Pakistan Section Pakistan Spellathon and ECO...


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WWF Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan. Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar. Islamabad: House 7, Street 34, Sector F-7/1.

Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,

Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006



WWF is one of the world’s largest conservation organisations. WWF-Pakistan has been working in Pakistan for over 40 years to conserve nature and ecological processes by conserving world’s biological diversity; ensuring the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable; and promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption. Essentially, to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.

Green School Certification Programme

The Green School Programme plays an important role in ensuring the future sustainability of environmental resources of Pakistan by bringing a positive change in the attitude of Pakistan’s young people and will help to promote a more mature environmentally conscious generation.

The Programme is planned for the whole year to give students regular insight into the eco dynamics and the overall environmental challenges faced at global and regional level, to broaden student’s scope as a responsible custodian of valuable natural resources and to consequently inculcate civic responsibility in them.

Benefits to the Green School

The Green School will be associated with the first Green School Certification Programme in Pakistan

The School will be amongst pioneer Green Schools in Pakistan The Green School will get full coverage in WWF-Pakistan’s website under the Green School

Section The School will get promotional space in WWF-Pakistan’s Annual Report as a Green School WWF-Pakistan will give registered Green School a right to use Deodar Tree Green School logo The School will get free stalls at the annual Travelling Nature Carnival Free Subscription to WWF-Pakistan’s quarterly magazine: Natura Coverage of Green Activities in WWF-Pakistan’s monthly newsletter – Panda Post Green School activity coverage on radio via Green School Radio Media Partner

Green Student Benefits

The Green School programme provides students an opportunity to be Ambassadors for WWF-Pakistan

Opportunities to participate in several Green activities throughout the year Green Students get an edge over other students as they receive WWF-Pakistan’s certificates Green Students obtain WWF-Pakistan’s other school oriented activities for free including

Spellathon and ECO Internship Green Students receive privileges of WWF-Pakistan’s Individual Members including Discounts

on Panda Products and at WWF-Pakistan’s Retail Partner outlets Registered students get Green School exclusive paraphernalia including a Green Student badge

and membership card exclusively designed for Green Student


WWF Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan. Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar. Islamabad: House 7, Street 34, Sector F-7/1.

Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,

Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006



WWF Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan. Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar. Islamabad: House 7, Street 34, Sector F-7/1.

Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,

Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006


Say NO to Plastic Bags

Green Schools initiate various environment oriented campaigns on campus. One such campaign is ‘Say NO to plastic bags.’ All individuals in the Green School including students, teachers and management participate in this campaign and are not allowed to use plastic bags in the Green School.

Beaconhouse North Nazimabad Cambridge and A-Level branches banned plastic bags on campus. Green School representative presented the dangers of plastic bags and reasons for banning them. This campaign continued for the whole academic year. The Green School was given banners to post around the campus informing visitors about the ban and reminding students not to use plastic bags.

There were several activities outlined under this campaign including creating jingles and crossword puzzles on dangers of plastic bags.

A presentation was delivered to Green Students informing them of the mass impact of bags. Students thoroughly enjoyed making bags out of t-shirts as an alternative to using plastic bags.


WWF Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan. Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar. Islamabad: House 7, Street 34, Sector F-7/1.

Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,

Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006


World Wetlands Day 2012

Beaconhouse School System North Nazimabad Cambridge Green Students visited WWF-Pakistan’s Wetland Center at Sandspit on account of Wetlands Day 2012.

Green Students gathered round Dr Babar Hussain – Manager Wetland Centre – for a briefing on the importance of Sandspit as a turtle nesting beach and the threats posed by picnickers including inappropriately disposed trash. Dr Hussain identified other threats to the hatchlings including dogs and crows.

Students collected garbage scattered around the shore and partially buried under the sand. “Cleaning this place could take days” said one of the Green Students to which WWF representative pointed out that “It takes a second to throw it inappropriately and it takes a long time to rectify it.”

Students then proceeded to the Wetland Centre where they were briefed on Eco Tourism opportunities in the backwater where mangroves grow. Bird watching is another tourist attraction at wetlands. Green Students learnt about the importance of mangroves including – in certain seasons – serving as a resting ground for migratory birds including flamingoes and waterfowl.

Dr Hussain shared that the locals have setup a jetty from where fishermen take tourists out on their motorboats to a floating restaurant. Locals cook traditional food at the floating restaurant for tourists.

Green students then planted mangrove saplings as an act of giving back to Mother Nature. Green Students received certificates for the mangrove plantation on Wetlands Day.

February 9, 2012: Beaconhouse School System North Nazimabad A-Levels celebrated World Wetlands Day 2012. Green Students made a banner themed 'Wetlands Tourism: A Great Experience.' Working with recyclable material, students designed and created a banner depicting tourism at a selected wetland site in Pakistan.

Green Students gathered to make a banner for wetlands and tourism with paints, newspaper, buttons, ribbon and pebbles decorated with glitter. The students depicted tourism at Lake Saiful Muluk which one of the highest lakes in the country.


WWF Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan. Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar. Islamabad: House 7, Street 34, Sector F-7/1.

Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,

Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006


Good for the environment, Good for You!

Karachi: Monday April 23, 2012: Green School Beaconhouse School System North Nazimabad Cambridge, initiated Organic Kitchen Gardening at their campus. Tofiq Pasha Mooraj an organic farmer and environment enthusiast was invited by WWF-Pakistan to the Green School to guide students to setup their organic kitchen garden in their school and homes. Mooraj emphasized “You do not need huge gardens to setup organic kitchen gardens. Plant two lady fingers (bhindi) seeds in pots, and two ridge gourd (turai) seeds, this will provide vegetable twice a week which is adequate amount of vegetables for a week.”

Green Students brought clay pots with soil from home and WWF provided the vegetable seeds for plantation. Mooraj explained the importance of organic food and the environmental benefits of growing ones own vegetables and reduced dependency on market vegetables including reduced carbon emissions from transport amongst other aspects. Basics of planting seeds such as watering the plant, type of pot and soil to be used were elaborated.

BSS North Nazimabad Cambridge will be implementing learnt techniques to develop an organic vegetable patch on their campus. Students will be responsible for caring for the plants.



WWF Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan. Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar. Islamabad: House 7, Street 34, Sector F-7/1.

Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,

Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006


Green Students & Teachers learn to make Recycled Paper

WWF-Pakistan’s Indus For All Programme and Green School Programme organised a paper-making activity at Beaconhouse School System (BSS) Jubilee Campus with Daulat Rehmetullah’s representatives. Rehmetuallah has a broad set of expertise, one of them being in recycled paper making.

Participants in the activity included WWF-Pakistan’s representatives, Green Students and Green Teachers from BSS Gulshan Cambridge, representatives of various other branches of BSS including North Nazimabad Cambridge, Jubilee, Clifton and Defense campus attended the workshop.

Participants were provided handouts for the recipe to prepare recycled paper pulp. As the pulp requires several hours of soaking, the demonstrators brought ready-made pulp made from recycled newspaper and another made from corn husk. A brief demonstration of the process of making paper from the pulp was displayed.

Students and teachers tried their hand at these newly acquired techniques. Several students experimented with the paper by using dry and wet leaves from around the Jubilee campus to decorate the paper. BSS Jubilee campus provided juices and crisps to all participants to keep them energized throughout the workshop.



WWF Pakistan Head Office: Ferozepur Road Lahore - 54600, P.O. Box 5180 Pakistan. Karachi: 12th floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R.A. Lines Saddar. Islamabad: House 7, Street 34, Sector F-7/1.

Tel: 042 111 993 725, Fax: 042 35862358 Email: Website:,

Vision: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature Tax exemption u/s 2 (36) under S.R.O. # 667 (1)/ 2006 and c/u 58 under S.R.O. # 880 (1)/ 2006


Special Mention Beaconhouse School System Gulshan Cambridge came on board the Green School Programme on December 14, 2011. Ms Aasma Azmat and focal person Ms Seema Sayada have been pro green activities. Beaconhouse School System North Nazimabad A levels signed the agreement with WWF-Pakistan on December 20, 2011. Ms Farhana Zia Khan has been very supportive and is WWF-Pakistan’s Individual Member herself! Mr Asif Ashraf, Green School focal person has also been very helpful. Beaconhouse School System North Nazimabad Cambridge headed by Ms Zohra Talat Inam has a very devoted team, namely focal person Ms Rafiah Mudassir who has been very instrumental. She has shown to be the driving force by taking forth all Green School proposed activities and initiatives. This branch signed on September 29, 2011 and currently has the highest registrations with 103 Green Students on board.
