ouch- T Screen Navigators - Lone Star Aviation


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As the heart of your ADS-B system,

Avidyne’s IFD Series features

the most intuitive Flight

Management System in an

easy-to-use, yet powerful design.

IFD-Series Touch-Screen Navigators

Where innovation meets simplicity

The Easy Choice

Avidyne’s IFD Series of touch screen navigators represent the next generation in fl ight management systems. Each provides SBAS/LPV precision navigation and are designed to meet the accuracy and integrity requirements for ADS-B as part of the NextGen airspace initiative. As direct replacements for legacy systems, the IFDs each share the same basic functionality in large and compact display formats respectively.

When it comes to panel-mounted avionics, you now have a choice and the choice is easy. Avidyne.

Shown left, from top to bottom: AMX240 Audio Panel, IFD540, IFD440, AXP340 Transponder, DFC90 Digital Autopilot.

Direct Replacements

The IFDs are direct replacements for popular Garmin GNS Series Navigators. In most cases, the IFDs can utilize the existing tray and connectors, and are compatible with all the popular interface confi gurations, which can greatly minimize installation costs.

Hybrid Touch: Knobs & Buttons or Touch-Screen

The award-winning Page & Tab user interface eliminates nested menus, allowing you to go to any page in the system with only one or two clicks.

In addition to the dedicated knobs and buttons that many pilots prefer for frequent pilot actions, the IFDs Hybrid Touchcapability allows pilots to perform virtually all of those same functions via the touch screen interface. Additionally, the IFDs offer MultiTouch functionalities such as pinch-zoom, map panning, and graphical fl ight plan editing. This can be done with the MultiTouch screen, or knobs and buttons depending on the pilot’s phase of fl ight.


Made by Pilots for Pilots

Avidyne’s full line of IFDs were designed for ease-of-use, especially during single-pilot IFR operations. As avid and enthusiastic pilots, the people at Avidyne understand the importance of workload reduction and simplicity of operation.

Made for Each Other

Built on a dual databus architecture,

the IFD Navigators are key

components in Avidyne’s

panel-mounted avionics suite,

which also includes the AMX240

Audio Panel, AXP340 ADS-B Mode

S Transponder, and DFC90 Digital


IFD540 shown with Synthetic Vision in

“exocentric” view. See page 8 for more

information on Synthetic Vision.


Navigation at your fingertipsGet where you need to go. That’s why we fl y. Avidyne wants you to keep your head up when fl ying with your family and loved ones. That’s the reason Avidyne designed their FMS to be as user-friendly as possible. Go where you need to go in two clicks or less.


That s the reason Avidyne designed their FMS to be as user friendly as possible. Go where you need to go in two clicks or less.

Easy Flight PlanningExtensive testing and customer experience have proven that the IFD user interface reduces button pushes and knob twists required with previous navigators by 50%-75% or more. Drop-down menus are logically placed to provide easy data entry of airways, exit waypoints, destinations, and approach procedures. To make planning even easier, the IFDs can automatically create user-defi ned waypoints.

Graphical fl ight planning capability allows for easy editing of your fl ight plan with the touch of the screen. The convenient ‘rubber banding’ feature allows you to stretch any leg in the fl ight plan to easily deviate for weather or to accommodate an amendment from ATC.

FMS Preview™

Avidyne’s exclusive FMS Preview is a powerful fl ight planning feature that makes it even more intuitive to load fl ight plans by showing you a real-time graphical depiction of each proposed modifi cation in cyan prior to selection. FMS Preview makes it easy to visualize before selecting a desired waypoint, airway, hold or hold geometry, Direct-To, approach, approach transition and any other terminal procedures.

FMS Preview also allows you to view each of the available approaches graphically prior to selection. Unlike previous-generation navigators, the Avidyne IFDs allow you to quickly load any number of destination airports and multiple approaches into your fl ight plan.

Actual size.

5Working Well Together

The IFDs, when paired in any combination, leverage Avidyne’s Bytefl ight databus architecture for cross-communication. A Keyboard Convenience feature allows for data entry on a familiar QWERTY keyboard that automatically appears when an alpha-numeric data fi eld is highlighted, making data entry as familiar to you as your computer or smart phone.

In dual installations, the dual-databus architecture allows pilots to enter the fl ightplan on the QWERTY keyboard of one unit, while viewing the Map on the other.

GeoFill™ intelligently predicts the next waypoint entry, not based on its order in the database, but on its proximity to your current location or the previous waypoint in your fl ight plan. The IFDs autofi ll the remaining characters in the entry based upon distance from the current position, avoiding the cumbersome need to go through “bad” choices to get to the desired entry—dramatically reduces the number of pilot actions. GeoFill can reduce data entry by as much as 75%, reducing head-down time, and ultimately increasing effi ciency and safety.

Entering a Hold

You can easily enter and fl y a Hold at any waypoint, including VORs, intersections, user-defi ned waypoints, airports, etc. The FMS will default to a standard hold pattern at current heading, and all parameters are easily editable.

“Next Leg” Depiction

On the map, the current leg you are fl ying is always depicted as a solid magenta line. To give you a clear indication of your next leg, the IFDs will display a magenta & white “candy cane” line, which is especially handy during entries into a holding pattern.

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The IFDs also support orbit-around-a-point

holding patterns.

Communications & EnhancementsManaging Radios

Managing your radios is easy with the IFD550, 540, and 440. Frequencies can easily be entered either by rotating the dual knobs on the left, or by using the touch-screen numeric keypad. COM frequencies can also be tuned directly by touching the displayed frequencies on Info, Nearest, and Frequency List pages. You can also simultaneously tune both the active and standby frequencies, both of which can be easily monitored when coupled with Avidyne’s AMX240 Audio Panel.

The IFD’s powerful FMS automatically nominates, auto-tunes, identifi es, and monitors the NAV radio frequencies, so you may never have to tune another VOR or ILS frequency again! Should you choose to do so, manual tuning is easily completed with the pop-up numeric key pad or by simply typing the identifi er for the VOR.

Low-Fuel Alerting

When the IFD is connected to a compatible Fuel Totalizer System, the IFD will display a dashed green circle, indicating a fuel reserve of 45 minutes. A green Fuel Range Ring indicates a maximum range without reserve.

Multiple Frequency Formats & Station Readout

Communications are greatly improved with the IFDs. You can confi gure your unit(s) to have multiple standby frequencies, decoded agency identifi ers, and Rx/Tx Indicators.

The IFDs decode the active and standby frequencies based on proximity in the database and display the names of the stations in plain English, providing a handy reminder of the agency to which you will be transmitting when pressing the push-to-talk button.

Electronic Approach Charts & Airport Diagrams

The IFD5-Series includes CMax™ Approach Charts & Airport Diagrams. Utilizing Jeppesen’s Jeppview® charts subscription services, CMax provides Worldwide approach charts and a database of over 6,000 airport diagrams, most of which are geo-referenced, allowing for the display of your ownship and fl ight plan position right on the chart or airport diagram. IFD5-Series also supports optional European VFR (Bottlang) Charts for over 2,200 airports in 29 European countries.


Easy Radio Tuning

Touching any frequency in the Info list, Freq page, or Nearest page automatically transfers it into the Standby window.


Terrain Awareness & FLTA

All IFD systems offer Terrain Awareness capability which can be displayed over the color-contoured terrain base map for easy pilot recognition of an imminent encounter with nearby terrain.

For an even greater measure of safety, Forward Looking Terrain Alerting (FLTA) actively projects the aircraft’s fl ight track in time to determine whether a collision withterrain or obstacles is imminent. Caution Alerts are provided when a collision with terrain is projected within approximately 60 seconds, and Warning Alerts are provided for terrain projected within approximately 30 seconds.

(FLTA is optional on IFD440 and IFD410)

Synthetic Vision

IFD540 shown above in actual size features “exocentric” (in-trail) synthetic vision.


Avidyne’s Got You Covered

All IFDs are equipped with Avidyne’s beautiful Synthetic Vision (SVS) for improved situational awareness. SVS is fully integrated and requires no additional boxes or wires.

3D Terrain - Terrain Awareness (SVS-TA) is provided via terrain coloration, providing visual Caution-Warning Alerting System (CAS) alerts and aural alerts terrain hazard awareness and alerting.

FLTA- Forward Looking Terrain Alerting (FLTA) alerting provides an extra measure of safety by displaying a solid yellow or red impact point based on projected fl ight path in the event that a collision with terrain is projected. FLTA also provides visual CAS messaging & aural alerting.

3D Obstacles - Standard high, low and grouping symbology is used to clearly depict obstacles on the SVS display.

3D Traffi c uses standard traffi c symbology with traffi c depictions indicating relative threat level by their size and relative altitude and bearing. As traffi c draws nearer to you, the traffi c symbols grow in size on the IFD.

Airport Flags – Airfi elds are depicted with a METAR-style fl ag when in fi eld of view. With valid METAR data from your datalink, airfi eld fl ags will be color-coded to represent the ceiling and visibility, consistent with the moving map presentation.

9The Premier Navigator

The Premium IFD: IFD550

With the new top-of-the line IFD550, Avidyne combines the latest in touchscreen, WAAS/SBAS GPS/VHF navigation and communication along with stunning 3D synthetic vision technology to deliver the most powerful and capable touch-screen, panel-mounted navigator ever made.

The IFD550 has all the features and functionality of the other IFD FMS systems, including Hybrid Touch, Page & Tab user interface, GeoFill automatic waypoint nomination, and easy Airway fl ight planning. The difference is an added integrated Attitude Reference System (ARS) that detects changes in pitch & roll. The IFD550 also provides stunning full-color, three-dimensional “egocentric” Synthetic Vision along with “exocentric” (in-trail) SVS.

Actual size.

At the heart of the IFD550’s synthetic vision system, is Avidyne’s fully-integrated, next-generation MEMS-Gyro ARS sensor that senses pitch & roll.

Avidyne’s IFD550 is a state-of-the-art, hybrid touch-screen Flight Management System with Synthetic Vision, designed for virtually any aircraft.

IFD550 shown above in actual size features “egocentric” (out-the-window) synthetic vision.

IFD100 - an iPad® app, an additional IFD

Big Glass for Any Aircraft

The IFDs are the only GPS Navigators in GA offering both built-in Bluetooth® and Wifi . With that, all IFDs offer a Wifi connection to Apple iPads with the Avidyne IFD100 iPad app. This app does not just mirror the functions of your IFD, but acts as an additional instance of an IFD, where you can edit your fl ight plan, monitor your map for ADS-B weather & traffi c (with the Avidyne SkyTrax100 ADS-B In solution), and view pages independently. Even if you have the smaller-glass IFD4-Series, your IFD100 display will provide big glass capabilities at a fraction of the cost.

The IFD100 can also be shown in portrait mode, suitable for a knee board (shown right).


Big Glass for Any Aircraft

11More Wireless Connectivity

Open wireless connectivity to fl ight planning & mapping applications such as ForeFlight® Mobile & FlightPlan Go®

The Avidyne MK10 wireless keyboard provides a convenient way for pilots to remotely control their IFD System.

Avidyne’s IFD100 tablet application gives pilots a full display and complete wireless remote control of their panel-mounted IFD System.



Weight (including tray & connectors)


Weight (including tray & connectors)

VHF COM Power Output• 10 Watts nominal• Optional 16Watt (for 28vdc installations only)

Power Requirements• 11 - 33VDC• 4.4A/6.5A Xmit @14vdc• 2.2A/4.0A Xmit @28vdc

IFD Model Features


Satellite Datalink Weather Interface• Avidyne MLB700/WSI AV-300 Broadcast Datalink Receiver (future release)• GDL69/A XM Broadcast Datalink

using Baron Wx Services and XM® Satellite Receiver

Electronic Approach Charts & Airport Diagrams• CMax™ – Jeppesen Electronic Airway Manual Charts

(IFD540 only)• European VFR (Bottlang) Charts (optional)

Charts, Nav Data, and other software updates are easily fi eld loadable via USB port.

Lightning Interface• Avidyne TWX670 Tactical Lightning Detection• L3 WX-500 Stormscope® Weather Mapping Sensor

Wx Radar Systems• Bendix/King


Traffi c Interface• Avidyne TAS600/605/610/615/620/A TAS/AXP322 TIS• Ryan 9900B/BX TAS• Honeywell KTA870/KMH880 TAS/IHAS/CAS66A TCAS I• L3 Skywatch 497 / HP TAS/ 791 TCAS I• Garmin GTS800/820 TAS/GTS850 TCAS I/ GTX330 TIS

ADS-B Interface• Avidyne TAS605A/TAS615A/ TAS620A (Traffi c)• Avidyne SkyTrax100

Terrain Awareness• Color-Contoured Terrain Base Map Built in– Americas Terrain & US Obstacle Data– International Terrain Data (optional)

Video Interface• RS170 (optional)

406 ELT Interface• Aviation RS-232• NMEA 0183

Applicable TSOsTSO-C34e, TSO-C36e, TSO-C40c, TSO-C44c, TSO-C110a, TSO-C112e, TSO-C113a, TSO-C118, TSO-C128a, TSO-C146d, TSO-C147, TSO-C157a, TSO-C165, TSO-C169a

Avionics installations require special skills and test equipment. Avidyne’s STC and limited warranty are valid only for equipment installed by an Authorized Avidyne Distributor. Avidyne reserves the right to make changes to product specifi cations and design features without notice. Some products may require additional hardware for full feature capability. See Pilot’s Guide for plug-and-play exceptions.

©2017 Avidyne Corporation. All rights reserved. All other product names, logos, and brands are property of their respective owners.AV853 Rev.15 2/2017 web

Display• 5.7” Diagonal

w/Touch Screen• Full VGA - 640 x 480 pixels• 65,535 colors• Ultrabright sunlight readable

w/LED Backlighting

Dimensions• Width: 6.30” (16.0cm)• Height: 4.60“ (11.7cm)• Depth: 11.00“ (27.5cm)

behind panel including connectors

Display• 4.8” Diagonal

w/Touch Screen• 640 x 235 pixels• 65,535 colors• Ultrabright sunlight

readable w/LED Backlighting

Dimensions• Width: 6.30” (16.0cm)• Height: 2.66“ (6.8cm)• Depth: 11.00“ (27.5cm)

behind panel including connectors

IFD550 - 9.19 lb (4.17 kg)IFD540 - 8.79 lb (3.99 kg)

IFD545 - 7.48 lb (3.39 kg)IFD510 - 7.13 lb (3.23 kg)

IFD440 - 6.88 lb (2.34 kg) IFD410 - 5.16 lb (3.99 kg)

710 North DriveMelbourne, FL 32934

Ph 781.402.7400 800 AVIDYNEFax 781.402.7597www.avidyne.com

IFD540 shown with optional RS170 video input, capable of displaying video from aircraft-mounted IR/EVS or other compatible sources.

5-Series IFDs provide integrated control and display of your on-board Wx Radar on a dedicated page or overlayed right on the map (optional).

Environmental• DO 160E• To 50,000 ft.• -20C to +55C Operating• +70C Short Term




3D SVS ARS + Dynamic



Radar Video

IFD550 X X X X X X Opt Opt

IFD545 X X X X Opt Opt

IFD540 X X X X X Opt Opt

IFD510 X X X Opt Opt

IFD440 X X X X Opt From 5-Series

IFD410 X X Opt From 5-Series