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Bachelor of Computer Science (Software Development)

Faculty of Informatics and Computing

Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Terengganu, Malaysia

MAY 2017



I hereby declare that this report is based on my original work except for quotations

and citations, which have been duly acknowledged. I also declare that it has not been

previously or concurrently submitted for any other degree at Universiti Sultan Zainal

Abidin or other institutions.


Name : Erny Syuhaila binti Abdul Aziz

Date : ..................................................



This is to confirm that:

The research conducted and the writing of this report was under my supervison.


Name : Dr. Nurnadiah binti Zamri

Date : ..................................................



First of all, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all those who

provided me the possibility and giving me the opportunity to undergo and complete my

project proposal, Online Class Scheduling Management System. Dr. Nurnadiah binti

Zamri, whose contributing in simulating suggestion and encouragement, valuable

guidance, helped me to coordinate my project proposal.

Furthermore, I would also like to express my gratitude to my family especially

my parents for their undying encouragement advice given during the process to

complete this project proposal. Next, I would also like to thank the Faculty of

Informatics and Computing, UniSZA for giving me this great opportunity to expose

myself with this project.

Lastly, I want a big thank to all of my friends for their endless helps and

cooperation in the form of advice, suggestion and support during the whole of this

semester. I appreciate all of the kindness and efforts given by everyone towards the

success of this project.



Nowadays, many students have been sent to extra classes or tuitions by their parents

especially for those who has big examination such as Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah

(UPSR), Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR) and Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM).

However, most of the parents do not considerate for their children time by sending them

to extra classes or tuition as soon as their school time finished without having rest time

even for a while. Thus, they need an adjustable timetable according to their preferences.

However, due to the limited timetable system, they cannot arrange their schedule well.

In order to overcome this problem, “Online Class Scheduling Management System” is

proposed where it is a web based system that used a rule-based algorithm via PHP

coding. The main modules which are students and administrator will be included in this

system. This system hopes that all students are able to attend all the extra classes after

the well arrangement.




Pada masa kini, ramai pelajar dihantar ke kelas tambahan atau tuisyen oleh kedua ibu

bapa mereka terutamanya mereka yang akan menduduki peperiksaan yang penting

seperti Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR), Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR)

dan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM). Namun begitu, kebanyakan ibu bapa tidak

memikirkan masa anak-anak dengan menghantar mereka ke kelas tambahan sejurus

waktu persekolahan tamat tanpa ada masa untuk berehat. Justeru, pelajar memerlukan

jadual yang boleh diubah mengikut keutamaan mereka. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini,

"Kelas Sistem Pengurusan Penjadualan Online" adalah dicadangkan di mana ia adalah

satu sistem berasaskan web yang menggunakan algoritma berasaskan peraturan melalui

PHP coding. Modul utama iaitu pelajar dan pentadbir akan terlibah dalam sistem ini.

Sistem ini berharap semua pelajar dapat menghadiri semua kelas tambahan selepas

penyusunan jadual yang baik.















1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Problem statement 2

1.3 Objectives 3



1.4.1 Admin



1.4.2 Student 4

1.5 Limitation of Work 5

1.6 Expected Outcome 6

1.7 Project Planning 6

1.8 Report Organizing 7

1.9 Chapter Summary



2.1 Introduction 8

2.2 Education 9

2.3 Education in Malaysia 10

2.4 Research Related with other Method

Or Technique


2.5 Rule-Based Approach 13

2.6 Chapter Summary 14




3.1 Introduction 14

3.2 Justification of Methodology 15

3.3 Methodology 16-20

3.3.1 Planning Phase 17

3.3.2 Analysis Phase 17

3.3.3 Design Phase 18

3.3.4 Implementation Phase 18

3.3.5 Testing Phase 19

3.3.6 Deployment Phase 19

3.3.7 Evaluation 20

3.4 System Requirements 21-22

3.4.1 Software Requirement 21

3.3.2 Hardware Requirement 22

3.5 System Framework 23

3.6 Context Diagram 24

3.7 Data Flow Diagram 25-39

3.7.1 DFD Level 1 28

3.7.2 DFD Level 1 29

3.7.3 DFD Level 1 30

3.7.4 DFD Level 1 31

3.7.5 DFD Level 1 32

3.7.6 DFD Level 1 33

3.7.7 DFD Level 1 34

3.7.8 DFD Level 1 35

3.7.9 DFD Level 2 36

3.7.10 DFD Level 2 37

3.7.11 DFD Level 3 38

3.7.12 DFD Level 3 39


3.8 Entity Relationship Diagram 40-41

3.9 Database Design 42-47

3.9.1 Table Admin 43

3.9.2 Table Student 43

3.9.3 Table Teacher 44

3.9.4 Table Subject 44

3.9.5 Table Timeslot 45

3.9.6 Table Preference 45

3.9.7 Table Register 46

3.9.8 Table Timetable 46

3.10 Chapter Summary 47






3.1 Software Requirement for Development 21

3.2 Hardware Requirement for Development 22




3.1 Iterative Model 16

3.2 System Framework 23

3.3 Context Diagram 23

3.7 DFD Level 0 25

3.7.1 DFD Level 1 Manage Student Profile 28

3.7.2 DFD Level 1 Manage Subject 29

3.7.3 DFD Level 1 Manage Preference 30

3.7.4 DFD Level 1 Manage Timetable 31

3.7.5 DFD Level 1 Manage Admin Profile 32

3.7.6 DFD Level 1 Manage Timeslot 33

3.7.7 DFD Level 1 Manage Student 34

3.7.8 DFD Level 1 Manage Teacher 35

3.7.9 DFD Level 2 Manage Details 36

3.7.10 DFD Level 2 Manage Profile 37

3.7.11 DFD Level 3 Change Password 38

3.7.12 DFD Level 3 Change Password 39

3.8 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) 40

3.9 Online Scheduling Management System 42

3.9.1 Table for Admin 43

3.9.2 Table for Student 43


3.9.3 Table for Teacher 44

3.9.4 Table for Subject 44

3.9.5 Table for Timeslot 45

3.9.6 Table for Preference 45

3.9.7 Table for Register 46

3.9.8 Table for Timetable 46



CD Context Diagram

DFD Data Flow Diagram

ERD Entity Relationship Diagram

FYP Final year project

UPSR Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah

PMR Penilaian Menengah Rendad

SPM Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia




A Gantt Chart 49




1.1 Project Background

In Malaysia, formal education starts from four to six years old at kindergarten

which is a preschool educational then continue at primary school, secondary school and

will be ended at university. The first evaluating phase for student is in the primary

school which is in Standard Six, Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) and the result

is being used to enroll them in secondary school based on result. For being able enter

the school that had better education the student need to get good result.

Thus, this report is about develop a web based system that called as “Online

Class Scheduling Management System”. The main purpose to develops this system is

to help students in organizing their extra classes by choosing their own preference. This

system used rule-based algorithm that often used to store and manipulate the knowledge

to translate the information in a useful way.


1.2 Problem Statement

Nowadays, students keep protesting over the tuition that had been arrange by

their pushy parents whereas they need to attend the tuition as soon as the school time

over. As their school time already finish late every day, the student will feel tired and

sometimes can lead them to skipping their tuition. So, this system is going to help them

attend the tuition without being forced by choosing their classes based on their own


Besides, it also wastes time for student and parent as they need to come all the

way to tuition centre just only for registering. So this system helps them to minimize

their activity by letting them register in the tuition centre as well as register for subjects.

Lastly, the research about the existing tuition centre to find out how the system

worked has been made. As the result, many of the centre still manage them in traditional

system which is still keep the data or any information in paper files and forms. This

kind of system somehow is very wasting time and energy as they need to manage the

data properly or they might lose the data.


1.3 Objectives

The objectives of the project are:

i. to develop a web based for Online Class Scheduling Management System

with various functionality to schedule student’s timetable.

ii. to implement rule-based algorithm into the system that will provide a

schedule for user based on their choices.

iii. to test the functionality of the system matches the requirement.


1.4 Scope

Scope is the part of project planning and it is what needs to be achieved and the

work must be done to deliver a project. Scope of this system can be defined as where it

caters two different perspective of users which are an admin and the student. These two

types of users can be differentiating by their behaviour in accessing the system.

1.4.1 Admin

Administrator is the one who handle the management of the system. Admin who

has authority to access the system is being able to manage timetable, manage students,

all the reports and preference for the system itself.

1.4.2 Student

To get the authority as a student, the user need to be register first before login as

a student. Once the student success login as student, the system allows the student to

choose the subject and their preference. After student choose their preference, the

timetable based on their choices will be display before they confirm it. Next, student

can view their timetable and can download them. Student also can view and update their

profile details.


1.5 Limitation of Work

All of the system will have their own requirements as well as this system.

Therefore, all the requirement that already being decided somehow make the system

would not function as planned. This is because, not all the users will follow those

requirements. Besides, some of the users do not fully understand on how does the

system working completely. For example, the user or the student who already registered

do not aware that they need confirmation from the admin whether their request already

being approved or not. Next, wrong data input from the user also make the system not

function well. They might enter the data that not suitable for as request. Hence, the

system cannot read and processed them.

Other than that, this system only available for those student who want to attend

the tuition. Then, this system only provided four subjects which is Bahasa Melayu,

English, Mathematics, and Science are not available and it is only for three days. As

knowing, this system only developed by using PHP and rule-based that use if-then rule.

Hence, all the other medium or method does not compatible to use for this system.

Lastly, the program would not work when server is down. Once it could not be used, it

means the limitation of work is there.


1.6 Expected Outcome

The development of this system hope that can improve the flexibility in

scheduling construction so that the student will have a timetable for their extra classes

that suitable and structured schedule. Besides, the student will be able to have a wise

schedule or timetabling based on their own preferences. Therefore, they can attend

their classes without being coercion by their parents. Lastly, my expectation is that the

system will go a long way in improving the efficiency of the student’s management

especially for their time.

1.7 Project Planning

Detailed project planning that has been implementing in this system to

facilitate system development can be referred in Appendix A.


1.8 Report Organizing

Report organizing for each chapter that has been documentation is refer to

specific format and it is easy to understand by the readers for the whole of the report.

This report is begin with chapter 1 that consists of the introduction, problem statement,

objectives, scopes, limitation of work, expected outcome and project planning of the

system. For the next chapter, it explains about the literature review which is explain

about the related research paper for the similar system. For the chapter 3, it discussed

about the project methodology, system requirement that has been used during the

development of the system and system design. Then, for chapter 4 deals with the

implementation process and testing process. Lastly, chapter 5 consists of conclusion on

the project development.

1.9 Chapter Summary

As the conclusion for this chapter, the early stages about the project

development is delivered. It also explained more about the initial stage of the

development process.




2.1 Introduction

In this chapter, the study about the previous research is done. Any related

journals and articles was referred in order to find out the weakness of the previous

research that can be overcome. Nowadays, there a lot of applications that has been

developed and available in the market. These applications aim to generate a well-

distributed timetable depending their method or artificial intelligent algorithm. There

are many kinds of methods that has been used in order to develop this system such as

fuzzy logics, expert system, genetic algorithm and etc.


2.2 Education

Education is a very vital tool for everyone to live in this such competitive world.

An education can help people in learning process to gain knowledge and skills that can

be inherit from the ancestors through research, teaching and discussion. Education is

commonly divided into types which are formal and informal education. The distinct

between these two types is formal education is classroom-based and trained by the

teachers or lecturers. While, the informal education normally happens outside of the

classroom such as at home, library or community-based organizations. Education may

include informal transmission of knowledge, values, beliefs, skills, attitudes and habit

from one human being to another.


2.3 Education in Malaysia

In Malaysia, education is start as early as at the age of four to six at pre-schools

or kindergarten. This first phase of education is not that compulsory before the children

reaches the age of seven then continue as a student in the primary school. Primary

education begins for children age seven to twelve for six years. During in standard six,

the students being evaluate by taking the exam called as Ujian Penilain Sekolah Rendah

(UPSR). Next, the students will be entering the secondary education which is divided

by two phases. The first one is lower secondary that involved students from age thirteen

to fifteen and being evaluate for Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR). As they passed

the test, they will continue to another phase, upper secondary for two years and will be

examine in Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM). The higher education is also available but

it does not that compulsory to the student. So basically, formal education in Malaysia

that being adopted in Malaysia’s system is for thirteen years.


2.4 Research Related with other Method or Technique

The first paper is An Implementation Of An Online Based Registration System

In Tertiary Institutions In Zimbabwe by (Mr Pharaoh Chaka and Mr Fungai Starben

Mungadzi, 2013). This paper used two techniques which are business rule and

questionnaires in order to provide a more convenient way to conduct course registration

at a tertiary institution. The results were analysed from the questionnaires that has been

distributed that consists a few factors. This paper shows that the introduction of the

online registration system is supported by many respondents.

The next paper written by (Wipada Chaiwchan and Patcharee Klinhom, 2014),

The Development of Online-Class Scheduling Management System Conducted by the

Case Study of Department of Social Science: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University. This research is also about to develop online class

scheduling management system and focusing in the specific university and faculty that

used black-box testing and questionnaires as the techniques to develop the system. The

research indicates the system proposed to change the timetable from manual to online

timetable is agreed by experts and members of department through the evaluation from

the questionnaires that had been distributed.


2.5 Rule-Based Approach

Rule-based system is a set of assertion that consists of “if-then” statements to a

set of rules that had specify. Rule-based system or called as knowledge based system

are specialized software that encapsulate “Human Intelligence” like knowledge by

making intelligence decisions quickly and in repeatable form. A rule-based system is

fairly simplistic which are widely used in many other fields because it is a simple model

that can be adapted to any number of problems.

In computer science, rule-based system is represented in the logic form as IF-

THEN statements where the IF part is called the antecedent or condition while THEN

part is called the consequent or conclusion. This explained that if the condition of the

rule is satisfied, so that the conclusion can be deduct. Hence, based on the given inputs

and the rule database, the stored knowledge for interpreting the generated and in

decision making can be manipulate.

However, the rule-based systems are only feasible for problems that consists of

the problem area that can be written in the form of if-then rules and not a large problem

area. If there are too many rules, the system can become difficult to maintain. It also

provides the basis for that called as expert system where the knowledge of an expert is

encoded into the rule set.


2.6 Chapter Summary

Basically, this chapter is discussed about any information that gathered based on

any journal or articles that had been collected to use as a references. This can help the

developer to discover the problems from the previous research or system in order to

make the system become better. Besides, this process will help the researchers or

developers to gain understanding during the next development process.




3.1 Introduction

This chapter will be discussed about the project methodology that being used to

build the system. The usage of project methodology is to ensure all the processes,

techniques, methods, approaches and technologies of the system are well defined. It is

very important phase of development as it will guide the researchers through all the

development period. For being able to have plan about a good project, this phase should

be start with a good understanding especially on user’s requirement.


3.2 Justification of Methodology

Basically, this project has been used iterative model to develop Online Class

Scheduling Management System. Iterative model focuses on an initial, simplified

implementation and become more complexity as well as a broader feature set until the

final system is complete. Unlike the other methods that focuses on a stringent step-by-

step process of development stage, the iterative model is a cyclical process which

repeated over and over.

There are a few advantages of using this method in development a system.

Firstly, the iterative model makes the development process easier by ensuring the newer

iterations are incrementally improved versions more than the previous versions.

Besides, this model easy to adapt for any ever-changing needs of the project as well as

to any whims from the clients.

For this system, before develop the system function and define the design

solution for added value it starts with designing the entire interface of the system. As

the module has been described, the development of the system was build based on that

and will be improved step-by-step.


3.3 Methodology

Figure 3.1 Iterative Model

Figure 3.1 shows that the methodology that had been used from the beginning

until the end of this project. At the next page, each stage that involved in this project

has being explained.


3.3.1 Planning Phase

Planning is a first phase in this method that need to identify the specific goals of

the project. During this phase, also involved the detail overview for every goals that

already identified as well as their reason for the selection and the expected outcome of

goal-related system. Besides, the title of this project already being approved as “Online

Class Scheduling Management System”. Next, three objectives of the project have been

described in quantitative or qualitative terms. The added value also already being

decided which h is Rule-based method. Lastly, after all the information already being

discover and collected, the abstract is being made.

3.3.2 Analysis Phase

In the analysis phase, the requirements of the project are being analyzed and the

problem of the project is being fully understand. Any information relates to the system

had been gathering from any resources such as journal, documentation or website. Then,

based on the past researches from information gathering the problem statement is



3.2.3 Design Phase

In the third phase which is design phase, the product requirements were designed

as the technical solutions to the problems that already being set out. In order to discover

more details of the system Context Diagram, Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Level 0 and

Level 1 and also the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) were built.

3.3.4 Implementation Phase

Implementation is the shortest phase in this research as the design already being

made in advance. This phase start once the design is approved. To develop this project,

Notepad++ is used to write the coding, XAMPP to create a local web server for testing

purposes and phpMyAdmin to handle the administration of MySQL with the use of a

web browser.


3.3.5 Testing Phase

Once the current build iteration has been coded and implemented, the testing

procedures to identify and located any potential bugs or errors need to be go through.

When the bugs or errors has been discovered, it need to be corrected in order to

determine whether the system meet the requirement or not. This phase need to be

repeated until there is no any bugs or errors and the system should be function as the

requirements stated.

3.3.6 Deployment Phase

This phase is the phase where is getting the system ready to be used. When the

system is already stable, the review will be done as the application or system meets all

the goals and requirement in the project plan for their satisfaction.


3.3.7 Evaluation Phase.

Once all the prior phases have been completed, it is time for a thorough

evaluation of development up to this phase. This phase allows the entire team, as well

as clients or other outside parties to examine the effectiveness of the system whether

goals and requirements are properly aligned and delivered to the appropriate recipients.


3.4 System Requirements

3.4.1 Software Requirement

Table 3.4.1 Software Requirement for Development

Software Description

Microsoft Office 2016 - Used for documentation

Google Chrome - Used for gathering information and

required data

- Used for run or review the system

ClickCharts Diagram Flowchart - As a tool to create CD, DFD, and


Notepad++ - A platform to write the coding

XAMPP - As a server for running in localhost

phpMyAdmin - A tool written in PHP intended to

handle administration of MySQL

Windows 10 - Operating system used

Table 3.4.1 shows the software that helps in developing this system from the

beginning until the system is done.


3.4.2 Hardware Requirement

Table 3.4.2 Hardware Requirement for Development

Hardware Description

Laptop: Lenovo - Used for develop the project

Processor: Intel (R) Core (TM) i3-

4030U CPU @ 1.90 GHz 1.90 GHz

- Processor of the laptop

Memory: 2GB RAM memory - RAM of the laptop

Hard Disk: Toshiba 500GB - Used as a back up to save data

Pendrive - Used to transfer the data

Printer: HP DeskJet Ink Advantage


- Used to print the draft and report of

the project

In Table 3.4.2 there are the list all the hardware that had been used during the

process of making this project.


3.5 System Framework

Figure 3.5 System Framework

Figure 3.5 shows the framework for Online Class Scheduling Management

System using Rule-Based.


3.6 Context Diagram

Figure 3.6 Context Diagram

Figure 3.6 shows the Context Diagram for Online Class Scheduling

Management System. The Online Scheduling Management System process is at the

center of the diagram. There are two entities which are STUDENT and ADMIN that

place at each side of the system process. Every data flow that involved in the system

had listed according to the process of the system. The total of data flows that involved

in the interaction between central process and the entities are 21 data flows. The

STUDENT entity has five incoming flow and six outgoing data flow. While the

ADMIN entity has five outgoing flow as well as the incoming flow. Eventually, there

are eleven outgoing flow and ten incoming flow for all the process that involve in this

system and this system also involved the central process and all the entities.


3.7 Data Flow Diagram

Figure 3.7 DFD Level 0


Figure 3.7 shows the Data Flow Diagram Level 0 for Online Class Management

System. This figure represent all the process involved for each entity with the data flow

along the data store for every function in this system. There are twelve processes

involved in this system. The STUDENT entity has six processes which are Student

Registration, Student Login, Manage Student Profile, Choose Subject, Choose Class

Preference and View Timetable. While the ADMIN has six processes which are Admin

Login, Manage Admin Profile, Create Timetable, Manage Timetable, Manage Student

and lastly Generate Report. Next, the data store that involved in this system consists of

seven data stores. Those data store are represented by D1 until D7 which are stand for

Student, Subject, Preference, Register, Admin, Timeslot and Teacher respectively.

1) A STUDENT need to register by input the Student Details requested to enter

the system which the output is Student Details to be keep in the Student data


2) A STUDENT login into the system by key in the Login Details (email and

password) as registered while the system will retrieve the data in the

STUDENT data store to ensure the data kept is same with the input entered.

3) The STUDENT will input the Student Details to Manage Student Profile and

the Student Details inserted will be keep in the Student data store.

4) A STUDENT will Input Subject Details into Manage Subject which output

is Subject Details into Subject Data Store.

5) A STUDENT will Request Subject Preference into Manage Preference

which is Preference Details as the output will be keep in the Preference data



6) A STUDENT input the Request Timetable Details into Manage Timetable

process that output is Timetable Details will be store in the Register data


7) An ADMIN input their Login Details into the Admin Login process then the

Admin Details that stored in Admin data store will be retrieved.

8) An ADMIN Input Admin Details during Manage Admin Profile process

then followed by Admin Details as the output to be keep in Admin data store.

9) An ADMIN will Input Timeslot Detail to Manage Timeslot process then the

output which is Timeslot Details will be inserted into Timeslot data store.

10) An ADMIN will Request Student Details during Manage Student process

then the Student Details that has been kept in Student data store will be


11) An Admin will input Teacher Details inti the Manage Teacher process which

the output Teacher Details will be save in Teacher data store.

12) All the report from all the data stores involved in the system will be send

into Generate Report process before pass to the ADMIN.


3.7.1 DFD Level 1 (3.0 Manage Student Profile)

Figure 3.7.1 DFD Level 1 Manage Student Profile

Figure 3.7.1 shows the DFD Level 1 for STUDENT, process 3.0 which is

Manage Student Profile in the system. In this process, it involved three data store D1,

D2 and D3 which is for Student, Subject, and Teacher respectively. Next, there are three

additional processes which are Manage Details, Check Subject Registered and Check

Teacher List. Basically, this process involved for student who want to view their own

details that recorded in the system. The student will be able to manage their own details,

can view the subject they already registered and also can view the list of teacher that

teach them once the timetable is available.


3.7.2 DFD Level 1 (4.0 Manage Subject)

Figure 3.7.2 DFD Level 1 Manage Subject

Figure 3.7.2 shows the DFD Level 1 for process 4.0 which is Manage Subject.

In this level, there is only one data store that involved which is Subject that represent as

D2. Besides, this process also involved another two processes which are register Subject

and Unenroll Subject. All these processes involved to student in order to register the

subject and also they can unenrolled the subject that already had registered. For

example, at first they register three subjects. After attend the classes, they want only

two subjects for the next session so they need to unenrolled first in order for them to

make new timetable.


3.7.3 DFD Level 1 (5.0 Manage Preference)

Figure 3.7.3 DFD Level 1 Manage Preference

Figure 3.7.3 shows that the DFD Level 1 for process Manage Preference. This

process has three extra processes which are Teacher, Day and Time and has one data

store, Preference All the processes involved during the student make their choice for

their class preference. They can choose the teacher that teach for the particular subjects,

can choose the day that the particular teacher available as well as the time.


Figure 3.7.4 DFD Level 1 (6.0 Manage Timetable)

Figure 3.7.4 DFD Level 1 Manage Timetable

Figure 3.7.4 shows the DFD Level 1 for Manage Timetable process. This

process involved one data store, Timetable and another two processes, Timetable

Confirmation and View Timetable. This processes occur when student want to view

their timetable. For being able to view the timetable, they need to make their preference

from the previous process then after all the choices has been made they need to confirm

them before the admin manage the confirmation. Once the admin has approved, they

can view their timetable.


3.7.5 DFD Level 1 (8.0 Manage Admin Profile)

Figure 3.7.5 Level 1 Manage Admin Profile

Figure 3.7.5 is DFD Level 1 for ADMIN in Manage Profile process. This

process involved one extra process which is Manage Profile and one data store, Admin.

This process allows the admin to manage their own profile.


3.7.6 DFD Level 1 (9.0 Manage Timeslot)

Figure 3.7.6 DFD Level 1 Manage Timeslot

Figure 3.7.6 shows the DFD Level 1 for Manage Timeslot process. This process

has three extra processes which are Create Timeslot, Edit Timeslot, and Delete

Timeslot. Besides, this process involved one data store which is Timeslot that represent

as D6. In this process, admin who responsible to manage the timeslot can create new

timeslot that include subject, teacher teach for the particular subjects, day and time for

each subjects. Once the timeslot has been create, they also can edit the timeslot as well

as delete the available timeslot.


3.7.7 DFD Level 1 (10.0 Manage Student)

Figure 3.7.7 DFD Level 1 Manage Student

Figure 3.7.7 shows that DFD Level 1 that involve in process Manage Student.

This process involves one extra process and one data store which are Request Student

Detail and Student respectively. The admin can request from the system to display the

student details that already registered into the system.


3.7.8 DFD Level 1 (11.0 Manage Teacher)

Figure 3.7.8 DFD Level 1 Manage Teacher

Figure 3.7.8 shows the DFD Level 1 that involved in Manage Teacher process.

This process has two extra process, Request Timetable and Request Student List process

that involved two data stores, Timetable and Student. Admin has authorization to access

teacher details which is they can request to the system to view the timetable for certain

teacher and list of students who registered their class for that teacher by key in Teacher



3.7.9 DFD Level 2 (3.1 Manage Details)

Figure 3.7.9 DFD Level 2 Manage Details

Figure 3.7.9 shows DFD Level 2 for STUDENT in Manage Details process. This

process has two extra processes which are Update Profile and Change Password that

involved one data store, Student. Generally, this process happen when the student who

want to update their details that had been inserted during registration process. Besides,

they also can change their password.


3.7.10 DFD Level 2 (8.1 Manage Profile)

Figure 3.7.10 DFD Level 2 Manage Profile

Figure 3.7.10 shows DFD Level 2 for ADMIN Manage Profile process. This

process has two extra processes which are Update Profile and Change Password that

involved one data store which is Admin. Generally, this process happen when the admin

who want to update their details that had recorded in the data store. Besides, they also

can change their password.


3.7.11 DFD Level 3 (3.1.2 Change Password)

Figure 3.7.11 DFD Level 3 Change Password

Figure 3.7.11 shows the DFD Level 3 for STUDENT in Change Password

process. This process has three extra processes and one data store, Student. The

processes that involved are Verify Current Password, Receive New Password, and

Verify New Password. For this process, the student need to key in their current

password, then key in their new password and lastly key in their new password for once

again for being able to change to new password.


3.7.12 DFD Level 3 (8.1.2 Change Password)

Figure 3.7.12 DFD Level 3 Change Password

Figure 3.7.12 shows the DFD Level 3 for ADMIN in Change Password process.

This process has three extra processes and one data store that represent as D5, Admin.

The processes that involved are Verify Current Password, Receive New Password, and

Verify New Password. For this process, the admin need to key in their current password,

then key in their new password and lastly key in their new password for once again for

being able to change to new password.


3.8 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Figure 3.8 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)


Figure 3.8 shows the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) for Online Class

Scheduling Management System. There are total of eight tables that involved in this

system which are admin, student, teacher, timetable, timeslot, subject, preference, and



3.9 Database Design

Figure 3.9 Online Class Scheduling Management System

Figure 3.9 shows the whole tables that involved in the system database. The total

of the table for this system is eight tables that consists of admin table, preference table,

register table, student table, subject table, teacher table, timeslot table, and timetable



3.9.1 Table Admin

Figure 3.9.1 Table for Admin

Figure 3.9.1 shows table for admin in Online Scheduling Management System

database. The table contain five fields which are adminID as the primary key,

adminName, adminPhone, adminEmail, and adminPassword.

3.9.2 Table Student

Figure 3.9.2 Table for Student

Figure 3.9.2 shows table for student in database of the system. The table

included six fields that consists of studentEmail as the primary key, studentName,

studentSchool, studentPhone, studentPassword, and studentAddress.


3.9.3 Table Teacher

Figure 3.9.3 Table for Teacher

Figure 3.9.3 shows the table for teacher in the system database. This table has

three fields which are teacherId, teacherName, and teacherSubject. As for the primary

key for this table is teacherID.

3.9.4 Table Subject

Figure 3.9.4 Table for Subject

The Figure 3.9.4 shows that the table for subject in the database of the system.

This table has two fields which are subjectCode as the primary key and subjectName.


3.9.5 Table Timeslot

Figure 3.9.5 Table for Timeslot

Figure 3.9.5 shows the table for timeslot that has six fields. Those fields are

timeslotID, timeslotDay, timeslotStart, timeslotEnd, teacherID, and subjectCode. The

primary key of this table is timeslotID.

3.9.6 Table Preference

Figure 3.9.6 Table for Preference

Figure 3.9.6 shows the table for preference of the system. This table has two

fields which are preferenceID and subjectCode. The primary key of this table is



3.9.7 Table Register

Figure 3.9.7 Table for Register

Figure 3.9.7 shows that the table for register in Online Scheduling Management

System database. The table contains four fields which are registerID, teacherID,

subjectCode, and studentEmail. The primary key for this table is registerID.

3.9.8 Table Timetable

Figure 3.9.8 Table for Timetable

Figure 3.9.8 shows the timetable’s table for this system. This table consists of

three fields. Those fields are timetableID, timeslotID, and preferenceID. The primary

key of this table is timetableID.


3.10 Chapter Summary

This chapter focused on the data modelling that discussed about the structure of

the data represent in the database. There are three main parts that has been focussed

which is Context Diagram. It is designed to show the flows of the main process in the

system. Next, Data Flow Diagram is designed in order to show all the detail process of

the system. Lastly, Entity Relationship Diagram is designed to show the relationship

between all the module and the processes of the system.




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TASK/ WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Topic Discussion and


Project Title Proposal

Proposal Writing –

Introduction and

Literature Review

Proposal progress

Presentation and


Discussion and

Correction of the


Proposed Solution –


Proof of Concept

Drafting Report of

the Proposal

Submit Draft of

Report To Supervisor

Report Correction

Seminar Registration

Seminar Presentation

and Final Report

