ONTAP - Medical Terminology 1


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Medical Terminology 1

Medical Terminology

Medical Terminology has developed mainly from Greek and Latin

In order to simplify medical terminology it is important to review the following basic word parts :

1. Root Words

2. Prefix

3. Suffix

4. Combining form

5. Compound Words

This will allow medical terminology to be decoded and understood

Medical Terminology

1. Root Words

Root words are the basic words and meanings from which a larger groups

of words are formed

Root Word Example:


Cycle: a sequence of events that recur regularly in the same order

2. Prefix





A Prefix is a syllable attached to the front of a root word to modify its meaning

3. Suffix




A Suffix is a syllable attached to the end of a root word to modify its meaning

A vowel is often added to the end of a root word to help pronounce the new word

Usually an ‘o’ is used for this purpose

Combining Form: cycl(o)

Cycle= Cyclotron


4. Combining Form

5. Compound WordsPrefix + root word + Suffix

Bi + cycl + ist

5 common Root Words

in medical terminology

arthr /o joint

cardi/o heart

gastr/o stomach

neur/o nerve

oste/o bone

5 Common Prefixes in medical terminology

anti against

endo within

epi above

hyper excessive

peri around

5 common Suffixes in medical terminology

algia pain

ectomy surgical removal

itis inflammation

oma tumor

scopy visually examining

Compound and Combined Medical Terminology Examples

arthroscopy visual examination of a joint

gastritis inflammation of the stomach

neuritis an inflammation of the nervous system

ostioma a tumor consisting of a bony substance

pericarditis inflammation around the heart