Olympic Games Разработка урока Юнеевой Т.С. Are you good at football?


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Olympic Games

Разработка урока Юнеевой Т.С.

Are you good at football?








Winter sports• Sledge• Skiing• Skating

Summer sports• Tennis• Football• Swimming

• Ollie, Syd and Millie are three native Australian animals chosen as mascots for the Sydney 2000 Games.

• Roni is a raccoon. He is a mascot of winter Olympic games in the USA in 1980

• Bear is a mascot of summer Olympic games in Moscow in 1980.

Answer the questions

• Where is Roni from?• Where are Ollie, Syd and Millie from?• T: Where is Bear from?• Is Roni good at skiing?• Are Ollie, Syd and Millie winter mascots?• Is Roni a summer mascot?• Is Bear a summer mascot?

Hare• The Hare is the busiestanimal (самая занятая)

in the winter forest.• She likes sports very

much.She also loves to sing and


Polar Bear• Polar bear lives

beyond the Arctic Circle (за полярным кругом).• He likes skiing,

skating, curling and bobsleigh.

LeopardThe Leopard is a rescuer

(спасатель) and mountain-climber (скалолаз) who lives in branches of a big tree He likes to help those in need.

The Leopard likes snowboarding He is cheerful and loves to go dancing.

Our Mascots

• Are they mascots?• Who are they?• What sport do they

like?• Where are they from?• Are they mascots of

winter or summer Olympic Games?

is good at

skatingLeopard dancingHare curlingPolar Bear skiing



Sport is fun for girls and boysIt’s much better than the toys.

You can sledge and ski and skateAnd throw snowballs with Kate.You can swim and play football,

Hockey, tennis, basketball.You can jump and you can run,

You can have a lot of fun.

Good luck!
