OMFS Prometric .pdf


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  • Note to whoever is reading this

    It is our opinion that reading about particular topic in each question will help in solving the MCQ in exam easily than solving this MCQ with incomplete option.

    Also, the choices given may not be entirely correct as it has been recalled from memory.

    However the answers given may not be what THE SCrFHS may deem to be correct. But its my assurance that the answers given are in accordance to standard text books(as prescribed on their own website)

    It has been the experience of test takers that up to 10 questions per test are virtually unanswerable.

    Following statement is true about ibuprofen

    It cannot cross placenta

    It mainly excreted by hepatobiliary route

    Its peak plasma level after 6 to 8 hr

    Its largely bound to plasma protein

    24 year women with history of fatigue and lethargy and history of syncope. Clinically mid systolic click with late systolic murmur. Probably she is suffering from

    Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

    Mitral valve prolapse

    Aortic regurgitation

    Mitral stenosis


  • Cleft palate patient prepared for modified lefort I osteotomy. How much advancement the surgeon plans to counteract relapse during osteotomy and bone graft healing period and to adjust posterior placed condyle intraoperatively.





    A 24 year woman with history of fall with fracture central incisor comes to clinic for extraction and immediate implant placement. She gives history of fatigue and lethargy and history of syncope. Clinically mid systolic click with late systolic murmur. What is your line of management in this pt

    Avoid local anaesthesia with vasoconstriction

    SABE prophylaxsis

    Lab investigation for bleeding problem

    Do nothing

    Pt on TCA, Local anesthesia with norepinephrine

    Lidocaine induces hypotension

    Norepinephrine induced hypertension

    Norepinephrine induced relapse of depression

    Lidocaine induced relapse of depression

    Pt after lower third molar surgery suffer severe bleeding, how will you control bleeding

    Local anesthesia with adrenaline , remove clot, pack and suture.

    Remove clot, place gelfoam, apply pressure, LA with adrenaline, suture

    Give vitamin K..?


  • Use 1:1000 adrenaline in to socket and soft tissue

    8 year girl require lower molar extraction due to severe caries. Gives history of bleeding. On lab investigation, increased bleeding, increased APTT, normal PT. she is suffering from

    Factor eight deficiency

    Van willebrand factor deficiency



    Orbital cellulitis is caused by

    Paranasal sinus infection ??

    Soft tissue infection of orbit

    Orbital floor trauma which gaze cause diplopia

    Upward and lateral

    Upward and medial

    Downward and lateral

    Downward and medial

    24 year female with angle fracture. Surgeon decides to fix with compression plating technique. Following is true

    Less chance of motor and sensory nerve injuries

    Will need two week IMF postop

    Should be approached extraorally

    Will heal by secondary intension

    Greenstick fracture


  • Fracture of onside of the bone without fracture of other side

    Fracture on side and bent on the other side

    Will cause severe displacement of while fixation

    Compound fracture

    Multiple fracture at on site

    Severe loss of tissue around the fracture

    External communication through oral cavity


    New born the mandible is separated in the midline by

    Synovial joint

    Fibrous joint

    Cartilaginous tissue

    Fibrous tissue

    Commonest cause of myofacial pain

    Degenerative joint disease

    Internal derangement without reduction

    Internal derangement with reduction


  • Endotracheal tube medication





    Here is my mnemonic for endo trac drugsDrugs that can be given via Endotracheal Tube 1."NAVEL"N arcan A tropineV alium (Diazepam)E pinephrineL idocaine

    2. ALADIN a.....atropinel.....lignocaine a.....adrenalined......diazepam i.....isoprenaline n........naloxone

    TMJ ankylosis. To pt. induced by inhalation anesthetic after 60 minutes pt produces crowing sound and severe chest wall movement. Drug which will be not be useful is

    IV Propofol

    IV lidocaine

    Succinyl choline


    Local anaesthetic which can be only injected




  • Prilocaine


    Pt with class 2 with good chin

    Advancement genioplasty

    Increase orthodontically class 2 condition and maxillary setback?

    Orthodontically increase and protrude incisors to class 3?

    Mandibular advancement and reduction Genioplasty

    Ca alveolus and buucal mucosa. Mandibulectomy with SND2. Reconstruction of choice

    Fibula oseocutaneous free flap



    Skin graft

    12 yr with orthodontic treatment missing #6, need implant replacement

    Wait till growth is complete

    Larger implant

    Smaller implant


    Speed of bur in Dentoalveolar surgery

    120 200

    1200 2000


  • 12000 20000

    20000 40000

    18 year old with impacted third molar bilateral with soft tissue and bone chance of eruption is

    10 30%

    30 50%

    50 80%


    Surgeon plans for surgery. Desires decreased secretion with slight depression of CNS, drug of choice




    Fluid of choice in surgical shock





    Hepatitis B can be transmitted by all except


  • Dialysis

    Blood products


    Child birth

    Pt with wide cleft lip and palate lip adhesion or naso alveolar molding planned

    Few week after birth

    First third month

    Third to sixth (4-5 months)

    6 9

    PWBooth 2 1021 pg. first paragraph

    Prosthodontist desire angulation of implant 30 degree.

    Place implant straight

    15 degree angulation

    30 degree angulation


    Prediction of operation time in third molar surgery

    Depth of impaction

    Approximation of teeth to vital structures

    Root pattern angulation ?


  • Absolute indication of root tip fractures removal

    Above apical third

    Close to vital structures

    Fracture while luxation

    Infected root can cause a major concern


    Increase T, decrease B lymphocyte

    Decrease T, Increase B lymphocyte

    Decrease T and B lymphocyte

    Decrease T lymphocyte only

    Lateral pharyngeal space infection posterior compartment can lead to

    External jugular thrombosis

    Carotid artery rupture

    Recurrent laryngeal nerve damage

    Odontogenic infection following not true

    Mucormycosis most common in DM

    25% animal bite staph. 25% human bite P. Multicida?

    Chronic maxillary sinusitis both aerobic and anaerobic


  • Ac Max sinusitis Strep Pnuemonia

    Chr. Max sinutis Both aerobic and anerobic bacteria

    Srious infection in human bites due to Eikinella sp.

    Regular infection in human bites due to staph and Strepto

    Rabies and tetanus shots mandatory in animal bites

    Pencillin or Augumentin drug of choice

    Flap design following is not true

    Apex smaller than base

    Length not greater than base

    Axial vessel in the base

    No manipulation at base

    Post CA upper lip 80% loss. Reconstruction

    Wester bernald flap

    Perialar advancement flap

    Abbe flap

    Radial ?


  • Oroantral communication 4mm managed by Moczair Buccal sliding flap

    Decrease vestibular depth

    Bone exposure on either side

    Retropharyngeal abscess driange



    Anterior to SCM

    Angle of mandible


  • Increase serum sodium level


    Renal problem

    Liver problem


    DM period of control evaluation




    24 hr serum creatinine

    Curettage and enucleation true

    Indicated in OKC

    Removal of bone 5mm or 1cm

    Treatment of Dentigerous cyst

    COPD pt for extraction of multiple teeth you will give

    2.5 L oxygen

    4L oxygen

    6L oxygen

    No need if its only COPD


  • True Mandibular asymmetry can be detected by

    Dental midline and midsymphseal mismatch

    Lateral shift in Centric occlusion

    Bilateral Edge to Edge cross bite in CO

    Mid saggital and Midsymphseal mismatch

    Prevention or management of alar base widening in maxillary osteotomy by

    Single layer closure of mucosal incision

    Alar Cinch suture with non resorbable suture

    Nasal septum suture to nasal spine

    By avoiding superior placement of maxilla

    Lip length in normal adult will be

    Equal to commissural height

    Less than commissural height

    More than commissural height

    Nerve through internal acoustic meatus

    CN 9

    CN 10

    CN 7


  • CN 6

    True about penicillin is

    Narrow spectrum

    Broad spectrum


    Highly toxic

    Posterior iliac graft nerve injured is

    Lateral cutaneous

    Lateral femoral

    Superior cuneal

    Abscess not involving airway true is

    Cellulitis more dangerous than abscess

    Abscess more dangerous than cellulitis



    Suture in Hermitically sealed wound

    Interrupted suture

    Continous suture

    Subcuticular suture


  • Suture 1-0

    Dsyesthesia is

    Unpleasant sensation due to normal stimuli

    Increased pain sensation to normal stimuli

    Increased sensation to painful stimuli

    Anaesthesia for a prolonged period of time

    Maxillary molar teeth extraction infection spreading in to cranium through all except

    Superior ophthalmic vein

    Inferior ophthalmic vein

    Pharyngeal plexus

    Commonest aerobic organism in odontogenic infection




    Calvarial bone formed by

    Intramembraneous ossification

    Endochondral ossification


  • Hydrostatic pressure causing TMJ degeneration based on theory

    Hypoxic reperfusion theory

    1- The most complaint of patient with acute infection is: A. Calor (Heat) (I assume the main symptom is Pain and main sign is redness) B. Dolor (Pain) C. Tumor (Swelling) D. Rubor (Redness)

    2- In surgical shock the patient should be given: A. Normal Saline B. Lactated Ringers ++ C. ? D. ?

    3- While doing implant in #22 severe bleeding is encountered. The surgeon should: A. Continue implanting B. Pack the socket and reevaluate ++ C. Fill the socket with bone and continue implant D. Place surgical stent and follow up patient the following day

    4- The forceps used for extraction of of 2nd mandibular molar with decayed crown is: A. No 23 ++ B. No 151 C. No 286 D. 88

    5- The following day of inserting and implant in #22, the patient returns complaining of numbness. Management is: A. Remove the implant B. Surgical exploration of the area C. Keep the implant in site since the numbness will resolve spontaneously in few days D. Follow up for few days to and remove implant if numbness persists ++

    6- In 12 year old patient, after doing extraction of maxillary first molar for orthodontic treatment, what implant is required:


  • A. Use correct size implant B. Use smaller size implant C. Use larger size implant D. Do not implant but wait until full growth is reached. ++

    7- What feature is seen in renal failure is: A. Hypocalcemia++ (Hyperkalemia + Hypocalcemia + Hyper Magnesemia) B. Hypokalemia C. Hypernatremia D. Metabolic alkalosis

    8- Buccal branch of facial nerve supplies: A. Buccinator B. Buccinator and inferior orbicularis C. Buccinator and superior orbicularis D. Buccinator and orbicularis oris++

    9- In an upright position, blood from medial cantus, lateral nose and upper lip drains into: A. Inferiorly to the facial vein B. Superiorly to facial vein ++ (I assume This one) C. Cavernous sinus D. Pterygoid plexus

    10- After doing bimaxillary osteotomy and fixation the surgeon realises that the occlusion is unstable. Management is: A. Remove maxillary fixation and stabilise the occlusion and fix again B. Remove mandibular fixation and stabilise the occlusion and fix again C. Remove both maxillary and mandibular fixation and stabilise occlusion and fix again D. Do nothing

    11- In thrombocytopenic patient, extraction of upper molar is contraindicated when platelets count is: A. Less than 40000 mm B. Less than 80000 mm ++ C. Less than 150 mm D. Less than 250mm

    12- Antibiotic of choice for treatment of osteomyelitis is: A. Clindamycine B. Penicillin (I assume 1st choice is Penicillin and then Clindamycin) C. Ceftazine(Or may be it was ceftazidime OR Cefepime) ? D. ?

    13- The test for determining if a patient is affected with cat-scratch disease is: A. Handberg ?(It should be WarthinStarry stain but this test was not included) B. C. Skin protein test? D.

    14- Adrenaline dose in intubated patient is: A. 1 mg in 1 ML B. 1 mg in 10 ML ++ (Assumingly this one) C. 2.5 mg 2.5 ML


  • D. 2.5 mg in 10 ML Abubaker OMfs secrets given at the beginning point number 86. If given thru ET tube, adrenaline(or any drug) should be given 2- 2.5 times the normal dose. So answer Is D

    15- After doing CPR to an adult patient the pulse returns but without breath. Management is: A. Provide rescue breathing at rate of 10-12/mint ++ B. Provide rescue breathing at rate of 5-6/mint C. Put the patient in recovery position D. ?

    16- What is the CT scan interval for zygomatic fracture: A. 0.5mm B. 1-1.5mm C. 15.2.5mm D. 2.5-3.5 (May be this one ++) 1.25 mm ideal for ZMC. OBLIQUE PARASAGITTAL VIEW FOR ORBITAL FRACTURE 0.5 mm

    17. Axial CT scan view. What can u see better. a. Superior wall b. Medial wall c. Lateral wall d. Floor wall

    18- In maxillofacial trauma patient with suspected injury to cervical thoracic vertebra, the diagnostic radiograph is:


    B. Odontoid View C. Swimmers view D. ?

    Cross table lateral - SWIMMERS VIEW c7 and t1 vertebrae.

    19- The fastest nondepolarising neuromuscular drug is: A. Succinylcholine B. Artacurium C. ? D. ? (Vecuronium 60 Sec / Rocuronium 75 Sec)

    19- All is true about facial nerve except: A. The facial nerve leaves the skull with accessory nerve through the jugular foramen ++ B. ? C. ? D. ?

    20- Skin below the ear (Or may be it was behind ramus of the mandible) covering the parotid gland is supplied by: A. Superficial temporal B. Greater oricular++ C. Temporal nerve


  • D. ?

    21- The optimum speed of rotation when preparing a tap for inserting an implant is: A. 30-40 B. 40-60 ++ C. 60-80 D. 80-100 Dr Khaled all sources I got suggest speed of drill tap at 15 rpm(including Omar abubaker ) with max of 20 rpm. So the closest is a. So I am not sure of how u chose it. If sure of ur answer do share the reference

    22- Patient with Osteomyelitis treated with sequestrectomy and prolonged antibiotic but without improvement. Management is: A. Review culture results B. Give longer antibiotic regime C. ?(May be repeat procedure is the right answer) D. ?

    22a. Which is the best way to monitor osoemyelitis Scintigraphy

    23- Difficulty of tooth extraction is determined by: A. Limited mouth opening and root pattern. ++ B. Space between Second molar and ramus C. Root Angulation D.

    24- Patient returned the following day after extraction with gross bleeding from socket. Management is: A. Irrigate and apply packing to stop bleeding and local anesthesia. B. Gentle exploration of socket and local anesthesia. ++ C. ? D. ?

    25- Chemotherapy results in A. Reduced count of WBC B. Reduced count and function of WBC (I assume this is the right answer) ++ C. Reduced function but normal count (Dr Khaled friend is hematologist) D. Reduced count but normal function

    26- What is the size of Maxillary Sinus: A. 14 ML ++ B. 20ML C. 9M? D. ?

    27- Cell life cycle phases A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 (This is correct if u do not consider G0 phase which is the resting phase) D. 5 { Go , G1, S, G2 Mitotic phase}


  • Answer is c because lit is in favor of 4. Generally G0 is not considered

    28- In Internal disk derangement the disk is displaced A. Anterior and straight ++ Assumingly this one B. Anterior and Medially C. Posteriorly D. Anterior Laterally

    29- Sublingual Space is bounded posteriorly: A. Communicated with submandibular space (Contemporary Peterson) B. Mylohyiod muscle C. ? D. ? E.

    30- Syndrome question = Facial paralysis + fissural tongue + swollen lip A. Melkersson-Rosental Syndrome ++

    31- Syndrome question A. Crhon syndrome B. Carpenter Syndrom C. Crouson D. Angioneurmatic Edema

    32- Neoplastic around impacted third molar A. Increase with age B. Generally rare most probably correct. (I got this question too but could not remember this choice In the absence of this choice I assumed a to be correct.. So chose as per the choice Dr. khaled ) C. Doesnt Change with age D. ?

    33- Lymph from Submandibular gland drains into A. Submandibular lymph nodes B. Superfacial cervical lympf nodes C. Deep cervical lymph node ++ D. ?

    34- To drain acute parotid abscess the incision is A. Preauricular Vertical ++ Assumingly this one not correct B. Vertical over the skin and horizontal over the parotid gland C. ? D. ?

    35- A patient with 2x3 cm lesion on buccal mucosa found to be SCC. Reconstruction flap is: A. Pectoralis major B. Temporal flap- temperomyofascial flap C. Full thickness graft D. Split thickness graft

    36- 0.4 cm lesion found below ear lobe. The lesion is:


  • A. Attached to skin but movable and not attached to underlying connective tissue sebaceous cyst. B. Attached to skin but movable and not attached to underlying connective tissue epidermoid cyst. C. Attached to skin not movable and attached to underlying connective tissue sebaceous cyst. D. Attached to skin not movable and attached to underlying connective tissue epidermoid cyst.

    37- Acute sinusitis is caused by: A. Mixed aerobic and anaerobic bacteria B. ? C. ? D. ? (Inadequate choices so difficult to answer)

    38- Definitive treatment of ranula is A. Marsipulization B. Marsipulization and packing C. Sublingual gland excision ++ D. ?

    39- Narrow spectrum antibiotic causes A. Host flora minimised B. Host flora maximized C. Causing organisms minimized ++ D. Causing organisms not affected

    40- The 3 soft plate muscles arise from A. Hard palate B. Palatal bone C. Base of skull D. Palatopharyngeal arch

    41 normal respiratory rate is normal adul a.12-14 b.14-16 c.16-18 d. 18-20

    (Contemporary Peterson )

    41- 16 year old patient require apicectomy of relatively short rooted central incisors. The root dissection is A. 2mm B. 3mm ++ C. 5mm D. ?

    42- Opening ostectomy to gain access when doing microsurgical apicectomy and using ultrasound tip is A. 3mm B. 5mm C. 7mm


  • D. 12mm

    43- The most degenerative changes of bony parts of TMJ is done when A. Diskoctemy++ B. Eminectomy C. Disk treatment D. ?

    44- Maximum MMF in fracture mandible of 12 year old boy is: A. One week B. 2-3 weeks C. 5-6 weeks

    Killeys fractures of mandible

    45- Pterygopalatine fossa is bounded laterally with A. Orbit B. Infratemporal fossa ++ C. Middle cranial fossa D. Nose

    46- Best plain film to show maxillary sinus and orbital rim A. Caldwell view B. Water view ++ C. Lateral oblique D. ?

    47- Antibiotic for empiric treatment in end stage renal deficiency is: A. Flagyl B. Doxycillin C. Clindamycin D. Penicillin

    48- Ibuprofen: A. Peak effect (concentration) after 6-8 hours of administration B. Initial secretion is via liver biliary rout C. Mostly found bound to plasma protein ++ D. ?

    49- Subclasses adrenergic receptors which vasoconstrictor act upon in myocardium A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 ++ (1 + 1 + 2) D. 5

    50- The most commonly used flap in oral surgery A. Pyramidal ++ B. Envelop C. Two lines D. Semilunar Contemporary Peterson


  • 51- Trauma patient with pulse rate =130, BP 100/60, breathing =30/mint, how much blood loss is expected in this patient A. Less than 15% B. 15-30% C. 40% D. 30-40 % ++ Pulse rate Respiratory rate Urine output (mL/h) Stage1 -< 100 1420 Stage2 > 100 2030 Stage 3 > 120 30-40 Stage 4 > 140 >40 Negligible Normal urine output 1ml/kg/hr in Children

    0.5 ml/kg/hr Adults

    52- Patient with shallow vault and severely resorbed alveolar ridge require full denture. What augmentation is needed for this patient A. Onlay bone graft ++ B. Interpositional bone graft C. Transpositional bone graft D. Vestibuloplasty

    53- The most common odontogenic tumor A. Ameloblastoma++ (Note = The most common = Odontoma) B. Cementoblastoma C. Adenotamoid tumor D. Calcifying epithelial odontogenic cyst

    54- The most common odontogenic infection A. Vestibular abscess ++ B. Cellulitis C. Ludwig angina D. Submandibular abscess

    55- In trauma patient the initial pulmonary reaction A. Tachypnea and decreased CO2 serum++ B. Tachypnea and increased CO2 serum C. Bradypnea and increased CO2 serum D. Bradypnea and decreased CO2 serum

    56- Patient with difficult airway posted for surgery, premedication all except A. Diazepam++ B. Ranitidine C. ? D. ?

    57- Endotracheal drugs are all except A. Glycopyrrolate++


  • B. Atropine C. Vasopressor/ Adrenaline/Epinephrine D. Naloxone/ Narcan Abubaker remember LEAN - lidocaineE pineprhine, Adrenaline Naloxone/narcan 2.5 times in ET tube

    58- Glasgow comma scale score in trauma patient who is non responsive to verbal communication + can open the eye + responds to pain stimuli A. 8 ++ (Assumingly this one) B. 10 C. 12 D. 15

    EYE Eye opening Spontaneously 4 To speech 3 To pain 2 None 1

    Motor response Obeys 6 Localizes pain 5 Withdraws from pain 4 Flexion to pain 3 Extension to pain 2 None 1

    Verbal response Oriented 5 Confused 4 Inappropriate 3 Incomprehensible 2 None 1

    59- Genioplasty is done A. Inferior to mental foramen ++ B. Superior to mental foramen C. Anterior to mental foramen D. According cephalometric analysis

    60- In true asymmetry of mandible A. Incisor midline doesnt coincide to symphysis middline in centric occlusion B. No functional shift


  • C. Midsymphysis doesnt coincide with midsagittal plane ++ D. Bilateral end to end crossbite

    61- Maximum range of interincisal opening A. 25mm B. 45mm C. 45-55 in men ++ 35-45 in women ++ D. ?

    62- Maximum range of lateral movement of mandible A. 10mm ++ Average Lateral excursion movement is 10-15mm (and 8-14 mm Protrusion) B. 25mm C. ? D. ?

    63- The most common route of spread of infection from lower third molar A. Lingucoritcal plate ++ (Assumingly this one) B. Buccocortical palate C. Lingo-Bucco cortical D. Through associated muscle

    64- The most common cause of hypotention after general anesthesia A. Hypoxia ++ (Assumingly this one) B. ? C. ? D. ?

    65- The least effective vasoconstrictor A. Norepinephnne B. Epinephnne E. Levonordefrine++ C. Octapressin (Felypressin) ??????

    66- Correct statement is A. 75% of Infection of human bites caused by Pasteurella. Multocida. B. 25: of Infection of animal bites caused by Staphylococcus aureus + Streptococcus. C. Mucormycosis (phycomycosis) The most common infection in diabetic patients ++ D. ?

    67- 58 years patient with deficient alveolar ridges required construction of full denture and was determined by the surgeon to undertake Deans method of alveoloplasty (augmentation). Disadvantage of this method is A. ? B. ? C. ? D. ? Main disadvantage

    Reduced ridge thickness

    Inability to place implants

    Contemporary Peterson


  • 68- Secondary immunodeficiency is associated with all except A. Malnutrition B. Anemia ++ (Assumingly this one) C. Immunodeficiency drugs D. Steriod Refeer Abubaker pg 208

    69- Patient has been treated for rheumatoid arthritis was taking steroids for the last year and he needs multiple tooth extraction. The surgeon should A. Give supplement 50-100mg before surgery ++? B. Give 100-150mg steroid supplment C. Proceed extraction without steroid supplement

    70- Anesthetic of choice for hyperthyroidism patient A. Prilocaine B. Mepivacain++ ? C. Lidocain D. ?

    71- Best plain film for showing zygomatic arches A. Submentovertix++ B. Occipatal C. PA D. ?

    72- Townes view is similar to A. Anteroposterior++ B. Posteroanterior C. Water D. ?

    73- Best site for harvesting clavarial bone graft A. Parietal bone ++? B. Occipatal bone C. Temporal bone D. Frontal bone

    74- With age the cranium becomes A. Thick and dense B. Thin and light++ C. Thick and heavy D. ?

    75- Trauma patent to the skull showed vertical diplopia and torsional diplopia. The most likely injured nerve A. II B. III C. IV++ D. V

    76- Trauma patient developed asymmetrical pupil (Not round). The most likely cause A. Blow out fracture


  • B. Blow in fracture C. Perforation of the eye ball ++? D. ?

    77- Reason of airway obstruction in obtunded patient A. Bleading B. Vomitus C. Tongue fall ++ D. ?

    78- Patient with Treacher Collins syndrome needed correction of mandibular deficiency which included 12cm advancement. Best approach is A. BSSO B. Inverted L osteotomy ++ extra oral C. Intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy D. Extraoral vertical ramus osteotomy Peter ward Booth 2 page 947

    79- Millard C flap in correction of cleft lip is A. Rotation flap of lateral lip B. Rotation flap of medial lip C. A divided rotation to increase columella length and nasal floor ++ D. ?

    80- 8 year old patient required extraction of decayed tooth and had history of easy bleeding. Hematological picture includes increases BT, elevated APTT and normal PT. His condition is

    A. Deficiency Factor VIII-C B. ? C. Von Willebrand disease++ D. Thrombocytopenic purpura

    81- Odontogenic infection caused by A. Normal flora++ B. Exogenous flora C. Bacteria different from bacteria causing caries D.

    82- Lab findings which is not seen in Von-Willbrand disease is: A. Increases APTT B. Norma PT C. Deficiency of Factor VIII-C and Von-Willbrand factor D. Norma platelet aggregate studies ++?

    83- Prophylactic antibiotic for endocardititis is indicated in A. Prosthetic valve replacement ++ B. Heart bypass surgery C. ? D. ?

    84- 625 mg Augmentin consists of A. 500mg Ampicillin and 125mg Clavunic acid


  • B. 500mg Amoxicillin and 125mg Clavunic acid ++ C. ? D. ?

    85- Axial CT for zygomatic fracture is done to show A. Orbit floor involvement B. Lateral wall of orbit and Zygomatic arch C. ? D. ?paraAbubaker page 277 last para q.44

    86- Patient with deficiency of maxilla and zygoma and infraorbital rim but with normal nasal projection. A. High level LeFort I osteotomy B. QuadroangularLeFortII osteotomy C. LeFort III osteotomy D.

    87- Most likely cause of myofacial pain dysfunction is A. Bruxism following stress++ B. Internal derangement with reduction C. Internal derangement without reduction D. ?

    88- Cyclosporin effect is A. Increase T-Lymphocytes and decrease B-Lymphocytes B. Increase T-Lymphocytes and B-Lymphocytes C. Decrease T-Lymphocyte and increase B-Lymphocytes D. Affect T-Lymphocytes only++

    89- First skeletal muscles to contract after using succinylcholine used during general anesthesia is A. Eyelids B. Shoulder C. Hands++ D. Abdomen

    90- The effect of Le fort I on nasal tip is: A. Protrusion when doing advancement++ B. Not affected when doing downward positioning C. Retrusion when doing stepback D. ?

    91- In type 4 (D4 density) of bone when doing implant the surgeon should A. ? B. ? C. ? D. ?

    92. What is the temperature that does not cause cell death during implant.

    35-42 Choose this answer less than Critical temp i.e.47 deg centigrade


  • 42-45


    50-60 degree centigrade

    (47 degree centigrade critical temperature)
