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“Eventually I want to open my own auto collision repair shop. My father and I have been sharing this dream for a long time.”

- Carlos Mercado PCC Foundation Scholarship Recipient

Almost half of PCC students need financial help to attend college.

“Teaching is incredibly important to me, and I would hate to see this dream die because of the lack of finances.”

- Annette Smith PCC Foundation Scholarship Recipient

More than 44 percent of degree-seeking students at

PCC are the first in their families to go to college.

“I believe in pursuing your dream, conquering the obstacles, striving to achieve excellence, and understanding that anything is possible.”

- Mark Danilin PCC Foundation Scholarship Recipient

In the last 5 years, 24,000 students have transferred

from PCC to a school in the Oregon University System.

“As a librarian in higher education, it was thrilling to work with students and watch the light bulb turn on in their faces. Through my career and now as a PCC donor, I touch people’s lives.”

- Evelyn Crowell PCC Foundation Donor

PCC serves more college freshman and sophomore students than the seven

Oregon public universities combined.

“We’re building human beings. It’s an investment in the future. Without us helping, these kids and adults don’t have any kind of doors open to them.”

- Peter Bauer President,

PCC Foundation Board of Directors

Together, PCC students earn about $112 million more annually – contributing significantly more to the local economy – as a result of

their PCC educations.

“Many of our students are on their second or third chance. They may be on their last chance. I want them to have every chance to succeed.”

- Tony Greiner PCC Reference & Instruction Librarian

Cascade Campus Captain, Faculty, Staff & Retiree Campaign

“In our future careers, we will give back to our communities in a variety of ways as we become nurses, teachers, social workers, service professionals, and so much more.”

- Erica Bailey PCC Foundation Scholarship Recipient

More than 60 percent of the nation’s new registered nurses and the majority

of allied health professionals train at community colleges.

From welding to Web site development, accounting to aviation maintenance,

PCC students go on to careers in more than 80 fields of expertise.

“My view of the work of the community college system is that it’s vitally important.”

- Bob Walsh President, Walsh Construction Founding Sponsor, The PCC

Foundation Golf Invitational

“PCC gets more out of each education dollar that is provided to it than any other organization of its kind in this community.”

- Harvey Platt CEO, Platt Electric Supply

PCC Foundation Board Member

“Education can make up for a lot of injustice and inequality in our communities. By supporting PCC, I can help support my community and my grandchildren’s future.”

- Jeff Van Raden PCC Alumnus

Owner, Columbia Industries

the world the community andis a better place for it
