P2A5SHPMy daughter is sick.Miriam Chavez


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Mom: Hi, good morning as amaneciste daughter.

Daughter: Hello, good morning mom. i feel a little sick, my head hurt and I think I have a fever. today do not think I can go to school.

Mom: Should you go to the doctor. To prescribe you some medicine.

Daughter: My friend told me about Alondra morning to ask if I would go to school I digested that I felt a little sick she said, "You Should take an aspirin", but I think your advice is better Should I go with the doctor.

Mom: Should also notify your school principal that you can not go today because you feel bad.

Daughter: That's a very good idea mom. you're right I'll do that.

Miriam Soraida Chavez Rodriguez 3”A”