OverCoat: an implicit canvas for 3D painting 隐式曲面三维画布



OverCoat: an implicit canvas for 3D painting 隐式曲面三维画布. 主讲:钱博磊 2011-10-19. 2D 到 3D 的转化 stroke embedding. 笔画的定义 stroke. s i : p i = o + t i d i , t i 是需要求的未知解. 3D 画布的定义 3D canvas. scalar field : f : R 3 -> R - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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OverCoat: an implicit canvas for 3D painting



• 2D 到 3D 的转化 stroke embedding

• 笔画的定义 stroke


pi = o + tidi,

ti 是需要求的未知解

• 3D 画布的定义 3D canvasscalar field : f : R3 -> R A point x with f(x) = l is said to lie on level l.

proxy geometry

• 2D 到 3D 的转化 stroke embedding

距离约束 角度约束 长度约束

• 绘制模式 objective terms

level set tool:wlevel = 1

wangle =0.1wlength = 0

hair & feather tool:wlevel = 1/0wangle= 1

wlength = 0.05

• 求解 quasi-Newton L-BFGS


• 数据初始化 initialization

1. the system initializes the unknows to lie on the frontmost target level set of the scalar field using sphere tracing ,a ray marching technique

2. only the first and the last stroke points are initialized to their target levels

• 数据优化 refinement

出现不理想的初始化数据 -- 通过插入中值点进行优化

• 迭代过程

求解的过程需要反复计算以下数值 field’s magnitude f(x) - 点 x 距 proxy geometry 的最小距离 the gradient f - 所求点 x 与画布上离他最近点间的单位向量 the derivative of the scalar field - f(pi)/ ti = f di

• 绘制 rendering

将映射到 3D 的笔画投影回 2D 显示屏的过程 需要确保实时和笔画间位置关系的稳定

全局上, 按深度排序局部上, 按绘制先后顺序排序

• 附带工具 – 3D 画布的修改 sculpturing

r :笔画到 sculpture stroke 段的最小距离 R : sculpture stroke 的大小 ( 影响范围)

kj : sculpture stroke 的力度和方向

the lower part of the fraction is the Lipschitz constant of the signed distance field of the proxy geometry (which is equal to 1) plus the Lipschitz constant of the sum of all contributions of the sculpting strokes
