Oxley Memorial Library of Queensland246287/Qld_heritage_v2_no...BARKER, Bryce Thompson Diary ......


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Oxley Memorial Library of Queensland

BATEMAN, Alfred E.Stanthorpe, its early history and some reminiscences; copy oforiginal manuscript held by Bateman family.


BElT FAMILYLetters, 1859-1910, of Beit family of Drayton. Donated byMr. N. A. McPhie.

BIBLEUsed at swearing-in of first Nicklin-Morris Ministry, 12August, 1957. Donated by Mr. K. Spann, Under Secretary,Premier's DepartmenL

received by donation, between March 1972 and February 1973.

BARKER, Bryce ThompsonDiary for 1856 and undated plan of Tarong Station.by courtesy of Miss M. C. Clapperton.

A selection of material

AHERN, Michael JohnMaterial relating to 1972 Landsborough state by-election.Donated by Mr. M. J. Ahern, M.L.A.

ANNING, HarryTyped copy of reminiscences "Thirty years ago", 1928.Received from Mr. Lambert Wilson.

APPEL, John GeorgeCopies of letters, 1925-26. Donated by M. Armour.

AUSTRALIAN MILITARY FORCESNotebook, undated, with list of English and Japanese words.Donated by Mr. F. S. Colliver.

BANCROFT, JosephLetterbook, 1887-91, reporting on sanitary conditions ofBrisbane buildings and properties. Donated by Dr. H. G.Wilson for the late Mr. H. A. Woodhead.

Page Thirty-four Queensland Heritage

BOWEN, Sir George FergusonCopies of correspondence, letters of appointment and presscuttings, 1841-93, made by courtesy of Miss G. Ca~p~ell,Hon. Secretary, Queensland Women's Historical AssoCiatton.



Records, mainly members' passbooks and general accountsbooks, 1887-1905. Donated by Miss J. Dunn.

BRISBANE INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SERVICEMinutes, letter books, annual reports and other records,1960-71. Donated by Mr. R. A. Clelland.

BRISBANE SCHOOL OF ARTSMinute books, 1866-1912, and letter book, 1876-1903.Donated by Mr. R. J. Linnett.

CHAMBERS, E. W.Papers, cuttings, and photographs, 1913-71, relating to thehistory of wireless in Australia. Presented by Mr. E. W.Chambers.

FELDT, Eric AugustusPhotographs, commissions and other papers, 1913-47. Donatedby Mrs. N. L. Feldt.

FITZGERALD, PaulaElfin House, Bribie Island; manuscript poem, 1955. Donatedby Miss Frances Dunbar. .,

GOVETT, GeorgeReproduction of lithographs, copies of letters, notes and presscuttings, 1823-45. Donated by Mr. C. N. Govett.

GREEN, Percy"I am evergreen", hand-set and printed on hand-press byauthor. Donated by Mr. K. R. Green.

HANSEN, W. F. D.Queensland Government Savings Bank passbook, 1905-10,and Royal Bank of Queensland receipt, 1892. Donated byMr. Hansen.

HARDING STEWARD, E., Major-GeneralCopies of memoranda, 1884, to Colonial Secretary, Brisbane,with reference to defences of the colony based on projectedattack in 1878 by a Russian fleet on Australian ports.

HENDERSON, John BrownlieTestimonials, record of training and experience, and certificateissued by Grand Lodge of Scotland. Donated by Mr. PeterHenderson. .

HERBERT, Sir Robert George WyndhamLetters, 1881-99. Copies made by courtesy of Miss G.Campbell, Hon. Secretary, Queensland Women's HistoricalAssociation.

HEWITT, Neville T. E.Press statements, speeches, articles, and itineraries, 1969-73.Donated by Hon. Neville Hewitt.

HILL, ErnestineLetters, 1917-22, to Mr. Timothy Keleher. Donated by Mrs.E. E. Keleher.

HOBLER FAMILYGenealogical charts, compo 1972; copies of diaries and notes,1867-9. Donated by Mr. A. E. Creelman.

JENKYN FAMILYLetters of appointment to various religious offices of Rev.Thomas Lewis Harris Jenkyn 1885-1922; also business papers1933-68 of Thomas Thornhill Jenkyn, Stockbroker. Donatedby Mrs. T. T. Jenkyn.

KNIGHT, J. J.Brisbane; a historical sketch of the capital of Queensland,1897. Donated by Miss S. Forster.

LITTLE, James J.Copies of poems, 1887, written on the gunboat Gayundah.Donated by Mr. WI. Bourne.

LUCAS, Llywelyn .Letters received, 1955-67. Donated by Mrs. L. Curtts.

LUTTRELL, G.Reminiscences of the Royal Historical Society of Queensland.Donated by Miss G. Luttrell.

McFARLANE FAMILYPapers and photographs, 1830-1918. Donated by Mrs. G.McFarlane.

NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF REALIST WRITERS' GROUPSManuscript minutes, reports and letters, 1964-72. Donatedby Mr. W. Sutton, by courtesy of Mr. A. A. Morrison.

NUDGEE PROGRESS ASSOCIATIONMinutes, reports, correspondence, accounts and other records,1929, 1948-68. Donated by Mrs. M. Shaw.

OGG, MargaretChristmas card signed by Margaret Ogg, with lines by ErnestBriggs. Donated by Miss F. Dunbar.

QUEENSLANDRoyal Commission and Committee of Inquiry reports datingback to 1906. Donated by Premier's Department.

QUEENSLAND. Home Secretary's DepartmentAnnual reports of the Dunwich Benevolent Asylum, 1920,1922-25. Donated by the Public Service Commissioner'sDepartment.

QUEENSLAND. University. Alumni AssociationLetters, circulars, pamphlets and other papers, 1971-72, re­lating to the work of the Association. Donated by Mr. J. C.H. Gill.

PITT, R. B.Manuscript diary 24th November, 1888 to 29th June, 1889,kept by Mr. Pitt while droving sheep from Silverton, N.S.W.,to Windorah, Q'ld., via Paroo River, Hungerford, BullooRiver and Cooper's Creek. Donated by Mrs. W. G. Pitt.

REALIST WRITERS' GROUP, BrisbaneCorrespondence, invitations, programmes, etc., 1962-71.Donated by Mr. W. Sutton, received from Mr. A. A. Morrison.

SISTERS OF PERPETUAL ADORATION, BrisbaneCopies of letters and writings of Father Julian Tenison Woods;letters from Sister Mary Stanislaus and other Sisters in con­nection with work of the Order; articles about Father TenisonWoods collected by the Sisters, 1871-1922. Donated by theSisters of Perpetual Adoration.

SKYRING, Ellis HarveyPapers and photographs, 1905-72, relating mainly to hiscareer with Queensland Government Railways. Donated byMr. E. H. Skyring.

STEVENS, John F.Papers, 1943-72, relative to history of Cooper's PlainsCemetery and typescript on Dr. Stephen Simpson, CrownLand CommIssioner in Queensland. Donated by Mr. J. F.Stevens.

SULLIVAN, MartinCollected papers, 1936-41; 1966-71, consisting mainly of thepapers of George Cuthbert Taylor, M.L.A. Donated by Mr.M. Sullivan.

WALL, G. D.Port development in Queensland; three volume manuscript.Donated by Captain Wall.

WILLIAMS, Harold S.Copies of papers, 1830-1972, on Antoine Fauchery. Donatedby Mr. H. S. Williams.

Queensland Heritage Page Thirty-five

YOUNG, EustonLetter, 3 March, 1972. from Euston Young to the editor ofQueensland Country Life. Donated by Mr. Wallace Skelsey.

SWAIN, Edward Harold FulcherSelection from papers of, and biographical material on E. H.F. Swain from original records. Donated by Mrs. Nancy Foote.

PAINTINGS included :

BUCKBERRY, A.Painting of Tuesley's Jetty ·and Kiosk, Southport, 1920.Donated by the artist, now Mrs. A. Timmins.

DESCHAMPS, J-Oil painting of Scott's Point, Redcliffe, 1903. Donated byMrs. Beryl Harris.

HIRST, C. E. S.Watercolour of Jerristown, the farmstead of Mr. John Camp­bell at Laidley Creek, painted in 1873. Donated by Mrs. ].Walton and Mrs. Campbell.

McKENZIE, M."For every hour" watercolour by Ida McKenzie - Femalefashions.Oil painting - J. H. Jarrott's "Bill'.Oil painting - G. P. Rodgers' "Pellow".Donated by Mr. M. McKenzie.

MORCOM, EnidOil painting by E. Morcom - "The Rocks Road Oxley".c.1909 Framed).Oil painting by Enid Morcom - "The tennis court andcroquet lawn, and Miss Kate's house, Duporth, Oxley.c.1909 (Framed).Donated by Miss E. Morcom.

SISTERS OF PERPETUAL ADORATION, BrisbaneAlbum containing pastel sketches; originally belonged to MissBort, Gympie. Donated by the Sisters of Perpetual Adoration.

TEBBUTT, H.Watercolour of Brisbane River, painted from Hamilton look­ing west, ca.1899. Donated by Mr. A. J. Pixley.

WATSON, E. S.Material relating to E. S. Watson:1 Watercolour.1 framed etching - River Road, Toowong.15 Newspaper cuttings and cutting from Australian Fruit­grower, May 20, 1931: (p.36). The Christmas Lyre, no.13,Xmas Eve, 1924.Gloom, Feb. 15, 1925.14 Unframed orig. Etchings.30 Pen and Pencil Sketches.2 Books Pen and Pencil Sketches.1 photo of etching of Mr. Cumbrae Stuart.3 Woodcuts.1 reproduction of etching.Pencil sketch of Victoria Bridge, by E. S. W.Newspaper cuttings and reprints of cartoons, etc. by E. S. W.1 pen drawing (cartoon) by E. S. Watson.42 bookplates, 3 pamphlets reI. to bookplates.Certificate of copyright of "Cracow" illus.1 etching of late Archbishop Duhig.Donated by Messrs. A. S. and L. S. Watson.

WINTONPen sketches by Kearton. Donated by Mrs. Beryl Harris.


Captain John Boyland and Mrs. Boyland. Copied fromoriginals held by Mr. J. L. Boyland.Artesian bores. Donated by Mr. F. S. Colliver.Mt. Morgan Chronicle, printed in gold, 1905; Mt. Morganmines and views, 1905. Donated by A. M. Craig.Album of views of Mt. Isa Mines. Donated by J. Dunn.W. Hamilton, Chief Inspector of Fisheries. Donated by J.Dunn.William Dun, King of Cootharaba. Donated by Mr. V. Dunn.Grandsons of John Clarke Foote. Donated by Mrs. H. O.Foote.E. H. F. Swain, ca.1945. Copied from original lent by Mrs.S. Foote.Pastor J. G. Haussman. Copied from original lent by Mr.J. c. H. Gill."Cliveden", Red Cross Home. Donated by Mr. P. Henderson."Herberton, 1880", reproduction of painting in the Rex NanKivell Collection. Donated by Mr. I. Graham.Isisford views, ca.1918. Copies of originals held by Mrs. R.Huth.Pimpama. Copied from originals held by Mrs. H. Holst.Queensland views. Donated by Mrs. H. Holst.Fassifern district views, 1903-04. Copied from booklet lentby Mrs. H. Holst.State Library Building, 1958. Donated by Mr. E. Butt.Resiting of Burnett Heads lighthouse. Donated by Mrs. B. J.Klein.McFarlane family. Copied from originals lent by Mrs. J.McFarlane.Queensland towns; Relief of Mafeking; St. John's Cathedral.Donated by Mr. M. McKenzie.Ships "Eva" and "Ferret". Donated by Dr. Rod. McLeod.Historic Brisbane buildings. Donated by Royal AustralianInstitute of Architects, Queensland Chapter.King George Square reconstruction. Donated by Mr. M.O'Brien.Taromeo Station. Copied from originals lent by Mrs. P.Palmes.Mr. George Phillips, 1907. Copied from original lent byD. Parkinson.Volunteers and constables drawn up in Albert Square. Donatedby C. N. Coxen.

Rockhampton, 1883-1918. Donated by Mrs. F. Christessen.New Guinea. Donated by Mr. A. Queale.Treasury and staff, 1870's-1920's. Copies donated by Mr. F.Hall.Reproduction of painting of Wurtenberg Farm by C. G. S.Hirst, 1880. Donated by Mr. I. Rohl.Tarong Station. Copied from photographs lent by Miss M. C.Clapperton.

Nancy Weir with Arthur Schnabel. Copied from original lentby Miss Weir.

"Endeavour" anchor, raised from Brisbane River, February,1972. Donated by Mr. P. D. Wilson.Assorted postcards donated by Mr. F. Hince.Bert Hinkler visiting Glennie Prep. School. Donated by MissA. M. Hinton.Album of views relating to Prickly Pear research by Mr. J. B.Henderson, former Government Analyst. Donated by Mr. P.Henderson.

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