Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Parks and Recreation 2045 Morse Road Columbus Ohio...


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Ohio Department Ohio Department of Natural of Natural ResourcesResources

Division of Division of

Parks and RecreationParks and Recreation2045 Morse Road2045 Morse Road

Columbus Ohio 43229Columbus Ohio 43229

ReimbursementReimbursement GRANTSGRANTSState :State :

Clean Ohio Trails Fund (COTF)Clean Ohio Trails Fund (COTF)

Nature WorksNature Works

Federal :Federal :

Land & WaterLand & Water

Conservation Fund (LWCF)Conservation Fund (LWCF)

Recreational Trails Program (RTP)Recreational Trails Program (RTP)


Nature WorksNature Works

Created through Created through the Ohio Parks & the Ohio Parks & Natural Resources Natural Resources Bond Issue Bond Issue Overwhelmingly Overwhelmingly approved by Ohio approved by Ohio Voters in November Voters in November 19931993

Nature WorksNature Works

• Eligible Projects:Eligible Projects: – Public Park & Recreation Areas Public Park & Recreation Areas ((min. 15 min. 15

yr lease)yr lease)•AcquisitionAcquisition•DevelopmentDevelopment•RehabilitationRehabilitation• Engineering design as a part of project – if Engineering design as a part of project – if

within 6 months and with prior approval. within 6 months and with prior approval.

• Eligible Sponsors:Eligible Sponsors:– All Local Subdivisions of GovernmentAll Local Subdivisions of Government

Nature WorksNature Works• Required Match:Required Match:

– Minimum 25%Minimum 25%– Donated land allowed – if within grant periodDonated land allowed – if within grant period– Donated labor costs are allowed Donated labor costs are allowed

• Project Size:Project Size: Varies by CountyVaries by County – Approximately 1.9 mil per year – 1/3 allocated evenly to Approximately 1.9 mil per year – 1/3 allocated evenly to

eacheachOhio county, remaining 2/3 based on populationOhio county, remaining 2/3 based on population..

• Perpetuity Requirement:Perpetuity Requirement: • Grant projects must remain in public Grant projects must remain in public

recreational use recreational use foreverforever..

• Time to Complete Project: 18 months Time to Complete Project: 18 months

• Reimbursement Time: 2-3 weeksReimbursement Time: 2-3 weeks

LWCFLWCFLand and Water Conservation Fund Act

Passed by Congress in Sept. 1964, effective Jan. 1965.

Funding issued to the state.

The state has discretion over how much funding will be available for local governments.

Since 1965 Ohio has received over $140 million. 

Over ½ of this funding has been used for local parks projects.


Eligible Projects: Eligible Projects: Public Park & Recreation Areas:Public Park & Recreation Areas:

AcquisitionAcquisitionDevelopment (Sponsor must Development (Sponsor must

own property)own property)Rehabilitation (Sponsor must Rehabilitation (Sponsor must

own property)own property)Engineering design as a part of project – if Engineering design as a part of project – if

within 6 monthswithin 6 months

Eligible Sponsors:Eligible Sponsors:All Local Subdivisions of GovernmentAll Local Subdivisions of GovernmentLocal school boards (with prior Local school boards (with prior


Perpetuity Requirement:Perpetuity Requirement: Grant Grant projects must remain in public recreational projects must remain in public recreational use use forever.forever.


Required MatchRequired Match: : 50%50% State grant $ can comprise up to 20% of State grant $ can comprise up to 20% of this 50%.this 50%. Donated land allowed – if within grant Donated land allowed – if within grant period.period. Donated labor costs are allowedDonated labor costs are allowed

Project SizeProject Size:: Unofficial max. on project awards: Unofficial max. on project awards: $70,000$70,000

Time to complete ProjectTime to complete Project: 18 months : 18 months

Reimbursement TimeReimbursement Time:: 2-3 weeks 2-3 weeks

RTPRTPAuthorized by congress in the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991.

Reauthorized (again) in 2005 under the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient, Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU)

To Date: To Date: 10.8 Million in RTP $ Awarded to 158 Projects10.8 Million in RTP $ Awarded to 158 Projects

32.25 Miles of Trail 32.25 Miles of Trail Corridor AcquisitionCorridor Acquisition

174 Miles of New 174 Miles of New TrailTrail

218 Miles of Trail 218 Miles of Trail Maintenance and/or Maintenance and/or RestorationRestoration

21 New Trailheads21 New Trailheads

24 New Bridges 24 New Bridges (includes major rehabs)(includes major rehabs)

• 12 New Trail Equipment 12 New Trail Equipment Items Items

• 1 Signage project (mile 1 Signage project (mile markers) markers)

• 1 Safety / Environmental 1 Safety / Environmental Stewardship Education Stewardship Education Event. Event.

• 1 Grant Assistance to a 1 Grant Assistance to a Trail PatrolTrail Patrol

RTPRTPEligible Projects: Eligible Projects:

Trail development Trail development Land acquisition for a trail Land acquisition for a trail (min. 15 yr lease)(min. 15 yr lease)

Trail maintenance / restoration / equipmentTrail maintenance / restoration / equipmentTrailhead facilities Trailhead facilities Education - safety & environmental Education - safety & environmental protection (protection (5% limit)5% limit)

Engineering/DesignEngineering/Design - as a part of a trail - as a part of a trail project – during project – during grant periodgrant period

Eligible Sponsors:Eligible Sponsors: Political Subdivisions Political Subdivisions State & Federal AgenciesState & Federal Agencies

Non Profit 501 C3sNon Profit 501 C3s

RTPRTPRequired Match: Required Match: 20% 20%

Project Size:Project Size: AwardsAwards are are usuallyusually < $200,000. < $200,000. ($150K cap in 2009)($150K cap in 2009)

Time to complete projectTime to complete project: : 18 months18 monthsReimbursement Time: Reimbursement Time: 2-3 2-3 weeksweeks

Motorized Motorized RequirementRequirement:: Thirty Thirty percent of Ohio’s yearly percent of Ohio’s yearly allocation must fund allocation must fund motorized motorized publicpublic recreational trails.recreational trails.

Clean Ohio Trails FundClean Ohio Trails Fund

November 2000: Voters approved Issue 1, the Clean Ohio Fund.•Clean Ohio Trail Fund (ODNR)

The 5th round was recently awarded•Clean Ohio Green Space Conservation Program

(Public Works Commission)

•Clean Ohio Agricultural Easement Purchase Program

(Dept. of Agriculture)

•Clean Ohio Revitalization Fund (Dept. of



33 Miles of Corridor 33 Miles of Corridor AcquisitionAcquisition

205 Miles of New 205 Miles of New TrailTrail

29 New Bridges 29 New Bridges ((includes major includes major rehabsrehabs))

3 New Trail Tunnels3 New Trail Tunnels 3 New Trailheads3 New Trailheads

Accomplishments - COTF 4 Accomplishments - COTF 4 Rounds Rounds

$ 25 Million Awarded to 97 $ 25 Million Awarded to 97 ProjectsProjects

HB 699 Signed on HB 699 Signed on 12/28/06.12/28/06.

• Provides for the continuation of Clean Provides for the continuation of Clean Ohio within available bond capacity. Ohio within available bond capacity.

• The funding level remains at $6.25 The funding level remains at $6.25 million per year.million per year.

• Funding for the continuation of the Funding for the continuation of the program was approved in the program was approved in the November 2008 election. November 2008 election.

Clean Ohio Trails FundClean Ohio Trails Fund

EligibleEligible :: Land acquisition for a trail Land acquisition for a trail (min. 15 yr (min. 15 yr lease)lease)

Trail development –Trail development – making making connections!connections! Trailhead facilitiesTrailhead facilities – – ifif a part of a trail a part of a trail projectproject Engineering - designEngineering - design - - as a part of a trail as a part of a trail projectproject - -

& if within 2 yrs of agreement& if within 2 yrs of agreement

Eligible Project Sponsors:Eligible Project Sponsors:Political SubdivisionsPolitical Subdivisions

Non-ProfitNon-Profit 501 C3s501 C3s

Clean Ohio Trails FundClean Ohio Trails Fund

Required Match: Required Match: – Minimum 25%Minimum 25%– Donated labor, materials, Donated labor, materials,

& land are allowed.& land are allowed.

Project Size:Project Size: – To date, maximum size of project To date, maximum size of project

awards: $500,000awards: $500,000. . Reimbursement Time: Reimbursement Time: 2-3 weeks2-3 weeks




February 1February 1

Who to contact for more Who to contact for more info:info:

For NatureWorks and LWCFFor NatureWorks and LWCFDameyon M. ShipleyDameyon M. Shipley


For Recreational Trails and For Recreational Trails and Clean Ohio TrailsClean Ohio TrailsD’Juan HammondsD’Juan Hammonds


