ourney towards Excellence -...


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Dear readers and friends,

You o en read or hear the expression “journey towards Excellence” in our communica on. What does this mean prac cally?

When using the EFQM Excellence Model in your organisa on, you know that performance improvement will come, but that it will build over me rather than come overnight. You deploy step by step, func on by func on, division by division, refining more and more. You first create a base-line by performing an assessment. This shows few rocks clearly s cking out the water; you tackle these “areas for improvement” via structured improvement projects. You may then perform an internal assessment to see how well your first projects have been deployed and how they have impacted your performance. As the water level goes down, more rocks emerge and you tackle them. You look for role models in the EFQM Community and learn from them (Good Prac ce Visits, on-line knowledge base, webinars). You may train people to develop them or to further accelerate and embed the deployment of your ini a ve. Progressively, you refine all approaches that are cri cal to your strategy and your performance improves across the board. This is however a never ending journey as you keep assessing and refining, in your relentless quest for Excellence.

Three organisa ons share their experience in this EFQM Newsle er. They are at different stages of their journey but are all engaged for the long run as their past efforts have paid off. The European Ombudsman (France & Bel-gium) achieved EFQM Commi ed to Excellence. The Knowledge and Human Development Authority (UAE) obtained EFQM Recognised for Excellence 5*. Alpenresort Schwarz (Austria), winners of the 2013 EFQM Excellence Award. And finally, St Mary's College whose journey spans almost 20 years, was recognised with mul ple Awards. All know that their journey is not over.

As organisa ons progress on their journey towards Excellence, they are eager to learn from others in order to progress faster. The EFQM Forum offers the ideal environment to do just that, plus many addi onal networking opportuni es within the EFQM Community. The 2014 event, which will take place in Brussels on October 20-21, features a unique array of speakers and par cipants. I invite you to look for more informa on in this Newsle er and our site, and look forward to seeing you then.

Enjoy the reading.

Marc Amblard

Marc Amblard, EFQM CEO

urney& Bel-

UAE) ence l ple


er to rking 0-21,e er


9 Excellence in Ac on Knowledge and

Human Development Authority

10 Excellence as a driver of organisa onal


8 EFQM expands its partners network

6 The journey of the European


4 St Mary’s College: a world class example of Con nuous Improvement

12 Quality Management Based on the EFQM Model at Alpenresort


19 EFQM new Recognised for Excel-

lence and Commi ed to Excellence


St Mary’s College has come a long way from the Sisters of Mercy first opened its doors to young girls in Derry/Londonderry in 1959. The original site was located in the Creggan area of the city, a large housing estate with very high levels of social depriva on and an area that for over 30 years, suffered some of the worst effects of ‘the Trou-bles’. Northern Ireland has a selec ve system of educa on. In the Derry City Council area over 40% of pupils are selected (using a transfer test) at age 11 for a place in one of the local Grammar schools. St Mary’s intake consists mainly of those who are not selected for a Grammar School place while some pupils choose the school even though they could get a place in any Grammar School. When it first opened most of the girls le at 14 or 15 to work in one of the many local shirt factories and few aspired to further or higher educa on. Today almost all pupils go on to Further or Higher educa on or enter a training programme when they leave St Mary’s and many follow non tradi onal pathways in STEM areas (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). In 2010 St Mary’s, having just celebrated its Golden Anniversary, moved to its new hi-tech campus at the heart of the Digital Corridor on the Northland Road. Pupils now have access to state of the art facili es and vibrant learning spaces. Today St Mary’s caters for almost 900 girls in the 11-18 age group with a vibrant 6th Form of 200 pupils. It is a Specialist School for Science and a Microso Mentor School with a strong focus on STEM subjects and a relentless drive to equip these young girls with the skills needed to live and work in the 21st century.

Our Excellence journey, part of our DNA

St Mary’s has been striving to exceed world class standards in educa on since 1991. Back then, former Principal Dame Geraldine Keegan put in place management structures based on Total Quality Management and so began St Mary’s Quality journey. As a result a School Improvement Programme was put in place to be er meet the needs of every pupil and this Improvement Programme con nues to the present day.

For almost 20 years (1995) St Mary’s has been using the EFQM Excellence Model for whole school performance review and organisa onal development. The original a rac on of the model was its capacity to provide a comprehensive framework to assess how well the school was run and to iden fy strengths and areas for improvement. In reality the model did much more than this. As the pace of educa onal reforms increased, the EFQM Business Excellence Model provided the school with a powerful, forward looking performance management framework that was flexible enough to suit the school’s par cular context and rigorous in terms of the processes and measures required. Using the EFQM framework means that leadership is developed at every level with all staff including support staff. As a result staff are empowered to be innova ve and crea ve, to find new and be er ways of doing things and in order to provide a be er educa onal service to their pupils.

St Mary’s Quality journey con nues to the present day. The school’s commitment to providing an excellent educa onal service is now embedded in the school’s DNA. This has been validated not just through the EFQM Excellence Awards process in 2001, 2006 and 2013 but also through self evalua on and audits, through inspec on reports.


It has also been validated by other quality standards such as Investors in People, the ICT Mark and the Inclusion Quality Mark. More recent accolades in 2014 include teaching awards for two members of staff.

The significant improvement in academic achievement since 2006 and the subsequent impact on the local community cannot be overes mated in rela on to a) the wider social context and b) the considerable increase in the number of pupils requiring special educa onal provision. (EFQM Feedback Report 2013)

Today St Mary’s has a shared, pupil centred vision and a ‘can do’ culture. There is no fear of failure, if something does not work out as planned it is simply regarded as a learning experience and another strategy is adopted. Staff are clear about school priori es and understand the part they play in achieving them.

Everyone works together to benefit the pupils and strategic partnerships and support from stakeholders, especially parents and Governors, play a key role in helping to help raise standards. All stakeholders have a great sense of pride in the success of the pupils and the work of the school.

Through the provision of a high quality educa on...St Mary’s College con nuously adds value to their customers (EFQM Feedback Report 2013)

The story of St Mary’s is a story of its people. Those ‘people’ include inspira onal staff and Governors, proac ve parents, strategic partners and the wider community especially past pupils who take such pride in the success of the school. These people are the key drivers on our Excellence Journey and they fully commi ed to achieving the best possible outcomes for every pupil. The EFQM Excellence Model is a sort of ‘Sat Nav’ for that Excellence journey, keeping them on the right track, providing good data and ensuring they are travelling in the right direc on to achieve their goal.

It is clear that the passion, dedica on and commitment of hard working staff, placing pupils at the heart of everything is a key factor for St Mary’s College in adding value for their customers, enabling successful implementa on of their approaches. (EFQM Feedback Report 2013)

Benefits of our Quality Journey

Oversubscribed despite declining school age popula on.

Successfully promo ng STEM for girls, empowering future genera ons and helping to grow a dynamic innova ve economy.

Focus on Digital Technology with innova ve Digi-Tech curriculum at Key Stage 3 and 1:1 compu ng in junior school.

Sustained improvement in Examina on Results at both GCSE

2012-13 5+GCSE Grades A*-C 90% compared to 23% in 1993

2012-13 2+ A*-E A’level 100% compared to 93% in 2007-08

2012-13 3+ A*-C A’level 48% compared to 21% in 2007-08. (3+ A*-C is the Grammar school benchmark)

Academic results demonstrate posi ve trends for more than 10 years including significant improvements in English and Maths since 2006 despite the increasing mixed ability levels of pupils and the socio economic depriva on many of them face. (EFQM Feedback Report 2013)


A bit of history

The European Ombudsman's office first got acquainted with the EFQM Model in 2010 when several of the Ombudsman's staff par cipated in the "Start the Journey towards Sustainable Excellence" training session.

Those of us who were there came out of the training feeling a li le overwhelmed and perhaps even confused. Understanding the various components of the model and envisioning how all this could apply to our ins tu on was not immediately obvious at the me!

But fortunately the ming of this training also coincided with the beginning of a consulta on process that led to the adop on of our first strategy. Because the Ombudsman exists to serve ci zens and to help the EU ins tu ons enhance the quality of their service to ci zens, the ques on of how we could increase the quality of our work was of course central in the process. In fact, it rapidly became clear that we would highly benefit from a structured quality management approach.

It is against this backdrop that the then Ombudsman decided to engage with the EFQM framework a er mee ng with the EFQM management in March 2011.

Steps to 'EFQM Commi ed to Excellence'

Later in 2011, the EFQM facilitated a workshop in which the model was presented to our middle management. The results of the self-assessment carried out in the workshop enabled us to iden fy the three improvement projects that were later taken up in the framework of the 'Commi ed to Excellence' applica on.

We submi ed the applica on in early 2012 and the valida on visit took place in September 2012. It resulted in the European Ombudsman being recognised as 'Commi ed to Excellence'.


Lessons learnt

The ini al feeling of confusion started to dissipate somewhat when we saw the model in ac on in the C2E applica on process. Put simply, we perhaps just started to think differently.

We have learned to have a more coordinated and structured approach to our overall opera ons, sought to clarify roles and responsibili es and to develop a framework of processes with clear links to our management and repor ng tools.

We are also aware that quality is everyone's business in the ins tu on. This is why we have tried to associate the whole staff to the process and we will need to con nue doing so.

But, most of all, we understand that seeking quality and excellence is an on-going journey rather than a des na on. EFQM's Excellence in Ac on programme helps us on the journey by challenging us con nually to re-think what we do, why we do it and how we do it.

And whenever the fog threatens to roll in again; we know we can count on the expert advice of the EFQM team and draw on the experiences of others. This has been key!

Looking ahead

Of course, we take pride in being the first EU ins tu on to have embarked on the EFQM journey and to have achieved 'Commi ed to Excellence'. We are also conscious that we will be much more credible when we cri cise or make recommenda ons to other ins tu ons if we are seen to prac ce what we preach. EFQM helps us achieve this!

We intend to build on what we have learned so far and to con nue, through our membership with EFQM and our prepara on for the next level of recogni on, to strive to do what we do even be er and to invite others to take up the challenge as well.

Murielle Richardson—Adviser to the Secretary-General of the European Ombudsman.

Murielle Richardson is the Adviser to the Secretary-General of the European Ombudsman.

The European Ombudsman inves gates complaints about maladministra on in the ins tu ons and bodies of the Eu-ropean Union.


On September 15th 1988, 14 European Business Leaders met with Jacques Delors and signed a “Le er of Intent” to form a European founda on dedicated to increasing the compe veness of the European industry. In order to achieve this mission, EFQM launched a partners network throughout Europe. Their shared objec ve was to help organisa ons drive performance improvement using the EFQM Excellence Model. This network has grown significantly over the years as it remains cri cal for an extensive deployment of the EFQM Excellence Model. Our partners indeed provide the necessary capillarity to work with local organisa ons. Thanks to them, the Model and most EFQM trainings exist and are delivered in 20 languages.

EFQM needs to develop new partnerships to increase its presence in Europe. This is why we recently signed with INK in the Netherlands, a recognised long term player in the area of Excellence in Netherlands, and EAQ in Estonia, who was an EFQM partners between 2005-2010. These two organisa ons have been recognised in their respec ve countries for their role in the field of Quality and Excellence suppor ng various players of the economy. EFQM today is represented in 31 countries, including in 22 of the 28 EU member states. Developing new partners mean the transla on of the Model and training material but more importantly the transfer of EFQM specific competencies via joint training sessions and assessments.

Our efforts do not stop here: We are working on new partnerships to be er cover Central and Eastern Europe; and we are intensifying our efforts to provide more value to the EFQM Community through exis ng partner. For Estonia, we will also organise an Open Doors event on June 3rd in Tallinn to kick-off this partnership in the region. Laatukeskus, EFQM’s Finish partner, will also a end and will present the EFQM experience in Finland with one of their recognised members.


His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, said that “In the race for excellence, there is no finish line”. This ethos has been adopted by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority, a Dubai-based regulatory body responsible for the growth, development and quality of private educa on in the emirate.

The organisa on’s excellence department was originally launched in 2007, when KHDA was first established. With a background in leadership training and performance management, Dr Wafi Dawood was responsible for its implementa on. “We began using the EFQM model at the very beginning,” explains Dr Dawood. “We wanted to ensure all our processes were streamlined from the start. The principles of EFQM are the best building blocks for success.”

According to Dr Dawood, EFQM was an easy choice. “It was already being used in other government departments and we had seen success stories of this model in ac on. We wanted to bring innova on to KHDA’s development and the EFQM principles seemed like the most logical way to achieve our long-term goals.”

From the start, the Model has been integrated into KHDA’s structure, with all employees receiving EFQM training. Seven years on, more than 15% of employees are directly involved with maintaining the Model, while 25 members of staff are cer fied EFQM assessors.

“When we first implemented the EFQM principles, we were building an organisa on from scratch,” explains Dr Dawood. “This worked in our favour, because unlike other companies, we had no ‘baggage’ to hold us down or prevent our growth. For me the biggest challenge was to keep everyone interested in the Model and maintain its sustainability.”

To overcome these challenges, Dr Dawood is keen to ensure that the value of the Model is felt throughout KHDA. Every board member within the team is directly accountable for upholding the principles of EFQM. They are each assigned a specific criteria to develop, and their performance will be monitored at their annual review. “We advocate a system of shared leadership, where all employees have autonomy for their own projects,” adds Dr Dawood. “We want our teams to create their own ideas and interact with each other. Our offices are open plan to create a relaxed environment and ensure easy access to leadership. We want to integrate our managers into their teams, rather than having separate offices.”

In 2013, KHDA became the first government body in the Middle East to receive EFQM Recognised for Excellence five star. By focusing on ‘outcomes’, KHDA has successfully implemented a bou que style concierge service and improved customer sa sfac on levels from 76.8% to 95.1% in just three years, the highest recorded figure in all Dubai’s government authori es. In addi on the organisa on was praised for its innova on and willingness to ini -ate change, which was evident in staff morale.

Despite achieving a five star commenda on, employees are not ready to rest. “We see Excellence as a marathon, rather than a sprint,” explains Dr Dawood. “KHDA is constantly developing and changing and we are always open to new ideas and innova on. We apply the EFQM principles to everything we do and never stop moving. To be successful we must be determined, dedicated and, perhaps most importantly, adaptable.”

Isra’a Mobideen Senior Excellence Manager KHDA


In UNOPS, we con nually refer to our ‘Excellence journey’. For that really is what it is – a journey – one born out of crisis, presen ng hurdles and divergent paths, but one along which we now tread with increased confidence towards the opportuni es and challenges of our future.

It is no secret that in 2006, UNOPS had problems. Serious failures in financial and management controls meant that UNOPS was losing money, deple ng reserves and struggling even to complete an audit. Our personnel were deeply worried and anxious about their future and many had already le . Our credibility was low and falling. Our unique, self-financing, business model was being ques oned and indeed our existence was under serious threat.

UNOPS has come a very, very long way since then. Drawing upon its strength of a ‘can-do’ a tude and a bility to get things done in some of the world’s toughest environments, the organiza on has rebuilt itself. We have proven that our business model, unique within the UN, can be successful. Our finances are solid, our reserves replenished. Our personnel show strong job sa sfac on, even benchmarked with other UN organisa ons. UNOPS is now held up as an example of successful UN reform, especially in areas such as efficiency, transparency and accountability.

Most importantly, these changes have provided a founda on for us to achieve our mission to deliver the best possible services and results for people in need.

Today the quality of our work is not only dependant on the performance of individual colleagues working in the field; it is ins tu onally backed up, consistent and informed by interna onal best prac ce standards and the principles of sustainability.

Part of our strategy to make ourselves ever more relevant and efficient was to use independent benchmarks and standards by which to judge ourselves and drive us forwards on our Excellence journey. In

2011, UNOPS became the only United Na ons organisa on to have its global quality management system ISO 9001 cer fied. Last year, our sustainable infrastructure prac ce’s environmental management system was cer fied to ISO 14001. And UNOPS also became the first global organisa on to be awarded all four of the most pres gious project management cer fica ons.

Whilst these standards are in common use in the private sectors of many countries in the developed world, in the environments in which we work – o en post-conflict or post-crisis – they are almost unheard of. By se ng ourselves the targets and achieving them, we not only demonstrated that we were a changed organisa on but also broadened our understanding of quality and began to have the confidence to talk about Excellence.

We began using the EFQM Excellence Model with small steps. We first tried it out with very small self-assessment exercises to support local management teams. As we started to be er understand its poten al, it became a key component of a global strategy review when we used it for a world-wide self-assessment. And last year we asked the EFQM to carry out an external Recognised for Excellence assessment – an exercise that would have been unthinkable a few years ago. We were delighted to achieve a four star ra ng, but that sa sfac-

on was short-lived as we realised the wealth of improvement opportuni es that s ll lie ahead of us.

The construc on of Kabul University, Afghanistan.


Today, the Excellence Model is wri en into our Strategic Plan. With a few minor modifica ons from the EFQM Model, it is now established as the ‘UNOPS Excellence Model’. Indeed, ‘Excellence’ is now one of our four key values also encompassing the respect and support for na onal ownership and capacity as the founda on for our approach to sustainability; accountability for results and the resources entrusted to us by our partners which we believe must be supported by transparency in all that we do and the importance of strong partnerships and coordina on amongst diverse actors including the UN, governments, NGOs and the private sector.

As we have matured, and as we have learned how to use the Excellence Model, we have found it to be an indispensable method of aligning approaches and results. For example, in 2010, we established a Leadership Charter which defined how leaders in UNOPS behaved. And we supported it with a Strategic Leadership Programme – ‘Leading for Results’. Through the Model, we can now link such approaches to results such a Leadership Quo ent score and benchmark this against other organisa ons.

However, where we perhaps are most excited to use the model in se ng ambi ons and tracking the effect of our approaches is in ‘Society Results’. As UNOPS Mission is to ‘serve people in need…’, this is at the core of what we do and is our reason to exist. We have always been judged on our ability to deliver to me, cost and quality and that will be a constant demand placed upon us. But these days we know that our future relevance will depend on so much more than this. We have set ourselves the ambi on of embedding sustainability into all of our projects to the greatest extent possible and, for us, sustainability means advoca ng with all of a project’s stakeholders for a solu on that will genuinely

meet the needs of the communi es in which we work.

There are always compe ng pressures on the projects that we are engaged to deliver. But if we can ensure that our partners focus on the actual desired outcomes of a project, for example, the educa on of a community’s children, rather than the assembly of the bricks and mortar of a school building, then we will know that UNOPS is fit for purpose to fulfil its mission.

When we take stock of where we are and the journey we have been on, it seems incredible that we have reached this posi on in under 10 years but if we have learned one thing in our pursuit of excellence, it is not to spend too long res ng on our laurels but to commit to con nual improvement. Our journey con nues.

UNOPS is an opera onal arm of the United Na ons, helping a range of partners implement $1 billion worth of aid and development projects every year. By implemen ng around 1,000 projects for our partners at any given me, UNOPS makes significant, tangible contribu ons to results on the ground. UNOPS mission is to serve people in need by expanding the ability of the United Na ons, governments and other partners to manage projects, infrastructure and procurement in a sustainable and efficient manner. UNOPS vision is to advance sustainable implementa on prac ces in development, humanitarian and peacebuilding contexts, always sa sfying or surpassing partner expecta ons.

One is of Post-earthquake housing rehabilita on in

Hai .

Neil Donovan—Quality Management Advisor


We at Alpenresort Schwarz (Mieming/Tyrol, Austria) have been using the EFQM model since 2003, which makes us pioneers in the tourism industry. Having reached the finals the first me we entered the European Excellence Award in 2010, in October 2013 we won 2 of the 8 individual prizes in the “Succeeding Through the Talent of People” and “Adding Value for Customers” categories, in addi on to the overall award. In doing so, we joined an elite group of renowned top European companies, and are the first Austrian company to win this coveted award since the quality compe on was launched in 1992.

Our reasons for introducing the quality management system were the growth of the resort to 120 rooms and the expansion of the spa area, realloca on of roles within the family business and the knowledge that only utmost quality and considera on of all interest groups such as guests, employees, suppliers and the region can bring about long-term success. So, about 10 years ago, we started working with our management team in line with this model. The kick-off was during our first Strategy Conven on in 2003, which has been taking place annually since then. At the me, vision, mission, values and the strategic goals for the coming years were mapped out together with approx. 15 execu ve managers. Since then, we have been consistently working on the realisa on of this model. The greatest benefit is surely that we have con nuously developed and improved our organisa on and our rou ne management work by working in project groups. Therefore, our tradi onal family business has developed into an organisa on with modern structures and control systems.

Among others, the following measures were par cularly successful in our quest for constant improvement: Using checklists and PUPE workshops, project group work, employee and management development, improvement of internal and external communica on, living up to our values and integra ng employees and guests in the introduc on of innova ons as part of our trend centre.

The key performance figures improved in almost all areas. For example, guest and employee sa sfac on increased, the cost of recruitment decreased, coopera on with companies in the region improved and projects were implemented faster. The assessor team’s feedback report, which detailed our strengths as well as areas for improvement – providing us with a lot of valuable informa on – emphasised this.



The journey started with an introduc on to EFQM, quickly followed by a self-assessment and a first strategy conference. Execu ves, departments and team managers were involved from the very beginning.

2004 – 2005

A er ensuring our first steps where in the right direc on, we defined our vision, mission and values, as well as our strengths and areas for improvement. The first project led to the forma on of several groups targe ng specific topics: Management, Quality, Adding Value for Guests and Employees. A brand new bonus pass was also launched for employees.


The Schwarz Academy was established as an internal training centre.


A new step was achieved with the produc on of a process map, linked to the alloca on of process responsibili es. A workflow descrip on strengthened this step.


The year was dedicated to define communica on rules about: what—how—how o en. Regular mee ngs were also scheduled: daily with the jour fix, but also weekly and monthly, with a specific manager mee ng.



Another group project was founded: the “Grüne Schwarz Blume” (Green Schwarz Flower) with responsibili es including sustainability issues and the development of a partner program.

The Schwartz’s employees were qualified as internal trainers for team play and short training courses. They also gained benefit of a club card for advantages with internal and regional partners.


Alpenresort Schwartz managed to be finalist in the European Excellence Award. The team also introduced a Business Score Card (BSC) for all departments.


An introduc on of ongoing PUPE workshops was launched, as well as a PDCA (plan-do-check-act) cycle in all departments.


Another group project was founded: “Health”, focusing on the development of health programs.

Alpenresort Schwartz was the Prize winner of the Austrian Excellence Award.


Last year, Alpenresort Schwartz was the overall Award winner of the EFQM Excellence Award.


The EFQM Excellence Award is the highest mark of dis nc on in the area of Sustainable Excellence. It is supported by the most rigorous assessment process in Europe and is awarded to leading organisa ons with a proven track record in turning strategy into ac on and con nuously improving their organisa on’s performance.

What’s in it for you?

Enhance your brand image and reputa on

Find out how good you are and discover your true po-ten al

Mo vate and energise your people

Receive independent, stakeholder focussed value-adding feedback

Announce your success and join the Winners’ club

Start planning your applica on now…

Applicant webinars

Between May-November 2014 Final submission due

13th February 2015 Site visit

18th– 22nd May 2015 EFQM Forum, Brussels, Belgium October 2015

Facebook Twi er Linkedin Youtube


See a leading organisa on in ac on!

One day event at the premises of an EFQM Member to see how the Model is used

What’s in it for you?

Get to know EFQM Gather ideas from leading organisa ons Increase your professional network Learn from best prac ces

“It was a pleasure for me to par cipate to the GPV Coca Cola Ankara Plant. I have learned so much valuable informa on on HR Good Prac ce processes and specifically on the approach on empowerment. Sharing knowledge and experience is one of the most important values for excellent organisa ons. I would strongly recommend everyone to a end Good Prac ce Visits in the future.”

Murat Aydin, Quality Assurance Manager at GC Europe N.V

Sign up now for one of our Good Prac ce Visits of June 2014

For more informa on, please visit www.efqm.org. To sign up, please e-mail us at info@efqm.org

Company Name Country Date Theme Red Electrica de Espana Spain 3rd June Good Prac ce in managing

people and Good Governance General Electric United Kingdom 11th June Smart Grid Demonstra on

Glasgow Housing Associa-on

Scotland 16th June Leading with Vision, Inspira on & Integrity


We are pleased to invite you to a unique event organised by EFQM and EAQ in Tallinn, Estonia, on 3rd of June 2014, with the support of Laatukeskus. Par cipa on will allow you to learn how EFQM Excellence Model supports the development of organisa ons to bust their poten al and guarantee outstanding results. It will be our pleasure to meet you there.

The program of the day includes :

Loca on

Nordic Hotel Forum - Viru väljak 3, 10111 Tallinn, Estonia t: 00372 622 2900 e: forum@nordichotels.eu w: h p://www.nordichotels.eu/en


The fee for the par cipa on is 45 Euro + VAT Members of Estonian Associa on for Quality, Laatukeskus Excellence Finland & Latvian Society for Quality will pay 35 Euro + VAT Event is free of charge for EFQM members

Contact If you have any ques on, feel free to contact us @ EAQ, Pirje Pe er : t: +372 5695 6005 e: pirje.pe er@eaq.ee w: www.eaq.ee EFQM: t: +32 2 775 35 11 e: info@efqm.org w: www.efqm.org

EFQM in Estonia: the new Estonian Associa on for Quality

A speech from the Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences on their Excellence journey

EFQM in Finland: Laatukeskus will share its experience

A presenta on from Lindorff and its Excellence Journey

The way forward for EFQM in Estonia


Company Country Sector Date Awarded

Ooredoo Qatar Qatar Communica on 19 December 2013

Gimnasio Alessandro Volta Colombia Educa onal services 05 January 2014 Liceo Navarra Colombia Educa onal services 06 January 2014 Gimnasio Los Sauces Colombia Educa onal services 07 January 2014 Beaumont College United Kingdom Educa onal services 10 January 2014 Odelo Slovenija d.o.o. Slovenia 17 January 2014

Europlakat d.o.o. Ljubljana Slovenia 17 January 2014 Mariborski Vodovod, javno podjetje, d.d. Slovenia 17 January 2014 Univerzitetni Klinicni Cen-ter Ljubljana Slovenia Health services 17 January 2014 Pogrebno Podjetje Mari-bor, D.D. Slovenia 17 January 2014

Club Excelencia en Gestión Spain Miscellaneous services 17 January 2014

Sociedad de Tasación S.A. Spain 17 January 2014

Centro Cultural y Deporti-vo Tajamar, S.A. (Centro Logístico Tajamar)

Spain 22 January 2014

Bildungswerk des Landess-portbundes Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V.

Germany Educa onal services 23 January 2014

Safe-Move United Kingdom Electric, gas & sanitary ser-vices 24 January 2014

Clienia Littenheid AG Switzerland Health services 27 January 2014 Niamh United Kingdom Health services 29 January 2014

Chesapeake United Kingdom Miscellaneous manufactur-ing 29 January 2014

Carniny Primary School United Kingdom Educa onal services 29 January 2014 Early Years United Kingdom Educa onal services 29 January 2014 Social Security Agency United Kingdom Social services 29 January 2014 IT Assist (Enterprise Shared Services) United Kingdom Informa on Technology 29 January 2014 Positive Futures United Kingdom Health services 29 January 2014 Disability Action United Kingdom Health services 29 January 2014

Stepping Stones United Kingdom Health services 29 January 2014

The Cedar Foundation United Kingdom Health services 29 January 2014

Roe Valley Leisure Centre United Kingdom Amusement and recrea on services 29 January 2014

Killarney Conven on Cen-tre Ireland Hotels and other lodging

place 29 January 2014

Clontarf Castle Ireland Hotels and other lodging place 29 January 2014

Crowne Plaza Blanchard-stown Ireland Hotels and other lodging

place 29 January 2014


Company Country Sector Date Awarded

Crowne Plaza Northwood Ireland Hotels and other lodging place 29 January 2014

RehabCare Ireland Health services 29 January 2014

National Learning Network Ireland Educa onal services 29 January 2014

Colegio Piaget Colombia Educa onal services 04 February 2014

Colegio De La Santísima Trinidad Colombia Educa onal services 05 February 2014

Colegio Maristas Chamberí Spain Educa onal services 10 February 2014

Asociación Colegio Militar Almirante Colón- Cartage-na

Colombia Educa onal services 12 February 2014

Philips Innovation Services Netherlands Electronic & other electric equipment 13 February 2014

Recupel Belgium Electronic & other electric equipment 28 February 2014

Siemens Energy Wind Power Offshore United Kingdom 28 February 2014

Colegio Nuevo Campestre Y/O AD Valor LTDA Colombia Educa onal services 28 February 2014

Bürgerspital Basel Switzerland Health services 10 March 2014

Gerencia Integrada de Asistencia Sanitaria de Soria

Spain Health services 10 March 2014

Instituto Técnico Comer-cial Restrepo Colombia Educa onal services 12 March 2014

Schleich & Haberl Firmen-gruppe Germany Real estate 14 March 2014

Manpowergroup España Spain Administra on of human resources 19 March 2014

Blattaria Betriebshy-gienegesmbH Austria Miscellaneous services 24 March 2014

Hospital Plató Fundación Privada Spain Health services 31 March 2014

10hoch4 Photovoltaik GmbH Austria Environmental quality &

housing 01 April 2014

technosert electronic GmbH Austria Electronic & other electric

equipment 01 April 2014

Abellio London & Surrey Buses United Kingdom Transporta on services 01 April 2014

Derbyshire Probation Trust United Kingdom Jus ce, public order & safety 01 April 2014

Belgin Madeni Yaglar Tic. San. A.S. Turkey Petroleum and coal products 04 April 2014


Company Country Sector Date Awarded

Bosh Security Systems - Sistemas de Segurança S.A.

Portugal Electronic & other electric equipment 04 April 2014

Franke Industrie AG Switzerland Industrial machinery and equipment 07 April 2014

ASSA ABLOY Sicherheit-stechnik GmbH Germany 07 April 2014

Hirslanden Klinik Belair Switzerland Health services 09 April 2014

MBAL SVETA MARINA EAD, Universitätsspital Varna Bulgaria Health services 09 April 2014

HAJDU Autotechnika Zrt. Hungary Fabricated metal products 11 April 2014

Volga State Academy of Water Transport Russian Fed. Educa onal services 11 April 2014

ABB Stotz-Kontakt/Striebel & John Ver-triebsgesellschaft mbH

Germany Informa on Technology 11 April 2014

Fundación Pública Urxen-cias Sanitarias de Galicia-061

Spain Health services 11 April 2014

Egarsat Matepss Nº 276 Spain Health services 15 April 2014

Autoridad Portuaria de Castellón Spain Local & regional government 23 April 2014

Moscow plant of the spe-cialized automobiles Russian Fed. Transporta on equipment 25 April 2014

McFarlane Telfer Ltd United Kingdom Food and kindred products 25 April 2014

DKV SEGUROS, S.A. Spain Insurance carriers 28 April 2014

Complex Cultural Esportiu Montessori-Palau Spain Educa onal services 29 April 2014


Company Country Sector Date Awarded

Colegio Colombo Inglés Colombia Administra on of eco-nomic pro 01 January 2014

S ung ESPRIX Switzerland Membership organisa-ons 08 January 2014

Centre for Compe veness United Kingdom Membership organisa-ons 09 January 2014

Ins tuto Técnico y Académico Scout José Mar Colombia Educa onal services 21 January 2014

Formaclinic Lena S.L. Spain Educa onal services 22 January 2014

Al Ain Police Directorate, Abu Dhabi UAE Jus ce, public order & safety 27 January 2014

Moray Waste Busters United Kingdom Furniture and home furnishing 29 January 2014

Colegio Colombo Hebreo Colombia Educa onal services 30 January 2014

Border Biscuits Ltd United Kingdom Food and kindred products 05 February 2014

Wüstenrot Gruppe - Bereich Organisa ons- und Personalentwicklung (OEPE) Austria Finance, taxa on &

monetary p 11 February 2014

Aandarta AG Switzerland Real estate 11 February 2014

Westdeutscher Tischtennis-Verband Germany Educa onal services 12 February 2014

Corporación Educa va Colegio Comunal Mixto Colombia Educa onal services 17 February 2014

Asociación Punto Omega Spain Social services 28 February 2014 Hospital Quirón Tenerife Spain Health services 28 February 2014 Türkiye Yesilay Cemiye Turkey Social services 04 March 2014

Fife Housing Associa on United Kingdom Environmental quality & housin 04 March 2014

Fundación Adcara Spain Social services 07 March 2014


Company Country Sector Date Awarded Berufs-, Studien- und Lau ahnberatung Kanton Bern Switzerland Educa onal services 12 March 2014

Listen and Learn, S.L. Spain Educa onal services 12 March 2014

Colegio Cris ano Peniel Colombia Educa onal services 14 March 2014

VOKE Vasutas Muvelodési Ház és Könyvtár Hungary Social services 16 March 2014

Gimnasio De Los Cerros Colombia Educa onal services 19 March 2014

Fife Sports and Leisure Trust Ltd United Kingdom 20 March 2014

RICOH Rus, Ltd. Russian Fed. No Classifica on 21 March 2014

Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich Switzerland Educa onal services 24 March 2014

Telecommunica on Regulatory Authority (TRA) Bahrain Communica on 27 March 2014

Aspaen Liceo Tacurí Colombia Educa onal services 08 April 2014 Forth Sector United Kingdom 09 April 2014 Aspaen Colegio Juanambú Colombia Educa onal services 09 April 2014 Verein W.I.R. Austria Social services 10 April 2014 Sanagate AG Switzerland Health services 14 April 2014

Cunninghame Furniture Recycling Company United Kingdom 14 April 2014

United Arab Emirates Ministry of Interior - Ci zenship, Residence and Ports Sector UAE Execu ve, legisla ve &

gener 17 April 2014

Third Sector First United Kingdom Administra on of eco-nomic pro 21 April 2014

ACE Retail Outlet United Kingdom Environmental quality & housin 24 April 2014

Theresianum Ingenbohl Switzerland Educa onal services 25 April 2014


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For over 25 years, EFQM and our Partners have enabled the exchange of ideas and experience between organisa ons in many different sectors. Our network is dedicated to achieving sustainable excellence.

EFQM is delighted to invite you to our next 3 Good Prac ce Visits. During the month of June we have planned for your three exci ng events that should quench your thirsts for knowledge!

3rd of June: Red Eléctrica de Espana in collabora on with Club Excelencia en Ges ón and EFQM will host a Good Prac ce Visit in its Headquarters in Madrid. During your visit you will get to know how Red Eléctrica is contribu ng successfully to realize the challenge of a Sustainable Energy Model and its Good Prac ces in managing people and the good governance of the organiza on. You will learn among other things about how to strengthen the links between the company, its shareholders and other stakeholders through dialogue and lifelong commitment to benefit them all.

11th of June: General Electric will host you at its headquarters in the UK allowing you to learn from

a Journey towards Excellence. During your visit you will get to know how GE is addressing with success the challenges that the electricity sector is facing these days. GE will help you understand the complexity of the electricity sector as a "system" taking you to their Innova on Centre where you will have a guided tour to help you understand how Smart Grid solu ons have the poten al to change how power is generat-ed, delivered and consumed.

18th of June—Webinar: Bursagaz will host a webinar on the theme “New ways of working”. They will

share with some of their experience in this field and present their work for the Good Prac ce Compe on of 2013.

During this visit, many learning points and secrets to success will be shared with you. This is your chance to see the Model work in a real life situa on and learn from a Journey towards Excellence. Please note that Good Prac ce Visits are for members only. However, if you are not yet a member, but are thinking of joining EFQM, we welcome you at one Good Prac ce Visit in order to experience one of the many membership benefits. For more informa on, feel free to contact us at info@efqm.org or +32 2 775 3511
