ommentary Instrument - Hindawi


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ommentaryThe analyst and automation

That the implementation of automation is a systems problemand must involve a multidisciplinary approach has beenstressed many times in this journal. The skills required toachieve effective automation inlude electronics, statistics,computer expertise, combined with business and organis-ational acumen. Indeed, there may, in the past, have beentoo much input from the experts in mini and microcomputers and not enough consideration of business andorganisational factors. This may be a daunting prospect forthe traditional analytical chemist. But the analyst’s role inthis process is nonetheless vital. However, it would seemthat analysts have been ill prepared for the task and do notfully appreciate or recognise their responsibilities. In theage before automation the analyst’s responsibilities were,perhaps, more clearly defined. Boundaries were clear-cut;samples were received in the laboratory and by using a setof well established manual chemistries a set of results weredelivered to the ’client’. Now, with even a small element ofautomation, it is far too easy for the analyst to blame afailure in his procedures on the instrumentation. If aninstrument is not working, is unreliable or is unsuitable forthe task no one person can take the blame. It is necessary toencourage a collective responsibility and the analyst mustbe an integral part of the team. He cannot sit back and waitfor management, electronics experts and/or instrumentmanufacturers to provide him with an automated meansof finding results.

The analyst’s job down-graded?It is sometimes thought that the analyst’s job has beendown-graded by the introduction of automation andcomputerisation. It is believed that his hard earned skills andexperience are being replaced by the requirement merely tooperate an instrument which overrates his capability ofresponsible judgement. He may also feel less able to sub-stantiate results he has obtained from an automatic instru-ment than he could from his manual procedures. This may beparticularly so if he has not had a hand in purchasing theinstrument.

No! The analyst’s job has definitely not been down-gradedby the introduction of automated systems. In a laboratorydedicated to automation the analyst holds a central,important position in the team, although it may well bedifferent from the accepted role of a traditional analyst. Heretains ultimate responsibility for the status and quality ofthe results produced by his laboratory. He must thereforecooperate fully with his in-house electronics engineer and]orthe manufacturer of his instrumentation to acquire anunderstanding of the principles and operation of hismachines. In this way he can best use their advantages and beaware of their disadvantages and short-comings. He will cometo appreciate that if an instrument is working to specificationin all aspects, the limiting factor in the quality of results willusually be the reliability of the chemistry of the methodbeing used. In this situation the analyst has not concededresponsibility for the methodologies;he can use his knowledgeand experience to explore the potential of an instrument bymodifying the analytical method to be more compatible withthe instrument design or modifying the chemistry to suitthe instrumentation.

Instrument specificationA further responsibility of the analyst is in the specificationof the requirements for the performance of any automaticinstruments which may be purchased or constructed for hisuse. This is a new and unfamiliar role for the analyst whichhe can only discharge effectively with the active cooperationof colleagues experienced in other disciplines. The alternativeis to take manufacturers’ literature at face value; a coursewhich is fraught with pitfalls and one not to be encouraged.

In this area some interesting progress is expected from theclinical chemists. The International Federation of ClinicalChemists Expert Panel on Instrumentation are about topublish guide lines for the .specification and purchasing ofinstruments which, of course, largely involves automaticinstruments.

Management requirementsWhile a specification must primarily consider the analyst’s

needs, it must also take into consideration the .managementrequirements for quality control, cost effectiveness etc, andthe ultimate ’customers’ requirements from the analyses. Inother words, the specification should include all aspects ofthe analytical process and not be limited to the function ofmeasurement. It should include management requirementsas well as data processing, archiving and reporting as integralaspects of automation. The instrumentation ultimatelychosen to meet the specification must not restrict any of thepeople involved in their respective tasks. Very often theanalyst may feel that he is being restricted because thecomputer system will not provide what he asks for. If hisrequest can be justified and can be dealt with economicallythen the system should be flexible enough to meet it.

EducationProblems in implementing the above fundamentals oftenarise through a lack of communications or through educationdifficulties. Professor Malmstadt highlighted the need foreducational courses in the April issue of this Journal (page119) and in this issue the equally important question of whoto educate is discussed by Annett (page 241) and Young(page 243). The answer perhaps is that education is requiredat all levels. If one holds to the fundamental tenet thatautomation involves a multidisciplinary approach theneducation in automation should not be confined to theanalyst. Just as the analyst must concern himself withmanagement considerations such as economics and costeffectiveness, so managers must be acquainted with theanalyst’s requirements and problems. It is particularly impor-tant for all concerned to be conscious of the cost of instru-ments relative to staff costs. In some situations what theanalyst visualises as a simple modification to software orhardware may well result in a considerable amount of workfor a computer specialist. The cost of this work may wellresult in the modification being shelved.

An interesting educational experiment is reported in thisissue (page 249). The Summer School on Automatic Analysiswas attended by personnel representing the full spectrum ofjobs associated with analytical chemistry. In this school areal world course problem studied in group discussionprovided the desired cross-fertilisation with each person inthe group gaining some appreciation of the others problems.

CommunicationWith a range of disciplines being involved with automation,communication becomes a real problem; each discipline hasits own jargon which seems to fight against effective com-munication across interdisciplinary boundaries. The analystmay present to an instrument company or a systems designera scheme for the solution of a problem. This may reflect howthe analyst sees the problem being solved and his limitedexperience of automation.

Volume No. 5 October 1979 239


Now more than ever instrument companies woo potentialcustomers with the claim that their instruments are thepanacea for all analytical problems. Often this claim isassociated with the introduction of microprocessor tech-nology. The unsuspecting analyst may find that he haspurchased an instrument which is more sophisticated than heneeds; he cannot be expected to predict that the instrumentwill meet any future requirements. If he has not been fullyinvolved in all stages of purchase he may find himself with aninstrument .which is incapable of the requirements to beplaced upon it.

It cannot be stressed too often that an essentialrequirement is a full and detailed specification of theanalytical needs. The specification should be assessed by theanalyst, and systems designer]manufacturer in cooperation.A solution meeting this specification will then be designedwhich makes use of all the available resources including in-house and commercial technical and economic considerations.Only in this way can new technology be effectively andeconomically introduced.

The analyst has an important role in the implementationof automation. It is clearly not a simple role. It requires acommitment to the overall objectives of automation and theinvolvement and encouragement by managment. Awillingness to transpose ideas across disciplinary boundariesis an essential requirement for all concerned. The mostdifficult constraint to overcome in the introduction ofsuccessful automation is a proper understanding of thechemistry involved and correct use of materials ofconstruction.

This journal provides a medium for the discussion ofautomation problems and articles in it will hopefully over-come the barriers to automation. Recently the symposium’Analysis 1979’ brought together clinical and industrialchemists to discuss papers of mutual interest. It formed avaluable exchange of ideas and philosphies and it is hopedthat future meetings will be organised along similar lines. Thepapers presented at this meeting had considerable merit andfor future occasions it is hoped that a larger audience can beattracted.

Peter B. Stockwell

Education for automation-reaching the right people?In the April issue of this journal, Professor Howard V.Malmstadt presented a commentary on the problem ofeducation in automated analysis. As an analyst who wastrained in the classical methods and had to learn automationtechniques by laboriously extracting material from a varietyof journals and other sources, have no quarrel with hiscontention that an integrated program of education is sorelyneeded in the training of automatic analysis as part ofadvanced degree programs. However, believe that it over-looks a crucial but parallel point: the acceptance of auto-mation for routine laboratory work will not ultimatelydepend on these people, but instead on others whose scientifictraining is considerably less than the Ph.D. In the specificcase wish to discuss, the hospital/clinical setting, the peoplehaving the most influence on automation decisions willbelong to one of two groups, administrators and laboratorytechnicians. To my knowledge, no training programsappropriate for either group exist anywhere.

The small doctor’s office or clinic is not important herebecause the number of blood, urine, and other samplesprocessed is small enough to be conveniently handled bynon-automated techniques. The large hospital, however, is adifferent story. A typical 500 bed hospital will processupwards of 20,000 blood samples each year, and the numberof urine samples will be similar. Clearly, automated analysistechniques are suggested in order to handle the sheer volumeof samples, yet few hospitals have anything more automatedthan a sample changer in their laboratory. When olderequipment wears out, it is replaced by similar non-automatedinstruments rather than by more modern automated ones.The laboratory is thus crowded with technicians, who mustwork feverishly to keep up with the work load. The failure ofany instrument is a disaster, as there are seldom spares, andupon repair many hours of overtime are required for thetechnicians to catch up. If for any reason the work loadincreases, only one solution is considered hire moretechnicians.

This situation is perpetuated by the hospital administration,whether it be the medical personnel or the business personnel.First, the cost vs. benefit of automated analysis has neverbeen explained to them. They see high price tags onautomated instruments but do not realize what beneficial

Volume 1 No. 5 October 1979

change the instruments would effect on the clinical lab.University-style classes will not help these people, as mosthave neither the advanced technical background nor the timerequired to digest such a course. Short courses, seminars, andcontinuing education classes are desperately needed to fillthis gap. Such courses presently, do not exist, nor does liter-ature at a sufficiently non-technical level that a course couldbe built around it. Courses of this type would also helpalleviate a second problem, namely that many administratorsstill consider microprocessors and automated instruments as"big boy’s toys" rather than practical devices and are thusreluctant to commit money for them. This problem is aggrav-ated by the mystic vocabulary which surrounds computerdevices in general.

Occasionally a hospital will be blessed with a far-sightedor well-educated administrator who can look beyond thesedifficulties and raise a new point: few, if any, trainingprograms for clinical laboratory technicians include automatedanalysis. Thus if the hospital buys automated instruments,the technicians will not be able to operate them, andeducational opportunities for them to learn how are almostnonexistent. For this same reason, the technicians themselvesseldom support a change to automation even though it wouldmake their job easier and more efficient.

Thus although the number of samples and the number oftests per sample make the hospital laboratory a logicalcandidate for automation, few hospitals have accepted itbecause it has neither support from the administrators whomust pay for it nor from the technicians who would use it.This lack of support arises from a lack of education as towhat automation can do.

There is no situation in industry that corresponds to this.The myriad of government agencies and regulations whichaffect product quality, air and water pollution, and workerhealth and safety have forced, industrial laboratories toundertake substantial testing programs. Automation hasbecome both the accepted and the preferred method forconducting the requisite number and type of tests toensure compliance. The people responsible for such testingprograms are usually those to whom the usual automationclass is addressed, Ph.D’s or others with advanced scientifictraining:

Continued on page 243


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