Opportunities to Serve at Prosper Welcome to Worship at ... · Cnossen, Joseph Gandolfi wonderful...


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August 26, 2018

Nursery (for children up to around age 3) Today Infant Susan Dick, Holly Hamilton Katelyn Buning Toddler Bonnie Brinks, SesiLee Cnossen, Joseph Gandolfi Evening Kay Diemer, Emma Roper Wayne Roper Jr. Sept 2 Infant Jessica Nielsen, Melissa Ebels, Audrey DeRuiter Toddler Brenda Peña, Amberly Mejia James Taylor Evening Worship at Lucas CRC Sept 9 Infant Mary L. DeKam, Kelly Taylor Lily Sullivan Toddler Denise Rozema, April Villwock, Wayne Roper Jr. Evening Ellen Rozema, Erin J. Koetje Greeters Today Dorrwayne Hamilton Bill & Jaime Haskin Sept 2 Chuck & Judy Heethuis Terry & Kelly Koetje Sept 9 Todd & Erin Koetje Al & Carol Koster Sound Today Allan Lucas Sept 2 Gary Gandolfi Sept 9 Keith Dick Power Point Today Diane Koster Sept 2 Jolene Sullivan Sept 9 Becky Dick Camera Today Fiona Sullivan Sept 2 Logan Roper Sept 9 Emily DeRuiter Nursery Cleaner for Aug is Amberly Mejia for Sept is Betsy Rozeveld

Opportunities to Serve at Prosper Ushers - Head Usher: Harold Cnossen Aug: Royce Rodenbaugh, Mark Rosenbrook Larry DeRuiter Sept: Ron Brinks, Paul Ebels, Dorrwayne Hamilton Children’s Church - Coordinator: Betsy Rozeveld (for children ages 3-5 years) Today Sue Yount, Sally Baas Isabel Rozeveld, Lily Sullivan Sept 2 Jaime Haskin Jamie DeKam, Elijah Yount Leeann Bode Sept 9 Megan Gladu Haley Buning, Jack Villwock Tyler Koetje Coffee Servers Today Randy & Amy DeZeeuw Tim & Dana DeKam Sept 2 Pete & Valerie DeKam Dave & Esther DeKam Sept 9 Bruce & Mary DeKam Linda Corp, Nick Brinks Cookies Today Karen Cnossen, SesiLee Cnossen Linda Corp, Esther DeKam Mary E. DeKam, Mary L. DeKam Shelly DeKam, Valerie DeKam Sept 2 Beth DeRuiter, Bev DeRuiter Bobbie DeRuiter, Cindy DeRuiter Ellie DeRuiter, Kim DeRuiter Phylla DeRuiter, Amy DeZeeuw Sept 9 Carolyn DeZeeuw, Diane DeZeeuw Karen DeZeeuw, Becky Dick Carolyn Dick, Jeanette Dick Children’s Message Today Amy DeZeeuw Sept 2 Susan Dick Sept 9 Alexandra Dodde

Prayers of Prosper •Please pray boldly for Prosper Church!! •Our children are in the swing of school already or some will begin this week. Pray often for our students, both in college and day schools. Pray for safety! Pray that in their busyness they

stay true to Jesus and our Christian world view; there are many pressures that our children face every day! Pray also for the teachers of our congrega-tion; they too have many responsibilities and pressures as they stay strong in their faith! •Remember our members who find it difficult to worship with us: June Boven, Betty DeKam, Eleanor Ebels, Bob Jenema, Millie Jenema, Marian Zinger and Cynthia Bazuin. •We thank God for our young families and praise him for the gift of life! Pray for our expectant mothers, Kaycee Elsholz, Julie Rozeveld and Brittany Laughlin. •Pray for healing and comfort for... -Jerry Zuiderveen, Greg LaFrance, Bruce DeKam and Jennifer Burkholder. -continue to lift up in prayer Harper Smith, a 4 year old from Lake City who is presently battling a severe infection and is in DeVos Children’s Hospital. -for those of our congregation who deal with chronic pain and illnesses on a daily basis.

We are glad you have chosen to worship here today! We have a

wonderful invitation to come into God’s presence. Our Lord desires the praises of his people! Worship with that joy today. After the service, grab a cup of coffee and a cookie and find someone new to talk with. This morning, from 2 Samuel 11, we'll consider great David's great fall and be reminded of our need for an even greater King than he. This evening at 6:00pm, join us as Pastor Dirk takes us all the way from “Samuel to Christ”.

“In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my

requests before you and wait in expectation!” Psalm 5:3 It takes a lot of volunteers to run God’s ministry.

Thank you for how YOU help!

Welcome to Worship at Prosper Christian Reformed Church!


August 26-September 1, 2018



11:00 AM EDUCATION MEETING-in the Conf Rm


7:15 PM CARE GROUP #4 –at Dean & Deb’s


9-NOON CAR WASH -in Church parking lot

Happy Birthday to: Wednesday Keith Rozeveld Friday Ron Ferguson Kimberly Engelhard Saturday Bonnie Brinks Bobbie DeRuiter Judy Heethuis

Happy Anniversary to: Today:

Coley & Brittany Laughlin Thursday:

Joel & Carla Brummel

Combined Labor Day Weekend Evening Ser-vice @ Lucas CRC -Sun, Sept 2 at 6pm. This ser-vice will include some special music and lots of congregational singing. Pastor Todd Kuperus will be bringing us God's Word. Church Bonfire on Sun, Sept 2 after the evening

service. - at Diane Koster’s. Full Council Meeting –TUES, Sept 4, 7pm. *note day change. Educational Kick-off –Sept 9!! Sunday School & Catechism begins at 10:45! Worship Committee Meeting - Tues, Sept 11, 7pm. Fall Baby Shower –Sat, Sept 15, 10:00am at Church. Jail Ministry-Sept 16. Meet in Ebels parking lot at 1:30pm. District Potluck for L-R and F-K-Sunday, Oct 14 at noon.

Special Offerings for: TODAY: Prosper Library Sept 2: Christian Education Fund

A note from the Worship Committee— Prosper is in need of a new set of

electronic drums. The deacons will contribute part of the expense. Anyone wishing to make a donation, please contact one of the deacons or place the donation in an offering envelope ear-marked, “DRUMS”. Thank you!

Aug 19, 2018 Total weekly Budget: $ 6,794.19 Actual collected: $ 4,402.00

Thank you for the Week

Thank you to our Librarians. They do a great job in purchasing a variety of books for to us read –for both adult and children! There is

something for everyone! Also, there is a great selection of DVDs. Each week you will see

their smiling faces in the library to help those who want to check out a book. The librarians are Bonna Baas, Phylla DeRuiter and

Melissa Schoo. Thank you for all you do! We appreciate you!

P.S. The special offering today is for the Prosper Library.

NMCS will be hosting a TRIP (Tuition Reduction Incentive Program) Orientation for families who are interested in participating in the program and those who are new to the program on Mon, Sept 10th at 7:00 p.m. Contact Tasha at trip@nmcs.us to reserve your spot today. THE AMEN CHORUS will begin practicing Sat, September 15 from 5 - 7 p.m. at Rehoboth Reformed Church. Practices will be every Sat until Oct. 27 and 28 and Nov 3 when we will have our programs. If you are a man that loves to sing and praise God through song, we would love to have you join us. We ask for $10 when you first come to cover the cost of the music. For more information, you can contact Angela Warner at kirkangelawarner@hotmail.com or 231-330-0894.

Hey Kids, remember to

ALWAYS stay close to Jesus no matter what!!

“Temptations, when we meet them at first, are as the lion that reared upon Samson; but if we over-

come them, the next time we see them we shall find a nest of honey within them.” ~ John Bunyan

Take your lawn chair and join us for fun, food and fellowship at a

CHURCH BONFIRE at Diane Koster’s home on Sunday, Sept 2 after the evening service. Hot

dogs will be provided.

Fall Baby Shower is September 15 at 10am! Women/girls of all ages are invited to come for a time of fellowship, games, coffee and breakfast food. As of now, our featured Mom is Brittany Laughlin and she and Coley are expecting their baby girl around December 10 .

If you would like to help out with a monetary donation or if you would like to purchase your own gift to add to the box, please give to Erin J. Koetje as soon as possible, so she can complete the gift package. THANK YOU!!
