Panta rei : Constant and Eternal Flux “All Things are Flowing” “Golf and School Project”...


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Panta rei : Constant and Eternal Flux “All Things are Flowing”

“Golf and School Project” Globalisation of an Elite Sport.

Renata Freccero, Pr. History of P.E. at S.U.I.S.M. University of Turin Italy

Amongst the first throwing archetypes of swings, the mind ‘s eye goes back to the gesture depicted by Myron’s Discobolus, simple when observed as a whole, of no easy interpretation if observed through

“the eyes of intelligence”

The perfection of the throw in itself represents the “mimesis” proposed to the masses of the first European civilizations,

through models i.e. the “Discobolus” envisages the

evolution of the Greek train of thought.

It can be seen as a huge bow, about to be tightened

ready to shoot out into distances beyond boundaries yet to be reached. The arc traces from the hand holding the

discus, downwards, to the heel of the flexed foot The pent-up forces within the athletic

gesture an inner spiral of a potential energy. A vertical line from the head to the heel of the prone foot toe pressing on ground

ready! Strength is controlled through

a balance of identical ….. and opposing forces

The body flexes and moves

“Balance” is restored!

• If we hold our right arm out to the side of our body, our “weights” are no longer symmetrical with our vertical point, they create

We naturally move our right leg outwards so as to balance out the weight of the arm we have moved to the left. In this case equilibrium is not so much a lack of strength or force, but rather the sum of forces that already exist, converging with one another, forming a balancing force, enabling the body to remain in

Being able to conceive and envisage this model of extraordinary physical equilibrium corresponds to the passage that coincides

with the transition to the flourishing of the Greek train of thought

European culture, at the beginning of the modern era, amidst religions laity and economic crisis, created baroque

Worldly values, the fantasy of the metaphor, imagination and the bizarre

the spell exerted by vision and nature

The sport gesture at the basis of the British Industrial Revolution, is tied to high rules that have exceeded even the Aristotelian Organ

(or Aristolelium logic)

Francis Bacon wrote “Novum Organum” expressing new thoughts

that were intellectually accessible only to an “elite” sector of society through a new phenomena

the search for a

According to this logic, the new athletic gesture responds to applicative criteria that differ from

those of the past. Modern bodies are isochronous, perfect

mechanisms not “perfection”The new “perfection” could be achieved only if

dictated by virtue and beauty!

The rules that governed golf were stipulated in 1754

by members of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club- St. Andrews defining the basic rules of the modern sport

regulating ballsclubs and holes

The 17th century marks the period of respect for time

and performance of

New Science of the Method Human Mechanics apply to gestures

invent sport and set up a new society orientated towards industry

Uniforms identified club members as in other sports of the day

St. Andrews uniform was a red jacket

with yellow buttons and a ‘frock’ of buff, with a red cap

It was St. Andrews which received the crown’s stamp of approval

when William IV became its patron

Motion Aristotelian Physics had been once and for all substituted by mechanics, just as Galenical bodies had been

exceeded by new anatomy and surgery.The clock was a machinery for a happy few, useful to mark

time and work.

The mechanism that represented the vague was the pendulum

clock, based on the steadiness of oscillation or swing

Movement is created by a metal or wooden bar hinged to a fulcrum with a mass positioned on its free end

The sweep of the oscillation (or swing) depends on the distance between

the barycentre and the fulcrum

These principles are similar to those applied when learning to play golf and the search for swing

The golf instructor teaches the method techniques and rules

Asynchronic bodies represent the new research for

harmony expressed in the form of a precise projection

of the ball at short, medium and long term

Gentlemen players learn the method technique

and use of different clubs Applying them with precision and regularity Succeeding in propelling the ball forward

Mastering its trajectory Over different types of terrain

Aiming at the perfection of gestureNew Bearings and Behaviour

The daybreak of Golf by Girolamo Mercuriale, the first sports physician,

dates back to 1569. He stated that this discipline was part of a gym-like

exercise and was called “Palla Maglio” (Pall Mall), first invented in the Reign of Naples.

Avicenna had previously described it, stating that, in ancient Greek, it was known as


In Italy the daybreak came about in 1905 with the International Amateur Championship in

Florence, won by Scott. Championships came later, in 1925 with the Omnium International Championship and

1928 witnessed a Ladies Event

Society Coexists with

with the exasperation of the self, as an individualist

Environmental Pollution

Love of Nature

Globalization and Inter-culture go Hand in Hand

The Ideomotory Sense of the Golf Player has a High Complexity of Technique

The basic element involved in a regular and efficient athletic golf gesture lies in a conscious steady build-

upof the swing something that is still linked to its origins

in spite of the evolution of the equipment used.

Literature has pools of articles, books and booklets with

lessons, suggestions, tricks and reminiscences on the question

Who has never read “Golf, Looking for you best swing” by Donato Di Ponzano?

Marcel Jousse,in Revue Antropologique n. 4/6, Gentner, Paris, 1940,

wrote that man is a creature made up of two parts.

We can observe the law of bilateralism in the human structure,

conceived both as a Mechanism and as a Living Being.

We can find the principle of balance everywhere in beings in their natural state, in a playing child, in a worker.

Man divides the world according to a bilateral pattern creating the Right and the Left,

Anterior and Posterior, Top and Bottom.

Man is in the middle sharing things out.

The gesture born from a burst of nervous energy

prevails over biological standards “ vita in gestu”

Technical improvement is a hard goal that can be easily missed.

The attention threshold limit for a golfer

throughout all the 18 holes remains high for each single hole.

This factor must not be underestimated in particular when dealing with subjects in the age of


says that: If the teaching sequence of the technique is incorrectly

carried out then it may give rise to interference, e.g. when learning two similar abilities,

they may be confused one with the other resulting in damage to both.

Whilst the opposite effect is one of “transfer”, where the learning shift of one ability to another

takes place in a positive manner reducing learning times for the second task.

It is essential that instructors not only possess technical abilities but must also be versed in educational psychology.

Renato Manno, Sports-medicine Specialist and Author of “ Fondamenti dell’allenamento sportivo”

The new millennium in Italy is witnessing innovations in the practising of golf

more than in any other sport. It is now becoming “accessible and affordable” to all.

Card carrying members of Italian Golf Federation have increased in 2007 and club membership is no longer compulsory:

you need only have a federation membership card.

The evolution is so evident that we can see golf being taught in schools.

The city of Turin has set up course for both teachers and students. Wonderful, all run away,

but something remains unchanged:the research of

The ministerial directives now tend to advocate the formation of

today’s European citizen by means of a fan-like multidisciplinary scheme covering

civil behaviour, environmental awareness, road safety, health, food, affectivity, cross-cultural principles and legality.

Preparation for a civil life means creating space for a pleasant

coexistence among citizens tied to awareness of their rights and obligations

bound by values like democracy, human rights, equality, participation, cohesiveness, support,

tolerance towards diversity, social justice, public and private qualities.

To this aim, golf has been chosen as a means to

able to give Italian students those requisites…laid

down for the formation of a “European Citizen”.

To what extent is training in the art of playing

golf able to lead to a better “civitas hominis”?


Man is reduced to these roles:

Advertising…..Targeted models…


At Golf Torino during FISU World Championship of Golf in 2006,

Franco Chimenti, President of the Italian Golf Federation (F.I.G.) declared an official announcement

about the possibility to register directly with F.I.G., abolishing the obligation to be a member of a golf club.

This is an innovative procedure for Italy and marks a turning point in Italian golf history

Membership fees range from 60 euro for adults to 22 euro for juniors.

On April 27th, 2007 RAI (National Italian Television Channel)included this news in its broadcast on TG1 at 1.30 p.m. so as

to further increase the number of new members.

In May 2006, at “I Girasoli” Golf Club in Carmagnola (Turin),Paolo Guermani, the President of Piedmont Regional

Committee F.I.G., and General Director of Public Education Ministry of Piedmont (M.P.I.R), started the


“Golf at School”.

This was done not to create competition but rather to expand the choice of sports at school

and remove prejudice due to the high price of golf fees.

In May 2006, there was also a 3-day full immersion course

dedicated to the updating of Physical Education (P.E.)Teachers in both primary and secondary schools.

The meeting was organized in steps with 50 teachers at a time.

Other meetings were set up in October 2006, April and May 2007

These were addressed to new and former teachers aiming at a higher qualification.

Teachers involved in the project “Golf at School” have compiled a yearly plan for 2006/07 part of P.O.F.

(planning for instructive proposal).

The adjunctive value that led the Italian institutions to

consider golf a particularly educational discipline was the

opportunity of introducing young students into a wholesome, green and peaceful environment in

which it is possible to practice a sport learning its rules step by

step,rules that cancel starting drawbacks between


Students learn how to respect natural environments, self control,

coordination and dexterity. Such behaviour and skills that have a positive

social cogitation and can be easily transferred and applied

to their everyday life.

The Piedmont Region’s project was extended to the whole of Italy on January 1st, 2007.

The Federal Board F .I.G. during its meeting on November 29th, 2006, with Circular n. 31 of

December 1st, 2006, addressed to all Golf Clubs and local F.I.G. Organizations, reported the

Federation had approved the Financing of furthering the project “Golf and School”

for the school year 2006/07, involving primary and secondary level schools

Only in Piedmont Region, a total of about 2,800 students from 131 classes will be involved.


Oggetto: PROGETTO GOLF E SCUOLA 2006/2007 • Si comunica che il Consiglio federale nella riunione del 29

novembre 2006, ha approvato la prosecuzione ed il finanziamento del Progetto Golf Scuola per l’anno scolastico 2006/2007,secondo le seguenti modalità:a) firma del protocollo d’intesa tra il circolo, la scuola interessata e il comitato o delegato regionale per conto della federazione. Da inviare in FIG prima dell’inizio del programma. (allegato a );b) Capofila del progetto è il circolo ospitante che provvederà al pagamento di tutte le spese inerenti lo svolgimento del progetto, ivi comprese le lezioni impartite dai maestri;c) Il progetto deve prevedere lo svolgimento di almeno 60 ore di lezione articolate secondo le necessità e la disponibilità sia del circolo sia della scuola;d) Il contributo di € 3000,00 verrà erogato al circolo al termine del programma e sarà subordinato alla presentazione di una relazione finale a cura del comitato/delegato regionale e corredato dall’elenco dei partecipanti, sottoscritto dalle parti interessate.e) In considerazione dell’introduzione del tesseramento libero dal 2007, si raccomanda di provvedere al tesseramento libero dei ragazzi neofiti partecipanti al progetto ricordando che la F.I.G. riconoscerà un contributo ulteriore pari al  50% della quota di tesseramento;f) Le adesioni devono essere  inviate entro il 10 Gennaio 2007  presso la Scuola Nazionale di Golf (S.S. Cassia Km. 44.500 – 01015 Sutri/VT – e.mail , fax 0761/600791).

Si informa che a seguito dell’ approvazione del programma proposto dal C. R. Piemonte con il contributo della regione, in base al quale l’attività di promozione golfistica nelle scuole verrà coordinata direttamente dal Comitato Regionale;  ai circoli e alle associazioni piemontesi non verrà riconosciuto il contributo previsto dalla presente circolare. In allegato si trasmette il protocollo d’intesa. Cordiali saluti. IL SEGRETARIO GENERALEdott. Stefano Manca


SOGGETTI INTERESSATI: - Federazione Italiana Golf- Circolo Golf- Istituto Scolastico


che la Fig, e la Scuola…………-intendono valorizzare il ruolo dell’educazione motoria,fisica e sportiva-considerano lo sviluppo fisico-sportivo come uno degli aspetti della crescita dei giovani -considerano indispensabile l’opportunità dell’avvicinamento degli alunni alla natura,quale ambiente più idoneo per un confronto con gli altri e per l’apprendimento di nuove conoscenze motorie;-ritengono estremamente importante la collaborazione fra soggetti diversi, pubblici e privati, ai fini dello sviluppo di un sistema di formazione

CONSIDERATO -le finalità e gli obiettivi della federazione Italiana Golf-l’importante contributo di questa attività sportiva che facilita l’avvicinamento nell’età adolescenziale tra alunni e alunne;-l’educazione al gesto atletico nel rispetto dell’ambiente naturale;-la richiesta dell’utenza

   TUTTO CIO’ PREMESSO La Federazione si impegna:- a garantire la presenza di un proprio incaricato nei giorni……… dalle ore…..alle ore…. - Per un periodo di….     che svolga il compito di promuovere il gioco del golf coadiuvato dall’insegnante di educazione fisica………- a garantire la presenza di un tecnico federale che svolga le lezioni di golf ( assistenza tecnico didattica, teorica e pratica) presso il Circolo…………………….. nei giorni ………………       dalle ore……… alle ore……. per un periodo di…………..La Scuola………………………………. si impegna:- mettere a disposizione in orari scolastici le proprie strutture sportive perché possano essere utilizzate per promuovere il gioco del golf- a garantire il coordinamento e l’organizzazione delle attività nella /e persone di……………………………..- ad assicurare a propria cura e spese, ogni alunno che prenderà parte alle attività previste dal presente progetto, per eventuali infortuni o danni a terzi- garantire il trasferimento degli alunni dalla scuola al circolo……. …………………per la durata del corso - partecipare alla fase provinciale o regionale dei giochi sportivi studenteschi, se prevista.   Il Circolo si impegna : -a mettere a disposizione della Scuole proprie strutture sportive (campo pratica,

putting green, pitching green) nei giorni di…………… dalle ore…… alle ore……. per un periodo di…….. -a fornire tutta l’assistenza necessaria per il buon svolgimento dei corsi - ad organizzare ,nell’ambito del corso, gare di putting green ed altro


The habitat of the 3rd millennium golf players is still one of greens passing through breaches in mountains

hills, beaches, lakes, dunes and castle grounds along kilometres of greens lined by natures beauty like

reeds, birches, larches, hazels, cherry trees, fig and mulberry trees blackberry, rose bushes and bunkers

in search of a swing.

Movements that form part of “the game” the rules, even one’s very own thoughts.

The environment determines performance provokes the unconscious,

creating relax too little or too much,handicaps increase/decrease, points are added or subtracted.

The golf club is all important, as cleanliness is a must.

The groves optimize the flight of the ball, there must be

no mud or even a blade of grass on the club head.Golfers are constantly in search of the best swing,

helping each other, one “the mirror” for the other. All with the common scope of entering and escaping

from the “crisis” of the shot sometimes right sometimes wrong…..

A kind of paradox that can join or divide the birth of the grip, the gesture … the result.Something that is in commonfor the young, middle-aged and senior

players Joining them as a whole.

Perfect Long, Medium and Short Shots sounds beautifully, like a music:

this is GOLF!

The ides is not to cover a long distance with the ball, but rather to take a correct stance in front of the ball and carry out the right movement. With rolling shoulders, no withdrawal of the arms, head motionless behind the ball, feet positioned correctly, the pendulum-like swing, the drop the club, no effort, with a strike and a whip the ball will make that distance you long for……

There lies the secret you need to win!...The putt is

more often than not done with the use of the left eye

The contemporary golfer puts skills to the test against others whenever possible

Looking for courses/competitions adapt to personal performance

If the competition does not go so well and handicap increases Then a week long stress of anticipation sets in

And is hard to hold down until the following Sunday When everything is laid out for discussion once again

The match leaves its mark on golfers

The really hard shots are those before the green and to putt

The new generation of golfers tends to aim at decreasing handicaps and hiding defeats. Players hide competition stress saying that “it’s just a game”, but at the end the score, with

its gross and net, is something that leads to a kind of common neurosis cloaked by clothes, behaviour and

“sportsmanship smiles” during award-giving cocktails.

The gesture is always the same…the swing. Golfers then “experiment” going through a series of new grips on the club, new correct postures, putting aside what was thought to be


most correct, putting aside the out-dated ones.

Pain moves from fingers to hands, wrists, arms, back knees, legs, sometimes on the left, sometimes on the

right side.

All is overcome for the love of the swing, all is recomposed in the constant search for

“the best swing”

The art of playing golf is refinedone that is born in the soul

requiring practice and constant dedicationone that demands time and devotion.

Each golf club is different and must be used adequately according to the ground and the distance to be covered.

The very awareness of this modifies the golfer’s life,

as it is addressed to the green everything boils down to“making time” for golf.

The model that represents the best swing in the collective imagination of golfers is that of

Tiger WoodNearly everything about him is public domain

He rises at 7.00 a.m. goes to a driving range and shoots 800 balls

trains daily on an 18 hole course and goes to a gym to do who know what exercises

he runs around 10 km. everyday he eats…. but who knows what..

it varies according to his energetic consumption. Nothing is know as to his spontaneous requirements!

But one thing is sure: he is early to bed … early to rise!

Tiger kindles fantasy and feeds the dream of the dream itself.A lucky few have seen Tiger play in person, rather than on satellite


Golfers are updated on whatever has to do with golf new techniques, new implements and materials.

They study links and green morphology, they train compete and encourage,

They persist whatever their results Yet, they are all “misunderstood” as golf is considered

a kind of hybrid, an alternative, a sort of walking exercise for the elderly. It is to other sports that the

term “real sports” is dedicated to those with high performances: soccer, rugby, swimming, cycling, tennis, rowing,

etc., etc.

When one considers all these aspects it can be said that golf is a fascinating and complex sport, very complex…with

a constant main theme…finding the swing!!!

This is the reality that the new generation of Italian golfers live an ever increasing number of players “living” for golf

throughout the arc of their life

All of which granted, education to golf as a “ culture”, with its

environment, ethics and principles, could well become an innovative theme, applicable everyday life and a way to help shape a positive future “civitas hominis”, aiming at the preparation of different behaviour based on new models. In the past, golf was the sport of aristocrats or

entrepreneurs. Nowadays, the globalization of gesture, linked to rules could promote a refined social style through a scholastic

educational process.

There still remains the question of some clubs that have not reached agreements with schools.

These are mainly set in beautiful surroundings, with 18, 27, 36 hole links.

To be a member of these clubs it is necessary to be doted with rare competitive abilities, or to have high financial resources and/or a have a particular behaviour linked to “refined” social requisites.

Depending on their handicap, the members of the most popular of these golf clubs, are allowed to play at most maybe ten times a year.

In the case of a tournament, registrations are far from easy and depend on other traditions and factors tied to golf and its origins.

1. to teach “style and etiquette “ to promote a better European society;

2. to create public golf courses;3. to increase economy through

tourism, strongly linked to golf courses.

Thank you

THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!