Ombilin Coal Mining Heritage of Sawahlunto€¦ · abad ke-19 yang menerapkan teknik penambangan...


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Warisan Budaya Tambang Batubara Ombilin SawahluntoOmbilin Coal Mining Heritage of Sawahlunto

Transport of coal using

decauvillespoor at the

hoofdtransport galerij of

Loento II Mining Pit.

Ombilin Coal Mining Heritageof Sawahlunto

In 1868 large amounts of coal deposits were found in the Ombilin Basin, Sawahlunto, West Sumatra. This discovery certainly drew the interest of the DutchGovernment, which at that time was in power in the archipelago, to invest in coal mining operation due to its enorm-ous potential and value.

The coal discovery led to the need of building high technology infra-structure, especially when faced with the unique situation and geo-graphical and geological conditions of Sawahlunto. The Dutch govern-ment established the Ombilin Coal Mining Company in 1892. It was one of the first mining companies in Southeast Asia in the nineteenthcentury which applied underground mining technique in response to the good quality coal ore that was situated deep underground at a depth of 40 meters to 100 meters. This early application of deep-pit mining makes Ombilin mine sites innovative in this regard.

Warisan Budaya TambangBatubara Ombilin Sawahlunto

Pada tahun 1868 sejumlah besar de-posit batubara ditemukan di Cekungan Ombilin, Sawahlunto, Sumatra Barat. Penemuan ini tentu saja menarik minat Pemerintah Belanda, yang pada waktu itu berkuasa di kepulauan itu untuk ber-investasi dalam operasi penambangan batubara karena potensi dan nilainya yang sangat besar.

Penemuan batubara ini mengarah padakebutuhan membangun infrastruktur teknologi tinggi, terutama ketika dihadapkan dengan situasi yang unik dan kondisi geografis dan geologiSawahlunto. Pemerintah Belanda mendirikan Perusahaan Pertambangan Batubara Ombilin pada tahun 1892. Ini adalah salah satu perusahaan pertam-bangan pertama di Asia Tenggara padaabad ke-19 yang menerapkan teknik penambangan bawah tanah sebagai tanggapan terhadap bijih batubara berkualitas baik yang terletak jauh di bawah tanah pada kedalaman 40 meter hingga 100 meter. Penerapan awal penambangan dalam ini membuat situs tambang Ombilin inovatif dalam hal ini.

Kubang Sirakuak Power Plant

Tinggi Bridge and Rack Railway in Lembah Anai

The Dutch government designed an integratedcolliery and transportation network called “TigaSerangkai” focusing on: (1) construction of mining infrastructure and development of the company town and ancillary infrastructure in Sawahlunto; (2) construction of a railway infrastructure network, starting from Aer Island Station in Padang to the coal mining town of Sawahlunto; (3) construction of a dredged and ambitiously enlarged harbour and newly-constructed seaport at Emmahaven in which a coal storage facility is located on Sumatra’swest coast from where the coal was transshippedto Europe.

Pemerintah Belanda pun merancang proyek terintegrasi yang disebut “Tiga Serangkai”,dengan fokus pada: (1) Pembangunan Infrastruktur Pertam-bangan kemudian Pembangunan Kota Penunjang Pertambangan di Sawahlunto; (2) Pembangunan Jaringan infrastruktur perkeretaapian, dimulai dari Stasiun Pulau Aer di Padang, secara bertahap hingga Sawahlunto; (3) Pembangunan Pelabuhan Emmahaven yang di dalamnya terdapat Fasilitas Gudang Batubara, dengan melakukan pengerukandan memperluas pelabuhan serta membuat konstruksi baru pada pelabuhan Emmahaven yang terletak di pesisir barat Sumatera, di mana batu bara akan dibawa melalui laut ke Eropa.


Current condition of Teluk Bayur (Emmahaven Port)

The components of the “Tiga Serangkai” are still present in the property. They are:

Area A. Sawahlunto Mining Site and Company Town: open pit mines and labyrinthine under-ground mining tunnels together with onsite coal processing facilities, supported by a full-facility purpose- built mining town nearby at Sawahlunto

Area B. Railway Facilities and Engineering struc-tures: an ingeniously-engineered rack mountain railway together with numerous rail bridges and tunnels, linking the mines to the coastal seaport, across 155 kilometres of the rugged mountain terrain

Area C. Coal Storage Facilities at EmmahavenPort: located on the west coast of Sumatra as the last coal storage facility before the coal wastransshipped.

Komponen dari area “Tiga Serangkai” tersebut, saat ini masih bisa kita jumpai dan terpresentasikan pada 3 Area Warisan dunia mencakup:

Area A: Situs Pertambangan dan Kota TambangSawahlunto berupa Situs Pertambangan dan KotaTambang Sawahlunto yang meliputi kawasan tambangterbuka dan jaringan pada ‘tambangdalam’berikutfasilitas pengolahan batubara, yang didukung denganfasilitas lengkap sebagai kota tambang yang dibangundiSawahlunto

Area B: Fasilitas dan Struktur Teknis Perkeretaapianyang merupakan jaringan infrastruktur perkeretaapianyang mencakup sistem rel kereta bergerigi di datarantinggi, berikut dengan jembatan dan terowongan yang menghubungkan wilayah tambang dengan pelabuhan, sepanjang 155 kilometer menembus dinding pegunungan; dan

Area C: Fasilitas Gudang Batubara di PelabuhanEmmahaven yang terletak di pesisir barat Sumatera,

merupakan tempat penyimpanan deposit batu baraterakhir sebelum dibawa keluar melalui kapal.

Silo Gunung at Emmahaven Port


World Heritage Tentative List

Ombilin Coal Mining Heritage of Sawahlunto (OCMHS) is a representative and outstanding example of a pioneering tech-nological ensemble planned and built by European engineers in their colonies, specifically designed to extract strategic coal resources. It is also of outstanding value because it demonstrates pioneering technological developments, fusing Europeanengineering knowledge with local environmental wisdom and traditional practices. The Ombilin Coal Mining Heritage of Sawahlunto reflects the western industrial revolution influence in the colonised territory of the Netherlands East Indies.

Due to its significant historical value in the field of global coal mining industry, the Ombilin Coal Mining Heritage of Sawahlunto should be protected and preserved for the present and future generations as part of the cultural heritage of humanity. Therefore, since 2015 the Ombilin Coal Mining Heritage of Sawahlunto has been included by the Government of Indonesia onto the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List as part of the process in the preparation of the site for World Heritagenomination.

The construction of Kalam Railway Tunnel managed to break open Sawahlunto from isolation and accelerated the town’s development.

Daftar Sementara Warisan Dunia

Warisan Budaya Tambang Batubara Ombilin Sawahlunto (WBTBOS) adalah sebuah contoh luar biasa dari teknologi awal yang dibangun oleh para insinyur Eropa di wilayah koloni mereka yang di desain khusus untuk menambang batubara. Juga mempunyai nilai luar biasa karena mempertunjukkan perkembangan teknologi dan menggabungkan pengetahuan teknik Eropa dengan pengetahuan lokal dan praktek lokal. Warisan Budaya Tambang Batubara Ombilin Sawahlunto merupakan bukti dampak revolusi industri ‘dunia barat’ di wilayahHindia Belanda.

Karena besarnya nilai sejarah pencapaian di bidang industri tambang batu bara berskala global di wilayahWarisan Budaya Tambang Batu Bara Ombilin Sawahlunto, maka situs ini penting untuk dilindungi, dilestarikan

dan dipromosikan bagi generasi masa kini dan masa depan sebagai bagian dari Warisan Dunia umat manusia. Oleh karena itu, sejak tahun 2015 Warisan Budaya Tambang Batubara Ombilin Sawahlunto telah masukdalam Daftar Sementara (Tentative List) UNESCO sebagai bagian dari proses nominasi warisan dunia.

Erected in 1893, this large coal processing compound comprises of several chains of coal activities including coal sizing, cleaning, and dewatering. It remains intact and authentic

Soup Kitchen Complex (Keuken Ombilijn Mijn) was built in 1918 to provide daily meals for the labours who lived in the barracks. The local people called this complex as Goedang Ransoem. The building now functions as a museum that houses big furnace which can contain more than 200 kg of rice and others foodstuff

Ombilin Coal Mining Heritage of Sawahlunto (OCMHS) is a technological ensemble clustered inthree geographically-distinct but functionally-integrated areas, in which there are twelvecomponent parts with a total of twenty-fourattributes, consisting of buildinginfrastructures,bridges, mining pits and tunnels.

The 24 attributes are distributed in three areaswith a total area of 268.1 hectares within a buffer zone of 7,356.9 hectares and express in entirety the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of this purpose-designed technological ensemble, with its systemic linkage of mines, a mountain railway system, and a seaport.

Attributes of the Property

The twenty-four attributes of the property aredistributed in three functionally- related areas.They are:

Warisan Budaya Tambang Batubara Ombilin Sawahlunto (WBTBOS) merupakan serangkaian teknologi pada tigawilayah geografis yang saling terkait fungsinya. Pada 3 wilayah tersebut terdapat 12 komponen fungsional yang terdiri dari atribut/fitur sebanyak 24 objek, yang terdiri dari bangunan, struktur jembatan, mulut tambang, dan bekas jalur/rute transportasi tambang.

Ke-24 objek tersebut tersebar di tiga area warisan dunia dengan luas total kurang lebih 268,1 hektar, berada di dalam zona penyangga (buffer zone) seluas 7.356,9 hektar merepresentasikan Nilai Universal Luar Biasa (Outstanding Universal Value atau OUV) dari desain teknologi secara keseluruhan dan berfungsi secara berkesinambungan, dimulai dari zona penyangga, termasuk jalur kereta dari wilayah tambang, hingga ke pelabuhan yang semuanya memenuhi kriteria per-syaratan warisan dunia.

Objek warisan dunia/atribut

Atribut Warisan Dunia WBTBOS adalah ke 24 objekwarisan dunia yang termasuk dalam 3 area tersebut:

The hospital in the early 1900. One of the few buildings that still retains its authenticity interms of architectural style that blends the NetherlandsEast Indies and Chinese style.

(A) Sawahlunto Mining Site and Company Town.The attributes include: mining site that stretches from north to south, namely theDoerian Mining Pit Compound, Pandjang Mining Pit Compound, Soengai Doerian Mining Pit Compound, Loento Mining Pit Compound andthe mining tunnel connecting all four miningpit compounds; the Mining School which was established in 1916; the Kubang SirakuakPower Plant which consists of chimneys andlower building/ bunkers. Coal, which wasextracted from the mining site, was processedin the Coal Processing Plan Compound whichwas often referred to as the Area Saringan,and then transported to the Sawahlunto TrainStation. The Ombilin Railway Transportationstarted from the Sawahlunto Train Station,passed through the Lubang Kalam train tunneland then headed to the Muara Kalaban TrainStation before the coal was transported out

(A) Situs Pertambangan dan Kota TambangSawahlunto; objek-objeknya yang termasuk did-alamnya adalah: Bekas Kawasan PertambanganOmbilin yang membentang dari utara ke selatan,yaitu Area Lubang Tambang Doerian, AreaLubang Tambang Pandjang, Area Lubang TambangSoengai Doerian, Area Lubang Tambang Loentodan terowongan pertambangan yang salingterhubung pada keempat area tambang tersebut. Lalu ada Bekas Sekolah Pertambangan yangdidirikan pada masa itu, juga Bekas PembangkitListrik Kubang Sirakuak yang terdiri dari cerobongdan bangunan bagian bawah/ bunker. Batubarayang sudah diekstraksi dari area pertambangan,kemudian diolah di Kawasan Pengolahan Batubarayang sering disebut sebagai Kawasan Saringan,kemudian diangkut menuju Stasiun KeretaSawahlunto. Sistem Pengangkutan Batubara diOmbilin, bermula dari titik awal di Stasiun KeretaSawahlunto, melewati terowongan kereta LubangKalam (9), kemudian menuju Stasiun

Sawah Loento Train Station around 1895.

of Sawahlunto to the coastal seaport. As coal production increased, the company developedthe company town to support the miningcompany operation and daily life of theminers. The company town consists of miningadministrative areas, labour accommodations,health facilities, markets, and other supportingfacilities such as football field, Ombilin Hotel andthe entertainment hall. Lastly, the con­struction of a larger power plant, the Power Plant Complex in Salak, and the Rantih Water Pump Station where the two complexesareconnected by the Ombilin River.

(B) Railway Network and its Engineering Struc-tures. The attributes include an ingeniously-engineered rack mountain railway togetherwith numerous rail bridges and tunnels,linking the mines to the coastal seaport,passing through Batu Tabal Train Station,Padang Panjang Train Station,Tinggi Bridgeand Kayu Tanam Train Station.

(C) Coal Storage Facilities at EmmahavenPort.

Kereta Muara Kalaban untuk diangkut keluar dari Sawahlunto. Seiring makin besarnya produksi batubara, perusahaan membangun kota untuk menunjang aktivitas penambangan dan fasilitas kehidupan sehari-hari pekerja tambang, yang terdiri dari kawasan admistratifpertambangan, kawasan perumahan buruh,fasilitas kesehatan, pasar, dan fasilitas penun­jang lainnya yang mencakup lapangan sepak-bola, hotel Ombilin dan gedung pertemuan/societet dan dibangun pembangkit listrik yanglebih besar, yaitu Kompleks Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik di Salak dan Stasiun Pompa Air Rantih dimana kedua kompleks tersebut dihubungkan oleh Sungai Ombilin.

(B) Fasilitas dan Struktur Teknis Perkeretaapian;termasuk didalamnya: Sistem Jaringan danInfrastruktur Perkeretaapaian seperti teknologi rel gigi pada jalur kereta api yangmenghubungkan ketiga area warisan dunia;Stasiun Kereta Batu Tabal, Stasiun Kereta Padang Panjang, Jembatan Tinggi, dan Stasiun Kereta Kayu Tanam.

(C) Fasilitas Gudang Batubara di Pelabuhan Emmahaven.

Criterion under which the Property is

The entire attributes in the three areas of this property collectively represent an innovative andprecedent- setting technological ensemble, de-signed for the extraction, processing, and transport of coal, developed through a global interchangeof engineering technologies during the period ofindustrialisation in the second half of the 19th century. Sites should be of Outstanding Universal Value and meet at least one of the six selection criteria to be inscribed on the World Heritage List under cultural category. In this regard, the OmbilinCultural Heritage of Sawahlunto is under thefollowing criteria:

Kriteria warisan dunia

Keseluruhan objek warisan dunia tersebut merepresentasikan sebuah inovasi dan kesatuan sistem teknologi yang patut dikagumi, salah satunya seperti desain teknologi proses pengolahan dan sistem pengangkutan batubara yang mana sistem tersebut sudah berkembang melalui pertukaran teknologi selama masa industrialisasi pada paruh kedua abad ke-19. Sehingga, dari enam kriteria Warisan Dunia yang menjadi prasyarat suatu situs kategori budaya untuk dinyatakan memiliki Nilai Universal Luar Biasa (OUV). Warisan Budaya Tambang Batubara Ombilin Sawahlunto memenuhi dua kriteria diantaranya yaitu kriteria ii dan iv. Yangdimaksud dengan kedua kriteria tersebut adalah:

• CRITERION (ii): exhibit an important inter ­change of human values, over a span of timeor within a cultural area of the world, on developments in architecture or technology,monumental arts, town-planning or landscapedesign.

Ombilin Coal Mining Heritage of Sawahlunto exhibits a significant interchange of miningtechnology between Europe and its Asian colonies during the period of the 19th and 20th

centuries, commonly referred to as the industrial­isation. This complex technological ensemblewas planned and built as a fully-integratedsystem designed to enable efficient deep-boreextraction, processing, transport and shipment of industrial-quality coal. Its overall design and staged execution shows a systematic andprolonged transfer of engineering knowledge andmining practices of the global industrialisation intended to develop the mining industry in theNetherlands East Indies.

• Kriteria ii. Menunjukkan adanya pertukaran pentingdalam nilai-nilai kemanusiaan sepanjang masa ataudalam lingkup kawasan budaya, dalam perkem ­bangan arsitektur dan teknologi, seni monumental,perencanaan kota dan desain lansekap.

Warisan Budaya Tambang Batubara Ombilin Sawahlunto menunjukkan pertukaran signifikan dari teknologi pertambangan antara Eropa dan koloninya di Asia selama periode abad ke-19 dan ke-20, seringdisebut sebagai Revolusi Industri. Ensemble teknologi yang kompleks ini direncanakan dan dibangun sebagai sistem yang terintegrasi yang dirancang untuk memungkinkan efisien ekstraksi penambangan dalam,pengolahan, transportasi dan pengiriman batubara berkualitas industri. Desain secara keseluruhan dan tahapan eksekusi menunjukkan transfer pengetahuan yang sistematis dan praktek pertambangan dari masa revolusi industry di Eropa dimaksudkan untuk mengembangkan industri pertambangan di Hindia Belanda.

The water pumps inside Rantih Water Pumping Station’s main building

• CRITERIA (iv): be an outstanding example of a typeof building, architectural or technological ensembleor landscape which illustrates (a) significant stage(s) in human history.

Ombilin Coal Mining Heritage of Sawahlunto is an outstanding, globally precedent-setting example of a technological ensemble designed formaximum efficiency in the extraction of a key, strategic natural resource – in this case industrial grade coal. It illustrates developments characteristic of the later stage of theglobal industrialisation in the second half of the 19th century and early 20th century, when discreet engineeringtechnologies only loosely connected heretofore whereintegrated into complex, seamless, efficient systemsof production giving rise to an exponential expansion of society’smanufacturing base, and transforming theworld from its former agrarian base into the globalisedeconomy of industry and commerce of modern times.

• Kriteria iv. Menjadi contoh yang luar biasa dari tipe bangunan, karya arsitektur dan kombinasi teknologi atau lansekap yang menggambarkan tahapan penting dalam sejarah manusia

Warisan Budaya Tambang Batubara Ombilin Sawahlunto merupakan suatu keluarbiasaan, secara global merupakan sebuah contoh preseden dari ensambel teknologi yang dirancang untuk efisiensi maksimum dalam ekstraksi batubara, strategi sumber daya alam -dalam hal ini batubara kelas industri - yangmenggambarkan perkembangan karakteristik tahapkedua Revolusi Industri di akhir abad 19 dan paruh pertama abad ke-20, ketika teknologi rekayasa diintegrasikan ke dalam kompleks, sistem produksi yangefisien sehingga menimbulkan perluasan eksponensial dari basis manufaktur masyarakat, dan mengubah dunia dari bekas pangkalan agrarian ke dalam ekonomi global industri dan perdagangan dari zaman modern.

Steam boilers inside the power plant

Lembah Anai tunnel circa 1890 and current condition showing the Lembah Anai tunnel.

Protection and Management of the Property

Located in three regencies and four municipalitiesinWest Sumatra Province, the property is protectedthrough two main legal instruments, i.e. Law No.11 of 2010 for the protection,development andutilization of cultural property in Indonesia at thenational, provincial, regency and municipality levels and National Law Number 26 of 2007 for thearrangement of special plans and spatial plans at the national, provincial, regency, and municipalitylevels. The condition of property conservationandthe conditions of material attributes containedwithin property boundaries are continuouslymonitored through a conservation framework.The overall coordination for the management ofthe property shall be undertaken by the Board ofDirectors for the Protection of the Ombilin Coal Mining Heritage

Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan

Terletak di tiga kabupaten dan empat kota diProvinsi Sumatera Barat, properti ini dilindungimelalui dua instrumen hukum utama, Undang-Undang No. 11 tahun 2010 untuk perlindungan,pengembangan, dan pemanfaatan kekayaan budaya di Indonesia di tingkat nasional, provinsi,dan tingkat kabupaten dan kota dan Undang-Undang Nasional Nomor 26 tahun 2007 untukpengaturan rencana khusus dan rencana tata ruang di tingkat nasional, provinsi, kabupaten,dan kota. Kondisi konservasi properti dan kondisi atribut material yang terkandung dalam batasbatas properti terus dipantau melalui kerangka kerja konservasi. Koordinasi keseluruhan untukpengelolaan properti harus dilakukan oleh Dewan Direksi untuk Warisan Budaya Tambang Batubara Ombilin Sawahlunto yang terdiri dari

The Assembly Hall building. The building was used as a place for gathering, party, dance, and feast for white collar workers in the company and government officials. This building was also used for playing bowling, thus, local people named it Rumah Bola or Ball House.

Salak Power Plant in 1924 .

The construction of the railway routeconnecting Emmahaven Port and PadangPanjang started in 1887. The trajectory from Kayu Tanam to Padang Panjang traversed Lembah Anai with steep grades above around five to eight percent, likewise with the trajectory from Batu Tabal to Padang Panjang. In response to this, rack railway was introduced in Sawahlunto and the locomotive that went through this route had to change into one equipped with the cog wheels using the turntable. This technology was its first application in the Netherland East Indies.

in Sawahlunto which consists of the relevantmainline ministries as well as the heads of regionalgovernments. A Site Management Office forConservation of the Ombilin Coal Mining Heritageof Sawahlunto shall be established and will workclosely with the relevant offices and stakeholdersat the local level to protect the significance,authenticity and integrity of each cultural attributeand natural features of the property.

Comparative Analysis

Industrial sites, in particular those related with ore mining, are believed to have been underrepresented on the World Heritage List. As per the2017 World Heritage List, less than 5% mining sites are represented on the List. Out of this small pro­portion, very few are the representations of Asia,none of which represents Southeast Asia. Therefore,Ombilin Coal Mining Heritage of Sawahlunto hasthe potential to represent the

Kementerian utama yang relevan serta para kepala pemerintah daerah. Kantor Pengelolaan Lokasi untuk Konservasi Warisan Penambangan Batubara Ombilin di Sawahlunto harus didirikan yang akan bekerja secara erat dengan kantor dan pemangku kepentingan terkait di tingkat lokal untuk melindungi signifikansi, keaslian, dan integritas setiap atribut budaya dan fitur alamdari properti.

Analisis Perbandingan

Situs-situs industrial, khususnya yang terkait dengan penambangan bijih, diyakini kurangterwakili dalam Daftar Warisan Dunia. Per Daftar Warisan Dunia 2017, kurang dari 5% lokasi penambangan terwakili dalam Daftar dan itupun sangat sedikit yang mewakili Asia, bahkan lebih spesifik lagi, tidak ada yang mewakili AsiaTenggara. Oleh karena itu, Warisan Budaya Tambang Batubara Ombilin Sawahlunto (Ombilin Coal Mining Heritage of Sawahlunto) berpotensi mewakili lokasi penambangan yang tidak

non-represented mining sites from the geo-culturalregion of Southeast Asia, while at the same timeenriching Asia’s representation onthe List.

Some of the following sites on the World HeritageList are considered to have similar characteristics with the Ombilin Coal Mining Heritage ofSawahlunto:

uK: Cornwall & West Devon MiningLandscape; Blaenavon Industrial Landscape;France: Nord-

Pas des Calais Mining Basin; uK and northern island:Slate Industry of North Wales; Japan: Iwami GinzanSilver Mine and its Cultural Landscape; Kyushu-Yamaguci and Ginzan Silver Mine and its CulturalLandscape; Belgium: The Major Mining Sites of Wal­lonia; Czech republic and germany (transboundary):Mining Cultural Landscape Erzgebirge/Krušnohoří;Czech republic: The Industrial Complexes at Ostrava;germany: Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex;Mines of Rammelsberg, Historic Coal mining ofthe industrial areas of Goslar and the Upper HarzWater Management System; slovakia: Historic Coal mining in the Industrial Area of Banská Stiavnica and the Technical Monuments in its Vicinity; andin other countries such as Sweden, Brazil, Mexico,Chile.

terwakili dari wilayah geo-budaya Asia Tenggara,sementara pada saat yang sama memperkaya perwakilan Asia dalam Daftar.

Beberapa situs pada Daftar Warisan Dunia berikutdianggap memiliki kesamaan karakteristik denganOmbilin Coal Mining Heritage of Sawahlunto:

uK: Cornwall & West Devon Mining Landscape;Blaenavon Industrial Landscape; Perancis: Nord-Pas des Calais Mining Basin; uK and northern island: Slate Industry of North Wales; Jepang: Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine and its Cultural Landscape;Kyushu-Yamaguci dan Ginzan Silver Mine and its Cultural Landscape; Belgium: The Major MiningSites of Wallonia; Czech republic and germany(transboundary): Mining Cultural Landscape Erzge-birge/Krušnohoří; Czech republic: The Industrial Complexes at Ostrava; Jerman: Zollverein Coal MineIndustrial Complex; Mines of Rammelsberg, HistoricCoal mining industrial areas of Goslar and Upper Harz Water Management System; slovakia: HistoricCoal mining industrial areas of Banská Stiavnica andthe Technical Monuments in its Vicinity; serta di beberapa negara lainnya seperti di Swedia, Brazil,Mexico, Chili.

Sawahlunto Today

For more than a century, the high-grade ofindustrial coal from Sawahlunto has contributedas the driver of infrastructure development in various regions in Indonesia and West Sumatra in particular. In addition, deep pit mining technologyand integrated infrastructure development model in Sawahlunto serve as an exemplary case studyof new advances in mining technology in various regions of the world. Although the historicOmbilin mines at Sawahlunto ceased to function in the 1970s and were finally decommissioned in 1998, the original character of all parts of this technological ensemble which is also accentuatedby its intangible cultural value can still be felt on site by the locals and visitors alike.

The Ombilin Coal Mining Heritage of Sawahluntoreflects the western industrial revolution influence.Although the coal mining operations inSawahluntohas now stopped, the traces and remains of a mining town are still preserved and became a popular tourism destination in West Sumatra.

Sawahlunto Kini

Lebih dari satu abad, hasil tambang batu baraSawahlunto sudah berkontribusi bagi penggerakpembangunan infrastruktur di berbagai wilayah diIndonesia, dan Sumatera Barat khususnya.Disamping itu, upaya pencapaian teknik tambangdalam dan model pembangunan infrastruktur yangterintegrasi menjadi contoh atau model pengem­bangan aktivitas penambangan di berbagai wilayah di dunia. Meskipun aktivitas tambang sudah tidakberoperasi, namun dampak pembangunan berupatinggalan bersejarah dan pengalaman (wujud tradisibudaya) yang diperoleh masih dapat dirasakan olehmasyarakat hingga kini.

Warisan Budaya Tambang Batubara OmbilinSawahlunto atau Ombilin Coal Mining Heritage ofSawahlunto merupakan bukti dari dampak revolusiindustri yang pernah terjadi, walaupun operasipenambangan batu bara kini telah berhenti, namunjejak-jejak kota tambang yang masih terjaga menjadisebuah daya tarik yang dimiliki oleh Sumatera Barat.

Head Office of the Ombilin Mining Enterprise in 1920s.


Head Office of the Ombilin Mining Enterprisein 2018s. Comparison of the building from a different timespan shows that the building mainly remains in its original condition except for the missing dormer in the roof. The building is still being used as miningadministrationoffice.

Present condition of Tinggi Bridge

The trains which transported coal from Sawahlunto to Emmahaven Port would have to pass AnaiValley. Over the Anai River, an arch bridge was built in 1890s. Constructed using the steelsproduced by Société Cockerill in Seraing, Belgia in 1890. From the construction drawing, it can beseen that the bridge is 108.5 metre-long, the arch is 35 metre-long, the distance between the railbridge and the surface of the river is 36 metre, the total height of the construction is 16 metre andthe total weight of the bridge is 169,710 kilogrammes.

Seekkkrrreeetttaaarrriiiaaattt innnfffooorrrmaaasssiii :::

DDiiinnnaaasss KKKeeebbbuuudddaaayyyaaaaaannn,,, PPPeeennniiinnnggggggaaalllaaannn BBBeeerrrssseeejjjaaarrraaahhh dddaaannn PPeeerrrmuuussseeeuuumaaann KKKoootttaaa SSSaaawwwaaahhhllluuunnntttooo

Jalan Jenderal Soedirman No. 3, Kelurahan Aur Mulyo, Kecamatan Lembah Segar, Kota Sawahlunto Sumatera Barat, Indonesia - Kode Pos 27419

Telpon/Fax : +62 754 61985 Email : / rahmatgino@gmail.comWebsite :