Opening Timelines




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The opening title sequence of Zodiac uses a newspaper to introduce the audience to the characters and actors, it also fits in with how killers/psychopaths are stereotypically represented in films, using newspaper cuttings etc. This style of editing is similar tot silence of the lambs opening in how it flows cohesively into the next section

00:00 00:07 00:21 00:29

00:51 1:01 1:06 1:38

Silence Of The Lambs

The opening of Silence of the lambs features this fragmented editing style. It introduces the characters and the actors who portray them, but this use of editing fits the theme of insanity and the split personality of the protagonist.

0:05 0:25 0:35



0:45 0:500:55

The Shining

In Stanley Kubrick's The Shining it opens and uses a series over establishing and Ariel shots in order to set the location and theme, which is isolation. It uses rising text in a loght blue colour which contrasts well against the backdrop, We follow a car along this lonely, desolate road from variours angle and birdseye/ariel shots

00:04 00:15 0:27 0:33

0:58 0:19 1:20 1:36