Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church Sharing the Good ... 2019.pdfmansedumbre; y sin duda esta...


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Pastor Letter Cont. Soup Suppers


Sacraments New Parishioners


Las Posadas 4

Living Nativity 5

Youth 6

Maria’s Desk 7

40 Days for Life 8

Perpetual Adoration Bus Trip


May Crowning Easter Season Music Jubilus Auditions


Patriotic Rosary Senior Moments Prayer for Priests Our House


Samedi Gras Potluck! Little Church of Blessings


Multicultural Festival 13

Birthdays 14-17

Anniversaries 18

Calendar 19


Dear friends, The season of Lent will be here before we know it. Besides looking at the penitential practices and little sacrifices we do for Lent, it is a great opportunity to look at how we want to grow spiritually – or better yet, how God is calling us to grow closer to Him, and grow in holiness during Lent and at all times in our lives. To get specific, we can look at the virtues. The virtues “make possible ease, self-mastery, and joy in leading a morally good life. The virtuous man is he who freely practices the good” (Catechism, 1804). St. Francis de Sales, author of the Introduction to the Devout Life, which is a great book for all walks of life, writes of the ongoing daily struggle that is needed to grow in virtue. Even though he was well known for his gentleness and kindness; he admitted his own twenty year struggle to overcome his hot temper. He overcame his temper by the daily struggle, not only of seeking God’s mercy for any fault, but above all by striving mightily to grow in the virtue that was needed. He recommends to all of us a daily examination of our lives, praying to overcome the particular

(Continued on page 2)

Queridos amigos, Ya viene pronto el tiempo de Cuaresma. Además de pensar en las prácticas penitenciales y los pequeños sacrificios que hacemos por la Cuaresma, es una gran oportunidad para meditar en cómo queremos crecer espiritualmente – o mejor decir, cómo Dios nos está llamando para acercarnos más a Él, y para crecer en santidad durante este tiempo de Cuaresma y en cada momento de la vida. Para ser más específico, podemos poner atención a las virtudes. Las virtudes “proporcionan facilidad, dominio y gozo para llevar una vida moralmente buena. El hombre virtuoso es el que practica libremente el bien. "(Catecismo, 1804). San Francisco de Sales, autor de la Introducción a la Vida Devota, un gran libro para todos los ámbitos de la vida, escribe sobre la lucha cotidiana que se necesita para crecer en virtud. A pesar de que era bien conocido por su gentileza y amabilidad, admitió su propia lucha de veinte años para superar su fuerte carácter. Él superó su temperamento a través de la lucha diaria, no sólo de buscar la misericordia de Dios por cualquier

(continúa en la página 2)

Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church

From Our Pastor:

Sharing the Good News Compartiendo las buenas nuevas


fault that we are working on, and seeking from God the grace to grow in the opposite virtue. St. Francis de Sales writes much about the virtue of meekness; and no doubt this was the virtue that he prayed for to overcome his bad temper. He was known as a man of meekness, patience, and gentleness because he was striving each day to grow in those virtues. Examining our weaknesses and faults can help us discern where we need to grow in virtue. We can look for the corresponding virtue that can help us overcome our faults and vices, as two sides of the same coin. To get an idea of the possibilities, we might consider the traditional cardinal and theological virtues as well as the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit (cf. Catechism, 1803-1832; Galatians 5:22-23). What is one specific virtue that I need to grow in this Lent? Your brother in Christ,

Father Josh

(Continued from page 1)

falta, sino sobre todo por esforzarse poderosamente para crecer en la virtud que se necesitaba. Él nos recomienda a todos nosotros un examen diario de nuestras vidas, orando para vencer contra la culpa particular en la que estamos trabajando, y buscando de Dios la gracia de crecer en la virtud opuesta. San Francisco de Sales escribe mucho sobre la virtud de la mansedumbre; y sin duda esta fue la virtud que él pidió de Dios para vencer su mal genio. Era conocido como un hombre de mansedumbre, paciencia y gentileza, porque se esforzaba cada día por crecer en esas virtudes. El examen de nuestras debilidades y fallas nos puede ayudar a discernir dónde necesitamos crecer en virtud. Podemos buscar la virtud correspondiente que nos puede ayudar a superar nuestras faltas y vicios, como dos caras de la misma moneda. Para tener una idea de las posibilidades, podríamos considerar las virtudes cardinales y teológicas, y los dones y los frutos del Espíritu Santo (cf. Catecismo, 1803-1832; Gálatas 5:22-23). ¿Cuál es una virtud específica que necesito para crecer en esta Cuaresma? Su hermano en Cristo,

Padre Josúe

(continuación de la página 1)

Lenten Soup Suppers There will be 6 Lenten Soup Suppers following the Stations of the Cross at 6 pm each Friday beginning March 3rd.

Cenas de Sopas de Cuaresma Empezando el 3 de marzo, habrá 6 Cenas de Sopas de Cuaresma cada viernes tras terminar cada Vía Crucis a las 6 PM.


Sacraments/Sacramentos Baptisms/ Bautisos 10/13/2018 Eduardo Morales Romero 10/13/2018 Ariana Esteban Medina 10/13/2018 Valentina Nicole Vasquez Medina 10/13/2018 Renata Amanda Rivera Hernandez 10/27/2018 Johan Manuel Barajas Salcido 10/27/2018 Melanie Janett Barajas Salcido 11/17/2018 Alvine Ayuk Techock 11/17/2018 Zoe Maria Alcazar 11/17/2018 Ana Fernanda Esparza Laguna

Marriages/ Matrimonios 9/01/2018 Ismael Contreras-Geron & Maria Angelica Mendoza Gomez11/03/ 2018 Jonathan D. Miller & Maria Theresa Montales

Deaths/ Muertes 9/7/2018 Alvin E. Lock 8/29/2018 Regina Okwaranyia 10/19/2018 Sarah E. Hood 11/21/2018 Molly Susan Walker 1/2/2019 Alex Leo Herman II 1/27/2019 Jack Dallas

Welcome/Bienvenidos Mario Dominguez & Laura Alvarez Mel & Suzanne Schutter Blaise Tchock & Odette Anyi Harry Joseph Marycarmen Diaz

Next Deadline May 15, 2019

The newsletter is a publication of Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish and published three times a year.

Editor: Father Josh Stengel

Layout: Elizabeth Reha

Please submit information and articles to: parishoffice@goodcounselLR.com

or carol@goodcounsellr.com



Las Posadas

Dear brothers and sisters,

During Advent and Christmas the subject of holiness has resonated in my heart. This term is very ancient but so necessary and desired in our current times; we all search for happiness and to live fully! I think we all do very little to make this a reality, maybe because we think only a few ones are the chosen ones or maybe that it is a heroic act to live in this way.

Since our baptism we have been consecrated to God, we are called to live in holiness. As St. Therese of Lisieux used to say, we have to live the ordinary in an extraordinary way. This is why I love my charism as a Catechist Missionary to the Poor, which is to live every day in charity and offering to the Father, offering the small details of daily life. Which ones are the small details? They are in getting up early to go to work and school, doing chores, taking care of the children, taking care of the sick… all of these done with and for love. It changes the sense in things. For example, I think about mothers that lose sleep in the care of their sick children or babies and the next day they go to work without complaint or in a foul mood, but rather happy that their child is better. So let’s cheer up and live healthily each day.

I would like to take this space to ask for your prayers. In April this year we have the Congregation of the XII General Chapter of the Catechist Missionary to the Poor. What is that? It’s a time for review, reflection, and discernment that brings changes so we can better live our consecrated lives (precisely searching for that

holiness I was referring to before). It also affects all of those that surrounds us. During this time, we will also choose a new Superior General and her Counsel, which are the sisters in charge of taking important decisions for our congregation for the next six years. Thank you and God bless you.


Queridos hermanos y hermanas:

Durante el Adviento y la Navidad ha resonado en mi corazón el tema sobre la Santidad, tal vez es un término muy antiguo, pero tan necesario y deseado en nuestra actualidad, ¡todos buscamos ser felices y vivir a plenitud! Pero creo que hacemos poco para que esto sea realidad, tal vez porque pensamos que “unos cuantos son los elegidos” o que es algo heroico de vivir.

Desde nuestro bautismo hemos sido consagrados para Dios, hemos sido llamados a vivir la Santidad y como decía Santa Teresita, es vivir lo ordinario de manera extraordinaria. Por eso es que amo mi Carisma como Misionera Catequista de los Pobres (MCP), que es vivir cada día en caridad y oblación al Padre, ofreciendo los pequeños detalles de la vida diaria. ¿Cuáles son los pequeños detalles? son desde el levantarse temprano cada día para ir al trabajo o la escuela, hacer aseos, cocinar, cuidar los niños, cuidar un enfermo, etc., y todo esto hecho con y por amor; eso cambia el sentido de las cosas. Pienso por ejemplo en las madres que se desvelan cuidando al hijo enfermo o pequeño y al día siguiente van a trabajar sin quejarse o estar de mal humor, sino felices al ver que su hijo ha mejorado. Así que ánimo y vivamos santamente cada día.

Quiero aprovechar este espacio para pedir sus oraciones. En abril de este año, tenemos en la Congregación de MCP el XII Capitulo General, ¿Qué es? Es un tiempo de revisión, de reflexión y discernimiento que trae cambios para mejorar nuestra manera de vivir como Consagradas (Justamente buscando esa santidad de la que les hablaba) y que de alguna manera “afecta” a todos los que nos rodean. Durante este tiempo también se elige nueva Superiora General y su Consejo, que son las hermanas encargadas de tomar las decisiones importantes para los próximos seis años en la Congregación. Muchas gracias y Dios los bendiga. SOR MARÍA GUADALUPE SALAZAR BADILLO, MCP

Adela Carrillo with Baby Jesus Posada parroquial


Living Nativity

Shepherd Jude Glenn tends his sheep.

Wise Men Noah Haslauer, Frank Zakrzewski, Carl Meurer, and Gloria the camel, pose with fellow pilgrims

Choir of Angels sing (and play)

Angels keeping watch over Baby Jesus

Pilgrims to Bethlehem


Good Counsel Youth The Good Counsel Youth group had a great winter season. We had great weekly meetings to help us grow better relationships with God and people around us. Father Patrick Friend came and spoke on the meaning of the word vocation, and how each of us is called to a vocation whether we realize it yet or not. We have had a lot of fun too, from movie and spa nights, to playing new games, and getting our brand new karaoke machine. In January we attended the Weekend For Life Youth Conference, a one night diocesan wide event that focused on pro-life issues, which included a Eucharistic Procession for life, and ended with the Mass for Life. We had a great time learning and worshiping together. Looking ahead we are preparing for the State Youth Convention and the Steubenville Mid-America Youth Conference. These will be excellent opportunities for our youth to grow deeper in their

faith, and meet other Catholic teens. For more information on these events join us on Wednesdays for Youth Group from 6:30-8:30, open to all in grades 9-12. The Middle School Youth has been having a great first year. We have been learning about Saints, and how a lot of them were regular people, just like us. We attended the Middle School Youth Rally back in November and had a blast. Looking forward we are excited to continue our monthly meetings and getting to spend time getting to know more about leaders of our faith. Middle School Youth meets on the following dates from 12:30-1:45. February 10, March 10, April 14, and May 5. Middle School Youth is open to everyone in grades 6-8.

Youth Ministry Coordinator

La Pastoral Juvenil de Nuestra Señora del Buen Consejo tuvo una temporada invernal muy exitosa. Tuvimos grandiosas juntas semanales que nos ayudaron a crecer en nuestra relación con Dios y con las personas a nuestro alrededor. El Padre Patrick Friend vino a platicar con nuestro grupo sobre el significado de la palabra vocación y como cada uno de nosotros estamos llamados a una vocación ya sea que aún nos demos cuenta o no. ¡También nos hemos divertido mucho! Hemos tenido noches de películas y de spa, jugado e incluso cantado karaoke. En enero acudimos a la Conferencia Pro-Vida juvenil de fin de semana, una evento diocesano que se enfocó en temas pro-vida, incluyendo la procesión eucarística por la vida y que terminó con la Misa por la Vida. Nos divertimos aprendiendo y alabando juntos. Próximamente, estamos preparándonos para la Convención Estatal Juvenil y la Conferencia Juvenil de Steubenville Zona Central. Estas serán excelentes oportunidades para nuestros jóvenes para que crezcan en

su fe y conozcan otros adolescentes católicos. Para más información sobre estos eventos, únanse a las reuniones del grupo de jóvenes los miércoles de 6:30 a 8:30 PM, abierto a los estudiantes cursando de 9º a 12º. El grupo juvenil para estudiantes de secundaria (6º a 8º) está teniendo un exitoso primer año. Estamos aprendiendo sobre los santos y como son personas regulares como tú y yo. También tuvimos la oportunidad de asistir a la junta juvenil de secundaria en noviembre y nos divertimos un montón. Próximamente, estamos emocionados de continuar con nuestras juntas mensuales y de aprender más sobre los líderes de nuestra fe. El grupo juvenil para estudiantes de secundaria se reúne de 12:30 a 1:45 PM durante las siguientes fechas: 10 de febrero, 10 de marzo, 14 de abril y 5 de mayo. Este grupo esta abierto a todos los estudiantes cursando de 6º a 8º.

Coordinadora del Ministerio Pastoral Juvenil


Desde el escritorio de María,

Mirando hacia atrás puedo ver cuánto trabajo se realizó en los días más ocupados del año. Diciembre y sus actividades es mi tiempo favorito. ¡Ay Padre Santo, todavía me siento cansada! Pero muy contenta del esfuerzo realizado porque las actividades fueron hechas con amor, empeño y entusiasmo! Todo salió muy bien, mucho agradezco la presencia de Dios en todo lo que se realizó porque todos los que participaron pusieron toda su energía y su buen corazón. Hubo muy buena respuesta en todo y en todos. No olvidemos que cuanto más trabajemos para la Iglesia más nos bendice El Señor.

Empezando con el Año Nuevo y las actividades relacionadas con el

catecismo, ya estamos preparando:

· El retiro será el 9 de febrero, primera reconciliación 16 de febrero,

• Miércoles de ceniza 6 de marzo

• Cuaresma, viernes con las cenas de sopa

• Domingo de palmas 14 de abril

• Triduo Pascual abril 18,19, y 20 con la noche Santa

• Domingo de Resurrección abril 21, (la actividad con los niños será la caza de huevos)

• Primeras comuniones mayo 19 inglés y español 32 niños

• Confirmaciones mayo 21, misa a las 6:00 PM

Y con esto cerramos el ciclo del catecismo para disfrutar de las vacaciones de verano.

Por favor disfrute de los momentos más preciosos que nos brinda el Señor.

¡Felices Pascuas!

From María’s desk Looking back, I can see how much work was done during the busiest days of the year. December and its activities are my favorite time of the year. Oh Lord, I am still so tired! However, I am very happy with the effort put forth in the activities that were done with love, determination, and enthusiasm. Everything turned out well, I am very thankful to God in everything that was done because everyone who participated put all their energy and goodness. Let’s not forget that the more we work for the Church the more the Lord blesses us.

Beginning with the new year and the PRE-activities, we’re preparing:

• First Reconciliation retreat February 9

• First Reconciliation February 16

• Ash Wednesday March 6

• Lent, Soup Suppers on Fridays

• Palm Sunday April 14

• Paschal Triduum April 18,19 & 20 Vigil Mass

• Easter Sunday April 21 (Egg hunt for the kids)

• First communions May 19 English and Spanish 32 kids

• Confirmations May 21, 6:00 PM

And with this, we will close the PRE-cycle to enjoy summer vacations.

Please enjoy the most beautiful moments that the Lord gives us!

Happy Easter!

Desde el escritorio de María Luna


Next weekend, on your drive to Mass, make sure you check out the NEW Our Lady of Good Counsel sign on 12th Street. Thanks to the work of many people from the Pastoral Council, Frank Zakrewski, John Farmer and sign programming by Hannia Bejarano, the sign has been up and running!

La próxima vez que manejen hacia misa, fíjense en nuestro nuevo letrero iluminado de Nuestra Señora del Buen Consejo, en la calle 12. ¡Gracias a muchas personas del Consejo Pastoral, Frank Zakrewski, John Farmer y Hannia Bejarano el letrero ya está instalado y en marcha!

Respect Life News

CUARENTA DÍAS POR LA VIDA se llevará a cabo en Little Rock durante esta Cuaresma, desde el Miércoles de Ceniza hasta el Domingo de Ramos, todos los días de 7:00 AM a 7:00 PM, en la banqueta frente a la Clínica de Planificación Familiar Little Rock, Oficina # 4 Park Drive. Todos los feligreses son alentados a llegar al "frente de batalla" al

menos una o dos veces durante la Cuaresma, para pasar una hora orando por la misericordia de Dios y por todos los que están sufriendo - los bebés en peligro de aborto, sus madres desesperadas, sus familiares y el personal de la clínica. BUEN CONSEJO ha adoptado dos días para cubrir con oración, en turnos de una hora - lunes,

25 de marzo y lunes, 8 de abril. Si puede comprometerse a una hora uno o ambos de estos días, inscríbase en la planilla de inscripción en el vestíbulo de la iglesia o llame / envíe un mensaje de texto a Diane Hanley al 501-920-2483

Noticias de respeto a la vida

Our New Electric Sign!!

FORTY DAYS FOR LIFE will be held in Little Rock this Lent, from Ash Wednesday through Palm Sunday, every day from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., in the public walkway in front of the Little Rock Family Planning Clinic, #4 Office Park Drive. All parishioners are encouraged to

come to the “front lines” at least once or twice during Lent, to spend an hour praying for God’s mercy and care for all who are hurting - the babies in danger of abortion, their des-perate mothers, their family members, and clinic staff. GOOD COUNSEL has adopted

two days to cover with prayer, in one-hour shifts – Monday, March 25 and Monday, April 8. If you can commit to an hour on either or both of these days, please sign up in the church vestibule, or call/text Diane Hanley at 501-920-2483.


Do you ever have the feeling life is closing you in? ….no real friends left…no place to go…no one to talk to and to top it all …you just learned the one remaining person you thought you could always depend upon during bad times has just revealed your innermost secret. Yes, it has gotten back to you that Jane had spread the recent incident when you were put on notice about your work, and here you thought you could always trust her. Just what can you do to restore some sanity in your life? Questions, questions, questions, all you can think of are questions and all the while what you need is answers. Even just one answer to start with would ease the pain and assist in turning the moment of dejection and loneliness around.

Even at this lowest point in our lives, as Catholics we always have a home to go to. We always have a friend in Jesus. “Oh, I know that” you say…..”Jesus is everywhere. I talk to him all the time but it does no good.” Try trusting Jesus and looking at Him in a more actually human personal present day mode. GO TO HIM in His house where in our parish since December 12, 1993, the very first Adoration Chapel in Arkansas was established and has been open since. Jesus Christ, our Savior, King and Lord awaits your visit. He wants to help you with all your problems, concerns, etc. He knows it might perhaps be a physical sacrifice to take an hour away from a busy schedule and pray or just sit with Him but He will not be outdone. He will

multiply your time as well as the feeling of His presence in your lives. Now would be a good time to begin Lenten activities since Lent will soon be on us. Please consider calling the church office and volunteer to spend an hour in Adoration with Jesus during these times when much prayer is needed in a hurting world. He will bless you with many graces and such a tremendous feeling of knowing you are on the right track. Loretta Longinotti

Perpetual Adoration

Wayne - Santa Georgi - Christmas tree Pat - Reindeer ...just needed an elf.

Bus Drivers on Christmas Eve!!

“Dashing thru the snow in the

OLGC bus we go…”



May Crowning will be at the 11:00 Mass on May 5th.

The children will participate in the entire liturgy of the Mass for May 5th. Please keep your

eyes out for upcoming information in the bulletin.

Call Elizabeth Reha at 831-2766 or Margaret Zakrzewski at 413-2029, for more information

Watch the bulletin for Triduum Choir


Regardez le bulletin pour les

répétitions Chorale Triduum !


Come be a part of Jubilus 32!


(General auditions) Children

6-7:00 pm

Adults & Young Adults 7-9:00 pm

2018 Jubilus Show Dates June 7 & 8 , Friday & Saturday

June 9, 4:00 Matinee June 14 & 15, Friday & Saturday

Adults and Teenagers (in/entering high school the fall of 2019) & Children

are encouraged to audition!

Needed: actors, singers, musicians, cooks, set builders, etc.

For more information call:

Elizabeth at 570-7758 ereha@dolr.org Frank at 666-5693 frjozak54@sbcglobal.net Patricia at 868-9892 pat.t614@gmail.com

Margaret at 413-2029 margaret@astapro.org

March 11 in the



The Patriotic Rosary for America is prayed each Friday at 3 p.m. in the Adoration Chapel. This is an important ministry of prayer for our Country of America while at

the same time reveals the religious heritage and background of our nation. The meditations for each decade are drawn from writings of our founding fathers and are as prayers also. Please allow approximately 45 minutes for this Rosary. Join us following the rosary for the Divine Mercy Chaplet!

Patriotic Rosary / El rosario patriótico

El rosario patriótico para la consagración de los Estados Unidos se reza cada viernes a las 3 PM en la capilla. Todos/as están invitados/as a este ministerio para nuestro país americano. Cada estado es mencionado y cubierto por la sangre de Cristo. Favor de llamar a la oficina para más información.

Come get acquainted and join your parish sisters/brothers on Friday mornings for the 8:00 a.m. Holy Mass. We pray the rosary after the Mass, then adjourn to the social room to fold the Church bulletins for the weekend Mass. Then, we

fellowship with coffee/refreshments and learn what is going on around us. A great time is had by all in attendance. Need more information? Call the Parish Office for more information

Senior Moments - Friday Morning

Our Lady of Good Counsel is involved with the Our House Ministry. On the third Thursday of each month, we feed about 100 men, women, and children. Anyone that would like to make a donation, can make a check out to Our Lady of Good Counsel and place it in an envelope

labeled Our House. If anyone is interested in observing or serving a meal- please contact Hannia at hannia@goodcounselLR.com Thank you!

O Jesus, I pray for Your faithful and fervent priests, for Your unfaithful and tepid priests; for Your priests laboring at home or abroad in distant mission fields; for Your tempted priests; for Your lonely and desolate priests; for Your young priests; for Your dying priests;

for the souls of Your priests in purgatory. But above all, I recommend to You the priests dearest to me; the priest who baptized me; the priests who absolved me from my sins; the priests at whose Masses I assisted and who gave me Your Body and

Blood in Holy Communion; the priests who taught and instructed me; all the priests to whom I am indebted in any other way. O Jesus, keep them all close to Your heart, and bless them abundantly in time and in eternity. Amen.

Prayer for Priests

Our House


¡Un toque diferente al tradicional Mardi Gras (martes gordo) al estilo Buen Con-

sejo…. sábadito gordito! No se pierdan de una cena de platos para compartir el

sábado 2 de marzo de 5:30 a 7 PM antes de cuaresma. Busquen la hoja de inscrip-

ción en el vestíbulo de la iglesia.

( Fa t S a t u r d ay ! )

The Little Church of Blessings can be found in the shady area

outside the chapel by the steps on Jackson Street. The Little

Church of Blessings will be always available and always unlocked,

no questions asked. It is there for any and all members of our

parish, neighborhood, and community who might have an

emergency need - as well as to those who would like to drop items

off to fill it up! Since our pantry is waterproof but not refrigerated,

we ask that only non-perishable items be put into it.

La Pequeña Iglesia de Bendiciones se encuentra en un área

sombreada justo fuera de la capilla, cerca de las escaleras junto a la

calle Jackson. La Pequeña Iglesia de Bendiciones siempre esta

disponible y sin candado, incondicional y sin preguntas. Esta

disponible para cualquier miembro de la parroquia, el vecindario y

comunidad que tenga una necesidad de emergencia… ¡al igual que

a cualquier persona que la quiera volver a surtir! Como nuestra

alacena es impermeable pero no está refrigerada, pedimos que solo

se hagan donaciones no perecederas.

The Little Church of Blessings


FESTIVAL & Silent Auction

Multi- Cultural

SATURDAY APRIL 27th IN THE GYM Bring Your Favorite Potluck Dish to Share!

SABADO 27 DE ABRIL ¡Traiga su platillo favorito para Compartir!



Birthdays/Cumpleaños January 1 Pinky Bautista Kerena Cannon Erendira Govea Huerta Brenda Martinez Alfonso Ramos 2 Ernestine Byrne Samantha Crews Dena McCormick Hung Phan 3 Kathy Hatcher 4 Dafrosa Divino Lawrence Engel Margaret Newton 5 Jeff Alfonso Saul Castanoda Crystal Onuchukwu Feoma Onuchukwu 6 Elizabeth Cancino Maria Santos Charlotte Torino 7 Alberto Alcazar Marvin Castaneda Keaton Crume Hanh Dang Mary Tanner 8 Alondra Apodaca Ian Kintz Gwendalyn Marshall Alexia Sibul Clayton Stacks 9 Socorro Mendiola Sister Ferando Posados-Enc Aldo Rivas-Bernal Hannah Smith 10 Roman Birmingham Yubiritzy Ramos Michael Santiago Luisangel Torres Diaz Henry Joshua Zelaya Carran 11 Enrique Flores Shirley Myles

12 Ruben Gonzalez Arcadia Jimenez Rodolfo Manuel Francisco Martinez Andrea Meurer Eduardo Montiel-Sampayo Magdalena Rodriguez Ngozi Uketui 13 Jessica Nwachukwu 14 Sofia Avalos Michaelle Jacobs Jocelin Ramos 15 Miguel Benito Esther Konyaole Maura Martinez Jose Guadalupe Perez Joseph Woods 16 Mary Grace Sambalilo Gustavo Santos 17 Mark Haslauer Judi Scerbo 18 Ayelen Martinez Xavi Montante 20 Iker Alonso Katie Casados Lisa Jones Virgilio Montiel Fabian Morales Calvillo Jorge David Renovato Diaz Elizabeth Sampayo 21 Jerry Garbett Maria Morales Jose J. Preciado Ines Jose Ramirez Veronica Vazquez 22 Mark Andersen 22 Jayne Benetz Tuan Dang Liana Odor 23 Patty Campbell Shauna Gibbons 24 Lionel Limon Gracielle Quisquis 25 Clyde Butler Daryl Gates 26 Nickolaus Berry Yari Escobar Alma Sy III Dorothy Ware

27 Emily Hurtado-Cavillo Jan Paneda Jhantha Singkhek Antonia Victor 28 Angelica Alvarez Angela Chukwuanu Dennis Estupin Troy Gibbons Jacob Higginbotham David Lopez Jane Loredo Matteo Martinez Kya Phan Meliton Santillan Ashley Solis Diaz 29 Francisco Aquino Luke Haslauer Daniel Rivera Keo Singkhek Francis Wade 30 Orlando Gomez Jesus Lopez Rene Luna, Jr. 31 Juana Calvillo Diego Juarez-Reyes Teresa Torino

February 1 Leo Espinoza Gabriela Gonzalez Laura Longinotti Hannah Sambalilo 2 Edwin “Chief” Eyiuche Dilan Baltazar Laureano Sophia Leal Gilberto Lucas Gomez Pat Patterson 3 Leonor Aquino Nikennia Orizu Krista Santiago 4 Diego Barron Charlotte Glenn Elsy John Airine Mailhiot Jai Leigh Singkhek

5 Carmen Avila Liz Cochran Juan Leon Juan Martinez Joyce Nelson Aliana Saldana Angelica Saldana Wilfred Spencer-Cole 6 Jennifer Cannon Dexter Carter Annie Castle 7 Ricardo Benigno Toni Carr Miguel Ramos Ricarda Santos Jesus Vasquez 8 Daovong Phonsavatdy Theva Phonsavatdy Jonathon Rodriguez Shan Wade 9 Saul Balleza Ruiz Kimberly Beza Stanley Chukwuanu Travis Gibbons Jonathon Gonzalez Jose Leon Edgar Montante Christopher Soto Cira Perez Judith Spencer-Cole 10 Tessa Castle Wayne Neisen 11 Steve DiGeorge Maria Gomez David Gonzalez Jose Maria Hernandez Emily Valenciano 12 Nicodemus Bondoc, Jr. Alondra Gonzalez Anna Haslauer Jetzy Rivera 13 Christian Domingo Frederick Nutt Richard Osberg Esperanza Peralta Martin Ramirez Tanya Tercero Owen Thomas Maria Vazquez


Birthdays/Cumpleaños 14 Val Chiu Valentina Del Carmen Alex Gomez Michael Stefans Apolonio Valdez 15 Maria Espinoza-Martinez Cristofer Martinez Faustino Saavedra-Gomez

16 Delisa Rader 17 Roberta Cagle Emilio Cruz Juan Garcia-Diaz Barrigo Joshua Nguyen Maria Ramirez Rosa M. Ramirez Evelyn Valenciano 18 Hannia Bejarano Arphia Finn Curtis Gatewood Michele Pegram Monica Ramos Gian Tubelonia 19 Lance Bautista Lillie Booth Stephanie Gumban Mary Jo Moody Saul Perez Cano Antonio San Mateo 20 Gary Mailhiot Rosario Mendiola Jonathan Steadman 21 Olga Castro Christopher Delgado Francisco Herdia Abigail Guillen Edith Hernandez Valladares

Felipe Lopez Matthew Ruelas Gomez 22 Jessica Morales Trung Phan Valeria Vences John Vogelpohl 24 Jose Barrera Non Vong Kongphengta Carmen Moreno

25 Wilhelm Bautista Jorge Hurtado-Calvillo Jonathan Kingkytisack Jorge Marquez Eduardo Martinez Marta Schneider 26 Patrick Hanson Timothy Hartwick Gloria Luna 27 Eileen Hughes Israel Leal Jazmin Soto 28 Ashley Bautista Antonia Chabelo Meg Chase Mirna Garcia Jacob Osborn Ashley Ramos Britt-Marie Seymore

March 1 Brenda McKeever Gabriela Orta Isaias Ramos Gerry Schulze 2 Emmanuel Hernandez Alvin Lock Gabriela Marquez Sue Stolzer 4 Catalina (Cathy) Carter Anjelo Del Carmen 6 Lorenzo Baltazar Carpio Marsha Mahan Joseph Moix 7 Lena Black Evalisbeth Garcia-Diaz Barriga Matthew Miller Juan Rizo Rafael Valadez 8 Rosalinda Barajas Leonard Elebeke, Jr. Dafne Martinez-Barcenas 9 Joseph Mendoza Elizabeth Romero Chita Salazar

10 Evelyn Aleman Loretta Longinotti Emma Manuel Dianne Isabella Martinez Elian Joseph San Mateo Megan Stacks 11 Zayra Apodaca Melissa Ramos-Alvarez Karen Valdez 12 Mary Reilly Uriel Martinez 13 Keyri Barrera Mary Ann Moody 14 Jose Alvarez Bart Steadman 15 Areth Yair Zelaya Carranza 16 Leon Booth Jamie Hartwick Gabriela Hernandez Juanita Kelley Blanca Montante Hernandez 17 Robert Gates Vannia Mendiola Mario Soriano Alexia Valle 18 Margaret Domingo Paul Haslauer Taylor Henderson Zofia Higginbotham John Kittrell 19 Sandy Guthrie Maria Hernandez Dilcia Herrera Daira Moreno Garcia 20 Matthew Cockmon Dara Dado Cristian Gomez John Hain Jason Uzuh 21 Francis Donald Tris Gonzalez

22 Karen Lynn Andres Oliver Bautista Vivian Gomez Kenith Ransom Somkiat Thepharath 23 Brenda Altamirano Melody Garrido Lesley Martinez Zach Polett Lena Vogelpohl 24 Florence Banks Laurali Dominguez Diana Estupin Jorge Limon Lucia Martinez Aida Sosa Johnny Stacks 25 Bella Corballis Alfred Salazar Rebecca Tubelonia 26 Maddie Corballis Liliana Guzman Marty Kallenbach Abiel Martinez Carlos Martinez Shirley Nutt Kaeli Thomas 27 Marilyn Coney Cathy Waltz 28 Ricardo Espinoza Celeste Hernandez-Rojas Robert Hodges Damien Lobato 29 Omar Biviano Barbara Brown Ilona Fontenette 30 Daniel Drawbaugh Fernanda Montiel-Sampayo Odette Rose Anne Woods 31 Emery Antipolo Sharon Emmel Maureen Hart Leon Holmes Margaret Kittrell Luz B. Preciado


Birthdays/Cumpleaños April 1 Tammy Coney Kristy DeLeon Cassie Kozon Rector Matthew Martinez Gerald McCormick Jed Paneda 2 Jessica Alvarez Dale Nowack Sue Rettstatt 3 Antonio Barajas Diana Dado Phoulone Dailey Maria Brenda Diaz Barriga Adrian Garrido Elian Luna Carlos Martinez Jeremy Self Cesar Torino 4 Jerico Chang Adriana Coleman Axel Gonzalez Issac Ramos-Gomez Evelyn Rivas-Bernal 5 Guadalupe Alcala

Elias Alonso Daniel Espinoza Ramon Morales 6 Cecilia Calvillo David Crews Rosemary Elebeke Areli Hernandez Ivan Hernandez Maria Consuelo Mendoza Lorenzo Ponce 7 Norma Bernal Eduardo Delgado Britany Garcia Samuel Marines Rebecca Naegle Brandon Perez Jaime Rivas 8 Denisse Gonzalez Sharon Miller Richard Price Mary Richards Dora Rodriguez Helena Schulze

9 Francisca Anyakudo Michael Edwards Patricia Humphrey Laritza Mendoza Selene Montante Blaise Tchock 10 Alex Berry Diego Chivalan 11 Angel Hortelano Valeria Ruelas Gomez Eric Ware 12 Beto Cordova Penny Elston Jolio Mendoza Jonathon Woods 13 Sarah Bernhardt Bridget Elebeke Gabrielle Mbawuike Nataly Morazan-Gonzalaz 14 Renie Bressinck Roselyn Gutierrez Carol Miller Emmanuel Onuchukwu James Owens Maria Phan 15 Carol Alonzo Castro Merryvonne Mina Eduardo Ramos Olvera Hilda Ramos Anayeli Rodriguez 16 Guadalupe Alvarez Nigel Cardriche Donna Dare Robert Dare 17 Theresa Bailey Kevin Dang Stephanie Nguyen Patricia Shelton 18 Kristin Chaffee Chukwuemeka Ekeanyanwu Lucille Myles Mark Ware 19 Jesus Gonzalez Soledad Mendiola

20 Sailanie Asuncion Violeta Gumban Chanthahome Kongphengta Bruno Konyaole Irene Uhrynowycz 21 Robert Burnham 22 Mary Antunez Odette Anyi Henry Zelaya 23 Joyce Castle Nancy Gomez Hugo Pineda Erika Ruelas 24 Judy Corbie David Higginbotham Oscar Ruelas Eric Seymore Jesus Vasquez 26 Sebastion Hurtado Judy Oswald Stephanie Ramos Charlotte Self 27 Maria Duran Ximena Flores 28 Pablito Baquial Alicia Benigno Dave Hodges Hannah Lemay 29 Jan Austin 30 Ryan Haslauer Jack Johnson Maria Monroy Yesenia Ramos Ed Salzar MAY 1 William Borbon Charlye Martinez Pauline Vargas 2 Maria Corazon M. Dalumpines

3 Auriel Del Carmen Guadalupe Enriquez Yuridia Escalante Nancy French Jorge Guzman-Resendiz, Jr. Andrea Soto Chudi Uketui 4 Fidelis Alino

Victoria Arce Barbara Golonka Victor Morales Soledad Ramirez Bounnhok Thepharath David Victor 5 Victoria Alino Diane Allen Maureen Burnham Philipose John Jon LeMay Roy Martinez Evelyn Norman John Nwachukwu Khamphouvy Phimmachack

7 Carla Cash Joseph Schneider 8 Vyvian Dang Alex Hoxeng Perla Ruelas Gomez Cristian Villarruel Valadez 9 Reynaldo Gomez Faye Massery Jamie Rodriguez 10 Jorge Avalos Audrey Johnson Grace Johnson Celene Leal 11 Carolyn Barge Sue Espinoza Maria Donna Kongphengta Yazid Ramos Martinez 12 Tony Apakama Douglas Escobar Mariela Gallegos 13 Juanita Astrid Monsivais-Martinez Elvia Perez 14 Patricia Hall Edwin Hojilla Steve Miller Valeria Perez Edgar Valenciano


Birthdays/Cumpleaños 15 Carlos Limon Le Nguyen Rosalio Ramos 16 Betty Jo Baltz Pierre Borbon Yoshio Luna 17 Cristina Cruz 18 Rogelio Alvarez Evelyn Andres Nikki Claire F. Sanguenza 19 Melinda Felicitas Diego Laureano Roman Camilaimena Ximena Ramirez Cindy Smith 20 Kimberly Vega 21 Ebere Adigwe Delia Alfonsa Alex Espinoza Filiberto Juarez 22 John Bailey Braylon Burks Juana Jimenez-Vazquez Faye Walters 23 Norma Avila Catherine Collier Julienne Medrano Isidoro Vega 24 Sarah Cordova 25 Maria Montalvo Gregorio Prado 26 Luz Casino Jenny Crews Nerie Flores Rowena Gibbons Mary Mayeux Guadalupe Melo Ireri Melo 27 Armando Apodaca-Morales Betty Vorster 28 Tobechi Odinkemelu Manuel Santos Tommie Young

29 Carlos Antunez Humphrey Asumugha Katherine Cockmon Axel Lopez Dannya Lopez Jacqueline Lopez Luz Salinas 30 Rainelda Borbon Charles Elebeke 31 Susan Bona Javier Garrido Pam Hodges Cameron Lucas Jennifer Serrano Axel Velasco - Casino

JUNE 1 Curtis Baltz Jennifer Divino Alicia Mendoza-Melo Tuan Nguyen, Le Douglas Robillard 2 Keith Frazier 3 Martha Benito Matthew Gonzalez Matthew Hass 4 Bennie Petrey 5 Romeo Del Carmen Angela Lopez Vanessa Uzuh Annamma Zachariah 6 Gary Ables Laura Castillo Leonard Elebeke Marti Haslauer Brenda Pelayo Carlos Reta Oglesby 7 Mary Ellen Lamb Roberto Morales Lilia Vences 8 Jeanne Anson Consuelo Benigno Mary Cox Emily Gardner Marissa Plata Francisco R. Pinedo Ramos 9 Anne Mancino

10 Maria Chiu Ugona Ekeanyanwu Michael Humphrey Kevin Ramirez Madalynn Santiago Aquetzally Vazquez 11 Juana Aguilar Miguel Brito Beverly Brossett Melissa Jackson Herendira Nieto Chuks Odor Stephanie Phan Esmeralda Ramirez 12 Emanuel Alvarez Bernard Anyakudo Joseph Hanley Angela Nwachukwu 13 Antonia Paneda Jocelyn Romero 14 Carlita Baquial Kevin Leos Kevin Means Maria Romero Patricia J Thompson 15 Henry Laryera Carla LeMay Martin-Jude Onuoha 16 Marie Hojilla 17 Yanci Chivalan-Reyes Sister Ismael Contreras Nayeli Lopez Jonalyn Lucina Barbara Means Reba Prieur 18 Adriane Asumugha Agatha Asumugha Jaeul Vences 19 Brandon Burks Riza Medrano Jose Orozco Elba Valadez Sophronia Williams 20 Kevin Gumban Tianna Punzalan

21 Franko Coleman Peter Goulden Samuel Shorton 22 Miguel Aguilar Zoe Alexandra Anaman Siclaly Escoto Jason Finn Charles Lucas 23 Andrea Barrera Janet Barron Rod Chang Alicia Gomez Alicia Herrera 24 Juana Hernandez-Ramirez Gerald Jones Greg Uketui 25 Chike Ekeanyanwu Edward Matowitz Yareli Orozco Dayanara Ramirez Guillermina Ramos 26 Cesar Arturo Alonzo Murray Harding Garth Hill James Shea 27 Matthew Hartwick Jose Orozco 28 Aidenne Chiu Eloise Gardner Sophia Lopez Theresa Petrey Danny Santiago Vasquez Jaciel Vences 29 Emiliano Escoto Allison Martinez Ellen Miller 30 Oscar Barron Lucena Mapili Doris Finley Moix


Anniversaries/Aniversarios January Years 1 19 Chris & Charity Corballis 1 15 Dorothy & Eric Ware 3 29 John & Angela Nwachukwu 5 29 Christian & Margaret Domingo

10 20 Cruz & Ada Sosa 19 41 Conrado & Evelyn Andres

28 16 Oliver & Pinky Bautista

29 7 Shan & Xuyan Wade

31 48 Kathy & Travis Holmes

February Years 8 18 Jaymard & Catherine Belarmino 14 14 Isaias Ramos & Maria Gutierrez 15 35 Dao Vong & Theya Phonsavatdy 15 26 Keo & Danita Singkhek 15 18 Saul Castanoda & Dilcia Herrera 18 20 Ricardo Espinoza & Maria Silva 21 43 Joseph & Marta Schneider 24 29 Kelley & Gina Bailey 26 7 Mel & Suzanne Schutter March Years 5 41 Clyde & Mary Kay Scott 8 26 Marty & Mary Kallenbach 10 45 Tom & Marsha Udouj 23 27 Carlos Antunez & Mary Diaz 26 41 Wayne & Pat Hall 29 15 Dennis & Diana Estupin 31 43 Philipose & Elsy John April Years 5 33 Alberto & Lucena Mapili 7 39 Nicodemus & Lily Bondoc 12 38 Paul & Jan Austin 16 31 My & Panhcha Kingkytisack 18 19 Edwin & Maria Hojilla 18 48 Frank & Margaret Zakrzewski 28 34 David & Penny Cockmon

May Years 1 4 Erick Saldana & Carmen Avila 5 18 Jon & Marti Haslauer 6 12 Hector & Jennifer Divino 7 58 Fred & Shirley Nutt 9 43 Dale & Mary Nowack 14 40 Francisco & Leonor Aquino 14 13 David & Zofia Higginbotham 17 43 Edward & Celeste Hoppe 17 55 Richard & Faye Massery 19 45 Danny & Kathy Hatcher 22 19 Ken & Tina Singkhek 22 25 Eric & Britt-Marie Seymore 23 31 Bennie & Theresa Petrey 25 11 Stephen Kintz & Hannia Bejarano 26 32 Michael & Cindy Smith 30 47 Eugenio & Carlita Baquial June Years 4 22

5 19 Jose & Elizabeth Romero 6 20 Julianito & Riza Medrano 6 19 Jaciel & Lilia Vences 9 28 Clyde & Rowena Butler 19 47 Carl & Jayne Benetz 29 46 Michael & Reba Prieur


The Stained Glass Parish

Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church

1321 S. Van Buren

Little Rock, AR 72204

Phone: 501-666-5073


E-mail: parishoffice@goodcounselLR.com



March 2 Samedi Gras (Fat Tuesday ) Potluck / Sábadito Gordito, cena para compartir

5:30 pm

March 6 Ash Wednesday / Misa de Miércoles de ceniza 8:00 am English 6:00 pm Bilingual

March 8 Stations of the Cross followed by Soup Suppers begin / Via Crucis y Cenas de sopa

6:00 pm

March 29-30

24 Hours for the Lord

Extra times for Adoration & Confessions (Time To Be Announced)

April 6 Spring Cleaning Day / Dia de limpieza de primavera 9:00 am

April 14 Palm Sunday / Domingo de Ramos

Regular Mass Schedule Horario de misa regular

April 18 Holy Thursday / Jueves Santo 7:00 pm Bilingual

April 19 Good Friday / Viernes Santa 7:00 pm Bilingual

April 20 Easter Vigil / Vigilia Pascual 8:00 pm Bilingual

April 21 Easter Sunday / Domingo de Pascua Regular Mass Schedule Horario de misa regular

April 21 Easter Egg Hunt / Busqueda de Cascarones 11:30 pm & 3:00 pm

April 26 Our Lady of Good Counsel Feast Day /

Festividad de Nuestra Señora del Buen Consejo All Day

April 27 Multicultural Festival/ Festival Multicultural 5:30 pm—10:30 pm

May 5 May Crowning / Coronación de Mayo 10:30 am & 2:00 pm

May 11 & 12

Baby Bottle Weekend / Fin de Semana de Biberones All weekend Masses / Misas dominicales

May 19 First Communion Mass / Misa de Primeras Comuniones 10:30 am & 2:00 pm

May 21 Confirmation Mass / Misa de Confirmaciones 6:00 pm