Paper 2 Exam 1 Form 5 2013


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8/11/2019 Paper 2 Exam 1 Form 5 2013 1/11

8/11/2019 Paper 2 Exam 1 Form 5 2013 2/11

8/11/2019 Paper 2 Exam 1 Form 5 2013 3/11

d$ %ased on this experiment& state one characteristic of a!!oy.


[1 mark]

(. Diagram (.1 shows an experiment to study the effect of inegar and ammonium so!utionon !atex. Diagram (.2 shows the resu!t of the experiment after (0 minutes.

Diagram (.1

Diagram (.2

a$ 6rite down one o"seration from the resu!t of this experiment.


[1 mark]

 "$ /tate one inference "ased on the o"seration in Diagram (.2.


[1 mark]

c$ /tate one constant aria"!e in this experiment.


[1 mark]

d$ /tate one hypothesis for this experiment.



[1 mark]

e$ /tate the operationa! definition for acid.



[1 mark]


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). Diagram ) shows a "ar graph constructed from strips of ticker tape in an experiment

carried out with tro!!ey 7. A strip of ticker tape has 10 ticks and the ticker timer used

 produced #0 ticks per second.

Diagram )

%ased on Diagram )&

a$ what is the re!ationship "etween the !ength of the ticker tape and time8


[1 mark]

 "$ i$ a!cu!ate the initia! e!ocity and the fina! e!ocity of tro!!ey 7.

9nitia! e!ocity : ------- cm s;1 <ina! e!ocity : ------- cm s;1

[2 marks]

ii$ a!cu!ate the acce!eration of the tro!!ey 7.

: ------- cm s;2

[1 mark]

c$ state the type of the motion of tro!!ey 7. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 


*e!ocity : Distance trae!!ed

  Time taken

Acce!eration : <ina! e!ocity = initia! e!ocity

  Time taken

Time taken : 5um"er of ticks

in seconds #0

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[1 mark]

Section B

[(0 marks]

Answer all questions in this section.

#. Diagram #.1 shows the cross section of an oi! pa!m fruit.

Diagram #.1

a$ 5ame the parts !a"e!ed and >.

4 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 

>4 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 

[2 marks]

 "$ 6hich part of the oi! pa!m fruit produces the most oi!8


[1 mark]

c$ Diagram #.2 shows part of the extraction process of pa!m oi!.

Diagram #.2

i$ 5ame process 3.


[1 mark]

ii$ 6hat happens during process 38



[1 mark]

d$ 5ame one itamin found in pa!m oi!. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 


%unches of oi! pa!m fruit

rocess 3 


'?i! pa!m fruits remoed from "unches$


'?i! pa!m fruits digested and crushed$

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[1 mark]

+. a$ Diagram +.1 and +.2 shows actiities which ino!ed the radioactie su"stances.

Diagram +.1

i$ /tate the radioactie used in medica! fie!d in Diagram +.1.


[1 mark]

Diagram +.2

ii$ /tate the uses of ar"on;1) in Diagram +.2.


[1 mark]

iii$ /tate one effect of nuc!ear exp!osion to human "eing.


[1 mark]

i$ 6hat su"stance is used to make a container to keep radioactie su"stance safe8


[1 mark]

 "$ Diagram +.( shows the nuc!ear power station.


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Diagram +.(

i$ 5ame the radioactie su"stance used in Diagram +.(.


[1 mark]

ii$ /tate the energy generated from the power station in Diagram +.(. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

[1 mark]

@. Diagram @ shows the princip!e of a four stroke diese! engine.

Diagram @

a$ 5ame the strokes and 5 in the !ined spaces proided in Diagram @.

[2 marks]

 "$ i$ 5ame the structure !a"e!ed B in Diagram @. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 

[1 mark]

ii$ 6hat is the function of the structure !a"e!ed B8


[1 mark]

c$ ark ' $ in the "oxes proided in Diagram @ to show where the com"ustion of diese!

takes p!ace.

[1 mark]

d$ /tate one difference "etween the diese! engine in Diagram @ and a four stroke petro!



[1 mark]


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,. a$ Diagram ,.1 shows a white !ight proCected through a g!ass prism.

Diagram ,.1

i$ 6rite down the co!ours of !ights 7 and in the space proided in Diagram ,.1.

[2 marks]

ii$ 5ame the process that occurs when a "eam of white !ight passes through the prism.


[1 mark]

 "$ A green fi!ter is p!aced as shown in Diagram ,.2.

Diagram ,.2

i$ 6hat co!our is seen on the white screen8


[1 mark]

ii$ 6hite !ight is made up of seen constituent co!ours. 6hat happens to the other !ights

which are not seen on the screen8


[1 mark]

iii$ 9f the green fi!ter is discarded and rep!aced "y another prism p!aced in an inerted

 position in front of the screen& what co!our can "e seen on the screen8


[1 mark]


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E. Diagram E.1 shows the waste products produced from the "urning of fossi! fue! from a


Diagram E.1

%ased on the Diagram E.1&

a$ 5ame two gases produced from the "urning of fossi! fue! in the "oxes proided.

[2 marks]

 "$ 5ame the effect of the po!!ution that shown on human "eing.


[1 mark]

c$ /tate one method to reduce air po!!ution from the factory.


[1 mark]

d$ Diagram E.2 shows the effect of enironmenta! po!!ution due to the heat trapped "y gas7.

Diagram E.2

i$ 5ame gas 7.


[1 mark]

ii$ 5ame the phenomenon shown in Diagram E.2.


[1 mark]


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Section C

[20 marks]

Answer Question 10 and either Question 11 or Question 12.

10. /tudy the fo!!owing statement4

The growth of "acteria is different in a!ka!ine and neutra! condition.

a$ /uggest one hypothesis to inestigate the a"oe statement. [1 mark]

 "$ Fsing two steri!e petri dishes& steri!e nutrient agar& sodium hydroxide so!ution&

disti!!ed water and other materia!& descri"e one experiment to test the hypothesis in

10'a$ "ased on the fo!!owing criteria4

i$ The aim of the experiment [1 mark]ii$ The identification of aria"!es [2 marks]

iii$ The !ist of apparatus and materia!s [1 mark]

i$ The procedure or method [) marks]

$ The ta"u!ation of data [1 mark]

11. a$ A radiation !eak occurs due to a nuc!ear p!ant exp!oded in <ukushima Gapan.

xp!ain the effects of the radiation on !iing things.

 [) marks]

 "$ xposure to radiations can damage or destroy !iing ce!!s.xp!ain methods on the proper hand!ing of radioactie su"stances.

our exp!anation shou!d inc!ude the fo!!owing aspects4

• 9dentify the pro"!em [1 mark]

• xp!ain two methods to so!e the pro"!em [) marks]

• hoose the "est method and exp!ain your choice [1 mark]

12. a$ /tate four differences "etween saturated fat and unsatrurated fat. [) marks]

 "$ Diagram 10 shows three examp!es of organic compounds used in

dai!y !ife.





ooking oi!

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Diagram 10

/tudy the o"Cects in Diagram 10 and construct the concept of organic compounds.

our answer shou!d "e "ased on the fo!!owing aspects4

i$ 9dentify two common characteristics [2 marks]ii$ Hie one other  examp!e of organic compound [1 mark]

iii$ Hie one examp!e of inorganic compound and state

one characteristic [2 marks]

i$ 3e!ate the common characteristics to construct the concept

of organic compound [1 mark]


