Outcomes for children and Learners...


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Outcomes for children and Learners 2016- Evidence

Awards Evening with Wendy our Chair of Governors

Sensory Fine motor

EYFS- 1 pupil Progress made in 5/8 of Prime Areas and 3/ 9 of Specific Areas This progress was for one year. Last report from LA moderator-EYFS School’s sensory curriculum meshes well with EYFS. Assessments made are accurate and meaningful. School systems are rigorous & involve all staff. School works with multi-agencies to meet need.

KS2-3- Progression Guidance Only 1 pupil with data English, Maths and Science – all M/UQ Very good progress

Post 16/ KS 5 - ASDAN Result - 2016 >25 Entry Level 2 achieved and 12 Entry Level 1 Quote from ASDAN examining body 2016 “a very good submission, another strong submission, evidence submitted was of a high standard, robust and explicit”. “The candidates have obviously been very well supported and involved in the generation of all evidence”. There is obviously much good work going on in this centre.” Awards Ceremony- Pupil have graduation type ceremony yearly to receive National Qualifications. Leavers All 5 school leavers are going onto further education or apprenticeship. 4 pupils are going to local college as part of a PLP (Personalised Learning Pathway) and 1 is beginning a work placement. PLP certificate

KS3 – 4- Progression Guidance Cohort of 3 with full data. 2 focused on National qualifications rather than B2 . English and Maths only 33% M/UQ, Science all LQ KS2-4 33% made 3 levels of progress in Science and English & 50% made over 3 sublevels of progress over 2 key stages. Above national expectations for English and Science

AQA Functional Maths Entry Level 1- 7, Entry level 2- 6 and Entry Level 3 -6 OtherAQA qualifications 42 Unit awards achieved.

KS1 - 2 National phonics tests dis-applied but Read, Write Inc introduced across early key Stages to support phonic learning and Speaking Listening and Communication. Progression Guidance Cohort only 2 pupils both with significant needs. 50% M/UQ for English and Maths. 50% UQ Science showing good progress. Last report from LA moderator Y2 The school has a wealth of evidence to support assessment.

3 Years of PG- 2016 scores are down on 2015 and 2014 following adjustments due to B2 and New National Curriculum. M&UQ >English- 2014- 92%/ 2015 86%/2016 75%. Maths>2014- 85%/ 2015 82%/2016 58%.Science 2014- 88%/ 2015 72%/2016- 67%. Very small cohorts this year have exacerbated this. This trajectory is not seen in whole school results in Caspa or pro-rata KS progress. Although there are dips in performance evidence overtime demonstrates that pupils’ achievement is outstanding. (Peer Review June 2016)

CASPA results. 49% of all pupils made or exceeded their set targets. 94%made progress on targets. These scores are an improvement on last year, (only 42% met targets and 52% made any progress). On National comparison percentile graphs 52% are above 75th and 90th centile which is outstanding. 86% are above the mean 50th centile. The introduction of the new national curriculum and a new assessment tool B2has resulted in poorer progress results than other years before 2015. Science with 14 subjects rather than 4 was particularly affected. However in July 2016 results began to improve. Computing targets achieved proved above average in July 2016. Traffic Light Graphs show high percentages of expected and above expected progress in Literacy 96%, Maths 73%, Science 88%, Computing 85%. These are good results.

Cohort results (Progress - Pro rata of 2 levels per KS) the school average of 38% meeting pro rata progress over the year is above last year (22%). All cohorts LAC, EAL, FSM and Genders are above so the school average. So Pupil premium is used for enrichment rather than to close gaps.

Medium Term Plans- identify cross curricular provision such as maths, reading, writing, relevant vocabulary and Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural opportunities. The Library is well stocked with a range of books of interests & levels and Sensory story boxes and DVDs. We also use reading schemes and the Read, Write Inc programme to support reading progress. Reading age progress is81% of pupils and this is a fifth year of steady progress. This figure includes Post 16 students Moderation is carried out within school, between NY special schools, with mainstream secondary and primary schools to ensure that judgements of P levels are robust Literacy/ Maths Set ability groups are taught in smaller numbers to ensure appropriate provision and progress and uses Pupil Premium money and Catch Up money in the past. IEPs focus on the 4 areas of the pupil’s Education Health Care Plan to attain the outcomes. Accessible formats are used & many pupils help to evaluate the outcomes. Learning walls display success. Person Centred Reviews are used for all pupils and most have new EHCPs. Parents & pupils are positive as they have a strong focus on pupil and families’ views on sharing developments and future steps. MOVE Physiotherapy programmes - overseen by Senior TA continues to involve PI pupils and HLTA oversees all physio programmes for pupils in school. ICan Project Impact. was recorded for case Studies & progress noted against specific outcomes. Outcomes showed broad progress including increased happiness, confidence, improved behaviours and evidence from home. Staff also transferred skills learned to other pupils. 3/6 NC pupils made well above national expectations in their KS within Speaking and Listening. One pupil progressed more than 2 levels in one year Awards- We are currently working towards the Inspiring IAG Quality (Information, Advice & Guidance) Careers Award and we gained a Silver medal from the National School Games Mark. Parent Survey June 2016- “Brooklands is a happy and inspirational school where everyone fulfils their potential”

Overall Judgement Outstanding Good Requires Improvement Inadequate

Strengths– Good progress has been consistent across most key stages for the past 3 years. KS4 was not so successful this year but pupils gained National Qualifications instead.

Excellent practice in assessment recognised by ASDAN examining board and LA moderators. This results in good but accurate progress and pupils are now gaining more National Qualifications. Successful ICan project has raised awareness of communication needs and upskilled staff to meet those needs. Makaton is now universally used encouraged by ‘sign of the week’!

Areas for Development- Writing and Number showed poor progress scores so strategies to improve these are identified on SDP and in subject leaders Action Plans. Focus on Assessment without levels & how our results can be compared nationally & look at how to assess ‘softer targets’ to show good progress in social skills, confidence, self -esteem and caring for each other.

Quality of Teaching learning and Assessment 2016- Evidence

Music Therapy

Sensory Circuits

Teaching Ofsted 2013– ‘The overall quality of teaching is good with some that is outstanding’ Lesson Observations identified 100% Good or Outstanding. A Peer review in June 2016 also rated all teaching none less than good and some outstanding- ‘very strong overall’. Data dashboard shows improvement of quality of teaching over time.

Teacher Appraisals has focused on Communication, AfL and Safeguarding & Care. Next round covers Assessment without levels, Assessing soft targets and improving Writing & Number in line with SDP. The success criteria have all been met and good practice was observed throughout school.

Different teaching strategies are used - Walden, Intensive Interaction, Music therapy, Drawing therapy, Numicon, Proprioceptor Massage, Distar and Talk ,Learn Communicate.

PHSE workshops- challenge pupils’ perceptions and widen their awareness and knowledge of SMSC areas. The Community nursing team help to plan and deliver the PHSE workshops which cover Puberty, E-Safety, Bullying etcetera. The foci are taken from perceived needs or from the North Yorkshire Well -being questionnaire that our pupils complete.

MTP- format refers to individual outcomes. It also records sensory and VAK activities, SMSC opportunities, relevant vocabulary and opportunities for reading, writing, maths.

Homework- The school website has links for learning at home and now includes Purple Mash which encourages Computing ideas. Homework is set where appropriate and parents are encouraged to support their child’s learning. Each class displays their work for the term on the school website and sends it as a letter home if needed.

Communication is ‘ very prominent across school’ Peer review. Multi modal techniques pertinent to needs aid learning. Signing/ Symbols, ICT switches, PECS are used. We now have Eye-Gaze equipment. NYCAP works within and as outreach from our school setting up and trialling communication aids. School is applying for I Can Primary Talk Accreditation for our communication project. ‘There were excellent examples of technology assisted communication being used well by some pupils’ Peer review.

We have Staff expertise in MOVE, Team Teach, Sensory profiling, & Communication aids. Expertise is shared locally & nationally. The SLD teacher trains other schools and Teaching Alliances in Local area and our TLR works as a team member on National Autistic Society accreditation team.

Collaborative of Heads of Special schools - Special Schools Improvement Partnership(SSIP) meet to explore best practices, train and support each other through Peer reviews;.

Outreach for SLD pupils works out of our school to maintain inclusion in mainstream schools. In reach and outreach work proves very successful with local schools.

School was involved in National (SSAT Ltd) CLLD research project and has gained the National Research Charter Mark by further research on AfL.

We train and mentor students from Teaching Alliance Northern Lights and local Universities. We have been recognised as providing training placements of the ‘highest quality’ by Leeds Trinity University. We also provide work placements for trainee Teaching assistants and local 6th form students.

Learning- Attitude to learning- Last EDA report from a Learning Walk around school stated that ‘all pupils were on task and motivated’ Parent Survey June 2016 - “Quality of Teaching and Learning is brilliant. My son has learned so so much in a short period of time” & “Staff take time to explain if my child doesn’t understand”

The New Curriculum Policy and Programme is set up and in practice. On school website. This was devised and adapted by the staff at school and overseen by TLR and Deputy.

Provision continues to be broad and balanced and adapted for different needs. Staff now include sensory and VAK activities on their MTPs as well as opportunities for SMSC.

Equals Curriculum supports planning. We use Read, Write, Inc’ for phonics & ‘Write, Dance’ for motor skills & writing. AQA English and Maths for older pupils and ASDAN Post 16

Extra- Curricular Opportunities include Community and Life skills. These increase through KSs to include banking, shopping and cooking whole meals; Lunch clubs which includes a choir that sings with other Special needs schools in Yorkshire (YAMSEN); a variety of Residential visits yearly encourage independence, new skills and experiences. Venues include London, Calvert trust (outdoor adventurous activities),Belgium & France for MFL and WW1 History . Theme and Activity days- Art/ Music Day and Egyptian day

Community learning is used in and out of school. (See examples under strengths) and we also use Forest school principles for outdoor learning.

Post 16 are involved in community projects- Amp Awards (for Enterprise, Bradford), Work Experience placements and Bespoke courses such as Horse care. Community projects within school such as Industry day and Charity functions- MacMillan Coffee morning.

Specific environments- Autism & cross phase PMLD classes meet differing needs. Sensory diets, visual timetables with a focus on social, emotional needs & taught play.

Sensory PMLD curriculum meets the most challenging needs with an adapted curriculum focusing on sensory needs and physical/ proprioceptor work. Praised by last Ofsted as outstanding.

Physical Education through PE lessons, Physiotherapy, Massage, Rebound, Swimming, Yoga, Sailing, Indoor climbing, Orienteering, Cycling, Cricket provides a variety of opportunities

Our School Council- gives all pupils’ a voice and helps them to make choices. The Post 16 involvement with Flying High provides a wider audience for their voices.

Information to Parents- we have daily diaries, termly IEP meetings (informally in class with pupils and over coffee), annual curriculum reports and Parents’ evening and annual Statutory Person Centred reviews, multi- agency meetings for some pupils, and class work is displayed on website. Parents attend the weekly badge assembly to celebrate pupils’ good work

Cycling club Sailing at Otley Egyptian day

Assessment- Across school BSquared is used to assess pupils’ small step progress in New National Curriculum. Post 16 uses national qualifications ASDAN/ AQA and the Equals Continuum. Monitored twice a year. EYFS is assessed using Foundation Profile. Bespoke School Continuum and AFL(in line with BSquared)is used for daily recording & involves repetition and practise of skills and learning until consolidated. Monitoring sheets show end of year individual Caspa targets and end of key stage upper quartile expectation.

Feedback- Pupils share their targets at the start of a lesson and evaluate if they have achieved any progress at the end. This is in line with our AfL policy. Teachers ‘set the right amount of challenge’ Peer reveview.

Use of Learning walls and journeys in all classrooms evidence the progress of pupils and support their awareness of targets.

IEPs and EHCP’s monitor progress against individual targets in the 4 areas of need. Overall Judgement Outstanding Good Requires Improvement Inadequate

Strengths- Using wider community helps deliver curriculum and enrichment enhancing broad, balanced provision - Yamsen (Sensory& Music), Science, History, Music, Dance and Art, Therapeutic animlas, Theatre groups,

Sports coaches, Medical staff, Community police, Local Vicar. Use of local community for learning– local banks, cafes, shops, museums, sports venues, livery stables & links with Craven College New adapted curriculum suited to needs and classrooms relevant for different learning styles ensures best Teaching and learning can take place.

In school we have staff trainers in MOVE, Manual Handling, Communication Aids, Makaton, Team Teach, SLD Learning & Sensory profiling so we are able to practise these within school and share with other schools too. Areas for Development –A way of assessing and recording non- academic progress in areas such as self- help & life skills, community skills, confidence and self-esteem is needed to show progress in these areas

Improve Teaching & Learning in Writing and Number and therefore pupil progress by researching different strategies, offering more opportunities for practice and training staff as part of their appraisal process.

Parent Survey 2016 Personal Development, Behaviour & Welfare of Pupils 2016- Evidence

Personal Development – Peer review 2016- ‘PSHE curriculum is mapped across school to ensure suitable coverage’ & ‘Examples were seen of teachers planning to reinforce PHSE & E-Safety’.

Person Centred Reviews- held annually for each child and they or an advocate and families and professionals are encouraged to participate in evaluating old & identifying new priorities.

PHSE workshops involve school staff & Disabled children’s’ nursing team have been set up to tackle the issues that worry pupils- body changes and relationships and include bullying and safe internet usage. The pupils work in confidentiality groups of similar ability, age and gender so that it is easier to share concerns.

Life Skills curriculum prepares pupils for the future; how to travel safely, keep their pin number safe, e-safety & who they can trust. This needs re-emphasising continually.

SEN Pupils do not usually have awareness of danger so within the PHSE curriculum, community visits and life skills training there is emphasis on equipping pupils for being in the wider world especially for when they leave school. Years 6-9 pupils attend a Crucial Crewe events covering Safety awareness (drugs, fire bullying etc.)

Nurture work helps pupils by raising self- esteem & calming anxieties as it is a safe place to relax and talk. It also helps with transitions. The trained ATA uses therapies and programmes - ‘Volcano in my Tummy’ for anger, Drawing therapy for anxiety and ‘Special Person’ books, Hygiene, Hair and Beauty for raising self-esteem and relaxing.

SMSC / BV are central to our provision - seen on MTP, Teacher observations, Planning grids, Assemblies, School rules etc. (See roots diagram on website). ‘The right to be heard and have needs met permeates the school’ Peer review.

School Council provides opportunities to debate, evaluate, vote & plan charity events to show concern for others inside & outside school. ‘Pupils learn a great deal about democracy, communication and tolerance through the school council’ Peer review.

Behaviour Ofsted ‘Student’s behaviour and safety are good. They feel safe and rates of attendance are high’2013. Peer review 2016- ‘Overall the behaviour of pupils was excellent around school’ Parent Survey June 2016- “If the staff know or can find out what has triggered the behaviour then they also deal with this”

A Senior manager oversees Individual behaviour plans and helps to produce comprehensive CYPS risk assessments and PEEPs (Personal escape plans)for each pupil.

Class behaviour logs assist in monitoring behaviours and strategies to identify patterns and ascertain what strategies work successfully. Behaviour plans are RAG coded to aid appropriate graded responses.

All staff are Team Teach trained & it is used by all staff to ensure the principles a nd practice of safety and care for all at school. We now have 2 Team Teach trainers on site

Issues are dealt with swiftly, multi-agency teams are involved and any changes to procedures or practices implemented immediately.

Teacher Observations-Behaviour is 100% Good or Outstanding. Pupils turn take and show care & concern for each other. Peer review 2016 ‘Peer to peer support id super’.

No serious bullying or racist incidents were reported but pupils mentioned worrying about bullying in their well-being questionnaire. Playground issues are addressed quickly to prevent bullying and pupils are helped to understand racist remarks to prevent them. ‘Circles of Friends’ groups during lunch times used to tackle these issues and encourage understanding of friendship needs.

Pupil Playground Officers ensure pupils know the school rules and help to enforce them at playtimes. We celebrate those who keep the rules every Friday assembly Welfare- Parent survey 2016- “I always know my child is safe & well cared for” & “100%of the quality and care and supervision is fantastic”. Peer Review- ‘Pupils are very positive about school’

Health and Well- being Mark is held by the school which highlights pupils’ safety and well being and was awarded for a second time.

National Well- Being questionnaire is carried out biannually and we adapt our PHSE sessions in line with issues that are raised within this for our school and pupils.

Whole school attendance is good for a Special School, 94.10% & up on last year. Many pupils have medical issues requiring long stays in hospital but unauthorised absences are usually low. Punctuality is helped by the majority of pupils being on transport. Traffic or health issues (eg. epileptic fit) can create difficulties but these are minimal.

Community Police visit classes & assemblies to talk to pupils on a variety of topics. Our Local MP met us in London & continues to visit the school and take an interest in the pupils’ welfare.

Nurture work for reactive and proactive strategies supports pupils who have emotional & social difficulties and helps to minimise disruption to learning.

Intimate care plans for pupils who need them are carried out by Personal Care Assistants who ensure dignity and trust as well as plans to ensure changing time is not ‘dead time’

Lunch clubs & increased staffing in the playground ensure safer free time for pupils. Midday supervisors have an excellent induction and training package led by SMSA. They had training on playground games and resources were purchased to enable this to happen. Length of school day includes lunchtime targets used to broaden curriculum provision including eating skills and work experience of helping to serve meals. Pupils have eating plans and eat in ‘family’ groups of mixed ages to interact & support one another.

Parents are involved in workshops, IEP meetings, celebration assemblies & different parent support groups are set up. A questionnaire was sent to all parents to ascertain views June 2016.

Home school diaries can be bespoke and contain individual grids of the information parents need to know to ensure welfare and medical needs are being met, alongside curriculum engagement.

An After school club is run by school staff aware of pupil needs. There have also been after school cricket and cycling clubs sponsored by SELFA or sports clubs.

A PTFA is set up, initially organised by 3 parents, to develop good relationships between home and school and to support school initiatives financially and with other forms of help.

Badge and lottery assemblies celebrate achievement and good behaviour. The Blossom Tree acknowledges each individual pupil being wonderful, unique and amazing!

Overall Judgement Outstanding Good Requires Improvement Inadequate

Strengths– Good working relationships with other agencies: CAMHS, Specialist nursing team, Disability social work team, Specialist providers -Sensory Medical Team - Physio, Hearing /MSI/ Visual Impairment, OT,

helping to overcome barriers to achievement. PHSE workshops are responsive to pupils’ issues, tailored to need and delivered by a team of school staff &nursing specialists. Part of good SMSC. Good caring relationships between staff and pupils and peers were recognised by Peer Review and other professionals that visit school and that ¾ of parents felt quality of care is good leads to our Outstanding judgement

Areas for Development– Set up systems to check the effectiveness of post- incident actions so that restorative actions are taken for pupils and staff have de-briefings and any possible counselling they may need. Identify a Parent liaison staff member to ensure parents have an opportunity to voice their feelings and need for information to create effective home/school relationships.




Are you satisfied with the quality of

Care and Supervision we




don't know




Do you think Behaviour is

managed consistently and

effectively in school?



don't know

Effectiveness of Leadership and Management 2016 - Evidence

Vision/ Ethos highlights a two pronged approach Curriculum and Enrichmentso that each pupil, whatever their needs, meet their full potential & enjoy learning. This ethos is on letter heads & website.

Enrichment takes many forms - Residentials to Theatre visits, Trips, Art projects / Music therapy/School Choir./ Themed Subject Days/ Forest School/ Sensory/ Enterprise/ Work Experience

Our Vision encourages an “innovative, enriched and vibrant learning community that celebrates progress and achievement in all its forms” so we provide a curriculum from sensory diets to AQA Maths and English to make sure all pupils are engaged, aspiring and achieving their full potential.

British Values/ SMSC -Curriculum themes each have a ‘Value’ focus, Assemblies, School Rules (voted on by school), all help to promote British Values & ensure SMSC is at the heart of what we do.

A Learning Charter for best learning, teaching and learning environment as seen by Pupils, Parents and Teachers/Staff. The last one we did showed consistent thinking between stakeholders and staff.

Local Offer outlining all SEN provision in local area and the Local Authority is on the website with relevant link. Management team meet weekly Head, Deputy, School Business Manager &TLR scrutinise whole school issues, curriculum initiatives, monitoring, evaluating provision &assessment to ensure we deliver aspirational & improving results. Ofsted- ‘Leadership and management are good. Some of the headteacher’s work is outstanding’. October 2013.

Departmental teams monitor & moderate progress in the Secondary Department to ensure high quality ASDAN & AQA work and the Primary/ ASD/ PMLD Department ensures progress from a specialised curriculum that meets needs. PMLD curriculum evaluated by LA to be appropriate & engaging June 2015. Pupil progress continued for 3rd year.

Appraisal cycles are carried out by Teachers, SBM, TLR, Deputy & HT with 3 targets for teachers & HLTAs and 2 targets for other staff TA, Clerical, Site Supervisor. Whole school targets are taken from the SDP. The Teaching and TA Standards are adhered to and Post threshold ones are taken into account too if relevant.

Training is linked to SDP, Appraisal &New Initiatives. Training includes all staff and covers broad areas from Health, ICT, Behaviour, New Curriculum, Communication and Teaching approaches.

Staff development is carried out at weekly staff meetings also. Staff evaluated how well the year has gone to feed into the SDP and in this they have expressed how valuable these sessions are.

Finance is managed by SBM and Finance officer to allow for segregation of duties. LA Bursar monitors the budget providing monitoring reports to Governing body to ensure good stewardship.

Pupil premium is directed towards enhancing curriculum enrichment to promote engagement & in providing apparatus for individuals that can support their physical, cognitive or communication learning (specifically for LAC pupils who may show gaps in progress (but this can also be due to their severe and complex needs).

PE KS2 fund has been used to broaden provision and participate in sport with other special schools. We have been awarded a Silver Medal by the National School Games Mark. Leadership- Peer Review 2016- ‘Use of resources and school’s staffing structure have created a strong school community that positively impacts on pupils’ experiences.’ The Deputy is a School Based Tutor for trainee teachers on assessed placements, from 2 universities and a Teaching Alliance ‘Northern Lights’. We have been identified as an excellent provider. 2 NQTs have also been successfully mentored by her in the last few years.

Responsibilities- are shared between staff to help with work load. Peer Review 2016 ‘Teachers and HLTAs have clear areas of responsibility that impact on whole school developments’

Multi Agency meetings including Health, CAMHS, Social Services & school meet regularly & this team also meets with parents to ensure appropriate support & provision for children

Learning Walk -EDA noted that “pupils with a wide range of abilities were having their needs met and there was generally a high level of challenge”

Subject leaders produce an Action Plan each year to set goals and identify pupils who need extra interventions in their subject area shown by Caspa Traffic Light graphs

Curriculum provision is broad and balanced through the use of specialist programmes, bespoke courses and relevant Community& Life skills training. It is age and needs appropriate and therefore caters for all our students.AQA and ASDAN are nationally recognised qualifications carried out by older pupils (Post 14 & Post 16).

Progress in all Key Stages is good- outstanding. Rigorous analysis is used Progression Guidance, CASPA and BSquared& staff monitor achievements through the year to track progress

Vocational work is emphasised as pupils get older within house enterprise and regular work experience with a variety of providers in the local area. The Careers curriculum is being extended across the school. We are aiming for the IAG Careers Quality Mark.

Governance- Ofsted ‘governing body has improved its effectiveness and provides good support and challenge to the school’. October 2013. Peer review 2016- ‘Governors question information and data they receive’

Critical support- Through Teams, Link Class mentors, Individual folders to record their judgements Governors provide critical support.. Chair and other Governors often attend SIN meetings with LA.

Chair and Head meet regularly. Head teacher Performance management carried out by Governor team and Consultant and we have a Safeguarding Governor as well as teams for complaints etc.

Governor teams oversee different areas of responsibility. 3 teams covering Pupils, Personnel with Finance and School and Community managing budgets, decisions and policies. Safeguarding audit is carried out by a SBM and admin team, Designated Senior Person and deputy and DP from Governors -91% of the questions were answered affirmatively. The 13 identified actions were reported to Governors and dealt with immediately.

All staff do online Child protection training as part of their induction and it is regularly updated. The Head is the named Designated person, a named teacher as deputy and a named Governor has CP responsibility. All have up to date relevant training including Female Genital Mutilation and PREVENT.

Training updated for CP is now done annually for Governors and staff. This includes Safeguarding with relevance to disability, FGM, and PREVENT.

Senior managers and Governors have done the online Safer recruitment Training and a probationary period is set for all new staff who also carry out an Induction programme.

The Single Central Record is kept and all staff and Governors have enhanced DBS. All volunteers in school now also have DBS

Emergency plans PEEPS have been drawn up for each individual pupil. Children all have Risk assessments and may also have Care and Medical plans, Intimate Care plans or Behaviour plans

Risk assessments are done for playground areas and equipment and equipment in school such as hoists etcetera and on D&T resources and uses.

A Fob safety system is used on front doors to prevent pupils getting out onto the car park & enhances the safety of our pupils.

Overall Judgement Outstanding Good Requires Improvement Inadequate

Strengths– Shared responsibilities between a small staff team to ensure all areas are evaluated and improved upon where necessary. Hard working Governing body having to cover more areas after they reconstituted into a smaller body. Robust systems to help with evaluations of provision- Audits, Surveys, Questionnaires, comparisons with national data, outside consultants, HT Peer reviews and LA support. Good multi- agency links to ensure effective safeguarding.

Areas for Development- Embedding new head teacher from January 2017. Ensure CPD and succession planning is done to encourage more leadership growth into middle leadership and above. Find ways to cope with budgetary constraints so that ICT equipment is updated and the quality and numbers of staff can be maintained for our vulnerable pupils.

Enrichment- ‘Working Together and Playing Together’ (From our school prayer).

Working Together Playing Together Enrichment

World Book Day

Dragon’s Den

London Residential- meeting our MP

Sensory Exploration

Having fun together!

Queen’s Birthday- Forest school


Playtime Chinese Dance day
