email:© Fairmount Fibers Ltd. 2013 Not to be reproduced or re-knit for profit page 1 of 35/22/13

Paper Bag Capby Lisa R. Myers


All efforts were made to make this pattern error-free. For questions or support, please email:© Fairmount Fibers Ltd. 2013 Not to be reproduced or re-knit for profit5/22/13 page 2 of 3

SIZE Child, Adult Medium, Adult Large Finished circumference 18”, 20“, 22”

MATERIALS 1 sk Manos del Uruguay MAXIMA (100% merino wool; approx. 218 yds,100g). Shown in M9298 Arctic Shadow (Child), M7164 Ultramarine (Adult Medium) and M4370 Peach Melba (Adult Large). US 8/5mm ndls, spn or 24” circ, or size to obtain gauge-Waste yarn and crochet hook for cast-on

GAUGE 16 sts and 32 rows = 4” over Garter St (Adult M & L) 20 sts and 40 rows = 4” over Garter St (Child)

SIZING NOTE For Child’s size, follow instructions exactly as given for Adult Medium, using smaller gauge. Instructions are writ-ten for Adult Medium with Adult Large in parentheses.

CONSTRUCTION NOTE This hat is knit sideways – that is, the cast-on row runs from the edge of the cuff to the center of the top of the wearer’s head.

ABBREVIATIONS wyif: with yarn in front. wyib: with yarn in back. W&T: slip next st purlwise, move yarn to front of work, slip st back from right needle to left, turn the work around.


All efforts were made to make this pattern error-free. For questions or support, please email:© Fairmount Fibers Ltd. 2013 Not to be reproduced or re-knit for profit5/22/13 page 3 of 3

Row 1: Sl2 wyif, k12, sl1 wyif, k24 (27), W&T. Row 2 and all WSR: K. Rows 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13: Sl2 wyif, k12, sl1 wyif, k to wrapped st, k wrap tog with st, W&T. Size L only: Next RSR: Sl2 wyif, k12, sl1 wyif, k to wrapped st, k wrap tog with st, W&T. **All sizes: Next RSR, sl2 wyif, k12, sl1 wyif, k to end, knit-ting wrap tog with wrapped st. Next row: Sl1 wyib, k to end.*

Rep from * to * twice more, then rep from * to ** once. Cut yarn, leaving 1½-yd

tail. Undo provisional CO and replace sts on spare ndl. Graft first row to final row. Finishing Weave in ends.

INSTRUCTIONS Crocheted provisional cast-on: With waste yarn, chain approx. 60 sts; fasten off. Turn the chain over so that the underside “bumps” of the stitches run like a spine down the center of the chain. Beginning near the end of the chain, insert knitting needle under a “bump”, wrap main yarn around point of needle knitwise, and pull st through. Rep across chain until there are 48 (52) sts on ndl.

*Row 1 (RS): Sl2 wyif, k12, sl1 wyif, k until 2 sts rem on LH ndl, W&T. Row 2 and all WSR: K. Rows 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13: Sl2 wyif, k12, sl1 wyif, k to 1 st before wrapped st, W&T. Size L only: Next RSR: Sl2 wyif, k12, sl1 wyif, k to 1 st be-fore wrapped st, W&T. All sizes: Next RSR, sl2 wyif, k12, sl1 wyif, k to end, knitting wraps tog with wrapped sts. Next row: Sl1 wyib, k to end.
