Ohio Baptist Messenger - December 2011



The December 2011 issue of the "Ohio Baptist Messenger" featuring news and events about Southern Baptist Churches in Ohio.

Citation preview

OhiO Baptist MessengerPublication of the state convention of baPtists in ohio

december 2011 | Volume 59 No. 6

INSIDE: Worship 4:24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2

Men’s summit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3

Dark2light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8

Momentum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10

Press toward The Mark . . . . . . . . . Page 12

By Jack Kwok, Ph.D.Executive Director-TreasurerState Convention of Baptists in Ohio

“Mission ohio: Reaching the unreached acts 1:8” provid-ed the theme for the 58th annu-al meeting of the state conven-tion of baptists in ohio meeting november 2-3, 2011 at the lima baptist temple in lima, ohio . upwards to 11 .5 million people live in ohio . estimates of the lostness in ohio range from 6 to 7 million people . “Reaching the unreached” captures the es-sence of Mission ohio which is the cooperative effort of south-ern baptists to reach at least one million believers in 2,020 con-gregations by the end of 2020 . Mission ohio celebrated 22 new congregations started in 2010-11 year: 7 are primar-ily language and 3 are primarily african-american . This brings the total to 231 for new congre-gations started and continuing to reach, baptize, and disciple ohioans since 1996 . These 231 congregations represent 33% of the 699 congregations affili-ated with the state convention of baptists in ohio . The scbo annual meeting also celebrated 4,172 baptisms reported from the churches on the past year’s annual church profile . Messengers to the 58th annual meeting approved the 2011-12 Mission ohio budget which requires $33 .00 less in cooperative Mission Program funds from ohio southern baptist churches than the previ-ous year’s mission budget . This

budget maintains the division of receipts from churches through the cooperative Mission Pro-gram to 59 .75% for mission work in ohio and 40 .25% for worldwide missions outside of ohio . as a missionary conven-tion, the state convention of baptists in ohio exists to assist ohio southern baptist church-es and associations obey the Great commission . The pro-gram for the 58th annual meet-ing utilized acts 1:8 to highlight southern baptist “Reaching the unreached” mission work from “Jerusalem” to “Judea” to “sa-maria” to “the ends of the earth” dedicating the four sessions to each of these delineated areas . Dwayne lee coordinated wor-shipful and inspirational music for each session . Jack Kwok, Mission ohio executive Direc-tor, spoke during the “Jerusalem” session . Mark Wilson, pastor of north fairfield baptist church in hamilton, ohio, preached the annual sermon during the “samaria” emphasis which highlighted the work of south-ern baptists in north america . steve Davis, naMb Midwest vP, preached during the “to the ends of the earth” session . Da-vid Gray, pastor of first baptist church in Garrettsville, ohio, preached during the “Judea” ses-sion which focused upon ohio in the place of President Ron hopkins . President Ron hop-kins missed the annual meeting due to cancer treatment . Messengers elected Mike Wilson, pastor of lincoln heights baptist church in Man-

sfield, ohio, as president for 2011-12 . They elected Mark stinson, pastor of trinity baptist church in cambridge, ohio, as first vice President and James edwards, pastor of Mt . cal-vary baptist church in bedford heights, ohio, as second vice President . following the pattern of messengers from previous an-nual meetings, they elected faye Rodgers as Recording secretary, annette Dessecker as assistant Recording secretary, and Jack Kwok as historian . as Recording secretary, faye Rodgers presented a re-port of Mission council actions including baptisms, church starts, church loans, scholar-ships, sale of broad street prop-erty, improvements at antares property, and oil and gas lease for the seneca lake property among others . other actions

at the annual meeting included the election of Mission coun-cil members and approval of 9 resolutions . These resolutions are posted (www .scbo .org) on the state convention of baptists in ohio website . additional business includ-ed the approval of the time, Place, and Preacher report for the 2012 annual Meeting . Mes-sengers chose David starry, pas-tor of first baptist church in vandalia, ohio, to preach the annual sermon and steve cava-naugh, pastor of Reynoldsburg baptist church in Reynolds-burg, ohio, as the alternate to preach the annual sermon . next year, the annual meet-ing of the state convention of baptists in ohio will convene at the Kalahari convention center in sandusky, ohio, no-vember 7-8, 2012 . This is in the

northcoast association which is the iMPact association for 2012 . iMPact is an acronym for intensive Mission Projects to affect community transfor-mation . ohio southern baptists concentrate on the chosen iM-Pact association to assist the churches to minister and reach people for christ . West central association was the iMPact association this year . Messen-gers and guests celebrated the professions of faith recorded from the evangelistic activities this year . northcoast association is the iMPact association next year . Dan Duffy is the north-coast associational Missionary . to participate in iMPact 2012 contact him: dan .duffy@earth-link .net or 1 440 537 7265 .

“Mission Ohio: Reaching the Unreached Acts 1:8” 58th Annual Meeting ~ State Convention of Baptists in Ohio

2011-2012 Officers: (L to R) 2 Vice President, James Edwards, 1st Vice President Mark Stinson, President Mike Wilson, Re-cording Secretary Faye Rodgers, Assistant Recording Secretary Annette Dessecker


the scoPe of all that is scbo


See Page 3

58th Annual Meeting Resolutions

See Pages 6 and 7

Page 2 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | December 2011

The Ohio Baptist Messenger (ISSN 0472-7096) is published every other month by the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio; 9000 Antares Avenue; Columbus, Ohio 43240-2011. Periodicals Postage Paid at Columbus, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Ohio Baptist Messenger; 9000 Antares Avenue; Columbus, Ohio 43240-2011.

Jack Kwok, Ohio State Convention Executive Director-Treasurer, Editor; Linnett Snodgrass, Administrative Assistant; Spangler Production & Design, Publication Layout. Published every other month for members of Southern Baptist churches in Ohio. Subscriptions provided out of each church’s Cooperative Program gifts. Member of Baptist Press, news service of the Southern Baptist Convention.

spirit Location: Cedarville University 251 N. Main St. , Cedarville OH. 45314800-233-2784 Date: January 27-28, 2012Friday 10:00am – 8:30pmSaturday 8:30am – 3:30pm

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event information:• AdvancedRegistrationOpenthrough

December 21, 2011, $30.00• RegistrationAfterDecember21

through January 18, 2012 - $49.95• Registeratwww.worship424.com• FridayNightconcertincluded• HighSchool&CollegeStudents

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Cedarville University


Led by Pastor Thomas Miller, Gateway Worship is a dynamic team of worshippers from Gateway Church (in Dallas/FortWorth, Texas) who are passionate about the Lord and pro-claiming His greatness. Their high-energy, impactful worship helps to usher people into the presence of the Lord. All the members of Gateway Worship are actively involved at Gateway Church, and their music is birthed out of a desire to serve the church. They have three internationally-released live praise and worship albums, Living For You, Wake Up The World and their newest album, God Be Praised. Gateway Worship’s desire is that oth-ers will connect intimately with the Lord and hear His voice so that more of His character and nature can be found in all of us!

Guest artists: Gateway Worship

+ truth

December 2011 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 3

The State Convention of Baptists in Ohio is excited to an-nounce the release of the 2012 edition of The REALM! Produced annually, The REALM is designed to communicate events, min-istries and resources of SCBO for the current year. This is the third year we have offered this resource as a companion piece to

our other forms of communication. Your church should have already received a copy of The REALM in the mail. If not, or if you need additional copies, please contact Linnett Snodgrass at 614-827-1776 or lsnodgrass@scbo.org.


The scope of all ThaT is scBo


NOw AvAILABLE!what’s Inside The REALM:

Does it ever seem like you’ve got 28 hours of things to do in a 24 hour day? We get up and go to work, sometimes putting in overtime . When we come home there’s yard work, little league coaching, household finances, replacing a broken water heater, esPn, the news, and . . . good night! The funny thing is, no matter how full our day is we’ll still find time to add to it . We’ll do whatever it takes to squeeze in a little bit more . Those of you who have followed the Men’s summit over the past seven years are probably thinking, “i know where he’s going with this—Where is my time for the lord?” and my reply is, “Yes, but not in the sense you might be thinking .” too many times the conversation leads to the question, “What are you doing for the lord?” While God does call us to engage in his work, we need power and wisdom to succeed . Psalm 46:10 says, “be still and know that i am God .” When was the last time you rested in a moment of stillness, sensed the presence of God, and al-lowed him to speak to you?

let me invite you to attend “be still,” the upcoming Men’s summit at urbancrest bap-tist church on January 27-28, 2012 . noted speakers will include Joe t . veal of You turn Ministries and Dr . Robert smith, Professor of Preaching at beeson Divinity school of samford university in birmingham, ala-bama . Dr . smith is senior pastor of new Mission Missionary baptist church in cin-cinnati, ohio . Praise and worship will again be led by David bickers, Worship Pastor at urbancrest . The Men’s summit is presented in part-nership with the state convention of bap-tists in ohio (scbo) . it is progressively becoming an annual venture for many men throughout the tri-state . if you would like to attend the Men’s summit, register your-self or your group by logging onto www .urbancrest .org . Deadline for registration is January 23 and limited to the first 1,200 who register . if you need additional information, contact Mark Daubenmire at 513-932-4405 or mdaubenmire@urbancrest .org .

Men’s Summit – “Be Still”

The REALM can be downloaded at www.scbo.org

Page 4 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | December 2011

looking for a way to get your children and youth actively involved in scripture memoriza-tion? bible Drill is the way to go! Whether you have 3 or 30 students, your church can start a bible Drill ministry . What is bible Drill anyway? bible Drill is a program that gets children and youth actively involved in learning the Word of God . Partici-pants learn how to look up verses and books of the bible and memorize scripture in an efficient manner . They learn to compete in a God honor-ing way while simultaneously learning to hide God’s Work in their hearts . Practice for the bible Drill season custom-arily begins in the fall/Winter to get ready for a church, associational and state Drill . Youth and high school Winners at the state level have

the opportunity to compete at the national in-vitational tournament . levels of participation include: • Children:4th-6th Grade• Youth:7th-9th Grade• HighSchool:10th-12th Grade for more information please contact ash-ley stickel in the bible teaching/leadership Re-source Group: ashley@scbo .org, 614-827-1822 .

Important Information for current or prospective Bible Drill leaders: information regarding changes with the bibles used for bible Drill can be found at the scbo website . if you have any questions about the changes or need information about ordering new bibles, please contact ashley .

BiBle Drill 2012

By Jon Shepherd

Providence baptist of bel-levue in the northcoast as-sociation is seeing God bless their teamKiD Wednesday night children’s program in amazing ways . With the hopes of breathing more life into their church on Wednesday nights and reaching the families of their town, Pastor Jon and Kris shepherd of Providence start-ed a teamKiD ministry from scratch with four volunteers in september 2010 . Jon and Kris desired to make the min-istry fun, energetic, engaging, and attractive to un-churched kids . Throughout 2010-11, the ministry held strong, but never grew beyond 20 kids . after a successful vbs in June with over 100 kids enrolled, tre-mendous follow-up took place with home visitation, door-to-door fliers, and mailings . The staff was increased from four to fourteen with the hopes

TeamKID Children’s Ministry Grows in Bellevue

of growing to around 30-40 kids . on september 22, God surpassed our dreams with over 40 kids in attendance! The children’s ministry is put-ting us in contact with several un-churched families and one teamKiD mom has already

made a profession of faith in christ . The ministry has also transformed Wednesday night from a single adult bible study with 5-10 people to a thriv-ing family-friendly experience with over 60 in attendance . We are now looking for ways to connect with and minis-ter to the moms who bring their kids to teamKiD . It is thrilling to see how God will bless even the smallest risks that are tak-en for the cause of spreading the name of Jesus Christ!

By Doug Morgan

What an exciting time in sidney, ohio, as a crusade broke out during revival!  Pastor Dave Moran and the sidney bc have been praying about this time of “truth” for over a year .  and it has paid off .  Dwayne lee from the scbo led a different style of music each night with a variety of mu-sic worship leaders coming to this small town church with a big city heart for christ . The shepherd staff Quartet sang on Monday night trying to show the young people what it was like to worship 20 years ago .  on tuesday and Thursday night a trio from the scbo sang showing the older folks what it is like to worship today .  in both cases people responded to God’s call at the end of the message and people were saved .  it’s not about the “style” of music that we use but it is about the “heart” that we use to sing it .  God desires worship from us and if we are just obedient to him, he will open up the floodgates of heaven and bless his people .  hold on sidney bc, God is not done with you yet!  change a heart and change a community!  

Sidney Revival

Seeking PastorEast Dayton Baptist Church of Dayton Ohio is prayerfully seeking a bi-vocational Youth Minister. Position Summary: Responsible for planning, developing, coordinating, administering and evaluating a comprehensive youth ministry for 7th to 12th grade. Qualifications Summary: Must have a deep love for God and a sincere desire to serve Him working with young people, loyalty to our pastor, and dedication to our church. This is a salary position, compensation to be determined based on qualifications and availability. Resumes will be accepted through January 14th 2012. Please send resumes to pastoredbc@att.net or Youth Minister Search committee c/o East Dayton Baptist Church 1380 Spaulding Rd. Dayton, Ohio 45432.

Coshocton Baptist Church, located in Coshocton, Ohio, is seeking a full time Senior Pastor. Our average Sunday morning worship attendance is approximately 75-100.   We have 206 individual members and 114 families as members.  Please send all resumes to: ksmith13@yahoo.com by December 30, 2011.

Broadman Baptist Church, Columbus, Ohio, is seeking a full-time experienced pastor. Send resumes “In care of” Rick McKenzie, PO Box 232, Commercial Point, OH 43116. The church will be receiving resumes until Jan. 31, 2012.

December 2011 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 5

Dream Big was this year’s theme at the 2011 Kids Ministry conference in nashville! fea-tured guests included the Duggars, Jon acuff, ed stetzer, Michael Kelley, Pete Wilson, angie smith, and worship leader Dave hunt . This con-ference is a great way to soak up all you need to take your kids ministry to the next level through inspirational speakers, workshops, and show-cases of the talent kid’s love .  in 2011, lifeWay brought the event to Music city usa!  from ohio we had at least fifteen buckeyes that par-took in all of this fantastic training . Many of them are available and would love to come help train you and your leadership in sunday school and other children/preschool related areas . some of us even had lunch with Jeff slaughter and recorded a quick greeting to get you ready

for vbsi ohio in March of 2012 . check it out on our website scbo .org . if there is only one kid’s conference you attend next year, make sure this is it . it will be in Ridgecrest, north carolina, in the beauti-ful mountains . i am sure that the leaves will be breathtaking on the drive to and from as an added bonus . as both a church planter’s wife (children’s director) and member of the bible teaching / leadership Resource Group, i have very much found value in the investment . Your kids’ ministry will never be the same!

Wendy hammockBible Teaching/Leadership Resource Group SCBO

2011 Kids Ministry Conference

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about four years ago our church got the opportunity to buy a property just east of the back door of the church . i thought they were nuts for tak-ing a mortgage to pay $105,000 for an old house i didn’t think was worth $50,000, but that’s what we did and God blessed us with money to pay it off in less than one year . The location of our church is two doors north of the schools of lewisburg . eight feet from the back of our church door is an alley, you open the door and two steps — you are in the alley . now that we owned the property on both sides of the alleys, the city of lewisburg has vacated the alley and given control (of the alley) to the church, and we have closed it to traffic . Just east of the new property is a second alley . being so close to the schools, but off of school property, the kids like to hang out in the alleys . our youth di-rector, Don tucker, decided to visit with them and then invited them to come in on Monday af-ter school for snacks and to hang out in the church . We fix hot dogs, chips and the women of the church bake brownies and cookies and of course we have Mountain Dew, lots of Mountain Dew . at first we had maybe 15-20; then as the word spread that we had free Mountain Dew, the number grew to 60-70 and some days we have had over 100 . at first the kids called this “their” Monday church, later they dubbed it “alley church .”at first we were reluctant to do devotions . When we would mention devotion most of them would leave . for a while we had a fifteen minute devotion in the fellowship hall; we would have about 30-35 for snacks, and 10-

15 kids would stay for devotion, the number quickly grew to about 25 for devotion, as they got to know us we could feel a bond developing . We decided last year to move the devotion to the sanctuary . some Mondays we have over 100 kids to come through our Monday/alley church, some just take food and go back to school for the after-school activities, the teachers/coaches allow them to come over for snacks, and about half will stay . We have 35-45 for devotions that last for 25 minutes unless of course they have questions, which they do, and of course we answer, for as long as they want to ask . We did a lot of praying and we feel like we were given this opportunity to reach out to the kids of lewisburg, and this 60-foot by 80-foot building will help us do that . We don’t have a large congregation — maybe 75-80 . on easter we will reach 100 . We have done this so far on faith and God’s blessings, and some borrowed money . Please pray that God will con-tinue to lead and guide us, and give his blessings . i first give thanks to God for his blessings, and i would like to thank Ray and betty Morris and all the buckeye baptist builders, John and lynn Worley, John and Gena beal from north carolina, for all their volunteer work . and of course Mr . tom scott, nancy, Mike and charles, and everyone at steel-lite Metal building company, for when-ever or whatever we needed, they have been there for us .

Don Danielernie Mccollumlewisburg

Thanks given for chance to have “Alley Church”

Page 6 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | December 2011

Approved by the Messengers of the 58th Annual Meeting of the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio

Meeting at the Lima Baptist Temple Lima, Ohio

November 2-3, 2011

Resolutions Committee: John McIntyre (chair) James Edwards Mike O’Bryant Fran Olivier Jeff McClain

Resolution #1Appreciation for Officers and State Staff

Whereas, our convention president, Ron hopkins has served faithfully with distinc-tion as pastor and has led our convention as president with dedication to his mission spirit and the fulfillment of Mission ohio and the 2020 vision; and

Whereas, our first vice President Mike Wilson, sec-ond vice President Mark stinson, Recording secretary faye Rodgers, assistant Re-cording secretary annette Dessecker, and historian Jack Kwok have ably assisted the president and the staff of the state convention of baptists in ohio and in preparation for this meeting; and

Whereas, Jack Kwok and the staff of the state convention of baptists in ohio have led us in the vision of Mission ohio to reach 1 million people in 2,020 congregations by the end of the year 2020; there-fore, be it

Resolved, That the messen-gers of the 58th annual Meet-ing of the state convention of

baptists in ohio express our sincere thanks and apprecia-tion for their exemplary lead-ership .

Resolution #2Appreciation and prayer for outgoing president Ron Hopkins

Whereas, Pastor Ron hop-kins has graciously served as an officer of the state con-vention of baptists in ohio for the past six years as sec-ond vice-president, first vice-president, and most recently as president; and

Whereas, the leadership Pas-tor Ron hopkins has pro-vided exemplifies the biblical characteristics described in titus 1:7-9; and

Whereas, Ron hopkins’ wife Karen and his church family at briggs Road baptist church have kindly permitted him to share his time and leadership in numerous meetings and activities of the state conven-tion of baptists in ohio over the past six years; and

Whereas, Ron hopkins has recently been hospitalized for treatment of a malignant tumor and the Word of God directs us to pray for those who are ill (James 5:14-16); therefore be it

Resolved, that the messen-gers of the 58th annual Meet-ing of the state convention of baptists in ohio express to Pastor Ron hopkins our ap-preciation for his exemplary leadership to the state con-vention of baptists in ohio; and be it further

Resolved, that we express our gratitude to Karen hopkins and to the members of briggs Road baptist church for allow-ing Pastor Ron to serve with the state convention of baptists in ohio; and be it finally

Resolved, that we the mes-sengers of the 58th annual Meeting of the state conven-tion of baptists in ohio will

pray for God’s healing work for Pastor Ron hopkins as he recovers from the tumor .

Resolution #3Appreciation for Lima Bap-tist Temple, the West Central Baptist Association, and the Employees of the State Con-vention of Baptists in Ohio

Whereas, The staff and mem-bers of the lima baptist tem-ple have been so gracious to host the 58th annual Meet-ing of the state convention of baptists in ohio; and

Whereas, The West central baptist association and their associational Missionary Dave snyder have been gra-cious to assist with the an-nual Meeting; and

Whereas, The employees of the state convention of bap-tists in ohio have played an extended role in planning and organizing this year’s annual Meeting; and

Whereas, The employees of the state convention of bap-tists in ohio have been faithful to minister through encour-agement and prayer for those in ohio and faithfully serve the people and churches of ohio through their travelling of many miles and their sacri-fice of time; therefore, be it

Resolved, That we the messen-gers of the 58th annual Meet-ing of the state convention of baptists in ohio express our sincere appreciation for their continued ministry to us, and to their attendance to our comfort and needs during these days of celebration and renewal .

Resolution #4North American Mission Board partnership with Ohio Baptists

Whereas, the state conven-tion of baptists in ohio has enjoyed a fruitful partnership with the home Mission board and the north american Mis-sion board since the 1950s;

Whereas, this fruitful part-nership has contributed in some part to the start and/or ministry of all 699 congrega-tions;

Whereas, naMb has assisted in the starting of 231 congre-gations still alive since the be-ginning of naMb in 1996;

Whereas, these new congre-gations represent 33% of the 699 congregations and ac-count for 27% of all the bap-tisms reported by the congre-gations of Mission ohio in 2010;

Whereas, the north ameri-can Mission board has com-municated that it desires less missionaries in ohio;

Whereas, naMb desires to move its budget to at least 50% church planting but naMb funds used in ohio are already at 60% church planting, even after losing funding for 5 vacant church planting positions;

Whereas, the naMb trustees have indicated that they will cease paying the insurance for ohio naMb missionar-ies that receive less than 50% support from naMb, creat-ing a financial challenge and a loss of retirement benefits for missionaries;

Whereas, naMb has com-municated that they want to change the percentage of funding for Mission ohio from 62% naMb and 38% scbo to 50-50;

Whereas, for the scbo to re-place all of this financial de-funding from naMb will re-quire an estimated $3 million be added to the budget of the state convention of baptists in ohio;

Whereas, while naMb has indicated that dollars lost from ohio by these financial demands can be retained by matching on a 50-50 basis, even though the potential fi-nancial impact on the Mis-

sion ohio budget will almost assuredly eliminate the pos-sibility of matching any funds which means that ohio will lose these funds;

Whereas, the southern bap-tist convention approved the recommendations of the Great commission task force which promised more resources to the under-reached and underserved ar-eas of north america;

Whereas, the millions of lost people in ohio qualify as an under-reached and under-served area;

Whereas, the ohio Great commission committee has recommended that naMb enhance the scbo mission plan, personnel, and pro-grams, rather than replace them;

Whereas, the Mission coun-cil approved unanimously the report of the ohio Great commission committee; therefore be it

Resolved that the messengers to the 58th annual meeting of the state convention of bap-tists in ohio meeting in lima, ohio, november 2-3, 2011, affirm the recommenda-tion of the ohio Great com-mission committee and the adoption of it by the Mission council; be it further

Resolved that the messen-gers to the 58th annual meet-ing of the state convention of baptists in ohio meeting in lima, ohio, november 2-3, 2011, affirm the Mission council approved report of the ohio Great commission committee that commends, celebrates, and challenges scbo churches on coopera-tive Mission Program Giving; and be it finally

Resolved that the messengers to the 58th annual meeting of the state convention of bap-tists meeting in lima, ohio, november 2-3, 2011, express appreciation and gratitude

58th Annual Meeting Resolutions

December 2011 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 7

for the wonderful partner-ship with naMb in the past and respectfully request the leadership and trustees of the north american Mission board to reconsider their deci-sions which threaten a poten-tially disastrous impact upon the unified mission effort of southern baptist churches and associations of the state con-vention of baptists in ohio who are cooperating to reach the lost in an under-reached and underserved area .

Resolution #5Affirming NAMB Mission-aries in Ohio: Associational Missionaries, BCM, CCM, and Church Planters

Whereas, The naMb mis-sionaries serving in ohio serve faithfully, fruitfully, and with great focus in accom-plishing their respective tasks;

Whereas, Their sacrificial service to the lord and to Mission ohio is reaping ben-efits for the kingdom of God;

Whereas, associational Mis-sionaries in ohio are critical to Mission ohio and have co-operated in and coordinated the planting of 200+ new congregations in ohio since 1996;

Whereas, baptist collegiate Ministry missionaries serv-ing on the campuses of ohio’s colleges and universities are engaging students with the gospel of christ, discipling the saved, and involving stu-dents in ministry;

Whereas, The church and community Ministry mis-sionaries at ohio’s eight mis-sion centers are reaching into their communities to meet physical needs of hurting people while sharing the hope found only in christ and, are involving Mission ohio churches in their ministries;

Whereas, starting new churches is critical to reach-ing ohio’s 11 million citizens for christ and church plant-

ers are making progress in started churches in under-served and unreached areas of ohio; therefore, be it

Resolved, We express our sin-cere appreciation to naMb missionaries in ohio for their continuing labor in their re-spective ministries; and be it further

Resolved, That we commit ourselves to pray for and sup-port these servants as we are enabled by the lord; and be it finally

Resolved, That the messen-gers to the 58th annual meet-ing of the state convention of baptist in ohio meeting in lima, ohio, november 2-3, 2011, respectfully request the trustees of the north ameri-can Mission board to con-tinue their financial support of their missionaries in ohio .

Resolution #6Starting and Strengthening of Churches

Whereas, God has left us with the Great commission to make disciples and teach them in the ways of the lord (Matt 28:19-20); and

Whereas, the local church is the most effective way of completing the Great com-mission and has been estab-lished by God; and

Whereas, starting new churches helps reach the un-reached with the gospel of christ and disciples those people; and

Whereas, There is a natu-ral tendency of drift of the church away from mission that results in areas of weak-ness or need within the church; therefore, be it

Resolved, That the messen-gers of the 58th annual Meet-ing of the state convention of baptists in ohio call churches of ohio to continue to recog-nize the urgency of the need around them and remain

committed to Mission ohio to continue the effort to start new churches in ohio; and be it further

Resolved, That all churches continue to strengthen them-selves, availing themselves to the resources that God has provided through our state convention, and remain com-mitted to the commission that christ has given his church .

Resolution #7Cooperative Program

Whereas, The cooperative Program was launched in 1925 to replace the direct, designated mission giving or societal approach, with an approach to mission support that offers a partnership strat-egy which supports mission work at every level including local, state, national and in-ternational; and

Whereas, The cooperative Program provides balanced support for all mission and disciple making endeavors at home in ohio and through-out the world; and

Whereas, Through the co-operative Program, churches partner together to send mis-sionaries, provide theological education, start new church-es, train witnesses, minister through Disaster Relief, give practical help to people in need, and provide other min-istries that demonstrate the love of christ; and

Whereas, The state con-vention of baptists in ohio organized in 1954 to assist churches and associations to obey the Great commission in ohio and to the ends of the earth and has continued to grow in the number of con-gregations through the sup-port of the cooperative Pro-gram and the other mission offerings; and

Whereas, Mission ohio is the cooperative effort of ohio southern baptists to reach at least 1,000,000 believers in

2,020 congregations by the end of 2020 in ohio; and

Whereas, The cooperative Program offers us a compel-ling vision in ohio for starting new churches, strengthening existing churches, and making disciples of all people; and

Whereas, The lostness and spiritual confusion in amer-ica are greater than ever be-fore; now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the messen-gers to the 58th annual Meet-ing of the state convention of baptists in ohio convening in lima, ohio, express apprecia-tion to the southern baptists who have faithfully and gen-erously supported the coop-erative Program regularly and proportionally and encourage churches that give less than ten percent to the cooperative Program to increase their co-operative Program gifts by one percent of their undesignated receipts; and be it further

Resolved, That we reaffirm the cooperative Program as the primary mission sup-port system to obey the Great commission and express ap-preciation to the churches, as-sociations, state conventions, southern baptist entities, and Woman’s Missionary union for their faithful partnership and diligent promotion of missions support among southern bap-tist churches; and be it further

Resolved, That we also reaffirm that through the cooperative Program of mission partner-ship, we will focus on starting new churches, strengthening existing churches, making disciples, and sharing christ’s love in practical ways to all people; and be it finally

Resolved, That we reaffirm the cooperative Program as the most effective, account-able, efficient, and compelling method for mission partner-ship to reach the unreached and to make disciples .

Resolution #8Prayer for Public Elections and Elected Leaders

Whereas, as christian citi-zens guided by God’s holy Word, empowered by God’s holy spirit, and commis-sioned to fulfill God’s holy Mission for ohio and beyond we are to pray for our elected officials; and

Whereas, God has given us the privilege of living in a country in which we can par-ticipate in the election pro-cess; therefore be it

Resolved, That we participate in the election process and vote as christians and as good citizens; and be it further

Resolved, That we pray for our elected leaders, praying for their salvation, praying that they seek Godly wisdom and council that will impact all their decisions , both private and public; and be it further

Resolved, That we pray for ci-vility in our public discourse, praying for an uncompro-mised christian Witness in the public arena that will influence and guide our na-tion into being filled with the fruits of righteousness .

Scripture: 1 tim 2:1-2, 1 Peter 2:13-17, Matt 5:13-16, acts 1:8, Phil 1:10-11, Matt 28:18-20

Resolution #9Affirmation of Armed Forces Personnel

Whereas, Thousand of amer-ican military men and wom-en are deployed around the world in many places; there-fore, be it

Resolved, That we as ohio baptists continue to affirm, appreciate, and applaud the commitment and sacrifice of the members of the armed forces and their families . We express our concern for the wounded and our condolenc-es to the families of those lost in battles for freedom .

58th Annual Meeting Resolutions

Page 8 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | December 2011

check out these opportu-nities for you and everyone in your church to get involved in reaching the world for Jesus, especially the horn of africa . one million people globally, including you, are being asked to commit to pray for the one hundred million people who make up the forty-two un-reached people groups in the horn of africa . WMM has designed sev-eral promotion pieces for all age levels and hands on ac-

tivities for children, christian schools, and home school . all these resources may be down-loaded from www .scbo .org or requested from amanda, amanda@scbo .org . once you participate, please share your story and how many prayed with from your church . additional resources may be found at www .prayforth-ehorn .com, www .gobgr .org, and www .imb .org .

Women’s Missions & Ministries

BLOG www.scbo.org/wmm Join Us On Facebook! OwN-Ohio women’s Network

Theme Scripture: The people walking in darkness have

seen a great light; on those living in the land

of darkness, a light has dawned.

~ Isaiah 9:2

The BGR website gobgr.org is a great place to find sto-ries, pictures and projects of-ten represented in the BGR to GO newsletter. Beginning in November the BGR to GO newsletter will be emailed monthly (rather than weekly). Please visit the website for more extensive information about the 400+ proj-ects BGR is involved in at any one time.

Two million children are at risk of starvation in the Horn of Africa. The worst drought in 60 years has made the price of food expensive. Women and children are walk-ing for weeks trying to get to the refugee camps in Kenya and oth-er nearby countries. When you sit down to your meal today, will you pray for those in the Horn of Africa who have not had food in days or even weeks? Ask God to provide food for the children.

There are many spectacular plants in the Horn of Africa. The amazing cucumber tree is one of those. It has a huge trunk for storing water. An-other plant is the daban. It is harvested and used in con-structing homes and also for drainage pipes.

What is the “Horn of Africa?” It is the region of North Africa that contains the countries of Eritrea (air-ih-TREE-uh), Djibouti (ji BOOT i), Ethiopia and Somalia. The Horn was properly named because it juts out like the horn of a rhinoceros. It covers about 772,000 square miles and nearly 100 million people live there.

requested: 331,842Received: 9,845need: 321,997

bgr to goconnecting in need with who care10.7.2011


kits for kids

The Horn of Africa has the world’s largest popula-tion of camels! Owning a camel can be very impor-tant when you want to cross the Sahara Desert. Camels can go for days, sometimes even weeks, without eating or drinking. They seldom break down. They can carry loads of stuff! They give milk to drink, meat to eat and their skin can be tanned into useful leather.

prayer corner

Horn of africa

BGR to go updateCamels!!

Cucumber tree

It is not to late to get involved!! Grab a group and go to www.bgrkitsforkids.com to sign up! Collect kits and help children overseas receive school supplies they need!

Prayerwalking: Praying on-site with insight

December 2011 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 9

1 . Go to a place that has water or you can purchase filtered water (swimming pool, fountain, filtered water factory, etc .) as a reminder to be cleansed • James 5:16 ...Godwill not hear our

prayers unless we have confessed all of our sins . What sins might you have to confess so that your prayers may be heard? have you thought much about the nations or do you desire them to come to know the lord?

•Hebrews 12:1 ... What weights areholding you back today from being focused on the task at hand? Where is your mind and what is it focused on today? Just be honest before the lord .

•Psalm 51:10 ... Ask the Lord to giveyou a right spirit and a right attitude about today’s events . There is noth-inG better that you could be doing right now than interceding on be-half of the nations in hopes that they would come to know Jesus christ as their lord and savior!

2 . Go somewhere that reminds you of God’s beauty (flower shop, open field, etc .) . This is an opportunity to give God praise for what he has already done!•Habakkuk3:17-19...Nomatterwhat

we are experiencing, we can rejoice in our salvation . Thank God for saving you as you prepare to pray for the sal-vation of others . stop and think about what it really means to be saveD!

•1Corinthians3:6...ThankGodforal-ready being at work and giving us the comfort that we don’t have to change hearts, we just have to be obedient to plant the seed .

•Psalm118:24...Thisisthedaytore-joice . Give thanks to God for what he is doing . Thank him for the few known believers that are in the horn .

3 . Go to the bread aisle of the local gro-cery store as a reminder “that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the lord” (Deuteronomy 8:3b) . Pray that God’s word would be made avail-able to the nations, especially to illiter-ate people groups in north africa! as the word is brought to them, pray they will receive the information as truth and gain the gift of salvation .•Luke19:9-10...Assalvationcameto

this house, Jesus declared that his purpose for being on earth was to seek and to save the lost . Pray that all of God’s children would be bold to share their faith and get the word to those who need to hear so that Jesus’ purpose might be fulfilled .

•Romans10:17 ... If faithcomes fromhearing the message and the mes-sage is heard through the word about christ, then pray that the people in north africa would hear the word and accept its message . Pray also for dreams and visions that would lead them to finding the truth .

• Isaiah 55:10-11 ... Since God’s wordnever returns void, pray that God’s word would be proclaimed and that bibles would be printed in heart lan-guages . also for scriptures to be put in audio formats (ie . MP3 files) so that those that cannot read can still hear .

4 . Go to an open field (or park/plaza) as a visual reminder of what Jesus said to his disciples, “The harvest is plenti-ful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest .” (Matt . 9:37-38) Pray that more would answer the call to take the Gospel to the nations where the fields are ready for harvest .•Romans 10:14-15 ... People cannot

know the gospel unless someone tells them . Pray that more missionaries can be sent to tell the good news of christ .

•Ephesians4:1-3andColossians3:12-14 . . . lift up the workers that are cur-rently on the field that they would live a life worthy of the calling placed on their lives so that they can remain in service to him .

5 . Go to a locked gate or ‘Do not enter’ sign to remind you that there are many places that missionaries cannot enter in order to take people that are lost and dying the hope of the Gospel . •Luke10:1-12...JustasJesusgavedi-

rections to the disciples for furthering the kingdom, pray that missionaries would find a ‘person of peace’ that can open doors for them that would oth-erwise remain closed .

•Ephesians 3:20-21 ... Ask that Godwould do immeasurably more than we could ever imagine . Pray that he would do something GReat among the unreached people groups of north africa .

•Hebrews11:6...PraythatallofGod’schildren would have faith to believe that God can do the impossible!

6 . Go to a newspaper stand (or radio station) as a reminder to be aware of the persecution that takes place among those that choose to believe and follow him with all their heart . •1 Corinthians 12:21-26 ... We are

part of the larger body of christ and when believers suffer, we should suf-fer alongside of them . take a minute to mourn alongside of those that are suffering for their faith (imprisoned, beaten, shunned from families, run-ning for their lives)

•Genesis 50:20 ... Remember Joseph’sexample—what man intended for evil, God intended it for good, in or-der to save many lives . Don’t just pray for persecution to stop, but ask God to use it for good in saving the lives of many more!

•1 Peter 2:12 ... Pray that believersaround the world would have the strength to live among pagans in a way that they see their good deeds and bring glory to the father .

7 . Go somewhere in your neighbor-hood or near your church that you feel God is calling you to reach out and minster to those that live there . •Matthew 10:32-33 ... Pray that you

would be willing to tell the story of the gospel to those in this area so that Jesus will stand on your behalf before the father and speak of you .

•Acts 1:8 ... Ask God to show youwhere your Jerusalem, Judea, and sa-maria are . ask him what he wants You to do to help take the Gospel to the ends of the earth . Thank him that he has given you the gift of the holy spirit so that you won’t have to do it alone .

•1 Corinthians 3:8 ... Pray that Godwill help you be obedient to what he is calling you to do, whether it be planting, watering, or harvesting the seeds of salvation!

8 . Return to your starting point. as you enter, take some time to individual-ly ask God how he wants to use You to take the Gospel to the nations! it might be through diligent prayer, faithful giv-ing, boldly sharing, or bravely going! •Matthew6:10 ...Prayas Jesus taught

us to pray for God’s will to be done and for his kingdom to come here on earth . ask God what his will is for you .

•Mark12:41-44...Followtheexampleof the widow and ask God to help you give a sacrifice to him and give him your all instead of just what is conve-nient .

• Jeremiah1:4-8...HearthewordthatGod shared with Jeremiah as he shares it with you . You must go wher-ever he sends you, say whatever he tells you to say, and remember not to be afraid because he is with you .

Searching for the Will of God to bring the Nations from Dark2Light

Page 10 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | December 2011

on october 2nd com-munity christian fellowship of Prospect, ohio, held their annual fall festival in Pros-pect community Park . This year we were blessed with the help of second baptist church of lancaster, south carolina . Pastor brian saxon and staff members along with six mem-bers of south carolina faith Riders came in for the week-end . second baptist and ccf have a ministry partnership that has been a great example of working together for the kingdom . This year we sent a team of 8 to south carolina during their annual The Way outreach week . We welcomed 35 youth and adults here for a week in June . They helped with community cleanup, painting signs at the park & ball fields where they lead a young man to christ . The youth also did a lot of painting and work in and around our new building at 209 e . Water street . Pastor

saxon and staff encouraged our staff and members with a 2 day renewal seminar . The goal was to encourage us toward more effective ministry . our festival in the park had music & games with a bible Theme of harvest-ing for him . The backdrop for our bible lessons & crafts were created by the prisoners at the adult state correctional facil-ity in Marion . We had several cars participate in the car show . The children enjoyed a bounce house before they were warmed up with hot cider, chili, and desserts . Then it was off to face painting, a hayride and bible stories with games . The staff at second baptist made the day a lot easier to pull off this year . We feel it was a great success . We still operate our cloth-ing closet, Pantry, christmas toy Mission and awana . We re-cently began a backpack snack program . We provide nutri-tious weekend snacks for 145 students who are on the lunch

assistance program in our lo-cal elementary school . like the day in the park this program al-lows us to reach children where they are in the community with the gospel . God is working in Prospect, ohio . People are be-ing saved . all our churches in the community support our

awana program with children . along with many others our community and churches have helped us provide thousands of meals and toys to several hun-dred kids and most importantly present the gospel in word and deed in every outreach we do . i would personally like to thank

everyone who has prayed, sup-ported and continues to lift this ministry to the lord .

for the Kingdom of christ, Pastor steve Whitaker Community Christian Fellowship

Make plans to attend.

The Evangelism Resource Group invites you to attend the 2012 State Evangelism Celebration

Annual Fall Festival held at Prospect Park

December 2011 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | Page 11


2011 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering®

National Goal: $175 millionWeek of Prayer for International Missions: December 4 – 11, 2011

Our church goal: __________________________________________

i a M s b M i s s i O n s . C O M

The International Mission Board is a Southern Baptist Convention entity supported by the Cooperative Program and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® is a registered trademark of WMU®.

Page 12 | Ohio Baptist Messenger | December 2011

By Marshia KnoxTennessee Baptist Convention

Messengers to the 2011 annual meeting of the tennes-see baptist convention meet-ing at first baptist church in hendersonville, tn, ap-proved a partnership with the state convention of baptists in ohio . This partnership will focus upon southwestern ohio involving the Greater cincin-nati, Miami valley, ohio val-ley, southern hills, and south-western associations . Randy Davis, executive Director of the tennessee bap-tist convention stated, “it is a thrill that the Greater cincin-nati/Dayton area has allowed us to partner with them in Great commission work . The churches of tennessee have been involved in strategic Great commission partner-ship since 1980 . This partner-ship with our brothers and sis-ters in ohio is a continuation of extending the right hand of christian fellowship to impact lostness in north america . it is a particular privilege to be working with former tennes-

see pastor Dr . Jack Kwok, exec-utive Director of the state con-vention of baptists in ohio, as well as steve Renfrow, Director of Missions in the southwest association, oliver hawkins, evangelism strategist, and Dennis holmes, church Plant-er catalyst, “senD america,” Greater cincinnati/Dayton area . We look forward to the eternal fruit that is going to be born from this partnership, as

well as the wonderful fellow-ship with our new friends .” Duane floro, Ministry evangelism strategist for Mis-sion ohio, initiated and coor-dinated the development of this strategic partnership . The state convention of baptists in ohio website www .scbo .org contains more information on the partnership . We rejoice and praise the lord for the privilege of being fellow labor .

The message of christmas has always been about penetrating the darkness of sin and damnation with the light of the Gospel and salvation . for this reason, Jesus laid aside the constant use of deity and took on the robes of humanity and humility . This is the eternal message of christmas that can be summarized well by the familiar text in John 3:16 . Mission ohio is the cooperative effort to pro-claim the message of christmas and easter to every resident of our state . The goal is to reach at least 1,000,000 believers in 2020 congregations by the end of 2020 .

Your Mission ohio Resource team deeply appreciates the privi-lege of being missionaries of the state convention of baptists in ohio . it is a joy to assist ohio southern baptist churches and associations obey the Great commission from ohio to the ends of the earth . We wish you a very Merry christmas and a happy new Year . as we celebrate christmas and the new Year, let’s resolve to increase our cooperative efforts to reach ohio

and the world with the Gospel of Jesus christ . let’s press toward that mark .

press Toward The Mark

Jack Kwok, Ph.D.Executive Director-TreasurerState Convention of Baptists in Ohio

for information about the state convention of Baptists

in ohio and more Baptist Press news, go to our

website www.scbo.org.

if you are not a christian, have never surrendered your will to the lord Jesus, let me share briefly how you can make this life changing decision . GOD WANTS YOU SAVED.

First, you must believe that God loves you and wants you to have peace in your heart and an everlasting life (John 3:16) .

Second, you must recognize that you are a sinner, that you have done things which have displeased God and that you have separated yourself from him (Romans 3:23; 6:23) .

Third, you must believe that Jesus came to this earth, was actually God in the flesh, lived a perfect life, and yet went to a cruel cross, dying for your sins, paying once and for all the penalty of sin (i Peter 2:24) . however, it’s not enough just to know these three things . Many of us knew them for years before we ever gave Jesus our lives .

Fourth, you must personally ask Jesus to come into your life and forgive you of your sins (Revelation 3:20) .

You can pray this prayer now and if you mean it with all of your heart, Jesus will come in just as he said . he cannot lie .

Dear Lord Jesus, I admit to you that I am a sinner. I believe that you died for sin, were buried, and arose from the grave. I am turning from my sin and trusting you to save me. Please save me and give me eternal life. Thank you for saving me. Amen.

How to become a Christian

Need to submit Church News?

Send all church news and information to Linnett Snodgrass at lsnodgrass@scbo.org

Tennessee Baptist Convention Approves Partnership with State Convention of Baptists in Ohio

(L to R) Kim Margrave, Steve Renfrow (podium), Randy Davis, and Duane Floro.
