Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church...Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church Chapin, South Carolina...


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Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church Chapin, South Carolina

Sunday Worship: Pentecost Sunday

May 31, 2020

Lyrics to all hymns may be found on pages 3-4 of the worship aid.

Introductory Rites

Processional Hymn:

“Come Holy Ghost,” vs. 1-3

Rite of General Absolution See pg. 4 for a note from Fr. Dennis about the na-ture of General Absolution during the pandemic.


Penitential Act: Confiteor

Deacon: Have mercy on us, oh Lord.

People: For we have sinned against you.

Deacon: Show us, oh Lord, your mercy,

People: And grant us your salvation.


*Sequence: See pgs. 3-4 Gospel: John 20:19-23


Profession of Faith: Nicene Creed

I believe in one God, the Father almighty, mak-

er of heaven and earth, of all things visible and

invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the

Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father

before all ages. God from God, Light from

Light, True God from True God. Begotten, not

made, consubstantial with the Father; through

him all things were made. For us men and for

our salvation, he came down from heaven. (all

bow) and by the power of the Holy Spirit was

incrante of the Virgin Mary and became man.

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius

Pilate, suffered, died, and was buried. On the

third day he rose again in accordance with the

sciptures. He ascended into heaven, and is seat-

ed at the right hand of the Father. He will come

again in glory to judge the living and the dead

and His Kingdom will have no end. I believe in

the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who

proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with

the Father and Son is adored and glorified, who

has spoken through the prophets. I believe in

one holy catholic and apostolic Church, I con-

fess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and

I look forward to the resurrection of the dead

and the life of the world to come. Amen.


Liturgy of the Word First Reading: Acts, 2:1-11

Psalm: 104 Second Reading: 1 Cor inthians 12

Eucharistic Acclamations

Memorial Acclamation:

Liturgy of the Eucharist

Offertory Hymn:

“By the Waking of Our Hearts” (Cantor solo)

Eucharistic Prayer

Holy, Holy, Holy

Doxology and Great Amen

Priest: Through him, and with him, and in him, O God, Almighty Father, in the Unity of the Holy Spir-it, all glory and honor is yours, forever and ever.

Communion Hymn:

“Come to the Water”

Prayer After Communion

Concluding Rites



Closing Hymn:

“Come, Holy Ghost”

Vs. 4-5

The Lord’s Prayer

All: Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be

thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on

earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily

bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive

those who trespass against us. And lead us not into

temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Priest: Deliver us Lord, from every evil, and grant us

peace in our day, that, by the help of your mercy, we

may be always free from sin and safe from all distress,

as we await the blessed hope and the coming of our

Savior, Jesus Christ.

All: For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are

yours, now and forever.

Lamb of God

Opening / Closing Hymn: Come, Holy Ghost Verses 1-3 for Opening, Verses 4-5 for Closing

1. Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest, and in our hearts take up they rest.

Come with thy grace and heav’nly aid to fill the hearts that thou hast made.

To fill the hearts that thou hast made.

2. O Comforter, to thee we cry, thou heavn’ly gift of God most high;

Thou font of life, and fire of love, and sweet anointing from above,

And sweet anointing from above.

3. To ev’ry sense thy light impart and shed thy love in ev’ry herat.

To our weak flesh, thy strength supply; unfailing courage from on high,

Unfailing courage from on high.

4. O grant that we through thee may come to know the Father and the Son,

And hold with firm, unchanging faith, that thou art Spirit of them both,

That thou art Spirit of them both.

5. Praise be to thee, Father and son and Holy Spirit, with them one;

And may the Son on us bestow the gifts that from the Spirit flow,

The gifts that from the spirit flow.

Sequence Hymn: Come, O Holy Spirit

(Tune: Ode to Joy)

1. Come O Holy Spirit come! And from your celestial home

Shed a ray of light divine! Come O Holy Spirit come.

Come, O Father of the poor! Come, O Source of all our store!

Come within our bosoms shine! Come, O Holy Spirit, come!

2. You, of comforters the best; you the soul’s most welcome guest;

Sweet refreshment here below; come, O Holy Spirit, come!

In our labor, rest most sweet; grateful coolness in the heat;

Solace in the midst of woe. Come O Holy Spirit, come!

3. O most blessed Light divine, may that Light within us shine,

And our inmost being fill! Come O Holy Spirit, come!

In your absence, we have naught, nothing good in deed or thought,

Nothing free from taint of ill. Come O Holy Spirit, come!

4. Heal our wounds, our strength renew; on our dryness pour your dew;

Wash the stains of guilt away: Come O Holy Spirit, come!

Bend the stubborn heart and will; melt the frozen, warm the chill;

Guide the steps that go astray. Come O Holy Spirit, come!

5. On the faithful who adore and confess you ever more,

In your sevenfold gift descend; Come O Holy Spirit, come!

Give them virtue’s sure reward; give them your salvation , Lord;

Give them joys that never end. Come, O Holy Spirit, come!

Offertory Hymn: By the Waking of Our Hearts (cantor solo)

Communion Hymn: Come to the Water

1., Oh let all who thirst, let them come to the water.

And let all who have nothing, let them come to the Lord

Without money, without price. Why should you pay the price, except for the Lord?

2. And let all who seek, let them come to the water.

And let all who have nothing, let them come to the Lord.

Without money, without strife. Why should you spend your life, except for the Lord?

3. And let all who toil, let them come to the water.

And let all who are weary, let them come to the Lord.

All who labor, without rest. How can your soul find rest, except for the Lord?

4. And let all the poor, let them come to the water.

Bring the ones who are laden, bring them all to the Lord.

Bring the children without might. Easy the load and light: come to the Lord!

*Note from Father Dennis regarding General Absolution during COVID-19*

My brothers and sisters, due to the extraordinary circumstances of the present time our Bishop, Robert Guglielmone, has given all priests in the diocese permission to celebrate the Rite of Gen-eral Absolution prior to every Mass from now until the end of May. This permission is granted as an exception to the ordinary celebration of the Sacrament of Confession in recognition of the long weeks of social distancing and unavailability of this sacrament. It is not meant to replace the Sac-rament of Confession. You may receive General Absolution today so that you may partake of the Eucharist. In the near future, when the Sacrament of Confession is again offered publicly, you are obligated to make a good confession at your earliest opportunity. If you have already received General Absolution this month and are not aware of having committed a mortal sin since, you do not need to receive General Absolution again. The Penitential Rite at the beginning of Mass is suf-ficient. You must be PHYSICALLY PRESENT AT MASS to receive General Absolution. Those of you are joining us at home by live stream and the internet cannot receive General Absolution through electronic media.
