Our brains on video v4


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  • 1. Meet Nancy Krauss Training and curriculum design, delivery and evaluation Analytic and execution skills: performance improvement, strategic planning, job analysis, front- end analysis Performance Management: soup to nuts from goal setting and alignment through fixing flawed systems Evaluation: development of management assessment centers, team and work group effectiveness assessment and development, job fit and talent assessment techniques Competency formulation for executive and professional talent acquisition, succession planning and multi- contributor feedback systems

2. Neuroeducation NEUROSCIENCE PEDAGOGYPSYCHOLOGY 3. Lets Watch 4. Plasticity Neuron Synapse between neurons 5. A mind once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions - Oliver Wendell Holmes 6. The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of - Blaise Pascal 7. All learning has an emotional base - Plato 8. Limbic System 9. Emotional Responses of Human Brain Neocortex Limbic Brain Reptilian Brain Joy Grief Fear Anger 10. Emotion 11. Visuals can Calm the Mind 12. Emotion in Learning Shaping our experience, emotions bias learning 13. Emotional Impact Click Here to Enter Hospital Boardroom 14. Emotions Make Memories Last 15. Emotion Impacts Retention 16. Vision Trumps All Senses we see with our brains, not our eyes 17. Learning is Primal 18. Video Modeling NOT THIS Poor handling of difficult situation DO THIS Better handling of difficult situation 19. Video Modeling DO THIS Appropriate language NOT THIS Poor use of words 20. Use Video to Demonstrate 21. Plasticity and Video Modeling Practice Makes Perfect 22. Interactive Video Motivates knowledge acquisition Experiencing failure (or success) fosters deeper learning and enables more effective application to the workplace i.e. faster skill acquisition Can increase learners ability to transfer information from short-term to long-term memory 23. Video Induces the Dread Factor 24. Show A Story Dont just tell it Show learners the effects of their decisions 25. Takeaways Value in using video in learning Visuals impact emotion and learning Reach learners where they live 26. Thank you Nancy Krauss nankrauss@gmail.com www.linkedin.com/in/nancykrauss 27. Join us for our next event!