Page 12015-12-8 Presentation Chapter 9 Check-out Service


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page 123/4/21 Presentation

Chapter 9Check-out Service

page 223/4/21 Presentation

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• Part I Dialogues

• Part II Vocabulary Study

• Part III Listening and Speaking

• Part IV Practical Writing

• Part V Feature Reading

page 1023/4/21 Presentation

Dialogue 1 Paying the Bill in Cash

Context: A man guest comes to the Front Desk to check out.

Pre-listening questions:

1) How many nights has the guest stayed at the hotel?

2) How much service charge must the guest pay to the hotel ?

Staff: Good morning. May I help you?

Guest: I’d like to pay my bill now.

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Staff: Can I get your name and room number, please?Guest: John Walker. Room 4016.Staff: Yes, Mr. John Walker. You checked in three days ago on the afternoon of March 19,did’you ?Guest: Yes.Staff: And when are you leaving?Guest: Right after lunch.Staff: So you’ll check out before 12:00?Guest: Yes, exactly.Staff: Just a moment, please. I’ll print the bill for you… Sorry to have kept you waiting. Here you are. This is your bill,RMB1,980,including 10 percent service charge. Please check it.Guest: OK. Oh, that’s right.

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Staff: You have pay an advance deposit of RMB2,500,

haven’t you?

Guest: Yes, here is the receipt.

Staff: Thank you. This is your invoice and your charge

RMB520.Count it, please.

Guest: That’s quite all right. Goodbye.

Staff: We hope you’ll enjoy your trip, Mr. Walker.


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Dialogue 2 Exchanging Foreign Currencies

Context: Ms. Clarke checks out at the Cashier. The clerk

exchange her US dollars into RMB.

Pre-listening questions:

1) What is today’s exchange rate?

2) What does the clerk ask the guest to sign her name on?

Staff: Good morning ,madam. May I help you?

Guest: Good morning ,I’m leaving today. May I settle

my bill now?

page 1423/4/21 Presentation

Staff: May I have your name and room number, please?

Guest: Mary Clarke in Room 1208.

Staff: One moment will I print your bill. …Sorry to have

kept you waiting, Ms. Clarke. Here is your bill,


Guest: Do you accept US dollars?

Staff: I’m sorry we don’t, but we do offer exchange service.

Guest: Could you change some US dollars for me?

Staff: No problem, madam.

Guest: What’s today’s exchange rate for US dollars?

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Staff: According to today’s exchange rate,100 US dollars is an equivalent of RMB 823. How much would you like to change?Guest: Four hundred dollars. Here you are.Staff: Would you please show me your passport?Guest: Yes, here it is.Staff: Thank you. Please fill in this exchange memo and sign your name on it.Guest: I’ll take care of it. …Is that all right?Staff: Yes, here is the change and your invoice. Keep this exchange memo.Guest: Thank for your help. Goodbye.Staff: Goodbye, Ms. Clarke. We hope you’ll have a good journey.

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Context: A guest pays his bill by credit card.

Pre-listening questions:

1)What is a guest folio?

2)What does the clerk do with the guest credit card?

Dialogue 3 Paying the Bill by Bank Credit Card

Guest: I’d like to check out, please.

Staff: May I know your name and room number, sir?

Guest: I’m Mr. Johnston. Room 1608.

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Staff: Yes. Have you used the mini bar or other service

this morning?

Guest: I didn’t used the mini bar ,and I pay cash for my


Staff: OK, Mr. Johnston. One moment while I check the

folio. Your bill totals RMB 1,820. Here you are .

Have a check, please.

Guest: Correct. But I don’t have enough cash for it.

May I pay by my credit card?

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Staff: Yes, we do accept some major credit cards. What card do you have?Guest: Visa Card.Staff: Fine. Let me take an imprint of it.Guest: Here it is.Staff: Thanks. Just a moment. …Please sign your name on the print, Mr. Johnston.Guest: OK. Here you are.Staff: Thank you . Please take your credit card and keep the receipt.

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Context: A guest pays his bill in his traveler’s check.

Pre-listening questions:

1)What charge does the guest’s bill include?

2)What does the clerk give to the guest after settling the payment?

Dialogue 4 Paying the Bill in Traveler’s


Staff: Good morning. Can I help you?

Guest: I’d like to check out. The name is Jeffery Dick.

Staff: Excuse me, were you in Room 2216?

Guest: That’s right. May I see the bill?

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Staff: Yes, it totals RMB 3,020. Please have a check.

Guest: OK.

Staff: We charge you for the rate of the room, room

service, laundry and drinks. Is that all right,

Mr. Dick?

Guest: Yes, I don’t see there is any problem with it.

Staff: How would you like to pay your bill?

Guest: In my traveler’s check.

Staff: Fine.

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Guest: Can you tell me the exchange rate of US

dollars for traveler’s checks?

Staff: It’s RMB 820 against 100 US dollars. May I see

your passport, please?

Guest: Here you are.

Staff: Please sign your name on the traveler’s check

and sign again on the memo.

Guest: OK.

Staff: Here is your invoice. And this is the exchange


Guest: Thank you. Goodbye.

Staff: We hope you’ll come again, Mr. dick. Have a nice

trip. Goodbye.

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Dialogue 5 Settling a Check-out DisputeContext: A guest checks out at the Cashier. The clerk corrects the mistake in the bill.

Pre-listening questions:

1) What is the mistake in the guest’s bill?

2) How does the clerk apologize to the guest?

Staff: Good morning. How may I help you?

Guest: I’d like to check out, please.

Staff: May I have your room number, please?

Guest: 2345.

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Staff: Oh, Mr. Smith. One moment please while I print out your bill.Guest: (Looks over the bill) Hmm…, I thought the rate was RMB 600 per night. What’s this charge of RMB 30?Staff: Oh, that’s the 15 percent F&B service charge.Guest: OK. And this shows that I have a RMB 37.50 minibar bill . I didn’t use the minibar.Staff: Oh, I’m terribly sorry. This must be a mistake. I’ll correct it for you right away. Do you want to put your charges on this card?Guest: Yes.

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Staff: Please sign your name here.Guest: Here you are.Staff: Thanks. Here is your copy, Mr. Smith. I hope you enjoyed your stay with us.

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Vocabulary StudyCheck-out

Print the bill

Service charge

Deposit n.

Receipt n.

Invoice n.

Currency n.

Settle the bill

Exchange memo

Equivalent n.










等同物 ,等价物

page 2623/4/21 Presentation

Exchange memo

Minibar n.

Folio n.

Total v.

Imprint n.

Traveler’s check

Room service

Laundry n.

Dispute n.


(外币兑换 )水单

迷你吧 (客房酒吧 ;客房小冰箱 )


总计 ,合计




付 (待 )洗衣物 ,已洗衣物

争议 ,纠纷

餐饮 (food and beverage)

page 2723/4/21 Presentation

Exercise 1:

Match the expressions on the left with the best meaning

on the right.






a. Something else that has same


b. To reach a particular number or

amount of things

c. Money in the form of coins or


d. clothes,sheets etc. that need to be


e. A written statement

page 2823/4/21 Presentation

Exercise 2:

Complete the following with words or expressions

from the dialogues.

1. Departure procedures include presenting the guest

f-----,securing the room key and updating the

room’s status.

2. Your bill totals RMB 1,800,including 15% service


3. Hotels change foreign c--------according to the

exchange rate.

4. When a guest c------ ------and settle his or her

account, the front desk agent should exchange the

room status information.

page 2923/4/21 Presentation

5.An experienced front desk agent is capable

of dealing with check-in d--------.

page 3023/4/21 Presentation

1. Functional Sentences


Are you leaving today?

You arrived on March 21 and the departure date is March 24,is it correct?

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Have you this morning?

used the minibar

Had your breakfast in the hotel restaurant

Used any room facilities

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Here’s your bill to check and see if there’s any


That’s will be RMB 2,400.

The total amount is RMB 3,600.

We had to charge you for the room service.

That’s for the taxi you called to the theater.

Sorry, sir. I do apologize for any mistake.

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pay your bill? In cash,

by checks or credit cards?

How do you wish to

How would you like to

What is your idea to

What’s your way to

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What kind of credit card do you have?

What credit card is it?

Do you have a bank debit card?

I’m sorry, we don’t accept personal checks.

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We do offer exchange service.

According to today’s exchange rate,100 US dollars is an equivalent of RMB 823.How would you like to change?

Would you please show me your passport?

Thank you. Please fill in this exchange memo and sign your name on it.

Yes, here is the change and your invoice. Keep this exchange memo.

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Here’s your receipt.

Here’s the money you overpaid.

Would you like to sign here?

I’ll need your signature here, please.


I hope you have enjoyed your stay with us.

Wish you a pleasant trip back home.

Bon voyage!

We look forward to seeing you again.

page 3723/4/21 Presentation

2. Answer the following questionsa. What would you say if you want to know the guest’s

name and room number?b. What would you say if the guest leaves after the

12:00 noon check-out time?

c. What would you say when checking for late charges?

d. What would be said when you are giving the master accounts or folios to the guest for his or her inspection?

e. What would you say to the guest when asking for ways of paying the bill?

f. Before the guest leaves after settling his or her account, what would you say?

page 3823/4/21 Presentation

Exercise 1: Listen to the short dialogues.

Fill in the blanks. Then practice with your partner.

Dialogue 1

Staff: Good morning. ?

Guest: Good morning. I’d like to .Staff: your name and room number, please?Guest: Yes, .Room .

page 3923/4/21 Presentation

Dialogue 2Staff: Mr. Bachran?Guest: Yes,I used the minibar. I drank a can of Perrier.Staff: All right . …Here you are, sir. , including .please check. Guest: Uh, yes. …That’s correct.

Dialogue 3Staff: Please the bill and is any mistake.Guest: I’ll examine it.RMB930 for the taxi. that’s real a surprise!Staff: to you. You by the day for two days but one evening you went to see an opera. The a taxi is RMB 400 per day.

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Dialogue 4Staff: So you’ll check out ?Guest: Yes, I will.Staff: .This is your bill.Guest: RMB .Correct. Do you accept Euro dollars?Staff: ,but we .

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Dialogue 5Guest: Could you change some American dollars for me?Staff: Certainly, sir. ?Guest: One thousand dollars. What is the for American currency today?Staff: According to the present rate, it’s .Dialogue 6Staff: When checking in, you said you would .Guest: Yes, here is my . Staff: Let me ,please. …Oh, here is your card and the receipt. We hope .Guest: Thank you. Goodbye.

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Exercise 2: Listen and fill in the missing information.

Address: South Shanghai Road


Fax: (021)22221111


Evergreen Hotel

Name Mr/Mrs

Arrive date: 10/23/04

Departure date: 10/26/04

No. in party: 1

Room No.:

Rate RMB 500

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Date Item Description Debit Credit10/23/04 1 Deposit 10/23/04 1 Room 50010/23/04 1 Pay TV 8010/24/04 1 Room 50010/24/04 1 minibar 6010/25/04 1 Room 500

Amount to be settled by guest 1,640Service charge Cash Balance

page 4423/4/21 Presentation

Exercise 3:Listen and fill in the blanks.Staff: Good morning, sir. May I help you?Guest: Good morning. I’m leaving today. May I now?Staff: ,please?Guest: .Staff: Did you have your breakfast?Guest: Yes, but I paid in cash.Staff: Have you ?Guest: No.Staff: Just a moment, please. , …Sorry to have kept you waiting. Here is your bill, in all, including .Please have a check.Guest: Well, that’s correct.

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Staff: You have paid a ,haven’t you?Guest: Yes, here is the receipt.Staff: Thank you. Here is and this is the .Count, please.Guest: It’s quite all right. Thank you. Staff: You’re welcome. We .

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Exercise 4: Complete the dialogue orally with the

Chinese prompts.Staff: Good morning, madam. ( 请 问有何吩咐 ?)Guest: Good morning. I’m Sherry Gordon in Room 1106.I’d like to check out now.Staff: ( 请问您今天使 用过饭店服务吗 , )Ms. Gordon?Guest: Yes, I used the minibar. I drank a can of Tsingtao Beer.Staff: ( 我为您打印 帐单 , 请稍候 .) …Sorry to have kept you waiting. Here you aer, madam. ( 总共人民币 2,680 元 .) Guest: I’m sorry, what is this for?Staff: ( 这是您在客房内上网的费用 .)

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Guest: What? I did try to log on to the Net last night, but

failed. Why do I need to pay for that?

Staff: I’m sorry, madam. ( 我

需要解释一下 .)A local call fee is charged whether

or not you can get on the Internet, because you

used telephone to access the Net.

Guest: Oh, I see. Can I pay the bill now?Staff: Yes. ( 这是您的发票 ,) Ms. Gordon.Guest: Thank you. Goodbye.Staff: ( 希望您在我们饭店过 得愉快 .)Have a nice trip. Goodbye.

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Exercise 5: Role Play

一位客人来到收银处 (cashier) ,要求将 200 美元兑换成人民币。请按当日国家公布的外汇牌价( foreign exchange rate )为客人兑换外币。

一位客人在前台退房。前台被告知房间内有两条浴巾( bath towel )不见了。


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Collection Letter


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Evergreen Hotel

666 Highway Shanghai 200000 ( 0210 ) 1234-5678

April5 , 2005

Mr. James Carter, Accounts Payable

Maple Travel Service

555 Zhangjiang Road

Nanjing,Jiangsu Province 21000

Dear Jim,

The following item totaling RMB 6,000 is open on your account.

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Voucher #3311

Voucher #3311, dated March 20, indicates that it is the gross payment for invoice #12345.However, the voucher was only for RMB 5,500, while the invoice amount was RMB 6,000.

Please send a check for RMB 500 to clear this item.

Sincerely yours,Vestry Feng Vestry FengCredit Representative

Cc:Weiliang Lee,Credit Manager

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• Exercise: Write a collection letter

for the following situation. An RMB 2,900 bill for the Voucher #8654 is three months overdue. You sent a reminder two months ago but nothing happened, and you have been too busy since then to write or phone.

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Reservation Operations

Pre-reading questions:

1) What do computer do for hotel check-out clerks?

2) What are the strong points of the computer check-out system?

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The hotel computer system greatly helps to make

the guest check-out work less tiring. It takes only

seconds to print an accurate, neat and complete

guest folio, making the bill easier for the guest to


The computer system also helps to reduce the check-out queue, which is a common complaint found in many hotels. The system offers automatic foreign currency exchange, a constant check of credit limits, and an automatic verification of company account status.

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A fully automatic in-room check-out system is interfaced to an on-line credit card computer system which offers fast service to the guest. Therefore, the guest can see their updated account on their television screen. If, at the end of the guest’s stay, the bill is accepted as being correct, then all the guest has to do is to decide on the method of payment and the amount. The guest may have them ready when they check out at the front desk. If the guest is paying by credit card or sending their account to the company, they can sign an in-room “express check-out” card, indicating that they agree with the bill. They may simply place it in the sealed box at the reception.

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The check-out system has now been extended with

the use of an automatic voice response. The guest-room

telephone is interfaced to the front office computer

system. By a single telephone call the guest can provide

information as to their special requests, as well as give

directions as tto their check-out procedure.

At the point of check-out, the cashier can know

whether or not the guest would like another booking at

the hotel for a later date, or a booking at a sister hotel. In

this way, the guest is given an increased service. At the

same time that helps increase hotel occupancy. It is also

possible to make transfers to city ledger electronically.

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Exercise 1:Put the following into Chinese.

Interface Foreign currency exchange

Updated account

Computer system

Express check-out

Transfer Method of payment

Credit limit Guest folio Company account

Ledger Check-out


Account status

Automatic voice response

Hotel occupancy

page 5823/4/21 Presentation

Exercise 2: Multiple Choices.1.A computer system is an indispensable part of

a modern hotel in that it can help the hotel a lot to make the check-out work less tiring.

a. Make clear the updated account of the


b. Reduce the check-out queue

c. Decide the payment method of guest’s


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2. With the help of the automatic check-out system, the guest of a hotel can get the foreign currency exchange.

a. Decide whether to move to another hotel

b. Verify a company account

c. Get the payment ready before check out at the front desk

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3. The check-out system has now been extended with the use of an automatic voice response.

a. Special request directly from the guest

b. A direct phone from the guest room to the front desk

c. The directions of the guest as to their check0out procedure

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4. The hotel computer system can provide the guest with fast and convenient service in that it is usually interfaced to an online credit card computer system.

a. The city ledger

b. The front office computer of the hotel

c. An automatic voice response