Oxford Cambridge and RSA Wednesday 7 June 2017 – Morning


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Wednesday 7 June 2017 – MorningGCSE GERMANA711/01 Listening (Foundation Tier)


You will now have finished the five minutes’ reading time for this paper. The test will begin now.INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES• During this introduction you should tell the invigilator immediately if you have any difficulty in

hearing the recording. Once the questions have begun, the recording will not be stopped.• Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes above. Please write

clearly and in capital letters.• Use black ink.• Answer all the questions.• Read each question carefully. Make sure you know what you have to do before starting your

answer.• Write your answer to each question in the space provided. Additional paper may be used if

necessary but you must clearly show your candidate number, centre number and question number(s).

• Do not write in the barcodes.

INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES• The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.• The total number of marks for this paper is 40.• Listen carefully to the instructions and follow the example for each exercise.• There will be pauses to give you time to read the questions and to write your answers.• You will hear all the recordings twice.• You may write your answers at any time during the test.• You do not have to write in full sentences and your answers will not be marked for the

accuracy of the language.• Dictionaries are not allowed.• Open your booklet now.• This document consists of 12 pages. Any blank pages are indicated.

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Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

OCR supplied materials:• CD

Other materials required:None


Duration: 5 minutes’ reading time +30 minutes (approx.)

Oxford Cambridge and RSA


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Exercise 1: Questions 1–8

Elsa talks about her free time

Read the questions and look at the pictures.

You will hear each question twice. Tick the correct box.


What time does Elsa get up at the weekend?

10.00 11.00 12.00A B C

The correct answer is C.

Now answer the eight questions. Tick one box for each.

1 Where does Elsa play with the dog?

A B C [1]

2 What does Elsa do in the afternoon?




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3 Where does Elsa go on Sundays?

A B C [1]

4 What is Elsa’s favourite sport?



5 Where do Elsa and her brother go on Wednesdays?

A B C [1]

6 How do they get there?




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7 When is Elsa’s birthday?

January1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

March1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

May1 2 3 48 9 10 11

15 16 17 18

22 23 24A B C


8 What does she do on her birthday?



[Total: 8 marks]


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Exercise 2: Questions 9–16

Hugo talks about his school

Read the questions.

Listen to Hugo and, for each question, circle the correct answer.


comprehensive / grammar / primaryHugo goes to a ........................................................................................................................ school.

geography / history / information technology9 Hugo likes his ................................................................................................................ teacher. [1]

clearly / loudly / slowly10 The teacher speaks ..................................................................................................................... [1]


friendly / old / strict11 The maths teacher is ................................................................................................................... [1]

not good / quite good / very good12 Hugo is ........................................................................................................................ at maths. [1]


next town / town centre / town hall13 Hugo is going to a museum in the .............................................................................................. [1]

boring / interesting / new14 The museum is supposed to be .................................................................................................. [1]


best friend / computer / phone15 At break time Hugo plays with his ............................................................................................... [1]

do homework / just listen / be by himself16 If his friends chat, Hugo prefers to .............................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 8 marks]


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Exercise 3: Questions 17–24

Going to a music festival in Austria – Ben and Julia make plans

Read the questions.

Listen and give brief answers IN ENGLISH.


When is the music festival?

in August..............................................................................................................................................................

17 Who will take Ben and Julia?

..................................................................................................................................................... [1]

18 Where will they sleep at the festival?

..................................................................................................................................................... [1]


19 What advantage does Ben say their accommodation has?

..................................................................................................................................................... [1]

20 Why is Julia happy with their accommodation?

..................................................................................................................................................... [1]


21 What does Ben say about the showers at the festival?

..................................................................................................................................................... [1]

22 What does Julia think is good about the showers?

..................................................................................................................................................... [1]


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23 When is Ben’s favourite band playing?

..................................................................................................................................................... [1]

24 What does Julia like about music festivals?

..................................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 8 marks]

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Exercise 4: Questions 25–28

Holidays at home and abroad

Look at the two lists.

Type of holiday Reason

A Cycling holiday G Lots to do

B Holiday in the mountains H Better for the environment

C Beach holiday J Able to see more

D Coach tour K More convenient

E Walking holiday L Cheaper

F Family holiday M Able to meet new people

Listen and, for each person, write two letters, one from each column.


Type of holiday Reason

Kristian C G

25 Steffi [2]

26 Hans [2]

27 Katja [2]

28 Timo [2]

[Total: 8 marks]


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Turn over for the next question


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Exercise 5: Questions 29–36

Shopping for clothes, food and drink

Read the questions.

Listen and tick the correct box.


The food Michael bought yesterday was …

A … fresh.

B … on offer. 3

C … ripe.

29 Natascha’s mother grows vegetables …

A … in the back garden.

B … in a greenhouse.

C … in front of the house. [1]

30 Natascha thinks her mother’s vegetables are …

A … cheaper.

B … tastier.

C … bigger. [1]


31 Achim doesn’t shop in the town because …

A … it’s expensive.

B … it’s a long way.

C … it’s too crowded. [1]


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32 He goes to a shop …

A … just round the corner.

B … in the village.

C … near the bus stop. [1]


33 Jasmin shops in a fashion store …

A … when there is a sale.

B … nearly all the time.

C … if she needs something smart. [1]

34 The cheapest shops …

A … are in the shopping centre.

B … never have what Jasmin wants.

C … are in the town centre. [1]


35 Max shops …

A … only in a supermarket.

B … only at the market.

C … at both the supermarket and the market. [1]

36 He does this because …

A … he gets more choice.

B … it’s easier.

C … the people are friendly. [1]

[Total: 8 marks]



© OCR 2017


Oxford Cambridge and RSA

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