O.IL Services Standards



The latest service standards from Orbit Independent Living January 2012

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Service StandardsOrbit Independent Living

We consulted customers on the Service Standards to check that we had:

covered the areas important to customers in an understandable way

asked how people wanted to be involved in telling us how well we have done in meeting the Service Standards

asked how often people wanted to do this

asked how people wanted us to report back to them.

As a result of this feedback and consultation we will:

regularly ask customers for feedback every 6 months to see how we are doing in meeting the standards

ask for this feedback in a range of ways. Most customers said that they would want to do this in groups, either at scheme/service level or across different schemes

report back through house meetings and also back this up with posters and letters.

These Service Standards are what all customers can expect from Orbit Independent Living. We are committed to providing you with an excellent, friendly and efficient service.

Meanings We have used the word ‘service’ throughout this document which applies to homes, schemes and projects.

We have used the term ‘Support Worker’ throughout this document which includes Scheme Managers, Care Workers, Housing Officers, Managers, Key Workers. This term refers to all the staff members in the department.

We will... publicise clear information about the service, including:

– who it is for

– what the service does

– costs and charges

– how to apply (we will support you in making an application if needed).

offer you an interview and an opportunity to view the service (where possible); you are welcome to bring someone with you to the interview.

follow this process and if, for any reason, we cannot offer you a place in the service, we will:

– explain the reasons why

– give you the opportunity to appeal against our decision

– wherever possible we will suggest alternative services that you could approach.

Applying for our services

We will... inform you of your rights to

privacy and confidentiality and always respect those rights.

not open your post (unless this is clearly set out in your agreed care plan).

provide an interpretation and translation service to meet your communication needs.

provide staff as detailed at your service.

Meeting your needs

Moving in

We will... clearly explain your tenancy or licence

agreement to you as well as all the charges (rent, service charge, care/support charges) and ways to pay those charges

give you advice and assistance in applying for Housing Benefit and any other welfare benefits; in some services this might include supporting you with a Fairer Charging Assessment

complete an induction process with you

provide you with a Customer Information Pack, details about the service, local facilities and other relevant information

provide you with accurate and timely information about your rent and other charges accounts

ensure that every effort is made to prevent you from falling into arrears, and contact you promptly if you do so.

Meeting your needs

Your support and care needs

We will... either directly deliver the care and/or support

or work in partnership with managing agents to enable the delivery of this support and/or care service.

tell you the name of your support worker on the day you move in. They will arrange to meet you regularly to work through your agreed support plan.

complete a needs and risk assessment and a support/care plan with you within 4 weeks of you joining the service.

work in partnership with you to carry out a regular review of your support/care plan.

where the service is intended to be short-term housing, work with you to find move-on accommodation and support you to make the move.

ensure that support is available throughout the night and at weekends via one of the following:

– an out-of-hours on-call rota (for telephone advice), or

– 24 hour cover, or

– transferring calls to emergency Orbit Response Unit services outside of office hours, or

– ensuring that you have information about other out-of-hours sources of support and advice.

We will... provide clear information on

how to make a complaint

offer you support in making a complaint.

Putting things right

Estate services and maintenance

We will... carry out regular health and safety checks

and invite customers to be involved in the checks.

promote recycling and ‘green’ initiatives and provide recycling facilities in as many services as possible.

keep communal areas and gardens clean and to a satisfactory standard of furnishings and decoration.

carry out repairs and planned maintenance as set out in your tenure agreement and handbook.

Involving you

We will... find out what is important to

you and how you would like to get involved.

we will offer a range of ways for you to get involved in consultations and making decisions.

If you require any further information please contact a member of staff at your service or contact us on 0345 8 500 500 or e-mail orbitindependentliving@orbit.org.uk

If you would like this information in Braille, large print, audio or different language please contact us on 0345 8 500 500

Heart of England Housing Association Ltd (exempt charity)Registered Office: 10 Greenhill Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warks, CV37 6LG Homes and Communities Agency Reg. No. L452
