Oxitec Dengue Mosquitos Genes V1 4D Information Pack2



Life Cycle of Aedes aegypti

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  • Dengue, Mosquitoes & GenesAn information pack toaccompany the Oxitec film



    Dengue Fever a growing problem

    Who is at risk?

    Why are they at risk?

    How can we treat it?

    Introducing Haedes and Aegypta: all about the Aedes aegypti mosquito

    Dining out with Aegypta: how and why do mosquitoes suck blood?

    How does the Aegypti mosquito transmit Dengue fever?

    Getting on top of the problem: how we can make life uncomfortable for Aegypta and friends

    Using genes to control insects: the Oxitec solution

    What exactly is a gene, and what is meant by genetics?

    Applying genetic modification to insect control: The Oxitec solution

    Using sterile insects for population control

    The Oxitec approach: genetic engineering of sterile insects

    How can we breed genetically sterile mosquitoes?

    Why genetic modification works

    More on the science: How does Oxitec make genetically modified insects?


















  • IntroductionWe hope you enjoy this short film about Dengue Fever and the Aedes aegypti mosquito.

    At Oxitec, were concerned about Dengue Fever because

    of the devastating impact it has on so many peoples

    lives, and because of the huge costs which Governments

    and communities must meet in order to try to control this

    dangerous disease. Thats why were using advanced

    science, and a process called genetic modification, to

    develop a new solution to the Dengue threat by

    targeting the mosquitoes which spread it.

    As you watch the video, we hope youll learn more about

    the Dengue Virus, about the mosquitoes which spread

    the disease, and about how Oxitecs cutting-edge

    solution is providing a new approach to controlling them.

    Weve designed this information pack to be a

    supplement to the video, and provide a helpful resource

    for anyone wanting to learn more about Dengue Fever,

    mosquitoes, and the Oxitec approach.

  • Dengue Fever -a growing problem

    Dengue Fever is a dangerous and debilitating disease,

    and its a growing threat to global health. Like Malaria,

    Dengue is spread by a bite from an infected mosquito

    (we call diseases of this type mosquito-borne).

    Although it is not usually fatal, Dengue Fever is an

    extremely serious disease. Dengue symptoms range from

    mild and flu-like to high fever, rash, severe headache,

    pain behind the eyes, muscle and joint pain. The joint

    pain can be so severe that Dengue has been given the

    name breakbone fever. Nausea, vomiting, and loss of

    appetite are also common. These symptoms can last for


    In the Film, youll hear from Hannah Strange and

    Professor Paul Reiter about the ordeal that they suffered

    when they contracted Dengue Fever. The experiences

    they describe are not uncommon.

    Unfortunately, for some patients, Dengue Fever can be

    even more dangerous. In the more severe form, known as

    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), blood vessels start to

    leak and the blood fails to clot, causing bleeding from

    the nose, mouth, and gums. Without prompt treatment,

    the blood vessels can collapse, causing a critical

    condition called Dengue Shock Syndrome. Ultimately,

    this can lead to fatality: about 25,000 people die from

    Dengue Fever every year.

    Hannah StrangeDengue Fever Sufferer

  • As well as pain and suffering for those people unfortunate enough to catch Dengue, the disease is also a serious financial

    burden for the Governments and communities which are struggling to cope with it. Governments spend a lot of money on

    efforts to control the spread of the Dengue mosquito, but these efforts are not very effective, as well hear about later. At

    the same time, the cost of looking after and treating people affected by Dengue can be huge both for Governments and

    the individuals concerned. Here are a few facts about the costs of dealing with Dengue:

    2.5bn people are now estimated to be at risk from


    Between 50-100 million people are infected each

    year, with around 25,000 deaths

    In the Americas, the average economic cost of

    Dengue fever is estimated at $2.1bn

    In the Americas and Asia, a study found that the

    average cost of each hospitalised case was $1,394

    The economic costs of Dengue can be of the same

    order of magnitude as those associated with

    Tubercolosis, sexually transmitted diseases

    (excluding HIV/AIDS), Chagas Disease and





  • After Malaria, Dengue Fever is the second most

    widespread mosquito-borne disease in the world. The

    World Health Organisations has estimated that between

    50 and 100 million people suffer from Dengue Fever

    each year: thats more than the population of the UK

    every year!

    Dengue is also the fastest-growing mosquito-borne

    disease. Since the 1970s, the number of countries

    experiencing Dengue outbreaks has grown from 9 to

    more than 100.

    Today, up to 40% of the worlds population, or 2.5 billion

    people, is thought to be at risk[1]. Dengue fever occurs in

    most tropical areas of the world. It is common in Asia,

    the Pacific, Australia, Latin America and the Caribbean

    and is continuing to spread. It has now reached North

    America. A recent Natural Defence Resource Council

    report shows that 28 US states are now at risk[2].

    [1] World Health Organisation Dengue Factsheet: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs117/en/index.html

    [2] Natural Resources Defence Council (2009) Fever Pitch: Mosquito-borne Dengue Fever Threat Spreading in the Americas http://www.nrdc.org/health/dengue/files/dengue.pdf

    The rapid spread of Dengue Fever is due to the global

    migration of the mosquitoes which spread the disease.

    The main culprit is Aedes aegypti, and youll hear more

    from these in the video! The mosquitoes eggs are

    extremely hardy: they can survive for months without

    water, allowing them to be transported all over the

    world, for example in used tyres and plant containers,

    before hatching and infesting a new area.

    In the video, youll hear from the scientist Professor Paul

    Reiter who explains how the Aedes aegypti mosquito has

    spread so rapidly around the world. The life-cycle of a

    mosquito is about 3 weeks from hatching, to adult, to

    reproduction. If each female can lay up to 500 eggs, as

    Professor Reiter explains, it is easy to see how quickly a

    new area can become infested!

    Who is at risk? Why are they at risk?

  • How can we treat it?

    There is currently no treatment for Dengue fever. One of

    the difficulties in developing an effective drug or vaccine

    to combat the virus is that Dengue Fever is actually

    caused by four different, but closely related, types of


    Scientists call these related viruses serotypes: the four

    Dengue serotypes are named DENV1, DENV2, DENV3

    and DENV4. When a person is infected by one of these

    serotypes, they develop life-long immunity to that type,

    but not to the other three. In fact, a person who has been

    exposed to one type may be at risk of developing a more

    serious illness if they are infected by another type later

    in life. Scientists dont completely understand the reason

    for this, but it is likely to be a result of the way our

    immune systems respond to the different viruses.

    Because of the risk of these complications, a new vaccine

    has to be effective against all four types of Dengue virus.

    A vaccine of this type is in development, but it could be

    many years before it can enter production. Even then, a

    vaccine of this type could still risk actually increasing

    peoples sensitivity to one or more Dengue types. Its

    important to remember as well that there are an

    estimated 2.5 billion people currently thought to be at

    risk from Dengue. Vaccines are a safe and effective way

    to control disease, but they are expensive. With so many

    people at risk from Dengue, some countries may struggle

    to fund a vaccination programme. If a vaccine

    programme was implemented, it could be combined

    with mosquito control strategies to provide even better

    protection against Dengue.

    With no drug, and a potential vaccine a long way off, our only way of controlling Dengue Fever is to target the mosquitoes which carry it.

    Bednets are often used in hospitals within tropical regions, but they are of limited use in preventing Dengue transmission because the Aedes aegypti mosquito bites during the day

  • Introducing Haedes & Aegypta: all about the Aedes aegypti mosquitoSo youve met Haedes and Aegypta the animated stars

    of our film! As you may have noticed, Haedes and

    Aegypta get their names from Aedes aegypti, which is

    the Latin name for the mosquito which carries Dengue


    Aedes aegypti is a prolific pest. Originating in Africa, it

    has spread around the world, hitching rides in shipping

    containers, used tyres, and other transported goods

    which can provide ideal vehicles for the mosquitoes

    eggs. As Aegypta proudly points out, Aedes aegypti are

    highly adaptive: once transported to a new habitat, they

    breed quickly and rapidly become established in an area.

    As the expert earlier in the video tells us, female Dengue

    mosquitoes can produce up to 500 eggs, so Aegyptas

    300 children arent unusual!

    If you have a quick think about how

    often you might find some of these

    containers lying around in your

    own home, you can start to see

    how difficult it might be to try to

    get rid of Aedes aegypti once it has

    become established in an area.

    They included:

    The Dengue mosquito is primarily an urban pest. That means that it prefers to live in and around human habitation.

    It may seem a bit far-fetched to find Haedes and Aegypta setting up home in a fruit bowl, but in fact, thats exactly the

    kind of environment which Aedes aegypti mosquitoes prefer. For example, scientists studying the preferred breeding sites

    of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in Singapore City listed a number of common household containers which were frequently

    found to contain Aedes aegytpti larvae, or young.

  • If youve ever been bitten by a mosquito, youll probably

    be aware that they feed on blood! What you may not

    have been aware of is that it is only female mosquitoes

    which actually do this males dont bite. In the video,

    youll hear from Haedes and Aegypta about their

    different dietary habits: as Hades explains, hes a

    vegetarian: what he means by this is that, like all male

    mosquitoes, he gets his meals from feeding on nectar,

    fruit and other sugar sources.

    Female mosquitoes like Aegypta also feed on nectar and

    other sugar sources as their primary source of energy.

    However, females need to feed on blood in order for

    them to produce eggs.

    What makes Aegypta and the rest of her species

    especially troublesome to man, and makes her such a

    good carrier of dengue and other diseases, is that she

    prefers human blood. Scientists say she is

    anthroprophilic, which means human loving.

    The images below show how the female mosquito has

    become adapted to take blood meals from people and

    animals. In these highly magnified images, it is easy to

    see the females long feeding mouth parts, or proboscis.

    In comparison, the males proboscis is much smaller, and

    doesnt have some of the specialised mouthparts found

    in females. When a female mosquito bites a human or

    animal, she will insert this proboscis into a blood vessel,

    using a back-and-forth motion of her head to create a

    sawing motion that drives the piercing parts of the

    proboscis into the skin. Special chemicals in her saliva

    prevent the blood from clotting, so she can easily suck

    the blood into her stomach. It is the bodys reaction to

    this saliva which causes the area around the mosquito

    bite to swell up and itch as most of us will have

    experienced! When a female feeds, her stomach can

    expand to many times its original volume, allowing her

    to consume more than her body weight in blood (she can

    struggle to fly afterwards!).

    Dining out with Aegypta: how and why do mosquitoes suck blood?

  • Most of us would agree that mosquitoes blood feeding habits can be extremely annoying! But in the case of Aedes

    aegypti, its their ability to transmit Dengue Fever that changes them from a mere annoyance into a potentially deadly


    In the video, youll have heard the reporter asking Aegypta and Haedes about Dengue Fever. As Aegypta explains, the

    Dengue virus is picked up by the mosquito when they blood feed on an infected person. After infecting the mosquito, the

    virus takes about 5-7 days to replicate itself and pass through the mosquitos body eventually reaching its salivary

    glands. Once there, it can enter the mosquitos saliva, so when the mosquito bites another person, the virus can pass into

    their bloodstream.

    Once the mosquito has become

    infected with Dengue, it remains

    that way for the rest of its life. So

    every time she bites a human, she

    can pass on the deadly virus.

    How does the Aedes aegypti mosquito transmit Dengue fever?

    Female mosquitoes mouth parts using a scanning electron microscope

    Diagram showing the life-cycle of Dengue Virus

    A = Labium tip (the labellum); this

    guides the mouthparts into the


    B = Labrum; this is the tube through

    which the blood is sucked up.

    C = Maxilla; these sharp serrated

    edges aid penetration of the skin.

    D = Hypopharynx; saliva is

    delivered through this tube.

  • Because of the threat posed by the Dengue mosquito,

    people have been trying to reduce or eradicate

    populations of the pest for many years. Unfortunately,

    despite considerable time and money expended by

    governments and communities, these efforts have until

    now not been very successful.

    In the video, Haedes explains part of the problem. Most

    of the control methods which have been used before

    now have relied on adding chemicals to potential

    breeding sites to kill mosquito larvae, or involve spraying

    or fogging with chemical pesticides which are designed

    to kill off the adult mosquitoes. The image below shows

    fogging in progress.

    Because Aedes aegypti live inside peoples homes

    remember all those empty bottles, tin cans, vases and

    bowls they breed in chemical fogging like this actually

    requires the pesticide to penetrate every room of a

    house. You can probably imagine just from looking at the

    picture below that this is not a very pleasant process, so

    people are often understandably reluctant to open their

    doors and windows to let the chemicals into their house.

    As Haedes suggests, they may not always realise just how

    close the mosquitoes are living.

    As well as being unpleasant for people, chemical

    pesticides can also be damaging to the environment and

    disrupt natural habitats. One of the biggest problems

    with these chemicals is that they dont just harm

    mosquitoes: other insects will also be killed (because of

    this, we sometimes say that pesticides are


    As a result, pesticide use can damage the ecology of an

    area, reducing populations of insects which may be

    important food sources for birds and fish, or which are

    pollinators for local plants and flowers.

    Haedes also mentions another problem with this

    approach: resistance. Pesticides rarely, if ever, kill all the

    mosquitoes in an area there will be some which are

    naturally resistant to the chemicals used. Because these

    mosquitoes survive they will be able to pass on their

    resistance genes to their children, so in the next

    generation more mosquitoes will be resistant. Over time,

    the proportion of resistant mosquitoes will increase in

    this way, until eventually all or most insects in a

    population may be resistant. As Haedes explains, many

    Aedes aegypti populations are now resistant to the

    majority of commonly-used chemical pesticides.

    Getting on top of the problem: how we can makelife uncomfortable for Aegypta and friends

    Because of all these problems, a new approach to controlling Aedes aegypti is needed.

  • Using genes to control insects: the Oxitec solutionWeve heard how traditional methods to control Aedes aegypti can be harmful to people and the environment, and arent

    very effective in any case. In the film, the reporter then asks Haedes and Aegypta about the Oxitec approach. This is a

    new technology based on advanced genetic science, which uses the natural instincts of the mosquitoes themselves to

    track down other mosquitoes and stop them reproducing.

    Before taking a look at the Oxitec solution in more detail, you can read a bit more about genes and genetic modification;

    an incredibly powerful science which has already been central to recent advances in medicine, agriculture and

    understanding diseases.

    Most people have heard of genes even if its not always quite clear what

    they are, and what they do! A gene is the name given to a section of DNA.

    In both people and mosquitoes, genes produce proteins that influence

    everything from height to eye color. Offspring inherit these genes from

    their parents

    Genetics is the name given to the science of studying and manipulating

    genes, and understanding how they are passed on from parent to offspring.

    Over the last 50 years, since the discovery of the structure of DNA, genetics has

    contributed to many important scientific developments, such as understanding

    and treating inherited diseases like cystic fibrosis; developing more effective

    targeted cancer medicines, like Herceptin; or enabling us to manufacture

    large amounts of human insulin to treat diabetics.

    Using modern genetics, scientists now have the ability to manipulate and

    combine genes in many different ways. This allows them to study how genes

    work, as well as combining different genes in ways that can be enormously

    useful in medicine, agriculture and other applications.

    What exactly is a gene, andwhat is meant by genetics?

  • Genetic modification (GM), also known as genetic

    engineering, is a biotechnology technique which can be

    used to add to or alter the genes within an organism. A

    genetically modified organism, or GMO, is an organism

    that has had its existing genes altered, or new genes

    added, through a process of genetic modification.

    Genetically modified organisms were first developed in

    the late 1970s and since then their use in a range of

    industries has become widespread. Perhaps without

    appreciating it many people today are reliant on this

    biotechnology for medicines and foods.

    One of the first products of genetic modification was

    insulin produced by genetically modified bacteria.

    Through insertion of the human gene for insulin into the

    bacterias DNA, the bacteria effectively acts as

    As weve seen earlier in the video, the challenge we face in trying to control Aedes aegypti is to find ways of targeting the

    mosquitoes where they live; in peoples houses and gardens. Whats more, we need to have ways of doing this which dont

    harm people or other animals and plants in the environment, and which avoid the use of chemicals which mosquitoes are

    often resistant to. One potential approach which meets some of these goals is known as the Sterile Insect Technique or


    a chemical factory, synthesizing the human protein

    exactly. This has provided a quick and easy way to

    produce pure insulin for diabetics.

    Since the 1980s, there have been a number of other

    human proteins produced through genetic engineering,

    such as growth hormone or blood clotting factors.

    Genetic modification has also been used in a wide

    variety of other medical applications: the Hepatitis B and

    HPV vaccines have been developed using genetic

    modification, and there is potential for scientists to

    develop an entirely new field of cancer vaccines based

    on this biotechnology.

    Oxitec has applied the science of genetic modification to

    the problem of controlling populations of Aedes aegypti.

    Applying genetic modification to insect control: The Oxitec solution

    Injecting DNA: Genetic modification allows scientists to add to or alter

    genes within an organism

  • SIT uses the natural instincts of the released male

    mosquitoes to seek out females, so it is much more

    effective than traditional means at targeting

    difficult-to-reach pest populations, like Aedes aegypti. It

    is also species-specific: it affects only the target pest, and

    doesnt harm other insects.

    Unfortunately, using radiation to produce sterile insects

    in this way can cause problems. Not surprisingly, being

    hit by a large amount of radiation isnt very good for the

    male insects! Often, irradiated males are very sickly, so

    wild females prefer not to mate with them. If that

    happens, they wont be very effective at controlling the

    population. While SIT has been used successfully against

    some insect pests, mosquitoes are easily damaged by the

    process of irradiation, and to date there have not been

    any successful programmes of mosquito population

    control using radiation-based SIT.

    The concept of SIT was first developed in the 1950s. The

    basic technique is to dose male insects with radiation,

    which makes them sterile. By sterile, we mean that

    although the males do produce sperm and can fertilise

    the females eggs, their offspring are inviable meaning

    that they die at a very early stage of development.

    The sterile males are then released into the

    environment, where they mate with wild females.

    Females usually only mate once, so a female which

    mates with a sterile male doesnt produce any offspring.

    As a result, the population as a whole is reduced.

    Eventually, with enough sterile releases, the population

    of the target insect in an area can be dramatically

    reduced or even eliminated.

    The Sterile Insect Technique was successfully used to

    eradicate screw-worm (a pest of cattle) in North

    America. It has also been successful in reducing

    populations of other pests, such as eradicating the Tsetse

    fly, which causes sleeping sickness, in Zanzibar.

    Using sterile insects for population control

    Oxitec has developed a new way to control mosquitoes

    using genetic modification. Our approach is similar to

    the sterile insect technique, but because we use genetics

    to stop our insects from reproducing, we eliminate the

    need for damaging irradiation.

    Scientists at Oxitec have developed a way to modify

    mosquitoes by adding a gene which produces a protein

    that stops their cells from functioning normally.

    The gene produces a protein called tTA, which is a

    special kind of protein able to act as a switch that

    controls the activity of other genes.

    Our modified mosquitoes produce high levels of this

    protein because it actually activates its own gene,

    producing lots more of itself. Although its not toxic itself,

    it ties up some of the cells essential machinery. It can

    interact with other proteins which are needed for

    controlling genes in the cell, and in this way it stops the

    cell from turning on other genes which are essential for

    it to survive.

    All this means that the modified mosquitoes become

    very sick, and die before reaching adulthood.

    The Oxitec approach: genetic engineering of sterile insects

  • If the gene in the modified mosquitoes kills them, how does that make them

    sterile? That depends on another special property of the gene, and the tTA

    protein it makes: when the mosquitoes are reared in the presence of

    tetracycline, it stops the tTA from working - in effect, it acts like an antidote.

    So when we feed the modified mosquitoes with this supplement in the lab,

    they stay perfectly healthy. But when the male mosquitoes mate with females

    in the wild, their children inherit the lethal gene. Tetracycline is not present in

    the environment in sufficient quantities to allow survival, so without the

    antidote in their diet, the children of the modified mosquitoes die.

    Because of this, the Oxitec genetically modified mosquitoes are effectively

    sterile. When radiation is used to sterilise insects, as we saw earlier, their

    offspring die at a very early stage of development before hatching. With the

    Oxitec technique, the insects offspring die later in life, but the effect is the

    same: when a genetically modified male mates with a wild female, her

    children will die before reaching adulthood, so the population is reduced.

    How can we breed genetically sterile mosquitoes?

    So why use genetics? As we saw earlier, a major problem

    with using irradiation is that the released males are

    often sick, so females may not choose to mate with them.

    In the video, Aegypta at first seems convinced that shell

    be able to recognise Oxitecs males and avoid them. With

    irradiated males, she might - but thats the clever part of

    using genetic modification; because Oxitecs insects

    dont have to be irradiated, they are fit and healthy. Like

    all male mosquitoes, they will naturally seek out females

    and mate with them. This means that Oxitecs approach

    will be much more effective than other treatments, like

    pesticides, at targeting mosquitoes in difficult-to-reach

    places peoples homes and gardens. And unfortunately

    for Aegypta and her friends, they wont be able to tell the

    difference until its too late

    Why genetic modification works

    No wonder Aegypta looks worried!

  • More on the science: How does Oxitec make genetically modified insects?

    To make a genetically modified mosquito, Oxitecs

    scientists have to find a way of incorporating the new

    gene into the mosquitos own DNA, from where it will be

    copied into every cell of the mosquitos body.

    The process begins with mosquito eggs. These are tiny,

    cigar-shaped objects about 1mm long. Using special

    glass needles, so sharp that the point can only be seen

    clearly under a high-powered microscope, Oxitecs

    scientists can inject very small amounts of DNA into the

    end of a mosquito egg. The amount of DNA injected into

    each egg is miniscule thousands of times smaller than

    a typical raindrop!

    Many of the eggs injected in this way wont survive. In

    others, the DNA which is injected wont be incorporated

    into the mosquitos cells. But in a very few eggs, the new

    DNA will be taken up by the mosquitos cells and will be

    cut and pasted into the mosquitos own genome. If this

    happens in the sperm cells of a male mosquito, or the

    egg-producing cells of a female, the new DNA can be

    passed on to their offspring.

    After being injected, the eggs are hatched, and the

    resulting mosquitoes carefully looked after until they

    reach adulthood. Then they are bred with other

    mosquitoes, and if the injected DNA has entered sperm

    or egg cells, then it will be passed on to their offspring.

    The DNA which was injected contains the lethal gene,

    but it also contains a fluorescent gene which allows the

    genetically modified mosquitoes to be identified using a

    special microscope. So Oxitecs scientists can look at the

    offspring of the mosquitoes which were injected to

    identify those which contain the new DNA.

    The scientists may have to inject thousands of mosquito

    eggs to obtain just one individual which has the new

    DNA incorporated into their genome. But from this single

    insect, a new strain of genetically modified mosquitoes

    can be made.
