Orthorexia Nervosa History First used by Steven Bratman Believed to be a mental disorder From the...


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Orthorexia Nervosa


First used by Steven Bratman

Believed to be a mental disorder

From the Greek orthos correct or right

Orexis appetite

History Cont.

Not a formal medical condition

Number of doctors feel it is a health phenomenon

What is Orthrexia Nervosa? An obsession with healthy eating

Avoiding foods perceived to be unhealthy

Become fixated on food quality and purity


Compulsive obsession that takes control of lives

Causes them to view their own worth through the food they eat

They religiously follow certain food rules

Who is Mostly Affected


Between the ages of 18-24

Those with low s self -esteem

How does someone get it

Orthorexia appears to be motivated by health and well being

Underlining Conditions Wanting to be thin Improving self-esteem Searching for spirituality through

food Using food to create an identity

Signs and Symptoms

1)Planning meals several days in advance

2)Feeling extremely guilty when you break your diet

3)Always assessing the nutritional value of foods

4)Unable to enjoy social activities 5)Spending more than 3 hours a day

thinking about your diet

Signs and Symptoms Cont.

6)Happier when you eat correctly

7)Looking down on people who have no control over

8)Strictly controlling yourself

9)No longer eating your favorite foods

Risks/Complications of Orthorexia Nervosa Physical risks are very few Most risks and complications are

social and emotional Loneliness Spending too much time buying and

planning out meals Eating alone, isolation Poor relationship


Not a condition your doctor will diagnose

Education about proper nutrition is a must

Counseling is highly recommended

It will help increase self-esteem and set more realistic expectations.

Treatment Cont.

Must admit there is a problem

Identify what caused the obsession.

Become more flexible and less strict with their eating habits

Foods and diets

Variety is key to a healthy diet

Eating meat is beneficial for b12 vitamins

Avoid Foods high with hormones


The recovered orthorexic will still eat healthfully

There will be a different understanding

of what healthy eating is

They will find that while food is important, it is one small aspect of life

So What’s The Big Deal?

The diet of the orthorexic can actually be unhealthy

The nutritional problems dependent on the specific diet

An orthorexic may be socially isolated

Focusing their day on the food

Compared to other Eating disorders Sufferers of orthorexia and anorexia

show similarities Desire to achieve control over their

lives through control of food intake Seeking self-esteem fulfillment

through controlling food intake Citing undiagnosed food allergies as

rationale for avoiding

Is it considered an eating disorder Society pushes healthy eating and


So it is easy for many to not realize how problematic this behavior can become.

Not an accepted Medical condition viewed as a trend


Online Help for Orthorexia Www.mdjunction.com/orthorexia-nervosa


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