Pain as relates to Jesus´ Cross


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  • 7/30/2019 Pain as relates to Jesus Cross


    Paula and Rosa were two loving friends, loving in all ramifications of what true love entails. They

    were always there for each other, believed and trusted each other, true and open to each other, shared

    things together and really knew each other very well. At first encounter with them one would readily

    call them sisters. People do admire the true way they love each other. Paula has a boyfriend, Ramsey.

    Ramsey was one of those who really do admire the friendship of Paula and Rosa, and he respected

    them for their true friendship and was just at home with both of them.

    This day Paula went for outing with Ramsey and was at the close of the day offended by a slight

    negligence of behavior from Ramsey. She felt really offended, sad and disappointed. On sharing her

    painful feelings with Rosa, a little argument ensued which led to Paula, for the first time, slapping

    Rosa, but Rosa never retaliated rather she chose to leave the scene. Early before now Paula had been

    nursing this dangerous feeling of jealousy and being somehow suspicious of Rosa. Because of those

    pains within, she chose at the cause of this slight argument to slap Rosa.

    They both took time to reflect about the incidence. Paula felt really bad for having done such a thing to

    her best friend and picked up the courage to apologize. Rosa felt sorry for her friend, when she

    discovered that her friend must have been suspicious of her. Paulas thought was on how she could

    make it up with her best friend, while Rosas was on how she could help her best friend. On sighting

    Paula the following day, Rosa ran up to her. Before she could say a word, Paula began apologizing,

    but Rosa cut her short with this words: It is okey, Paula. I understand. You are my best friend and

    will continue to be my best friend. Trust me, for I would never think of betraying you nor doing

    anything whatsoever that would jeopardize our friendship, not even Ramsey. At that instance Paula

    began to cry. Rosa embraced her and they were both happy again.

    For Jesus, if anyone want to be his disciple, his follower, the person must deny herself (forget ones

    self, forget ones self-worth, self-importance, pride; lose sight of ones self and ones own interests)

    and take up her cross (her pains pains of disappointment, of belittling, betrayed, disowned, ofrejection, neglected, of unloved, nothingness) and follow him who made himself as an example. For

    anyone who wants to save his life (considering herself to be untouchable, powerful, influential, proud)

    will lose it; but anyone who loses his life for my sake, and the sake of the gospel (for the sake of

    Humility, Authenticity, Freedom, Truth, and Love) will save it.

    God give me the serenity to accept what I cannot change; the courage to change what are within

    my power to change; and the wisdom to know the difference.
