ontinued Offerings orrowash, Draycott and Spondon


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Continued Offerings

Thank you to those who have committed to making a

regular offering to the church by Standing Order or

regular cheque.

Also thank you to those who are putting money aside

week by week ready to drop in the offering when

‘things get back to normal’.

If you are able to give by Standing Order or cheque

please contact the Church Treasurer who will give

you all the relevant details:

Borrowash Colin Dorman 01332 662045

Draycott John Hill 01332 872902

Spondon Jonathon Shepherd 07717 288827

Closing Thoughts

John 20:1-18

“ Anyone can walk in the sunshine; only the faithful

can walk in the dark.” Dr. W.L. Self.

The reading set for Eater Day starts in the dark.

Mary Madelaine goes to Jesus’ tomb whilst it was

still dark. The sun had not risen at this point to

illuminate the day. In the darkness Mary runs away

from the tomb when she discovers that the stone has

been rolled away. Even when she returns to the

tomb and encounters two angels she is so deeply

buried in her own darkness that she doesn’t

recognise either the angels of light or Jesus himself.

In these days of lockdown we have the joy of the

bright sun and the spring to help make the days

more bearable. For us as Christians we have an even

more glorious light, the light of Christ. As we

celebrate Easter apart this year we give thanks that

the darkness has been overcome and that we walk as

children of light even if everything around us appears

to be dark.

Alleluia! Christ is risen!

He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

Lord Jesus Christ, you told us that you are the light of

the world. and that those who follow you will not

walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. As we

walk in the resurrection light, may reflect your light

that all may turn from darkness to the Light of the

World. Amen.

The Easter Cross outside Borrowash MC

Zoom Login Details

PCs & Smartphones: Go to zoom.us Click JOIN A

MEETING and when prompted for a Meeting ID type

in 771 4334 5903 .

By Phone: Ring 0131 460 1196 or 0203 481 5240

and when prompted for a meeting ID type in 771

4334 5903# when asked for a ‘Host Key’ type #.

These calls will be charged at normal rates.

You will not be able to enter the church meeting un-

til I have opened the meeting, which is approximate-

ly 30 minutes before the service commences.

To ‘mute’ both camera and microphone use the

buttons at the bottom of the screen. If using the

phone service you can mute by typing *6

For all users, please be aware that this is a new

meeting ID from the one that has been used for the

last fortnight.

Borrowash, Draycott and Spondon

Bulletin 3 12th April 2020

Dear Friends,

I am writing this on the afternoon of Easter

Sunday at the end of what has been, for me, a very

different and a very busy Holy Week and Easter.

We were able to hold a service every night during

Holy Week, culminating with Good Friday. It was

gratifying to see upwards of twenty devices the on

site we were using each evening, while this morning

more than forty joined for our Sunday service.

Last week, Judith told you that I would be trying

to learn more about computers. She was right and

this week, I have learnt to edit videos, manipulate

photos and improve sound tracks, presented services

and done studio direction, all thanks to modern

technology. I have to say that I have also been close

to throwing my computer out the window on more

than one occasion!

I wonder where any of us would be without the

miracle of technology, new and not so new, during

this period of lockdown. I am certain that every one

of us has used a phone to keep in touch with family

and friends and the TV or radio to keep up to date

with the news. The answer is, of course , that we

would feel more isolated and more lonely.

One of the most pleasing comments I have heard

repeatedly over these last few weeks are those from

people telling me about the number of phone calls

received from people checking up on them, or

sharing a piece of news, or calling for a chat. And I

know from my own experience how true this is with

the phone ringing more in the last couple of weeks

than it does in an entire month sometimes.

I am reminded of British

Telecom’s advert with the bird

called Buzby, when the tag line

was “Make someone happy with a

phone call.”

Happy Easter


Sunday Worship

Palm Sunday was a very special day, and not just

because it was Palm Sunday. It was the day we

launched our own virtual church across the section. It

felt very special to be able to worship as a group from

across the three churches and then to have a time of

coffee and chat afterwards.

The service was in many ways very normal. We sang

a couple of hymns, we prayed, we had a reading from

scripture and Colin spoke to us. We even had notices in

proper Methodist fashion. In fact the only thing that

was missing from the service was the offering.

How did we do it? We used a video streaming service

called Zoom. Zoom allows anybody with a computer to

join what it calls a ‘meeting’ by clicking on a web link or

by going to the website and down loading a piece of

software which allows you to put in a code and

password for the meeting. Those with webcams and

microphones can, if they wish, use them so that we can

see and hear each other. The system can be accessed

by computer or smartphone. And if this is beyond your

capabilities you can even ring into the service via your

landline or normal mobile. All the information for

joining can be found on the back page.

Our next service will be next Sunday, 19th April, at

10:30 am and our preacher will be Reverend Loraine

Mellor, the Chair of the Nottingham and Derby

Methodist Circuit. Please join us.

Easter across the

Borrowash, Draycott and


Despite Coronavirus and the

lockdown, we have been able to walk

with our Lord from his triumphal

entry into Jerusalem through Holy

Week, to Good Friday and ultimate to

Resurrection Sunday. The three

churches have each stepped up to

mark these times in different and

varied ways.

Borrowash marked Good Friday and

Easter Day with a decorated cross

outside the main doors. On Good

Friday and Holy Saturday, it was

dressed in purple with a crown of thorns and nails. Early Sunday morning, it was dressed with white linen and

the crown of thorns had been replaced with a ‘halo’ of flowers (see picture on back page) - this will stay up for a

few days, so if in the course of your exercise you pass the church keep an eye out for it. The Borrowash clergy,

put together a Good Friday video using the liturgy that would normally be used outside the Co-op in an act of

witness. (if you want to see the video, it can be found at https://youtu.be/XpgAkc31h_4).

Draycott placed the sixty palm crosses that should have been distributed among the congregation on the front

steps and invited those passing to take one. All sixty were taken by the general public.

Spondon folk were treated to a series of ‘Pause for Thought’ style reflections, prepared by Derek Turton.

Christine Cameron also produced two reflections, one for Maundy Thursday and another for Good Friday.

All three churches kept in touch with the members of their congregations by sending cards to those on the

Community roll.

As well as all of this, Colin hosted a reflective service each night during Holy Week called ‘The Cross of Christ’.

Each night looked at a different aspect of the cross, including ‘The Cross of Suffering’ and ‘The Cross of Shelter’

and consisted of prayers, a hymn, a Bible Reading a meditation and a reflective piece of music. The Good Friday

service looked at the theme ‘The Cross of mystery’ and considered the contradictions of the cross, like, for

example, that it is both a place of death and life.

Easter Sunday was celebrated with our Zoom service, which was a chance for us to celebrate the resurrection

together. Judith preached on the theme ‘Darkness and Light’. During the service we had a time of testimony

when we were asked to complete the sentence, “My life is different because I believe God has changed my . . .

challenged my . . . loved me . . .” This was followed with a love feast where we all gave thanks for all that God

had done as we ate cake and drank juice together. The music was provided by Simon Hill (Spondon) who played

the hymns on guitar and piano for us. A recording of this service can be found on Spondon’s Web Site.

Thank you to all those who have made cards, addressed envelopes, written reflections and done a host of other

things to make Holy Week and Easter as special and as meaningful as ever.

Ever wanted to go to Spring Harvest, but not had the time or the money?

Here is your chance!

Spring Harvest is coming to your home this week and its free!

Further details can be found at:


Come on let’s


Jean and Charles

Bristow (Borrowash)

marked their

Diamond wedding

anniversary on

9th April


We have had a number of prayer requests over the

last week or so. Please pray for these situations and


MHA is asking for our prayers for their residents and

particularly for their staff, who are serving those in

their care tirelessly and who have not got the

Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) that they

require to do their jobs safely.

Pray for those making the medical equipment so

desperately required in our hospitals and by carers.

We are asked to pray for Boris Johnson, and all those

struggling to recover from Coronavirus.

We have been asked to pray for all those who are

dealing with bereaved families at this time,

especially Funeral Directors, crematorium and

cemetery staff and officiating ministers.

We continue to pray for those who have been

bereaved and cannot give their loved one the

funeral they deserve.

We have been asked to remember those who are

still working, especially shop workers and to give

thanks to those who are volunteering to help others.

We pray for those searching for a vaccine to protect

us from Coronavirus.

We give thanks

that Elsie has moved into Willowcroft

that John is making a little progress in hospital

We pray for

Dale as he waits to begin treatment for cancer

Peter as he fights a chest infection

Those waiting results from hospital tests

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Amen.

Knitted nativity sets

During the month of November, running up to Lights

Night in Spondon, I am hoping to run a free

competition for the children with a prize to collect on

the night. This will involve looking at the nativity

displays in the various village shops. A sheet of paper

will be issued, providing a list of shops on one side

and display items on the other. The object of the

competition is to draw lines on the sheet, connecting

the shops with their relevant display items. I have

organised several similar events before, which have

been well received by the traders as well as families.

We had a record number of traders displaying nativity

scenes in their window this last year, as all the traders

had been encouraged to do a Christmas display.

If a shop is happy to include a nativity scene, I have to

be able to offer them a set of nativity figures. I

thought I would be able to buy them on Amazon or in

the charity shops at Christmas time. However, I was

astonished at how little availability there was,

especially of ones over 4 inches high. (We need taller

than this for a shop window.) I had a better chance of

buying a Buddha!

I am using the Jean Greenhow’s nativity patterns,

which several people already have. We also need to

co-ordinate the knitting, so that we do not finish up

with six of Mary and no Joseph.

If you can help, please contact me on 679687 or


Thanks, Jenn Cox, Spondon.
