Our Town July 18, 1930


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8/7/2019 Our Town July 18, 1930

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Volume 16, No . 40 Narberth, Pa., July 18, 1930 Price, Five Cents

By John Uberti,

Th e l ar ge st a ss embl ag e eve r t o at

tend a l eague game at t he Nar he rt h

Ball Park. numbering over two t ho u

sand, formed a vast human bor de r

ahout the battle-marked greensward to

witness one of the most unexpected

upsets in Main Line League :pastiming.

!II an ag er "Gen c" D av is ' masters of

!llain L in e and Phi la de lp hi a basehall

opened, a sav ag e, unsparing assault

aga in st t he Berwyn trihe and crumbledthem for thc third tim e thi s s ea son

under t he ponde rous count of 12 to 2.

Narberth's ten straight victories of

the past serics wen t i nto a more aus

picious session a,s t ho se k ings of th e

diamond released the throttle of devas

tation t o s top thc misch ievous progress

of t ho se menac ing cha ll enge rs in a

severe landslide of baseblows for th e

eleventh consecutive win of t he yea r.

Back in 1928 after Bryn Mawr

walked away with the f irs t-half pen

nant, Narberth staged a hard uphill

fight to best the series with those

s tubborn Berwyn boys, and in tnrn

trounced the Bryn Mawrites for th e

flag. In the following year the local

pachyderms of the Main Line League

engaged in amore propi tious

combatfor the championship when they proved

their masterdom over the Doyle Nur

s er y bo ys b y d ro ppi ng them twice in

the Fourth of July double-header and

again repeated their ruthless doings fo r

the second-ha lf gon fa lon by sweep ing


after July 20.will be two round tripsdaily hetween Philadelphia and Wilkes

Bar re . E le ct ri c p ower wil l be used for

for ty -one ' t ra in s; and 'because of the

quicker "get away," it is estimated a

t ot al o f 341 minutes will be cut from

their p re se nt r unni ng time. This

means an av er ag e of s lig htl y over

eight minutes faster schedule per t ra in

to Norristown.

To Cynwyd s ta tio n f rom Broad

Street will h e sixteen minutes, inste'ad

of between eig-hteen a nd twent y min

utes, a s f orme rl y was t he case.

Franklin Avenue, Norristown, willbe t he wes te rn t ermi nu s of the divi

sion's electrification. The l ine wil l be

divided into five zones: th e first from

Broad S tr ee t t o Nor ri st own; t he sec

ond f roni Norristown to Phoenixville;the t hi rd f rom Phoen ixvi ll e to Read-


Narberth Hands Berwyn Severe Lacing

For First Half League" Championship

Masters Allows Fi'JIe Hits As Mates Collect Thirteen in 12-2

:Victory Before Great Crowd

Last Saturday.

As cha irman o f the Fireworks Com

mittee for Nar ber th 's F ou rt h o f J ul y

celehration, I want to ask the people

of Narberth a nd th e surrounding com

mun it ie s t o k in dl y s en d in t he ir c on

tributiolls at once, if th ey ha ve no t

already done so.

Th e tremcndous crowd which at

t en ded t he d is pl ay t hi s y ea r s hows the

popul ar it y o f th is t yp e o f c el eh ra ti on ;

bu t if we do not receive the proper

financial support we wil l not be ahle to

h av e a celebration next year. To date

only a li tt le ove r fou r hundred dollars

has come in, and th e exp en ses w er e

o ve r s ix h undr ed dollars.

If you enjoycd the display, won't

you p lease express that enjoyment by

contributing, now? .


Advocates Navy PactTh e London Nav al Peace Treaty,

now being discussed by t he Un it ed

States Senate, wa s t he t op ic o f Richard R. Wood at Tuesday 's mee ting of

the Bala-Cynwyd-Narbe rth Rota ry

Club. Mr. \Vood , who is a represen

tath'e of thc \Vomen's Internat ional

League of Pca ce and F re ed om, advo

cate d ac ce pt an ce b y this c ou nt ry o f

the three-power navy-limita tion pact.

Railroad Completes Electrification

of Schuylkill Division to Nomstown

Elect ri fi ca ti on o f t he PennsylvaniaIhave been in t he pas t.

Railroad's Schuylkill division as far as The service to Norristown will con

Norristown will be signal ized hy the sist o f seven teen round trips, daily,

first official trip of an electric t rain th is Iexcept Sat ur da y a nd Sunday. Th e

Saturday evening. The coach, similar ollly pas senger " steam t ra in" service

to those operating on th e Main L ine ,is schedul ed to leave Norristown at

0:30 P. M. fo r Philadelphia, returning

to t he county sea t about 7 :40. Norris

,town and other county officials and

officers of clu bs throughout t hi s s ec

,tion are invited to'make the trip.

There will be no r ed uc tio n in th e

present service-and for t he t ime being ,

no improvement upon it, according to

the line's new schedule, effective this

Sunday, July 20.

Thir teen trains dai ly wil l l eave Cyn

wyd station (twelve from Bala) for

I J hiladelphia, as of old, a nd s ix trains

on Sunday. Leaving Philadelphia for

Cynwyd s ta ti on there will be fifteen

trains daily, plus an extra one on Sat

urday. Th e old s,chedule calls likewise

for fifteen trains plus one on Saturday .

'As for Sunday, there will be s ix trains

from Broad Street by Cynwyd, as there


Collection Next WeekCollection of ashes, and ruhbish will

be made throughout the Borough next

week by the Highway Depar tment.

Th e collection will be made on the

regular days for the different streets.

~ E l l ..Bob' Wins Again

At the \Vildwood Regatta last Saturday the "Ell-Bob," a Laconia

speedster in the family boat class,

owned and driven by Stanley E.

Haigh, Jr., and Sr., easily won the

f irs t p lace trophy CU)).

The previous week the "EIl-)1ob"

captured a prize in the Avalon Regatta.Asks Contributions for

Vvhilc i t is l is ted as an Ava lon, N. J.,

boat, its home "port" is Narberth. Independence Day Funds

Board of Health's Requirements

Too Stringent for Agentof Property.

Seek Flower VandalNarherth police arc on thc lookout

for a woman described as about

medium height and a t ri fl e s to ut who

is s ai d to havc dcsccrated some flower

gardens in the ho roug h. S he was las t

seen operating on Haverford Avenue.

According to reports she only visits

the hettcr type of gardens and steals

or mutilates choicc flowers.


Brynwood Manor Pool

Temporarily Closed

The project of the Brynwood Manor

Swimming Pool. Montgomery Avenue,

Narherth, h as b ee n abandoned by the

Bryn Mawr Trus t Company, agent for

the owners of the property. This de

cision was cOlllmunicated to Burgess

Henry A. Frye by a representative of

the Trust Company.

A spe ci al mee ti ng o f the Narberth

Board of Health was held las t Thurs

day evening , July 10, at which t ime a

rcport from a bacterio logist showed

that the water in the poo l d id n ot mee t

the standards s ~ for tl l' hy ' th e Ameri

can Health Associatipn.

Thereupon the Board of II eal th st ip

ulated that f u ~ t h e r use of the pool

would depend on meeting certain re

quiremen ts. These were the installa

tion of a bath house with showcrs and

toilet faci l it ies , jl rovisions for the puri

fication of t h water and the construc

tion of a boa rd walk around t he e dg e

of the pool.

"The, cost of such improvements

could no t he justi fied ' by the Bryn

Mawr Trust Company ' and in addition

the horough refused , t o grant a build

ing permit 'for a' bathhouse.'

Suggestions from borough residents

to the Burgess that t he b orou gh t ak e

over and operate th e pool met, with

the same arguments; too great an

operating cost and the fact that thepool would still constitute' a nui§ance

to the neighhors.

DiversMatters Keep

Borough Police Busy

Dogs again figured prominently in

the police report fo r June presented

a t Narber th Borough Council on Mon

day night. One complaint wa s mad e

about dogs i n genera l a t a certain ad

dress wit hout a ny el ab or ati on a s to

their offenses. Another complaint was

lodged against a particular dog, who,

it seems, barks all night, and furthermisbehaves by chasing passe rsby .

A great diversity of complain ts were

received by the police. Boys w er e r e

por ted b reaking into the Tennis Club

and des troy ing prope rty; a summons

was s er ve d on a res iden t for keeping

chickens and dogs in his garage; a

t hree -yea r-old son was repor ted mi!:s

i ng ; t hr ee c hi ck en s (whether alive or

dead was not s tated) were s to len f rom

a car p arked i n t he b us in es s d is tr ic t;

a typewriter was stolen from a parked

car on Merion Avenue.

Gunplay also f igured in the month 's

report. "O n June 28," the report runs,

"a t 11 :42 t he A rdmore police station

received a call that there was a man

at th e Narberth Fire House who had

been shot in the foot." The managerof a cha in store was merely exterminat

in g rats wit h the assis tance of a .22

rifle. One of his shots went through

a door an d hit a boy named O 'Kee fe .

Th e manager a nd two clerks were ar

rested but later d ischarged, mak ing

settlement with t he i nj ur ed b oy 's par


Boys with ai r r if le s, a c it izen re

ported, were amusing themselves

shooting at the street l ight s on Shi rl ey

Road. How good their aim was the

report does no t sta te, but t he a ir rifles

are now at the Ardmore police station.

Wet candidates polled heavy vot es

in Narberth at t he p rima ry election

this spring , and in cndeavoring to up

hold in his own person such sentiments

one borough resident overdid ,the mat

ter, and was confined. by Qrder of

Magistrate Tom Cronin, of Ardmorc,

for five 'days in the Norristown jail

for drunkenness.

Broadway, Harlcm and Camden are

not th e o nly s cen es o f w ho ope e and,

frivolity. On June 23 a "wild party"

was r epor ted on Williams Avenue by

a c it izen. Th e merrymakers were told

to des is t in t he ir noi semaking by Lieu

tenant Duke and Sergeant Wil son, o f

the Lower Merion force.

A matron on Wynnedale Road re

ported that her front door had been

jimmied and asked that officers go by

more o ft en than usual to see that it

did not happen again .

Errant basebal ls also brought forth

complaints. Boys who were playing

ball on Essex Avenue f ou nd t hei r



Dogs, Petty Thievery, Gun Play

Figure in Month's


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Pag e Two OUR TOWN July 18, 1930

c. P. COOK, Proprietor

Phone, Narberth :3775


Jobbing Carpellter

Phone: Narberth 4129

103 Dudley Avenue





advises that we buy where

we get the most for ou rmoney. The Good YearTi re a nd Rubber Company,Through it s enormous production, is in the position tomeet that p ar ti cu la r r equirement. I t will cease tobe ou r leading tire company the instant it loses thepower to give us th e mostfor our money in compari s on w ith it s competitors.

Common Sense

Share your holi.

day joys with the

folks back home.

Pay them a "voice

visit"by telephone

while away.


Deliveries Twice Daily

To Your Door

i t ~ sfnn

~ ~ : c ISign of Best Meats


It's a fa r cal l f rom the warm sunny d ay s o f midsummer toth e bleak, c1oud·obscured skies of dreary winter-but it takes al lkinds of weather to make a year-and before long, there wiII bea snap to the ai r and a dampness in the house which will betoken"heater fires."

Be ready f or t hese days by having a t least a suf fi cien tamount of coal in your bins to start a good fire the minute you

need it . And the coal that will not onl y start your fire wellbu t will wear well, besides-is Jeddo-Highland, the Aristocrat ofAnthrac ite. P lace your order now and take advantage of summe r prices, to prepare for winter weather.



after the Declaration of In

dependence-in 1876-Brad.ley's market was established.That was over half a centuryago, and Bradley's meats are

still celebrated as the best ob·t ainable in Phi lade lphia andits suburbs. Try them! .,

Why not place a t ri al o rderNOW?

2106-08 MARKET ST .

Phone Rittenhouse 7070

One Century

Plumbing ... Heating


Phone: Narberth 3652·M

Friendliness, neighborliness, co-operation-this community can makegood use of as much of them as you


Naval Accord and CoalConsiderable attention has been I

drawn to Ralph S. Dunne's timely window d is pl ay at the Narberth Coal ICompany office this week. Highlights:,'of the Naval Disarmament Pact are,

Ishown by placards and b y warships Iproudly s ai li ng the main. And an-;,other card points the reminder: "Jed-IIdo-Highland Coal t o Promote Home IComfort."

Let's have some fun! Write your Ivi ews t o t his paper for pub li cat ion, in Ia l et te r o f a bout 300 words, an d t hensee what your neighbors think of Ithem.

Note These Prices!

Call NARBERTH 2399

-235 Haverford Ave.

108 For es t Ave ., Narberth

Phone: Narberth 2866

"Wunder Starts Them A ll "

You all know MAX

Gain the benefit of the

specials at our opening,


We'Il have fresh fruit and

vegetables daily, and sea

food fresh on Fridays.



- f o r Chev ro le t, P lymou th ,

Ford, Overland an d Whippet.

And other tires an d sizes at

correspondingly low prices.

We'll also furnish these tires

at a reasonable figure with

white side-wall.

N e'Ver before were General

Tires at such low prices!

Buy Now!

- - t § { ~

GENERAL TIRESDual Grip, 6.Ply:

29x4.40 $10.8530x4.50


why you s houl d buy General

Tires from th e Wunder Bat

t er y a nd Electric Service:


Protection against blowouts

At fraction of ordinarycost

Thicker tread

:More material

More mileage

7 Reasons




W. P. MIESEN Divers Matters Keep 1

Carpenter . : . Builder .: . J o b b i n ~ Borough Police BusyIPhones:

Day-Narberth 3973.1\1 CONTDIUED FROM PAGE 1 INight-Narberth 3828-R100 N. NARBERTH AVE. fielding wa s not all that it inight be,~ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = : ~ ! t h e bal ls oft en rol ling into a neigh- ~ - " !••==.=•••===••• 5===============:

. . hor 's y ar d who kep t t hem a s hostages.

J :\ s a r ep ri sal me as ur e the boys de- I!s tr oyed t he neighbor's flowers. The I

Ihoys' mother was i ns tr uct ed b y th e!

;'oAicer to keep her sons' athletic ac-'I'

: t iv it ies confined to h er own yard.

I The report of the Building Com

[mittel ' for t he mon th showed that a I: total of eleven permits had been is-I

i sued at a cost of $50 for operations

;estimated t o en st $6490.i Permi ts we re g ran ted as follows:iJ. A. Maxwell, 107 Price Avenue,,garage, $-t20: H. R. Colhourn. 109

"rice Avenue, garage. $-t20; Peter

\Vhite. 222 Hampden Avenue, aItera

«HIS , $1200; R. S. Patterson, 41 Nar

hrook Park. shed, $500; H. A. Frye,

115 \Vynnedale Road, alterations, $35; I:\1. Rraestead. 327 Conway Avenue,

roof, $350; F. A. Abbo tt . 321 Conway I:\venue, roof, $300; ri. Eve lyn I rw in .

2-t-l Dudley :\ venue, garage and shed'i

$200; Dr. \\ ' . Dunnington, 70 \Vynnedale Road . add it ion s. $2000; T. E.Loughlin, -110 Dudley Avcnue, ahera-I

tions, $40; C. Parks. 930-3-1 Montgom-II

ery :\ veuue, roof, $700. ~ = : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~ ~ ; ; ; ; _ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ~ ; ; ; ; ; ; ~, Sixty inspections were made during \':; Ii the month by t he bui ld ing i ns pe ct or ,

: fourteen operat ions being completed. I Teddo--Hiuhland: A verbal report on the convent ion of I J" l )

the State Association of Boroughs held i /Tn' t h ~ n C l · " erecently at Beaver Falls. Pennsylvania. II C/J. j I W. £1

was made hy Councilman John R.I-lall, who attended as the off icial dele-!

gate of the Borough Council. I

A. C. Shand Leaves II: Estate of $366,011

I Alexander C. Shand. former assis t- I

a nt t o. t h e \·.ice president ~ the, peun-Isyh'al1la Ratlroad, who <hed March 8,

left personal. estate of $366,011, aC-1cordmg to an mventory filed last Fri-

day in the Hegister of \-Vills office. IOne of the princ ipal i tems lis ted was

a hlock of 1135 shares of Corn Ex

change Nat iona l Bank and Trust Co. istock valued at $141,875. °1Mr. Shand lived in the Cambr idge I Ralph S. Dunne

Alden Park, Germantown, and previ-I Main Line Distributorsously was a residen t of Merion and I Pholles: NARBERTH 2430-2431

Narberth for many yea rs . 1 1 ~ ! ! ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! i i i i i ! i ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ! ! ~ ~ ~ ! ! ! ~ ~ ! ! ! ~ ~ 1His estate is inherited by his son 'I I"

Alexander C. Shand, Jr .. of Mer ion,

and three daughters, Barhara C. and IHelen E. Shand. and :Mrs. Elizabeth B.

S. Loos, of Narherth, under terms of

his will, which also bequeathed $1000each to the Narberth Presbyterian

Church, Bryn Mawr Hospital and Jef-!

ferson Hospital.

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July 18, 1930 O UR TO WN Page Three

Phone, Paoli 250

The Oldest Siore

in Narberth


PIANOWe have a Piano in your vicinitywhieh we must repossess on accountof non-payment of installments.As ou r war er ooms a re crowded,

would like to find a good home fo rsame-preferably one who might beinterested in purchasing it fo r th eunpaid balance. Terms a r ranged .

Fo r Particulars Write


)·IIII .....· I I .hll•• Pa .

chased to f ac il ita te th e u se of this

bulky volume.

Phonc your social news to Mrs.

Roberts , Ardmore 3100, o r d ro p a card

to Our Town.


That's Cromar. I t is completely finished at

the fac tory-l ike furniture . Machines do

th e milling, filling, varnishing; they even

apply a treatment against moisture.

This machine-finishing makes Cromar Oak

Floors more beautiful, more durable, easierto keep clean-and quicker to lay (nail it

down and it's ready to use) .

We like to sell this machine-finished hard

wood flooring becau3e it makes happy customers.

carry in stock theonly hardwood flooring

in th e world whose f inal

finish you ca n see and

test before i t is installed.


Lincoln Highway, Paoli , Pa.





.\ G I L L I N G H A M




' ~ I ~ ! M ! M I M I M I M I M ! M I M ! M I M I M I M ! M I M I M I M ! M I M I M I ~ \

S. P. Frankenfield Sons


Booth's I>ale dry, lime dry, root beer, raspberry, che rry and

/{rape bel'erages, in quart b ot tl es . A nd Clicquot Club, O r a n ~ eCrush a nd Canada D ry G inge r Ales, Hir es Root Beer, White

Rock, etc. All on ice, r ea dy t o s er ve , at

FOR P l u m b i ~ g CALL& Heatmg

ROBERT COMPTON109 Forest Avenue

Narberth 2485


Soft Drinks on Ice

Narberth Community Library

The Borough Council of N ar be rt h

has presented to the Narbcrth Community Library a hound copy of thehorough code. This is a compilation ofth e laws o f t he S ta te of Pennsylvaniadefining th e du tic s. p ow er s a nd privil eges o f those municipalities h a v i n ~ theb or ou gh f orm o f g ov cr nmen t. It isan important addition to the Iibrary'srefercnce collcctioll and should he vcry


Another helpful r ef er en ce w or klately addcd to th e lihrary through thc

gencros it y o f some pcrson, or persons.unknown to th e Iihrarian is the one

volumc cdi ti on o f t he Century Diction

ary. A revolving stand has been pur-


INarberth Defeatsi Gregorians Twice

IWins 3 to 2 on Home Field,

Then Repeats Conques t i n

Return Game, 2 to 1.

H g V J I J L l ~ ' J ' f ) ( l a y anrl tonu>rro\\' ,"Arizona Kid"; Monday and'rllesday, "This Mad \Vorld";\Vednesday and Thnrsday."Strictly Unconventional"; l ~ r i -day and S a t u r d a ~ ' , "Born Rec! , ]CXH."

AN1'HONY \VAYNE-Tnday andtOlll01'1'O'Y, " H. ct ur n o f Dr. Fu~ l a l 1 c h u " ; l\[ollday an d TUCHdas, " ' r h e Bellson l \ [urderCase"; ' Y e r l n c ~ d a y and ' I 'hurHday, "The Devil's Holiday";Fr iday and Saturday, " 'I 'r ue tothe N a v ~ ' " with Clara Bow.

EGYPTIAN-Today, Nancy Carroll i·n UIIoney"; tomorro\v,"Troopers Three"; :l\Ionday.Tuesday and W e d n e s d a ~ ' , "TheCucl{oos"; Thursday an d F r i -

day, Dennis King in "The V a ~ -ahond King"; Saturday. "Children of Pleasure."


Where to Go

NAHBERTH-Today and tomorrow, "Hunting" T iger s in In di a"; Mon da y a nd ' ru es day.Nonna Shearer in HThe Di vorcee"; W e d n c s d a y and

Thursday. Al Jolson in " ,Mammy"; l"riday and S atur day,Naney Carro l l in " l ~ I n n e y . "

ARDl\IORE-Today. ClaraBow in" Tr ue t o th e Navy"; t O l l l O r r O \ Vt

"SI i gh tl y S ca rle t" ; 1\[onday.TucHday and Wednesday. Paul·Whiteman In "King of .razz";Thursday and l ~ r i d a y . DoloresDel Rio in "The Bad One"; Saturday, Clive Brool< in "Sweethearts and Wives,"

By John Uberti.

Th e Grcgorian Catholic Club ofIPhiladclphia. tcnding to scrvc a s animpcdimcnt in Narhcrth's path ofg lo ry , fo un d t hc ir i nt en ti on s foiledwhcn thcy fcll short in t hc ir p lans tocheck thc inccssant s tr ing o f victoriesof t hc borough club in two a tt cmp ts .Th c first cngagcmcnt wcnt to the

Ichampions by t hc scorc of 3-2 a nd th esccond. a rc tu rn gamc playcd at Fifty

I fou rt h and Jcffcrson Strccts. was w onII I likc fashion, 2-1.

I n th cir f ai lu rc to swervc thc favorahlc coursc which t hc Nar be rt h leadcn; havc assumcd sincc Jun c 19, whcntheir defeat by l 'cnnac markcd thcir

last loss for th e scason, t hc Grcgo ri anninc offered thcm acccss to thcirtwclfth and thirtccnth consccutivc victorious cngagcmcnts. Both contcstswcre featured hy low scoring, in dc

cided contrast with Narberth's usual

p lans o f warfare. Howard Graham dclivered on th c pc ak i n th e h ome conquest, carning his fifth win of theseason. and JoC ~ cKce. t he s tr ik eo utking, was a littlc off form in the forcign fray in allowing scven passcs, bu t

s ub du cd t he Quakc r e nemy w it h eightstrikeouts which he compiled in thcwaning minutcs of th c f ra y and wonh is f if th for the vcar in six starts.

k I h Each t eam sco 'rcd in onc-run spurts'Cue 0 0 ' Side ig is 111 thc first game as Narberth exited

; "T hc C uc koos ," app ca rin g a t t hc tr iumph an tl y w ith a onc-run Icad. Th e

~ g y p t i a n Thcatre the first h al f o f ncxt v is it or s c oi ncd t hc ir first ru n in the

\'('ck. IS nnt a 1I1usical revue. although opening gamc during the seven th in-ni ng wh cn , with the bascs packed,

t fcaturcs several song hits. It is a Graham issucd a pass which auto

ull-lcngth production hascd on "Thc matically forced a man home. A walk:alllJ-1ers." a Ilroad·....ay stage h:t. w ith a nd a doublc, grcat ly assis ted by Gil;1C cU"led.,' ~ l ' q l ; , ' n c c s h"ld:ng ful l f il lan' s ovcrthrow to th e hot-box. gaves say. A hrand-ncw typc o f s cr cc n the visitors anothcr point.':ltcrtaim;"'.;t. it IS an e ;, tr av aga nz a H ec kle a nd Mul1igan, lead-off men,f delirious nonscnse and riotous fun. fo r t he horough , s ta rt ed out with a. arring the' iliad wags of "Rio Rita" douhle apiecc in the f ir st framc to as

;lIne, Hcrt \Vht'e1cr and R"hc r t \Vool - semhlc a r un a nd co ine d t he ir s ec on dscy. in the third inning due to McGarrity's

\Vhceler and \Voolsc)" claim to ha\"c unstcadincss in i ssuing fou r consecu·.·t a world's rccord for thc numher of tive t ic kc ts t o first. th e fou rt h auto(,<lInedy "gags" usecl in "Thc Cuckoos." matically forcing in Heckle with an

I rom thc opcning sccnc until th e final unc arne d run . Johnny Curwin re f ad cout t hi s i nimi ta hl e pair are a l- p la ced ~ l a r t i n in r ight-f ield in thc sixtha\"s m e \· id enc t' w it h t hc ir r ih -t ic k- and go t on from an a li cn h lundcr , crcpting numhcrs. They a rc c as t as for- around to third and spcd o l' er the rubune tdlcrs. \\·hedcr. by th c way, hcr when Dcmpscy, Grcgorian catchcr,claims he hclic\"{'s firml\" in dreams, fur lct a wild one go by. (;raham was atcarh' In his c ar ec r h c' dreamt'c! oftcn ha t at thc t im e a nd a moment laterflat ' he ha d heen otTef('(1 a featurcd rolc s truck uu t for t hc final rctirement.n a Zicgfcld production. and that * * *I;'eam came truc. \Voolsey. u f t he C o- opc rat iv e swa tt in g hy F lc ck and

hin face and horn-rinllncd glasscs. was !IIasters in th c first i nn ing o f t he s ec t jockey unti l a r ac e hor sc f('11 on his and game proved to he t he w in ni ng,'g: he won sUC('css on thc s ta gc a nd hits of this contcst, while "Howdy""ith \\'Iwcler I\Tnt to ]Iolh'wood for Powcll 's splendid ficlding in short, inhe talk 'es. . which pos it ion he made fou r pcr fect

Dur ing the "Cahal le ro " numher. t hc rctricvcs and assists in five chances,()")ening SCCI\( ' oj "The Cuckoos," ten turned out to bc the ou ts t and ing oheamcras wcrc ust'd to photograph the stacie in t he encmy 's p at h t o triumph.

thousand peoplc appcaring on t hc h ug c Powell failed to garncr a hi tII I

four' ,alk:c" lot. Eight mic rophoncs re- attcmpts, but his vigilant guidance of'nrdt'd the dialogue. songs and music. short made him the on ly luminary ob':ightcen pianos wcre hrought into ac - j cc t o f this gam e and the main fac to r:on and ()OllO powcrful incandescent to Narberth's sccond nar row-scored

:ghts werc n se d to light thc scene. victory.\n d IhO difTcrent typcs of costumcs Lordv was first t o f ac c :McKee in the\('rc used. opening round of a li cn competition and

~ ost lIlusical comedies of the screen strolled. Brcnncn fel1 on s tr ikes andlave featurcd th e singing a11(1 dancl.g Lor dy w en t t o thc keystone on SpickI Imhers. hut "Thc Cuckoos" reverses Icr's sacrificc hit. J. Connell douhledthe o rd inary ruutinc and fca tur es thc into right-centrc to scorc Lordy fo r

cOllledy. The show was "made fur the first and only ru u uf t hc fra y.laughs." O'Donncl1 blankcd.

Stage tcchnicians )lave always Th e Narberth hovs bettered thatchimed that cOll\cd\" was an clusive score hy one point - an d man ag ed tof ' ~ c t o r and particularly hard to hring hold the closc Icad until thc c nd of the'u t on t hc s cr t' cn . S pc ci al "gag" men gallic to win. Powcll struck o ut . 1 1ular c usually employcd to i ns ur c t he ligan singlcd to cc ntre and Fleck s cn tsuccess of t he emI ir yo cOlllcdy. Bu t a douhlc into right-centre and t hu s e x\Vhcdcr and \Voolscy r efus cd to hal 'c t cnded his hitting s tr ca k t o eightecnan assistant when filllling "The galllcs. 1\1 ulligan waited eagerly offCuckoos." E"ery "gag" uscd by t hem I t hi rd b asc as Humphries' aerial spedin the picturc is original. I towards centrc-ficld aud ran in as

* * * :Lordy pulled in thc thrcatening swat.Th c Egyptian's fcatures for the rest Fleck followeu ovcr thc rubbcr on

o f July arc "Chi ldren of Pleasure ." "I n Mastl'rs' onc-hasc hit and Bless ing wasGay :'1adriu" a nd "Fr ec and Easy." thrown out, Brennen to Spickler.

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Page Four OURTOWN July 18,.1930: : ; = = = - - = - = - - - - _ . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . _ - - - - - - - - - ~ . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Highway Report Describes IDepartment's. Work,


Wcll, they have final ly succeeded innaming the Lindbergh lad, and nowoncc again we Americans have noth ing

b h b h whatever to wor ry about 'exccpt thcThe rcpor t of the Highway and Scw- A C o " o p ~ r a t i " e Communit'Y N ~ w s . M " g a ' { i n e , f o u n d ~ d in 1914 'Y t e Nar ~ r husiness dcpression. Of coursc, food-ers Commi tt ce of Narbcrth Borough Ciyic Association, and p u b l i s h ~ d ~ , , ~ r ' Y Frid"'Y at N a r b ~ , t h , Pa., b'Y the stuffs are chcaper t han they havc becn

Council, as presented a t t he July mcet-II L IVINGSTON PUBLISH ING COMPANY in yea rs . Automob il e prices arc low,ing of t he bor ough gover nmen t on Iespccially on used cars. 'I n some

Monday n ight , cover s the itcms of PHILIP ATLEE LIVINGSTON, President and General Manager Ip laces gaso lin e is pr actically b eingI . d ROBERT MOORE CAMERON, Editor given away. The gasoline ta x has beenroutine handled by t 1e COITInllttee ur- reduced. Most anyone of us can af-

ing the past month. The report fol- THOMAS A. ELWOOD. Associate Editor ford to keep an Austin or two on the

lows: I h !m an te l o r in the do g kennel. Air

"I . 't h thf '

I Office-258 Haverford Avenue, Narbert transportation is at the lowest l evel inof ~ y ~ ~ : l ; : ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ r t a ~ d r e ~ : c ~ ~ ~ : : ~ 1 Telephone-Narberth 2545,' if no answer, Ardmore 3100 history. Fine real estate can be ! ,a dRoad l as t yea r, a ll of w hi ch w as paid for a song, even th e way I slllg.out of the Str ee t Improvemcnt Fund CE Clothes costs are way d own, as ar e

. f I SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVAN skirts. The hey-day of t he c on sume rAccount, t h ~ r e were certa.1Il i t ~ n 1 s 0 I is hcrc. And all the whi le salar icsexpcnsc which at that tUlle It was Entered H ~ s e c o n d - c l ; l s ~ matter, Octoher I ~ 1914, at the P o ~ t Office at 'havc for the most part remained onagreed by Counc il should propcrly hc Narberth, Jc>a., under the Act of March 3, 1879, , II I ' "I I I Wpaid ou t of t he g en er al f un ds of the baslca y t 1elr orlgllla cve . careborough. Thcsc wcre as follows: really prctty wel l off but, having uoth-For 10wcriu<T aud chan<Tiu<T J I 18 1930 i ng e ls e to trouble our minds , we are

... ... ... u 'Y , doing our bcs t t o talk th is couutry intosewers iu bed of \Vynnc- a business depression, What we nee dwood Court $730,72 more than anything else is a war or a

For manhole and inlets at 1 F d I I I k' k' h fTh e Son'imming Poo U55 goo , 1ea t 1y 'IC' 111 t e pauts, pre -

Wynnewood Court and "' d erably the latter.Wynnewood Avcnue 50,00 I Just as th e Brynwood Manor Swimming-. p .001. cpisodc. seemed close \Vhatever censure that body may

For lowering surface drainage f. . . f Ifollowinj..'· the action of the horou,!!'h anthon tIes 111 re u ~ ~ n g to grant a merit and rcceivc, certainlv it can no tplpC at IIltcrsectlOn 0 U " • • C bc said that thc Fcdcral Farm BoardRockland Hoad and V'/ood- _ IJl1ilding permit fo r a hath hou se an d the Bryn l\'!awr I rust ompany has 110t a Lcgg e t o stand upon.

side Avcnue 191.0.1 Idroppil;g t he projcc t in view of t he expen se whi ch wou ld b e involved i.n Now you can havc a radio in your

Total ...... ... $971.77'11lcetin th e Boa rd o f Hea lt h' s stipulations reg-arding i t s conduct , a resl- car aud hcar the bcst programs as you"'Ve therefore rccommend that at I g- . '. ' . "d I I I scoot a long t hr ough \Vaync a sIxty

this tim e thc s um of $97 \. 77 bc trans- d en t o f the neIghborhood called up th e C<l!tOl and 111<jUlle w le t 1cr t :e m i ~ c s per hour .. As the pohcen?anfcrrcd from thc ge ne ra l f un ds o f thc paper wa s heing conducted in th e intcrests of a g-roup of horoug'h pOh-


wntcs out, your t l c k ~ t ( t h e ~ c 5 nothl1'!g

b orou gh t o thc Strect Improvement " . , ..• .

' o . ' , _ wroug With th e tlck ct. mdustry mAccount. tlcJans or whet hc r It IS, as IS stated on th e masthead, a co-opel at 1\ e com \Vaync; th c whole p o h c ~ force has

"A t t hc rcqucst of the Burgess, wc l11unity newspaper devot ed to the h es t i nt er cs ts o f the town. w:iter's cramp from f i l h n ~ o u theare attaching hcrcwith and making a . I 'I I I 0" l' '. t. . I thlllgs), you can amuse hlll1 WIth ain the budget. Lc t us s ta te as empha tlca Iy as POSSI ) e t ~ a UI O W ~ l IS no Iun 1111 fcw light trifles from the currcnt

"Duriug t hc pas t month we havc re - the interests of an y group, political or. otl.lcrwlse'o a l ~ d . that It cndcavors to Ishows. This s?othcs,him, a n prevents

paired thc intersections of DlaIley and,' se rve the best intercsts of th e conlll1t1l1lty IIlsofar as It IS able. It s c?lumns you from sayll lg t h l J ~ g s WlllCh rcall.yHavcrford Avenucs and Conway and ar e opcn to discussion of any qucs tion which ar ises in thc com1l1uI11ty and would bc .bctter unsal? I f you mustHaverford Avenues at a total cost Ofl . f . I ' . I I ' I '. . ' 1 ' d offcr adVlcc conccrnlllg the propcr$1-45.88. This was done by authoriza- t h o ~ l y suppressIon 0 news. It . a< mlts. I t l ~ type,w 1 t IS .consl< e; c policing of the Lincolu H i ~ h w a y , . bction ,o f t he H ighway Commi tt ec and oh] cctlonahlc by t hc grea t ma]onty of cltlzcns o,f a SUI.1UIIMn com1l1ul11.ty. sllrc that you kno\,: a radIO.statlo,nhad not been i nc luded in the budget. Vve refer in this connection to news of juvel11le del111quency, laWSUIts, where ) :ou can tunc 111 the, " P n s o n e ~ sAn inl<;t has been installcd on the divOl"ccs, sex storics. a rr es ts f or d runken driving', etc. Of such ncws, wc Song" !n a hurry. It wIIl bc qUItenorth sulc of \ V y n n e d ~ l e , RI;>ad at a think a n) ' c it iz en w ill admit thcre is fa r too much a lr ead y in the city Iappropnatc. . . .total cost of $2\ .52. fhls IS not a . . , I have nClther the tUllC n or t he 111-

new inlet , but an improvemcnt on the papers. . . c1ination to work out a compl et e codeo ld one : This i tem a lso was not in- As rega rds th e accusation that borough politics ha s cntercd mt o tI llS o! e ~ i q u e t t c ~ o the auto-radio COI11

c h ~ , d e d II! thc budget. , swimming- pool quest ion. wc hclieve thcre is littlc or no t ru th t o such a bl!latlOn, byt It scems to me that cer-Th e Items of work enumcrated 111 I I. " . I·. '. 1 , ,t ' f tl . lorough rrovern- tam mUSIcal numbers could, and

this report which wcrc not authorized statemcnt. n t lC present c< Ito! S 0 )sen a. 10.11 () le . 1. b.. Ishoul d, be agrecd upon as appropriatchy the budgc t t ot al $,,80.%, hnt the Illcnt fo r th e past two and onc-hal f years, It 1S ou r 0 p ~ l l 1 o n that p<?hhcs t o the various t ra ff ic s i tuat ions onc

sa\',ing of $ ! J 8 4 ' , 5 ~ on the ~ s s c . ~ , A v c ~ p lay no part whatsocver i ~ th e c o n d u c ~ of horough affaIrs. To ~ r IS, of I e n c o ~ n t c r s ,daily. \ ~ h e n c v c r I gc t tonue storl11 se \\ er h nd ge t e s t l 1 l 1 a ~ e course. h uman , hut we th1l1k th c men II I whosc h ands the conduct o f th e i p u s h l l 1 ~ the old bus, along at )Jcttcrleavcs ,budget ha lance of $30:, ;69 I,ll I ' I" 1 " • ' ". t' a r ' . , d ' sin t' r es t cd and devoted to th e I)IIhlic t h a ~ 1 s l x t y - ~ v e , J,aSl1l1nC t u n ~ s 111 onfa vor ot Item numher c1cvcn, I IllS 1S JOI OUg' 1S Hlsl11ess Ies s < e dS I, l' . Irvl11g Berhn 's h tt le gem, 'Remcm-

pointed ou t merel y to indicate that al- g oo d a s a ny gr oup t ha t cou ld be assembled 111 Narherth. ber." And I slow down immcdiately.though s everal i tcms of expcnditurc I'll say I remembcr. I rcmember thc

outside of the budf.:(et havc bcen made, Fine Work night when I unexpectedly droppcd inthe budget total has not bccn ad- .., . to help Farmer Jones with his springvc:.sely . affected. . Beginning the scason of ~ a i n L1I1c L e a ~ u c c ( ~ l l l p e t l t l O n 111 tl.lC ccllar Iplowing. By the time that. I was

Durmg the ,mont.h of unc we col- and ending th e first half in undIsputed posscsslon ot th e to p rung IS a feat through t h fence, my . fron t tI res hadIcc ted 500 cubIC yards 01 ashcs at a f. h II c lul ' 'a n accoml)lish b ut th is is J'ust th e t ri ck t ha t Manag er alrcady dcclded to r e m ~ 1 I l on the road-total cost of $403.02. Ou r total pur- ew a ,,)5C, way, and the bare rims formed anc ha ses o f mate ri al s requircd for the Gene DaVIS N a rher th t eam has turned, admirable plowing surface. Of courscjobs alrcady cnumcrated during the By v irtue o f its overwhelming- victory in th e playoff fo r th c fir?t the furrow s were not par ti cu la rl y

month of Junc was $598.,I3. Our total half championship ,\lith Berwyn last Saturday, Narberth showed that tIllS s traight, hut ccrta in ly they were deepe xpen se s fo r labo!, dur11lg t hc sa!lIe year's club is 011 a pa r with th e championship t cams of ol d WhCI1 Narberth cnough. J onc s w a I,nOSt unreasonmonth. ash collectIOns, strect c1eanlllg I I I . I 'I I J ~ " I . tl ' ,- . "t 11 e ablc and unappreciative about theand strcct maintenance for johs al- ru. e< t lC roost WIt 1 an .Iron lam. . ~ a J y 111 le SC<tSOl.l man) mu s av wholc matter. Not only d id he r ef us eready l'numerated was $1080." saId t ha t t he horough nllle had secn ItS bcst d ay s a nd ItS suprcmacy was to compensate mc for two furrows,part of this rcport, a lettcr which he a thing of th e past. Th e remarkable record a c h i < ~ v e d b y t he D av ism cn forty hy one by two .. but hc also dewrote to your chaJrlnan. on Junc 19 in t hei r upward swoop. is on e t o he proud of by all Narherth rcsidcnts. manded that I pay hllll thc small suma!HI the correspOnde!ICe, WIth ~ 1 r . John J Id't' t ' t' f i l ' "e 0 '1 i n l eagu e COmlJetition t hc Nar be rt h of t h i r t ~ - n i n c dollars. Ju ?t what IC. Horlacher, of Sab1l1e and Essex n ae .1 10n 0 I SIC I C \(, . '. had receIved, or was to rCCCIVC, for thcAvcnues , in refcr 'c nce to th e fence Club has p Il ed up , through Tuesday n ight , t he amaz1I1g total of tlllrteen money I have nevcr Icarned. It seemsw ~ i c h he e re ct cd around his property straight victorics. This is a mark fo r Connic l\1ack's Athletics i n t he ir I that some .farmers arc so lazy and so

t h ~ ~ y e ~ r . . palmiest days to shoo t a t . IunprogressIve that, once they ~ a v cDurll1g thc pas t month we:. have In- T Manager Gerie Assis tant Managcr Harrv Hol la r a nd t he I ) layers sowe? a ,ficld, they refusc t o cont111ue

stallcd the storm s e W l ~ r at I ~ s s c x and 0 . ' . '. . . plowlI1g It, and wholehcartedly resent

\Voodside Avenues at a t o t ~ 1 cost of we extend ou r h e a r t 1 e ~ ~ congratulatIons on theIr success 111 uphold1l1g any gratuitous plowing. Farmer Jones$615.44 for l ahor and lIlatcnals. The Narberth baschall tradItions a nd th e best of luck fo r th e remall1der of is onc of these, He will ncver r is e tohudgc t e st imat e for this wdrk ~ a th e season, the top in his chosen profession,$450 for labor· and $850, for mater ia l. People who refuse frce lahor will neverThe actua l cost was $304,92 for lahor be sufliciently wcll off to hirc labor .and $310.5Z.for mater ial , a ,saving' of Schuylkill Electrification I chcrish no ill f ee li ng f or my farmer

$ u ~ 4 . 5 6 , on the est imate, . ,Completion of electrification of th e Schuylkil1 division t o Nor ri s- acquaintance, but when the price. ofl?urlng J u nc we repal rcd the II1ter- I " . R ' I ' I k.· . I wheat drops or when thc Argentllle

sections of Havcrford Avenue and Oak town by t 1e P e n n s ~ l . \ am a at IO<!< , ma: s a t Important stcp 111 t 1e production increases, t hc t ca rs that IRoad and of Haverford Avenue and progress of com111U1utles a long tha t llI1c, 1I1clud1l1g Bala-Cynwyd. l\1ul- wecp arc strictly of t he c rocodi le} ? I ~ a ~ v e n u e at a tota,l cost of $102,50, tiple-unit coaches, of th e typc operatcd so successflll1y along t he Mai nl varictJ:.I hIS Itcm was not I I l c l u ~ ~ d on the Line for y ea rs , will appear 1110re 1110dern a nd r id e mor e comfortahly and Agall1 I find th.c column far too1930 hudget, hut the cond It io n of the ' . Icramped for my IIltellcctual output.interscctions became so a g ~ r a v a t e d rapIdly thau t h old steam trams. . There secms to bc no space for a gcn-t h ~ t in1111edi.atc repairs wcr<; necessary.. . Althollg-h h t tle change fo r t h !)etter has.heen madc by th c rmlro.ad eral consider',ltion of the musical num-A ncw II1let, has, bcen Instal!cd at 111 ItS schedule to nearby' C'Oml11tl111tlcs, there IS reason fo r hopc that 111-' bers a p p r o p n a ~ c for such traffic trou

thc corner of Graylmg and W I I l 5 ~ s , ! r crcased train service is no t fa r otT. Thc schedule of th e Norristown local hl:s as flat , tlr cs , f at c o p ~ , hackseatAvenucs at a to tal c os t of $59.11. I I ll s' .'t "h I t l' t f tl P I' I lIt - t I .. 't n 1 C d I dnvers, straIght-ahead' drlvcrs whois another i tem which was not included lIS no compal a e 0 t la . le . ao I oca - JU a edS ua a- yn,,:y a t ~ < c1uttcr up lef t- turn lancs, double-park-in the hudget, but which becameneces-Inearby pomts c an now rejoI ce 111 the fact that t hey have an elcctnc tram Iers, et cctera. If the readers of thissary. Another i nlet h as b een installed service. column (all thrcc of them) care to mailon Essex Avenue near the rear ofl in suggest ions on the se points, effortsMr. Ricklin' s propert\' at a t ot al cos t A M' . I • I Id I . , 1 . I will bc mad e t o p ro vi de spacc hereinof $51.95. This in let was authorized I 1I1nesota town.' l ~ le a aw n mowlI1g' contest, Jut we senOtls y at an carly date.by Cou ncil but had not becn included

Idoubt that such evcntsWl11 become popular.. JESS A. LITTLEKISS.

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July 18, 1930 OUR TOWNPage Five













.. .. . . ".-UP

while smoking?

. ' "s t Ur i . .,:; .o\luIIJ: tht- Itt°J,;lIlnr I ' r lto.> or .: \dlilbudun



. . 4"''' ewe . . . .


or,upon Your Vest:?

Mr. Gregory Shusta

macher of 19 South Pole"Road writes:

"A friend advised me to ge t acquainted with 'Cuckoos' and after oneIJeep at this magic tonic I f el t my i nterest in zither-playing revived. Asecond look mended the cracks in myspectacles, induced foot-tapping andmade me determined to makewhoopee. Thereafter I ceased t a k i n ~tiny peeps at 'CUclWllS' and settleddown fo r a grand look. I c huckled,grinned, chirped and roared. Andimagine my embarrassment when si xushers ha d to pick me o ut o f the aislewhere I had r oll ed 'in la ught .e r. YOllmay use this testimonial with m)'name."

'¥J .....

"Drs. Wheeler and Woolsey:

"The t .h ing I wanted more t.han anything e ls e c ame s o eas il y I can hardlyr ea li ze i t. For y ea rs I looked like aman with his face in hi s lap. l\1y. bes t f ri ends avoided me and my doIlression drove me t o s te al cheese ou to f mou se trailS. My outlook on lifewas a s g ra y as a p ai r o f twenty-cent

cotton s tockings.


. . . . , . ~ , . , . , . , . . ~ ~ ~' I .....


".'.. '

You are probably s:uffering

from insufficient laughter


f ... ,-






'o r I l ION del4lW ln/ormall<>n aboUI.,., 01 l INN ..,.,,1ceI. oorIIeG' 'p""'"


4OJ5 FoInuI 51. . . . .


D120Qa9a9Cerman_n A_

KADolur 3939



AIW offen to 'h e

B. .idsn" 01


and ridni'y

MOVING - Anything, any"where, anytime with COlU1e8Y.

efficiency and IkiIL

PACKING-Profe8lionalAtl9packen can do thiI importanttp k quickly and lave yOI1 time,worry and po8lible breakage.

STORING-Two of the mostmodern warehoUlei in Philadelphia ar e owned hy Atlas.They ar e lale plaeel to store


DE.MOTBING-A thorough

gu treatment in the hqe Atlasgu .aulta will rid any fu r orfabric o r fnrni ture of .l lmothllfe.

MOTH.PROOFING - Atlas 18the sole Philadelphia serviceagent for KONATE. A singleapplication willmake allythingImmune f rom moth damagefor at ,least three yeorll. Theproceel is guaranteed in writ·Ing an d covered,free ofcharge,hy an insurance policy inUo,d' i Calualty Company.

Seashore Express

-door to door service, witht.runks, et.c., delivered sameday. Rat es t o seashore andother points on request.Local and long distancehauling.



Frank H. Seely, Jr., Prop.


' l ' hcntre -1Unt l l lcc Dnl ly li t 2,30

Next IU, ,"dny Rllll Tlle"I!:')"

Norma Shearer in


'VcllnCHI]n:r nll l] 'l '!turHdny

J\Ulhentic! Heal! A SU ln l l l e r

t reat . [o r HoulHl einclnn. cntertairul lcnt .

FOX l \'l nV S F A n l , I ~ ! ' iA I ~ S O

"Taday and Yesterday"1\fotion ] lic ture n e \ \ ~ s of 35

)'cars ag'o and t od ay .

Thl" I ~ R I D A Y nllli SATUl lDAY

~ H u n t i n gT ~ g e r s in India'


I~ C u c k o o s ' and ~ V a g a b o n d II King' Come to Egyptian i

I ---"Honey," wit h Nancy Carroll , con

cludes its two-day run a t t he Egypt ianTheatrc, Cynwyd, this Friday night.Accompanying the spark ling tuncfulcomcdy is a Harry Langdon comcdy,"The Shrimp."

Thi s S at ur day' s attraction at thcEgyptian is a story of thc army without a villain-and it's not a war pic

ture! "Troopers Thrce" concerns ,a,"smart a lcck" hero who IS his ownwors t cncmy. Thc U. S. Cava lr y, i ts,.- .. .11 work and play day by day, is the back-

ground fo r t hi s o ri gina l story by Arthur Guy Empey . The featurcd song

is "As Long As You Love Me."

The world's first great comcdy cxtravaganza will bc prescntcd at theEgyptian Thcatre ncx t Monday, Tucsday and \ ednesday. I t is "ThcCuckoos," in which Ber t Wheclcr andRobert \ oolsey, the mad wags of"Rio R ita, " hur l bolts of laughter inwhat is s ai d to bc the dizzicst riot offun cvcr brought to the scrccn. Thecast includcs Dorothy Lce , c omcl ycomedienne and dancer of "Rio R ita" ;H u gh T re vo r, J unc Clyde, JobynaHowland, Mitchell Lcwis an d 1\'anLebedeff, assistcd by a thousand

cuckoos and nit-wits.Gorgeous techni-color scenes arc in

chided, and therc arc sevcral songhits-including "Dan ci ng th e DevilAway," "I Love You So Much," "AllAlone Monday," "O h How \ ~ Love IOu r Alma ~ ater," "California Skies,"' 'I'm a Gyp sy ," "Laugh Today" and

" \Vherever You Arc."Following "Thc Cuckoos," the I

IEgyptian will present, next ThursdayIIa nd Fr id ay , "The Vagabond King, "the s en sa ti on al r omance bas ed on t hestagc hi t of t he samc nam e by Ru-dolph Friml, \Villiam Post and BrianHooker. which in turn was bas ed onJustin Huntly McCarthy's best sellingnovel, "I f I \Verc King."Dennis King plays and s ings the title

rolc as hc dillon the stage. and h;

assisted by Jeanette :--lacDonald, Volar- I Use Drs. Wheeler's & Woolsey'sne!' Oland. O. P. Hcggie, and a chorus 'of hundrcds. "The Vagabond King" I

is done cntirelv in natural colors. It I Ii Iiis a thri Il ingl)· romanti c s to ry of a

,_C. .U.,CK00


who rosefrom thc

pic-t ur es qu c slums of Paris to thethronc of Francc, to bccome "King fora Day" as onc of Friml 's many tuncful songs has it. Francois Villan wasthe f amed poc t whose mad p rank s and I

glorious aspirations inspired the "Vag- \aht.lIHl }-(ing" story. *' de ....... ,+ • . . . . . ,. , • . . . . . . . . . . . de . . • '* . . . . . . . .

Tigers, Shearer, Jolson I

Seen-Heard at Narberth I": \ panorama of the mys te ry and

contrast that is India" is prescntcd byTalking Picture Epics, In c.. in "H unting Tigers II I I ndia." an authenticc amer a and microphone chronicle by IComlllander (;. ~ 1 Dyoll. of the grcat IVernay-Faunthorpe expcdition toIndia. conducted under auspi ces of the IAmcrican ~ useum of Nat ur al H is tory. It is being s ecn-heard a t theNarberth Theatrc this Friday and Sat

urday evenings, and a lso at t hc dai lymat inees a t 2 :30.The " ta lk ic 's " t remendous drama,

thrilling act ion and scnsational climaxare faithful accounts of actual occurrences in the wilds of (;andhi-Iand.

:\cconIpanying the f ea tu re are FoxMovietonc News, Fables in sound, and"Today and Ycsterday"-a 1Il0tion pictnre rccord of change and progress inthirt\'-five years.

S c " h e < 1 u l c ~ 1 for showing in Narberthnext Monday and Tuesday is a greatactress in a powerful drama-Norma IShearer in "The Divorcce." a storY ofIllarriage vows that were r e m e m b ~ r e d ' lThe cast includes Robert ~ ontgom- I

ery and Conrad 1'\agel. i'\ ex t V>/ ednes- 'Iday and Thursday AI J olson will heseen-heard in his latest blackface Char-I·actcrization, "Mammy," in which hesings several popular songs. For Fri

day and Saturday the Narberth PlaY-Ihouse has booked "Honcy," with

l 'i ancy Car ro ll . A lso coming soon are"COUrage," "11 ovietone Follies of!1930," Ramon Novarro in "I n GaY!1

Mad ri d," and 13 uster Keaton in " Free , I I J ~ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! i ! ! ! i ! ~ ~ ! ! i ! ~ ! ! ! ~ ~ ~ ! ! ! ~ ! ! i ! ! i i i i i i i i i i i i i ! i ! ! i i i i ! ! i i i i ~ ~ ! ! i i i i ! ! i i i i ~ ! ! i ! ! ! i ! ! ! i i ! ! ! i ! ! ! i ~and Eas y. " I A -

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Page Six OUR TOWN July 18, 1930

The FiresideMr. and Mrs. T. Somcrs Ncwman

gave a farewcl l dance at thcir home onLantwyn Lauc on Saturday night befo re leav ing for their new homc inNew York on Monday. Among theguests were Mr. and Mrs. L. Fielding Howe, Mr. and Mrs. CliffordGoodwin, Mr. a nd i \l rs . A lIan E . Shubert, Mr. and 1\1 rs. \V. Rus sel l G rec n.Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Scott, Mr .and Mrs . Caryl E . S ta rr , Miss Priscilla

Stewart, of Chicago; M is s MollyFlynn, of Swarthmore; Mr. F re d Hes s inger, of Trenton, N. j., and 1\!r. JohnFlynn , o f ~ ! t . Holly, N. J.Robert amI Frank Boylc, of Wilkcs

Barrc, arc visiting thcir aunt, Mrs.Frcderic A. Egmorc, of ElmwoodAvcnuc, this weck.Miss Emily Thomp son , of Va lley

View Road. Mer io n, is spcnding awcek at Harrison, N. Y., as t he guestof Mrs. J. N. Thompson.Mrs. Eherhardt Mueller, of Essex

Avcnuc, ent er ta ined at a contract day evening for a weck's stay inbridge luncheon on \Vednesday aftcr- l\lanchcstcr, Vcrl1lonl.noon. Among the guests wcre :Mr:-. Miss J \lary Horsley and Miss juliaR. J . Dothanl , Mrs . L loyd B. Edgcr- i\! arldc , of Fairvicw, left by motor ontOil, 1\1 rs. Stewart Anderson, Mrs. Ed- Monday aftcrnoon for Fairhavcn,win C. TowlI, Mrs. Garth W. Bocr- Mass., for a tcn-day visit with Missieke, of Merion; Mrs. Rober t Benne tt Horsley 's bro ther , Mr. Frank Horslcy.and Mrs. E. H. Henry. Mr. J amcs T il bu ry a nd his daugh-

Mrs. john Dwyer . of Avon Road. ters, thc Misses D o ~ o t h y ,and Joan Til and her niece , Miss Kathryn Burgess, bl!ry, of Vallcy VIew h.oad, Menon,of Hampden Avcnuc, and Mrs. Mar-I w111 . I e a v ~ c O!I Satu.rday for Bermuda.garet T. Dwyer, of Hamilton Court MIss Carne Lotllse Douglass, dau!-(h-Apartmcnts, Ardmore , l ef t on Satur- COll lTINUED ON NEXT PAGE

..-------.I Store Moura 9 A. M. to 5 P. M.; Saturdaya to 9.30 P. M. Free Parking I ~ - - - - - - - - - ..

Coat Style

Jacketsto Match


I IW- - -

WEST PHILA.Market St. a t 6 3r d

Allegheny 4000


Full size, roomy overalls. Sturdy t riple s ti tchedseams. Bar t ac ki ng a t poin ts of st ra in . Doubl e knee.

High back. Wide bib and adjus table suspenders. Non

rusting, riveted-on metal buttons. Extra heavy white backblue denim. 3 to 8 years.

Boys' Overalls, 79c

A Great Value! /nterli1led Collar,

Unbreakable Buttons, Tw o Large Pockets

Medium weight, long-wearing material, cu t onbig roomy dimensions. Choice of grey or blue.

Sturdy Chambray

Work Shirts


Tie Back Apron Styleor Suspender EffectThe new improved overalls-cut over l ar ge r p at te rn w it h

larger pockets, larger bib, stronger reinforcements on all pointsof strain.

Made of th e same high grade, heavy

weight, indigo blue denim for whi ch t hi s

s to re has become famous. Seams ar e triple

st it ch ed and gua ra nt ee d not to r ip-a new

pair if they do. First time at t hi s l ow price.


Sturdy Khaki Work Pants

Heavv Cotton Worsted Work PantsGood Quality at Lo w Cost $

Attractive b lack and gray stripes in medium and neavy 148weight rugged worsted. Roomy cut legs with cuff bottoms.Bar t acked for strength. IndestrU4tibie pockets. Even sizes30 to 44-inch waist .

Fo r good appearance despite ext ra ha rd service, motorists,98campers and out do or workmen choos e t he se p an ts . Firmly Creinlorced and s trongly sewed . S izes 30 to 44 inches waist.


And Our Camden Store on Bridge Boulevard




Jefferson ~ 9 0 0

The Place to BuyWork ClothesEvery Kind for Every Purpose-For Less!


Pants of oatmeal color pure impor ted l in en c ra sh .

Popular golf s ty le w it h regular pockets and belt loops.

Polo s ty le slip-over sport shir t of good quality ta n cottonbroadcloth. 6 to 14 years.

Boys' Outfit, $1.48

...__ I ~ r l l

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July 18, 1930 OUR TOWN " Page Seven

, ,,



,. ,,, .. ,.

~ ~ { :, "\;" ..1

.. , ~ .-, "

LOUIS the Tailor

N cvcr Closed

Call Narberth 2666

National BankMember Federal Reserve System

I T ASSEMBLES t in y bits o f grass, of string, o f

twigs, one at a t ime an d with consummate skillassembles t hem i nt o a wond er fu l n es t f o r its unborn


Just so does th e thr i f ty person gather an d save hi s

meager wea l th -a d ime - a do l l a r - a t a t ime, an d with

it builds up a competence.

Bring your do llar to us for safe-keeping.

4% interest will make them grow into a comfortable

nes t for your old age.

Ever Notice a Bird Building

Its Nest?

The Narberth


Montgomery Avenue Via Narberth

Br yn Mawr - Ardmore - Narberth - 54th St . - Philadelphia

Schedule of Montgomery Bus. Co., Inc.

Ardmore S t a t i on -

Bryn Mawr Sta t ion - 62nd and Malvern Avenue -

A. ltl-6.0:;. 0.2:;, 00.4ri, '1.0ri, '1.2:;, ARDMORE ;'., . ; ~ . ltl.-5.3:'i, :».:;:;, 6.1:;, '7.15, 8.1ti, ·7."=S. 8.05, .S.2=:t. 8 .4: ;, 0 .05 . 0.25, 9.4:;, ,:", .

8..,,,. 10.0ri, 10.25. 10.4ri, 11.05. 11.25. 11.45. VIA'" ." ," "','I'. ltl.--4.1:;. 4.3:>, 4.riri. ri.1:;. 12.0:;, 12.25. 12.4ri. 1.0ri. 1.25. 1.4:;. 2 .05. ' . ' .t.' '

;.25, 2.45. 3 . ~ ~ : 3.25. 0 3.4:>, 0 4 . ~ ~ , 04.2:;, NARBERTH WITH E X T E N S I O ~ .4.4:>, 1i.;05. ".-5. :i.4:>. 6.05, 0._:>. 6.45, TO BRYN MAWR " .,",If

7.0:>, '1_/i. '1.45. 8.0:>. 8.25, 8 .4:; . 0 .05, ;-. . . ' ~ .~ i ~ : ~ ~ · 4 : 1 , 10.05, 10.2:1, 1004:1, 11.0:1, 1l.2/i. SUNDAYS E A S T B O t i ~ : : . .

A. l t l . - :J .40, 6 .00 , 0 .20 , 6.40, 7.00, 7.20, A. l t l . -12.0: ; , 12.:::;, 1.00, 2.00. _" . :.,<.,!,_M,' .:'\:; : ~ "17'.40. 8 .00. 8 .20. 8 .40, 9 .00. 0 .20. 0 .40. 1,.... ,·1' Ardmore s C l l l ' ~ : ' 1 i ~ ; ' ~ l t o10.00. 10.20. 10.40. 11.00. 11.20, J.lAO. 54th an d City Line ,\.. lU.'--;" ., _1' . ltl.-12.00. 12.20, 12.40. 1 .0 0. 1.20, A ltl-tl.10. 6.30. 6 .50. '1.10, 7'.30 'I'h,," " " ( ' r ) ' h.. l£ h.., v ' ~ l I t l l ; ' 12:" ,

1 . ~ O , 2.00,,..3.00,3 .20 ,3 .40 ,4 .00 , 1'.:SO: 8.10, 8.30, 8.GO, 9 .1 0, 9 .3 0 , 9.riO: l \ ' , :Itl. . , _ ' , : ~ , : ... . ' ; ~ . x ; . ; ~4._0, ~ . 4 0 . 2 ' 2._0• : i.40, 6 . ~ , 6.20, 10.10, 10.30. 10.:>0, 11.10. 11.30. 11.40, I hell 12.':0 A. lU. " " ~ I ' i"N'Y' t ~ ? , e } ! t ) "0 .40. , :00. ,._0. ,.40. 8 . ~ 0 0 . 8_0. 8 .40 , 12.10, 12. 30 . 12.:i0 . 1.10 , 1 .30, 1.liO. 1 I I ~ " " t e .. ' . " ~ t I l 12.00 .P •• : ~ I . l I r f d l l l i f t ~ $ , ~ ::9.0!!, 0.20, 0.40, 10.00, 10_0. 10.40. 11.00, 2.10, 2"'10. 2.50, 3 .10, 3.:l0, 3 ./ i0 . 4 .10, I'hell 1':..lO I"ul 1..10 ',).. 111. '.' '.,:11._0, 11.40. 4.30. 4.:10. 1i.10. II.:JO. 5.50, 6 .10 , 6 .30. 1. (·a vl ..1o: P. n. n. stat I .. .. I .. Nat-

A. lU.-12.00, 12.30, 1.30. 11.:;0, 7.10, '1.30, 7'.110. 8.10. 8.:lO, 8.50,0.10. !.. .rtl, """I''' ml,,"te.. Int..r · t lu l I I .tI.,,·0.30, O.GO, 10.10. 10':lO. 10.:10, "b,,,·,, m" .. t1.. " ..d th'H' '' , '.,11.liO.

Narberth Sta t ion - A. ltl_12.10, 12.:10, 1.0:1, 2.05. SUNDAYS WESTBOUND

!\.. ltl.--."i.47'. 6.07. 6.27. 6.47. 7.07, '1.27. Narberth Sta t ion - I.eave 62".1 a.ul 1IInh'er" Ave"7.47'. 8.07'. 8.27. 8.47, 0.07. 0.27. 0.47. A . ltl-6.20. 6.40. '1.00, '1.20, '1.40, P hl :t I. I .10.07, 10.27. 10.47. 11.07, 11.27, 11.47. 8 .00, 8 .20. 8 .40, 0 .00. 9 .20. 9 .40. 10.00. ~ ' I a r t 109 t it 6.00 A. ltl.P. l t l_12.07, 12.27, 12.47. 1.0'1. 1.27, 10.20, 10.40. 11.00. 11.20, 11.40. H." """r)' hnlf hOl lr u . . tI l 1:1.:JO

1.47. 2.07, 2.27, 2 .4 7, 3 .0 1, 3.21. 3.47, P. M_12.0U, 12.20, 12.40. 1 .0 0 . 1 . 20 . tben 12.-1:».4 .07. 4. 27 . 4 .47. :i.07. 11.27. 11.47. 0.07, 1.40,2.00,, 4.00. 1 1 ' ~ ~ " " e"er)' tw ....t)· mlaut.... ""tI ln.27, 0.47, 7.07, 7 .2 7, 7 .4 7. 8 .0 7., 4.40, G.OO, r..20, ri.40, n .o o, n .2 0, • d P . 1'1.8.4;, 0.0; , 0.27, n .4 7, 1 0.0 7, 1 0. 27 , 1 0. 41 , 6 .4 0, 7 .0 0, 7 .2 0, 7 .4 0. R.OO, 8.20, 8.40, . , 'I'llel l 12.05 A. ltl., 1 2.3 0, 1 .0 0 f ln ll11.07. 11.27', 11.47. 1/.00. 0.20, 9.40. 10.00. 10.20, 10.40, 11.00, _.00 A. ltl .

A. ltl.-12.07. 12.37. 1.3'1. ll.20, 11.40. I..."vl",;' 54t.. St r..et IInel Cit)· l,lne'A. l '1_12.00, 12 .20 , 12 .40 , 1.1:;, 2 .l :S . f h" e I ll hl tl te JI I Inter tiulil t l te nlu;,'c

IIlentlolled thlle.

A d S • I '' '" '' I"A' P . U. U. stlltlon III Nllr-r more t a t l o n - h..rt.. flft ....n IIll1lnte.. Illter t I " l I I t....A. ltl-6M'IO. 6.50, 7.10, '1.30. 7.:iO, 8.10, IIbove mentioned tin '.....

.\. ltl-6.00. 6.20, 6 .40. '1.00, 7.20, 8.30. 8.liO, 9.10. 9.30, 0.:>0, 10.10, 10.30,7 .40. 8.00, 8 .20. 8 .40, 9.00. 9 .20. 9.40, 10.50, 11. 10 . ll.30, 10.20, 10.40. 11.00. 11.20,11.40. P. ltl_12.10. 12.30, 12.50. 1.10. 1.30, For other informal ' an dJ' . lU_12.00, 12.20, 12.40. 1.00. 1.20.1.:>0,2.10,2.30.2.:>0, 3.10.3.:10. 3.:iO, 4.10, Io n

1 .40. 2.00 , 2 .20. 2.40. 3.00 , 3 .20. 3 .40. 4 .30, 4.110. :i.10, :;.30. :i./iO, 6.10. 11.30, s ch ed ul es c al l B ry n Mawr 12804.00. 420. 4.40. 11.00. :i.20, :>.40. 6.00, tl.20. 1I.:i0. 7.10. '1.30, 7'.50, 8.10, 8.30, 8.: i0.

tI.40. 7'.00. '1.20. '1.40. 8.00, 8.20. 8.40, 9.00, 0.10,0.30, 9.50, 10.10, 10.30. 10.50, 11.10. A f9.20. SI.40, 10.00. 10.20. 10.40. 11.00, 11.30. 11.:>0. gent or Peoples Rapid Transi t11.:10. 11.40. A. ltl_12.10. 12.30, 12.50, 1.2:i. 2.25. d G h d B L'

A. ltl_12.:lO, 12.50. 1./iO. °T o Dr) 'n Mawr S tu tlon . an rey oun us rnes

54th and City L i n e -

The Fireside

J . Alman

10 5 Essex Avenue

Adelizzi Bros.

10 2 Fo re s t Avenue


Arcade Tailor Shop

719 Montgomery Avenue

Hewit ' s C l e an e rs & Dyers

23 4 f iaverfo rd Avenue

Narbe r thTai lor ing

Co .

21 5 f iaverfo rd Avenue

Saturdays at 1 P. M., during

July an d A ug ust, o ur shops

w ill be closed. We t ru st t hi s

a nnua l c u st om will not inconvenience our patrons, an d we

ex tend be st wishes fo r your en

joyment of summer week-ends.


•and England. George A WIOtteMrs. E. H. Cockr il l, of Hampden •

Avcnuc, is visiting in Buffalo, N. e., Paperllallging andwhere she will stay for several weeks. D °

te r of Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Douglass, Mrs. Hen ry T . Nash, J r. , of Shady ecoratlngof Elm Terrace, is spending a mon th La ne , had as her guest last week-end ESTIMATINGat Lake Stinson , N. H., as t he gue st her bro ther, Mr. Hen ry Har t, of New Narberth 4135W

o f Mrs . L. H. Trotter. York. I ' ; ; ; ; ; : ; ! i ; ; ; ; ; : ; ; : ; ; ; ; ; ; : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; : ; ~ ~ ~ ; ; ; : ; ; ; ~ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; : : ; ~Miss Elma Reese, of Hampden Ave- Mr. and Mrs. Barry S. Mel lo r, of IInue, wil l s pend t he week-end at Cape Chestnut Avenue, have returned fromMay ¥ the guest of Mis s E ll en Shaw. Stone Harbor.Miss Helen Keim and Miss Mar- Mrs. Horace N. Wanamaker, of

garet Wil son, o f t he Children's Aid of Avon Road, had as her guests last\Villiamsport, Pa., s pent t he week-end week Miss Anna B. Corne ll and Dr .at the home of Miss Keim' s parents, Jessie Leigh Johnson, both of Youngs

Mr. an d Mrs . L ew is Keim, of North town, Ohio. Dr . Johnson attended theNarberth Avenue. !lIiss Keim has Nat iona l Osteopa th ic Convent ion inbeen appointed secretary of the Y. \"'1. Philadelphia last week.e. A. of the Universi ty of Pennsylvania Miss Anne Compton, of Woodbineand will return in September to take Avenue, spent Sunday at Buck Hillup her work there. !If iss Keim grad- Falls.

uated from the Univers ity of Pennsyl- Mrs. S. A. Compton, of Devon, isvania in 1927 a nd was the pres ident of visiting her son and daughter-in-law,the class that year. Mr. and Mrs. A. e. Compton, ofMiss P ri sc il la S tewa rt , o f Chicago, Woodbine Avenue.

III., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs., Miss Charlotte Thompson, of Har\V. Russel l Green, of \Voodbine Ave-' rison, N. Y.. spent l as t we ek as thenue , l as t week-end. Miss Stewart is Iguest of Miss Emily. Tholl1pson, ofnow visiting her cousin, the Hon. Val ley V iew Road, Merion.George C. Corson, o f Plymouth Meet- Mrs. G. H. Henry, of Mee tinging, Pa . House Lane, spent last week-end atMrs. M. M. Livings ton a nd he r son, Honeybrook, Pa .

Douglas Livingston, left on Tue sd ay Miss Louise Jones, of South Narfor Greenwich , Conn., to attend the berth Avenue, returned by motor onfuneral of her mother-in-law, Mrs. A. Sunday evening from Smallpoint, Me.,e. Reed. ,wh ere s he wa s the guest of Mr. andMr . and Mrs. A. e. Miller, of North Mrs . J . Clinton Fdltz.

Narberth Avenue, with the ir two sons,' Mr. a nd Mrs. James H. Jewell, of

Sammy and Robe rt, arc spen ding two Sabine a nd Conw ay Avenues, spentweeks in Cl evel and, Ohi o, v is it in g t he week- end at Chestertown, Md.N ia ga ra F al ls and Wil liamspor t en Mr. S tanley E. Haigh and his sonroute, via their new Hudson Eight... Ellsworth won the family speed boatMiss Ruth Jones, of Sou th Narber th race at Avalon, N. J., with their La

Avenue; Miss Nellie McHale and Miss conia sportster "Ell-Bob" from a fieldMargaret Eckbert left last Tuesday by of seven contestants with a '1uartermotor for a three weeks' trip to of a mile t o spare .N iaga ra Fal ls and Canada. Bobbie Haigh won h is hea t a nd wa sMr. and Mrs. Robert J. Nash, of awarded a medal f or s econd pl ac e in

Narberth and Price Avenues, s pe nt th e t he finale from a field of twen ty tubfirst part of l ast we ek at the Chal- race contestants in the Avalon waterfonte-Haddon Hall , Atlantic Cit y. Mr. carnival o n J ul y 4.and Mrs. Nash a tt ended the Kiwanis Mr. and Mrs. Haigh, of 319 Northconvention held there a t t ha t time. Narberth Avcnue. and their two sons,Mr. E rn es t Hod er and Miss Ger- Ellsworth and Bobbie, a re s pend ing

trude Hader. son and daughter of Mr. the s umme r a t their Avalon, N. J.,and Mrs. F rank Hoder , of Woodbine cottage. 'A v ~ u e , r c t u r n ~ o n W e ~ e s ~ y &om ~ ~ ~ i ~ _ C ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ J ~ N ~ U ~ E ~ D ~ O : N ~ ~ ~ A ~ G ~ ' E ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;a two wecks ' stay in Ocean City.

111 r. and :\1 rs. George Abel and fam-i ly , o f Val lcy View Road, Mer ion, ar espcnding- thn'c weeks a t Narrowsburg ,N. Y.

Mrs. Charles V. Noel and Mrs.Charles A. Fletcher, of North Narher th Avenue, 'have r eturned f rom athree months' trip to Europe, hav inga tt en de d t he P ass io n Play at Oberallllllergau and traveled through

Switzerland, F ra nc e. G erman y, I ta ly I


~ " . " ._-

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http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/our-town-july-18-1930 8/12

July 18, 1930

u1 July special!




This De Luxe Electric ,Washer


~ O M ' P A N Yc.All·OUt City and Suburban Stores

Y." :.OU'LV MARVEL at th e beauty, the battleship con

struction and the low price of the Laundry Queen.

. Six-sheet capacity; finished in beautiful high lustre stippled

green ·and white vitreous enamel with glistening mottled

green tu b o f porcela in; balloon rolls in finest Lovell

wringer,metal non-tarnishable; welded channel steel frame

in one piece Iwith no bolts to work loose or replace; requires

no oiling. It s great endurance record is your guarantee ofyears of splendid service! Only $99.50. Slightly more on

deferred payments. And just .think . . . for the payment of

only a five dollar bill you can have this high quality washer

in your home . this very next washday ready to work for

,you. 'Come in ,and see it !

What more could be askedofa washer?

Loaded with a typical family wash, a regular modelof the Laundry Queen was started November 29,

1927,and allowed to continuewashing. until December 26,1929-16,000 hours! Allowingfor a three-hour washing period each week, this meansthe Laundry Queen did ahundred years of familywashing without stopping. No oiling either.

Page Eight

HOWARD C. FRITSCHJustice of the Peace

REAL ESTATEFire Insurancl.'-Best CompaniesPhone 404D-W ZIG Haverford Aye.

1 w i ~ h ~ ) O ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ a : ~ ~ l Y friends \an d n e i ~ . : ; l l h o r : " fc,r thei r JllHIlY Idnd :LetsIn my g-reat ~ , , , · r o \ \ ' . I t Iig'ht"n"d th eh u r d e n ~ an d h ( ~ l J 1 e d J11C. .

:'In::;. W. 1\1. S l B I , l ~ Y .

Th e \\'(1111CI1 of the Karherth Meth- \

()disl Church will Iwl d a s ale of h0111e

made pies. cakes, bread al1d cal1dy at Ithe ('[,rlll'r of Fun'st a \1(\ Havcrford

Avel1uc nil Friday, J u\y 25, frol11 10

A. M. to 5 1'. 1\1.

Baptist Church of the E'JIangelRohert E. Keighton, 11 inister.

SlIn(\ay, July 20: I() :45 .\ . :III.-Church School. III :00 A. 1\1.-1\lorning worship. Ser

mon, "The Daring' of Jesus." I7:00 1'. 1\f.-Lawn ser vi ce. Sermon

bv the Rev. C1etus Senft.

Holy'Trinity Lutheran Church \

Rev. Cletus A. Senft, Pastor. ISunday, July 20:9: 45 A. M.-Bible School. I

11 :00 A. :ilL-The service. Theme:"\Vhy the Church?"

There will be no mee ti ng o f theLuther League or the evening service.

Methodist Episcopal ChurchRe\'. Samlle\ MacAdams. l\Iinister.

Sunday. jllly 20:() :45 A. 1\1.-Sunday School.II :00 A. 1\1.-1\lorning worship and

sertlwn. "The Jov of Church-going:' .

Friday. July 25. 10 A. 1\f. to 5 1'. 1\1.\-Home hake on the \awn of 11 r.

Harry n. \\'all, Haverford and ForestAvenues. under the auspices of the Iwonlen (Ii the chur ch. Pr ocee ds f or

tahle l inen for our new church.

First Church of C h r i , ~ t , Scientist IAthens and Linwood Aves., Ardmore.

SlInday Services:

II :00 :\ . 1\1. and S P. M.II :00 A. :ilL-Sunday School. IReading' Room. 19 \Vest Lancaster I

Avenue. open dai lv . 10:30 A. :M. to4:30 1'. 1\1. \Ve(!olcsday evenings, 9:15:1

to 9:45.The snhject for the Bihle 1<-sson ser-I

mon for Sunday is "Life." I. Fro!ll June I? to S e l ' t e l 1 1 ~ ) e r IS. h.oth IIncIIlSI\·l'. t he Sunday evenll1g Sl'rVlces Iwill he llJnitted. ICHARLES A. BYRHODES ICharles A. Byrhodes died at the

home of his daughter, 1\lrs. \V. 11. Sibley. 507 Haverford Avenue, Xarherth,last Thnrsday in his eighty-fourthyear . F un er al services were held onSa tu rday with burial at 1\1 t. Moriah


, Church Notes IIAll Saints Church I


Rev. Gibson Bell, Rector. \11 :00 A. M.-llorning" prayer, ante

communion and sermou.

The Presbyterian Church \Rev. John Van Ness, 1L A., Minister.

:IIIeeting's for Jll1y 20:10: 00 A. M.-Bihle School. All de

partments. Comhined Men'sand \o\'omen's Bihle Class taughtby Mr. Van Ness. I

11 :00 A. 11 .-l\lorning' worship. Ser-Iman theme, "The Pre-eminence

o f Jesus Chr is t. "7:45 P. :ilL-Evening' worship in the

cool social room. Sermontheme. "Sharing in the Suffering's of the Son of GO(I."

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JrJ.,·18, ·1930 OUR/TOWN. Psp:Nine:

Main L in e League

(First Half Standing)W. L. Pet.

Narberth 6 3 .667Berwyn 5 4 .556Media 4 4 .500Paoli 3 5 .375Brookline 2 6 .250

Results of Week's GamesJuly 12, Narberth, 12, Berwyn, 2.July 14, Narbe rth, 3 ; GregorianC. c., 2.

July IS, Narberth, 2; GregorianC. c., 1.July 16, Narberth, 4; Prospect

Park, 2.

Week's ScheduleSaturday: Dunkirk, first M. L.Lca gue gamc of the sccondhalf season, at Narbcrth.

Monday: Clcarvicw, at Narbcrth.\Vcdncsday: Narbcrth at Coatcsville.

Thursday: Coatesville at Narberth.

Bicyclesand bicycle accessories ar e

sold by us at moderate prices.

Fo r any bicycle repairs, justcall Narberth 2866 and we'll

call fo r the bike, r ep ai r i t,and del iver it promptly.


108 Fores t Avenue

Phone: NARBERTH 2866

"WunJer Starts T h ~ m All"

--- ._-----

If You Arein the market for the best

radio, you ar e invited to see

and hear the Stromberg-Carl

son radios and combination

radio-phonographs, at

108 Forest Avenue

WUNDERDntter, . . nn d E l e ,· t rl c Se r '· .. •..

.U nl n I .l nt ' nll ,t rl l" ,tor". s t r om

herA'-Cnrh,oll ItncU". S nI e. . .me l

S .. r ..·.. ·e

" W u n J ~ r Starts T h ~ m All"

The Coupe, '$6$

and wear of vibration-resulting infewer adjustments an d longer life.

Come in . Learn once more to drivea car for th e sheer thrill of driving!

Some DbltlllgDblla',;g Featurell

50-horsepower six-cylinder motor •••full-length frame • • • four s em ielliptic springs. 0 • fully-enclosedfour-wheel brakes, • • • rour Lovejoyhydraulic. shock absorbers••• Fisherhardwood-and-steel body • • • safety

gasoline ta nk in the' rear • • • and,foryour protection, a new and liberalservice policy.


ROADSTER 'I 'M Club 8edaD $645

e4r PHAEOT05N TIM Sedan $675

'I 'M SpedaISedan • . . . • . $715( 6 wi re wheels l t andard)

The Sport Coupe•••••••$655 on Speda18eda1l);

A" pr loa I. o. b.loettJrl;'Unt, Mlchllt_

The Sport R.. d8ter•••• $555Th e Coach $565

The Coupe •••••••••••••$565

~ D E V B 8 ; L E T SIX


Ge t ou t on th e straightaway-stepon the gas-and you 'l l know whyowners are so enthusiastic about th e


At every po in t on t he speedometeryou travel smoothly, quietly, safely.You can drive from daybreak to dusk-a s fast as you please-and nevergrow weary of th e journey.

This type of performance is onlypossible because of six-cylinder des i ~ . And six-cylinder smoothnessmakes possible greater economy-forit saves th e ca r from th e strain

For Speed., Smoothnessand Economy



The Fireside

Pennsylvania Railroad

Carries Electrification

Program to Norristown ICONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

ing; thc fourth from Rcading to Potts

villc, and t hc fifth from Pottsvillc to I!II t. Carbon.

The cost of elcctrification thus faris estimated at thrce million dollars. I"Vork was begun early this year, and

was pushed rapidly to complction. It

had for years been urged by the BalaCynwyd Neighborhood Club and other


The mcmbers of the P hi Tau DeltaSoror ity who a re a t S tone Harbor thisweek are the Misses Ruth Hopkins ,Janct Caldwell, Alicc Maguire, Betty

Coneys; Elizabeth Pray a nd E lc anorMichaelson. Other membcrs of theSorority will arrive later.D r. and Mrs. Wray Hughcs Hopkins

left on the S. S. Bremen at midnighton W cdnesday night for a six wecks't ou r o f Europe. They will attcnd thcPassion Play at Mun ic h on Augus t 6. Ir. Hopki ns has receivcd invitations

to addrcss chiropractors in LOndOn' j'Paris, Brussels, Berlin, Luccrnc, Am-sterdam and Copenhagcn. 'Miss Ella Harndcn, of Morcno

Road. Penn Valley, cntcrtaincd atbridgc on Friday afternoon in honorof l\1iss Bct ty J oncs , of Clcvcland,Ohio. Among th e g ues ts were MissSara!1 Tyrc. of Oak Lane; l\'liss JaneStevens. Miss Ruth Koh lahas. Miss I1\1 ar y Ho lt, M.iss Carolyn Goldsmith

and Miss Joan Tilbury. ITh c 1\1 isses Sarah Tyre. Bctty Joncs I

and Janc Stcvcns werc thc gucsts of I

Miss Ella H a rndcn l as t wcck-cnd. iMiss Harnden gave a dinncr last·Sunday in honor of Miss J anc Stevcns,of Haverford Avenue. Among thcgucsts we rc Miss Bctty Joncs , MissMarion Hook, t he Messrs. Bud Newborg, Lou is Senn, Guy Mostcllcr andLester \Vise. Tennis followcd the dinn er an d Miss Ella Harndcn and Mr'lLouis Sen n wcre th e winncrs.Miss Marion Harlan Millcr, daugh

te r of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. MilIcr, of 'Rrookhurst Avenue, is slowly rccovcring from a serions operation pcrformcdrcecntly in the Methodist Hospital.Mr. and Mrs. Mauricc Lcwis Kelley, I

of Schil ler Avcnuc, arc rccciving congratulations upon th e birth of a son, IJohn Batcs Kclley, on July 3.Mr. Maurice DuMarais, 200 Wood

sidc Avenue, is convalescing at theEpiscopal Hospital from his recentscrious appendicitis operation. IMiss Emily F. Thompson, of Val

Icy View Road, Mer io n, h as bc cn en-Itc rtaining her cousin, Miss Cha rl ot tcThompson, of Harrison, Ncw York.On Tucs day thcy left for Harrison,lwhcre Miss Thompson will bc a guestfor a fcw days.

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http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/our-town-july-18-1930 10/12

July 18, 1930


Cut Your Clothes Bill

in Two

Bet te r Coa l y ou' ll neve r fi nd,

For Berrer Coal was never mined .

IT is n't such a wonderful

engineerin; fe:lt to heat

your house if you buy the

proper coal. I t isn't such a

magical financial trick to save

money-huy coal now while

the price is down.

Regular cleaning will keep

your cloth es sp ic and span

fo r months. A few extra dol

lars s pe nt f or c le an ing now

and then will save you money

in the long run. A telephone

call will bring our man to

your door.


102 Forest Avenue. Narberth

Phone: Narberth 2602




L. M. ThompsonBala Ave.-CYNWYD 280


I t . ' A ~ ~ I ·"T.•••I














H, O. A. E.o .) I 0o 3 5 0I () 0 02 2 0 ()

I ()I ()() 02 I2 I


IJ. &. If . 14U4."kn,, ·nUIUI nn d1,0'10110\10 \',,110')' . \u lhr ' ' ' ' / I.._

2 5 27 13 2 1100' lioll 'sl, "'O'lIut'sl I·uo'i.

'''' ~ ~ ~ ~ ggt ~ , : " : I ~ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I .

, .12 13



!\f artin, rf.Burns, c. """'"Fleck, If.l\fc Entee, I h.Humphries, 3b.Heckle, d.

Rubincam, 2b.Masters, p.Kearney, ss. ""Thomas, c.

R.Baker, 2b. ,,, Il\fc 1\1onigle, s,;. 0Doyle, If. , 0Shank, d . 0Trust, 3b.. 1'... ()

Burke, Ih .. e.. , 0Byron, rf. ", ()

Hem scher, c. 0\Vagner, p . " 0Kel ly , 3b. "." 1

Redmolld, Ih. 0

has added still more exper ience to his r. .---------------rareer with smal1er clubs such as theBerwyn Cluh, for whom he has givenhis services t hi s yea r.

Joe McEntee was Master's grea tes t

support with the hickory and in his un- iequal1ed performance on the initial,sack, Jo e sl ug ged o ut fo ur bam hastic Ibingles out of five trips to the plate, Ione of these c lout s being a home ri cblow for his second of th e season.McEntee's hat sent in three of the Itwelve runs earned in t hi s game whilehe personally scampered over the disc ion two occasions for a total of five

ru ns. Joel Ruhincam fol1owed in closepursuit of McEntee hy hatting at a.667 pace, scoring one run and hring-ing in one himself. Bob Martin fellback in the race fo r the hitting championship of the club when in four appearances at t he pen ta gon he poledou t t he second home r un f or this f raywhich brings th e total for circuit blowsto six for the present season.

Ver nie Fleck, leader of the pack i ~ : : : = = = = = : = = : = : = = :earlier in the season, relinquished his! I

leadership among the hitters to JoeMcEntee, hut stil1 hests his teammatesin consecutivc batting hy raising thetotal to seventeen s tr aigh t games todate.

I n this jubilant championship

triumph ev er y man of the N a r b l ~ r t hClub scored at least one hit and onerun f or t he local cause , !\[ cEntee leadi ng w it h the hits at four, and Martin

w ith the r uns at three.\Vatter Masters looked his best on

the hill in g oi ng th e en ti re r ou te for Ithe champions, while \Vagndr. wll<)started for the visitors, became skittishand founder ed on th e mound. Manager Redmond decided that six innings of pitching wcre enough in t hi spredicament and sent the eminenthurler to pitch quoits in the clubhouse. During \Vagner's administra-tion "Gene" Davis' sluggers scored

six hits ami five runs, one of thesebeing a fou r- ply crash. Danny Tros t ,came in from third ba se to re li ev e thestricken \"rag-ner of his unfortunateministry and was also pecked at unmerci fullv for s e\ 'e n more licks and

seveu a d ~ l i t i o n a l runs , one of these hits Ialso h ei ng a homeric crack. I n o therwords, it was a no ther r epet it ion o f

t he ir p as t Rut hi an display where the I F Ipick of a ny pitching corps cannot stop . . : ftheir spirited concussions with the I ...cowhide. Narberth was taking nochances with the cha ll enge rs a t the IIick-off and started out scoring hytahhing a run in the first i nn ing a sI1\1 cEntee's first n ic k sent in 1\1 artin PhoDe 949who had previously been struck by a Iwild heave. Rubincam douhled in the A R D M 0 R Efourth to ship in Heckle from t h i r d l ~ . . .- __-----------.Jf o n t l ~ l l e s f i c f ~ : ~ d f r : ~ : ~ ~ Narherth' s violent, 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111connections with t he o ff er ings of \Vag- f

ncr took the heart ou t of the BerwynClub as the champions earned threemore runs. Two hits , an error and

wildness on the part of \Vagner costthe foemen the:;e runs, whi le three hits,another blunder and some more nervespitching meant five runs in the sixth,Mar tin' s homer in the ei gh th w it h'

Kearney on ending the scoring f or t heboroughites.

NARBERTHR. H. O. A. E.3 I 1 0 0

I I 7 0 0I I 0 0 02 4 13 0 0o I I 5 I1 I 0 0 01 2 2 3 II I 0 I 02 1 2 3 0o 0 0 0



Narberth Defeats BerwynFor First Half Championship

Try Ollr 14 Flavors!

Page Ten

And 18 Holes of

Miniature Golf

Tennis By


Phone Narberth 4005

M. R. Lane & Sons



RICH, because it's made

of cream h ig h i n butter-fat


PURE, because only th e

best ingredients g o i nt o it s

making, and

DELICIOUS, because ou r

14 f lavors ar e made t o s ui t

your taste, • ,

-That 's White's Sweet


Seven well-kept tennis

courts and a complete

miniature golf course will

be opened towards the end

of next week, at the old

Narbert h Tennis Club,

Montgomery and Haverford Avenues, by

Watch for Next Week's

Opening Announcement

Exceptioflal f 1 I r ~ r l a i n i n g {ad/iIi,s • ••

(or Teas. Ctlrd Parties, Banquets,DaIlCtS. Etc.

~ F N " I " T T " """'"!'.I <v Manager

Special Dinner nightly , $2.00. Also

a 10 carte. Delicious dishes. Excel

lent parking space dir..ctly adjacent

to hotel; garage adjoining. Reserva

tion: "Paul," Pennypacker 3800.

Enjoy a DelightfulSunday Dinner in

Ph i ladelphiain the cool and airy


ffiarwit1\Locust Street at 17thRITTENHOUSE SQUARE

aside t he ir mos t uny ie ld ing nemesis

I in the league.

I In view of the recent conullendable

Igame which these boys pu t up on the

IFo urt h o f July when they forced the

boroughites into a deadlock for the

Ichampionship of the first half, there

! \vas expected a c lo se r game than was

I exhihited at that field on Sat ur da y.

The npset in this contest was not be

cause of Narberth's victory over the

foemen, for those mona rchs of t he d ia

mond arc n ev er d own until the final

out h as b een registered , but it was asurprise to see the Davismen run away

. ~ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~ l I w i t h t he t it le w it h such ease.I \Valter Masters was elected to serve

in the hox and perhaps ''Vatter was

! joyful in receiving the nomination, for

ithe col lege star was out to vindicate

Ihimself against the Berwyn club, who

pnmmeled him at will in the previous

gamc of the Fo urth of Ju ly classic,

when they pecked at him f or e leven

hits. \Valter was mor e o f what Connie

1\1 ack may expec t of him next yea r in

brushing aside Berwyn in this con

quest . f or the University of Pennsyl

vania grenadier of speed held the rival

nine in the palm of his hand, deal ing

them th e smal les t n umhe r o f hits he

has c ve r allowe d whi le in Narherth

uniform.The Doyle hoys were unahle to solve

has cabalistic offerings, for dur ing the

first three innings the)' could not score

a hit or a run, and in the fourth Doyle

and Trost gathered one hit apiece, but

which bingles proved unprolific due to

\Valter's close-fisted contributions.

Again in the s ix th Shank tabbed a sin

fo r t he third foreign hit, but t he punch

was s ti ll possessed hy a ghost ly le th

argy a nd again t hey f ai led to score.

Finally, in t he e ighth s tanza, Berwyn

achieved t he ir g re at es t a tt ai nmen t o f

this game, and possibly o f t he y ea r,

when they averted a shut-out setback

by sending in two runs off as many

licks.Narherth, in their turn at bat in nine

innings, assemhled no less than thir

teen hits to keep up to the present

standards of hitting. Only f our men

were left on t he b ag s at the end of

'I the con te st , whi ch fea t relates a storv

of its own in delineat ing the exploit s, .. . 1 that le ad to this top-heavy victory.

I There have heen many reputahle

Ipitchers to face the Narberth Club this

y ea r who at one time or another have

r been the idols of baseball, and, more

I t ha n t ha t, h av e been extreme favorites

Ito check the turbulent tactics of the

,Narberth lads. But they came and

Iwent, sometimes never to be heardagaiJI. On Sat ur da y, p it te d a ga in st


1\1 ast ers on the eminence was tha t manof considerable wide baseball experi, ence. K. O. \'Vagner, the choice ofI the Doyle Nursery hays to oppose

IWalt, is a youngst er who has seen

more service in the major a nd 'mino r11,leagues t ha n per ha ps a ny local pitcherwill ever sec wit h t he possible excep-


' tion of Masters. Wagner wen t w it hthe Albany Club and then was s en t f orby Connie Mack, of the Philadelphia

I champions in 1929. \Vag-ner did no t!sccm to possess the ingredients of a

[I l1Jajpr league pitcher at the time, bu tConnic bel ieved the lad would laterlpn, "" he handed him down t o till'i \\'ichita Falls nine, where he expected

Ihim to ad d mor e necessary experieuceto his p it chi ng car eer. However ,


Wagner was l at er handed over to the

]'Mtland Club, where he turned in vie-


toril'" for his first two performances


Oil the hil l.. bU,t, .. the ,CIUh then hroke up,leaving \Va gner s tr ande d wi thou t ahome. In : I , ( I ~ i t J o n ! u all this, Wagner


•• .. , , 'J

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July 18,1930 OUR TOWN Page Eleven


Narberth Juniors SwampJetferies and Manz





o" 1.. 1

Albert, 1h.

Hager, cf.






61 l 'ear8 0/ Cuatillucd SUCCC8S

in 'l'nlinll1g Jll"siri.fluR

ZECKWER·HAHNPhila. Musical Academy

Urn"' , , I-rt · . )nrutor, ' S(·hou.

1:itll Jlllcl U;u·t· S ts ., P h lJ n• • • -u .

lTundrt'dx of YOllllg- p eo pl e w hofailed in l-'ehool hav(' h e l ~ n IJl '4'

})ared H u ( ' c c H x r u l l ~ · hy us fo r 1'01leg-e o r th e V:LrjouH profCHHil l l la lschuols. I>ay an d n i gh l ela:-::--l'H.

Hend fo r eatalog-.

Graded courses i n a l l d epa r t

men ts o f musical instructionunder d is ti ng u is h ed f ac ul ty .Church an d public school


For Year Book Write

FREDERICK HAHNPresiden t-Direc to r

1617 Sp ru c e S t ., P h il ad el ph ia


Architectural , Mecbanical and l,'r('ehanll Drawing; Illustration; l\[llebilleShop Practice: BIl'ctricity; Matbematics; Auto Mechanics an d ElectricalAppliance".

BeginA Selltemhpr 22. Send to r Clrcnlar.

SPRING G A R n E ~ I ~ S T I T U T EB RO AD A ND S l'RING GARDEN STB..... Poplar 3106 ,

Totals 10 14 24 5 2


TOl11lin. Ih . 0 0 I 0 IKoch, rf . ... 0 2 2 0 0Weston, 2h . 0 0 .) I 0Reider, .lb. 1 I I 1 0BrenJ l1an, s s. 1 2 2 () ()

Seidor, If. , 0 0 1 (I 0l\I cGinley, d . 0 0 I () ()

Fletcher, c. () .) 8 () 0Gilbrd, p. 0 0 0 () 0

Totals 2 8 21 2JcfTeries an d ) ' I a n z -

o () () 0 0 0 1 1-2

Narberth J l1niors .) () () I 1 2 .) x-IO


I Cope

IF you ·... tired of room. and bath• • • • • and want .omethinga l it tl e more like home,. then come to Hotel Lafaye"e, You'll

lind u. tucked away In the mast beautiful part o f o ne o fAtlanticCity'. broadest avenue., l us t a .tep away from everything that'..nything In the World'. Playground. Here's seclusion withoutInobbery. Her.'1 beauty without austerity • • • • in a hotel 01

mod.rn a. 1930 • • • • with rate. a. modest a . 1920. Spaciouslaunge room.,a solarium and .un-deck. Food that would delight an.picv.... Comfort. Service. Quiet. All these are yours al a guest of

Th e Na rb er th J u ni or s swamp ed Jef

feries a nd l\lanz to the tunc of 10 to 2

l as t T h ur s da y e ve ni ng at th e Narber th

Playground. Jerry Casey gave a won

derful e xh ib it io n o f p it ch in g, strikingou t tw elv e of hi s opponents an d al

lowing only eight s c at te r ed h it s, whi le

"Jumbo" Rose le d w ith t he s ti ck , collecting t hr ee h it s in as m an y t ri ps toth e plate, one of which was a homerun. The t e am ' s b a tt in g a\ 'crage took

a sudden jump upward whel1 th e J un

iors gathered fourteen hits from th eo f fe r ing s o f Gillard.

The Juniors wish to thank theirl oya l fo ll owers an d w ould he pleasedto se e larger turnouts at later games ast he y a rc now in midseason form an dplaying" f ir st -c la ss t eams . The Jun iors have won nine and lost seven to

date. Next T u es d ay n ig ht t he strol1gI 'arkwa y A. C. team.


R. H. O. A. E.1 0 2 () ()

1 I J 0 11 2 2 1 0

I . lOU 0o 2 II I 0() () 1 () 01 1 2 2 12 1 () () 0I 2 () U ()o () () () ()

Strauss, 2b .

Torchiana, 1b.

I 'owell , .lb.

Rose, rf . ..Gallegher, e.

13urgess, d.R Heckel. ss .YOUllg, If.Casey, p..\ lcKc\vey, 2h.. "

MiscellaneousH I ~ J ~ I N 1 ' ; D eouple, without children,

I n a y :-:hare lovely homp, l ' O n l ] ) ] e t el)'furnished, in \VYllne\\'ood, , , ' j th o\, 'ner.Convenient to t r a n H p o r t a t l o l l . Fur

fur ther d e t a i l ~ phone At'dnwre 2572-.1or \vri te Bo x :H;[J, \VYllnpWl)od, I 'a.



Help WantedSAl,ERl I lAN-1 ' o s e ll l \ J a t e r i a l ~ Han-

dling I';qulplnent in Phi ladelphia ter ritory to th e i n d u ~ t r i a l plant. ProLlu c t ~ to he ~ o l d are th e h e ~ t of theirIdlld Oil th e l11ar](et, nlanuf:H' tured hvth e oldest an d l 1 1 0 s t ]U'0111 i ! l e n t c O l n ' -

pany in their line. This I an except i on a l oppo rt un it y fo r a Ju an \ v it ll SOl l l e

rnechanieal iust inet a nd the th e lleCesH a r ~ ' fibre fo r " e ll ing , to ge t H t ar ted ona jo b that should soon 11ll)' him hetterthan $5000 a ~ ' e a r . 'Vri te '"1'"'' c al 'e o fTh e .Main Liner, Ar<1lnore, ~ l a t i n g ag'can d pre\ 'iOUH husiness experienl 'c .

Helling" eXl ler ience no t neCC:-lHar)', Thi:.;is a s t r a i g h t cOJnnliHHioJl IJr()posi t ion.





to spend the summer or even aweel<-end, you cou ld no t lind a bette r place than mlne- r e l i ab l e referenees-catering' to families.

MRS. H. J. SMITH:13 N. HAllI l ISnUI lG AVE.

1·'UHN1RHgD rooms h ~ d a ~ ' or week.l \ l r ~ . " ' a l te r R o ~ e r , 16 ;.;. Florida

Ave., Atlantic City, :\ ..J. (8-1)

ATLA!':TIC ClTY-Yentnor , 66 Edgewatel' Ave. N i c e l ~ ' furnished cottage,

:l 1'00111:';, Ph . }-Iancocl{ ] 256. ~ ( ) l n h 7 - 2 5 )

Summer CottagesFO R R ";!':T-Long" s c a ~ o n term at 1 6 0 ~

Central A\'e., 'Vildwood, 5 r. an d h.al l n ew ly r en ov at ed . O ne b lo ck to sta.an d beal'h. (omb7-IS)

BE:ACH HAYEN, N. J.-3- room bunga-l o w ~ , $50 p er m on th , $15 pe r Wk.

C lo se t o o('ean. 1'0111 Sherborne, OWn-

er , Pelham Ave. (nmb8-l) I ~ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = -RENT-A\ 'a lon , N. J . -La rge ('ottage

and ga rag 'e fo r m on th o f August an dLabor D a ~ · . 2 b l o e k ~ from beaeh. Al l('on\'. Call Narb. 2694 evening.


Summer Boardingl\lAI)LI': F'arnl, A)<roJl, l ..ancaster Co.,

Pa. Ideal fo r e ll 1e rl y g 'ue st s an dsemi-invalids; homelike surroundings;

permllnent if desired. (omb7-25)


AMBLER, PA .~ ~ ; ; ; : > C j ~ ~Enjoy the Week.End at

Linden Court InnAMBLER, PA•.

Spec i al D inne rs a la C ar teSwimming an d Golf

Heservation fo r Large an dSmal l Part ies

Tennis Ave., !/z Mile Of fBe thl ehem Pike

Ph on e Ambl er 280~ Q C : ~ " " " ~ASBURY P AR K, N . J .


Hotel ENGLISH:I::t Sixth ,,",,c., ANbury Pl l rk . N. J .

Comfort, without ex travagance . Runninll' water, p r iv a te b a th s . Bountiful,h omel ik e t ab le , R ea so n ab le .1\1. 'v. EugUlIh. Owner and Prop r ie tor I

Phone Your Ads to ARDMORE 3100

Situations Wanted

GeneJ.al Not;ce- Classified Advertisements will b e cha rg ed onlyI- to residents a t th e M ain L in e w ho se names

appt'ar in the te lephone direc tory; to persons main tain ing an accoun t w i thUt , or to regular subscribers to either THE MAIN L INER , OUR TOWN, orNEWS OF BALA-CYNWYD.

Rates--10 cents a line In each paper; 25 cents a line in al l three.Minimum charge , 35c i n o ne paper; 75 cents in al l three AV

erage ot five words to th e line. No blacktaced type used.

Deadline f OJ" InSeJ·tions- Classified advertisements willbe accepted u p t o Wednesday 6

o'clock fo r OUR TOWN or a ll t hr ee papers; Thursday, 1 o'clock, fo r THEMAIN LINER; Thursday, 5 o'clock to r NEWS OF BALA-CYNWYD.

A.t Your Service' Garages For Rent'V1LT, CARE f or y ou r hirds while you GARAng " tal l fo r rent . Phone Nar-

ur e away, at relumnable prices. Ph . herth 2450-.T.Narberth 3711. (omhS-1) 1------------------S H O I ~ S r ep a ir ed a nd s ni ne d. Old hats Seashore For Sale

mad e l ik e n ew . United H ut a nd Shoe BEACH HAygN, N. J , -5 l o t ~ nearParlor, 12:1 N. Narb. Ave. (7-18) ocean, $200 each. 'l'om Sherborne,

owne r, P el ham Ave. (ombS-I)DHESSMAKING an d alterations or

mendl l lg in your home or mine. Mrs.1\1. Redlich. Ph . Narb. 2365-W. (7-26

'l'UBES tested free. No serv ice charge.Call Geo rg e A lb er t, N ar b. 3967-W.


Los t and FoundLOST-Pol ice dog, ans. to n am e Wal - 'VILDWOOD, N. J.

t e, '; r et . 1111. Eidenherg, 224 NarberthAve. , Na rh ., or call l\larl(ct. 0 5 8 ~ ; unt i l 5 ~ } I : 1 i Q ~ : n - a - I I l J ; ; ~ : ~ s ; ; j ~; ~ ' ( l ; ~ o ; ~ l ' a i r of horn-rimmed ( : : : ~ b 7 ~ ~ ~ ~I T ~ ~ u ~ n ~ ..~ ~ E : ; : ~ l ~ D I

g l a ~ ~ l ' H , l a ~ t F r i d a ~ ' evening' at Nar- Refined Adul t C l ien te l e Onlyberth playgToulld tennis courts. He- On e square from Boardwall( an dward fo r return to Ou r Town Office. Railroud Station. With or with-l ' hone Xarher t h 2 5 ~ 5 . ou t runl li ng wa te r . 221 E. Oa kj . 'UUND-A p l l - L e - ' e - " " t o - - g - ' e - - : t - ~ - ' o - u - r - - : ' - a - w - n Ave., Wildwood, N. J.

m ow er a nd sa w s ha rp e ned an d re -

llLired. ~ [ e c h a n i c a l l y accurate. Worl( I====================called fo r an d deli\·ered. Service Com] l a n ~ ' , 5 Bala Ave., Bula. Phone Cynwy d 877. (ob7-27)

I;HADlTA1'E nurse will tal(e care ofsicl, h r h ou r or will s ta y w it h chil

dren l'vl'llings. Ph . Narberth 4161.(omb8-1)

For SaleFO R SALE-Baby coach, scale .and

k i dd i e coop ; alxo a refrigerator. Ph .Narb. 2772-.T.

Dogs, Birds, PetsCHOW CHO'V P U P P T l ~ S , horn May 24.

l \ I a h o g - a n ~ ' red. Pedig-reed an d eligihle to registration. Beauties. Mu"the seen to be appreciated. Male. $60;female, $40. VI'. Fredericl( Wm.Krall(er, 1201 'V. Allegheny Ave" Phila.


lIlAN desi re s po si ti on as chauffeur, 8years ' e xp .; d oc s garden ing or an y

Idnd of \vork. \Vrite u l ~ / ' Ou r 'rO\vn,Narb. (omb7-1S)

U IRlr-Colored, wishes to do house-\\"01'1\, no \ \ ' a } i h j n ~ ; referencex. Ph .

Alleghenr ~ : 1 7 7 .

CHU'V PUPS Hure b eaut ie s a n d reall io n h ea ds . A. K. C. PedigTeed .

1\IalcH, $:15; fenlalcH, $25. I ~ " r c d Levin,1 6 ; 1 ~ S. Broad St., Phila. (om1>7-25)

Rooms For Rent1,'UHNISHED room fo r gentleman or

UUHiUeHH \ \ ' U I I H L l l . Priva.te f a n l i l ~ · . Convenient to st ati on . P ho ne N ar be rt h4161. (ob8-1)

Apartments For RentA P A H ? r l l l 1 ~ N ' l ' - S i x rooms an d garage,

1 l 1 0 ~ t d e ~ i r l l b l e section o f Mer io n. P h.Merion 552. (omb7-IS)

UU'l'TLI I.;B BSSLINGEn , c a rp e nt er ,jobliillg', alterations 122 Conway

Ave. Call Narb. :l74S-H. (8-S)

, 1"LOHA GEROLD-Specializing in slipcovers, draperies, wicke r f u rn i tu r e

r e pa in te d a n d u ph ol st er ed . A ll workg'uaranteed an d estimates given. 344Trevor Lane . Cynwyd . Phone Cynwyd1695-W. (omb-tf)

Real Estate for SaleWYNN 1'J\\'OO lJ, new Colonial h o u ~ e , 12

rootns, 3 ha thH I :1 f i t' eplace . s, 2 - ea t '

garage . lh -:!ere lot. Pl'lee right . PhOlWNarberth 3711 or P. 0, Bo x 25, Nal'.bet'th. (omb8-1)

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.'Page· Twelve OUR TOWN Julr J8 , 1930



25 and. 29 BALA AVENUE-Crnwrd 662



Shul l L u m b e r C o ~ p . a n yThe Link Between Forest .4nd Home

Robins Jlnd .Bl ll ebir ds, :Wo•.

Mounted on a 32-inch Fan Trel

lis, wltich is covered with endur-:

ing a luminum paint , they make;ideal supports forYQur plants. .Save 'fWENTY CENTS a trel•.

lis dur in g t he next two weeks

by· driving to our Garden, 25

Bala Avenue, for your choice of birds. Garden furniture is "seasonal"mos t o f the year, and you wiII find here comfortable benches, unusual.

tab les and many attractive things f or any garden.






From Now on America - The·Main Line - Forever For-ward!

By your own action, what you do, say and think,will America go forward:

Think Progressively .Act Progressively .Buy Wisely-But BUY

Talk Optimistically



Cast your eyes back over History -Abraham,

Xerxes, Alexander, Caesar, Cromwell, Luther, Colum

bus, Washington, Lincoln-their greatness was shown

by their conduct in times of adversity.

America is experiencing a period of adversity at

the present. time, but who for one moment doubts

America's future and her ability to bring herself up outof this adversity?

Ardmore. Hc was born in Ardmore.

and has lived here a ll h is Iifc, He at

tcndcd the Lower Merion schools and

whi lc in his teens beg-ans caddy ing on

t hc c ou rs c of the Merion Gol f C lu b.

Bei ng h le ss ed w it h a frank, fricndly

spirit, hc mad c many f ri cnds , a grcat

many of them being persons of consid

erable wealth and influence in th e s o

cial lifc of Philadelphia.

He later became regularly cmployed

at the Merion Crickct Club and on

April 6. 1925, was appointcd to thc

Lower Merion pol ic c force , He is

married and has two sons, Jamcs, Jr.,

2)1, years old, and Jack, 14 months old.

Receives Enthusiastic Reception at A.rdmQre Theatre;

Audience Good Fortune of Living in It Will

Go to Someone Else.

Officer Jimmy·Taylor,Vream ·Home'Winner, Unaffected By Good Fortune

The "Drcam Homc" at Sixty-ninth

Street to which the attention of motionpicture audiences and newspaper read

ers has hccn called for thc past few

months was won hy. James c. Taylor,

of Ardmore , motorcycle policeman at

t ached to the Lower 1\1 erion To\\'nship


He won i t wi th 43,290 ballots clipped

from the Philadelphia Inquircr and de

positcd at Stan Icy-Warner t heat re s i n

P hi la del ph ia an d its s ubu rb s. Th e

majority o f J immy 's vot es we re cast

at thc Ar dmore Theatre, although

scores of friends , including practically

every conductor and brakeman on th e

'Main Line elcctric t ra in s, who collect

hundreds o f papers daily, s aw t ha t he

had a substantial number o f vot es cast

in ccntral city theatrcs, in Frankford,

in Bala-Cynwyd and elsewhere.Announcemcnt of th e award wali

mad c f rom t he s ta ge o f t he Mas tba um

Theatre on Thursday n ight , July 1Q,

and thc dced to t hc h ou sc , bui lt , by

Jo hn H . McClatchey, was presented to

Taylor the ne xt day b y ·Mayor Mackey

in t he Mayor 's r ec ep ti on room in the

Philadelphia City Hall. To say that

Jimmy was pleased is putting it mildly,

but it is significant that the familiar

f ig ur e o f the pleasant-looking boy in

thc policem:l11's uni fo rm was secn on

the pike a day or s o a ft erwa rd as

t hough not hi ng had happened.

He reported for work theday"aftc 'r

rccciving the award , bu t Superintend

en t Smi th s en t him homc to receive

t hc f ri cnds who callcd to congratu late

him, t o o pcn countless le tters and teleg ram s and to find vases, jars, buckets,

tubs and whatnot in which ·to put the

flowers that kindly-disposed friends

scnt from 7 A. M. Friday until mid

night Saturday.

"Flowers!" exclaimed Jimmy in an

awe-struck voice; " go sh , when th e

flowers began coming I thought somc

h ody was d ead! "

Nevertheless, Jimmy was back at

work on Saturday. And he' s t he same

plcasant J immy Tay lo r, a little bi t

amazed at his good luck, bu t still able

t o w ea r hi s cap comfortably.

Hc appeared on the stage of the

Ardmore Thea tr e for a few minutes

on Thursday night and thankcd his

friends for thcir efforts in hi s behalf.

And if one could judgc by the applause,

his fricnds arc willin/{ to turn to agahl

and help him win anything else he

f ixes h is mind on.

H c told his audicncc that deli/{htful

as it would bc to livc in thc "drcam

homc" that good fortunc would prob-

ably go to someone c lse. for "my wife

and r won't try to livc heyond our·


"I havc a good joh and a good·l lOmc

in Ardmorc, wh ich is a /{ood town to

livc in." said he. (And that line

should ha\ 'e pleascd thc Chamber o f

Commcrcc.) "r lIIay sel l the new

housc or I may rcnt it. hut at any rate

I wi ll try to sce that the ·"drcam hOlllc"

ncts us enough in the cnd to send ou r

hays, Jack a nd J il llmy , to college and.

gi\ 'c them a start in l ifc,"

J immy Tay lo r is 26 years old andlives at 19 North ~ y o n l i n g Avenue, 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~