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By Kristy West, RN, MA

THE SOBERING FACTSo 25% OF Americans suffer from

depressiono Over 60 Million!o 80% of those with anxiety also

have depressiono 100% of Americans will deal with


ANXIETY & DEPRESSIONAnxiety and Long Term

Effects: High Blood Pressure Inability to Fight Infection Deteriorated Muscles Ulcers Fatigue Chronic Disease Major Depression

Depression and Long Term Effects:

3X More Likely to have Stroke and HTN

Increase of Multiple MI’s Decreased Concentration

and Memory Fatigue Inability to Fight Infection Chronic Disease


Autonomic Nervous System (automatic) Sends and receives signals everywhere

in your body – like electrical wiring in your house

Controls Sympathetic: “Fight or Flight” Controls Parasympathetic: brings

sympathetic back down


Event or idea happens that brain interprets as threatening

Activates the “fight or flight” Hypothalamus sends a signal to

the amygdala Amygdala sends signal to adrenal

gland to release cortisol Cortisol causes increased heart

rate, sweating hands, shaking, faster breathing

DEPRESSION Amygdala and hippocampus control the

“happy drugs” in your brain (a.k.a. neurotransmitters such as dopamine) and are not working correctly

AND/OR Too much cortisol in the system…

especially from long-term anxiety

Side Effects of Anti-Anxiety Medications… Drowsiness Lack of energy Slurred speech Confusion Disorientation Depression Dizziness Impaired thinking and


Memory loss Forgetfulness Nausea Blurred or double

vision Mania Hostility and rage Aggressive behavior Impulsive behavior Hallucinations

Side Effects of Anti-Depressant Medications… Dry mouth Urinary retention Blurred vision Constipation Drowsiness Insomnia Weight gain Headaches Nausea GI disturbances

Diabetes Abdominal pain Inability to achieve

erection Inability to achieve

orgasm Loss of libido Agitation Anxiety Suicidal thoughts

From Dr. Ann Blake Tracy

What these drugs do; they work by increasing serotonin levels and they impair the body's ability to metabolize serotonin. 

They literally interfere with your metabolism, so that serotonin will build up in the system. 

When serotonin builds up we know that it produces irritability, pain around the heart, difficulty breathing, worsening bronchial complaints, tension and anxiety that appear from out of nowhere—the list is long. 

What You Need to Know Research on serotonin reveals that serotonin

levels are high in: Schizophrenia Autism Mania Mood disorders Organic brain disease Alzheimer's AnorexiaAnyone want to stand in line for those...and yet we've

been lead to believe that we need to increase serotonin levels!

From Dr. Ann Blake Tracy

Dr. Candis Pert was one of the two developers of the serotonin binding process that made these drugs possible. 

She made a statement in Time magazine several years ago, calling these drugs "Monsters". 

Never in the history of medicine has a developer of any particular medication come out as strongly as Dr. Pert did, especially while the drugs were still on the market. 

From Dr. Ann Blake Tracy - Quotes Eli Lilly Pharmaceutical company is the company that introduced

Prozac to the world which was the drug that everyone else copied to get their cut of that golden goose because Prozac made so much money for Lilly. 

You need to know something about Lilly; and that is the fact that it

is the same company who gave us LSD in 1956.  We were told that LSD was going to cure mental illness and alcoholism and was going to aid in psychoanalysis–I don't think any of us believe that today!...

I wonder if they just pulled out all their old files and said let's call it Prozac this time and see how far we can get.  Because LSD and PCP (by the way PCP was a safe effective prescription medication for seven years before it got pulled off the market–LSD took an act of congress to pull), these two drugs are also serenic agents that work almost identically to these new antidepressants.

From Dr. Ann Blake Tracy - Quotes “We have studies now that show Prozac turns brain cells

into cork screw shapes (which is a technical/medical way of saying it screws up your brain).”

“Serotonin has just been found to cause liver damage and there is now a black-box warning.” 

“My first concern on these medications was not the

changes in personality, but it was the damage to the liver and the damage to the pancreas.  I had one young patient who has been on Prozac for one year, he was a returning Mormon missionary, so you know he did not drink, he never touched alcohol in his life.  After a year on Prozac the doctors tested his liver and told him he had the liver of a 50 year old alcoholic.” 


The Rest of the Story…

According to Dr. Tracy, nothing reaches brain cells faster and begins the body's own healing process better than these UNIQUE essential oils.

Ann Blake Tracy, PhD Executive Director of the International Coalition for Drug Awareness

Physiology of Emotions & EO Essential oils work directly on

amygdala Central headquarters of the limbic

system Manages the storage and filing

system for all emotional experiences.

Responds to smells and elicits emotional response.

Rational brain responds to other four senses

Physiology of Emotions & EO Amygdala is coordinator, not stored here Amygdala assigns part of body Body has >100 trillion cells each with a

DNA strand Each cell capable of storing up to 6

gigabytes of memory

Physiology of Emotions & EO Cross Blood Brain Barrier - <500amu One drop – 40 million trillion molecules 40,000 molecules per cell Only takes one molecule of right oil Receptor sites = portals with locks EO are the KEYS to fit locks

NATURAL SOLUTIONS…especially for withdrawal from antidepressants Omega Blue Softgels

o EPA, DHA, ALA fatty acidso German chamomileo Myrrho Lemongrasso Clove

NATURAL SOLUTIONS…especially for withdrawal from antidepressants Powermeal Thieves

Both balance and regulate blood sugar When withdrawing from antidepressants, blood sugar is going crazy Also helps with lessening potential for psychotic episodes

NATURAL SOLUTIONS…especially for withdrawal from antidepressants Joy: contains Bergamot which has been

used for centuries for bipolar or manic depression

Clarity: for confusion that is common with withdrawal

Idaho Balsam Fir: helps lower cortisol Antidepressants raise cortisol at an absolute

alarming rate

NATURAL SOLUTIONS…especially for withdrawal from antidepressants Brain Power: gets the pineal gland to

work again, its been overloaded with too much serotonin Main function of the pineal gland is metabolism

of serotonin.  It handles 50% of the serotonin in the system

NATURAL SOLUTIONS…especially for withdrawal from antidepressants Frankincense: for potential cancer

Paxil increases the risk of breast cancer by 7%.

Natural SolutionsEXERCISE

Exercise vs. Zoloft

Exercise 4X per week After 12 weeks had equal

resultsAfter 10 months the exercising group blew the socks off the Zoloft


Daniel G. Amen, MDAuthor: Change Your

Brain, Change Your Life

Studies show that exercise three times a day for one-half hour is eight times greater than antidepressants—no side effects either!

Essential Oils for Anxiety Peace & Calming Orange Roman chamomile Ylang Ylang Lavender Hope Joy Citrus Fresh Surrender Melissa Patchouli

German Chamomile Believe Stress Away Roll-On Rose Blue Tansy

Essential Oils for Depression Frankincense Lemon Sandalwood Geranium Lavender White Angelica Orange Grapefruit Ylang Ylang Valor

Motivation Passion Hope Joy Brain power Present time Patchouli Rose Bergamot

Application of Essential Oils Diffuse – 80% of what you breathe will

go directly into your bloodstream Direct – Inhalation into olfactory…

amygdala! Topically on brain points: temples,

earlobes, forehead, back of neck Orally Rectally Vaginally

Dietary Supplementation Super B’s – powerful for brain function OmegaGize MultiGreens Mineral Essence PowerMeal Ningxia Red

“Give your body what it needs and it will heal itself!!”

Live Beautifully…

You CAN Overcome Anxiety & Depression…Naturally
