ologijos MokyMosi bendruoMenė ir antrosios kartos saityno (Web 2.0) technologijos · 2010. 9....


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MokyMosi bendruoMenė ir antrosios kartos

saityno (Web 2.0) technologijos

Tarptautinプs konferencijos pranešimai












s k






eb 2







Matematikos ir informatikos


MokyMosi bendruoMenė ir antrosios kartos

saityno (Web 2.0) technologijos

Tarptautinプs konferencijos pranešimai

ISBN 978-9986-680-49-9



Pieter HogenbirkHOW ICT CONTRIBUTES TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF A SCHOOL . . . . . . . . . . 10



Tapio Varis MEDIA LITERACY AND NEW HUMANISM.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Tomas Blažauskas, Kristina Zinkeviči┣tプSOCIALINI┦ MOKYMOSI BENDRUOMENI┦ K┢RIMAS....................................27

Asta Buineviči┣tプ, Virginija Navickienプ ŠVIETIMO PORTALAS „E. MOKYKLA“ IR KONKURSAS „VIRTUALI KELIONブ KLASブJE“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Valentina Dagienプ, Ieva Jonaitytプ „BEBRAS“ – ŽAISKIME IR VARŽYKIMブS DRAUGE!.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Valentina Dagienプ, Anita Juškevičienプ „TE@CH.US“ PROJEKTAS – PASITELKIME WEB 2.0 TECHNOLOGIJAS MOKYMUI IR MOKYMUISI.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Tatjana Jevsikova, Jolanta Subatovič KONSTRUKCIONISTINIS IR KONSTRUKTYVISTINIS MOKYMAS . . . . . . . . . . 47

Tatjana Kriliuvienプ INTEAKTYVIOSIOS LENTOS PANAUDOJIMO GALIMYBブS ANGL┦ KALBOS PAMOKOSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Joana Lipeikienプ KONEKTYVIZMAS MOKYMO PRAKTIKOJE: ATVEJO ANALIZブ. . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Stasプ Riškienプ, Janina Banienプ ┉VALDB ANTROSIOS KARTOS SAITYNO TECHNOLOGIJAS – KURŠブN┦ PAVENČI┦ VIDURINブS MOKYKLOS PATIRTIS.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Danguolプ Rutkauskienプ, Daina Gudonienプ SOCIALINブ TINKLAVEIKA: TENDENCIJOS IR IŠŠ┢KIAI.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Dalia Skeirienプ INFORMACINブS IR KOMUNIKACINブS TECHNOLOGIJOS – BENDRAVIMO IR BENDRADARBIAVIMO PRIEMONブ ┉GYVENDINANT MOKYMO MOKYTIS UŽDAVINIUS.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75


Tomas Šiaulys „SECOND LIFE“ TAIKYMAS ŠVIETIME. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

Eglプ Vaivadienプ, Renata Jankevičienプ INFORMACINI┦ IR KOMUNIKACINI┦ TECHNOLOGIJ┦ TAIKYMO SCENARIJAI MOKINI┦ KOMPETENCIJOMS UGDYTI.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

Gintarプ Valinevičienプ UNIVERSITETINブS STUDIJ┦ PROGRAMOS EDUKACINブS APLINKOS IR STUDENT┦ MOKYMOSI APLINKOS S=VEIKA WEB. 2.0 PANAUDOJIMO KONTEKSTE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

Inga Žilinskienプ MATEMATIKOS MOKYMAS IR WEB 2.0 TECHNOLOGIJOS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103


FACEBOOK IN THE CLASSROOM: CAN WEB 2.0 WORK POLICY MIRACLES? Joe Cullen, j.cullen@tavinstitute.org Tavistock Institute, and Arcola Research, London, UK Background

The increasing use of ‘Web 2.0’ and so-called ‘Learning 2.0’ tools in pedagogic practice in Europe is taking place against a policy background in which a trilogy of agendas and actions are working together to shape a demand for new forms of classroom teaching. These share a number of themes. Firstly, youth policy, exemplified by the 2009 ‘Strategy for Youth’ highlights three key objectives: creating new opportunities for young people in education and employment; enabling young people’s full partici-pation in society and reducing social exclusion and ‘risk’ of exclusion for young people. In turn, EU Education and Training policy, with the 2008 strategy – ‘ET2020’ – emphasises the promotion of equity, social cohesion and active citizenship, targeting a reduction in the rate of early school leaving as a principle goal, but at the same time it emphasises the need to improve the quality and efficiency of education and training as well as sup-porting creativity and innovation. Finally, in the 2010 ‘EU 2020’ strategy – aimed at preparing the EU economy for the challenges of the next decade, and rescuing EU economies from recent recession and financial crisis, a range of ‘flagship initiatives’ are proposed, several of which link impro-vements in the quality and performance of education systems with the deployment of ICTs, in order to improve the quality of education overall and create better employment opportunities for young people.

The demand for new classroom practices Against this policy background, a number of other factors are working

to drive forward the use of new ICTs – particularly ‘social networking’ – in teaching practice. First, there is the rise to prominence of the so-called ‘new millennium learners’ (NML), NML – those born after 1982 – are the first generation to grow up surrounded by digital media. Most of their activities with peer-to-peer communication and knowledge management and are mediated by new technologies. It is claimed that NML are “hardwired” to simultaneously utilize multiple types of web-based participatory media; they are ‘technologically savvy’, have grown up with the Web and are “always-on”; they are adept with computers and creative with technology, and are highly skilled at multi-tasking. The new learning skills acquired by


NMLs, it is argued, have changed cognitive patterns. NML do not think linearly and are less structured than previous generations. They gain know-ledge by processing discontinued, non-linear information, which changes their learning styles.

The emergence of this new generation of learners has co-incided with two other key processes: firstly, an increasing demand for the customiza-tion and personalisation of learning – taking learning outside the classroom and making it always ‘on tap, and creating a truly seamless ‘lifelong lear-ning’ infrastructure’ (Atwell, 2008). Secondly, changes in the structure of the educational enterprise itself, making schools and other educational pro-viders more receptive and response to ‘customer-focused’ learning and to more flexible forms of provision. For teachers, the main effects anticipated as a result of this learning revolution are in changing classroom roles and, consequently, in the resultant skills and competences teachers are expected to have. There is a prevailing assumption now that teachers will need to acquire a whole new host of skills. Studies in the US and the UK, for example, suggest that teachers will need not only to improve their digital literacy, but will have to upskill in areas like motivational skills; team-working; leadership, pedagogy and organisation (Crook et al, 2008), as Figure 1 shows.

Fig. 1. Key drivers affecting teachers’ classroom needs

It is widely anticipated that Web 2.0 will step into this skills vacuum. A recent study on this ‘learning revolution’ carried out by the European Commission’s Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, for example, (Redeker, 2008) suggests that Web 2.0 – and more explicitly ‘Learning 2.0’ – can work at four over-lapping levels to promote


educational success: firstly in learning and achieving – social computing tools can be used as didactic tools to enhance and improve learning processes and outcomes; secondly, in networking – supporting exchange of knowledge between teachers; thirdly, through supporting greater diversity and inclusion in learning, and fourthly through opening up disciplinary and professional ‘silos’ to new forms of cross-boundary collaboration. The result, as illustrated in Figure 2, gives rise to new areas for innovation in learning, or ‘iLANDS’.



Primary EducationSecondary Education

Higher Education Teac





Personal Development







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Fig. 2. iLANDS

Learning 2.0 in the Classroom On the basis of the results of reviews carried out in a number of studies

on the use of Web 2.0 in learning and social inclusion (Cullen et al, 2009) combined with the current work being done in the ‘te@chus’ project (supported by the EC Comenius sub-programme) it is possible to identify some of the emergent themes, processes and activities that are developing in the context of ‘Learning 2.0 in the classroom’. The results show that, though a number of examples of classroom-based ‘Learning 2.0’ can be identified, Facebook has yet to colonise the school. Development and imp-lementation is uneven and fragmented. Applications differ widely in scope, objectives and pedagogic and technical design. These applications can be grouped into broad categories. Firstly, Web 2.0 tools are being used to build repositories of re-usable material that can be distributed for teachers to use in their lessons. An example is ‘Le Mill’ – which has almost 10,000 reusable learning content resources, 4,500 descriptions of teaching and lear-ning methods, and one thousand descriptions of teaching and learning tools.


A variation on this ‘repository’ type are video libraries that store, tag and make available visual examples of good teaching practices, to support professional development and digital skills. A second category supports networking and on-line knowledge-sharing. A third category covers the use of Web 2.0 applications themselves to deliver and share both content and also interactive discussion and learning on teaching practice. For example, Welker’s Wikinomics is an online environment offers cooperation, com-munication and information spaces for students such as a blog and a wiki. Through using a blog, the teacher can provide real-life examples related to lessons learned in the classroom and the students are able to comment. The wiki enables students to collaboratively develop a subject-related informa-tion environment that supplements – and in the future: replace – textbooks. Additionally, discussion forums are used as tools for communication bet-ween students.

Most applications use a variety of Web 2.0 tools to support collaborative content production, communication and discussion between teachers. Blogs seem to be the most widely used, followed by Wikis and social networking technologies including Facebook and Bebo. Although little systematic evidence has been compiled of the effects of using these kinds of tools on teaching practices and learning outcomes, the picture beginning to emerge is one of Web 2.0 making a contribution to supporting good teaching practices in five main areas: ‘General’ teaching practices aimed at supporting professional development and better teaching practice; tutoring and mentoring; organization of collaborative and group-based work, for example linking classroom sessions and homework in the online environment; personalised and self-organised learning; Special Education Needs; promoting PLTS (Personal Learning and Thinking Skills) for teachers and students.

Conclusion Current EU policy, especially on youth, education and training, social

inclusion and ICTs, is seen as providing opportunities for more widespread use of ‘Web 2.0’ technologies – especially social networking tools – within the classroom. As yet, the use of these tools is not extensive. They tend to be used for three main purposes: to create and share content for use in teac-hing; to network and exchange knowledge; to share content, knowledge and reflect on them in order to support professional development. It is early days yet, and little systematic data exists on the impacts associated with the use of Web 2.0 in the classroom. However, some positive signs are begin-ning to emerge of improvements in both teaching practices and learning outcomes.


References ATWELL G. (2008) Pontydysgu – Bridge to Learning. http://www.checkpoint-

elearning.com/article/5655.html CROOK C., CUMMINGS J., FISHER T., GRABER R., HARRISON C., LEWIN

C., LOGAN K., LUCKIN R., OLIVER M., SHARPLES M. (2008) Web 2.0 technologies for learning at KS3 and KS4: The current landscape – opportunities, challenges and tensions, Becta. http://research.becta.org.uk

CULLEN J., CULLEN C., HAYWARD D. AND MAES V. (2009) Good Practices for Learning 2.0: Promoting Inclusion. An Indepth Study of Eight Learning 2.0 Cases. European Commission, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities

EUROPEAN COMMISSION. (2009) Communication from the Commission "An EU Strategy for Youth – Investing and Empowering. A renewed open method of coordination to address youth challenges and opportunities”. Brussels, 27.4.2009, COM(2009) 200 final

EUROPEAN COMMISSION. (2008) Strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (ET 2020). Brussels, 16.12.2008, COM(2008) 865 final

EUROPEAN COMMISSION. (2010) Communication from the Commission "An EU Strategy for Youth – Investing and Empowering the EU 2020 Strategy - A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth”. Brussels, COM(2010) 2020.

REDEKER C. (2008) ‘Learning 2.0’: the impact of Web 2.0 Innovations on Education and Training in Europe. IPTS, Seville

Joe Cullen studied Social Sciences at the Universities of Durham, Dundee, Cambridge and Birkbeck College, London, obtaining an M.A., PhD and Dip. Psych. He has held academic posts at the Universities of Cambridge, Loughborough, Leeds, London Metropolitan and the Open University, and was recently Academic Dean at the Tavis-tock Institute, where he is currently a Principal Associate. He is founder and Director of ‘Arcola Research’. He has led a number of large EU projects in e-learning, with a particular focus on ‘inclusion issues’, including working with offending prevention and offender rehabilitation. He has also co-ordinated a range of research and evaluation studies on pedagogy, informal learning and e-learning.


HOW ICT CONTRIBUTES TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF A SCHOOL Pieter Hogenbirk, p.hogenbirk@helenpark.nl Helen Parkhurst Dalton School, Almere, The Netherlands The Helen Parkhurst Dalton School, a brief description

Helen Parkhurst is a school for general secondary education for stu-dents in the age of 12 up till 18 years in the vmbo-t, havo and vwo streams, all general secondary education aimed at respectively intermediate and hig-her vocational education and university. The school concept is based on the Dalton principle. This means that the education is based on three principles: 1) responsibility and accountability, 2) independence and reflection, and 3) relationship and collaboration.

In daily practice these principles are translated into the following. The objectives for 6 (young students) to 12 weeks (older students) are fixed through so called ‘curriculum lines’ by the teachers in the different subjects. But the order of activities, pace and to some extent the way how to reach the objectives can be determined by the students themselves, in close agreement with the teacher. Many activities are based on collaboration with other students. Important are the reflection on the different activities and the results of the learning process in relation to collaborative and planning skills.

Artist impression of Helen Parkhurst Dalton School

In school year 2010–2011 the school’s population has grown to about 2050 students, divided over five departments: A, C, D, E, VP. Four depart-ments are housed in the main very modern building; the VP department is housed in a more informal housing. Two departments prepare for vmbo-t diplomas, one department has an emphasis on culture and arts, one department on economics and one department provides extra challenge for


students that are well performing in science. There are special facilities for young top sports men and women.

Every department has its own head of department and its own team of some 40 teachers and educational assistants. Besides there is in every department one e-coach for the teachers, two counsellors for pupils, one educational co-ordinator, a personal coach for teachers. There is one central ICT-coordinator and four other central co-ordinators.

Key Issues for School Development On the basis of interviews with all personal, with the students’ parlia-

ment and with the council of parents five key issues for development of the education in the school were defined and elaborated on. These were: 1) re-vitalising the Dalton identity; 2) further development of pupils’ coaching and skills development in mentor groups; 3) improving the coherence bet-ween departments by common working gatherings; 4) further development of personal competences; 5) extending the use of ICT and setting up a system for international projects.

On top of these key elements for school innovation we started debate in order to develop the School Plan 2010–2014. The school faces some problems. Because of the growth of the number of students the internal division of classes over the departments was not well-balanced any more. But this division over departments was well thought of and based on firm pedagogical starting points. So we could not debate on the organisational structure without discussing the pedagogical values shared among the personal. At the same time the quantitative results in the highest secondary were below the national reference level. At the end of school year 2009–2010 the new School Plan was ready and approved.

The running action plan for ICT In the School plan one extensive paragraph is dedicated to the vision

for ICT in our educational set up. The following elements are important: learners

• Further and advanced educational use, p.e. o (parts of) the curriculum fully organised through ICT o web quests for modern languages o a new DLE (Digital learning Environment) as starting point for

all students learning o experiencing the digital studios o investigating the use of digital portfolios


• The introduction of netbook classes from year one in one department to use of netbooks in all lower secondary and to develop a business model for netbooks for all students

• An ICT skills development line for students will be available • Preparation for digital examinations

teachers • Use of ICT for learners tracking • The introduction of netbooks for all teachers • A next round of vouchers for teacher training and a special ICT lab

for research and development • establishing full operational intranet service

environment • Using a web portal for involvement of parents • collaborating with other schools in development and shared services • being forerunner nationally and internationally

(This year Helen Parkhurst will become a so called “Pathfinder School” in the Partners for Learning Program of Microsoft.1)

References HOGENBIRK, van de Braak. ICT Action School Development at Helen Parkhurst

Dalton Schiool, Part II, WCCE, Bento Goncalvez, Brasil, July 2009. HOGENBIRK, van de Braak. ICT Action School Development on the Basis of an

Inspectorates Assessment, LYICT, Malaysia, July 2008. VAN OEL, et al. P2V project, Using the European Framework for the Evaluation

of ICT in Education, to be published at the end of 2008. SALIE, Lucia. report on Inspectors' workshop in Brussels: final meeting, 2008,


Pieter Hogenbirk is rector of the Helen Parkhurst Dalton School from 2008. Before he was an inspector of education with special duties in the field of ICT in education. He is chair of the IFIP-Working Group 3.1 (Secondary Education) and was involved in a number of Dutch, European (eTwinning) and Unesco projects. He was project manager of more than 100 projects on ICT in education. He is process manager for integrating ICT in education on behalf of the Dutch government.

1 The Partners in learning Program is sponsored by Microsoft and is aimed at new ways of teaching

and learning by the net-generation. The Dutch site is: http://www.microsoft.com/netherlands/onderwijs/pil/default.aspx


SOCIAL MEDIA AND WEB 2.0 TECHNOLOGIES SUPPORTING LEARNING AT OTAVA FOLK HIGH SCHOOL – THREE PATHS TO THE DESTINATION Taru Kekkonen, taru.kekkonen@otavanopisto.fi Otavan Opisto (Otava Folk High School), Finland Introduction

Otava Folk High School was established 1892. Ever since its task has been to look for and offer new ways of studying and learning, to question the already existing school system and to complete to that. In other words its task is to meet the learning demands that are not otherwise met in the prevailing education system. Online Upper Secondary School (nettilukio in Finnish) was established in 1996 bearing this task in mind.

Online Upper Secondary School started with and has been following two key ideas ever since: openness and trust. Openness in the sense that the school is open 24/7/12 and in the sense that the learning material has been available and accessible by anyone interested from the very beginning. The school can be reached from any place in the world as the whole programme of upper secondary school can be studied online, from a distance. There are no terms or semesters and the academic year is the whole calendar year. All the courses are ceaselessly available online so that the students can pick any course any time.

Trust in the sense that no police forces or customs were established to control the students. Instead, the school wanted to trust its students. There are no exams in the school but the students have a lot of learning assign-ments that they do and the teachers give feedback on. The students also write learning logs. A portfolio that contains the learning assignments and the learning log provide the basis for the course assessment and the grade.

The students Each and every student has a specific reason to join Online Upper

Secondary School. No one is pushed there automatically from a local comprehensive school, for example. The age scale of the students spans from 16 to ca 75. They are mainly adults working full time and in various phases of life with various learning and studying capacities. The student profiles include among others • professional athletes


• people working in shifts • parents taking care of their small children at home • entrepreneurs • people living abroad • people with health problems • people with negative school history • people living in sparsely populated areas

From listening towards dialogue Thirteen years ago we started with thirteen students that studied quite

independently. It was more about giving and receiving information and making the learning visible mainly by writing essays etc. The interaction between a student and a teacher/tutor worked fine but there was little interaction between the students. Now the students outnumber 500 and we are on the way from listening to dialogue and collaboration.

The general debate related to e-learning in Finland has mainly moved from talking about web2.0 technologies to talking about social media and how it can be used for supporting learning. Thus the focus has shifted from technology and tools to people and collaboration. Social media in itself is a bit challenging as a concept as it is defined in various ways. One definition that is quite commonly used is formulated by Eija Kalliala and Tarmo Toikkanen. In their book about Social Media in Education (Kalliala ja Toikkanen, Sosiaalinen media opetuksessa, 2009) they define social media as “a process in which individuals and groups construct collective meanings with the help of content, communities and web technologies”. In this definition the individuals, working together and sharing are in focus, not the technologies. Also in this article and presentation the technologies are seen only as a means to an end. As it has been said, without people, web2.0 is just an empty kitchen with a nice set of shiny appliances but nothing bubbling in the kettle on the stove.

Three settings to choose from In Online Upper Secondary School the students can choose between

three ways to accomplish courses. Using a food metaphor, they can choose if they want to enter a buffet, an à la carte restaurant or the kitchen in order to learn to cook.


Buffet / Non-stop-courses Each student is free to pick any upper secondary school course in

his/her schedule any time he/she wants. The buffet table is always open and the student can choose any dishes he/she favours at his/her own phase (i.e. according to his/her personal learning plan). Studying on this path is quite independent and sometimes lonely, too. It may be pretty quiet at the dinner table as everyone is having his/her dinner at various times. Even if the studying is independent of point of time, the buffet offers no fast food as the learning always takes its time, no matter how flexible the frames.

Web2.0 technologies provide the buffet with facilities via the online learning environment but the studying is not very social or shared. Interaction is limited mainly between student and teacher (skype, chat, e-mail etc.).

À la carte / Collaborative courses Several times a year, the table is also laid with so called collaborative

courses. They begin and end on fixed dates. Booking the table beforehand is necessary and the students had better be there when the chef is available and food is warm. When sitting around the virtual table the students are able to work on issues together and use each others as resources. This is not possible in the buffet. Anyway, also this restaurant is located in a closed learning environment and the door is shut from the rest of the world. Only the students and the teachers have the VIP badges to access the restaurant.

Discussion forums, wikis and virtual conferencing tools are widely used in collaborative courses.

Cooking courses in the kitchen / Phenomenon based learning In addition to these two settings, Otava Folk High School offers its

students courses where they can learn to cook and prepare a meal together with other people.

In stead of enrolling in a course in a specific subject such as mathe-matics, biology or philosophy, the student has a chance to grasp a bigger entity, a real life phenomenon. The phenomena so far studied at Otava are among others hunger and thirst, welfare state, piracy and human being 2.0. The idea is to integrate various subjects in the studying of the phenomenon. The student can choose his/her approach to the phenomenon him/herself, set his/her targets him/herself and thus choose which (upper secondary school) subjects and courses he/she wants to complete.


As the phenomena to be studied are authentic, real life phenomena, it would be quite contradictory to close the studying behind school doors. That is one reason why we have taken the phenomena out in an open and public online environment http://ilmiopohjaisuus.ning.com so that people in various roles and with different interests can attend. There are project managers, pedagogues, experts, media tutors, subject teachers – and stu-dents, of course. Lurking is also allowed and anyone interested also from other schools and from outside the school world is welcome. The roles are often mixed and the teacher doesn’t have to be an expert in everything. Expertise can be found also outside the school or – as it often is – among students.

In the food metaphor, the people who join the cooking course prepare a meal together. First they decide what they want to cook, which entity they want to grasp. Whether to cook Italian, Mexican or Nepalese. Everyone is allowed to approach the theme from his/her interest. Thus someone might like to find out about the local food culture and traditions, another one about nutrients and health issues. Someone else might be interested in the raw materials needed, where and how they are grown, how sustainable the growing is, if they can be bought in Finland, how sustainable the transpor-tation of them is etc. Experts can be invited to join when their expertise is needed. The chef might not be needed at all or it can be anybody, not necessarily the teacher. As everyone brings his/her own approach and learning to the same table, the result is much more than anyone could have achieved alone or with just the teacher.

Web2.0 technologies have a lot to offer in this kind of learning and studying. Tools such as blogs, wikis, video conferencing and social book-marking make the life so much easier for those in the kitchen. Anyway, it is more a question of an attitude and a change of culture than a question of tools. In the end, the tools have existed in one way or another for already several years now. The teachers are used to being authorities and experts, used to being the ones that have access to the knowledge. The students are used to presenting their work only in finished and completed form as they have traditionally been assessed as such. Anyway, social media is not about completed and shiny papers. It is about hopping on a moving train, taking risks, tolerating uncertainty, tolerating incomplete world, flexibility to change plans while on the road. It is also about trust, respect and sincerity just like any interaction between people always has been. But maybe it is above all about courage to share and publish incomplete ideas for others to grab and refine further.


Do we let the students in the kitchen? The school as an institution was established in a world in which

information and knowledge were more or less stabile. The teachers had an exclusive right to the information and their job was to transfer it to those who didn’t have it yet. Now the critical issue related to school and teachership is whether we let the students cook or not. I.e. if we encourage the students to take an active role and start constructing knowledge them-selves. And if we go one step further, we as teachers have to ask ourselves if we let the students also decide what they want to learn and how they want to learn. If we open the kitchen door and let the students in, we run the risk that the meals prepared by the teacher might not be that attractive any more.

Taru Kekkonen is a teacher and a department head at Otava Folk High School. She has been in charge of Online Upper Secondary School for Adults / Nettilukio since its founding in 1997. She is currently representing Otava in the Comenius project te@ch.us – Learning community for Web2.0 teaching.


COMPETENCIES, INNOVATION, NETWORKING – SUSTAINABILITY Márta Turcsányi-Szabó, turcsanyine@ludens.elte.hu Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE University), Hungary Introduction

The 21st century is dedicated to bring up a knowledge-based society in which required competencies strive to follow the extremely fast develop-ment of tools that are needed for enhanced work and Life Long Learning. But, the structure of teacher education is not suitable to handle the extent of changes going in our daily lives influencing the next generation of learners. Thus, there needs to be a sustainable flow of innovation continuously shaping public education in order to bring up a generation that can stand up to requirements within the future workforce.

Besides, science and computer engineering related jobs are endangered by the decrease in number of students entering related studies worldwide, not to mention those wanting to become teachers, especially in our countries! We need to maintain interest in computer studies by making sure that the next generation not only becomes a user of computers as an autonomous learner and as a tool for performing job related functions, but also understands how 'things work within the system'.

Teacher Education Program At ELTE University's general teacher education programs are being

renewed and mostly taught by younger staff belonging to the Net generation or early adapters, so they themselves are aware of the needs and present life-style of learners and can motivate them more easily to adapt to new tools and methodologies, utilising Web 2.0 tools for creating their own Personal Learning Networks, applying methodologies based in social networks from Constructivism to Connectivism.

One of the courses (taught by the author) “Learning Technologies” attempts not just to teach about learning technologies and their adaptation within the learning processes, but also to lead students to become active members in knowledge building within a larger learning community, adding their own values to enrich the outcome and be able to communicate through different disciplines.


Fig. 1. Learning Technologies course process

The basics of Web 2.0 are taught through the use of Edu 2.0 (http://www.edu20.org/) Learning Management System and is enhanced through engagement of several other tools in relation to a chosen topic (Learning Technologies course page: http://matchsz.inf.elte.hu/TT/). Expe-riences are blogged and Tweeted ending in a final presentation, which presumes knowledge building to develop within the whole community.

Resources All Faculties have developed and constantly update their innovative

recourses and aim to share them throughout the full spectrum of teacher education with other teaching staff at university as well as reach out to help fresh teachers entering their profession at school and effecting practicing teachers in service. Recourses are being collected and integrated into accessible platforms to share and upgrade them continuously. T@T lab (established by the author, former TeaM lab) is leading in localisation and development of learning environments (Turcsanyi-Szabo, 2010a). Yearly conferences are being held and a new Journal was issued on Educational Technology by ELTE University Faculty of Education and Psychology (Turcsanyi-Szabo, Olle, 2010; Olle, 2009).


Mentoring Network A mentoring network is being set up to provide help and guidance for

those starting to adapt to new tools and methodologies within the whole range of the education system. Putting the learners in the middle of the process and orienting them into learning possibilities that develop their own needs, raise required competencies, become autonomous learner of know-ledge on demand and keep their motivation alert to accommodate changes. A Web 2.0 supported community portal lies at the heart of the network that provides connectivity.

Fig. 2. T@T network (Turcsanyi-Szabo, 2010b) –

http://grou.ps/tethalo/ Collaboration was established between faculties doing research toge-

ther on topics concerning innovation in learning and the network invites other universities and educational institutes as well as industry in relation to emerging tools for learning to join the network and take part in the dissemination of innovation in order to maintain sustainability.

IFIP Education Network A very similar network is being set up for IFIP Education community

allowing scholars, practitioners to join freely upon verification of related status and activities within LinkedIn network (http://www.linkedin.com/). This international network provides an upgrade for students to enter and be active part on international activities.


Fig. 3. IFIP Education network (Turcsanyi-Szabo, 2010c) –

http://grou.ps/ifip_education/ Conclusion

Although at an early stage, we have experiences of good practices, a critical mass of continuously increasing younger generation of educators and our good will to make this project succeed and flourish for the benefit of the next generation.

References TURCSANYI-SZABO M. (2010a): Updates of developments at TeaM Lab, ELTE,

http://www.slideshare.net/Turcsi/team-lab [accessed 2010-09-18] TURCSANYI-SZABO M., OLLE J. (2010) ICT Network for teacher training. In:

Educational Informatics Conference. ELTE, 2010 January, http://oktinf.elte.hu/konferencia2010/ [accessed 2010-09-18]

(Chief ed.) OLLE J. (2009) Journal of Educational Informatics. ELTE PPK, established in 2009, http://oktatas-informatika.hu/ [accessed 2010-09-18]

TURCSANYI-SZABO M. (2010b): T@T network model. http://prezi.com/dict1whnts4e/tt-network/ [accessed 2010-09-18]

TURCSANYI-SZABO M. (2010c): IFIP TC3 network model. http://prezi.com/l8v09u_ckg77/ifip-tc3-network/ [accessed 2010-09-18]


With more than 25 years of experience in research and design of educational tools for K-12, Márta Turcsányi-Szabó, Ph.D., is the head of Media Infor-matics & Technology Group within Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary and her main teaching area is Informatics Teacher Training and Media Technology studies for Computer Science majors. Web: www.inf.elte.hu/MOT/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/MarTuSz LinkedIn: hu.linkedin.com/in/martaturcsanyiszabo


MEDIA LITERACY AND NEW HUMANISM Tapio Varis, tapio.varis@uta.fi University of Tampere, Finland

In an intercultural world communication necessarily mediates different values and cultural behaviours. Great civilizations and cultures have very different patterns of communication and use different senses in a different way. In consequence, if a truly global information society is to be created, more attention should be given to the diversity of cultures and the co-existence of different civilizations and cultures.

The concept of digital literacy in a broad sense is a way of thinking, but it can also be understood as complementary to the concept of media education and even synonymous with media literacy. Digital literacy as media literacy aims to develop both critical understanding of and active participation in the media. In the discussions in UNESCO Communication and Information Sector, for example, digital literacy is understood to enable people to interpret and make informed judgements as users of information supports and sources and it also enables them to become producers of media in their own right. Digital and media literacy is about developing people’s critical and creative abilities.

Digital literacy is not just a simple operative and technical conscious-ness that is made up of nothing more than technical knowledge. Digital literacy is the complex acquisition process of an individual of humanity combined with their abilities and intellectual competencies (perceptive, cognitive, emotive) and practical competencies (physiological and motor). These correspond to the technological transformation of the last decades in the twentieth century – the technological change of the Information Socie-ty. To reduce digital literacy exclusively to the skills of using a computer is a crude simplification and a loss in meaning. Using a computer requires diverse and complex previous knowledge. It also introduces the individual and humanity to new contexts, which demands mental, intellectual, pro-found and complex changes.

In essence, digital literacy is a complicated process that consists of acquiring a new tekne. This Greek term means the ability of art or craft by an individual or humanity. We are facing the transformation of the most profound tekne that humanity has ever experienced.

The challenges to peace and open, multicultural communication can be characterized by the transition from an industrial society to an information


society with the need of digital competences. The dynamics of globaliza-tion, mobility and pluralism result in a multicultural world. A higher degree of individual flexibility in combination with the need for tolerance and responsibility are connected to the demand for sustainable development. The promotion of higher quality and equal educational opportunities become central issues of educational institutions.

The study of complexity has brought science closer than ever to art, Knowledge has gone through a cycle from non-specialism to specialism, and now back to interdisciplinarity, even transdisciplinarity. Art deals with the sensual world (media as the extension of senses) and the holistic concept of human being. Traditional knowledge has been disciplinary based although increasingly interdisciplinary.

In the vocational field knowledge is also contextual and needs to be created in application – learning by doing. This also reflects local and regional realities. The Western philosophy is characterized by analytical, scientific, objective, rational and critical thinking while the Eastern approach is characterized by synthesis, literature and art with a subjective and emotional thinking. Both cannot and should not dominate other, but should have close dialogues between them. In a sense, many of the basic issues where already discussed in ancient Greece by Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.

Aristotle’s “Poetics” is of particular importance to understand the ba-lance between different senses of the human being and the combination of sound, drama, and text like in modern multimedia. Also Aristotle’s defini-tion of rhetoric as the faculty of discovering in any given case the available means of persuasion is a relevant approach to analyse the influence of modern media.

In order to learn new technologies and become digitally literate new forms of learning paths have to be developed utilizing all forms of learning, especially at work and non-formal environments. At the same time special attention should be given to teacher education in information and commu-nication skills and competences. The period of transition that we are now living differs from the periods of change of older dominant media. Traditional print and electronic media were introduced within a period of reasonable length and when we moved to the active use of a new form of communication, we could also have a rough estimation of the economic and social impacts of it, and train new professionals for the media and support people for the institutions. Now different forms of communication and technologies integrate and converge with a speed that hardly anyone


has the time or ability to assess all of the consequences, real possibilities, or problems. In a positive sense, people may be able to speak more directly to each other without former restrictions.

The cultural dimension in the communication and technology applica-tions bring also the dimension of emotions and affection and the spirit of sharing and caring to the process. The social dimension requires inclusive policies. Internet does not automatically promote social understanding and integration. In an intercultural world communication necessarily mediates different values and cultural behaviours. Great civilizations and cultures have very different patterns of communication and use different senses in a different way. In consequence, if a truly global information society is to be created, more attention should be given to the diversity of cultures and the co-existence of different civilizations and cultures.

References TORNERO P., MANUEL J., VARIS T. (2010) Media Literacy and New

Humanism. UNESCO/International Institute of Technology for Education, Moscow, in print 2010.

VARIS T. (2010) Understanding Media Literacy. In Carlsson U. (Ed.): Children and Youth in the Digital Media Culture, NORDICOM Yearbook 2010, Gothernburg, pp.75–84.

(Eds.) VARIS T., ALAGTASH S. (2008) Ubiquitous Ict for Sustainable Education and Cultural Literacy, http://www.minedu.fi/OPM/Kansainvaeliset_asiat/kansainvaeliset_jaerjestoet/unesco/suomen_unesco-toimikunta/sutjulkaisuja?lang=fi [accessed 2010-09-18]

Prof. Tapio Varis is the Chair of Professional Education, with an emphasis on global learning environments, at the Research Centre for Vocational Education, University of Tampere, Finland, and the UNESCO Chair in Global E-Learning. He is a Principal Research Associate at UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training, and a member of the Governing Board of the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education, the European Commission Media Literacy Expert Group, and the Digital

Literacy Expert Group. He is also the acting President of Global University System (GUS) and a Media Scholar at the Universities of Helsinki and Lapland well as the University of Art and Design in Helsinki. He is media education expert of the Finnish Board of Film Classification, and the Ministry for Education, and a contributor to the Media Literacy Education activities of the Alliance of Civilizations Forums of the UN. Prof. Varis has held various posts throughout his career, including Rector of the University for Peace (created by the UN) in Costa Rica; Chair of Media Studies in the University of Tampere, Finland; and Director of Tampere Peace Research Institute. He has been visiting professor in many parts of the world, including Mexico, Venezuela, United States, Spain, and Austria. Prof. Varis has authored approximately 200 scientific articles on topics such as “Global Peace through the Global University System”, “The New Media, Cultural Identity and Integration in the New media World” and “Values and Limits of the Global Media in the Age of Cyberspace.” He contributes to scholarly publications as well as to print and broadcast media. He holds a Masters and Doctor of Social Science from the University of Tampere, Finland.


Education, and a contributor to the Media Literacy Education activities of the Alliance of Civilizations Forums of the UN. Prof. Varis has held various posts throughout his career, including Rector of the University for Peace (created by the UN) in Costa Rica; Chair of Media Studies in the University of Tampere, Finland; and Director of Tampere Peace Research Institute. He has been visiting professor in many parts of the world, including Mexico, Venezuela, United States, Spain, and Austria. Prof. Varis has authored approximately 200 scientific articles on topics such as “Global Peace through the Global University System”, “The New Media, Cultural Identity and Integration in the New media World” and “Values and Limits of the Global Media in the Age of Cyberspace.” He contributes to scholarly publications as well as to print and broadcast media. He holds a Masters and Doctor of Social Science from the University of Tampere, Finland.


SOCIALINI┦ MOKYMOSI BENDRUOMENI┦ K┢RIMAS Tomas Blažauskas, tomas.blazauskas@ktu.lt Kauno technologijos universitetas Kristina Zinkeviči┣tプ, kristi27@gmail.com Socialinis mokymasis ir jo ┊rankiai

Nepaisant lig šiol vykusi┧ tyrim┧ ir ┊dプt┧ dideli┧ pastang┧, šiuo metu vis dar mプginama suvokti, kaip žmonプs mokosi, suprasti – kodプl kartais atmetamos (nebenaudojamos mokymuisi) mokymosi platformos. Pastebプta, jog technologinプs priemonプs pačios savaime negali užtikrinti efektyvaus mokymosi proceso. Efektyviam mokymuisi reikalinga socialinプ aplinka, kuri skatint┧ mokymosi tiksl┧ siekim>. Socialinis mokymasis – toks moky-masis, kuris vyksta socialiniame kontekste. Žmonプs mokosi vieni iš kit┧ ┊traukiant stebプjim>, imitavim>, modeliavim> (Abbott, 2007).

Mokymosi procesai besimokančioje visuomenプje, naudojančioje socialinius tinklus yra sunkiau valdomi nei formalaus mokymosi aplinkose. Tokiose bendruomenプse dažnai visi nariai yra lyg┣s, neturi iš anksto nusakyt┧ roli┧, kurios laikui bプgant priklauso nuo ┊gyjamos reputacijos. Besimokančiosios visuomenプs nariai neretai patys kelia sau mokymosi tikslus, nusistato mokymosi keli> ir priemones. Tam tikrai daliai nari┧ mokymasis netgi nプra tikslas – jie mokosi, nes jiems smagu dalyvauti bendruomenプs veikloje. Taigi, besimokantysis atsiduria heterogeninプje aplinkoje, kurios jis nekontroliuoja, kurios nariai turi skirtingus tikslus ir skirtingus motyvus. Čia daug reikšmプs ┊gauna socialinio mokymosi ┊rankiai, kurie turi ┊galinti bendruomenプs savireguliacij>, asmeninプs moky-mosi aplinkos susik┣rim> ir bent dalin┊ mokymosi proceso valdym>.

Socialinio mokymosi ┊rankiai buvo kuriami ir anksčiau, tačiau visiškai atsiskleidプ ┊sigalプjus Web 2.0 ideologijai. Personalinプs mokymosi aplinkos turi pakankamai gerus ┊rankius, kurie gali palaikyti personalinio (savi-reguliuojančio) mokymosi ideologij>, tačiau neretai didele kli┣timi tampa motyvacija, kuri> sunku išlaikyti mokantis savarankiškai ilg> laikotarp┊. Dar yra išskiriamos ir grupinプs aplinkos, kurios paremtos neformaliu mokymuisi bei asmenini┧ aplink┧ ┊rankiais, tačiau turi daugiau priemoni┧ grupinei veiklai vykdyti ir kontroliuoti.

Portalas www.arzinai.lt Prieš dvejis metus mes inicijavome mokymosi bendruomenプs portalo

www.arzinai.lt suk┣rim> siekdami apjungti socialini┧, asmenini┧ ir grupini┧


aplink┧ teikiamus privalumus tam, kad suburtume ir išlaikytume gyvybing>, savi-reguliuojanči> mokymosi bendruomenC. Pagrindinis dプme-sys skirtas motyvacijos užtikrinimui. Motyvacij> stengiamasi užtikrinti remiantis keturiais pagrindiniais aspektais: smagumu, konkurencija, reputa-cija ir socialiniu k┣rybiškumu.

Dalyvavimo bendruomenプs veikloje proces> galima ┊vardinti tokiais žingsniais: 1) bendruomenプs nariai žaidžia jiems patinkančius edukacinius žaidimus; 2) bežaisdami, už ┊veiktas užduotis, nariai gauna vis daugiau tašk┧ ir pradeda konkuruoti su kitais bendruomenプs nariais; 3) pasiekC tam tikr> lyg┊ jie ┊gauna atitinkam> reputacij> (nusakom> rangu) ir r┣pinasi jos išlaikymu; 4) kai kurie nariai pradeda patys kurti uždavinius dalyvaudami konkursuose bei siekdami b┣ti ┊vertinti bendruomenプs dalyvi┧.

Mokymosi resursus, kurie yra kuriami ir naudojami šiame portale, gali-me skirstyti ┊ tokias grupes: 1) recenzuojamos „Azinos taurプs“ užduotys, kur patenka tik patikrinti ir pripažinti tinkamais uždaviniai; 2) nerecenzuo-jamos „Mプgプj┧ taurプs“ užduotys, kur nariai gali tobulinti savo ┊g┣džius, o geriausios užduotys perkeliamos ┊ recenzuot┧ uždavini┧ skilt┊; 3) žemプlapi┧ užduotys: naudojantis geografini┧ informacini┧ sistem┧ žemプlapiais (teikiamais „Google“ kompanijos) reikia kuo greičiau rasti atitinkamus objektus; galimos istorinプs, geografinプs, pasaulio pažinimo užduotys; 4) dプlionプs: reikia sudプlioti ┊ gabaliukus suskaidytus paveikslus. Dプlionプs irgi skiriamos ┊ dvi grupes – dプliones, kurias kuria tinklalapio nariai (nere-cenzuojamos) ir tinklalapio k┣rプj┧ sukurtos dプliones, kuriose vaizduojami istorijos, meno, biologijos ir kiti pažintiniai objektai; išsprendus, kaip prizas, pateikiamas to objekto aprašymas; 5) teminiai kvizai, kryžiažodžiai, žodži┧ išbraukymo užduotys.

AsmeninC mokymosi aplink> bei portfel┊ nariai gali realizuoti profilio pagalba. ┉ profil┊ galima ┊jungti ┊vairias programプles: minči┧ ir užduoči┧ žemプlapius, sukurt┧ ir ┊veikt┧ užduoči┧ s>rašus, fail┧ ┊kプlimo ir naudojimo priemones, išorines programプles, realizuotas kaip javascript ┊skiepiai (vadi-namieji widgets).

Grupinプs aplinkos iš esmプs turi tas pačias programプles, tik jos skirtos visos grupプs veiklai apjungti. Pavyzdžiui, sukurt┧ užduoči┧ programプlプ skirta vis┧ grupプs nari┧ sukurtoms užduotims pateikti.

Grupプs mokymosi veikloms bei užduoči┧ atlikimo sekoms vaizduoti naudojami minči┧ žemプlapiai.


Apibendrinimai Suk┣rus tinklalap┊ kilo ┊vairi┧ problem┧, kuri┧ dalis nプra iki galo

išsprCstos lig šiol. Didžiausia problema – mokymosi objekt┧ kokybプs val-dymas. Tai yra m┣s┧ tolesni┧ tyrim┧ sritis. Iš kitos pusプs, buvo suburta gyvybinga mokymosi bendruomenプ, kuri> sudaro apytiksliai 5000 nari┧. Per dvej┧ met┧ laikotarp┊ sukurti 465 recenzuoti ir 276 nerecenzuoti uždaviniai, 67 tinklalapio k┣rプj┧ ir 65 nari┧ dプlionプs, 6 ┊vairios apimties žemプlapi┧ uždaviniai. Bendruomenプs k┣rinius pripažino mokyklos, kurios naudoja uždavinius mokyklos leidini┧ skyreli┧ medžiagai bei pamokoms organizuoti, universitetai (KTU konkurse „IT galvos┣kiai“ naudojami bendruomenプs sukurti uždaviniai, susijC su informacinプmis technologi-jomis).

Literat┣ra arzinai.lt: Mokslo ir žini┧ populiarinimas. www.arzinai.lt [ži┣rプta 2010-09-18] ABBOTT L. (2007) Social Learning Theory.

http://teachnet.edb.utexas.edu/~lynda_abbott/Social.html [ži┣rプta 2010-09-18]

Doc. Tomas Blažauskas dirba Kauno technologijos universitete, program┧ inžinerijos katedroje. Kartu su bendraautoriais yra parengCs 6 mokom>sias kny-gas, virš 30 straipsni┧ moksliniuose žurnaluose bei konferencij┧ pranešim┧ medžiagoje. Dalyvavo 4 tarptautiniuose ir viename Mokslo ir studij┧ fondo projekte. Pagrindinプs tyrim┧ kryptys: e. mokymosi technologijos, žaidim┧ panaudojimas mokymosi procese, architekt┣rinis program┧ projektavimas, saityno sistemos.

Kristina Zinkeviči┣tプ priklauso mokslo populia-rinimo tinklalapio „Arzinai.lt“ k┣rプj┧ grupei, organizuoja bendruomenプs renginius, kuria geogra-finius ir pasaulio pažinimo edukacinius žaidimus. KTU Ekonomikos ir vadybos fakultete ┊gijusi vady-bos ir verslo administravimo magistro laipsn┊. Darbo kryptys: edukacini┧ žaidim┧ k┣rimas, tinklalapio „Arzinai.lt“ konkurs┧ organizavimas, nauj┧ moky-mosi galimybi┧ socialinプje bendruomenプje tyrimai.


ŠVIETIMO PORTALAS „E. MOKYKLA“ IR KONKURSAS „VIRTUALI KELIONブ KLASブJE“ Asta Buineviči┣tプ, asta@emokykla.lt Virginija Navickienプ, virginija.navickiene@itc.smm.lt Švietimo informacini┧ technologij┧ centras Švietimo portalas „E. mokykla“ (http://portalas.emokykla.lt)

Švietimo portalas „E. mokykla“ veikl> pradプjo 2009 metais. Portalo paskirtis – sudaryti s>lygas gauti edukacinC informacij> ir teikti elektro-nines paslaugas švietimo darbuotojams, mokiniams ir j┧ tプveliams.

Švietimo portalo tikslai: • ugdymo turin┊ padaryti prieinam> skaitmeninプje erdvプje; • sudaryti s>lygas švietimo bendruomenプms tarp savCs veiksmingai

bendrauti elektroninプmis komunikavino priemonプmis; • skelbti informacij> apie renginius, švietimo naujienas ir leidinius; • sudaryti galimybC susikurti naudotojui savo asmeninC erdvC.

Apie konkurs> „Virtuali kelionプ klasプje“ „Virtuali kelionプ klasプje“ – priemonプ, padedanti pedagogams mokytis

vieniems iš kit┧. Konkurso darb┧ šablonas parengtas remiantis Michael Fullan‘o darbu apie mokytoj┧ mokymosi ir dalijimosi žiniomis lankantis kitose mokyklose svarb> mokyklos tobulinimui. Tokiu b┣du mokytojai ne tik skatinami naudoti informacines technologijas savo darbe, bet ir gilintis ┊ savo profesines žinias bei reflektuoti. Kiek tai ┊manoma „Virtuali kelionプ klasプje“ siekia atkurti tai, k> mokytojas patirt┧ lankydamasis realioje pamokoje. Konkursas vykdomas kartu su UAB „Microsoft Lietuva“ kaip programos „Partneriai mokyme“ dalis.

Konkurso tikslas – skatinti pedagogus domプtis IKT taikymu ugdymo procese, dalytis IKT naudojimo patirtimi, rengti mokom>j>, metodinC ir informacinC medžiag> apie IKT taikym> ugdyme.

Konkurse dalyvaujantys pedagogai turi pateikti metodinC medžiag> apie informacini┧ technologij┧ taikym> ┊vairi┧ dalyk┧ pamokose (išskyrus informacini┧ technologij┧ kaip atskiro dalyko mokym>).

Konkurso statistika Pirmasis konkursas „Virtuali kelionプ klasプje“ buvo paskelbtas prieš

7 metus. Konkursui pateikt┧ darb┧ skaičius svyravo nuo 221 iki 328. Dau-giausiai darb┧ buvo pateikta 2006 m. (net 454 darbai).


221 255 257





189 185

45 87


221 255

454 420 420




431 396 385













2004 m. 2005 m. 2006 m. 2007 m. 2008 m. 2009 m.

Pateikt┧ paraišk┧ skaičius VKK




Daugiausiai paraišk┧ sulaukiama iš Panevプžio m. savivaldybプs. Lente-

lプje pateikiamos aktyviausios savivaldybプs. Publikuot┧ darb┧ skaičius Savivaldybプ 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Iš viso

Panevプžio m. savivaldybプ 33 15 28 39 113 90 318 Kauno m. savivaldybプ 31 15 50 34 13 11 154 Vilniaus m. savivaldybプ 14 2 8 13 18 10 65

Lazdij┧ r. savivaldybプ 10 6 13 10 8 5 52 Šiauli┧ m. savivaldybプ 10 3 3 15 16 4 51 Panevプžio r. savivaldybプ 1 2 19 18 7 1 48 Šiauli┧ r. savivaldybプ 3 5 16 11 8 2 45 Radviliškio r.savivaldybプ 2 5 8 5 18 5 43 Raseini┧ r. savivaldybプ 5 1 2 8 9 3 30 Alytaus m. savivaldybプ 3 7 12 3 1 0 26

Aktyviausiai dalyvauja Panevプžio „Vyturio“ vidurinプ mokykla, Pane-vプžio J. Miltinio vidurinプ mokykla, Panavプžio „Verdenプs“ pagrindinプ mokykla bei Panevプžio 5-oji vidurinプ mokykla.

Konkurso vertinimo kriterijai Pateikiama metodinプ medžiaga turi b┣ti paruošt> naudojant vien> iš

dviej┧ „Partneriai mokyme“ programos „Virtuali kelionプ klasプje“ šablon┧ (pamokos, pamok┧ ciklo, projekto išsamus aprašymas arba planas).

Mokytojai turプt┧ pateikti informacini┧ technologij┧ taikymo klasプje apraš> taip, kad šia patirtimi galプt┧ pasinaudoti kiti pedagogai, aiškiai atskleisti, kaip IT panaudojimas pagerino ugdymo proces>. Pateikiamas darbas turi b┣ti jau pritaikytas ugdymo procese, t. y. išbandytas.


Visus dalyvi┧ pateiktus darbus vertina ekspert┧ komisija. Vertinimas vyksta dviem etapais. Pirmojo etapo metu ekspertai vertina pateiktus darbus pagal nustatytus kriterijus, antrojo – Švietimo informacini┧ techno-logij┧ centro ir UAB „Microsoft Lietuva“ bendrovプs atstovai dar kart> ┊vertina geriausiai ekspert┧ ┊vertintus darbus ir iš j┧ išrenka nugalプtojus bei paskelbia tinkam┧ publikuoti darb┧ s>raš>.

Vertinant pateiktus atsižvelgiama ┊ tai, ar: • pateiktas darbas atitinka Bendr>sias programas; • keliami aišk┣s, konkret┣s, suprantami ir ┊gyvendinami tikslai, ┊ rezultatus

orientuoti konkret┣s, pamatuojami mokymosi uždaviniai; • nurodyta, kokie mokini┧ gebプjimai ir kompetencijos ugdomi; • nurodyti mokymo metodai, kurie atitinka keliamus tikslus ir skatina

pereiti nuo mokymo prie mokymosi; • veiklos organizavimas skatina mokym>si bendradarbiaujant; • pateiktas veiklos planas; • atsižvelgiama ┊ individuali> mokini┧ patirt┊, j┧ turimas žinias, mokini┧

amži┧ ir galimybes; • nurodyti aišk┣s ir konkret┣s pasiekimo bei proceso vertinimo kriterijai; • IKT priemonプs naudojamos tikslingai, siekiant iškelt┧ tiksl┧; • ugdomi mokini┧ IKT taikymo gebプjimai; • atskleidžiama, kaip IKT panaudojimas pagerino ugdymo proces>; • pateikta IKT naudojimo ugdymo procese praktika taip, kad patirtimi

galプt┧ pasinaudoti kiti pedagogai. Papildomai gali b┣ti atsižvelgiama ┊ tai, ar:

• pateikiama mokytojo(-┧) atlikta analizプ, kuri b┣t┧ naudinga kitiems pedagogams;

• nurodyti ištekliai, resursai atitinka keltus tikslus; • pateiktas detalus IKT naudojimo aprašas; • pateikiamas dalyko ilgalaikis ar trumpalaikis planas; • pateikiami besimokanči┧j┧ darbai ir mokytojo metodinプ medžiaga,

naudota darbe, atitinka keltus tikslus. Pagal Švietimo informacini┧ technologij┧ centro ir UAB „Microsoft

Lietuva“ sprendim>, darbas pripaž┊stamas tinkamu publikuoti, jei bent vienas iš dviej┧ darb> vertinusi┧ ekspert┧ pastar>j┊ pripaž┊sta tinkamu publikuoti.

Mokytoj┧ novatori┧ (nuo 2010 m. Švietimo forumas) metu apdovano-jami geriausi┧ darb┧ autoriai. Pačio geriausio darbo autoriui ar autoriams atitenka kelionプ ┊ Europos švietimo forum>. Kiti autoriai apdovanojami UAB „Microsoft Lietuva“ prizais.


Kodプl ir kaip dalyvauti konkurse? Tai terpプ patirties sklaidai, mokymuisi, galimybプ pasitikrinti, pažinti kai-

myn> iš gretimos mokyklos, nestovプti nuošalyje ir nestebプti kaip dirba kiti. Tai pasiryžimas ir noras gyventi kitaip...

Norint dalyvauti konkurse, reikia: 1. Užsiregistruoti švietimo portale http://portalas.emokykla.lt 2. Užpildyti „Virtualio kelionプs klasプje“ konkurso šablon>. J┊ galite

parsisi┧sti iš http://portalas.emokykla.lt/vkk svetainプs. 3. ┉kelti savo darb> ┊ konkurso svetainC http://portalas.emokykla.lt/vkk

(┉kelti nauj> darb>). Detalesnプ informacija, kaip ┊kelti darb>, pateikta diskusij┧ skiltyje.

Visus publikuojamus 2004–2009 m. konkurs┧ darbus galima rasti inter-nete (http://metodika.emokykla.lt).

Literat┣ra Švietimo portalas „E. mokykla“. http://portalas.emokykla.lt [ži┣rプta 2010-09-20] Konkursas „Virtuali kelionプ klasプje“ [Konkurso svetainプ]

http://metodika.emokykla.lt [ži┣rプta 2010-09-20]

Asta Buineviči┣tプ yra Švietimo informacini┧ tech-nologij┧ centro Švietimo portalo skyriaus vedプjos pavaduotoja. Dalyvauja ┊vairiuose projektuose, sklei-džia IKT diegimo idプjas Lietuvos mokyklose. Dirba kartu su UAB „Microsoft Lietuva“, ┊gyvendinant projekt> „Partneriai mokyme“. Darbo kryptys: švieti-mo portalo idプj┧ sklaida, konkurso „Virtuali kelionプ klasプje“ organizavimas, rezultat┧ analizプ, programos „Partneriai mokyme“ koordinavimas.

Virginija Navickienプ dirba metodininke Švietimo informacini┧ technologij┧ centro Švietimo portalo skyriuje, priklauso „Virtualios kelionプs klasプje“ orga-nizaciniam komitetui. Dalyvauja ┊vairuose projek-tuose, skleidžia IKT taikymo ugdyme idプjas. Yra parengusi kelet> straipsni┧. Darbo kryptys: švietimo portalo, IKT diegimo bei mokytoj┧ gerosios patirties idプj┧ sklaida, programos „Partneriai mokyme“ koor-dinavimas.


„BEBRAS“ – ŽAISKIME IR VARŽYKIMブS DRAUGE Valentina Dagienプ, dagiene@ktl.mii.lt Ieva Jonaitytプ, jonaityte.ieva@gmail.com Matematikos ir informatikos institutas Apie „Bebro“ varžybas

Informacini┧ technologij┧ konkursas „Bebras“ atsirado 2004 met┧ pa-baigoje Lietuvoje. Netrukus varžybos patraukプ užsienio šali┧ dプmes┊. Patrauklia konkurso idプja susidomi vis daugiau šali┧, šiais metais j┊ organizuos 15 valstybi┧: Austrija, Bulgarija, Čekija, Estija, Italija, Izraelis, Latvija, Lenkija, Olandija, Slovakija, Slovプnija, Suomija, Šveicarija, Ukraina, Vokietija (Bebras, 2010). Bandom>sias varžybas planuoja su-rengti Rumunija, Egiptas, Rusijos Federacijos Sankt-Peterburgo regionas. „Bebro“ varžybos rengiamos ruden┊, paprastai spalio ar lapkričio mプnes┊. Lietuvoje šiais metais varžybos vyks lapkričio 9–12 d. Prieš tai, spalio viduryje, bus bandomoji treniruotプ.

Pateikiame 2009 met┧ „Bebro“ konkurse dalyvavusi┧ šali┧ ir mokini┧ suvestinC.

Šalis Dalyvi┧ skaičius Austrija 6302 Čekija 4069 Estija 3482 Italija 310 Latvija 828 Lenkija 10288 Lietuva 10357 Nyderlandai 8326 Slovakija 13942 Ukraina 13114 Vokietija 82886 Pastebima, kad mokini┧ susidomプjimas varžybomis kiekvienoje šalyje

didプja, jos tampa vis labiau žinomos. Varžyb┧ rengプjai stengiasi atsižvelgti ┊ mokini┧ ir mokytoj┧ galimybes, poreikius, kasmet tobulina užduotis, j┧ pateikimo metodus, gerina organizavimo tvark>.

Kasmet pavasar┊ konkurs> rengianči┧ šali┧ atstovai – informatikos mokytojai, mokslininkai, inžinieriai – susirenka ┊ k┣rybin┊ keleto dien┧ seminar>. Čia suformuojami preliminar┣s b┣simo konkurso uždavini┧


rinkiniai, dalijamasi praeit┧ met┧ patirtimi, diskutuojama konkurso ateities perspektyv┧ ir vykdymo klausimais. Penket> met┧ šie seminarai vyko Pasvalio r. Balsi┧ mal┣ne, po kart> surengti Lenkijoje (Tor┣nプje) ir Vokie-tijoje (Dagstuhle).

Lietuvos mokiniai noriai dalyvauja „Bebro“ varžybose. Žinoma, nepalyginsi su matematikos konkursu „Keng┣ra“ – matematikos mokytojai aktyvesni ragindami mokinius dalyvauti... Vis tik galime pasidžiaugti, kad pernai „Bebro“ konkurse dalyvavo virš 10 t┣kst. mokini┧ iš visos Lietuvos. Pateiktoje diagramoje matomas „Bebro“ dalyvi┧ skaičiaus kitimas Lietu-voje nuo pat organizavimo pradžios.

Dalyvi┧ skaičius Lietuvoje








2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 metai

Konkurso užduotys „Bebro“ varžyb┧ vykdymas ir tvarka panaši ┊ matematikos „Keng┣ros“

konkurso. Dalyviai iki šiol buvo skirstomi ┊ tris amžiaus grupes: benjaminai (5–8 kl.), juniorai (9–10 kl.) ir senjorai (11–12 kl.). Pastebプjome, kad neretai uždaviniai, tinkami penktokams, b┣na per lengvi aštuntokams, ir atvirkščiai, todプl šiais metais planuojame pirm>j> grupC perskirti ┊ dvi: benjaminus (5–6 kl.) ir kadetus (7–8 kl.).

Kiekviena amžiaus grupプ sprendžia skirtingus uždavini┧ paketus po 24 uždavinius, kurie suskirstyti ┊ tris grupes po aštuonis uždavinius: lengvi (3 taškai), vidutiniški (4 taškai) ir sunk┣s (5 taškai). Uždaviniai yra dviej┧ tip┧: pasirenkam┧j┧ atsakym┧ (duodami keturi galimi atsakymai, iš kuri┧ vienas teisingas) ir interaktyv┣s (pvz., reikia ┊rašyti skaiči┧, sudプlioti dプlionC, pažymプti taškus, keli> grafe ir pan.). Kiekvienas dalyvis pradžioje gauna 24 taškus. Už teisingai išsprCst> uždavin┊ skiriamas nustatytas pagal sunkumo grupC tašk┧ skaičius, už nesprCst> – 0 tašk┧, už neteisingai


išsprCst> – atimamas ketvirtadalis uždavinio vertプs tašk┧. Taigi daugiausiai galima surinkti 120 tašk┧.

Per kelet> met┧ pastebプta, kad uždavinius pagal turin┊ galima suskirs-tyti ┊ šešias kategorijas: informacijos samprata (informacijos pateikimas, kodavimas, šifravimas), algoritminis m>stymas (algoritm┧ sudarymas, vykdymas, programavimo elementai), kompiuterini┧ sistem┧ taikymai (bendrieji principai, susijC su programinプs ┊rangos, program┧ praktiniu naudojimu), strukt┣ros, šablonai, automatai (kombinatorika, diskrečiosios strukt┣ros – grafai ir pan.), bendrieji loginiai sprendimai (loginiai galvo-s┣kiai, kombinatorikos žaidimai, dプlionプs), IKT ir visuomenプ (socialiniai, etiniai, kult┣riniai IKT taikymo aspektai, teisiniai klausimai). Šios klasi-fikacijos stengiamasi laikytis kuriant varžyb┧ užduotis (Dagiene, Futschek, 2008; Dagiene, Futschek, 2009; Carteli, Dagiene, Futschek, 2010).

Dalyvi┧ statistika Nuo pat konkurso vykdymo pradžios Lietuvoje renkame statistik> apie

dalyvi┧ skaiči┧, pasiskirstym> pagal amžiaus grupes, mokyklas, klases, mergin┧ ir vaikin┧ dalyvavim>, labiausiai domina sprendim┧ rezultatai: kaip mokiniai sprendžia vienokius ar kitokius uždavinius, kas jiems lengva ar sunku. Viename iš k┣rybini┧ seminar┧ buvo atkreiptas dプmesys ┊ mergaiči┧ ir berniuk┧ sprendim┧ skirtumus, jaunesniojo amžiaus mokini┧ galvojimo ypatumus ir pan.

Lietuvoje pastebプta, kad daugiausia dalyvauja 9 ir 10 klasi┧ mokini┧, mažiausiai – 8 klasi┧ (žr. praeit┧ met┧ varžyb┧ diagram>).



5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Klasプ

Dalyvi┧ skaičius


Džiaugiamasi, kad „Bebro“ varžybose nemažai dalyvauja mergaiči┧. Jei jaunesnプse klasプse j┧ skaičius artプja prie berniuk┧ skaičiaus, tai to nepasakysi apie vyresni>sias klases – čia žymiai daugiau dalyvauja berniuk┧ nei mergaiči┧. Pernai met┧ konkurso dalyvi┧ skaiči┧ santykis parodytas žemiau esančioje diagramoje.







5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Klasプ


Be to, vyresni┧ klasi┧ mergaiči┧ ir berniuk┧ surinkt┧ tašk┧ vidurkiai

labiau skiriasi (žr. pateikt> grafik>).


5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12Klasプ




Konkurso vykdymas: „Bebro“ varžyb┧ laukas Konkursas vykdomas mokyklose – kompiuteri┧ klasプse priži┣rint

mokytojui. Atsiranda problema – dažnai mokykloje esanči┧ kompiuteri┧ skaičius nesiekia norinči┧ dalyvauti konkurse mokini┧ skaičiaus. Pradプjome svarstyti galimybC leisti dalyvauti konkurse ir namuose. Tuomet varžybas reikプt┧ organizuoti dviem etapais: masiniu – leidžiant dalyvauti visiems ir bet kuri┧ viet┧ ir atrankiniu – sukvietus geriausius varžytis akivaizdžiai. Iš esmプs keletas šali┧ jau daro šitaip:Estija, Nyderlandai,


Vokietija. Vokietijoje tai sulaukプ didelio pasisekimo – pernai šios valstybプs konkurse dalyvavo virš 80 t┣kst. mokini┧.

Kiekviena šalis ar grupプ turi susik┣rusios savas varžyb┧ sistemas. Lie-tuva iki šiol naudojosi PDF grindžiama technologija. Nemažai nepatogum┧ ir neaiškum┧ sukeldavo programinプs ┊rangos, skirtos paleisti konkurso užduotis kiekviename kompiuteryje, diegimas, taip pat mokini┧ atsakym┧ ┊rašymas ir išsiuntimas organizatoriams.

Šiais metais nutarta naudotis interneto technologijomis, kuriama nauja varžyb┧ sistema, kuri pradプta vadinti vaizdžiau – „Bebro“ varžyb┧ lauku.

Tikimプs, kad internetinプ sistema bus patogesnプ, ┊prastesnプ mokiniams ir mokytojams. Pavyzdžiui, mokini┧ sprendimai bus automatiškai ┊rašomi, taigi mokytojams nebereikプs skaityti instrukcij┧, kaip juos surinkti ir išsi┧sti.

Atsiras ir nauj┧ galimybi┧, tikimプs, kad jos padプs nuodugniau išsiaiš-kinti mokini┧ padarytas klaidas, o gal net žini┧ spragas. Mokytojai galプs stebプti mokini┧ sprendim┧ statistik>, t. y. galプs daryti išvadas, kuris uždavinys ar j┧ grupプ (kategorija) mokiniams sekプsi sunkiau sprCsti, kas ko nežino.

Po varžyb┧ visi uždaviniai bus sudedami ┊ „Bebro“ varžyb┧ lauk> – čia juos bus galima komentuoti, teikti pasi┣lym┧, užduoti klausimus ir gauti atsakymus iš kit┧ mokytoj┧ ar organizatori┧. Tikimプs, kad galimybプ aptarti uždavinius, sužinoti mokytoj┧ ir mokini┧ nuomonC apie juos padプs ne tik konkurso dalyviams nuodugniau išsiaiškinti ir išmokti nauj┧ dalyk┧, bet ir konkurso organizatoriams geriau perprasti dalyvi┧ poreikius ir lanksčiau prisitaikyti.

„Bebro“ varžyb┧ lauk> jau galima testuoti. Visos naujienos skelbiamos lietuviškoje „Bebro“ svetainプje (www.bebras.lt). Kaip sekasi užsienio kole-goms skaitykite tarptautinプje „Bebro“ svetainプje (www.bebras.org).

Kviečiame 2010 m. lapkričio 9–12 d. dalyvauti „Bebro“ varžybose – paraginkime mokinius.

Literat┣ra Bebras: International Contest on Informatics and Computer Fluency. Available at:

www.bebras.org [ži┣rプta 2010-09-13] CARTELI A., DAGIENE V., FUTSCHEK G. (2010) Bebras Contest and Digital

Competence Assessment: Analysis of Frameworks. International Journal of Digital Literacy and Digital Competence. Vol. 1 (1), January-March, IGI Pub., pp. 24–39.


DAGIENブ V., PALTANAVIČIUS A., JONAITYTブ I. (2010) Tarptautinプs informacini┧ technologij┧ varžybos: modelis ir patirties analizプ. Informacijos mokslai, 2010 (spausdinama)

DAGIENE V., FUTSCHEK G. (2008) Bebras International Contest on Informatics and Computer Literacy: Criteria for Good Tasks. In: R. T. Mittermeir, M. M. Syslo (Eds.), Informatics Education – Supporting Computational Thinking. Lect. Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 5090, Springer, pp. 19–30.

DAGIENE V., FUTSCHEK G. (2009) Bebras International Contest on Informatics and Computer Literacy: A contest for all secondary school students to be more interested in Informatics and ICT concepts. In: Proc. 9th WCCE 2009, Education and Technology for a Better World, 9th WCCE 2009, Bento Goncalves; Paper-Nr. 161. http://www.wcce2009.org/proceedings/papers.html

Informacini┧ technologij┧ konkursas Bebras. [Lietuvos varžyb┧ svetainプ] www.bebras.lt [ži┣rプta 2010-09-13]

Prof. dr. Valentina Dagienプ yra Matematikos ir informatikos instituto Informatikos metodologijos skyriaus vadovプ, Vilniaus universiteto dプstytoja. Parašプ per 250 mokslini┧ ir metodini┧ straipsni┧, 60 knyg┧, vadovavo per 30 projekt┧. Lietuvos mokslo premijos (informatikos mokymas, mokomosios programinプs ┊rangos k┣rimas ir lokalizavimas) laureatプ.

Ieva Jonaitytプ dirba Matematikos ir informatikos institute. Nuo 2007 m. yra „Bebro“ konkurso organi-zacinio komiteto narプ, r┣pinasi uždaviniais, ypač j┧ statistine analize. Baigプ Matematikos ir matematikos taikym┧ program> Vilniaus universitete. Domisi moko-m┧j┧ program┧ lokalizavimu, informacini┧ technologij┧ taikymu švietimui, dizainu, „Bebro“ užduoči┧ k┣rimu ir analize.


„TE@CH.US“ PROJEKTAS – PASITELKIME WEB 2.0 TECHNOLOGIJAS MOKYMUI IR MOKYMUISI Valentina Dagienプ, dagiene@ktl.mii.lt Anita Juškevičienプ, anita@ktl.mii.lt Matematikos ir informatikos institutas Apie „Te@ch.us“ projekt>

„Mokymosi bendruomenプ antrosios kartos saityno technologij┧ mokymui“ (Learning community for Web 2.0 teaching, sutrumpintai Te@ch.us) – tarptautinis projektas, vykdomas pagal Europos Komisijos Mokymosi vis> gyvenim> program>, vienas jo partneri┧ yra Matematikos ir informatikos institutas. Šio projekto tikslas – sukurti internetinC mokytoj┧ bendruomenC, besidominči> antrosios kartos saityno (Web 2.0) techno-logij┧ taikymais pamokose. Projektu siekiama suburti keli┧ šali┧ aktyvius mokytojus, dalintis patirtimi, apžvelgti Web 2.0 tyrim┧ ir mokslo darb┧ kryptis, ┊vertinti perspektyvas.

Antrosios kartos saitynas ir jo technologijos Pirmosios kartos internetas (Web 1.0) ┊vardijamas kaip skaitymo tech-

nologija – kitaip ir b┣t negalプjo, nes tada interneto turin┊ tvarkプ ir priži┣rプjo išimtinai tinklalapius programuojantys specialistai. Tik vプliau atsirado priemonプs, leidžiančios nesunkiai kiekvienam individui rengti savo turin┊. Imkime enciklopedij> „Britannica Online“ – ji skirta tik skaitymui. Vプliau atsirado „Vikipedia“, kurios turin┊ generuoja jos naudotojai – čia jau naudojama antrosios kartos saityno technologija. Supratimas apie internet> プmプ keistis. Iš tikr┧j┧ internetas ir jo technologijos pasikeitプ daug anksčiau nei atsirado Web 2.0 terminas. Pavyzdžiui, pirmoji vikio sistema buvo sukurta 1994–1995 metais, bet tik 2004 metais O'Reilly Media ir MediaLive surengプ pirm>j> Web 2.0 konferencij>. Čia ir buvo pirm> kart> ┊vardyta Web 2.0 s>voka.

Tim O'Reillis antrosios kartos saityn> pristato kaip proces>, kai dauguma paslaug┧, veikusi┧ kompiuteryje, perkeliamos ┊ internet>, o kom-piuterinプs ┊rangos valdymas perleidžiamas naudotojams. Antrosios kartos saityno technologijos palengvina bendravim>, bendradarbiavim>, žini┧ mainus. Išskiriama daugybプ šios technologijos r┣ši┧, sukurta daug ┊vairi┧ program┧. Ugdymui skirtos svarbiausios r┣šys parodytos pateiktoje sche-moje.


Keičiantis technologijoms, kinta ir ugdymo procesas. Keičiasi mokyto-

jo vaidmuo, mokyklos organizacija, pamokos strukt┣ra. Pamokose daugプja integruot┧ technologini┧ priemoni┧, kurios lengvina mokym>si ir daro j┊ patrauklesniu. Vis dažniau naudojami modern┣s metodai, mokomasi bendradarbiaujant, remiamasi konektyvizmo ir konstruktivizmo teorijomis.

Interneto technologijos suteikia galimybC kurti virtualias bendruo-menes, skirtas tプvams ir mokyklai bendrauti, bendradarbiauti, keistis informacija. Mokytojai siekia modernizuoti mokymo eig>, inicijuoja ir valdo individual┧ ar grupin┊ mokymo proces>, informacines ir komunika-cines technologijas integruoja ┊ pamokas. Keičiasi mokytoj┧ poži┣ris – suvokiama, kad neformalusis mokymas(-is) yra mokyklinio ugdymo dalis.

Antros kartos saityno technologij┧ taikymo pavyzdžiai ugdymo procese

Siekiant pagerinti mokym>(-si) ieškoma vis geresni┧ b┣d┧, kaip motyvuoti mokinius ir sutaupyti laik>. Vienas iš toki┧ b┣d┧ yra interneto technologij┧ taikymas pamokose. Esama ┊vairi┧ taikymo galimybi┧. Aptarsime pagrindines.

Tinklaraštis (angl. blog, iš web log) – paslauga, suteikianti galimybC vienam ar keliems autoriams rašyti ir publikuoti savo rašinius, mintis, idプjas. Šie tekstai vadinami ┊rašais (angl. posts). Jie pateikiami atvirkštine chronologine tvarka, kategorizuojami, jiems priskiriami reikšminiai


žodžiai, vadinamosios žymプs (angl. tags), be to, tinklarašči┧ skaitytojai gali rašyti komentarus.

Tinklarašči┧ taikymas ugdymui: • Paieška pagal kategorijas ar žymes suteikia galimybC mokiniams sukurti

susijusi┧ žini┧ blokus, lengvai rasti ir dalintis informacija. • Atvirkštinプ chronologinプ tinklarašči┧ tvarka skatina mokin┊ sekti savo

m>stymo eig> bプgant laikui, mokytojui suteikia galimybC matyti mokinio darbo proces>.

• Galimybプ komentuoti leidžia mokiniams skaityti savo draug┧, mokytoj┧ ar tプv┧ kritinius pastebプjimus apie darb>, inicijuojamos diskusijos. Jei tinklarašt┊ rašo mokytojas, jis gali sulaukti pasi┣lym┧ iš savo mokini┧.

• Rašydami tinklarašt┊ mokytojai gali pristatyti savo mokomo dalyko turin┊, aptarti sunkesnes vietas, skelbti naujienas mokiniams (pvz., nam┧ darb┧ užduotis, semestro atsiskaitymus).

Vikis (angl. wiki) – tai socialinio rašymo platforma, kurios turin┊ (informacij>) kuria, pildo ir taiso patys naudotojai. Šioje interneto svetai-nプje kiekvienas gali pateikti tam tikr> turin┊ neturプdami HTML ar kit┧ programavimo kalb┧. Naudotojai gali taisyti ne tik savo ┊rašus, bet ir kitus čia esančius (jei sistema atviroji). Skaitytojai mato galutinC versij> – po vis┧ pataisym┧. Kiekvienas pakeitimas išsaugomas kartu su modifikavimo data. Yra galimybプ komentuoti pakeitimus, teikti si┣lymus, diskutuoti.

Vikio taikymas ugdymui: • Galimybプ taisyti turin┊ drauge daugeliui asmen┧ – tai labai tinka grupi-

nio darbo užduotims. Mokiniai bet kuriuo metu ir iš bet kurios vietos (kur tik yra interneto prieiga) gali taisyti, pridプti ar ištrinti turinio dalis.

• Diskusij┧ erdvプ suteikia galimybC diskutuoti r┣pimu klausimu, tartis dプl pakeitim┧, teikti si┣lymus, užduoti klausimus. Taip bendradarbiaujama.

• Yra galimybプ sukurti susijusi┧ žini┧ blokus ir saugoti naudingas nuo-rodas šia tema.

• Mokytojas gali iš anksto parengti šablon> ir skirti mokiniams užduotis. Pavyzdžiui, mokytojas parengia šablon> „Antrosios kartos technolo-gijos“ su tokiu pradiniu turiniu: apibrプžimas, technologij┧ s>rašas, j┧ aprašymai, straipsnis apie vien> kuri> nors iš paminプt┧ technologij┧. Kiekvienam mokiniui skiriama užduotis – sukurti po straipsn┊, kuris aprašyt┧ kuri> nors iš moderni┧ technologij┧.

Bendro tekst┧ rengimo priemonプs (angl. collaborative editing tools) suteikia galimybC vienu metu keliems naudotojams taisyti t> pat┊ doku-ment> (pvz., tekst>, grafik>), kur┊ galima ┊kelti, sukurti, keisti jo format>


(pavyzdžiui, doc fail> ┊ pdf). Kiekvieno ┊rašo autorius gali b┣ti identifi-kuotas. Ši priemonプ suteikia galimybC matyti, kokius dokumentus kas taiso, stebプti atliekamus veiksmus, lyginti dokumentus ar taisymo versijas.

Bendro tekst┧ rengimo priemoni┧ taikymas ugdymui: • Bendro rašymo priemonプs gali b┣ti naudojamos atlikti užduotis grupプse.

Vienu metu mokiniai gali taisyti t> pat┊ dokument>, stebプti taisymus. Visi pakeitimai yra ┊rašomi, fiksuojama, kuris naudotojas, k> pakeitプ ir kada, galima palyginti pradinio ir galutinio dokumento turinius. Tokiu b┣du mokytojas gali ┊vertinti kiekvieno mokinio atlikt> darb>.

• Kai kurios priemonプs turi komentavimo galimybC, kuri reikalinga dis-kusijoms.

• Šios priemonプs suteikia galimybC kurti ir ┊rašyti ┊vairi┧ format┧ doku-mentus. Mokiniai, pavyzdžiui, raštinプs program┧ paket> gali pasiekti naudodamiesi naršykle.

• Publikuota medžiaga galima dalintis: tereikia nurodyti, kur┊ dokument> su kuriuo naudotoju ketinate dalintis, t. y. bendrai taisyti, pildyti, o gal leidžiate tik skaityti. Mokytojas gali pateikti pamokos teorij>, užduotis, jas taisyti ir vertinti.

Socialinio žymプjimo (angl. social bookmarking) paslauga suteikia galimybC interneto naudotojui (arba grupei) fiksuoti, tvarkyti, ieškoti pasirinktus interneto svetaini┧ adresus ir susieti juos su reikšminiais žodžiais (angl. tags), kurie apib┣dina fiksuojam> tinklalap┊, trumpai apra-šyti pasirinktas internetines svetaines. Kadangi naudotojas gali dalintis savo interneto adres┧ s>rašu su kitais – šis žymプjimas vadinamas socialiniu. Tokiu b┣du pagal žymプjimus arba tem> galima surasti panaši┧ interes┧ interneto naudotoj┧ pažymプtas interneto svetaines. Naudotojai šiose siste-mose gali pridプti ir papildomos informacijos, pavyzdžiui, apie save: ┊dプti savo nuotrauk>, aprašym>, sritis, kuriomis domisi ir pan. Taip pat daugelyje toki┧ sistem┧ yra galimybプ palikti komentarus, reitinguoti nuorodas, impor-tuoti ir eksportuoti internetini┧ svetaini┧ adresus. Asmuo ┊traukCs nuorod> ┊ savo sistem> gali matyti kas dar j> yra ┊traukCs ir kokias nuorodas, konkre-čia tema, tie asmenys yra sukaupC sistemoje.

Socialinio žymプjimo taikymas ugdymui: • Mokiniai ir mokytojai gali lengvai sudaryti interneto svetaini┧ registr>

arba pateikti literat┣ros šaltini┧ kuria nors tema s>raš>. Susistemintas nuorodas (pavyzdžiui, sudプtas ┊ tematinius katalogus ar priskyrus joms reikšminius žodžius), galima lengvai pateikti kitiems.

• Galima stebプti mokinio pažang> vykdant tyrim>, kadangi žymimi tinkla-lapiai išdプstomi atvirkštine chronologine tvarka.


• Mokytojas gali reitinguoti ar ┊vertinti pasirinktas interneto svetaines, taip padプdamas mokiniui išsirinkti naudingiausius šaltinius.

• Galimybプ keistis nuorodomis yra naudinga bendradarbiaujant skirting┧ disciplin┧ mokytojams ar mokykloms. Pavyzdžiui, tokiu b┣du, matema-tikos mokytojas gali parinkti medžiag>, susijusi> su tema nagrinプjama fizikos pamokoje. Skirting┧ mokykl┧ tos pačios disciplinos mokytojai gali bendradarbiauti, išnagrinプti ir pasirinkti tinkamiausias nuorodas.

Medij┧ dalijimosi paslaug┧ (angl. media-sharing services) tarnybos leidžia pateikti ┊vairi> informacij> (tekstinC, grafinC, vaizdinC, garsinC), ieškoti, apžvelgti, komentuoti, priskirti reikšminius žodžius – keistis galima vaizdo filmais, nuotraukomis, pateiktimis, dokumentais ir pan.

Medij┧ dalijimosi paslaug┧ taikymas ugdymui: • Galimybプ platinti ir keistis medijomis, skirtomis mokymui(-si), pavyz-

džiui, pateikti vaizdinC eksperimento medžiag> prieš laboratorinius darbus, pateikti garso ar vaizdo paskaitas, kurios bus naudingos moki-niams, nedalyvavusiems pamokoje, pateikti medžiag> užsienio kalb┧ mokymuisi, pamokos pradžioje pateikti paveikslプl┊ ar vaizdo ┊raš> pra-šant mokini┧ atspプti pamokos tem> (tai skatina mokini┧ susidomプjim>, juos aktyvin>).

• Mokytojo publikuotas nuotraukas gali komentuoti mokiniai – vyksta bendravimas ir bendradarbiavimas. Pavyzdžiui, mokytojas pateikia skirting┧ tapybos žanr┧ paveiksl┧ su trumpais aprašais ir si┣lo atpažinti žanrus. Mokiniai komentuoja, rašo samprotavimus, kritikuoja.

• Taikant reikšminius žodžius galima greitai rasti tam tikrai temai naudin-g┧ vaizdo ┊raš┧, paveikslプli┧ pateiktims ruošti ir pan.

Socialiniai tinklai (angl. social networking) apibrプžiami kaip interneto socialinプs erdvプs, skirtos palengvinti bendravim>, bendradarbiavim> ir ┊vairaus turinio mainus. Jose naudotojai gali susisiekti vieni su kitais, si┧sti laiškus ir žinutes, kurti dienoraščius, ieškotis pažinči┧, publikuoti ┊vairi> medžiag>, pateikti informacij> apie save.

Socialini┧ tinkl┧ taikymas ugdymui: • Galimybプ kurti grupes, diskutuoti, ┊kelti nuotraukas, vaizdo filmukus ar

nuorodas. Mokiniai gali kurti tam tikr┧ žini┧ blokus, pavyzdžiui, galima sukurti matematik┧ grupC, ┊ kuri> galプt┧ ┊sijungti dauguma miesto, šalies ar šali┧ mokiniai, besidomintys matematika. Mokiniai galプs kaupti ┊vairi> matematinC medžiag>, dalintis patirtimi, mokytis bendradarbiauti, ┊gyti nauj┧ žini┧.


• Galimybプ rašyti komentarus, diskutuoti tam tikroje erdvプje, dalykiškai bendrauti, aptarti užduotis, sprCsti problemas.

• Gali b┣ti naudojama kaip patraukli erdvプ, imituojanti virtuali>j> klasC. Joje dalyvauti galプt┧ ir mokini┧ tプvai, jie stebプt┧ mokini┧ pažang>, bendraut┧ su mokytojais.

Sklaidos technologijos (angl. syndication technologies). RSS (angl. Really Simple Syndication) – tai technologija, skirta informacijai surinkti ir susisteminti iš ┊vairi┧ interneto šaltini┧, j┧ neaplankius. Prenumeruotas nau-jienas galima susisteminti sudプliojus jas ┊ teminius katalogus. Kadangi naujienos pateikiamos su trumpais aprašais, galima net nesilankant svetai-nプse atsirinkti reikiam> informacij>. Taip pat galima automatiškai sekti (užprenumeruojant), surinkti ir susisteminti periodiškai atnaujinam> naujausi> informacij>. Ši informacija gali b┣ti atsiunčiama ir el. paštu. Pa-prastai toki> informacij> sudaro: internetinio šaltinio pavadinimas, trumpas aprašas, nuoroda ┊ j┊, publikavimo data. Naudojantis sklaidos technolo-gijomis galima ir pasitikrinti savo el. pašt>.

Skaidos technologij┧ taikymas ugdymui: • Suteikia galimybC mokiniams ir mokytojams sužinoti apie naujus tinkla-

rašči┧ ┊rašus, sekti reikšminius žodžius socialini┧ žymプjim┧ sistemose, sekti informacijos mainus, sužinoti naujienas.

• Galimybプ dalintis sukauptomis naujienomis nusiunčiant nuorod> ┊ tink-lalap┊ el. paštu ar tiesiogiai pakviečiant naudotis sistema.

• Mokytojas gali panaudoti užsakytas naujienas pradžios tinklalapyje. Tokiu b┣du mokiniai gali greitai sužinoti, kas naujo ┊vyko pasaulyje.

• Daugelyje ši┧ program┧ yra galimybプ komentuoti – šitaip vykdomos diskusijos. Yra galimybプ turiniui iš RSS konvertuoti ┊ pdf fail> ir šitaip išsaugoti naudingas diskusijas.

Apibendrinant galima daryti išvad>, kad naujosios interneto techno-logijos ir paslaugos padeda kiekvienam patenkinti savo poreikius, rasti sau reikalingos ar tinkamos informacijos. Informacijos radimas, jos naudo-jimas, bendravimas ir bendradarbiavimas suteikia galimybi┧ gerinti mokym>(si). Žinant, kokios technologijos kokias paslaugas teikia, galima pasirinkti tinkamiausi> b┣d> pamokai organizuoti.

Literat┣ra ANDERSON. P. (2007) What is Web 2.0? Ideas, technologies and implications for

education. JISC Technology and Standards Watch, Report. http://www.jisc.ac.uk/media/documents/techwatch/tsw0701b.pdf


BRYAN A. (2006) Web 2.0. A New Wave of Innovation for Teachning and learning? EDUCASE Review, Vol. 41, Issue 2, p. 32–44.

D’SOUZA Q. (2007) Web 2.0 Ideas for Educators. A Guide to RSS and More. http://web20teach.blogspot.com/2007/05/web-20-ideas-for-educators-ebook.html

ISAKSSON J. E-Learning and Web 2.0 Tools for Schools. http://www.mindomo.com/view.htm?m=48511abbfb7e4145a33dbe6453d0f8af

REDECKER Ch., ALA-MUTKA K., BACIGALUPO M., FERRARI A., PUNIE Y. (2008) Learning 2.0. The Impact of Web 2.0 Innovations on Education and Training in Europe. Final Report. IPTS, JRC, European Commission.

SELWYN N. (2007) Web 2.0 applications as alternative environments for informal learning – a critical review. Paper for CERI-KERIS International Expert Meeting on ICT and Educational Performance, 16–17 October 2007, Session 6.

ŠIAUDVYTIENブ E. (2007) Kitoks mokymasis su „Web 2.0“. Elektroninis leidinys „Veidrodis“, 2007, nr. 5 (70).

VAN HARMELEN M. (2008) Briefing paper on Web 2.0 technologies for content sharing: Web 2.0 – An introduction, Manchester. http://franklin-consulting.co.uk/LinkedDocuments/Introduction%20to%20Web%202.doc

Prof. dr. Valentina Dagienプ yra Matematikos ir informatikos instituto skyriaus vadovプ, Vilniaus uni-versiteto dプstytoja. Parašプ per 250 mokslini┧ ir meto-dini┧ straipsni┧, 60 knyg┧, vadovavo per 30 projekt┧. Dirba ┊vairiose informatikos ir švietimo komitetuose. Lietuvos mokslo premijos (informatikos mokymas, mokomosios programinプs ┊rangos k┣rimas ir lokaliza-vimas) laureatプ. Anita Juškevičienプ dirba inžiniere Matematikos ir informatikos institute, yra informatikos terminijos komisijos sekretorプ, tarptautinio mokslinio žurnalo „Informatics in Education“ rengプja. Baigプ Mate-matikos ir informatikos mokymo ir dプstymo studijas Vilniaus universiteto Matematikos ir informatikos fakultete. Šiuo metu yra informatikos inžinerijos doktorantプ.


KONSTRUKCIONISTINIS IR KONSTRUKTYVISTINIS MOKYMAS Tatjana Jevsikova, tatjanaj@ktl.mii.lt Vilniaus universitetas Jolanta Subatovič, jolanta.subatovic@gmail.com Vilniaus r. Sudervプs M. Zdziechovskio pagrindinプ mokykla ┉vadas

Edukologai, psichologai, filosofai, mokytojai-praktikai, tプvai ir kiti, kas susiduria ir nプra abejingas mokymui, nuolat kelia sau klausim>, kaip pagerinti mokym>, padaryti j┊ efektyvesn┊ ir malonesn┊, kaip skatinti besimokanči┧j┧ aktyvum>, k┣rybiškum> ir savarankiškum>. Šie klausimai buvo aptariami 2010 met┧ rugpj┣čio mプnes┊ vykusioje konferencijoje „Constructionism 2010“, kas ir padiktavo šio pranešimo tematik>.

Pirmoje straipsnio dalyje aptariamos konstruktyvizmu besiremiančios mokymo(si) teorijos, o antroje – parodoma, kaip ši┧ teorij┧ idプjas galima ┊gyvendinti praktiškai taikant kompiuterinC mokymo priemonC Scratch.

Konstruktyvizmas ir konstrukcionizmas Akivaizdu, kad mokymas nプra vien žini┧ perdavimas iš mokytojo

pusプs ir žini┧ priプmimas, iškodavimas bei taikymas iš naujo iš besimo-kančiojo pusプs (Ackermann, 2010).

Norプdamas atsakyti ┊ klausim>, kaip žmonプs mokosi, Ž. Piažプ (J. Piaget) suformavo konstruktyvizmo teorij>. Svarbiausias Piažプ tyrim┧ rezultatas – vaik┧ bendr┧j┧ m>stymo ypatum┧ ┊vairiais amžiaus tarpsniais išskyrimas. Anot konstruktyvizmo teorijos, žinios palaipsniui dekonteks-tualizuojamos (nuo „čia ir dabar“ iki „ten ir tada“), t. y. vaikai palaipsniui gali atitolti nuo konkreči┧ objekt┧ ir mintyse manipuliuoti simboliniais rea-laus ar hipotetinio pasaulio objektais. Piažプ akcentuoja žini┧ konstravim> iš patirties: vaikui augant ir mokantis konstruojamos vis stabilesnプs ir sudプ-tingesnプs žini┧ (mentalinプs) strukt┣ros, kuriomis naudodamasis vaikas interpretuoja pasaul┊ ir išplečia savo eksperiment┧ lauko ribas (Piaget, 1954).

Konstruktyvizmo teorija paaiškina, kaip žmonプs mokosi, tačiau nesi┣lo konkreči┧ pedagogini┧ priemoni┧ ir metod┧, kaip tok┊ mokym>si efektyviai organizuoti (Noss, 2010). Todプl formuojasi kitos, neokonstruktyvistinプs teorijos, kurios pripažindamos žini┧ konstravimo ypatumus, ieško


konkreči┧ b┣d┧ mokymuisi pagerinti. Viena toki┧ pedagogini┧ teorij┧ yra konstrukcionizmas.

Konstrukcionizmo teorij> pasi┣lプ S. Papertas, žymus matematikas, edukologas, informatikas, dirbtinio intelekto teorijos vienas iš pradinink┧, Logo programavimo kalbos autorius. Anot Paperto, mokymasis geriausiai vyksta tada, kai besimokantysis aktyviai kuria išorinio pasaulio objektus (o ne tik žini┧ strukt┣ras, kaip mentalinius objektus). Konstrukcionistin┊ mokym>si gerai apib┣dina frazプ „mokymasis kuriant“ (angl. learning by making). Tok┊ mokym>si realizuoti padeda informacinプs ir komunikacinプs technologijos (IKT).

S. Papertas apie konstrukcionizm> ir jo santyk┊ su konstruktyvizmu rašo: „Konstrukcionizmas turi t> pat┊ poži┣r┊ ┊ mokym>si, kaip konstruk-tyvizmas (žini┧ strukt┣r┧ konstravimas), tačiau papildomai remiasi idプja, kad tai geriausiai vyksta kontekste, kai besimokantysis yra s>moningai ┊sitraukCs ┊ konstravim> tam tikro objekto, ar tai b┣t┧ smプlio pilis papl┣-dimyje, ar visatos teorija“ (Papert, 1991).

E. Ackermann (2010) išskiria tokius svarbiausius konstrukcionizmo bruožus ir santyk┊ su konstruktyvizmu: „ Vaikai patys yra savo pažinimo priemoni┧ ir išorini┧ realybi┧ k┣rプjai. „ Žinios ir pasaulis yra konstruojami ir interpretuojami naudojant tam

tikras priemones ir simbolius. „ Priešingai negu Piažプ konstruktyvizmo teorijoje, konstrukcionizme

pagrindinis dプmesys skiriamas tam, kaip vaikai mokosi tam tikrame kontekste naudodami savo ir kit┧ sukurtus objektus.

„ Koncentruojamasi ties IKT vaidmeniu žmoni┧ mokymesi. Anot konstruktyvizmu besiremianči┧ teorij┧ (Ackermann, 2010):

„ Pasaulis nプra statinis, nプra „tik laukiantis“, kol jo reiškiniai bus atskleisti. Pasaulis keičiasi žmonプms su juo s>veikaujant.

„ Mokymas negali b┣ti tiesioginis. Vaikai interpretuoja informacij> remdamiesi savo turimomis žiniomis ir patirtimi.

„ Žinios nプra informacija, bet pamokos, kurias ┊sisaviname iš patirties. „ Mokytojas – ne scenoje esantis išminčius, o pagalbininkas, skatinantis

tyrinプti, išreikšti, dalintis. „ Mokymasis gali pagerプti ne tiek mokytojui ieškant nauj┧ mokymo (angl.

instruction) metod┧, kiek tobulinant konstravimo metodus, kuriuos naudot┧ mokinys.


Konstrukcionizmas ir IKT Mokymas(is), paremtas konstruktyvizmu, nプra žini┧ ir ┊g┣dži┧ pasyvus

perteikimas, tai aktyvus supratimo, reikšmi┧ ir ┊g┣dži┧ konstravimo procesas, ankstesni┧ ir nauj┧ žini┧ ir ┊g┣dži┧ susiejimas. Vaikas turi mokプti organizuoti, planuoti ir kontroliuoti savo mokymosi proces>, kuris turi tiksl> ir yra susijCs su kontekstu bei aplinkybプmis.

Kompiuterinプs konstravimo priemonプs vaikui gali padプti ┊sitraukti ┊ aktyv┧ objekt┧ k┣rim>. Pavyzdžiui, praktiškai taikant kompiuterinC moky-mo priemonC Scratch yra ┊gyvendinama konstrukcionizmo teorija, t. y. kurdami konkret┧ objekt> (scenarij┧ su Scratch programa), vaikai emo-ciškai ┊sitraukia ┊ veikl>, kuriai pasitelkia intelekt> ir turimas žinias, naujai jas komponuoja, sieja ir pateikia.

Kompiuterinプ konstravimo priemonプ Scratch Scratch – tai programavimo priemonプ ir programavimo kalba, kuri

leidžia lengvai kurti interaktyvias istorijas, žaidimus ir animacij> (MIT Media Lab, 2010). M. Resniko (Mitchel Resnick), Masač┣setso technolo-gijos instituto mokslininko, žaisl┧ serijos Lego MindStorms sumanytojo ir StarLogo kalbos k┣rプjo, iniciatyva Scratch programa „gimプ“ 2007 m., Masač┣setso technologijos instituto multimedijos laboratorijai vykdant projekt> „Lifelong Kindergarten“. Ši programa skirta vaik┧ ir jaunimo mokymosi ┊g┣džiams ugdyti, pavyzdžiui, k┣rybiškam m>stymui, aiškiam minči┧ dプstymui, metod┧ analizavimui, projektavimui, bendradarbiavimui. Naudojantis šia programa galima mokyti intuityvaus programavimo pasitel-kus mokini┧ k┣rybiškum> – vaikai gali manipuliuoti grafiniais objektais: kurti vaizdus, animacij>, muzik>, žaidimus ir kt., savo k┣riniais dalytis su kitais – ┊kプlus juos ┊ internet>.

Manipuliuojant grafiniais objektais greitai ir lengvai perprantami programavimo principai. Vizuali programavimo aplinka suteikia galimybC vaikams tapti k┣rプjais, realizuoti savo idプjas. (Romeike, 2008) Mokymosi metodai iš „atkartok“ keičiami ┊ „sugalvok, kurk, konstruok“.

Scratch lokalizuota 50 kalb┧, tarp j┧ – ir lietuvi┧ kalbai. Scratch aplinkoje visos galimos komandos ir strukt┣ros pateikiamos

kaip dプlionプs dalys (blokai), kurios sugrupuotos ┊ 8 kategorijas (kiekviena kategorija turi savo spalv> ir speciali> blok┧ form>).


1 pav. Scratch programos komandos

Programavimas vyksta dプlionプs principu (scenarijai kuriami jungiant detales). Scratch komand┧ ir strukt┣r┧ sujungimo formos tokios, kad nega-lima sujungti netinkanči┧ komand┧. Taip užkertamas kelias sintaksinプms programavimo klaidoms.

Pasirinkus vien> iš 8 kategorij┧, matomos visos galimos komandos, kurias pele tereikia nutempti ┊ scen> (darbo lauk>) ir sujungti ┊ visum> – sukurti scenarij┧. Scratch programos objektai yra veikプjai (angl. sprite), kuriems galima parinkti išvaizd> ir nurodyti atlikti veiksm>. Veikプjai gali turプti kelet> kauki┧, kurias galima parinkti iš s>rašo, nupiešti (Scratch turi integruot> piešimo rengyklC) arba ┊kelti bet kurio tipo paveikslプl┊.

2 pav. Scenarijaus pavyzdys ir pagrindinis „Scratch“ veikプjas – katinas

Sukurt> Scratch projekt> galima iš karto publikuoti Scratch svetainプje (http://scratch.mit.edu/). Ten taip pat galima perži┣rプti, parsisi┧sti, analizuoti, perdaryti kit┧ pateiktus projektus.

Vizuali programavimo aplinka suteikia galimybC vaikams patiems tapti k┣rプjais, realizuoti savo idプjas – žaismingai kurti programas bei patogiai jomis dalintis tarpusavyje. Kompiuterinプs konstravimo priemonプs Scratch k┣rプjai savo k┣rin┊ apib┣dina trimis metaforomis: „žemas slenkstis“ – leng-va programavimo pradžia, „aukštos lubos“ – galimybプ kurti sudプtingesnius projektus, „plačios sienos“ – didelプ projekt┧ ┊vairovプ (MIT Media Lab, 2007).


Scratch yra atviroji programinプ ┊ranga, j> galima laisvai naudoti ir platinti. Veikia Windows, Mac ir Linux OS.

Literat┣ra ACKERMANN E. K. (2010) Constructivism(s): Shared Roots, Crossed Paths,

Multiple Legacies. In: Clayson J.E., Kalaš I. (Eds.) Constructionist approaches to creative learning and education: Lessons for the 21st century. Proc. Constructionism 2010. 12th European Logo Conference, 16–20 August 2010, Paris, France, pp. 1–8.

NOSS R. Reconstructing Constructionism. In: Clayson J.E., Kalaš I. (Eds.) Constructionist approaches to creative learning and education: Lessons for the 21st century. Proc. Constructionism 2010. 12th European Logo Conference, 16–20 August 2010, Paris, France, pp. 1–4.

PAPERT S. (1991) Preface, In: I. Harel & S. Papert (Eds.) Constructionism, Research reports and essays, 1985–1990 (p. 1), Norwood NJ.

PIAGET J. (1954) The origin of intelligence in children. New York: International University Press.

ROMEIKE R. (2008) Kreativität im Informatikunterricht. Dissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades “doctor rerum naturalium” (Dr. rer. nat.) in der Wissenschaftsdisziplin “Didaktik der Informatik”.

MIT Media Lab (2010) Scratch Documentation Site, http://info.scratch.mit.edu/About_Scratch [ži┣rプta 2010-09-15]

Dr. Tatjana Jevsikova yra Vilniaus universiteto Ma-tematikos ir informatikos fakulteto lektorプ, taip pat Matematikos ir informatikos instituto Informatikos metodologijos skyriaus mokslo darbuotoja. Ji yra parašiusi daugiau kaip 15 mokslini┧ straipsni┧, kelet> knyg┧. Domisi elektroninio mokymosi sistemomis, programinプs ┊rangos lokalizavimu, kompiuterinプmis mokymo priemonプmis ir mokymo metodais. Jolanta Subatovič yra informacini┧ technologij┧ mokytoja. Baigプ matematikos ir informatikos moky-mo specialybC Vilniaus universitete. Bendradarbiauja su Matematikos ir informatikos instituto Informatikos metodologijos skyriumi. Domisi kompiuterinプmis konstravimo priemonプmis ir mokymo metodais. Yra vieno mokslinio straipsnio bendraautorプ.
