OUR MISSION Website address - Durack School


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A Community that ignites curiosity and prepares children for

the future.


Respect, Responsibility, Integrity


Assembly 6 O’Halloran

Friday 26 February

Assembly 2 Pierce 5 March

3 Way Conferences

9 & 10 March

AGM 11 March

5.30 in Staff Lounge

Disco 8 April



7:50am TO 2:45pm

Dear Parents/Carers, Welcome to Week 4. We are certainly ‘in the groove’ in terms of teaching and learning

and our students have been engaging in all the teaching and learning experiences . Each class has been doing their ‘Me and We: A Successful Classroom, Who are we and how will we work together?, inquiry learning ’ so that all our students are reminded of high expectations and have the skills and capacity to engage in learning and reach their full potential. I have had the pleasure of engaging with many Year Five and Six students who have applied for Student Leadership positions over the past two weeks. It is extremely encouraging to watch our students challenge themselves and use a ‘Growth Mindset’ when applying for leadership roles. All students shared their speeches with confidence and we are proud of everyone one them. This week students in Years Three to Six will nominate for classroom Student Leadership positions. I wish them all the best.

MOTTO: Dignity and Determination Durack School’s motto is ‘Dignity and Determination’ and we ask our students to demonstrate these qualities every day. If we are asking our students to show dignity and determination then we must also ask that of ourselves and our school community. Dignity to me, reflects the respect you have for yourself and from the thoughtful choices you make about how you choose to handle/conduct yourself on a daily basis. Determination is about being firm on the goals you want to achieve. A determined person knows exactly where they are on the road to success, where they want to go and have developed a strategy of how they will reach the goal. This term students will lead 3 Way Conferences and this is an opportunity for them to demonstrate their dignity and determination based on the English, Maths and Wellbeing Goals they have devel-oped. 3 Way Conferences are being held on Tuesday 9th March and Wednesday 10th March. This is an important opportunity for our students to share their learning with you. An information sheet will be sent home early next week with details on how to book for 3 Way Conferences. On Wednesday last week all staff participated in pertinent Professional Learning, led by Adam Voigt from Real Schools, on the Restorative Framework we implement at Durack School to support and guide Student Wellbeing. Throughout the session staff worked collaboratively on the following key aspects:

Working Restoratively: Important learnings on fair processes, human behaviour and designing high-

engagement classrooms Shame and Working Effectively with Parents:

How to discuss Restorative Practices with parents, how to get them supporting your efforts and how to handle complaints

I would like to acknowledge and thank all families for ensuring that their child/ren are in full school uniform every day. Our students have been wearing their school uniform with pride which is wonderful to see. All students must have a hat at recess and lunch. I encourage you to remind your child to bring their school hat every day. Kind regards Cindy McLaren

February 24th, 2021 Term 1 Newsletter No. 2

Website address: http://durackschool.nt.edu.au/

Phone: 89977555 Email: durack.school@ntschools.net.


School Attendance Our school attendance is sitting on 92.3% for the year to date. Attendance for success (both academic and social) is essential. Durack School’s target for 2021 is to maintain a student attendance average of 95% or above for the year. Please remember to notify the school when your child is absent. This can be done by emailing durack.school@education.nt.gov.au

ABSENCES Please contact the school

if your child is absent.

This may be done in the following ways:

phoning the office

on 89977555 Note to your child's

teacher Emailing the school


email via school website

If your child is absent for

three or more consecutive days a

Doctor’s certificate is required. Please see

Department of Education guidelines for further


Updating Information

If you have changed any of your details such as

address, phone number, medical conditions or any other information please inform us at the Office so

we are able to update your child’s records.


Back to School Payment If you have not yet used your child/ren’s Back to School Payment, please do so as soon as possible by contacting our friendly office staff during office hours. Kiss and Go Parents must not leave their vehicles while parked in the Kiss and Go Lane. This is for drop off and pick up only. If you need to come into the school or office please park your car in a designated parking space. If one is not available drive around the block again and it is almost certain one will become available. Drivers, please move forward in the Kiss and Go Lane, so other vehicles can come in safely from behind. It is important to keep the traffic flowing through the car park so you need to drive as far forward as you can in the Kiss and Go Lane. Your child/ren will still be able to find you.

Wet Weather Please be reminded that the school will not automatically dismiss students at 2:30pm if there is an electrical storm or it is raining too heavily. Students will remain in class under teacher supervision until we consider the weather is safe for them to make their way home. Parents wishing to collect their children from the classroom may do so. Older siblings should not be sent to collect younger siblings.

Welcome to our New Staff Name: Nomiki Mousellis

Position at Durack? Year 4 Teacher

What do you love about your job? What I love most about my work working as a teacher, is how I am

able to provide children with quality and evidence-based education using engaging practices.

Why did you choose Durack School? My decision to move from Bakewell Primary to Durack Primary

was a decision to move into a new role as a teacher and dive into an environment I was not familiar with

to then expand my comfort zone further.

What is your favourite program/initiative that is run at Durack School? My favourite program that

is run at Durack is Japanese. Starting a consistent pattern for the children within the early years and up

has shown how quickly students are able to learn an additional language and develop new skills so

quickly. It’s really amazing.

What was your favourite subject at school? My favourite subject at school was Humanities and Social

Sciences. Learning about the Ancient worlds, revolutions and monumental times within our history really

interested me.

Do you have a favourite quote? “An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards. So when life is

dragging you back with difficulties and challenges, it means that its going to launch you into something

great. So just remember to focus, and keep on aiming” - Paul Coelho

Where is your favourite holiday destination or the place you would most like to visit?

My favourite holiday destination is Kalymnos, a small beautiful island in Greece. The beautiful clear water beaches, friendly people and yummy food is what makes Kalymnos so special to me.

Name: Brian Morgan

Position at Durack? Year 5 Teacher

What do you love about your job? Teaching is one of the noblest jobs in the world. You are given

the trust of dozens of parents to work with their children during some of their most formative years. I have

the opportunity to get to know Australia’s next generation, and they get the opportunity to tease me about

my accent.

Why did you choose Durack School? On enrolling my son in Transition, I was immediately

impressed with Durack’s friendly nature, the professionalism of its staff and its whole school approach to

student wellbeing and belonging. Having spent the last number of years working with Headspace in

Schools, I can honestly say that Durack is a school to be held up as an example and I’m proud to now work

alongside my new colleagues.

What is your favourite program/initiative that is run at Durack School? I love how involved my

students get with Environmental Science. Ms Milne does a wonderful job of fostering that sense of curiosity

and the students often bring that sense of wonder back to my lessons.

What was your favourite subject at school? Geography. The best subject to immediately

understand the world around you. From the formation of the mountains in my childhood home of County

Dublin, to cloud formations or human settlement around the world.

Do you have a favourite quote? “You will know you are no longer a child when you can do your duty

without being supervised, carry money without spending it, and tolerate an injustice without seeking


Where is your favourite holiday destination or the place you would most like to visit? Ireland, to

visit my family. Or maybe Mars, once Elon gets his act together.

Tahlia Riseley


Axel Albury


Congratulations for doing the right thing

at Assembly



Marcus Nichols Sylvia Yunupingu

Nicole Craven Jack Howieson


Regan McGregor Jaytyn Baster

Jaylon McLean Caleb Nieborg Lucas Kassiou

Poppy Wood

Toby Whitfield Kayana Baumann

Oskar Shaw Daniel

Zoe Simpson

Damon Johannsen Kody Wilding Zara Morrison

One of Durack’s Wellbeing programs is Restorative Practice. This is a wellbeing program that focuses on inclusion of all students, ensuring that every student’s voice is heard. Learning circles empower this to happen. When the teacher sits in the circle with the children, there is an absence of any one person holding the director’s seat. Instead the teacher becomes a member of the circle who is facilitating conversation. Children can see the speaker and show them respect as they can attentively listen and look at the speaker. This encourages student engagement and sense of belonging.



Setting your Child up for Reading Success Reading feels automatic to most adults, so it is easy to forget that learning to read is a complex process. Children require much practice at decoding and language comprehension to become skillful readers. How can you help your child navigate the road to becoming a skillful reader? We’ll be sharing some ideas and strategies over the next few newsletters. But the best place to start is with creating a positive environment. Doing home readers should be enjoyable. If it is a fun, positive experience your child will want to read next time. That means they will be willing to practice, which is what will improve their confidence and skills. This is why the home readers should be at a level that allows your child to experience success and read fluently. Choose a favourable time and place. Choose a comfy spot and a time when your child is not likely to be tired and cranky. Having a regular time to do reading may also help. Keep the reading time brief 5 – 10 minutes but make time every day. Encourage your child's efforts. Comment on things they have improved on or are doing well. Don't forget to say 'I really enjoy reading with you.' Help your child when they need it. If you know your child does not have the skills to figure out a tricky word provide the word. If you know they can figure it out, give them a chance to be independent and let them have a go. Happy Reading!

Student Voice Positive Choice SVPC

During Weeks 2 and 3 students in Years 5 and Year 6 applied for nomination to leadership positions. A selection process saw 3 candidates selected for each position. These candidates campaigned and then gave speeches to all Year 3 to Year 6 students for School Captain and Vice School Captain and to all of their House from Year 3 to Year 6. The speeches were excellent and all students should feel really proud of themselves. On Wednesday 24 February students in Year 3 to Year 6 will give speeches and vote for the Student Representative for their class. We congratulate all those students who applied and campaigned. We welcome the students who were successful in winning the positions.

Durack School teachers teach numeracy using Meaningful Maths - a whole school program which aims to develop mathematical skills and understandings that students can apply to many areas of life.

What is Meaningful Maths? Meaningful Maths is a way of teaching that focuses on mathematical understanding rather than recalling facts and remembering formulas. Students acquire a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. The Meaningful Maths Number Framework (formerly NZ Maths) comprises of two equally-important and interrelated elements:

Number Knowledge - knowledge about the number system including numeral identification, number sequences and place value; and basic number facts using the four operations (+ - x ÷).

Number Strategies –knowledge of mental and written strategies used to perform calculations within three learn-

ing domains – Addition & Subtraction, Multiplication & Division, Proportions and Ratios.

How do teachers assess individual student needs? At different times throughout the year, teachers will assess student’s mathematical knowledge and their use of the different strategies to solve problems. These assessments are administered individually and students are asked to explain their thinking. The range of strategies they use to solve the problems will determine their assessed Stage. Tests may include JAMS, GloSS or NumPA.

What does Meaningful Maths look like in the classroom? Lessons include Small Group Mathematics Rotations that focus on the particular mathematical needs of individual students in the group.

Strategy - Teachers will work with a small groups of students to explicitly teach mental or written strategies focused on one of the three learning domains.

Practice – Learning activities focused on practising and applying the strategy ex-plicitly taught with the teacher.

Knowledge –Activities aimed at developing fluency in mathematical knowledge like number identification, basic addition facts (3+2=5), place value or times tables.

Activity – Play-based mathematical activities to develop mathematical knowledge using games or Maths-based computer programs like Mathletics or Maths Seeds.

How can I help my child at home?

Each stage within the Meaningful Maths program has expected developmental knowledge and strategy skills which aim to build on individual mathematic knowledge and understanding.

Parents can find out their child’s stage within the program from their teacher and support the specific knowledge and strategy skills as required.

Have a look at the NZ Maths for families at the following link: https://nzmaths.co.nz/families-and-whana
