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Invitation to the

Graduation Cere-




From Sue Dunna-


Summer Fair 2018

PTA News

Art and Design Ex-


Art at Mougins


Mougins School


Volume 7 May 2018


takes pleasure in inviting you to attend the

Graduation Ceremony and End of Year Farewell

On Friday 29th June at 18h30

Followed by cocktails

Guest of Honour

Madame Fleur Frison Roche – Adjoint à l’Enseignement


End of Year Special Awards

Coupe de Ville de Mougins

Musée de l’Art Classique de Mougins Award

Alex Mauclet Design Award

Wellesley College Book Award

COVICO High Flyer Award

The Bluewater Music Awards

The Bob Lagarde Sports Awards

615 Avenue Dr Maurice Donat Tel: 04 93 90 15 47

06250 Mougins


615, Ave Dr Maurice Donat, CS 12180, 06252 Mougins Cédex—France

Tel.: +33 (0) 4 93 90 15 47 - Fax: +33 (0) 4 93 75 31 40

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National Mathematics Challenge UK

On 26th April, Mrs Mc Donnell’s Year 8 class (20 pupils present) took part in the UK National Junior Mathematics Chal-lenge. The top 40% in the competition are awarded certificates. It was pleasing to see again that Mougins School achieved 10 Certificates: 1 Gold, 6 Silver and 3 Bronze as follows:

Tom Adam (Gold)

David Henfield (Silver)

Zac Wolff-Petersen (Silver)

Valentijn Simons (Silver)

Sacha Redding (Silver)

Selyan Chicco (Silver)

Anton Gorelov (Silver)

Ema Stromcekova (Bronze)

Joshua Johnson (Bronze)

Alex Filippini (Bronze)

Congratulations to all concerned!

A Star on the Slopes

Congratulations also to Alexia Redding-Hoet in Form 7a who recently became the Belgian Giant Slalom champion for her age category and overall 8th in France.

Medical Forms

On entry into Mougins School, most par-ents provide a full medical history of their children using the Medical Form provided by the School. Some parents still need to do this for the welfare of their children.

Dear Parents and Students,

Towards the End of the School Year

Following a series of public holidays this month, we are now on a straight run through until the end of the school year in just five weeks’ time.

End of Year Assemblies and Prize Givings

There have been some minor changes in the dates for the end of term celebrations from those published in the Family Guide at the beginning of the year. Please make a careful note of the assemblies that con-cern you:

Monday 25th June at 09h00 Early Years and Reception

Monday 25th June at 10h00 Forms 1, 2 and 3

Tuesday 26th June at 09h00 Forms 4 and 5

Tuesday 26th June at 10h45 Form 6

Friday 29th June at 10h30 Second-ary School Forms 7 to 12

Friday 29th June at 18h30 Gradua-tion Form 13 and End of Term Farewell for all Families

Internal Examinations

The internal end of year examinations for Forms 7 to 10 will begin on Wednesday 6th June and finish on Friday 15th June. It is essential that students are present for their examinations throughout this period to enable staff to give accurate feedback on students’ progress.

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Also every 2/3 years, a full physical ex-amination given by your doctor is neces-sary to keep these records updated. This will ensure that any problems with vac-cinations, hearing or eyesight are detect-ed at an early age. It is also essential that parents inform the School if their child has any known allergies and the details of these allergies. Nurse Marian will have sent out new forms to all con-cerned by the end of June.

Please update and return the form for September 2018. Feel free to contact Nurse Marian if you have any questions.

End of Term

The end of the school year is on Friday 29th June at 12h00. There are then 9 weeks of summer vacation, so please do not leave early. The end of term is al-ways a special time and it is sad when students are not part of the celebrations and atmosphere. Summer Term reports will be distributed on the last day with our final newsletter.

There are many events in the calendar between now and the end of term – PTA Summer Fair, musical and theatrical performances etc, and so I look forward to seeing you at these events.

Kindest regards,

Brian G. Hickmore


From Sue Dunnachie

On the front page of this Newsletter you will find an invitation to the Graduation Cere-mony and End of Year Farewell which takes place on Friday 29th June at 18h30. The Ceremony will finish around 20h00 and is followed by cocktails. It in-cludes End of Year Special Awards to Sec-ondary students. All our parents are wel-come to join us for this opportunity to con-gratulate our departing students and say a fond farewell to friends. Respecting our en-vironment, we will not be sending these in-vitations in paper form.

Are you interested in theatre and musicals? Do you have some spare time? Would you like to support our talented students? Un-fortunately Clare Daniels, who has been in-volved in behind the scenes work on several of the School productions including make-up and re-organising our theatrical materi-al, will no longer be able to undertake this role and we are looking for someone who might wish to step into her shoes. If you would like to know what this involves please send me a mail and I would be delighted to get back to you: or pop in and see me.

A request from the heart for clothing for a family with no financial means, supporting the generous work carried out by our octo-genarian grannie, Madame Gentil. If you have any clothes suitable for a boy 0-2 years and a girl 2-3 years. Please drop them off in my office. Thank you in advance.

If your child does not appear at the end of the day with adequate clothing please check the Lost Property in the Administration Building, once again overflowing. All cloth-ing left in School at the end of the year will go to a charitable cause.

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PTA News

Big Upcoming events:

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Last PTA meeting of the Year - 24th May 2018, Café Des Amis

At this meeting, a vote will take place to fill any PTA Committee positions which will be vacant at the end of this school year.

Should you wish to apply, please email:

The PTA is an integral part of school life, with its support both enhancing the life of your children, and providing social activi-ties for parents. We look forward to seeing you May 24th.

Summary of other upcoming events (As listed on PTA News letter):

May 27 (Sunday). HIKING CLUB . Time

and location: TBD (contact: hiking@mo

June 1 (Friday). LADIES NIGHT OUT (dinner time). Lo-cation:TBD (contact:

June 21 (Thurs) PTA Coffee Mor-ning. Manoir de l’Etang. Time: 9am Please RSVP by June 18th to

Last, but definitely not least…

A MASSIVE thank you to everyone who helped out at the Primary Sport day re-freshment stand. Because of all of you, it ran smoothly and easily.

The Just Rose Festival, 6th May was a suc-cessful trip.

See photo. A fun group and fun day!

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Alexandra Savelyeva Form 10

'Student's in year 5 and 6 have been enjoying their Art and craft club. This term they are spray painting and knitting! Well done girls! (Boys welcome too!)' Miss Kench

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Erin Cooke—Form 11

Michelle Blunier—Form 11

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Mikaël Desbordes—Form 10

Alexandra Panesh—Form 11 Hannah Renar—Form 11

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